Characteristics of the levels of general speech underdevelopment in children: symptoms and correction of OHP. Characteristics of the levels of general speech underdevelopment in children: symptoms and correction of OPD Fragment of a speech therapy session with a child with OPD 3

Donskova N.V., teacher-speech therapist MBOU MSOSH No. 16.

Lexical topic: “Autumn. Trees."

  1. Learn words: autumn, sky, rain, wind, tree, leaves, birch, pine, spruce, oak, maple, rowan, high, low, green, red, yellow, colorful, old, young, gloomy, cloudy, blowing, falling , pouring, drizzling, tearing.
  2. Game “One - Many”.
  3. Tree-trees, branch-branches, rain-rains, wind-winds, leaf-leaves, birch-birches, pine-pines, oak-oaks, maple-maples, rowan-rowans, cloud-clouds.

  4. Repeat the description story about autumn.
  5. Autumn has come. The sky became cloudy and gray. Strong wind blows. Cold rains are coming. The leaves on the trees are yellow, red, green. The grass has turned yellow. The birds flew south.

  6. Game “Whose leaf?”
  7. Birch has birch, oak has oak, maple has maple, rowan has rowan.

  8. Learn a poem.

Suddenly clouds covered the sky and there was slush everywhere.

The prickly rain began to fall. Dirt and puddles on the road,

The rain will continue to cry for a long time, Raise your legs higher.

Lexical topic: “Vegetables”

  1. Learn words: vegetables, potatoes, cabbage, tomato, beets, turnips, radishes, onions, garlic, zucchini, cucumber, tasty, healthy, juicy, fragrant, soft, strong, smooth, rough, red, yellow, green, orange, brown , long-short, thick-thin, smooth-rough, grow, harvest, plant, cook, boil, fry, salt, cut.
  2. Game “Name it kindly.”
  3. Tomato-tomato, cucumber-cucumber, carrot-carrot, onion-onion, turnip-turnip, radish-radish.

  4. Game “Say the word.”
  5. Compare by shape.

    The cucumber is oval, and the tomato.... The carrot is triangular, and the onion.... The beets are round, and the zucchini....

    Compare by touch.

    The cucumber is rough, and the zucchini…. The potatoes are hard, and the tomato….

  6. Game “What's extra?”
  7. Cucumber, zucchini, cabbage, carrot.(by color) Cabbage, tomato, onion, cucumber. (by shape) Turnips, garlic, apple, cucumber. (fruit)

  8. Write a descriptive story based on the model
  9. . You can choose any vegetable.

    This is a cucumber. This is a vegetable. Cucumber growing in the garden. It is oval, green, rough, juicy. Cucumbers are pickled in jars.

  10. Guess the riddles. Learn one by heart
  11. .

I'm important and juicy. My cheeks are red. (tomato)

He dragged the fox out of the mink by its curly tuft.

It feels smooth to the touch, tastes like sweet sugar. (carrot)

In the garden it is long and green, but in the jar it is yellow and salty. (cucumber)

I was born to glory, my head is white and curly.

Who loves cabbage soup - look for me in them. (cabbage)

Write your own riddle. Parents write in a notebook.

Lexical topic: “Fruits”

  1. Learn words: fruit, apple, pear, orange, banana, grapes, lemon, plum, peach, round, oval, sweet, sour, juicy, large, small, yellow, red, green, orange, growing, ripening, wash,
  2. cut, cook, collect.

  3. Game “One-many”.
  4. Red apple-red apples, green pear-green pears, yellow banana-yellow bananas, orange orange-orange oranges, sour lemon-sour lemons, sweet peach-sweet peaches.

  5. Game “Juice Shop”.
  6. I will buy apple juice - apple juice. I will buy pear juice - pear juice. I will buy orange juice - orange juice. I will buy peach juice - peach juice. I will buy plum juice - plum juice. I will buy fruit juice - fruit juice.

  7. Tell us about your favorite fruit using the example.
  8. This Apple. This is a fruit. It grows on a tree. The apple is green, round, smooth, sweet. Apple jam is made from apples.

  9. Learn a poem.

I stand on my toes, run home with an apple,

I take out the apple, my gift to Mommy!

Lexical topic: “Mushrooms. Berries."

  1. Learn words: mushrooms, leg, cap, boletus, boletus, porcini mushroom, fly agaric, toadstool, chanterelle, honey mushrooms, berries, raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, lingonberries, gooseberries, currants, forest, garden, poisonous, edible, tasty, sweet- sour, thin-thick, high-low, hard-soft, oval, round, pick, fry, boil, eat.
  2. Game “One-Many”.
  3. Mushroom-mushrooms, hat-hats, leg-legs, stem-stems, root-roots, leaf-leaves, chanterelle-chanterelles, fly agaric-fly agarics, toadstool-grebes, boletus-boletus, boletus-boletus, berry-berries, basket- baskets.

  4. Game “Big-small”.
  5. Mushroom-mushroom, berry-berry, hat-hat, leg-leg, leaf-leaf, root-root, stem-stalk, raspberry-raspberry, blueberry-blueberry, strawberry-strawberry.

  6. Game "Scullion".
  7. We make raspberry jam, what kind of jam? (raspberry)

    Blueberry jam - blueberry. Strawberry jam. Lingonberry jam. Currant jam.

  8. Retell the text.
  9. An adult reads the text 2 times.

    Masha and Sasha went into the forest. Sasha is carrying a basket. Masha collects honey mushrooms and chanterelles. The children collected a full basket of mushrooms.

    Asks questions based on the text: What are the children’s names? Where did they go? What is Sasha talking about? What does Masha collect? What did the children collect a lot? (Answers in complete sentences.)

    An adult reads the text once. The child retells the whole story.

  10. Game “Say the opposite”.
  11. Large-small, hard-soft, sweet-sour, thin-thick.

    1,2,3,4,5 – the fingers went out for a walk. We extend one finger at a time from the fist and move them.

    This finger picked the mushroom, Bend the thumb.

    This finger began to be cleaned, Bend the index finger.

    This one cut, this one ate, We bend the middle one, the nameless one.

    Well, this one was just watching. We move our little finger without bending it.

  12. Learn a poem.
  13. (Or finish the last word of the line).

Let's go to the forest for raspberries, let's go to the forest.

Let's pick up some ripe berries.

The sun is high, and there is a path in the forest.

You are my sweet raspberry.

Lexical topic: “Clothing”

  1. Learn words: shorts, T-shirt, T-shirt, briefs, socks, trousers, jacket, sweater, dress, skirt, jacket, scarf, mittens, gloves, coat, fur coat, clothes, warm, winter, summer, put on, take off, wash, iron , fold, put away.
  2. Game “Dress up the gnome”
  3. ”.

    Briefs - panties, socks - socks, trousers - trousers, jacket - blouse, skirt - skirt, scarf - scarf.

  4. Game “One - Many”.
  5. T-shirt - T-shirts, T-shirt - T-shirts, sock - socks, jacket - jackets, skirt - skirts, jacket - jackets, scarf - scarves, fur coat - fur coats.

  6. Game “Let's buy clothes for a girl”, “Let's buy clothes for a boy”.
  7. Name what girls wear and what boys wear.

  8. Game “Greedy”.
  9. Whose jacket? (My). Words on the topic, see task 2. (subjects)

  10. Write a story - a description about clothes.
  11. For example: This is a children's jacket. It is warm and red. The jacket has a hood, sleeves, pockets, and a lock. It is worn in cool weather.

  12. Learn a poem.

I sewed a shirt for a bear, I need to sew a pocket on it

I'll sew some pants for him. And put some candy...

Lexical topic: “Shoes”

  1. Learn the words: shoes, boots, felt boots, boots, shoes, sandals, sneakers, sneakers, sneakers, summer, winter, leather, rubber, children's, men's, women's, shoe, wash, repair.
  2. Game “What is for a doll, and what is for a doll?”
  3. Boots - boots, shoes - shoes, slippers - slippers, boots - boots, felt boots - felt boots.

  4. Game “One - Many”.
  5. Boot - boots, slipper - slippers, boot - boots, felt boots - felt boots, sneakers - sneakers.

  6. Game “Whose shoes?”
  7. Divide into groups: men's, women's, children's.

    Boots, sneakers, sneakers, felt boots, shoes, sandals, sneakers, boots.

  8. Write a story - a description about shoes.
  9. For example: These are boots. They are blue, rubber, children's. Boots are worn in the fall.

  10. Guess the riddles. Learn one by heart.

Guess the riddle: who are we? You hide two legs in them - We always walk together,

On a clear day we sit at home. And run for a walk in the cold. Similar as brothers

If it rains, we have work: (felt boots) We are under the table at lunch,

Stomp - splash through the swamps. And at night - under the bed.

(boots) (slippers)

Lexical topic: “Furniture”

  1. Learn words: furniture, wardrobe, table, chair, bed, sofa, armchair, bedside table, soft, hard, big, small, sit, lie, make up.
  2. Game “Buy furniture for the gnome.”
  3. Table - table, chair - chair, wardrobe - cabinet, bed - crib, sofa - sofa.

  4. Game “One - Many”.
  5. Table - tables, chair - chairs, wardrobe - wardrobes, bed - beds, sofa - sofas, armchair - armchairs.

