Intellectual Olympiad for children of senior preschool age in kindergarten. Intellectual multi-component inter-kindergarten Olympiad for preschoolers “Umka Umka Olympiad for preschoolers tasks

Integrated Olympiad UMKA (city level) Code_______

Number of points

1 . To open a combination lock, you need to arrange the letters in alphabetical order.

Write the word you received in the answer field. Answer:______________

2. Circle the letters of those words, in which the emphasis is placed correctly.

A. shoeB. RingingIN. busyG. news

3. How to write a word if it is pronounced:[y'ula ] . Circle your answer.

A. YulaB. YulaIN. Yula

4. Match the picture and the title of the fairy tale. Fill in the second row of the table.

1) 2) 3) 4)

A) "Cheburashka"Answer:

B) "Little Red Riding Hood"

D) “Cat House”

5. Put the sentences in the correct order to make a coherent story.

A) She began throwing pebbles into the jug so that the water would become higher so that she could drink.

B) The bird could not reach the bottom.

B) The bird wanted to drink.

D) There was a jug of water in the yard, and in the jug there was water only at the bottom.

Write down the correct sequence of letters in your answer. Answer:_________

6.P rearrange the letters and get the right word . Write down the resulting word.

MINK – __ __ __ __ __ (top of the tree)

BABY – __ __ __ __ __ (military school student)

FOOD – __ __ __ __ __ (insect)

SENATE – __ __ __ __ __ (part of the house)

IMAGE – __ __ __ __ __ (fence)

7. We bought 13 packages of treats: 3 bags of marmalade, the same number of boxes of chocolates, 4 bags of waffles and several packs of marshmallows. Using what example can you calculate how many packs of marshmallows you bought?Circle the letter of the answer.

A. 13 + 3 + 3 + 4 = 23

B. 13 3 3 4 = 3

IN. 13 3 4 = 6

8. You need to hang a hammock for relaxation. The length of the hammock itself is 2 meters. There is a rope on both sides of the hammock. With the help of these ropes he is tied to the trees. The length of each rope is another 2 meters.Find a couple of trees to tie a hammock between. Circle the letter of your chosen answer.

A. 6 metersB. 1 meterIN. 3 meters

9. Match the guests living on each floor with their mode of movement.

1st floor

A) Jumps

B) flies

B) Climbing trees

D) Swims

Fill out the second one

2nd floor

3rd floor

table row with the corresponding letters.

4th floor


1st floor

2nd floor

3rd floor

4th floor

10. Who owns these houses? Find matches.










11. Find out which word or picture is the odd one out in each row. Circle your answer.

A. Lyosha

B. Sasha

IN. Ivan

G. Misha

A. cook

B. chauffeur

IN. son

G. salesman

A. raspberries

B. jam

IN. strawberry

G. sea ​​​​buckthorn

Dear parents and participants

open city olympiad for junior schoolchildren

"Umka -2017" in English!

We would like to inform you that the results of the Olympiad works for grades 1-3 have been summed up and attached to the website in the tab "Open Olympiads and competitions", "Umka-2017".

Due to the large number of participants, the works of 4th grade students are being finalized; the results of these works will be published before 05/05/2017.

We apologize. Thank you for participating in our events.

Dear participants!

Thank you for participating in our events and competitions.

Due to the large number of people wishing to take part in the Open Olympiad for junior schoolchildren “Umka-2017”, an additional date has been set for the Olympiads in the following subjects:

mathematics - 29.04.2017 G.,

Russian language - 21.05.2017.

In case of inability to participate in the Olympiads on 04/29/17. - 05/21/17 Payment made for these events gives you the opportunity to take part in our next paid events.

If you have any questions, please contact the responsible methodologist by phone 236-55-83.

Dear students and parents!

We invite you to take part in the open Olympiad among schoolchildren in grades 1-4 "Umka-2016".

