An ancient aircraft. Attack of the Gods (aircraft and nuclear weapons in Ancient India)

Vimana- an aircraft, descriptions of which are found in ancient scriptures, for example, in the Vimanika Shastra. These devices could move both in the earth’s atmosphere and in space and the atmosphere of other planets. Vimanas were activated both with the help of mantras (spells) and with the help of mechanical devices.
Vaitmara landed on the mainland, which was called by star travelers Daariya - Gift of the Gods. Wightman- small flying chariot. Wightmana carries the second type of ship - Vimana.
On Whitemara there were representatives of four peoples of the allied Lands of the Great Race: the Clans of the Aryans - the XAryans, that is, the Aryans; Clans of the Slavs - Rassen and Svyatorus. The Aryans acted as pilots with the exception of Piccolo. Vaitmara sank to the mainland, which was named Daariya by the star travelers - a brush-like gift from the Gods. The Kharians carried out space navigation work.
Whitemars are large Celestial vehicles capable of laying up to 144 Whiteman in their womb. The whole vimana itself is a reconnaissance ship.

All Slavic-Aryan Gods and Goddesses have their own whitemans and whitemars, corresponding to their spiritual capabilities. In modern language, the Skyships of our Ancestors are biological robots that have a certain degree of awareness and the ability to transport them both within the worlds of Navi, Reveal and Slavi, and from one world to another. In different worlds they take different forms and have different properties necessary to fulfill their purpose. For example, God Vyshen repeatedly flew to the people of Earth on a whiteman in the shape of a huge eagle, and God Svarog (whom the Hindu Brahmins call Brahma) flew on a whiteman in the form of a beautiful swan.

But this is called the “Vimana of the goddess.” The similarity is striking: human cocoon - pyramid - vimana - pepelats.
Apparently, it is not for nothing that they say that vimanas are alive, because it turns out that they are made in the energetic image of a person. And if so, then a person should be able to fly without vimana!

From the Mahabharata, an ancient Indian poem of unusual length, we learn that a person named Asura Maya possessed a vimana about 6 m in circumference, equipped with four strong wings. This poem is a treasure trove of information relating to the conflicts between the gods, who resolved their differences using weapons apparently as deadly as those we can use. In addition to the "bright missiles", the poem describes the use of other deadly weapons. The “Indra Dart” is operated using a round “reflector”. When turned on, it emits a beam of light that, when focused on any target, immediately “devours it with its power.” On one particular occasion, when the hero, Krishna, is chasing his enemy, Salva, in the sky, Saubha made Salva's vimana invisible. Undeterred, Krishna immediately uses a special weapon: “I quickly inserted an arrow that killed, seeking out the sound.”

And many other types of terrible weapons are described quite reliably in the Mahabharata, but the most terrible of them was used against the Vrish. The narration says:
"The Gurkha, flying on his fast and powerful vimana, threw at the three cities of Vrishi and Andhak a single projectile charged with all the power of the Universe. A red-hot column of smoke and fire, bright as 10,000 suns, rose in all its splendor. It was an unknown weapon, Iron Lightning Bolt, the giant messenger of death that reduced the entire race of Vrishis and Andhakas to ashes."

It is important to note that these types of records are not isolated. They correlate with similar information from other ancient civilizations. The effects of this iron lightning contain an ominously recognizable ring. Apparently, those who were killed by her were burned so that their bodies were not recognizable. The survivors lasted little longer and their hair and nails fell out.

Perhaps the most impressive and provocative information is that some ancient records of these supposedly mythical vimanas tell how to build them. The instructions are quite detailed in their own way. In the Sanskrit Samarangana Sutradhara it is written:

“The body of the vimana should be made strong and durable, like a huge bird made of light material. A mercury engine with its iron heating apparatus under it should be placed inside. With the help of the force hidden in the mercury, which sets the leading tornado in motion, a person sitting inside can travel across the sky over long distances. The movements of the vimana are such that it can rise vertically, descend vertically and move obliquely forward and backward. With the help of these machines, human beings can rise into the air and celestial beings can descend to the earth."

Hakafa (the laws of the Babylonians) states in no uncertain terms: "The privilege of operating a flying machine is great. The knowledge of flight is among the most ancient in our heritage. A gift from 'those above'. We received it from them as a means of saving many lives."

Even more fantastic is the information given in the ancient Chaldean work, Siphral, ​​which contains over a hundred pages of technical details on the construction of a flying machine. It contains words that translate to graphite rod, copper coils, crystal indicator, vibrating spheres, stable corner structures.
The Aryans' rollers were called "Vaitmana", and those that could accommodate and transport several Vaitmana were called "Vaitmara".
It is believed that this picture depicts the Indian Whitemara:

Unfortunately, vimanas, like most scientific discoveries, were ultimately used for military purposes. The Atlanteans used their flying machines, "Wilixi", a similar type of craft, in an attempt to conquer the world, according to Indian texts. The Atlanteans, known as "Asvins" in Indian scriptures, were apparently even more technologically advanced than the Indians, and certainly had a more warlike temperament. Although no ancient texts are known to exist about the Atlantean wailixi, some information comes from esoteric, occult sources describing their flying machines.
The lifting of the vimana into the air was carried out using the secret energy of sound. The pilot underwent serious training before he was allowed to operate the controls.

Similar to, but not identical to, vimanas, vailixi were typically cigar-shaped and were capable of maneuvering underwater as well as in the atmosphere and even outer space. Other devices, like vimanas, were in the form of saucers and, apparently, could also be submerged. According to Eklal Kueshana, author of The Ultimate Frontier, the Wailixi, as he writes in a 1966 article, were first developed in Atlantis 20,000 years ago, and the most common were "saucer-shaped and usually trapezoidal in cross-section with three hemispherical housings for the engines below. They used a mechanical anti-gravity unit driven by engines developing approximately 80,000 horsepower." The Ramayana, Mahabharata and other texts speak of a hideous war that took place about 10 or 12 thousand years ago between Atlantis and Rama and was fought with weapons of destruction that readers could not imagine until the second half of the 20th century.

Moreover, in Mohenjodaro, a beautifully grid-planned city with a water supply superior to that used in Pakistan and India today, the streets were strewn with “black pieces of glass.” It turned out that these round pieces were clay pots that had melted under extreme heat! With the cataclysmic sinking of Atlantis and the destruction of the kingdom of Rama by atomic weapons, the world slipped into the “Stone Age”. ...

This is a fragment of a Tibetan translation of the Sanskrit text "Prajnaparamita Sutra", dating from the 10th century and kept in a Japanese museum. The vimanas that you see in the lower right corner surprisingly resemble modern UFOs.