  6. Write a story about furniture.
  7. For example: This is a chair. It is small, hard, wooden. A chair has a back, a seat, and legs. They are sitting on a chair.

  8. Game “Greedy”.
  9. Whose bed? My. Words: wardrobe, table, chair, sofa, armchair, bedside table.

  10. Finger gymnastics
  11. . The child’s movements and text are spoken out together with the adult.

One, two, three, four, (They clench and unclench their fists rhythmically.)

There is a lot of furniture in the apartment.

We will hang a shirt in the closet, (Fingers are bent, starting with the thumb, for each

And we’ll put a cup in the cupboard. name of the furniture.)

To give your legs a rest,

Let's sit on the chair for a little while.

And when we were fast asleep,

We were lying on the bed.

And then me and the cat

We sat at the table.

They drank tea and jam together. (Clap their hands rhythmically.)

Lots of furniture in the apartment!

Lexical topic: “Dishes”

  1. Learn the words: dishes, fork, spoon, knife, plate, saucer, mug, glass, saucepan, frying pan, kettle, cook, fry, boil, iron, glass.
  2. Game “Name it kindly.”
  3. Fork - fork, spoon - spoon, knife - knife, plate - plate, mug - mug, glass - glass.

  4. Game “One - Many”.
  5. Fork - forks, spoon - spoons, knife - knives, plate - plates, mug - mugs, glass - glasses, kettle - teapots, pan - pots.

  6. Repeat the story - description.
  7. This is a teapot. It is iron and blue. The kettle has a spout and a handle. Water is boiling in a kettle.

  8. Game “Greedy”.
  9. Whose fork? My. Words on the topic.

  10. Finger gymnastics
  11. . The movements are performed together with the poem, the text is spoken.

    1, 2, 3, 4, (Clap their hands.)

    We washed the dishes: (Palms slide against each other.)

    A teapot, a cup, a ladle, a spoon and a large ladle. (They bend their thumbs.)

    We washed the dishes (Palms slide against each other.)

    We just broke the cup, (Bend one finger at a time

    The ladle also fell apart, each name of the utensil.)

    The teapot's nose is broken,

    We slightly broke the spoon.

  12. Read the fairy tale by K. Chukovsky “Fedorino's grief.”

Lexical topic: “Parts of the body”

  1. Learn words: body parts, head, face, mouth, nose, eyes, ear, neck, torso, belly, back, chest, arm, leg, fingers, elbow, knee, heel, clean, dirty, wet, dry, look, breathe, hear, walk, take.
  2. Game “One - Many”.
  3. Head - heads, eye - eyes, nose - noses, ear - ears, mouth - mouths, hand - hands, leg - legs, heel - heels.

  4. Game “What does the doll have, and what does the doll have?”
  5. Head - head, nose - spout, eye - eye, ear - ear, mouth - mouth, hand - handle, leg - leg, finger - finger, heel - heel.

  6. Game “Greedy”.
  7. Whose pen? My. Words on the topic.

  8. Describe the doll Masha.

No.: This is a Masha doll. On her face she has eyes, a mouth, a nose, cheeks, and a chin. Masha has two arms, a torso, and two legs.

7. Finger gymnastics. Talk with movements.

This finger is the grandfather, (We connect the fingers of two hands alternately, starting

This finger is grandma, from the thumb.)

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy

Well, this finger is me,

That's my whole family! (We clench and unclench our fingers.)

8. Reading the fairy tale “Moidodyr” by K. Chukovsky. Questions about content.

Lexical topic: “Winter”

    1. Learn the words: winter, frost, cold, snow, ice, blizzard, snowdrift, snowfall, blizzard, sled, skis, slide, snowman, skates, cold, snowy, frosty, falls, blows, freezes, ride, sculpt.
    2. Write a story about winter.
    3. Frosty winter has arrived. The sun is shining, but it does not warm. Fluffy snow is falling. The trees are covered with a blanket of snow. Rivers and lakes are covered with ice. The children made a snowman. Anya is skiing. Vasya and Petya are sledding. Olya is skating.

    4. Finger gymnastics. Talk and show.

1,2,3,4,5. (Bend fingers one at a time.)

We came to the yard for a walk. (Walk along the table with the index and middle fingers.)

They sculpted a snow woman, (They sculpt a lump with two palms.)

They fed the birds crumbs, (Crush the bread with all their fingers.)

Then we rode down the hill, (Run the index finger of the right hand along the left palm.)

And they were also lying in the snow. (Put palms on the table, first one side, then the other.)

Everyone came home covered in snow. (They shake off their palms.)

We ate soup and went to bed. (Moves like a spoon. Hands under the cheek.)

Lexical topic: “Wintering birds”

  1. Learn words:
  2. birds, wintering, crow, magpie, sparrow, woodpecker, tit, bullfinch, pigeon, beak, tail, feathers, wings, feeder, pecking, flying, walking, chirping, croaking.
  3. Game “One - Many”.
  4. Crow - crows, magpie - magpies, woodpecker - woodpeckers, tit - tits, bullfinch - bullfinches, dove - pigeons, beak - beaks, tail - tails, - feather - feathers.

  5. Game “Name it kindly.”
  6. Blue - tit, dove - little dove, bullfinch - Snow Maiden, beak - beak, tail - tail, feather - feather.

  7. Write a story - a description about the bird.
  8. This is a titmouse. She has a head, body, wings, tail, paws. The titmouse has a yellow belly, and the head, back and tail are blue. The titmouse loves to peck seeds and lard.

  9. Guess the riddles.

She is called that because of her blue wings. Red-breasted, black-winged,

And in the cold and in the heat she sings so loudly! Loves to peck grains.

In a yellow shirt, really small, With the first snow on the mountain ash

So what will you call her? (tit) He will appear again. (bullfinch)

There is a strange doctor in the world,

He heals trees, children.

Where does it hurt? Knock Knock!

Ah, found it. Here, here. (woodpecker)

Lexical topic: “Indoor flowers”

  1. Learn the words: flowers, geranium, ficus, begonia, cactus, violet, pot, root, stem, leaves, flower, beautiful, prickly, loosen, water, plant, wash.
  2. Game “Name it kindly.”
  3. Root - root, stem - stem, leaf - leaf, pot - pot.

  4. Game “One - Many”.
  5. Flower - flowers, leaf - leaves, root - roots, cactus - cacti, geranium - geraniums, violet - violets.

  6. Finger gymnastics.

1,2,3,4,5 (Extend one finger at a time.)

The fingers went out for a walk. (We clench and unclench our fingers.)

This finger is the strongest. (We bend our thumbs.)

The thickest and biggest.

This finger is for (Bend the index finger.)

To show it off.

This finger is the longest, (Bend the middle finger.)

And he stands in the middle.

This finger is the ring finger, (Bend the ring finger.)

He's the most spoiled one.

And although the little finger is small, (Bend the little finger.)

Very dexterous and daring.

Lexical topic: “Poultry”

  1. Learn words: poultry, duck, chicken, goose, rooster, chick, duckling, gosling, head, wings, beak, tail, feathers, pecks, walks, flies, swims.
  2. Game “One - Many”.
  3. Duck - ducks, goose - geese, chicken - hens, rooster - roosters, duckling - ducklings, gosling - goslings, chicken - chickens, beak - beaks, wing - wings, tail - tails.

  4. Game “Big - small”.
  5. Bird - bird, beak - beak, tail - tail, duck - duck, hen - hen, rooster - cockerel.

  6. Game “Give me a word.”
  7. How do birds talk?

    Chicken...(clucks). Cockerel...(crows). Duck….(quacks). Goose...(cackles).

  8. Game “Find the baby”.

For a chicken - ...... For a duck - ..... For a goose - .....

Lexical topic: “Pets”

  1. Learn words: pets, dog, cat, cow, pig, horse, puppy, kitten, calf, piglet, horns, hooves, claws, tail, kennel, barn, milk, hay, meat, fluffy, smooth, soft, walks, runs, bites, guards, scratches, is useful, cares, barks, meows, moos, grunts, neighs.
  2. Game “One - Many”.
  3. Dog - dogs, cat - cats, horse - horses, pig - pigs, cow - cows, tail - tails, horn - horns, ear - ears, tooth - teeth, mouth - mouths, kitten - kittens, puppy - puppies, calf - calves, piglet - piglets, foal - foals.

  4. Game “Call kindly”.
  5. Cat - kitty, dog - dog, pig - pig, cow - cow, horse - horse, tail - tail, nose - spout, mouth - mouth, ear - ear, milk - milk.

  6. The game “Who voices what?”
  7. The dog barks. The cat meows. The pig grunts. The cow moos. The horse neighs.

  8. Game “Children are lost.”
  9. The dog has a puppy. The cat has...a kitten. The horse has a foal. The cow...has a calf. The pig has... a piglet.

  10. Game “Feed the animals”.
  11. I'll give the cat...milk, meat, fish. I'll give the dog...meat, bones. I'll give the pig...bread, milk. I will give the cow...grass, hay. I will give the horses...grass, hay.

