Hitler's children: what happened to them. Hitler's children and grandchildren are among us (2 photos) Secrets of Hitler's biography unknown children

The Second World War, the worst in human history, is over. The people who unleashed it were convicted at the Nuremberg trials. Almost all the leaders of the Third Reich were either childless, or their families died with them, like Goebbels' family. And there are no successors left of those who retained the genes of the people who drenched all of Europe with blood. But it turns out that this is not so.

Hitler, having committed suicide with his wife Eva Braun, left no half-blooded heirs. But despite this, the world press has been debating for more than half a century: “Does Adolf Hitler have descendants?”

In December 1935, by order of Himmler, a network of special maternity centers was created in Germany. They were supposed to give birth to “blond beasts” - children born from SS soldiers and racially carefully selected German women. It was to them, according to the Reichsführer SS, that the future should belong. All children born in maternity centers were officially considered “adopted by Hitler.”

The deputy Fuhrer in the party, “Nazi No. 2,” Rudolf Hess decided to go further than his main competitor, who was fighting for closeness to Hitler, and in 1940, at a secret meeting in the Reich Chancellery, he made a statement that surprised everyone: “Hitler must have his own children. Only those in whose veins the sacred blood of the Fuhrer flows have the right to inherit his supreme power in Germany.”

Hitler had an aversion to physical sex and was at first lukewarm about the idea. But he was jealous of Stalin, who had sons who could replace their father at the helm of government, so in the end he agreed. Thus, the carefully classified Thor project was “born”.

It was planned to fertilize about one hundred specially selected “Aryan” women aged 18 to 27 with Hitler’s sperm. The future mothers of the Fuhrer's children did not know about the great mission that was destined for them. They believed that they would bear the descendants of SS soldiers - “ideal Aryans.”

When the child was born, he was transported to a secret complex in the Bavarian Alps, near the Austrian border. Journalists learned about the nursery for Hitler’s children that existed in the Alps from former SS Obersturmführer Erich Runge, who made a sensational statement that dozens of the Fuhrer’s sons and daughters lived and worked in many countries. Moreover, none of them even knows about their origin.

The press was skeptical about the Obersturmführer's words. But they “changed their minds when Runge, who was completely healthy, according to doctors, unexpectedly died of a heart attack.

Time passed, and even more extensive information about the Fuhrer’s children was released by Dr. Alessandro Giovenese, who lives in Brazil. From 1943 to 1945, he was an SS medical officer and was directly involved in a highly classified project. From conversations among the laboratory staff, Alessandro Giovenese knew that before the end of the war there were about twenty children in the complex whose biological father was Adolf Hitler.

On May 6, 1945, an evacuation order was received. All documents were destroyed, and the children were distributed to the families of compassionate peasants, who were told that these were orphaned babies from a maternity hospital destroyed by Allied aircraft.

The babies were born as a result of the fertilization of women of the “Aryan race” with Hitler’s “biological material.” True, one exception was made. Among the mothers of Hitler's children were two Norwegians. The Fuhrer of the Third Reich wanted his blood to “mix with the blood of the Vikings.”

So, Hitler's children and grandchildren are walking around Europe. “But they do not pose any threat to humanity,” Giovenese is sure. “If they have not yet manifested bloodthirstiness and thirst for ambition, then it will not manifest itself in the future. Blood and genes play a big role! role in determining who a person will become, but the standard of living and upbringing play an even greater role... A second Hitler will never appear in Europe.”


10.08.2014 0 96654

The personal lives of political figures have always worried the minds of their contemporaries and descendants. And if this is the personal life of Adolf Hitler, about which almost nothing is known at all, then there is no end to the speculation and rumors.

We offer you unique material from the British magazine The Globe about the fate of Hitler's possible children.

Project Thor

The fact that Hitler could have children is beyond doubt. In his youth, he had several hobbies, and, according to The Globe, one of his passions, a certain Hilda Lokamp, ​​gave birth to Adolf a son, whose traces were subsequently lost.

