Extraction of basic resources. Extraction of basic resources 7 days to die where to get recipes

I'll tell you, friends, in this post, where the game 7 Days To Die stores its saves, I’ll also tell you how I looked for them, maybe after the updates it will help me find a new save location if it changes. Yes, I’m a sinner, I confess, I’m hooked on the 7 Days To Die toy. At the time of writing, the game version is alpha 11.3 (b8) Steam version.

Attention! Information about changing the save location for the game 7 Days To Die is published at the end of this article.

This is dishonest and unfair!!!

Agree that when playing a game that is saved only when you exit, and even on such a theme, you really want to have an “insurance” just in case. And cases can be completely different and unexpected.

Taking into account that this is still an alpha version, completely different situations can cause the death of a character in the game, for example, something as common as a broken leg on a completely flat surface 🙁 . My leg broke, I didn’t have my tire with me, and the trail was attacked by walkers. You'll die, and then you'll drink from the collected loot to the ends of the earth.

This is a kind of injustice, the logical compensation for which could be the opportunity to roll back to the moment “before”.

How did I search? ...ohh, how I searched...

actually found it quickly)))

I launched total commander and in the folder

\Program files\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\

I started searching for all the files that were changed on the day I last launched the game.

As a result, the search gave me only one file: output_log.txt in folder \Program files\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\7DaysToDie_Data\

I opened it in a text editor and for about line 274 I found this entry:

GamePref.SaveGameFolder = C:\Users\* Your USER * \Documents/7 Days To Die/Saves

Going to this folder I found a single folder Random Gen in which our treasured saves are stored, neatly packaged in folders with the names of our recordings.

It’s clear that after the release I’ll stop using this method, but for now it’s the only way.

For version 7 Days To Die 12.0 By 12.4 The saves are here:

c:\Users\*Your USER*\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\

The theme of humanity's survival in a zombie apocalypse has become very popular in modern games. Today we present to your attention the game 7 Days to Die - a guide for beginners that will allow you to survive longer than one day. After all, the game world is fraught with many dangers that an inexperienced survivor is not even aware of.


So, you appear naked and frozen at the starting point of the game 7 Days to Die. The survival guide, which you can find in official sources, recommends immediately going to the cities to find the necessary and valuable materials. However, this tactic is very dangerous and leads to the death of the character in the first 15 minutes of the game. What should be done?

  • Bury yourself as deep as possible. Make yourself a hole, preferably about 20 blocks deep, so the zombies won't hear you. To do this, you will need a pickaxe, which can be found in abandoned cars. Or use someone else’s if the server is not new. By the way, don’t forget about gaming etiquette - if you enter someone else’s home, write to the chat. Don’t take someone else’s if you are sheltered - there are a lot of resources and there will be enough for everyone.
  • Cover at least one side of your sleeping area with a wall. This will allow you to avoid attacks from behind.
  • The more lighting, the better. Enemies need to be seen from afar.
  • If you haven’t had time to set up a den, you can use the roof or attic of the house. But don't forget to leave an escape route and block the main staircase.

In general, the guide will help you get through your first day in 7 Days to Die without any problems. The main thing is to find the first place to spend the night and roughly decide where you will have a base in the future.


One of the main problems that a novice player thinks about is what kind of loot to collect in 7 Days to Die. The guide will answer this question as well. In fact, the game needs everything. If your backpack is completely full, make caches from which you can then drag everything to the base, but under no circumstances throw it away. On the first night you will need the following:

  • Tree. Needed for tools, torches and ladders. It is easiest to mine if the trunk consists of one block. Cut it down and the plant itself will fall to pieces.
  • Earth. When mining, you can get clay, which is used as follows: place the block on the ground and break it again. Repeat this procedure many times. Each time there will be a chance that you will get clay.
  • Stone. You will need a lot of it. But you shouldn't be overzealous. For starters, 60 blocks are enough - for the wall and the stove.
  • Rags. Will be needed for torches. Create a tarp (amwig) from grass and then lay it on the ground. After that, just break it and you will get some rags.
  • You don’t need a lot of food: five or six. The main thing is not to speed up and waste energy.
  • Weapon - club or crossbow. If you're lucky, you'll be able to find a firearm.