  12. Read and tell the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” with your child.

Lexical topic: “Wild animals”

  1. Learn the words: wild animals, animals, bear, wolf, hare, fox, squirrel, bear cub, hare, fox cub, wolf cub, squirrel, bear cubs, hares, wolf cubs, fox cubs, squirrels, hole, den, hollow, fluffy, dexterous, cunning, cowardly, angry, brown, gray, toothy, runs, jumps, gallops, hunts, catches, sleeps, hides, growls.
  2. Game “One - Many”.
  3. Fox - foxes, hare - hares, wolf - wolves, bear - bears, squirrel - squirrels, bear cub - cubs, little hare - hares, wolf cub - wolf cubs, fox - fox cubs, squirrel - squirrels, hole - holes, hollow - hollow, den - dens.

  4. Game “Big - small”.
  5. Hare - bunny, fox - fox, squirrel - squirrel, hole - mink, tail - tail, paw - paw, ear - ear.

  6. Game “Whose baby?”
  7. For a bear - .... For a hare - .... For a squirrel - .... For a she-wolf - .... For a fox - ....

  8. Game “Who Lives Where?”
  9. The squirrel lives in ... (hollow). The bear sleeps in ... (den). The fox lives in ... (hole). The hare spends the night under ... (bush).

  10. Read the fairy tale “The Three Bears”.
  11. Answer questions, retell a fairy tale with your child.

Lexical topic: “Spring”

  1. Learn the words: spring, drops, thawed patches, streams, icicles, snowdrops, birds, first, fast, sharp, melts, warms, flows, hangs, grows, arrives.
  2. Game “One - Many”.
  3. Drop - drops, stream - streams, icicle - icicles, flower - flowers, bird - birds.

  4. Finger gymnastics. Learn words and movements and combine them clearly.
  5. The early morning will come, (Left hand in a fist and raised above your head.)

    The red sun will rise. (We open all our fingers like rays.)

    The fingers will rise, (Right hand in a fist and raised above the head.)

    Fingers will play. (Unclench all fingers and squeeze rhythmically.)

  6. Repeat the story - a description of spring.

The sun is shining brighter, warmer. Snow is melting. The first thawed patches appeared. Cheerful streams are flowing. Icicles hang on the roofs. The first grass and snowdrops appear. Birds arrive: swallows, rooks, starlings.

Lexical topic: “Migratory birds”

  1. Learn the words: migratory birds, rook, starling, swan, swallow, crane, chicks, nest, birdhouse, beak, feathers, wings, fast, black, white, beautiful, fly, hatch, feed, build, howl.
  2. Game “One - Many”.
  3. Rook - rooks, swan - swans, swallow - swallows, starling - starlings, chick - chicks, nest - nests.

  4. Learn finger gymnastics.
  5. Swallow, swallow, thumb on every line

    Cute killer whale, right hand and then left, touches twice

    Where have you been, every finger, starting with the index finger.

    What did you come with?

    Been overseas

    I got the spring,

    I carry it, I carry it

    Spring is red.

  6. Repeat the story - a description about a swallow (rook, swan).

This is a swallow. She has black wings, back, head, and a white belly. The tail of a swallow is like a fork. She comes to us in the spring. A swallow builds a nest under a roof made of clay and twigs. It lays eggs there.

Lexical topic: “Insects”

  1. Learn words:
  2. insects, butterfly, bee, ant, ladybug, grasshopper, dragonfly, fly, mosquito, caterpillar, wings, antennae, legs, beautiful, transparent, green, harmful, useful, crawl, fly, run, bite, collect.
  3. Game “One -
  4. a lot of".

    Fly - flies, mosquito - mosquitoes, dragonfly - dragonflies, bee - bees, butterfly - butterflies, ant - ants, grasshopper - grasshoppers, caterpillar - caterpillars.

  5. Repeat the story - description about a bee (butterfly, dragonfly)
  6. This is a bee. She has two antennae, six legs, four wings. The bee has a striped body. She is a beneficial insect. A bee collects pollen from flowers and makes honey.

  7. Learn a poem.
  8. I found myself a beetle I don’t want to hold in my hand,

    On a big daisy. Let him sit in his pocket.

  9. Read the fairy tale by K. Chukovsky “The Cluttering Fly”, “The Cockroach”.

Lexical topic: “Aquarium fish”

  1. Learn words: fish, goldfish, swordtail, guppy, catfish, body, head, tail, fins, gills, scales, aquarium, sand, stones, algae, snail, swim, breathe, eat, catch, hide, golden, big, small, beautiful.
  2. Learn finger gymnastics
  3. .

    Once upon a time there was a burbot, (Put your palms together and imitate

    Two ruffs were friends with him. fish movements).

    Three ducks flew to them (cross your thumbs and wave

    Four times a day. palms like wings).

    1, 2,3,4,5. (We bend our fingers).

  4. Repeat the story - a description about the fish.

This is a swordtail. He is small and beautiful. He lives in an aquarium. The swordtail has a head, a body, a sharp tail, fins, and gills. The body is covered with scales. The swordtail eats algae and dry food.

Lexical topic: “Our city”

  1. Learn words:
  2. city, Miass, river, Lake Turgoyak, street, address, factory, hospital, school, kindergarten, shop, coat of arms, road, traffic light, pedestrian crossing, zebra crossing, driver, policeman, transport, beautiful, clean, build, take care, be proud , move on.
  3. Repeat the story about our city.
  4. I live in the city of Miass. It's beautiful and clean. The city's coat of arms is an elk. The city has many roads, houses, hospitals, shops, schools, kindergartens, factories. Buses and trolleybuses travel along the roads. You must cross the road at a pedestrian crossing or traffic light: red - stop, yellow - get ready, green - go.

    My address is Miass city, street......, house....., apartment...

  5. Learn a poem.

Standing from the edge of the street in a long boot

Three-eyed stuffed animal on one leg.

Where the cars move, where the paths meet,

Helps people cross the street.

Lexical topic: “Summer”

  1. Learn words:
  2. summer, winter, spring, autumn, seasons, meadow flowers, chamomile, bell, cornflower, clover, stem, petal, leaves, mushrooms, berries, hot, warm, beautiful, grow, bloom, smell, collect, walk, play, Let's swim.
  3. Game “One - Many”.
  4. Flower - flowers, chamomile - daisies, cornflower - cornflowers, bell - bells, stem - stems, leaf - leaves, mushroom - mushrooms, berry - berries.

  5. Repeat the story - a description of summer.
  6. Summer has come. It got hot outside. The trees are green. Flowers grow in the meadow: daisies, clover, bells, cornflowers. Butterflies, bees, and ladybugs fly over the flowers. The water in the river has become warm, you can swim. Good in summer!

  7. Repeat the story - description about chamomile (you can choose from).
  8. This is chamomile. Chamomile grows in the meadow. She's beautiful. Chamomile has a yellow center and white petals, a thin stem and long leaves. Chamomile smells delicious.

  9. Learn a poem.

There is thunder and thunderstorm in the sky.

Close your eyes!

The rain has passed, the grass is shining,

There is a rainbow in the sky.

Lexical topic: “Professions”

  1. Learn words: profession, salesman, doctor, policeman, store, hospital, scales, abacus, money, grocery, bread, dairy, fish, hang, fold, pack, buy, sell, mail, postman, letters, parcel, newspaper, postcard , magazine, work, distribute, receive, drop, send.
  2. Game "Shop".
  3. The child is the buyer, and the mother is the seller and vice versa.

    Seller: “Hello. What do you want to buy?

    Buyer: “Hello. I want to buy …."

    Seller: “Thank you for your purchase. I'm putting V package…..Come again. Goodbye."

    Buyer: “Goodbye.” “I'm getting from package….”

  4. Learn a poem:
  5. In our army the country

    Dad protects.

    On the border he is at war

    He won't let us into our house.

  6. Finger gymnastics.
  7. What did the postman bring us? (Clench and unclench fingers)

    He walks around with a thick bag. (Index and middle fingers walk)

    Translation, magazine, newspaper, (Bend one finger at a time)

    There are two cassettes in the parcel

    And a letter from Aunt Valya,

    So that they await her arrival. (Clench and unclench fingers)

  8. Guess the riddle and answer the questions.

He brought us a telegram: At least not Santa Claus.

“I’m coming. Wait. Mother". He's been on his feet since dawn.

Brought a pension to my grandfather, Who is this?.. (postman)

Where does the postman work? What is he doing? What does the postman deliver?

Lexical topic: “Transport”

  1. Learn words: car, truck, bus, trolleybus, tram, motorcycle, plane, helicopter, ship, boat, driver, driver, pilot, pilot, captain, rides, flies, sails, buzzes, lucky, work, drive, manage, iron , big small.
  2. Finger gymnastics:
  3. I have toys: (Clap their hands and hit each other’s backs with their fists -


    A steam locomotive and two horses, (Bend the fingers on both hands, starting with the thumb.)

    Silver plane

    Three rockets, an all-terrain vehicle,

    Dump truck, crane –

    A real giant.

  4. Game “Give me a word.”
  5. Car rides). The ship...(sails). The motorcycle...(rides). Helicopter...(flying). The truck... (drives). The plane is flying). The boat...(floats). The plane is controlled by... (pilot, pilot). The truck is driven by... (driver). The ship is controlled by... (captain).

  6. Repeat the story about the truck.

This is a truck. It has a cabin, a body, and wheels. He is driving along the road. The truck is driven by a driver. The truck carries heavy loads.