It is also known for certain that Hitler had sexual relations with women while at the front in Northern France.

The last man to call himself Hitler's son became famous in 2012. According to French journalists, the illegitimate son of Adolf Hitler and a young French woman was born during the First World War, to which the future Fuhrer volunteered.

About the fact that he is the offspring of Hitler, a citizen of France Jean-Marie Lauret stated back in 1981, publishing an autobiography with the characteristic title “Your Father’s Name was Hitler.” Four years later, the author died at the age of 67, without having proven his origin to anyone.

There is a strong version that one of the sons of Madame Madeleine le Roy, a waitress from the officers' café, is Hitler's son, but no documents have been found about their relationship.

Yes, they couldn’t have been: the child was born from a casual relationship, and his mother would hardly have claimed the Fuhrer’s recognition of her paternity, which she told about in a secret diary.

Adolf Hitler not only had the opportunity, but also the desire to have children. They say he was jealous of Stalin that he could pass on power to his sons. Therefore, the top secret Thor project, led by Heinrich Himmler, came in handy.

According to the project, it was planned to artificially inseminate one hundred women from 18 to 27 years old; most of them were German, and only two were Norwegian: Hitler demanded that his blood "mix with the blood of the Vikings."

Not all fertilization experiments were successful, but, according to one of the employees of the secret Lebensborn laboratory No. 1146, Dr. Alessandro Genovesi, shortly before the war, there were 22 newborns in the department of the complex! The leadership of Nazi Germany expected these children to demonstrate genius at an early age. However, although Hitler's offspring developed normally, they were not found to have any unique abilities.

At the beginning of May 1945, the special complex received an evacuation order. All documents were destroyed, and the children were distributed to peasants from nearby German and Austrian villages. If they all survived, then at the moment several dozen sons and daughters of Hitler live, work and enjoy life in the world. Their fate could have turned out differently; it is possible that some of them even became political figures in modern Europe.

The Fuhrer's son... in America

In any case, if these people exist, then they have no idea about their origins, so they have nothing to hide or fear, like US citizen Werner Schmedt, who recently told the media that he is the legitimate son of Hitler.

It’s hard to believe, but Werner provided journalists with photographs showing... him, his father (the Fuhrer of the Third Reich) and his mother in an embrace! There is also a birth certificate. In the column “Parents”, for the purpose of secrecy, there are only initials: father - “G”, mother - “R”, and the date - “February 23, 1929”.

Adolf through the eyes of his son. From the book by Werner Schmedt

* Hitler loved sweets. And he often ate sugar straight from the sugar bowl. He took out pieces and gnawed loudly. For dinner he always ate a box of chocolates; if I asked him, he ordered another one to be brought. And he ate his own.

* Dad often read children's books aloud to me. We stayed up until midnight. Most of all he liked stories about cowboys and Indians.
“By reading such books, you learn more about the world and countries,” he told me.

* Hitler was very afraid of spiders. Whenever he saw them, he immediately began to sweat. He called the maid to kill the spider and take it outside.

* My father’s teeth were completely rotten. His breath stank badly. When he kissed me, I tried to turn away so as not to feel the smell.

* My father loved magic tricks and invited professional illusionists to our house. However, he never asked them to reveal this or that secret. He believed that a secret should remain a secret. The father himself performed only one trick superbly - when money disappeared from his hand. I asked dad to take a rabbit out of the hat, and he laughed:
- It's beyond my power.

It turns out that Werner Schmedt's mother was Geli Raubal, Hitler's young niece, whom he loved passionately. Geli committed suicide (according to another version, she was killed by Hitler himself out of jealousy) when her son was only five years old, and from that moment on he was raised by nannies in Germany and Austria.

According to Werner, his father visited him regularly; If Hitler could, he would stay overnight in the castle where the boy was, who was often transported from one place to another for safety reasons. On his 10th birthday, Hitler gave his son a horse, which Mussolini presented to the Fuhrer.