Try to disassemble everything that is possible for hardware. You will need it.


You spent the night in a hole in 7 Days to Die. The guide is coming to an end, since the main principles have already been mastered. Anything else worth mentioning?

  • When a new day begins, get out to the surface and destroy all the zombies in the area.
  • Find vegetables and organize a vegetable garden.
  • Build a base. On PVP servers it is better to use a hidden hole. On safe PVE servers, a turret lit from all sides is perfect.

Now you know how to survive the first day in the game 7 Days to Die. The rest is a matter of technique. Accumulate resources, rebuild and try to survive as long as possible.

How to rotate blocks in A16?

Hold down the R button and select the rotation option in the radial menu.

How to change °F (Fahrenheit) to °C (Celsius)?

Open the console (F1), type "settempunit c" and press ENTER.
After this simple manipulation, the temperature in the game will be displayed in degrees Celsius °C (Celsius).

Where can I get iron ore at the very beginning of the game?

1. Use a stone ax to destroy boulders on the surface. They drop in large quantities: iron, stone. In smaller quantities: nitrate, coal, lead.
2. At the very beginning of the game, look around carefully. Maybe you'll be lucky and find your first mine full of iron and other goodies.
3. Under gravel roads you can find iron ore, nitrate, gravel.

Where can I get mechanical parts?

We disassemble with a wrench: Signs, air conditioners, baskets near stores, refrigerators, cars, beds, office chairs.
Beds can be found in hotels, underground bunkers, military camps, and hospitals.

Where can I find a workbench?

The workbench can be found at gas stations. But there is a 50/50 chance that it will be in working order.

Where can I find a chemical laboratory?

In pharmacies, but not often.

Is it possible to kill or spawn a merchant?

You can spawn, just open the console "key F" and enter the command "se".
A list with Entity will appear in the console.
We look at the very bottom of the list in the console and see:
51. traderJoel
52. traderRekt
53. traderBob
54. traderJimmy
55. traderHugh
We look at the number indicating the merchant in the list and remember it. (You will have different numbers.)
Let's say we want to spawn the merchant "Joel" We write in the console se nickname 51

Where to find oil shale?

We are heading into the desert. When we reached the desert. We choose any place and drop down, about 15-19 blocks. You will find shale at this depth.

Which weapon should you choose at the beginning of the game (with further upgrades)?

Clubs, bow. As they say: with all the wealth of choice, there is no other alternative))

Where can I get wheels for a mini bike?

Tires are scattered throughout the game world (mostly near gas stations). We take an ax in our hands and hit the tire. Did it fall out? So you're in luck.

Where can I find a caliper?

Calipers have been removed from the game in Alpha 16.

How to quickly open safes located in a bank vault?

We take a barrel of gasoline and place it at a distance of 4 blocks from the safes. We place the frames behind the barrel. We explode with any ranged weapon. Voila, almost all the safes have been opened. (I think it’s worth adding a screenshot here)

Where can I find/craft upgrade jars for a steel block?

It cannot be found or crafted at the moment; it can only be purchased from a merchant.

How to cut up animals and zombies

For cutting, we use a stone ax at the initial stages, then we move on to a bone knife, which can be made from bone, and then your choice: a steel/iron axe, a machete or an iron knife. With the help of an iron knife, mining is slower, but you can get a little more resources. Accordingly, with the help of an ax or machete, mining is faster, but the output is less.

Where to find or how to craft a machete?

Can be found from zombie bikers or bought from a merchant. You can craft a machete after purchasing the Machete Crafting perk. To purchase this perk, you must have a Weapon Smithing (Perk) level of 7.

Where can I find clay?

Pink-brown spots on the map or in front of you are clay (Lump of Clay or Clay), mined using a stone, iron or steel shovel. Also, in areas with clay there is usually an accumulation of boulders.

What is the best biome to settle in at the beginning of the game?

The forest biome (light green zone on the map) is created for you. Pros: Lots of wood and deer. Cons: none.

What can be made from lead?

From lead in a forge (stove) you can make bullets for cartridges or shot.

Why in some places I can’t break anything, as if someone had branded blocks?