Angels flying in the sky, fragment of the Crucifixion fresco from the Serbian Orthodox monastery of Visoki Dečani in Kosovo, Yugoslavia (fresco created around 1350).
Did the ancients have similar technologies... or is it just fiction, it's up to you to decide.

Whitemans, Whitemars, Vimanas...


Vimanas are far from being a fictitious fiction, but a real fact of the existence of highly technical means of transportation. Considering modern progress from the perspective of flying vehicles, to some extent we can come to the conclusion that humanity has achieved certain high results. We learned to fly in the air. We have learned to transport large loads by air. A man was sent into outer space. From the perspective of a modern person, all this looks like progress.

Vimanika shastra

But besides this position, there is always a position of the past tense, from which the point of view changes radically. In one of the holy temples of India, in 1875, the treatise “Vimanika Shastra”, written in the 4th century BC, was found. e., Bharadwaja. The treatise was written on the basis of even earlier texts. The treatise presented various aircraft, called vimanas, whose characteristics exceed our aircraft millions of times. Scientists received detailed information about how they are structured and the principles of their functioning. The book contained descriptions of numerous devices that performed the functions of a camera, radar, searchlight and used, in particular, solar energy. In addition, there were descriptions of various powerful types of weapons. The treatise described not only super-fast, super-strong types of flying ships, but also described how a pilot should act, how to dress, how to eat, in order for the vimana to function like an aircraft.
By switching various types of switches, vimanas could expand or contract, rotate around an axis, modify their shape during flight: form into a cloud for camouflage; emit a powerful glow or form complete darkness around oneself; absorb the sun's rays and become invisible; dive into the water; produce a force capable of paralyzing animals and people; receive on their screens an image of what is happening at an impressive distance.

1. The first category of vimanas is mana-javana. Manna is translated as mind, javana is speed. That is, these are aircraft moving at the speed of the mind.
2. Kapoto-waya. Kapoto translates to dove, vaya translates to aerial, these were bird-like flying machines that had wings attached. The flight was carried out through air currents, using a special engine. The peculiarity of the device is that it was completely silent and could move over enormous distances.
3. Akash-patana. Akasha is translated as ether, pathana - corridor. Those. these are vimanas that moved through ethereal corridors. Such ships could visit any point in the universe and naturally they required a certain level of consciousness, both of the pilot and of those who knew how to build such a vimana. The speed in the ether is hundreds of millions of times greater than the speed of light.
4. Tripurari- These are large flying ships, consisting of three levels. Tri is translated as three levels, pura means city. Three large cities intervened in it, and in addition there were hundreds of thousands of small vimanas.
5. Hiranya-pura. These are very large vimanas, flying cities, whose production was based on gold. Their speed of movement was simply stunning (faster than in the ether), due to the type of energy released by this gold.
6. Pushpa-vimana. Pushpa translates to flowers. Vimanas were made from floral materials.
7. Para-vaikuntha-vimana. This is a special type of aircraft. With their help, a living being was able to overcome the shells of the material universe and penetrate for a very short time into the spiritual world, since high spiritual vibrations would destroy material properties.

The treatise Vimanika Shatsra provides information regarding the proper operation of aircraft. Cautions and regulations during long-term flights, protecting aircraft from lightning and storms. Describes how to switch a solar powered engine to another type of energy. But besides this treatise, there are a number of works in Sanskrit that also let us know that these aircraft took place. This is Srimad Bhagavatam, the tenth canto, Bhagavad Gita, Vimana Griha. The Vedas contain a wide amount of information on the topic of flying devices. If we consider non-Vedic works, then vimana is even found in the work of Plato, where Atlantis is described. Today, numerous vimanas have been found all over the world, but scientists still do not know how to activate them. Information is constantly leaking on the Internet that an inexplicable aircraft has been found somewhere - this includes Japan, Siberia, the USA and many other countries.

On December 12, 1903, in the town of Kitty Hawk (North Carolina), the Wright brothers made the first long-duration controlled flight in history in a self-propelled aircraft. In any case, this is how this event is assessed today.

Was the feeling of flight familiar to man before, hundreds or even thousands of years ago? Some researchers are confident in the existence of data confirming this fact, but knowledge about this is alas! - were lost. Material evidence of flight in antiquity is represented by mysterious artifacts from South America and Egypt, as well as Egyptian cave paintings.

The first example of this kind of object was the so-called Colombian golden airplane. It dates back to 500 BC. e. and belongs to the Tolima culture, whose representatives inhabited the highlands of Colombia in 200-1000. n. e. Archaeologists traditionally consider the discovered drawings to be images of animals and insects, but some of their elements may be associated with the technology of creating aircraft. These include, in particular: a delta-shaped wing and a high vertical plane of the tail.

Another example is a pendant made of tombac (an alloy of gold and copper in a ratio of 30:70), stylized as a flying fish. It belongs to the Calima culture, which occupied territories in southwestern Colombia (200 BC - 600 AD). A photograph of this pendant is in Erich von Däniken’s book “The Gold of the Gods,” published in 1972. The author believed that the find was an image of an aircraft used by unearthly space aliens. Although the figurine, according to archaeologists, was a stylized image of a flying fish, some features (in particular the outline of the tail) have no analogues in nature.

Several more gold objects were made by representatives of the Sinu culture, who lived on the coast of Colombia in 300-1550. and famous for their jewelry art. They wore objects about 5 cm long around their necks like pendants on a chain. In 1954, the Colombian government sent some of the Sinu products, along with a collection of other valuable artifacts, to an exhibition in the United States.

After 15 years, a modern reproduction of one of the artifacts was provided for research by cryptozoologist Ivan T. Sanderson. He came to the conclusion that the object has no analogues in the animal world. The front wings are triangle-shaped with smooth edges and differ, for example, from the wings of animals and insects. Sanderson believed that they were more mechanical than biological in origin, and even went further in his reasoning, suggesting that the object was a model of a high-speed device that existed at least 1,000 years ago.

The appearance of an aircraft-like artifact prompted Dr. Arthur Poisley to conduct an experiment in the Aerospace Institute wind tunnel in New York, and he received positive results: the object could actually fly. In August 1996, a copy of one of the gold models, built at a ratio of 16:1, was launched into the sky by three German engineers Algund Enbom, Peter Belting and Konrad Lebbers. From the results of the study, they concluded that the artifact is more reminiscent of a modern shuttle or Concorde supersonic airliner than an insect.