According to Mr. Schmedt, his last meeting with his father took place at the end of 1940. Hitler said that there was a war going on and they would not be able to see each other for several years, but after victory he would give him the whole world. This hour did not come, and for the sake of salvation, Werner had to carefully hide his origin and place of residence.

In 1951, he settled in the USA, graduated from university, and worked for a long time in a large construction company. In 1990, Mr. Schmedt opened his own business. Now, to prove his blood relationship with Hitler, he is ready to do a DNA test. However, such an analysis requires his father's cells. But so far the government of Russia, where Hitler's skull is said to be located, has not made any comments on the matter.

Australian hoaxer

In Australia this spring, the case of a certain Mitchell O'Hara was heard - a man who also declared himself the son of Hitler and the owner of the weapon with which he shot himself.

During the investigation, facts emerged that allowed prosecutor Peter Dermont to claim that O'Hara fabricated hundreds of documents, hired translators from German and Russian, and special experts helped him sell weapons at a higher price.

In the archives you can find many photos of Hitler with small children. The Fuhrer loved to play the role of a kind grandfather

The hoaxer himself said that after the war, “Hitler’s pistols” were bought for a million dollars from KGB agents by an Austrian named Otto, but the latter is silent about how they got to O’Hara.

The investigation established that the ill-fated pistols were bought by a fraudster from Melnburg arms dealers in 1990.

There are many ambiguities in this story not only with the origin of the weapon, but also with the personality of O'Hara himself. The year of his birth is 1944.

His ex-wife Louise said her husband knew every last detail of Hitler's life, but she never suspected his possible relationship with the Nazi dictator. Now O'Hara continues writing his autobiography, I Am Hitler's Son.

Undoubtedly, O'Hara's books, as well as the works of other authors on this topic, will be popular among readers who are greedy for sensations, as well as among those people who remember the terrible atrocities of the Nazis and are afraid of the emergence of a “second Hitler.” So it’s too early to draw a final conclusion in the matter of the Fuhrer’s heirs, The Globe summarizes.

Translated from English by Alexander EVTEEV

Hitler's children: do they really exist? The pattern is that the personal lives of people who occupy a prominent place in world politics have always been of interest to both contemporaries and descendants. And if we are talking about the mysterious personality of Adolf Hitler, then there is no end to the rumors and versions about his relationships with other women, as well as about his children. In this article we will try to find the answer to the question about the existence of the Fuhrer’s children, based on different sources.

Did Hitler have children: the official version

The Second World War is long over. Everyone involved in its beginning and denouement had already died, having been condemned. The majority of the ruling elite of the Third Reich did not leave behind heirs: they either died along with their families, or were childless.

There are no officially registered children of Hitler. It is well known that there was Eva Braun. The couple committed suicide, leaving no heirs. “Did Hitler have children?” - This question still haunts representatives of the world press to this day.

The thing is that back in 1935 in Germany, according to Himmler’s plan, several special maternity hospitals were built and put into operation. The purpose of these maternity centers was to ensure the breeding of a new race - “blond beasts”. For this purpose, the parents of the future elite of Germany were very carefully chosen. These were German women who had passed racial selection and children born according to this plan were officially adopted by Hitler.

Version by Erich Runge

Erich Runge is a former SS Obersturmführer. It was thanks to him that the sensation came to light that the children of Adolf Hitler now live almost all over the world. There are dozens of them, and these people have no idea who their real father is.

According to archival reports, in 1940, at one of the secret meetings, it was decided that power in Germany could only be inherited by a person who would be a direct descendant of the Fuhrer.

There is a version that Hitler’s envy of Stalin, who had sons, served as the basis for the development of another secret operation, which was called “Thor”.

The essence of the secret operation

Hitler's children were supposed to see the light of day as a result of fertilization with the Fuhrer's sperm of specially selected women.

Researchers of the life of Adolf Hitler state the fact that he was indifferent to sex, moreover, he even felt disgust for it. Therefore, it was decided to carry out the plan with the birth of an heir in this way.