  • Russian language
  • mathematics
  • the world
  • literary reading
  • English language

Summing up the results of the Open Olympiad for junior schoolchildren “Umka”

  • The participant becomes winner, if he scored more than 90% of the maximum score.
  • The participant becomes winner, if he scored more than 70% of the maximum score.
  • All participants, according to the results, are awarded diplomas of winners/prizewinners and certificates of participation.

The diplomas of the prize-winners and winners of the Olympiad indicate the names of the teachers who prepared the children for this event.

The results will be posted on the website no earlier than 20 working days after the Olympiad.

Financial support for the Open Olympiad for junior schoolchildren “Umka”

  • The organizational fund is formed through the payment of an organizational fee by participants.
  • The organizational fund is used to pay for expenses associated with the organization and conduct of the Olympiad: payment for the work of the methodological commission, jury members at various stages of the competition, organizational expenses, printing of diplomas and certificates.
  • The registration fee for participation is 300 (three hundred) rubles.
  • Payment is transferred to the Organizer's bank account (possible payment methods: through Sberbank online, branch of any bank / post office, online transfer using details)

The receipt must be presented on the day of the event.

Organizer details

Address: Kazan, st. A. Eniki, 23 (building “Secondary School No. 98”), separate entrance behind the hockey rink.

Phones: 236-55-88, 236-55-83

Recipient of payment MBUDO "Center for Gifted Children"

INN 1655184417 KPP 165501001

Recipient's account 40701810392053000044

Recipient's bank Branch of Bank "NB Tatarstan"

KD 82130201040040000130 BIK 049205001 LBV71821129-GTSTRiGO

Schedule of the Olympiad "Umka 2017"

Due to the large number of participants, a decision was made to hold the second stage of the UMKA-2017 Olympiad.

Registration for the subjects Russian language and mathematics, held in February, is closed from 15-00 01/31/2017.

We are waiting for children who did not have time to apply for participation before 15-00 in April.

Schedule of the Olympiad "Umka-2017" II stage

Intellectual Olympiad for children of senior preschool age "Umka"

Target: creating conditions for identifying and promoting the development of intellectual abilities of preschool children, their curiosity and activity.
Educational: promote the development of intellectual abilities, cognitive activity, curiosity.
Developmental: develop attention, memory, thinking, observation.
Educational: promote the development of intellectual culture.
Health-saving: provide emotional comfort aimed at obtaining positive emotions.
I offer you a scenario for an intellectual Olympiad for children of senior preschool age “Umka”. This material will be useful to teachers and kindergarten specialists.
The Olympiad promotes the development of intellectual abilities, curiosity and activity of preschool children.

Progress of the Olympics

Leading. Guys! I am very pleased to welcome you to our Olympiad.
Good afternoon
The day has begun.
First of all, we drive away laziness.
You shouldn't yawn today.
And actively respond.
Hands?! On the spot. Legs? Elbows? At the edge. Back? Straight.
We will respond actively
To behave,
So that the jury is dear
I couldn't find any errors.
And here is our esteemed jury.
Are our Olympics named after the well-known cartoon character? Who is this? Attention to the screen (fragment of the cartoon “Umka”). And why smart? (slide 1)
Look carefully at what Umka is like. Why? (slide 2)
Today he found something unusual under a large block of ice and doesn’t know what to do with it. Here it is (a map of the country “Sobraziliya” appears on the screen) (slide 3). What's this? What is it for? What are we going to do with her? Then let's go.
In the country of Sobraziliya,
In the country of Sobraziliya -
Ingenuity reigns there
In all your omnipotence. (slide 4)
To the land of understanding