Most of these amazing South American pendants had four wings (or two wings and a tail). They were not like the insects and birds known today. We can agree that these are stylized models, but their resemblance to airplanes and spaceships seems striking. However, if we assume that the objects are indeed models of certain air vehicles that can fly, many questions arise.

The first problem is that the wings of the models are mostly moved back, that is, they are located far from the center of gravity, which interferes with stable flight. The second is that the nose is completely different from the front of an airplane.

Proponents of the ancient aircraft theory have done surprisingly little research into the origins of the artifacts. Website articles about aircraft from pre-Columbian America generally refer to them as objects found in tombs in South or Central America, but most do not provide information about their origin or dating. Perhaps partly due to the looting of ancient tombs that is still thriving in Colombia, the contents of which then appear on the antiques market in South America.

Most of the Internet sites devoted to South American ancient aircraft are a compilation of an article by Lu-mir J. Iancu (1996), posted on the Anomalies and Mysteries website. In conclusion, it must be said that without establishing the origin of these amazing artifacts and the culture to which they belonged, it would be reckless to consider them models of ancient aircraft.

Another model resembling a small airplane was found in the city of Saqqara in Egypt. Egyptologists consider it a hawk with spread wings and date it to the 4th - 3rd centuries. BC e. It was most likely found in 1898 in the tomb of Padi-Imena in the northern part of Saqqara. The item, made from sycamore, is 14.2 cm long with a wingspan of 18.3 cm and weighs about 39 g. The hieroglyphs on the bird's tail read: "Offering to Amun", and the god Amun was commonly associated with rain in ancient Egypt.

The ancient model was kept in the Cairo Museum until 1969, until it was noticed by professor of anatomy Khalil Messiha, who noticed that it resembled a modern airplane or glider and, unlike images of other birds in the museum, this object had no legs or feathers . According to Messih, the exhibit has a number of aerodynamic characteristics. After his brother, a flight engineer by profession, created a flying model from balsa wood, Dr. Messih's confidence that the Saqqara bird was a scale model of an ancient glider was strengthened.

However, Martin Gregory from Harlow (Essex) disagrees with this conclusion. He has been designing, manufacturing and flying gliders for over thirty years. Experimenting with the design, Gregory concluded that the model could not fly without an elevator (the fixed horizontal tail covering of an airplane), which the object never had. Even after Gregory attached an elevator to the model, the results were not encouraging.

The researcher suggested that it was a weather vane or a children's toy. Larry Orcutt, a user of the Popular Mysteries website, based on data about bird figurines on the top masts of boats and ships, bas-relief images of the New Kingdom period (12th century BC), which can be seen in the temple of Khonsu in Karnak, called a weather vane object that showed the direction of the wind on a ship. Orcutt also noticed traces of paint on the back and tail. This may indicate that at one time the bird model was colorfully painted.

The black eyes, which are actually pieces of volcanic glass embedded in the subject's head, are not visible in most photographs of the subject, giving it the appearance of an airplane. So, although the Saqqara bird has a couple of aerodynamic properties, the idea that it is the only surviving model of an Egyptian aircraft seems unlikely. Most likely (as evidenced by the skillfully crafted game boards and toys) the artifact was a bird figurine or a children's toy.

Perhaps the most controversial evidence of flight in antiquity is the mysterious cave paintings made on a panel of the temple of the 19th dynasty pharaoh Seti I in Abydos. These amazing drawings appear to show a helicopter (possibly a tank) and what looks like either a spaceship or a jet plane. This so-called Abydos temple helicopter has become a legend.

So, can these stunning hieroglyphs be considered evidence that the Egyptians in the 13th century. BC e. possessed 21st century technologies? Unfortunately, some photographs on the Internet have been digitally manipulated to highlight aircraft-like features. However, there are other, unprocessed photographs with hieroglyphs similar to modern flying vehicles.

Katherine Griffis-Greenberg of the University of Alabama at Birmingham, like many archaeologists and Egyptologists, argues that the unusual cave paintings are palimpsests - inscriptions written over old ones. According to Egyptologists, in this case, a layer of plaster was applied on top of some images and other drawings were made.

Over time and under the influence of weather conditions, the plaster began to fall away, leaving fragments of old and new inscriptions, which, overlapping each other, created images reminiscent of modern aircraft. A significant part of the rock paintings are ancient Egyptian: the pharaohs who came to power tried to appropriate the achievements of their predecessors and belittle their authority. In the case of the helicopter depicted on the panel of the temple in Abydos, apparently the following happened: Pharaoh Ramsay II, who was guilty of such a sin, carved his own inscriptions on the stele of his predecessor, Pharaoh Seti I, so hieroglyphs with part of the title appeared in the text Ramses II, which are translated as: “One of the two rulers who conquers nine foreign countries.” This inscription covered the royal title of Pharaoh Seti I, which was originally carved in stone.

Those who believe in the helicopter from Abydos claim that in the rock palimpsests, the images painted on top exactly repeat the old lines - an incredible coincidence. However, there are other facts that deny the presence of aircraft in Ancient Egypt. One of them is the complete absence of references to any flying machines in all known sources of Ancient Egypt. There should be similar images somewhere, but there aren’t!

In addition (this applies to all theories about ancient artifacts), there is no evidence of the existence of auxiliary technical means necessary to create aircraft. Let's assume that representatives of the cultures of Egypt and South America created cars, prototypes of helicopters and airplanes. But then there must be a colossal manufacturing industry, not to mention the extraction of fuel and metals. But what about the equipment of places for storing equipment?

Is that really all there is to it? If ancient people had flown modern airplanes and helicopters, surely much more evidence would have survived than a collection of dubious models and a single panel of hieroglyphs carved into a temple above a doorway. Let us not deny that the human dream of flight owes its origin to many ancient cultures, including Indian literature. Perhaps it was this idea that inspired the inhabitants of South America to create mysterious models. Whether the dream was realized - this question remains debatable today.

Ancient aircraft and technologies of the past, kept silent by official history

Erich Von Daniken explores ancient engraved stones, clay figurines and mysterious images on the plateau, analyzes, compares and draws stunning conclusions about our past, information about which is carefully hidden...

Ancient engineers and their aircraft and technology

Erich von Däniken born April 14, 1935 in Solingen (Switzerland). He studied at St. Michael's College in Freiburg, where already in his student years he became interested in studying ancient manuscripts. Von Däniken became famous thanks to his first book, “Return to the Stars” (“Chariots of the Gods”), published in 1968 and becoming a bestseller in the USA, Germany and 38 other countries. In 1970, a documentary film “Memory of the Future” was made based on it, which attracted wide audience interest to the topic of paleocontact raised by the researcher. Erich von Däniken is a member of various writers' organizations and a winner of several awards. In 1998, he founded the Association for Research in Archaeology, Astronautics and SETI. In 2003, the Mysteries of the World theme park was opened in Switzerland, with Däniken at the forefront of its creation.