Recently, you can increasingly hear from parents of children that they are concerned about the child’s speech development. Someone thinks that the baby speaks little, his vocabulary is insufficient and does not correspond to age standards; others believe that he speaks a lot, but the sound pronunciation is unclear and indistinct. Some people don’t like the pace of speech of a preschooler, but there are also parents who note the absolute lack of speech in their little child. Whether it is worth starting to worry and whether the conversational level of a preschool child corresponds to age standards can only be correctly determined by specialists in pediatric speech pathologies.

Reasons for the attenuation of speech progress in young children

The baby grows up and begins to speak his first simple words. This makes parents very happy, they are proud of such successes and willingly demonstrate the little man’s skills to all relatives. A little time passes, the child masters upright walking, and mothers are already rushing to specialists, demanding consultation with a speech therapist. The main problem, in their opinion, is that the baby suddenly stopped speaking, his speech no longer develops. This opinion is erroneous; child psychologists and speech therapists explain the reason for such a visible delay by the fact that the development of children of early and early preschool age is undulating. With the emergence of new skills, such as upright walking, conscious manipulation of objects, the appearance of fading of those already acquired is created. In fact, the child’s speech continues to actively develop, accumulating a passive vocabulary and contributing to the development of intellectual functions. The task of parents at this stage is to continue active communicative influence on the child, read more, tell short fairy tales, and memorize short poems. Over time, the child’s speech activity will resume, and he will accumulate communication skills at a record pace.

Characteristics of speech problems of a preschooler

What should cause concern is the so-called comprehensive diagnosis, which is often done by the age of three. Experts identify a number of specific disorders that indicate serious problems in a preschooler. The first and most common is considered to be a delayed onset of speech in general: the first elementary words appear in the dictionary by three to four years, sometimes even by five. Experts identify the obvious highlighting of agrammatisms in the child’s reasoning and the imperfection of the structure of statements as the second manifestation of violations. The third thing that can and should alert adults is the inability to express their thoughts while correctly understanding the message addressed to them. And the last, fourth sign may be the incomprehensibility and slurredness of the preschooler’s spoken speech. The presence of such pathologies makes it possible to assume a general underdevelopment of speech in the baby, but a final diagnosis can only be established

Features of development in children with speech pathologies

It is difficult to determine existing deviations in the development of a child without the participation of a speech therapist or child psychologist, since parents who do not have special education risk making mistakes in their assumptions. The communication skills of a preschooler with complex speech pathologies are much less developed than those of children whose speech develops normally, or those who have level 3 OHP. The characteristics of disorders in such children are very multifaceted: there are pathologies such as distortion of pronunciation, violation of the structure of syllables (almost always in the direction of its reduction). The speech development of a child with general underdevelopment of level 3 is noticeably higher. These preschoolers have noticeably developed developed phrasal speech, but at the same time, elements of underdevelopment are clearly expressed. Communication in such children is difficult due to misunderstanding by those around them. They speak freely only in the company of those people who can specify and explain what they say. Today, level 2-3 OSDs are considered the most common speech pathologies of modern children. For a number of reasons, the officially recorded number of such pathologies is growing every year.

Specifics of speech of children with special needs development

Experts do not recommend independently diagnosing the lag in the development of the communicative function. Despite the presence of general signs, each baby has its own individual specificity and cause of the disorder. Delayed speech development in a preschool child is a complex disorder, as every speech therapist will confirm. Level 3 OHP is characterized by visible failures in the communication system: violations of vocabulary, grammar, and phonetics. At the same time, the child actively tries to use sentences of varying degrees of complexity: compound, complex, simple common. The component itself may be preserved, but is often disrupted due to the omission or rearrangement of structural components. Two- or three-syllable words begin to appear in the preschooler’s vocabulary, which the child likes to use, he uses them with pleasure, and diligently pronounces them. The grammatical structure of speech is clearly incomplete, and errors may be inconsistent. A preschooler can pronounce the same phrase or sentence either incorrectly or correctly the next time. Lexical imperfections are also easily recorded, despite the visible quantitative growth of vocabulary. The baby does not make it difficult for himself to pronounce difficult words. For example, instead of saying “cyclist,” the child will say “uncle is riding.” It is not uncommon in the speech of such a preschooler to replace the name of a whole object with words denoting its individual parts, and vice versa, depending on what is easier to pronounce. If he finds it difficult to say a complex word, he can also replace it with the name of the species, and vice versa: instead of “sparrow” the baby will say “bird”, instead of “trees” he can say “Christmas tree”. Often in their speech, children with level 3 OHP allow mutual substitution of signs, for example: tall, wide - this is “big”, short - “small”.

Features of the level of development of coherent speech

Children's specialists pay special attention to the development of coherent speech in preschool children, both monologue and dialogic. In elementary school, teachers are increasingly faced with the problem of the student’s inability to coherently construct his answer and formulate his own statement. Often, parents, too carried away by the struggle for the purity of sound pronunciation, miss such an essential aspect as the formation of the ability to write a coherent narrative. And only after visiting a speech therapist do they begin to understand the importance of such an omission. The coherent statements of a child with developmental delay are distinguished by their specific originality. It is quite difficult for a child to construct complex and detailed phrases. The storyline of the story is constantly interrupted due to the loss of essential semantic elements. Independent speech activity is noticeably reduced; the baby often finds it difficult to translate words from a passive vocabulary to an active one. It is difficult for a child with level 3 ODD to find words to describe his favorite toys; he usually limits himself to meager definitions and short phrases.

Features of phonemic perception

The speech development of preschoolers with disorders of communicative functions is characterized by insufficiency and imperfection: such children perform the exercise of selecting an image with a given sound in its name with outside help, or cannot do it at all. It is difficult for them to differentiate vowel sounds in different positions in words. Any manipulations with phonemes are difficult. The games “Catch the sound”, “Catch the syllable”, “Catch the word” do not arouse interest in children, since it is quite difficult for them to follow the rules, they are constantly late and lag behind other child players who are developing normally. Simple differentiation between “vowel and consonant” can also cause difficulties, so the child also tries to avoid games aimed at strengthening this skill.

Correction of speech pathologies

After examining the baby by a pediatric speech therapist, the specialist can diagnose “ONP, level 3.” The characteristics of the totality of symptoms clearly make it clear the correct direction of correctional and rehabilitation interventions aimed at eliminating speech development disorders. A certified children's speech therapist also plans - and should - to correct the situation. First of all, correctional treatment is aimed at understanding and understanding speech, eliminating violations of vocabulary and grammar. Equal importance is attached to correct sound pronunciation, structuring sentences and coherent statements. When working with preschoolers who have general speech underdevelopment at level 3, attention is also paid to developing the ability to independently construct phrasal statements used in an expanded function. Experts recommend setting aside sufficient time to prepare for improving writing and reading skills after recording some dynamics of correction of speech problems.

Psychological problems of children with speech underdevelopment

Correction of speech deficiencies in preschool children is, as a rule, complex. In addition to speech therapy, the child also needs the help of a child psychologist. Due to complex speech disorders, the baby often also has problems with speech. It is difficult for him to concentrate on a task, as well as to maintain attention for a long time on the same object. The performance of such children is significantly reduced, they quickly get tired of educational activities. The psychologist’s task is to organize psychological support for the child during the period of speech therapy correction. First of all, attention should be paid to increasing the level of motivation of preschoolers diagnosed with level 3 ODD for speech therapy classes and training. It will also be important to organize corrective psychological interventions aimed at developing the ability to concentrate attention, hold it for the required amount of time, and expand its volume. Experts recommend, taking into account the psychological characteristics of children with complex speech disorders, that classes be conducted with several children, dividing one group into two or three subgroups. A psychologist can also plan individual lessons with preschoolers with speech problems, and it is also possible to combine them into subgroups. You should also pay attention to the child’s level of self-esteem: low self-esteem will hinder rapid performance due to lack of faith in one’s own success and unwillingness to help oneself. That is why children's specialists recommend carrying out a comprehensive correction of speech deficiencies in a specially organized children's institution called the Child Development Center.

Direction of complex corrective action

As a result of the implementation of systematic psychological and pedagogical work aimed at stimulating the child’s speech centers, the development of the cognitive and volitional spheres, the level of mental and communicative development of the preschooler should show positive dynamics. First of all, this should be noticeable in the improvement of the ability to correctly perceive speech addressed to him in accordance with existing age standards. It is necessary to achieve from the child the maximum correctness of the sound design of words and the transmission of their structure. The improvement and development of active communication occurs through the formation of the ability to use sentences of varying complexity and combine phrases into a coherent monologue. The simplest retelling skills, as a rule, are also subject to improvement and correction. OHP (3 is distinguished by the inability to retell a text heard, even if it is small in volume. The task of teachers at the correction stage is to teach this skill and consolidate success. Normally developing preschoolers willingly engage in verbal interaction with each other in the form of dialogue. The formation of the child’s communicative speech with developmental delay is characterized by imperfection, therefore, he must also learn to develop the ability to maintain a conversation in the course of correctional work carried out with him.Pedagogical influence, as a rule, also involves the formation of the ability to formulate independent statements, using correctly coordinating words in sentences.