Women to participate in this project were selected with special care. These were young girls, 100% Aryans with good pedigree. The operation was strictly classified; the girls who passed the selection had no idea who would become the father of their future children. The participants in the operation were explained that they were entrusted with the high mission of becoming mothers of children from SS soldiers, true Aryans.

After birth, Hitler's children were transported to a complex specially prepared for this purpose, which was located in the Alps.

Version by Alessandro Giovenese

Few people believed Erich Runge's story. Moreover, he soon died of a heart attack. For a certain time, the topic of Hitler's offspring was closed.

After some time, former SS medical officer (1943-1945) Alessandro Giovenese, who was a resident of Brazil, continued to testify on this topic.

It turns out that he was one of the participants in the secret operation "Thor". Hitler's children were actually in the Alps at the end of the war. At the beginning of May 1945, employees of the complex received an order to evacuate 22 children. Of course, everything happened in strict secrecy, so the documents were destroyed. The children were distributed to different families. The new parents were informed that these were orphans from maternity hospitals in nearby areas.

Werner Maser version

Werner Maser is the most famous researcher of the Fuhrer's biography. He claims that Hitler has a child born from a relationship with Charlotte Edoxy Alida Lobjoie.

Hitler had a relationship with a young Frenchwoman during the First World War. Young Adolf volunteered to fight and, of course, did not deny himself the pleasure of communicating with the beautiful residents of the northern part of France.

In 1981, an autobiography was published which claimed that he was Hitler's son. The lack of materials for genetic testing did not allow us to fully prove the relationship between these people. The author of the next sensation died four years later without having proven his connection with the Fuhrer.

Hitler and Geli Raubal

According to official data, Adolf Hitler did not have a family. However, two of his mistresses are known: and Eva Braun (Eva will be discussed a little later).

Geli was the Fuhrer's niece. It was a scandalous, incestuous relationship. It is not known exactly whether she shot herself or was killed, but her life was cut short in 1931.

Now the most interesting thing: a certain US citizen, Werner Schmedt, appeared and presented proof that Hitler was his father. These were photographs. They show Werner himself and his mother hugging the Fuhrer. It turns out that Hitler's children have the photo as evidence.

The birth certificate of this citizen contains encrypted data about the parents: the mother is designated by one letter “R”, the father by “G”. The child was born in 1929. After the death of his mother, the boy was given to nannies to be raised. He lived in both Germany and Austria.

Werner claimed that Hitler often visited him, and sometimes even spent the night with him. The boy was guarded and his place of residence was often changed for safety reasons.

On his first anniversary, 10 years old, the son received a horse from his father as a gift.

According to Hitler's son, they last saw each other in 1940. Then the father told the boy that at the end of the war he would receive the whole world as a gift.

These promises were not destined to come true. Werner hid after the war, hiding his origins.

After long wanderings around the world, Werner settled in the USA, where he still lives. Hitler's son agrees to conduct a DNA test to prove his relationship with the leader of the Third Reich. But for now it is impossible to do such an analysis, because in addition to the son’s materials, samples of the father’s cells are needed.

Hitler and Eva Braun

How are things going with the family life of this couple? There are two versions about their relationship. The first says that the relationship between these people was platonic because Hitler had an aversion to sex.

The second claims that the children of Hitler and Eva Braun exist. Nevertheless, their marriage relationship was officially registered. And although the year of marriage registration is 1945, according to historians, in 1938 the couple had a girl. The girl's name is Ursula.

Notable is the fact that she can be seen in many photographs from Eva Braun’s personal albums. Eva claimed that this was the daughter of her best friend, Hertha Schneider. However, these stories are not confirmed by any facts. It is known that Herta had one child, and it was not Ursula.

It is also alarming that the Hitler couple always avoided any mention of this girl. British historians, taking this data as a basis, argue that the words “Hitler”, “wife”, “children” are inextricably linked. It was a full-fledged family.