Erich Von Däniken is absolutely convinced: thousands of years ago, alien creatures landed on Earth, whom ancient people considered gods. He is also convinced that man owes his appearance on Earth to astronauts - humanoids from distant planets who flew to Earth in prehistoric times and left many traces of their stay here.

Before disappearing into the Universe, the Almighty Ones left to primitive humanity technical, mathematical and astronomical knowledge, which our ancestors used to build the most mysterious structures on Earth. The author examines engraved stones, clay figurines of South American Indians and mysterious images on the plateau, analyzes, compares and draws stunning conclusions

Artifacts indicating the presence of high technology among the Egyptians during the New Kingdom era, which in particular is this fresco

This artifact was discovered in 1848 in the Temple of Abydos in the vicinity of Cairo when, at the moment of the collapse of the facing tiles at the junction of the wall and ceiling of the room, it was possible to see the ancient layer of masonry. Scientists of that time, despite numerous disputes, were unable to understand what exactly was depicted on the fresco and what information the ancient Egyptians were trying to convey to us. But at the end of the 20th century, the forgotten sensation resurfaced, because without a doubt everyone already understood what was depicted on the fresco, but the scientific world chose to remain silent.

There were also found in South America in the 19th century golden airplanes, none of those archaeologists could have planted at that time due to their ignorance of the existence of such devices.

According to various sources, about 30 figurines resembling airplanes were discovered in museums around the world. They were found mainly in the burials of Indian leaders in the South American province of Tolima.

One of these golden airplanes found in Costa Rica, kept in the Ethnographic Museum of Berlin. There have been many reports of similar finds in Peru and Venezuela. But with all this excitement, the figures were never recognized as scientific copies of airplanes. They could not even give a clear explanation of their purpose, only suggesting that the figurines could be amulets or simply chest decorations. Although they, even judging by the tail unit (vertical fin and horizontal stabilizers), which not a single one Of the flying animals existing on Earth, there is no doubt that they reflect an aircraft.

Engineer Jack A. Allrich, a former US Air Force technician, concluded that the figurine provided to him resembled the F-102 Delta Dagger, a jet aircraft with a top speed of 1,185 km/h, which was produced by the American company Convair from 1955 to 1964. At the same time, he noted the great similarity of the wings of the specimen provided to him with the wings of a seaplane.

In 1996, German aviation fans interested in aircraft modeling Konrad Lubbers, Peter Belting and Algund Enboom, Deciding to test the flight characteristics of golden airplanes, we created two copies with 16-fold magnification while maintaining the same proportions as the analogues. The figurine described was used as a prototype Sanderson, from the Bogota Museum and similar figurine from the Institute. Smithson(USA, District of Columbia).

One of these models was equipped with a propeller engine, and the other model was equipped with a jet engine. As a subsequent experiment showed, both copies, painted golden by aircraft designers for convincing reasons, showed excellent aerodynamic properties. The models could not only fly, but also, using radio control, perform aerobatic maneuvers, such as a barrel, a loop and the like. Moreover, they could freely glide with the engines turned off and perform maneuvers even in gusts of wind.

The success of aircraft modellers did not go unnoticed. At the invitation of the German Aviation and Astronautics Society, in 1998 they held demonstration performances, after which experts unanimously recognized that the golden figurines were copies of devices created by man for flight.

An interesting figurine in the form of a bird was discovered during the frenetic search for gold figurines by an Egyptian professor of anatomy Khalil Messiha. He, being a member of the Aeronautics Club and the Royal Aircraft Modeling Club of Egypt, noticed that the wooden bird figurine stored in the display case of the Cairo Archaeological Museum was very similar to an airplane or glider. All that was birdlike about it was the nose part in the form of a beak and a bird's eye painted on one side.

As reported in the information plate, this “bird”, having the inventory number “6347”, was discovered in the north of Saqqara in 1898 during excavations of the Pa-di-Imen burial, dating back to the year two hundred BC. This item weighs 39.120 grams, 14.2 cm in length, and has a wingspan of 18.3 cm and was made from hardwood trees (sycamore or sycamore).

What struck the professor most was the similarity of the tail of the ancient product, which had a vertical keel, with the tail of Colombian “airplanes,” as well as the fact that the contours of the body and wings clearly had aerodynamic properties. For some observers, this creation was somewhat reminiscent of the C-130 Hercules military transport aircraft produced by the Lockheed aircraft concern.

Khalil Messiha, having decided to test his assumption, made an exact copy of this museum exhibit, adding to it, on the advice of aircraft designers, small additions: stabilizers, without which stable planning is impossible, and a motor with a propeller. After all these changes, his model was able to easily take to the air and even transport small loads, while reaching speeds of up to 105 km/h.

The demonstration of the flying capabilities of the wooden ancient Egyptian “bird” prompted the workers of the Egyptian Museum to rummage through their storerooms in search of similar bird-planes. In early January 1972, an exhibition of models of Ancient Egyptian aircraft was held in the main hall of the museum, in which 14 discovered figurines were displayed. However, despite the recognition of these products as copies of ancient aircraft, most Egyptologists continue to insist that this is a bird and only a bird.

Considering that few people remember the period of research on “golden airplanes,” it should be recalled that these figures played a significant role in the development of aircraft manufacturing. The Lockheed aircraft design bureau, taking the delta wing and tail unit from it, created the world's first supersonic aircraft, thereby making a real breakthrough.

Recently, scientists have increasingly begun to believe that we are not alone in the Universe. It is possible that all the artifacts found, indicating that people in the prehistoric period possessed a high level of knowledge, may also be irrefutable evidence of alien civilizations visiting the Earth.

Use of high technology and electricity BC

Winged log god

And in this image, is God wearing a wristwatch? compass? fashionable handbag?

And here are some interesting images on the frescoes of a church built in the 17th century

But the Baghdad battery was found during excavations of an ancient city in Iraq

for comparison, the galvanic cell was first invented in the 19th century

And this design of the ancients is very reminiscent of modern power lines

And here on the bas-relief is a man with a modern earphone and microphone?