Temporary bug in world surface generation in RandomGane. This bug has been fixed in Alpha 16.

How to achieve 600 durability for items?

Open the workbench and combine 5 items with quality 500 to 600 condition; items with lower quality will require tens of times more)
In Alpha 16, the maximum quality of items that can be obtained when combining on a workbench is limited by the presence of perk levels corresponding to the type of item.

What do I need to upgrade (perks and skills) to be able to make bullets?)

Pumping Gun smithing to the limit.
After perks - 9 mm, 10 mm, 7.62 mm...
To craft cartridges, you will also need a Workbench.

How to craft cement?

What can be combined in the Workbench?

Tools, clothes. Weapons cannot be used, they must first be disassembled into parts and only then the parts of the weapon can be combined. You can combine everything that has quality, but the items must be completely identical, for example, you cannot combine blue and green T-shirts, even though they are similar in shape. Items must be identical in everything except the quality parameter.

How can I find out when a merchant will update a product?

We go to the merchant, click on interaction - a trade window appears. At the top of the window of the items he sells, it will be written after how long the assortment will be updated. (real time is indicated, not game time).

Alpha 16 changes
Biomes have undergone some changes

Gravel "roads" (gravel patches on the map) will indicate the presence of ore underneath them
- Stone in the topsoil of lowland biomes has been replaced with gravel
- In the burned biome you can find areas of fertilized soil, ready for sowing plants
- You can get coal by destroying charred frames of houses and burnt trees
- Potassium nitrate on a surface in the snow biome has been replaced by oil shale and coal
- Potassium nitrate, oil shale and coal can now be found on a surface in a burnt biome
- Added withered trees to the plains biome

How to mine and search for resources

Ore can be mined in different ways:

  • from boulders on the surface
  • from deposits (small piles) on the surface
  • underground
If the first two methods do not require much explanation, then players have difficulty finding resources underground.
All biomes have iron ore and a small chance of finding other ores. If in a15 the spawn of ore depended on clay spots, then in a16 it is easiest to look for ore underground along the gravel patches:
The first image shows the red circles on the map - these are gravel patches. The second image shows what the gravel looks like on the surface.
When you dig up 1 cube of gravel, you will find sand, stone and 1 unit of ore, which is located under the spot. This greatly simplifies the search for ore; now you don’t have to dig like a mole in the hope of finding the treasured vein, but just run along the surface and take samples in different places.
In other words, we dig one cube of gravel, if we come across something other than stone and sand, it means that right under this cube in the depths (usually at a depth of -40 and below) there are deposits of some kind of ore.

Stones on the surface

When extracting resources from boulders, it drops 0-30 coal, potassium nitrate, lead.

Clay and sand / Сlay(Lumps of Clay) and Crushed sand

Clay indicated on the map by brown spots. We take a shovel in our hands and dig.
Lumps of Clay and Clay are almost the same thing. It’s just that one thing is clay extracted from the ground, the other is the same clay baked in a forge.

Sand (crushed sand)The easiest way to get it is near bodies of water or in the desert. The shores and bottom of all reservoirs are sand, but in the desert you will mine sand along with stone.

Iron ore / Iron ore

Metal deposits (iron ore) can be found in any biome in large quantities.


Lead- light blue inclusions.

Potassium Nitrate / Nitrate

There are caves on the map with stalactites and stalagmites from which nitrate is extracted.

Nitrate ores cha most often found closer to mark -57 m.


You can break up piles of smoldering logs, charred shells of houses and burnt trees.

Shale / Oil shale

Oil shale can be obtained in the desert and winter biome. Slate always lies next to inclusions of metal.


Brass Unlike other resources, it cannot be mined, it can only be obtained from scrap or melting down things, these things can be found everywhere - boxes, zombies, cars, etc. Melting in a furnace will give more resources than recycling (scrap).

Precious metals

There's always a small chance of finding precious metals - gold, silver, which can then be sold to a merchant. Usually there are 2-5 pieces, they appear randomly.

Mining in Alpha15
Resource extraction in a15 depended on the biome, i.e. The chance of finding a certain ore in a certain biome was much higher than in a16.