Organization of comprehensive corrective action

The pedagogical approach to correcting the speech deficiencies of a modern preschooler is a rather complicated process and requires special and structural implementation, especially for children who have been diagnosed with level 3 ODD. Corrective work is most effectively carried out in specialized preschool institutions, taking into account the planned interaction of all specialized children's specialists and qualified teachers. The regime of a child’s stay in such an institution is distinguished by its gentle organization and correctional focus. In addition to speech underdevelopment of various levels, the diagnosis of “dysarthria” is also encountered. Level 3 OHP is often a related problem. Teachers working with such students build correctional therapy taking into account pathology, making it more structured and comprehensive. The diagnosis of dysarthria can be made by a pediatric neurologist, who takes into account the conclusion of the speech therapist. The most common is the so-called erased form of the pathology, which can be corrected a little easier and faster if drug treatment is also added to the corrective effect. The medications themselves and the dosage are prescribed by a pediatric neurologist or psychiatrist. Institutions that carry out targeted specialized correction of deficiencies in the communicative function of children, as a rule, have the status of “Child Development Center”. The focus of the center can be different: from corrective influence on children in order to improve the child’s speech to correcting deficiencies in intellectual function. Specialists working in such institutions draw up special programs and correctional routes for pupils, which vary somewhat in complexity and duration of classes, depending on the level of violation. It is most common in children with OHP level 3. The characteristics of a child with such a deviation take into account all aspects of disorders, both speech and psychological.

When faced with the problem of a speech disorder in their child, parents should not despair. A diagnosis from a speech therapist or even a pediatric neurologist is not a death sentence, but simply a signal to action. The causes of communicative deviations from the norm are various, including genetic and neurological, and their nature can only be determined with the help of a special examination conducted by appropriate specialists. Strictly following the recommendations, as a rule, is the key to success in the fight for the purity and correctness of speech in a child. You should also not stand up and argue with preschool teachers who begin to suspect that the child has a pathology called OHP (level 3). Characteristics and descriptions of the child’s speaking disorders, compiled by the teachers of the child care institution, will help specialists quickly understand the degree and nature of the pathology. In turn, this will help to quickly and efficiently organize and correct the existing deviation. The success of correcting communication deficiencies often depends on understanding the depth of the problem and the degree of responsibility for eliminating it by the parents themselves. In close cooperation with correctional specialists and teachers, with strict implementation of all recommendations and tasks, you can count on success and saving your child from such troubles. The process of correction and rehabilitation, as a rule, is quite long and painstaking; it can take more than one month or year.

It is necessary to be patient and concentrate efforts as much as possible on organizing joint assistance for a child with level 3-4 OPD. You should also not ignore taking medications recommended by doctors, since in cases where the disorder is neurological in nature, complex corrective and drug therapy will actively help eliminate the abnormalities. This, in turn, will significantly simplify and speed up the process of getting rid of speech therapy problems.

The state of general speech underdevelopment (GSD) is characterized by a violation of all aspects of the formation of speech skills. Its main distinguishing feature is the presence of problems both with the sound side (pronunciation), and with lexical and grammatical aspects.
At the same time, children with general speech underdevelopment do not have hearing or intellectual impairments.

Distinctive features of OHP:

  1. The presence of problems both with the pronunciation of sounds and with the skills of coherent expressive speech, mastering the rules of grammatical structure and a poor active vocabulary.
  2. Hearing is not impaired. A specialist check is required.
  3. Primary intelligence is normal. That is, a child at birth does not have a diagnosis of “mental retardation,” etc. However, it is worth keeping in mind that long-term uncorrected mental retardation can also lead to mental retardation.

It is possible to talk about the presence of general speech underdevelopment in a child only after 3-4 years. Until this time, children develop differently and “have the right” to some deviations from average norms. Everyone has their own pace of speech formation. But after 3, it’s worth paying attention to how the child speaks. It is quite possible that he needs the help of a speech therapist.

The manifestation of OHP in children is expressed differently based on their depth of impairment.

General speech underdevelopment level 1

A violation of this degree means an almost complete absence of speech in the child. Problems are visible to what is called the “naked eye.”

What does it show:

  1. A child's active vocabulary is very poor. To communicate, he uses mainly babbling words, the first syllables of words, and onomatopoeia. At the same time, he is not at all averse to communicating, but in “his” language. A cat means “meow”, “beep” can mean a car, a train, or the process of driving itself.
  2. Gestures and facial expressions are widely used. They are always appropriate, carry a specific meaning and, in general, help the child communicate.
  3. Simple sentences either simply do not exist in the child’s speech, or may consist of two amorphous words combined in meaning. “Meow bee bee” during the game will mean that the cat drove the car. “Woof di” means both the dog is walking and the dog is running.
  4. At the same time, the passive vocabulary significantly exceeds the active one. The child understands spoken speech to a much greater extent than he can say himself.
  5. Compound words (consisting of several syllables) are abbreviated. For example, bus sounds like "abas" or "atobu". This indicates that phonemic hearing is unformed, that is, the child does not distinguish individual sounds well.

General speech underdevelopment level 2

The main striking difference from level 1 is the constant presence in the child’s speech of a certain number of commonly used words, although not yet pronounced very correctly. At the same time, the beginnings of the formation of a grammatical connection between words are noticeable, although not yet permanent.

What to pay attention to:

  1. The child always uses the same word, denoting a specific object or action in a distorted form. For example, apple will always sound like “lyabako” in any context.
  2. The active dictionary is quite poor. The child does not know words denoting the characteristics of an object (shape, its individual parts).
  3. There is no skill in combining objects into groups (a spoon, plate, pan are utensils). Objects that are similar in some way can be called in one word.
  4. Sound pronunciation is also far behind. The child pronounces many sounds poorly.
  5. A characteristic feature of level 2 OHP is the appearance in speech of the rudiments of a grammatical change in spoken words depending on the number. However, the child can only cope with simple words even if the ending is stressed (go - goUt). Moreover, this process is unstable and does not always manifest itself.
  6. Simple sentences are actively used in speech, but the words in them are not consistent with each other. For example, “papa pitya” - dad came, “guyai gokam” - walked on the hill, etc.
  7. Prepositions in speech may be completely missed or used incorrectly.
  8. A coherent story - based on a picture or with the help of an adult's questions - is already obtained, in contrast to the state at level 1 OHP, but it is very limited. Basically, the child uses two-syllable, inconsistent sentences consisting of a subject and a predicate. “Guyai gokam. Videy seg. Ipiy segika." (Walked on a hill, saw snow, made a snowman).
  9. The syllabic structure of polysyllabic words is disrupted. As a rule, syllables are not only distorted due to incorrect pronunciation, but also rearranged and simply thrown out. (Boots are “bokiti”, people are “tevek”).

General speech underdevelopment level 3

This stage is characterized mainly by a lag in terms of grammatical and phonemic development of speech. Expressive speech is quite active, the child constructs detailed phrases and uses a large vocabulary.

Problem points:

  1. Communication with others is mainly in the presence of parents, who act as assistant translators.
  2. Unstable pronunciation of sounds that the child has learned to pronounce separately. In independent speech they still sound unclear.
  3. Sounds that are difficult to pronounce are replaced by others. Whistling, hissing, sonorant and affricates are more difficult to master. One sound can replace several at once. For example, the soft “s” often plays different roles (“syanki” - sledge, “syuba” - “fur coat”, “syapina” - “scratch”).
  4. The active vocabulary is noticeably expanding. However, the child does not yet know the little-used vocabulary. It is noticeable that in his speech he uses mainly words of everyday meaning, which he often hears around.
  5. The grammatical connection of words in sentences, as they say, leaves much to be desired, but at the same time the child confidently approaches the construction of complex and complex constructions. (“Papa wrote and pyinesya Mise padaik, how Misya haase behave yourself” - Dad came and brought Misha a gift, BECAUSE Misha behaved well. As we see, a complex construction is already “asking for the tongue”, but the grammatical agreement of words is not yet given ).
  6. From such incorrectly formed sentences, the child can already compose a story. Sentences will still only describe a specific sequence of actions, but there will no longer be a problem with constructing phrases.
  7. A characteristic feature is the inconsistency of grammatical errors. That is, in one case, a child can correctly coordinate words with each other, but in another, use the wrong form.
  8. There are difficulties in correctly agreeing nouns with numerals. For example, “three catsAM” - three cats, “many sparrows” - many sparrows.
  9. The lag in the formation of phonemic abilities is manifested in errors when pronouncing “difficult” words (“gynasts” - gymnasts), in the presence of problems in analysis and synthesis (the child finds it difficult to find words starting with a specific letter). This, among other things, delays the child’s readiness to succeed in school.

General speech underdevelopment level 4

This level of OHP is characterized only by isolated difficulties and errors. However, when taken together, these disorders prevent the child from mastering reading and writing skills. Therefore, it is important not to miss this condition and contact a speech therapist to correct errors.

Characteristic features:

  1. There is no problem of incorrect sound pronunciation, the sounds are “delivered”, but the speech is somewhat slurred, inexpressive and has unclear articulation.
  2. Periodically, there are violations of the syllabic structure of a word, elision (omission of syllables - for example, “skein” instead of “hammer”), replacement of one sound with another, rearrangement of them.
  3. Another typical mistake is the incorrect use of words denoting a feature of an object. The child does not very clearly understand the meaning of such words. For example, “the house is long” instead of “tall”, “the boy is short” instead of “short”, etc.).
  4. Formation of new words using suffixes also causes difficulties. (“hare” instead of “hare”, “platenko” instead of “dress”).
  5. Agrammatisms occur, but not very often. Mainly, difficulties can arise when agreeing nouns with adjectives (“I write with a blue pen”) or when using plural nouns in the nominative or genitive case (“We saw bears and birds at the zoo”).