The column is made of pure iron, but practically not subject to corrosion. Researchers believe that this is due to the specific climatic conditions of Delhi, due to which a special film was formed on the surface of the monument, protecting it from destruction. The Sanskrit inscription surrounding the column says that it was erected in honor of the victory of King Chandragupta over the peoples of Central Asia.

The Delhi Pillar is a column just over 7 meters high and weighing 6.5 tons.

Scientists are not interested in the mystical properties of the monument, but material, from which it is made. The pillar was made of pure iron 600 years ago and has not suffered at all from corrosion.

“Fantastics” - Paleoufologists claim that the Delhi Pillar is a special sign left by aliens who once visited the Earth. “Earthlings” - Chemists are inclined to the terrestrial origin of the phenomenon. They believe that the absence of corrosion is not the work of alien hands, but a consequence of special climatic conditions in the Delhi region, when a thin film forms on the metal, preventing rust from appearing. But then a new question arises, why the rest of the iron in the Indian capital quickly rusts?

"Vimanika Shastra" - an ancient Indian treatise on flight

Detailed information about vimanas is contained in the book " Vimanika Shastra", or "Vimanik Prakaranam" (translated from Sanskrit - "Science of Vimanas" or "Treatise on Flight").
According to some sources, the Vimanika Shastra was discovered in 1875 in one of the temples in India. It was compiled in the 4th century BC. the sage Maharsha Bharadwaja, who used even more ancient texts as sources. According to other sources, its text was recorded in 1918-1923. Venkatachaka Sharma as retold by the sage-medium, pandit Subbraya Shastri, who dictated 23 books of the Vimanika Shastra in a state of hypnotic trance. Subbraya Shastri himself claimed that the text of the book was written on palm leaves for several millennia and passed down orally from generation to generation. According to him, "Vimanika Shastra" is part of an extensive treatise by the sage Bharadvaja, entitled "Yantra-sarvasva" (translated from Sanskrit as "Encyclopedia of Mechanisms" or "All About Machines"). According to other experts, it is approximately 1/40 of the work “Vimana Vidyana” (“Science of Aeronautics”).
The Vimanika Shastra was first published in Sanskrit in 1943. Three decades later, it was translated into English by J. R. Josayer, director of the International Academy of Sanskrit Studies in Mysore, India, and published in 1979 in India.
The Vimanika Shastra contains numerous references to the works of 97 ancient scientists and experts on the construction and operation of aircraft, materials science, and meteorology.
The book describes four types of aircraft (including vehicles that could not catch fire or crash) - " Rukma Vimana", "Sundara Vimana", "Tripura Vimana" And " Shakuna Vimana". The first of them had a conical shape, the configuration of the second was rocket-like: " Tripura Vimana" was three-tiered (three-story), and on its second floor there were cabins for passengers; this multi-purpose device could be used for both air and underwater travel; "Shakuna Vimana" looked like a large bird.
All aircraft were created from metals. The text mentions three types of them: "somaka",
“soundalika”, “maurthvika”, as well as alloys that can withstand very high temperatures. In addition, the Vimanika Shastra gives information about 32 main parts of aircraft and 16 materials used in their manufacture that absorb light and heat. The various instruments and mechanisms on board the vimana are most often called “yantra” (machine) or “darpana” (mirror). Some of them resemble modern television screens, others resemble radars, others resemble cameras; Also mentioned are devices such as electric current generators, solar energy absorbers, etc.
An entire chapter of the Vimanika Shastra is devoted to a description of the device " guhagarbhadarsh ​​yantra A".
With its help, it was possible to determine the location of objects hidden underground from a flying vimana!
The book also talks in detail about the seven mirrors and lenses that were installed on board the vimanas for visual observations. So, one of them, called " Pinjula mirror", was intended to protect the eyes of pilots from the blinding "devilish rays" of the enemy.
"Vimanika Shastra" names seven sources of energy that propel aircraft: fire, earth, air, energy of the sun, moon, water and space. Using them, vimanas acquired abilities that are now inaccessible to earthlings. So,
the "Guda" power allowed the vimanas to be invisible to the enemy, the "Paroksha" power could disable other aircraft, and the "Pralaya" power could emit electrical charges and destroy obstacles. Using the energy of space, vimanas could bend it and create visual or real effects: starry sky, clouds, etc.
The book also talks about the rules for controlling aircraft and their maintenance, describes methods of training pilots, diet, and methods for making special protective clothing for them. It also contains information on protecting aircraft from hurricanes and lightning and guidance on switching engines to "solar power" from a free energy source called "anti-gravity."
The Vimanika Shastra reveals 32 secrets that an aeronaut should learn from knowledgeable mentors. Among them there are quite clear requirements and flight rules, for example, taking into account meteorological conditions. However, most of the secrets concerned knowledge that is inaccessible to us today, for example, the ability to make the vimana invisible to opponents in battle, increase or decrease its size, etc. Here are some of them:
"...gathering together the energies of yasa, viyasa, prayas in the eighth layer of the atmosphere covering the Earth, attract the dark component of the sun's ray and use it to hide the vimana from the enemy..."
“...through the vyanarathya vikarana and other energies in the heart center of the solar mass, attract the energy of the etheric flow in the sky, and mix it with the balaha-vikarana shakti into the balloon, thereby forming a white shell which will make the vimana invisible...”;
“...if you enter the second layer of summer clouds, collect the energy of shaktyakarshana darpana, and apply it to the parivesha ("halo-vimana"), you can generate a paralyzing force, and the enemy's vimana will be paralyzed and incapacitated...”;
“ projecting a ray of light from Rohini, objects in front of the vimana can be made visible...”;
“... the vimana will move in a zigzag manner like a snake if you collect the dandavaktra and the seven other energies of the air, combine with the sun's rays, pass through the winding center of the vimana and turn the switch...”;
“ means of a photographic yantra in the vimana, obtain a television image of objects located inside the enemy ship...”;
“...if you electrify three types of acid in the north-eastern part of the vimana, expose them to 7 types of solar rays and put the resulting force into the tube of the trishirsha mirror, everything that happens on Earth will be projected onto the screen...”
According to Dr. R.L. Thompson from the Bhaktivedanta Institute in Florida, USA, author of the books “Aliens: A View from the Demise of Ages”, “The Unknown History of Humanity”, these instructions have many parallels with eyewitness accounts of the peculiarities of UFO behavior.
According to various researchers of Sanskrit texts (D.K. Kanjilal, K. Nathan, D. Childress, R.L. Thompson, etc.), despite the fact that the illustrations of the Vimanika Shastra are “polluted” in the 20th century, it contains Vedic terms and ideas that may be genuine. And no one doubts the authenticity of the Vedas, Mahabharata, Ramayana and other ancient Sanskrit texts that describe aircraft.