As you well understand, no self-respecting survival game can do without the need to look for food. And even drinking. In 7 Days to Die, you need to hunt for both almost all the time (although, of course, you can stock up on this matter for future use and, until it runs out, do other things, of which there are also plenty).

Cooking is one of the areas of crafting: we have raw materials, we have tools, we combine one with the other and after some time we get the final product, which we consume. Such crafting can vary in complexity.

First, let's figure out why we need to eat and drink at all.

Your condition is described by as many as four indicators, and food and drink can affect any one, or even several at once. The indicators are visible on any of the screenshots in the lower left corner, so there is no need to put a special picture.

Red - health. Everything is as usual: if it reaches zero, then yeah. And unlike many newfangled games, health does not regenerate here by itself. Blue - stamina, better translated as "strength". Its role is interesting: it directly affects the strength of your blow, regardless of what you hit: whether you’re chopping down a tree, or hitting another zombie in the head with a club. When working in a forest or mine, it makes sense to pause and drink water from time to time. This restores strength. A green indicator with a fork indicates satiety. Again, everything is simple: if it reaches zero, you will begin to lose health. Well, blue is, to put it better, hydration. Unfortunately, I can’t think of a word that means a concept strictly opposite to the concept of “thirst.”

Let’s immediately talk about food that doesn’t need to be cooked at all.

These are blueberries and cactus fruits (I cut down a cactus in the desert and got one of these). You can eat them right away, just by picking them up from the ground - and not have any negative consequences from this. True, they provide very little in terms of saturation. It is more beneficial to use blueberries as an ingredient in making blueberry pie - you will eat much better with them. There is also some other snack that can be consumed as is, but we will talk about it a little later.

Continuing the topic of ready-made food, let's talk about canned food. All kinds of canned food (even cat food) are often found in various abandoned places. They don't seem to be spoiled - you can gobble them up on the spot and not get hurt. In addition, sometimes they are dropped from the air. Yes, the game also has such a feature: sometimes a plane flies over (how often can be set in the settings) and drops containers on parachutes. You can find a lot of different things in such containers, but you will almost always find a few cans in there.

After you have refreshed yourself with canned food, you will have an empty can in your inventory. It can be melted down. Canned food has one more important quality, which we will also talk about later.

And finally, something very exotic: say, if you kill a giant hornet, a jar of honey may fall out of it. Glass.

There are things that almost no need to cook. Let's say, yucca juice, extracted in the same desert biome. You need a yucca flower and an empty jar; The first is squeezed into the second - and that’s it, you can drink. Some even claim that this juice replaces water in the desert. This is wrong. You can really get drunk with yucca; it perfectly restores strength and even a little satiety. However, most types of crafting require drinking water and it is impossible to replace it with anything. So first let’s talk about water.

There are quite a few sources of water: rivers, lakes, and in the snowy biome - even snow.

In the biome of the burnt forest there is an absolutely wonderful source. Houses have burned down, zombies are hanging around everywhere, but the sewer system continues to work like clockwork. American quality. Halle-up! -- we collect water from the surviving toilet:

All sources, as one, provide the so-called “muddy water”. If you drink this, you will almost certainly catch dysentery - at the first stage, uncompromising diarrhea begins: you lose strength. This can also be cured with goldenrod flower tea. At the second stage, bloody diarrhea begins - you quickly lose strength, and along the way, your health (that is, you can already die from this). This cannot be cured with tea; antibiotics are needed. Much to the chagrin of fans of the game, diarrhea itself is not displayed in any way and does not provide any additional effects. Ideas have been proposed on various forums: diarrhea should give off a smell that attracts zombies. This immediately met with an objection: on the contrary, it was better to run away. And so on. You know, you can gush out jokes and brilliant ideas on the topic of shit almost endlessly.

In short, in order to make drinking water out of muddy water, it must be boiled. I won't go into detail about this because boiling is no different from any other cooking we'll get to. And after drinking water, you get an empty glass jar in your inventory. It can be used an unlimited number of times.

But the most important food in the game is, of course, MEAT! Vegans and wildlife conservationists can go make out with zombies. And everyone else takes up arms and goes hunting, since meat can only be obtained there. Although no, sometimes it comes across in ruins, but so rarely that it can’t be counted.