It’s not at all difficult to get in -
It is extremely conveniently located.
And if you guys
You will be able to count, think and reflect,
To the land of understanding
You can get some sleep. (slide 5)
We have arrived with you in the country of Sobraziliya. (slide 6)
The first city that meets us is the city of Smekalki. After visiting each city, we will receive a figure if we cope with the tasks of its residents.
Exercise 1.
Connect with lines where the figure fell from (slide 7)
Task 2.
Determine which animal the characteristic features given in the boxes belong to and connect them with an arrow. (slide 8)
Task 3.
Look at the pictures. Draw the missing chicken. (slide 9)
Umka has prepared a “Yes-No” game for you. Help each other,
Answer the questions
Only "Yes" and only "No"
Let me know your answer:
If "no" you say
Then knock your feet
If you say "Yes" -
Clap your hands then.
An old grandfather goes to school.
Is this true, children?.. (No - the children knock their feet).
Does he take his grandson there?
Answer together... (Yes - clap your hands).
Is ice frozen water?
We answer together... (Yes).
After Friday - Wednesday?
Together we will answer... (No).
Is spruce always green?
We answer, children... (Yes).
At the end it was time to ask: Did you like the game (Yes). (slide 10)
We get the first number. Let's look at the map. Next, the city of Grammar awaits us. How can we get there? (slide 11)
(children choose a vehicle). Let's hit the road. (slide 12)
Task 4.
Read the words and match them with the correct picture. (slide 13)
Task 5.
Help the puppy get to the gift. (slide 14)
Task 6.
Look at the pictures and circle those whose names contain the sound “Ш”. (slide 15)
Task 7.
Find the toys by address and circle them:
A3, B2, B4, G1
We completed all the tasks. We get the second number. (slide 16, 17)
Let's look at the map. The name of the next city is the city of Security. (slide 18)
Task 8.
Look at the pictures. Find objects that are dangerous to humans and circle them.
(slide 19)
Task 9.
Match the picture with the name of the rescue service. (slide 20)
We get the third digit. (slide 21)
Let's look at the map. What an interesting chest? How to open it? Let's solve the code.
(slide 22)
Here is a gift from the residents of the country of Sobraziliya. (slide 23)
Video clip for the song “Eskimo” (slide 24)
Let's say goodbye to the inhabitants of the country of Sobraziliya. Umka can’t wait to tell her mom about his amazing journey. Let's say goodbye to him. (slide 25)
Let's reward ourselves with applause for the work we've done.

Presentation on the topic: Intellectual Olympiad for children of senior preschool age in kindergarten

Elena Zavyalova
Intellectual multi-component inter-kindergarten Olympiad for preschoolers “Umka”

excerpt from m/f « Umka»

Today is an unusual day for us,

We are glad, so glad to welcome you!

Kids gathered for a smart game

The time has come for us to start it.

music comes Umka


All day long all the children ask questions:

1. Why is there water in the river?

2. Are the clouds floating where?

3. Why do birds fly and not get lost?

4. Why should we sleep and get up again tomorrow?

5. Where do bears live in winter?

6. Who ate a piece of the moon?

7. Why does the car move?

8. Why do elephants trumpet?

9How to write lines in a notebook?

11. Why do flowers bloom?

12. What does an owl eat?

13. Why should we eat, brush our teeth, and wash ourselves?

14. Why do you have to try really hard to be smart?

One hundred questions, one hundred answers

What can we say here?

We invite you Olympians

It’s important for them to know everything about everything!

Participants come out olympiads to the center of the hall to the song "Terrible everything is interesting what is unknown". Words by G. Oster, music by V. Shainsky.

In the world there is a lot of that, in, in,

What they don’t know anything about, oh, oh,

Neither adults nor children.

Of course, neither adults nor children!

And this is not a secret at all, ret, ret:

When there is no secret at all, no, no,

Everyone in the world is bored.

But why? Yes because...

Chorus: Terrible everything is interesting what is unknown!

Terrible everything is interesting what is unknown!


It's time for us to get to know each other better

Heroes of the day olympiads,

Introduce yourself, dear friends,

We all need to get to know each other.