I invite everyone to further discuss this material on the pages

© A.V. Koltypin, 2010

The history of Ancient India is fraught with many mysteries. Traces and echoes of very ancient knowledge are intricately intertwined here, which, according to the prevailing ideas now, simply could not have been known to people of previous eras.

Particularly noteworthy is information about aircraft and weapons that are terrible in their destructive power. This is indicated by many ancient Indian written sources, the writing time of which dates back at least to the 3rd millennium BC. e. until the 11th century AD e. Indological experts have no doubt that most of these texts are originals or copies of originals and that among their impressive number, most are still awaiting translation from ancient Sanskrit.

Ancient chroniclers recounted events that were subsequently modified and often distorted by many generations of storytellers. The grain of truth in the myths that have reached us is so densely shrouded in later layers that it is sometimes difficult to isolate the original fact. However, according to many Indologist experts, in the Sanskrit texts, under thousands of years of “fantastic” layers, there is hidden information about the knowledge that people actually possessed in ancient times.

Aircraft in the Vedas

There are references to flying machines in more than 20 ancient Indian texts. The oldest of these texts are the Vedas, compiled, according to most Indologist scholars, no later than 2500 BC. e. (German orientalist G.G. Jacobi dates them back to 4500 BC, and Indian researcher V.G. Tilak - even to 6000 BC).

In 150 verses of the Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, and Atharva Veda, flying machines are described. One of these “airy chariots that flew without a horse” was built by the divine master Ribhu. "… The chariot moved faster than thought, like a bird in the sky, rising to the Sun and Moonand descending to the Earth with a loud roar..." The chariot was controlled by three pilots; it was capable of carrying 7-8 passengers and could land on both land and water.

The ancient author also indicates the technical characteristics of the chariot: a three-story, triangular-shaped apparatus, which had two wings and three wheels that retracted during flight, was made of several types of metal and worked on liquids called madhu, rasa and anna. Analyzing this and other Sanskrit texts, Sanskrit scholar D.K. Kanjilal, author of the book "Vimanas of Ancient India" (1985), came to the conclusion that rasa is mercury, madhu is alcohol made from honey or fruit juice, anna is alcohol from fermented rice or vegetable oil.

Vedic texts describe celestial chariots of different types and sizes: “agnihotravimana” with two engines, “elephant-vimana” with even more engines, and others called “kingfisher”, “ibis”, as well as by the names of other animals. Examples of chariot flights are also given (the gods and some mortals flew on them). For example, here is how the flight of a chariot belonging to the Maruts is described: "...Houses and trees trembled, and small plants were uprooted by a terrifying wind, the caves in the mountains were filled with roar, and the sky seemed to split into pieces or fall from the tremendous speed and mighty roar of the air crew...".

Aircraft in the Mahabharata and Ramayana

Many references to aerial chariots (vimanas and agnihotras) are found in the great epic of the Indian people, the Mahabharata and the Ramayana. Both poems describe in detail the appearance and design of aircraft: “iron machines, smooth and shiny, with roaring flames erupting from them”; "double-decker round ships with openings and a dome"; " two-story celestial chariots with many windows sparkling with red flames" , which " rose upward, to where both the Sun and the Stars were visible at the same time" . It is also indicated here that the flight of the devices was accompanied by a melodious ringing or loud sound, and fire was often visible during the flight. They could hover, hover in the air, move up and down, back and forth, rush with the speed of the wind, or travel great distances."V "blink of an eye", "at the speed of thought" .

From the analysis of ancient texts we can conclude that vimanas- the fastest and least noisy aircraft; flight Agnihotr was accompanied by a roar, flashes of fire or bursts of flame (apparently, their name came from “agni” - fire).

Ancient Indian texts claim that there were flying machines for traveling within the "surya mandala" and "nakshatra mandala". “Surya” in Sanskrit and modern Hindi means the Sun, “mandala” means a sphere, region, and “nakshatra” means a star. Perhaps this is an indication of both flights within the solar system and beyond.

There were large aircraft that could carry troops and weapons, as well as smaller vimanas, including pleasure craft that could carry one passenger; flights on air chariots were performed not only by gods, but also by mortals - kings and heroes. Thus, according to the Mahabharata, the commander-in-chief Maharaja Bali, the son of the demon king Virochana, boarded the ship of Vaihayasu. "...This wonderfully decorated ship was created by the demon Maya and equipped with weapons of all kinds. It is impossible to comprehend and describe it.
Sometimes he was visible, sometimes he wasn’t.Sitting in this ship under a wonderful protective umbrella... Maharaja Bali, surrounded by his generals and commanders, seemed to illuminate all directions of the world as the Moon rose in the evening...”

Another hero of the Mahabharata - the son of Indra from the mortal woman Arjuna - received a magical vimana as a gift from his father, who also provided his charioteer Gandharva Matali at his disposal. "...The chariot was equipped with everything necessary. Neither gods nor demons could defeat it; it emitted light and trembled, making a rumbling sound.With her beauty she captivated the minds of everyone who beheld her. It was created by the power of his austerities Vishwakarma - the architect and designer of the gods.Its shape, like the shape of the Sun, could not be accurately seen...". Arjuna flew not only in the atmosphere of the Earth, but also in Space, taking part in the war of gods against demons... “...And on this sun-like, miracle-working divine chariot, the wise descendant of Kuru flew up. Having become invisible to mortals walking the earth, he saw thousands of wonderful air chariots. There was no light, neither sun nor moon,no fire, but they shone with their own light, acquired thanks to their merits.Because of the distance, the light of the stars is seen as a tiny flame of a lamp, but in reality they are very large. Pandava saw them bright and beautiful, shining with the light of their own fire...".

Another hero of the Mahabharata, King Uparichara Vasu , also flew in Indra's vimana. From it he could observe all events on Earth, the flights of the gods in the Universe, and also visit other worlds. The king was so carried away by his flying chariot that he abandoned all his affairs and spent most of his time in the air with all his relatives.

In the Ramayana, one of the heroes, Hanuman, flew to the palace of the demon Ravana on Lanka, was amazed by his huge flying chariot, called Pushpaka (Puspaka). " ...She shone like a pearl and hovered above the high palace towers... Trimmed with gold and adorned with incomparable works of art created by Vishwakarma himself, flying in the vastness of space, like a ray of the Sun, Pushpak's chariot sparkled dazzlingly.Every detail in it was made with the greatest art, as well as the ornament, lined with the rarest precious stones...Irresistible and fast as the wind... sweeping through the skies, spacious, with many rooms,decorated with magnificent works of art, enchanting the heart, flawless like the autumn moon, it resembled a mountain with sparkling peaks...”