It is important to note that all the disorders that distinguish level 4 OHP are not common in children. Moreover, if a child is offered two answer options, he will choose the correct one, that is, there is criticality towards speech, and the formation of a grammatical structure approaches the necessary norms.


As part of this work, I consider it necessary to study the speech characteristics of children with level 3 SLD and methods aimed at its correction, which determines the purpose of the study.

The tasks are aimed at consideration:

  • specifics of general speech underdevelopment of level 3;
  • techniques that correct speech disorders in the aspect of the defect being studied.
  1. Specifics of OHP level 3

The term OHP was first introduced in the 50-60s of the 20th century by R.E. Levina. She also identified three levels of speech development, which reflect the typical state of language components in children with SLD:

The first level of speech development is characterized by the absence of speech (the so-called “speechless children”). Such children use “babble” words, onomatopoeia, and accompany “statements” with facial expressions and gestures. For example, “bi-bi” can mean an airplane, a dump truck, or a steamship.

Second level of speech development. In addition to gestures and “babbling” words, distorted but fairly constant commonly used words appear. For example, “lyaboka” instead of “apple”. Children's pronunciation abilities lag significantly behind the age norm. The syllable structure is broken. For example, the most typical reduction in the number of syllables is “teviki” instead of “snowmen”.

The third level of speech development is characterized by the presence of extensive phrasal speech with elements of lexico-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment. Free communication is difficult. Children at this level come into contact with others only in the presence of acquaintances (parents, teachers), who introduce appropriate explanations into their speech. For example, “my mother went aspak, and then the teenager went there, there is a link. Then my fingers didn’t hurt. then they sent a pack” instead of “I went to the zoo with my mother, and then we went, where there is a cage there is a monkey. Then we didn’t go to the zoo. Then we went to the park".

In children with level 3 OHP, the time of appearance of the first words does not differ sharply from the norm. However, the period during which children continue to use individual words without combining them into a two-word amorphous sentence is purely individual. A complete absence of phrasal speech can occur at the age of two to three years, and at four to six years of age.

A striking feature of speech dysontogenesis is the persistent and long-term absence of speech imitation of words new to the child. In this case, the child repeats only the words he initially acquired, abandoning those that are not in his active vocabulary.

The first words of abnormal child speech are usually classified as follows (Fig. 1).

The speech function plays an important role in the mental development of the child, during which the formation of cognitive activity and the ability to conceptual thinking occur. Currently, preschoolers with speech impediments constitute perhaps the largest group of children with developmental disorders. A special place among speech disorders is occupied by general speech underdevelopment.

The theoretical basis for the problem of general speech underdevelopment was first given as a result of multifaceted research conducted by R. E. Levina and a team of researchers at the Research Institute of Defectology, now the Research Institute of Corrective Pedagogy (G. M. Zharenkova, G. A. Kashe, N. A. Nikashina , L.F. Spirova, T.B. Filicheva, N.A. Cheveleva, etc.).

The term “general speech underdevelopment” (GSD) is commonly understood as various complex speech disorders in which children have impaired formation of all components of the speech system related to its sound and semantic side with normal hearing and intelligence. From the point of view of the psychological and pedagogical approach, three levels of speech underdevelopment should be distinguished

The speech function plays an important role in the mental development of the child, during which the formation of cognitive activity and the ability to conceptual thinking occur. Currently, preschoolers with speech impediments constitute perhaps the largest group of children with developmental disorders. A special place among speech disorders is occupied by general speech underdevelopment.

The theoretical basis for the problem of general speech underdevelopment was first given as a result of multifaceted research conducted by R. E. Levina and a team of researchers at the Research Institute of Defectology, now the Research Institute of Corrective Pedagogy (G. M. Zharenkova, G. A. Kashe, N. A. Nikashina , L.F. Spirova, T.B. Filicheva, N.A. Cheveleva, etc.).

The term “general speech underdevelopment” (GSD) is commonly understood as various complex speech disorders in which children have impaired formation of all components of the speech system related to its sound and semantic side with normal hearing and intelligence. From the point of view of the psychological and pedagogical approach, three levels of speech underdevelopment should be distinguished

The speech function plays an important role in the mental development of the child, during which the formation of cognitive activity and the ability to conceptual thinking occur. Currently, preschoolers with speech impediments constitute perhaps the largest group of children with developmental disorders. A special place among speech disorders is occupied by general speech underdevelopment.

The theoretical basis for the problem of general speech underdevelopment was first given as a result of multifaceted research conducted by R. E. Levina and a team of researchers at the Research Institute of Defectology, now the Research Institute of Corrective Pedagogy (G. M. Zharenkova, G. A. Kashe, N. A. Nikashina , L.F. Spirova, T.B. Filicheva, N.A. Cheveleva, etc.).

The term “general speech underdevelopment” (GSD) is commonly understood as various complex speech disorders in which children have impaired formation of all components of the speech system related to its sound and semantic side with normal hearing and intelligence. From the point of view of the psychological and pedagogical approach, three levels of speech underdevelopment should be distinguished

The speech function plays an important role in the mental development of the child, during which the formation of cognitive activity and the ability to conceptual thinking occur. Currently, preschoolers with speech impediments constitute perhaps the largest group of children with developmental disorders. A special place among speech disorders is occupied by general speech underdevelopment.

The theoretical basis for the problem of general speech underdevelopment was first given as a result of multifaceted research conducted by R. E. Levina and a team of researchers at the Research Institute of Defectology, now the Research Institute of Corrective Pedagogy (G. M. Zharenkova, G. A. Kashe, N. A. Nikashina , L.F. Spirova, T.B. Filicheva, N.A. Cheveleva, etc.).

The term “general speech underdevelopment” (GSD) is commonly understood as various complex speech disorders in which children have impaired formation of all components of the speech system related to its sound and semantic side with normal hearing and intelligence. From the point of view of the psychological and pedagogical approach, three levels of speech underdevelopment should be distinguished

Fig.1. The first words of abnormal child speech

The fewer words a child has in his vocabulary, the more words he pronounces correctly. The more words there are, the greater the percentage of words that are distorted.

Speech dysontogenesis is often characterized by an expansion of the nominative vocabulary to 50 or more units with an almost complete absence of word combinations. However, the most common cases are those when the assimilation of the first syntactic structures begins when there are up to 30 words in active speech, at an older age than is normal.

Thus, the untimely appearance of active speech imitation, pronounced syllabic elision and untimely mastery of the first verbal combinations, i.e. the ability, albeit ungrammatically and tongue-tied, to combine words with each other should be considered the leading signs of dysontogenesis of speech in its early stages.

Of course, sooner or later in the life of children with speech underdevelopment, there comes a time when they begin to connect the words they have already acquired with each other. However, words combined into sentences, as a rule, do not have any grammatical connection with each other.

Nouns and their fragments are used mainly in the nominative case, and verbs and their fragments in the infinitive and imperative mood or without inflections in the indicative mood. Due to pronunciation defects, agrammatism and shortening of the length of words, children’s statements are incomprehensible to others.

In cases of speech development disorders, the verbal vocabulary is negligible in relation to the rather extensive subject vocabulary. At the same time, this vocabulary is always insufficient for the calendar age of children, which gives grounds to raise the question of introducing into practical speech therapy the concepts of relative (in relation to the stage of speech development) and absolute (in relation to age) vocabulary.

Already at the very early stages of mastering their native language, children with level 3 speech development disorders exhibit an acute deficit in those elements of the language that are carriers of grammatical rather than lexical meanings, which is associated with a defect in the communication function and the predominance of the mechanism of imitation of heard words. Children with OHP sometimes use up to 3-5 or more amorphous, unchangeable root words in one sentence. This phenomenon, according to A.N. Gvozdev, does not occur in the normal development of child speech.

The age at which children begin to notice the “technique” of forming words in sentences, which is associated with the processes of dividing (analyzing) words in the child’s linguistic consciousness, can be very different: at 3, 5 years, and in a later period.

Despite the fact that in some conditions of syntactic construction, children form the ends of words grammatically correctly and they can change them, in other similar syntactic constructions, instead of the correct form of the word that should be expected, the child produces incorrect forms of words or their fragments: “katatya aizakh and skates" (skiing and skating).

If, during normal speech development, a once reproduced form quickly “captures” rows of words and gives a large number of cases of formation of word forms by analogy, then with speech development disorders, children are not able to use the “prompting” example of words. And therefore, there are unexpected fluctuations in the grammatical design of the same syntactic structures.

A characteristic feature of speech dysontogenesis is the fact of the long-term coexistence of sentences that are grammatically correct and incorrectly formed.

Children with impaired speech development use word forms for a long time and persistently, regardless of the meaning that needs to be expressed in connection with the syntactic construction used. In cases of severe speech underdevelopment, children do not learn the syntactic meaning of the case for a long time: “eats porridge”, “sits on a chair” (sits on a chair). In less severe cases, this phenomenon occurs in isolated cases.