Today in our Olympics four are participating teams: team d/s No. 1 "Fairy tale", team d/s No. 6 "Bell", team d/s No. 5 "Star", team d/s No. 10 "Sun"

Umka draws lots (foam "snowy" lumps)

We give the floor teams: (according to the draw)

Team of preparatory school group no. 1 "Fairy tale" (business card)

Team of preparatory school group no. 6 "Bell" (business card)

Team of preparatory school group no. 5 "Star" (business card)

Team of preparatory school group no. 10 "Sun" (business card)

We got acquainted with the teams of participants, and now I will introduce you to another team - a team of a fair jury, which will have to decide which team, based on the results of all tests, showed the best knowledge.

Jury presentation.

The floor is given to the manager. d/s No. 6 "Bell" Elena Petrovna Zavyalova.

(Speech and parting words.)

Dear Guys! Dear guests! We are glad to welcome you to our cozy kindergarten. And although you have to go through today a lot of difficult things, But interesting tests, to show your ingenuity and knowledge, we wish you to go through them with joy and a smile!

And now the most important moment. Right "ignite" and carry our Olympic fire is provided...


Preschoolers, pull yourself up, look at me

Let's repeat good vows together with me words:

We swear to be friends.

Children: We swear!

Umka: And don’t shed bitter tears!

Children: We swear!

Umka: Meeting difficulties with a smile

Children: We swear

Umka: Bravely overcome everything!

Children: We swear!

So our The Olympics are open.

I ask the team captains to come up and get route sheets.

Now each team has its own waybill to help you find knowledge stops. Have a good trip! See you!

(Teams disperse to stops, according to route sheets)


Snowman: Tara-bars-rastabars,


I start chattering right from the very morning,

I can’t stop talking and talking.

I know so many words in the world, I can write a hundred questions.

Snowman (introduces himself, bows).


There are so many children, and they are all so smart, they know everything in the world, they answer any questions...

But I’ll check it now!

(The team must give as many correct answers as possible in 5 minutes)

1. Which tree is afraid of the wind and always trembles?

2. What time of year is it now?

3. What bird is called the forest doctor?

4. Where is the bear’s winter quarters?

5. Who swims faster?: chicken or duckling?

6. What month is it now?

7. In what month do children go to school?

8. How many seasons do you know?

9. What is the name of a birdhouse made by human hands?

10. Does the sun shine during the day and at night?

11. What color is the rainbow?

12. What day of the week is it today?

13. What city do we live in? (Not me).

14. What planet do we live on? (Earth)

15. What drink can be obtained from a four-legged herbivore? (milk)

16. Homemade Santa Claus. (fridge)

17. Who hibernates in winter? (bear, hedgehog, badger)

18. What can you see with your eyes closed? (dream)

19. Which flower has thorns? (rose)

20. Which animal doesn’t like the sun? (mole)

21. What grain is pilaf made from? (rice)

22. What is the name of soup with beets? (borsch)

23. What kind of dishes can’t you eat from?

24. At what time of year does a blizzard occur? (winter).

25. What is made from milk? (cottage cheese, kefir, etc.)

26. What country do we live in? (Russia)

27. Name the last month of spring (May).

28. Name the first month of autumn (September).

29. The thick-skinned animal that Aibolit pulled out of the swamp? (hippopotamus).

30. Where does the little kangaroo live? (in mom's bag).

31. How many people pulled the turnip? (3, other animals)

32. Name the internal organs of a person (heart, liver, lungs, kidneys, spleen, stomach, intestines).

33. What is the name of the colorful seven-color natural phenomenon after rain? (rainbow)

34. What is the name of soup with pickled cucumbers? (pickle).

35. At what time of year does ice drift occur? (spring)

36. What is made from flour? (bread)

37. What is made from clay? (dishes)

38. What is made from milk? (cottage cheese, kefir)

39. Sand is poured, and water…. (pour)

40. The cutlets are fried, and the soup…. (boil)

41. The table is set, and the bed... (cover)

42. A chair can be broken, but a cup (break)

43. The hay is cut, and the hair... (cut)

44. What is the last month of spring? (May)

45. What time of year comes after winter? (spring)

46. ​​Which of the animals was the second to run to the tower? (frog)

47. Who broke the tower? (bear)

(completion time – 5 minutes. Score – 1 point for each correct answer)


You guys made me very happy! You are real smart people and smart people! Let me take a photo with you! I will tell everyone about you, everyone.