And here is how this flying chariot is characterized in a poetic passage from the Ramayana:
"...At Pushpaka, the magic chariot,
The knitting needles shimmered with a hot shine.
Magnificent palaces of the capital
They didn't reach her hub!

And the body was covered in knobby patterns -
Coral, emerald, feathered,
Zealous horses, rearing up,
And the colorful rings of intricate snakes..."

"...Hanuman marveled at the flying chariot
And Vishwakarmana to the divine right hand.

He created her, flying smoothly,
He decorated it with pearls and said: “Nice!”

Evidence of his efforts and success
This milestone shone on the sunny path..."

Let us now give a description of the celestial chariot presented to RamaIndra: "...That heavenly chariot was large and beautifully decorated, two-story with many rooms and windows.She made a melodious sound before soaring into the sky-high heights..."

And here’s how Rama received this heavenly chariot and fought with Ravana (translated by V. Potapova):
"...My Matali! - Indra then calls the driver, -
Take the chariot to my descendant Raghu!”

And Matali brought out the heavenly one, with a wonderful body,
He harnessed fiery horses to emerald poles...

...Then Thunderman's chariot from left to right
The brave man went around as his glory went around the worlds.

The prince and Matali, holding the reins tightly,
They rushed in a chariot. Ravana also rushed towards them,
And the battle began to boil, raising hairs on the skin..."

The Indian emperor Ashoka (III century BC) organized the “Secret Society of Nine Unknowns”, which included the best scientists of India. They studied ancient sources containing information about aircraft. Ashoka kept the scientists' work secret because he did not want the information they obtained to be used for military purposes. The result of the society's work was nine books, one of which was called "Secrets of Gravity." This book, known to historians only by hearsay, dealt mainly with the control of gravity. It is unknown where the book is today; perhaps it is still kept in some library in India or Tibet.

Ashoka was also aware of the devastating wars using aircraft and other superweapons that destroyed the ancient Indian Ram Raj ( kingdom of Rama) several thousand years before him. The kingdom of Rama on the territory of Northern India and Pakistan, according to some sources, was created 15 thousand years ago, according to others, it arose in the 6th millennium BC. e. and existed until the 3rd millennium BC. e. Rama's kingdom had large and luxurious cities, the ruins of which can still be found in the deserts of Pakistan, Northern and Western India.

There is an opinion that the kingdom of Rama existed in parallel with the Atlantean (the kingdom of the “Asvins”) and the Hyperborean (the kingdom of the Aryans) civilizations and was ruled by “enlightened priest-kings” who headed the cities.
The seven greatest capital cities of Rama are known as the "seven cities of the rishis." According to ancient Indian texts, the inhabitants of these cities had flying machines - vimanas.

About aircraft - in other texts

The Bhagavata Purana provides information about the air attack of the combat aircraft ("iron flying city") Saubha, built by the Maya Danava and under the command of the demon Salva, on the residence of the god Krishna - the ancient city of Dwarka, which, according to L. Gentes, was once located on the Kathyawar Peninsula. This is how this event is described in the book by L. Gentes “The Reality of the Gods: Space Flight in Ancient India” (1996) in a translation by an unknown author, close to the Sanskrit original:
"...Shalva besieged the city with his mighty army
O illustrious Bharata. Gardens and parks in Dwarka
He destroyed cruelly, burned and razed to the ground.
He set up his headquarters above the city, floating in the air.

He destroyed the glorious city: both its gates and towers,
And palaces, and galleries, and terraces, and platforms.
And the weapons of destruction rained down on the city
From his terrible, menacing celestial chariot..."

(Approximately the same information about the air attack on the city of Dwarka is given in the Mahabharata)

Saubha was such an extraordinary ship that sometimes it seemed as if there were many ships in the sky, and sometimes not a single one was visible. He was visible and invisible at the same time, and the warriors of the Yadu dynasty were at a loss, not knowing wherethis strange ship. He was seen either on Earth, or in the sky, or landing on the top of a mountain, or floating on the water. This amazing ship flew across the sky like a fiery whirlwind, not remaining motionless for a moment.

And here is another episode from the Bhagavata Purana. Having married the daughter of King Svayambhuva Manu, Devahuti, the sage Kardama Muni decided one day to take her on a journey through the Universe. For this purpose he built a luxurious "air palace"(vimana) who could fly, obedient to his will. Having received this " wonderful flying palace", he and his wife went on a trip to various planetary systems: "...So he traveled from one planet to another, like the wind that blows everywhere, without encountering obstacles. Moving through the air in his magnificent, radiant castle in the air, which flew obedient to his will, he surpassed even the demigods...".

Interesting descriptions of three “flying cities” created by the engineering genius Maya Danava are given in the Shiva Purana: " ...Aerial chariots, shining like the disk of the sun,studded with precious stones, moving in all directions and like moons, illuminated the city...".

In the famous Sanskrit source “Samarangana Sutradhara”, vimanas are given as many as 230 verses! Moreover, the design and principle of operation of vimanas are described, as well as various methods of their takeoff and landing, and even the possibility of collision with birds. Various types of vimanas are mentioned, for example, a light vimana, which resembled a large bird (“laghu-dara”) and was "a large bird-like apparatus made of light wood, the parts of which were firmly connected." "The machine moved with the help of an air flow produced by flapping its wings up and down. They were driven by the pilot thanks to the force obtained by heating mercury." It was thanks to mercury that the machine acquired "the power of thunder" and turned "to the pearl in the sky"The text lists the 25 components of the vimana and discusses the basic principles of their manufacture. "The body of the vimana should be made strong and durable, like a huge bird made of light material. Inside, a mercury engine [high-temperature chamber with mercury] should be placed with its iron heating apparatus [with fire] underneath. With the help of the force hidden in the mercury, which drives the leader the tornado is in motion, the person sitting inside can travel long distances across the sky.The movements of the vimana are such that it can rise vertically, vertically descend and move obliquely forward and backward. With the help of these machines, human beings can rise into the air and celestial beings can descend to earth".

The Samarangana Sutradhara also describes heavier vimanas - "alaghu", "daru-vimanas", containing four layers of mercury over an iron furnace. “Ovens with boiling mercury produce a terrible noise, which during battle is used to scare away elephants. By the force of mercury chambers, the roar can be intensified so much that the elephants become completely uncontrollable...”.