Materials from the pathology of children's speech reveal that on the way to mastering the correct grammatical form of a word, the child searches through options for combinations of lexical and grammatical language units. In this case, the chosen grammatical form of a word is most often directly dependent on the general level of formation of the lexico-grammatical and syntactic structure of speech.

Children with speech development disorders have a reduced ability to both perceive differences in the physical characteristics of language elements and distinguish the meanings contained in the lexical and grammatical units of the language, which, in turn, limits their combinatorial capabilities and abilities necessary for the creative use of constructive words. elements of the native language in the process of constructing a speech utterance.

By analyzing the features of the coherent speech of preschoolers with level 3 SEN, we can find out that most often the speech of these children does not correspond to the age norm. Even those sounds that they know how to pronounce correctly do not sound clear enough in independent speech.

For example: “Eva and Syasik were igali. Masik hit the fly with his finger, flicked the puppy. Shbaka hits the water, then touches the stick.” (Leva and Sharik were playing. The boy threw a stick into the river, the dog is watching. The dog runs to the water to get the stick).

These children are characterized by undifferentiated pronunciation of sounds (mainly whistling, hissing, afficates and sonorants), when one sound simultaneously replaces two or more sounds of a given phonetic group.

A feature of the sound pronunciation of these children is insufficient voicing of sounds[b], [d], [g] in words, replacement and displacement of sounds[k], [g], [x], [d], [l’], [th] , which are normally formed early (“vok gom” - this is the house; “that tusyai pray” - the cat ate milk; “molya lyubka” - my skirt).

Phonemic underdevelopment in children of the described category manifests itself mainly in the immaturity of the processes of differentiation of sounds distinguished by the most subtle acoustic-articulatory features, and sometimes it also affects a broader sound background. This delays mastery of sound analysis and synthesis.

A diagnostic indicator is a violation of the syllabic structure of the most complex words, as well as a reduction in the number of syllables (“votik titit votot” - a plumber repairs a water pipe; “vatitek” - a collar).

Many errors are observed when conveying the sound content of words: rearrangement and replacement of sounds and syllables, abbreviations when consonants coincide in a word (“vototik” - instead of “tummy”, “vlenok” - “lion cub”, “kadovoda” - “frying pan”, “wok” - “wolf”, etc.). Perseverations of syllables are also typical (“hikhist” - “hockey player”, “vavaypotik” - “plumber”); anticipation (“astobus” - “bus”, “lilysidist” - cyclist); adding extra sounds and syllables (“lomont” - “lemon”). The everyday vocabulary of children with general speech underdevelopment of level 3 is quantitatively much poorer than that of their peers with normal speech. This is most obvious when studying the active dictionary. Children cannot name a number of words from pictures, although they have them in the passive (steps, window, cover, page).

The predominant type of lexical errors is the incorrect use of words in a speech context. Not knowing the names of many parts of an object, children replace them with the name of the object itself (wall-house) or action; they also replace words that are similar in situation and external characteristics (colors-writes).

There are few generalizing concepts in the children's vocabulary; There are almost no antonyms, few synonyms. Thus, when characterizing the size of an object, children use only two concepts: large and small, which replace the words long, short, high, low, thick, thin, wide, narrow. This causes frequent cases of violation of lexical compatibility.

An analysis of the statements of children with general speech underdevelopment reveals a picture of pronounced agrammatism. Characteristic of the vast majority are errors when changing the endings of nouns by number and gender (“many windows, apples, beds”; “feathers”, “buckets”, “wings”, “nests”, etc.); when coordinating numerals with nouns (“five balls, a berry”, “two hands”, etc.); adjectives with nouns in gender and case (“I paint with pens”).

There are often errors in the use of prepositions: omission (“I’m going batik” - “I’m playing with my brother”; “the book is climbing” - “the book is on the table”); replacement (“niga fell and melted” - “the book fell from the table”); non-statement (“climbed a fence” - “climbed onto the fence”; “polsya a uisyu” - “went outside”).

Summarizing the above, we can draw the following conclusions: children with level 3 OHP have insufficient vocabulary; make lexical errors in speech, poorly agree words in gender and case; have difficulty mastering coherent speech; their sound pronunciation lags behind the age norm. With OSD level III of speech development, the child cannot spontaneously take the ontogenetic path of speech development characteristic of normal children. Speech correction for them is a long process, one of the main tasks of which is to teach them to express their thoughts coherently and consistently, grammatically and phonetically correctly, and talk about events from the surrounding life. This is of great importance for studying at school, communicating with adults and children, and developing personal qualities.

  1. Methods aimed at correcting level 3 OHP

Corrective work with children with level 3 SLD should be carried out both within the framework of specialized assistance and at home. In this regard, methods are being developed that can be used by parents and methods recommended to speech therapists.

Thus, for homework, the following set of exercises can be recommended, used in the aspect of a particular lexical topic.

Lexical topic “Autumn. Trees"

  1. Learn words: autumn, sky, rain, wind, tree, leaves, birch, pine, spruce, oak, maple, rowan, high, low, green, red, yellow, colorful, old, young, gloomy, cloudy, blowing, falling, pouring, drizzling, tearing.
  2. Game "One - Many".Tree-trees, branch-branches, rain-rains, wind-winds, leaf-leaves, birch-birches, pine-pines, oak-oaks, maple-maples, rowan-rowans, cloud-clouds.
  3. Repeat the description story about autumn.Autumn has come. The sky became cloudy and gray. Strong wind blows. Cold rains are coming. The leaves on the trees are yellow, red, green. The grass has turned yellow. The birds flew south.
  4. Game “Whose leaf?”Birch has birch, oak has oak, maple has maple, rowan has rowan.
  5. Learn a poem.

Suddenly clouds covered the sky and there was slush everywhere.

The prickly rain began to fall. Dirt and puddles on the road,

The rain will continue to cry for a long time, Raise your legs higher.

Lexical topic “Vegetables”

  1. Learn words: vegetables, potatoes, cabbage, tomato, beets, turnips, radishes, onions, garlic, zucchini, cucumber, tasty, healthy, juicy, fragrant, soft, strong, smooth, rough, red, yellow, green, orange, brown, long - short, thick-thin, smooth-rough, grow, harvest, plant, cook, cook, fry, salt, cut.
  2. Game “Name it kindly.”Tomato-tomato, cucumber-cucumber, carrot-carrot, onion-onion, turnip-turnip, radish-radish.
  3. Game “Say the Word.”Compare by shape. The cucumber is oval, and the tomato... The carrot is triangular, and the onion... The beets are round, and the zucchini....

Compare by touch. The cucumber is rough, and the zucchini…. The potatoes are hard, and the tomato….

  1. Game "What's extra?"Cucumber, zucchini, cabbage, carrots (by color). Cabbage, tomato, onion, cucumber (according to shape). Turnip, garlic, apple, cucumber (fruit).
  2. Write a descriptive story based on the model.You can choose any vegetable. This is a cucumber. This is a vegetable. Cucumber growing in the garden. It is oval, green, rough, juicy. Cucumbers are pickled in jars.
  3. Guess the riddles. Learn one by heart.

I'm important and juicy. I have red cheeks (tomato)

He dragged the fox out of the mink by its curly tuft.

To the touch – smooth, to the taste – sweet like sugar (carrots)

In the garden it is long and green, but in the jar it is yellow and salty (cucumber)

I was born to glory, my head is white and curly.

Who loves cabbage soup - look for me in them (cabbage)

Write your own riddle. Parents write in a notebook.

Lexical topic “Clothing”

  1. Learn words: shorts, T-shirt, T-shirt, briefs, socks, trousers, jacket, sweater, dress, skirt, jacket, scarf, mittens, gloves, coat, fur coat, clothes, warm, winter, summer, put on, take off, wash, iron, fold, take away.
  2. Game "Dress the gnome".Briefs - panties, socks - socks, trousers - trousers, jacket - blouse, skirt - skirt, scarf - scarf.
  3. Game “Let's buy clothes for a girl”, “Let's buy clothes for a boy”.Name what girls wear and what boys wear.
  4. Write a story - a description about clothes.

For example: This is a children's jacket. It is warm and red. The jacket has a hood, sleeves, pockets, and a lock. It is worn in cool weather.

  1. Learn a poem.

I sewed a shirt for a bear, I need to sew a pocket on it

I'll sew some pants for him. And put some candy...

So, within the framework of the topic “Berries”, you can fix the name of the berries, learn how to make sentences; develop children's attention, memory, thinking; cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.

The implementation of these goals is possible through:

Games "What's next to what?"

There are 5-6 pictures on the board. The speech therapist asks: “What’s next to raspberries (strawberries, currants, gooseberries, blackberries)? The children answer: “Next to the raspberries are strawberries and currants, etc.

Games "Making a proposal."

On the board there are three pictures of berries. The speech therapist asks the children the question: “What will you eat yourself, what will you give to a friend, and what will you put in the basket?” The children answer.

Physical exercises.

My friends and I will go to the forest,

We'll find berries and mushrooms,

Let's collect them in baskets

And we'll bring it home

We shout in the forest: “AU”!

Echo lives there in the forest.

Children improvise movements to the beat of the poem.

Games "Choose the word."

The speech therapist asks the children: “WHAT can you do with berries?” (Search, collect, dry, taste, cook, wash, eat, put, etc.)