He takes pictures and wishes the children success.


The Snow Queen:

As one of the wisest said, nothing shakes up the brain like mathematics.

I propose to solve several problems

(Distribute a set of tasks for each child, children complete the tasks)

The Snow Queen:

I praise you, children, well done!

It’s immediately obvious - they’re smart!

Math is important

Everyone needs it in life!

Taking pictures. Leaves.


Umka: Who is the smartest here?

Children: We!

Umka: Who is prudent?

Children: We!

Umka: Who knows science?

Children: We!

Umka: Who reads books?

Children: We!

Umka: So, I didn’t come in vain, there are tasks for you, friends!


You are smart beyond your years

Thank you for this.

May you be lucky in life,

Always move forward.

Taking a photo with the child.


Father Frost:

In the world many fairy tales, sad and funny

And we cannot live in the world without them.

There, the heroes of fairy tales give us warmth.

There, good triumphs over evil forever.

Guys, where do you think you ended up?

You each need to guess the fairy tale and assemble the puzzle for this fairy tale.

Dear friends! Ours has come to an end Olympics. You all worked very hard, passed difficult tests with dignity, showed your knowledge and ingenuity. Well done!

Now the jury will sum up the results of our competition, and you and I will play.

1. Games. 2. Dancing. 3. Songs.

A word from our jury.

The jury announces the results olympiads, holds the awards ceremony.

Jury member

You all deserve respect

You are the most honorable here.

Please accept congratulations from the jury.

Again I want to count you all.

Lists the children by first and last name, the children do a lap of honor and are awarded certificates.

Rewarding teams with gifts.


Good luck guys! New victories! And see you later!

Right to put out Olympic fire is given to our winners.

Issuance of award materials for the Olympiad "Umka - Clever child - 2018" carried out on weekdays during business hours at the address: Kazan, st. A. Eniki, 23, room 220.

Thank you for your participation!

The Olympics are held in one round.

The tasks are compiled in accordance with the requirements of the international English language exams Cambridge English Qualifications.

The difficulty level for 1st grade students corresponds to the Pre-A1 level.

The difficulty level of tasks for students in grades 2-3 corresponds to the Beginner level.

The difficulty level of assignments for 4th grade students corresponds to the Elementary level.

The difficulty level of assignments for 5th grade students corresponds to the Elementary High level.

The difficulty level of tasks for students in grades 6-7 corresponds to the Pre Intermediate level.

Goals and objectives of the Olympics:

  • Identification of gifted primary school students.
  • Identification and development of creative abilities in primary schoolchildren, increasing their interest and motivating them to study the English language and culture of Great Britain.
  • Increasing the authority of international standards in the field of learning foreign languages ​​in the educational space of the city of Kazan and the Republic of Tatarstan.
  • Creation of a city data bank of gifted schoolchildren.
  • Creating conditions to improve the quality and effectiveness of the Olympiad movement in the city.

Dear participants of the Olympiad! In order to maintain discipline and order during the Olympiad, each registered participant comes STRICTLY at the specified time according to the published schedule.
Bring with you a blue pen, a change of shoes and a paid receipt (paper or electronic version).
Venue of the Olympics - MBUDO "City Center for Creative Development and Humanitarian Education for Gifted Children" in Kazan (address: Kazan, Amirkhan Eniki St., 23 (building of MBOU “Secondary School No. 98”), separate entrance behind the hockey rink).

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