In "Mahavir Bhavabhuti" , An 8th century Jain text compiled from ancient texts and traditions can be read:“The aerial chariot, Pushpaka, carries many people to the capital of Ayodhya. The sky is full of huge flying machines, black as night, but dotted with lights of a yellowish glow...” .

The Mahabharata and the Bhagavata Purana talk about approximately the same cluster of vimanas in the scene in which the wife of the god Shiva, Sati, seeing relatives flying in vimanas to the sacrifice ceremony (which was organized by her father Daksha), asks her husband to let her go there: “...O unborn one, O blue-necked one, not only my relatives, but also other women, dressed in beautiful clothes and adorned with jewelry, are heading there with their husbands and friends. Look at the sky, which has become so beautiful because strings of airships, white as swans, are floating across it...”

"Vimanika Shastra" - an ancient Indian treatise on flight

Detailed information about vimanas is contained in the book "Vimanika Shastra", or "Vimanik Prakaranam" (translated from Sanskrit - "The Science of Vimanas" or "Treatise on Flight").

According to some sources, the Vimanika Shastra was discovered in 1875 in one of the temples in India. It was compiled in the 4th century BC. the sage Maharsha Bharadwaja, who used even more ancient texts as sources. According to other sources, its text was recorded in 1918-1923. Venkatachaka Sharma as retold by the sage-medium, pandit Subbraya Shastri, who dictated 23 books of the Vimanika Shastra in a state of hypnotic trance. Subbraya Shastri himself claimed that the text of the book was written on palm leaves for several millennia and passed down orally from generation to generation. According to him, "Vimanika Shastra" is part of an extensive treatise by the sage Bharadvaja, entitled "Yantra-sarvasva" (translated from Sanskrit as "Encyclopedia of Mechanisms" or "All About Machines"). According to other experts, it is approximately 1/40 of the work “Vimana Vidyana” (“Science of Aeronautics”).

The Vimanika Shastra was first published in Sanskrit in 1943. Three decades later, it was translated into English by J.R. Josayer, director of the International Academy of Sanskrit Studies in Mysore, India, and published in 1979 in India.

The Vimanika Shastra contains numerous references to the works of 97 ancient scientists and experts on the construction and operation of aircraft, materials science, and meteorology.

The book describes four types of flying machines (including machines that could not catch fire or crash) - "Rukma Vimana", "Sundara Vimana", "Tripura Vimana" and "Shakuna Vimana". The first of them had a conical shape, the second had a rocket-like configuration: " Tripura Vimana" was three-tiered (three-story), and on its second floor there were cabins for passengers; this multi-purpose device could be used for both air and underwater travel; "Shakuna Vimana" looked like a large bird.

All aircraft were created from metals. The text mentions three types of them: "somaka", “soundalika”, “maurthvika”, as well as alloys that can withstand very high temperatures. In addition, the Vimanika Shastra gives information about 32 main parts of aircraft and 16 materials used in their manufacture that absorb light and heat. The various instruments and mechanisms on board the vimana are most often called “yantra” (machine) or “darpana” (mirror). Some of them resemble modern television screens, others resemble radars, others resemble cameras; Also mentioned are devices such as electric current generators, solar energy absorbers, etc.

An entire chapter of the Vimanika Shastra is devoted to a description of the “guhagarbhadarsh ​​yantra” device.With its help, it was possible to determine the location of objects hidden underground from a flying vimana!

The book also talks in detail about the seven mirrors and lenses that were installed on board the vimanas for visual observations. So, one of them, called the “Pinjula mirror,” was intended to protect the eyes of pilots from the blinding “devilish rays” of the enemy.

Vimanika Shastra names seven sources of energy that propel aircraft: fire, earth, air, energy of the sun, moon, water and space. Using them, vimanas acquired abilities that are now inaccessible to earthlings. So, the "Guda" power allowed the vimanas to be invisible to the enemy, the "Paroksha" power could disable other aircraft, and the "Pralaya" power could emit electrical charges and destroy obstacles. Using the energy of space, vimanas could bend it and create visual or real effects: starry sky, clouds, etc.

The book also talks about the rules for controlling aircraft and their maintenance, describes methods of training pilots, diet, and methods for making special protective clothing for them. It also contains information on protecting aircraft from hurricanes and lightning and guidance on switching engines to "solar power" from a free energy source called "anti-gravity."

Vimanika Shastra reveals 32 secrets, which the aeronaut must learn from knowledgeable mentors. Among them there are quite clear requirements and flight rules, for example, taking into account meteorological conditions. However, most of the secrets concerned knowledge that is inaccessible to us today, for example, the ability to make the vimana invisible to opponents in battle, increase or decrease its size, etc. Here are some of them:
"...gathering together the energies of yasa, viyasa, prayas in the eighth layer of the atmosphere covering the Earth, attract the dark component of the sun's ray and use it to hide the vimana from the enemy..."
“...through the vyanarathya vikarana and other energies in the heart center of the solar mass, attract the energy of the etheric flow in the sky, and mix it with the balaha-vikarana shakti into the balloon, thereby forming a white shell which will make the vimana invisible...”;
“...if you enter the second layer of summer clouds, collect the energy of shaktyakarshana darpana, and apply it to the parivesha ("halo-vimana"), you can generate a paralyzing force, and the enemy's vimana will be paralyzed and incapacitated...”;
“ projecting a ray of light from Rohini, objects in front of the vimana can be made visible...”;
“... the vimana will move in a zigzag manner like a snake if you collect the dandavaktra and the seven other energies of the air, combine with the sun's rays, pass through the winding center of the vimana and turn the switch...”;
“ means of a photographic yantra in the vimana, obtain a television image of objects located inside the enemy ship...”;
“...if you electrify three types of acid in the north-eastern part of the vimana, expose them to 7 types of solar rays and put the resulting force into the tube of the trishirsha mirror, everything that happens on Earth will be projected onto the screen...”

According to Dr. R.L. Thompson from the Bhaktivedanta Institute in Florida, USA, author of the books “Aliens: A View from the Demise of Ages”, “The Unknown History of Humanity”, these instructions have many parallels with eyewitness accounts of the peculiarities of UFO behavior.

According to various researchers of Sanskrit texts (D.K. Kanjilal, K. Nathan, D. Childress, R.L. Thompson, etc.), despite the fact that the illustrations of the Vimanika Shastra are “polluted” in the 20th century, it contains Vedic terms and ideas that may be genuine. And no one doubts the authenticity of the Vedas, Mahabharata, Ramayana and other ancient Sanskrit texts that describe aircraft.

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