There are versions that Ursula was not the only child of the couple. The name of the second daughter is not mentioned anywhere at all, and supposedly in 1943, Hitler’s wife also gave birth to a stillborn child.

Other children of the Fuhrer

Unfortunately, history has not preserved documented facts of Hitler's paternity. All versions are based on eyewitness accounts and versions of historians.

One of these versions suggests that Hitler could be the father of the daughter of Tilly Fleischer, a famous Olympic champion. Gisella, that was the girl’s name, wrote a book in which she made it clear to the world who her father was. However, her mother did not confirm this version.

There is also Magda Goebbels, who claims that Hitler, and not her legal spouse, should be recognized as the father of her son. But this, again, is an unconfirmed version.

What did Hitler do with children, and how many of them did he have? History does not give an exact answer to this question. All that remains is to analyze the versions received, look for new evidence and make guesses.

Hello dears!
I apologize that I don’t write as often as I would like - it’s just that I’m at such a stage in my life now - there’s not enough energy and time to implement my plans and put it on paper (or rather, in electronic form). I hope this is a temporary stage, otherwise it will be “sour” :-) Well, okay, these are lyrics. Wait and see:-)
I was interested in one, at first glance, quite simple question: how many children did Adolf Hitler have?
The answer seems to be obvious: not a single one, because the German chancellor and greatest war criminal entered into marriage shortly before his suicide, and had not previously burdened himself with marital relations - he believed that he did not “ can belong to one woman, because it must belong to all of Germany" However, not everything is so simple.

Corporal Adolf Hitler

It is widely believed that Hitler was sexually inferior, and congenital (and acquired) diseases and pathologies did not allow him to have offspring. However, getting acquainted with various works about the life and work of Hitler, including the memoirs of doctors who worked with the Fuhrer, I did not find any evidence of this fact. There were some problems with digestion, coupled with mental excitability and wild suspiciousness, there were problems with drugs, which Dr. Morell got Hitler hooked on. But in everything else, including in the sexual sphere, Hitler was fine. He could have children. But did you want to?

Daughter of Hitler's half-sister Geli Raubal

I got the impression that, despite his bloody and disgusting nature, deep down he remained a typical bourgeois, inclined to follow traditional German values, where family and children are in one of the first places. From an official point of view, he did not have a family, but from the mid-20s he had 2 permanent mistresses. First it was his niece Geli Raubal, who either shot herself or was killed in 1931. There were definitely no children from this incestuous relationship (which, by the way, has not yet been definitely confirmed). Things are much more complicated with the second partner, and later Hitler’s wife, Eva Braun. But more on that later.

Eva Brown

In the mid-20s, Adolf Hitler was already well over 30, and it is unlikely that he retained his chastity until his wedding night. One of the main researchers and biographers of the Fuhrer, Werner Maser, proceeded from similar considerations. He claims that Hitler's son was the French railway worker Jean-Marie Lauret-Frison. He was born in 1918 from the relationship of Corporal Hitler and a certain Charlotte Edoxy Alida Lobjoie. However, despite the examinations carried out, the likelihood of Hitler's paternity is not obvious due to the insufficiency of genetic material on both the mother's and father's sides. Be that as it may, until recently, Jean-Marie was considered the most likely child of Hitler.

Jean-Marie Lauret-Frison

However, quite recently the work of British historians Simon Dunstan and Gerard Williams, “The Gray Wolf. The Escape of Adolf Hitler." In this well-written and well-illustrated book, the authors present their point of view on why, why and how the German Chancellor... was able to escape from besieged Berlin at the very end of April 1945. The version is not new, but scientists have done really good work, and the book is, at least, interesting. So, if the price doesn’t put you off, I highly recommend reading

Usch and Hitler

Among many different hypotheses, the British put forward a version of “Hitler’s life after death,” in which Eva Braun plays an important role. By the way, according to the authors, Hitler actually married her, but at the end of 1945, and not in April, as modern historiographers believe.
The book claims that the Hitler couple had 2 girls. The first was born in 1938, her name was Ursula (Ush). The cute child is often seen in photographs from Eva Braun’s archive and, according to E. Braun, is the daughter of her childhood friend Herta Schneider. But this is not true. Schneider had one daughter, her name was Gita, and she looked nothing like Ursula. It is alarming that Eva Braun's biographer, Angela Lambert, pointedly avoids any mention of this child. It seems to me that this girl is the most possible child of Hitler and Eva Braun, here I agree with British historians.