Compilation of the story “Berry”.

Rosehip is a berry. It grows in the forest on bushes. The bushes are prickly and have thorns. The rosehip is red and has small seeds inside. Rosehip is very healthy, it contains a lot of vitamins.

The children recite the story in chorus. Then the speech therapist offers the children variousvariations of retellings, namely:

1. “Tell yourself.” Retelling in a whisper a short (3-5 sentences) text in front of a mirror (each child tells it while looking in his own mirror).

2.Retelling in dialogical pairs. Children turn to each other and take turns retelling the text.

3. Retelling in a circle. Children sit down, forming two circles, and communication between the resulting dialogic pairs begins. Next, the children of the inner circle move in one direction, and the resulting pairs again share their retellings.

4.Retelling to a group of children. Children work in groups selected according to the level of storytelling development. Each child tells his own piece of text. Next, everyone performs a retelling for the group. It is very important that when starting a retelling, the most advanced child in speech development provides the shy child with time to adapt.

You can also use the following techniques when working with children:

  • dramatization games based on the plot of the work being retold;
  • exercises in modeling the retold plot (using a picture panel, a visual diagram);
  • drawing on the theme of the work being retold, followed by composing stories based on the completed drawings;
  • game-exercise “Find out what it is?” (recognition of an object by its specified details, individual components);
  • drawing up a description of an item based on your own drawing;
  • use of game situations when composing descriptive stories.


During the work, it was found that in speech therapy the concept of “general speech underdevelopment” refers to various complex speech disorders in which the formation of all components of the speech system is impaired, namely the sound side (phonetics) and the semantic side (lexis and grammar). There are 3 levels of speech underdevelopment.

Children with level 3 SEN have insufficient vocabulary; make lexical errors in speech, poorly agree words in gender and case; have difficulty mastering coherent speech; their sound pronunciation lags behind the age norm. Consequently, in addition to many deficiencies in the development of coherent speech, children with level 3 SLD suffer from all components of the speech functional system: phonetic-phonemic, lexical-grammatical, semantic.

Children with general speech underdevelopment require targeted correctional work. Successful work to overcome level 3 ODD in children is only possible through the synthesis of the efforts of speech therapists and parents. For complex correction today, various cards with exercises are being developed that help both specialists and parents work with children.

List of used literature

  1. Gvozdev A.N. Issues in studying children's speech. – M.: Education, 1961. – 285 p.
  2. Glukhov V.P. Formation of coherent monologue speech in children with special needs in the process of learning their retelling // Defectology, 2002. - No. 1. - P. 69 -76.
  3. Zhukova N.S., Mastyukova E.M. Speech therapy. Overcoming general speech underdevelopment in preschool children. - Ekaterinburg: ART LTD, 2010. – 236 p.
  4. Fundamentals of the theory and practice of speech therapy / Ed. Levina R.E. - M.: Academy, 2007. – 361 p.
  5. Problems of speech development of preschoolers and primary schoolchildren./ Ed. A.M. Shakhnarovich. - M.: Academy, 2010. – 256 p.
  6. Scheme of speech therapy examination of a child with general speech underdevelopment (from 4 to 7 years) / Comp. N.V. Serebryakova, L.S. Solomakha // Diagnosis of speech disorders in children and organization of speech therapy work in a preschool educational institution. - St. Petersburg: Childhood - press, 2007. - 224 p.
  7. Traugott N.N. How to help children who speak poorly. - St. Petersburg: Neva, 2005. – 315 p.
  8. Filicheva T.B., Tumanova T.V. Children with general speech underdevelopment: education and training. - M.: Gnom i D, 2007. – 247 p.
  9. Tseytlin S.N. Speech errors and their prevention. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2009. – 361 p.
  10. Shashkina G.R. Speech therapy work with preschoolers. - M.: Academy, 2008. – 298 p.

More and more often you hear from parents that their child suffers from a speech development disorder. Children have a limited vocabulary, incorrect pronunciation of sounds, and sometimes a complete lack of speech. In this case, adults need to worry whether the baby’s speech corresponds to the level of his age. If necessary, corrective work should be carried out with a specialist.

Why does speech fade?

In children, it sometimes happens that they begin to speak in early childhood, make sounds, pronounce monosyllabic words, but then their speech fades. The opinion about speech development disorders is often erroneous, since the development of a child’s speech occurs in waves. During periods of calm, a passive vocabulary accumulates and thought processes are formed.

At this time, parents should not stop, but continue to read poems and fairy tales to their child, talk to him, and talk about the phenomena of the world around him. At a certain point, the baby’s speech will be restored and will continue to develop at a new level.

Parents should be concerned about violations that relate not only to the lexical side of speech, but also to its comprehensive development. In this case, thinking and sound pronunciation suffer. Such violations are noticeable by the age of three.

The delayed development is visible in the fact that the baby pronounces his first short words only at the age of three. Inconsistency of grammatical forms, inability to coherently express one’s thoughts, and incomprehensible speech are revealed.

Corrective work should be carried out by a speech therapist. For these disorders, a diagnosis of level 3 OHP is made.

Communication skills

Children with grade 3 ODD are less sociable and have less contact than their peers. If they engage in conversation, the violations are clearly visible:

  • sound pronunciations;
  • incorrect arrangement of syllables in a word (as a rule, truncation of their number);
  • underdevelopment of phrasal speech.

Communication is complicated by the fact that those around them do not understand the speech of these children. Such kids can communicate freely only with the closest people who can explain what they said.

Unfortunately, the number of children with ODD is growing. The cause is neurological disorders resulting from pregnancy, childbirth or injury, as well as psychological changes and stress.

The specialist’s correctional work will be aimed at making speech more understandable to others.

Specifics of violations

Doctors and speech therapists do not recommend that parents make a diagnosis themselves, as it may be erroneous. The characterization of the OR should be carried out by specialists. Even if violations are present, the baby may try to use sentences with different structures (simple, complex) in speech, but he can rearrange the individual components of these sentences.

Children enjoy learning to pronounce difficult words. Sometimes agrammatism occurs in speech, but errors are irregular.

The vocabulary is gradually replenished, but the child does not consider it necessary to struggle and pronounce complex words. It will be easier for him to express the same thought in simpler words. For example, instead of “cyclist” he can say “uncle”, instead of “rides” - “rides”. Sometimes, instead of the name of the entire object, the child voices the name of only its part; instead of an individual representative, the designation of the species (“titmouse” - “bird”)

Such children follow the path of least resistance, as it is difficult for them to pronounce difficult and polysyllabic words. This may be due to the underdevelopment of the muscles of the speech apparatus, which need to be developed. In this regard, corrective work is carried out by a specialist.

This phenomenon is called dysarthria. The child finds it difficult to pronounce words, since the speech apparatus does not move at the required speed and does not have mobility. Dysarthria develops as a result of psychological and neurological disorders. The diagnosis of dysarthria can only be made by a doctor.

How does speech develop with OHP?

Characterization of level 3 OHP is carried out by neurologists and speech therapists. At school age, these violations can manifest themselves in the child’s inability to construct a clear, logical answer and formulate his thought.

Quite often, parents bring their children to a speech therapist to correct sound pronunciation, but they lose sight of the structure of speech. Violations in the construction of phrases are quite easy to identify: it is difficult for a child to construct large sentences, he begins to get confused in the construction. His story may be interrupted, essential semantic elements may be lost from it. It is difficult for a child with ODD to translate words from passive to active, or to find words to describe objects.

Children with OHP also have impaired phonemic hearing. This is expressed in the fact that they cannot find a word with a given sound in the name. For example, correctional work to improve phonemic hearing will consist of the child learning to distinguish specific sounds in each word by ear.

With children you can play games “Catch a syllable” or “Catch a word”. The child must hear a given sound or syllable in words and name the word that contains them. A lot of effort will have to be made to consolidate the skills of distinguishing vowels and consonants.

Corrective work

Correctional work for children with special needs development should be carried out at many levels:

  • phonemic;
  • grammatical;
  • lexical;
  • syntactic.

A neurologist must be involved in the treatment of children, who will monitor the progress of the disease. The sooner violations are identified, the faster speech can be corrected.

What will the work of a speech therapist consist of?

  • in the correction of sound pronunciation;
  • in games for matching grammatical forms;
  • in retelling exercises, compiling a story from pictures, descriptions with a pre-planned plan;
  • in training to use words in a sentence and understand their meaning.

The work must be carried out together with parents, who reinforce the skills learned from the specialist at home with the child.

Work to normalize speech in children is integral to the development of fine motor skills. For this purpose, copybooks for preschoolers and finger games, which can be carried out by a speech therapist or parents at home, are suitable. Lacing, fastening buttons, sorting out small objects, mosaics, and massage balls are perfect.

All these elements of work are aimed at the comprehensive development of children. Sports activities or therapeutic exercises will not interfere. Developing gross motor skills forces the brain to work faster and be more mobile.

Quite often, children with ODD feel psychological discomfort. They communicate with a narrow circle of people who understand them and perceive them as they are. In adulthood, this can lead to the development of psychological complexes, problems with employment and personal life.

OHP is a serious problem for children and parents. The sooner it is noticed, the better for the child. You should not avoid a preventive visit to a neurologist or speech therapist. They will tell parents whether to worry and how to carry out correction work in the future.

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