It would be nice to attach a corresponding screenshot here, but here, unfortunately, the situation is like that of the dog Sharik - first you spend half a day chasing a hare to photograph it, and then another half a day to give the photo back. Finding a deer, pig or rabbit on the spot, which are the sources of raw meat in the game, purely to take a screenshot is quite difficult. Perhaps, when I come across them along the way, I’ll take a screenshot and add them to this post.

Hunting is not difficult - mainly due to the stupidity of the animal AI. A deer, having received a crossbow bolt, runs away a decent distance, but after that it stops, not reacting to all the subsequent bolts that fly into its ass - until it falls dead. Here you need to quickly run up to it (all those killed in 7 Days to Die have the unpleasant property of disappearing too quickly; this is perhaps one of the most serious oversights of the developers) and collect everything that is on it. Except for dice, which are practically not needed in the game.

Eating raw meat and eggs immediately causes food poisoning - an instant drop in strength, health and hydration, and then an additional drain of health due to the food poisoning debuff. If your health has not been good before, then things may end very badly. But satiety will increase, because you still filled your belly. Which, however, is a very so-so consolation.

But there are culinary paths in the game for vegans with defenders. I'm talking about farming, of course. Here this word means something completely different than in other games. Here's what:

This is a potato. And in the foreground are coffee bushes. To plant them, you need seeds (they are not so rare to find in limited quantities). Then you need to find fertile soil (sand will not work) and loosen it with a hoe (you need to find or make a hoe). Well, then you plant it. In older versions of the game, all this also had to be watered, but now this has been abandoned - and in my opinion, for the better.

The bushes grow completely in about a day, provided that sunlight falls on them normally (they will not grow underground). Then you can harvest. Each potato plant produces three tubers, each of which can be divided into four parts and replanted. With this progression, you quickly find yourself overwhelmed with potatoes. The situation is similar with other cultures. In general, you can grow blueberries, corn, potatoes and coffee. In the latest versions, you can also plant seeds of some trees, organizing a forest in your name. I really don't do that. I don’t grow corn either, but the reason is simple: in the very center of the map where I’m currently playing the game, there is a farm with a monstrous, unimaginably sized corn field. Even if the whole place is loaded with corn, it won’t decrease much.

So, we have all the ingredients - it’s time to cook something to eat.

The real food is cooked over a fire. The fire is made of stones; in the game you will also have to build it on the first day. Next, three components are required: fuel, utensils, and those same ingredients.

Almost anything that burns can be used as fuel. Even bird feathers (although they will burn for a very short time). It is important here not to throw into the fire what can be used in a better way. When I fueled the fire with books, I didn’t yet know that books provide paper, and paper is an important component for making explosives and shotgun shells.

The utensils determine what you actually succeed. It could be a stick (works like something between a skewer and a skewer), a grill grate (in general, it works more like a frying pan; it’s hard for me to imagine how to fry fried eggs on a grate), a saucepan (well, everything is clear here) and beaker (needed for making alcohol and antibiotics; antibiotics are made from moldy bread).

Well, in general it looks like this:

You can prepare a lot of food at once. It does not deteriorate over time.

Each dish can affect several parameters at once. For example, venison stew (one of the best edible things in the game) restores health, satiety and water at once. And it restores well. But baked venison, while restoring satiety, on the contrary, increases thirst. So it is advisable to wash it down with something.

Well, one last thing. Smells. Many dishes have a strong smell - and zombies flock to this smell. Moreover, if the dish is placed not in a backpack, but in a quick access slot (on the belt, that is), then the smell will disperse further. Raw meat, corn and potatoes also smell. It makes sense to decide right away who you are going to hunt - either animals or the walking dead. In the second case, canned food (which is what I intended to say) and, oddly enough, scrambled eggs and bacon (a very satisfying thing and yet for some reason does not smell of anything at all) acquire special importance.

The most unusual thing about all this is that although in my description, getting food may look like an extremely tedious routine, in fact it is quite an interesting activity, quite enlivening the game, even if there is not a single zombie on the horizon. This is such a paradox.

Something like this. Tell me about crafting in general?

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