Berlin Olympic champion Tilly Fleischer

They, however, went even further and suggested that the second child was born either at the end of 1945 or at the beginning of 1946. The name is not given anywhere. In addition, Dunstan and Williams believe that Brown had a stillborn child in 1943.
But that's not all. Further fantasizing resembles the theater of the absurd.
Allegedly, shortly before his death in 1962, Hitler told one of the few people who remained with him, the former mechanic of the German rider “Admiral von Spee” Heinrich Bethe, that he had another daughter from a short-term relationship with the 1936 Olympic champion Tilly Fleischer. The Fuhrer saw his daughter, who was named Gisella, only once. This lady, by the way, wrote a book about the fact that she is Hitler’s daughter, but Tilly Fleischer herself categorically denies everything.

Helmut Goebbels

And that is not all. The most paradoxical “paternity” of Hitler follows from the confession of Magda Goebbels: her son Helmut Christian, born in 1935, was from Hitler, and not from her husband Joseph (!).
So how many children did Hitler have - one, four or five? We will never know the exact data. There is only the ability to analyze, look for facts and make assumptions.
What do you think?

The so-called incest was very common among Adolf Hitler's relatives. This term refers to incestuous intraclan marriages between cousins, nieces and uncles, etc. The leader of the Third Reich knew this very well and was afraid of becoming a father.

His fears were completely justified: when crossing closely related lines, there is a high chance of sick offspring. However, some sources claim that Hitler did have children. In fact, the Nazi leader was an ordinary bourgeois with respect for family values ​​and love for children inherent in this class.

British researchers' version

A few years ago, the British magazine The Globe published sensational material. The article examined different versions of where, when and in relationships with which women Adolf Hitler could have had children. There is no 100% reliable documentary evidence of this, but there are many indirect facts indicating the possibility of the birth of heirs to the instigator of World War II.

Psychologists and researchers of all stripes attributed to Hitler asexuality, homosexuality, and all sorts of deviations from the norm. In reality, the Fuhrer was heterosexual. He had as many mistresses and common-law wives as any average man in his position could have.

Unrecognized sons of the leader

In his early youth, Adolf had a relationship with a German woman, Hilda Lokamp. She gave birth to a son for the future Fuhrer. It is not possible to trace the boy's fate. Hitler had a love affair with his mother for a short time and what became of her after that is not known.

The second time he could have had children was during the First World War. At that time, Corporal A. Hitler ended up in France, where he had more than one love affair. In 1981, Frenchman Jean-Marie Lauret claimed to be the illegitimate son of the leader of Nazi Germany. He even published a book with the eloquent title “Your Father's Name Was Hitler.”

Project Thor

Already at the helm of the Third Reich, the Fuhrer launched the secret Thor project. According to the plan, it was planned to give birth and raise many of his brilliant followers and “true Aryans” from Hitler’s seed. Young, healthy German and Norwegian women 18-27 years old were selected for fertilization. 22 babies were born.

These children were first kept in secret laboratory number 1146, which was owned by the Lebensborn organization. In 1945, this farm for the artificial reproduction of Aryan offspring was evacuated. Hitler's children were distributed to peasants from neighboring villages. Many of them could survive and give birth to grandchildren to the Fuhrer.

Son overseas

He also had a legitimate son, who was even raised by his father for some time. Now Werner Schmedt - and this is exactly him - lives in the USA. Hitler's official heir kept photographs with his father and mother, as well as a birth certificate with a secret note in the “parents” column: G. (father) and R. (mother).

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