The essay “The formation of the character of Nikolenka Irtenyev (based on the story by L. N.

With the death of her mother, the happy time of childhood ended for Nikolenka. “Oh, dear, dear mother, how I love you...” And the mother loved her son very dearly. He remembers her love and tenderness. The room is semi-dark. He wakes up, his mother caresses him and tickles him. He hears her smell, her voice. All this makes Nikolenka jump up, hug her mother, and cuddle up to her. The boy loved his parents very much. He used to stand in front of the icons and say: “Lord, save daddy and mummy.” But often Nikolenka did not understand and was afraid of his father. Pyotr Aleksandrovich Irtenyev had little interest in his son, so the boy could not have a heart-to-heart talk with him. But his heart overflowed with tenderness when he thought about his teacher Karl Ivanovich. He felt sorry for the old teacher when Pyotr Alexandrovich wanted to count him out. Unlike his father, the boy understood that Karl Ivanovich, who had lived in their house for many years, had nowhere to go. Nikolenka thought: “God grant him happiness, give me the opportunity to help him, ease his grief; I’m ready to sacrifice everything for him.”

There was a man in the Irteniev family who loved Nikolenka and wished him only the best. He didn’t yet understand that he was treating Natalya Savvishna unworthy. The thoughts and feelings of Nikolenka, whom Natalya Savvishna punished for soiling the tablecloth, are imbued with lordly arrogance. "How! Natalya Savvishna, just Natalya, you tell me, and she also hits me in the face with a wet tablecloth, like a yard boy!..” However, this was a fleeting flash of anger. The boy treats her with tenderness, and when she dies, he comes to her grave and bows to the ground. And nearby is the mother’s grave. And Nikolenka thinks about these women: “...did Providence really only connect me with these two creatures in order to forever make me regret them?..” Material from the site

Nikolenka became very attached to his peer Seryozha Ivlev. However, he was embarrassed to express his feelings: “... sometimes I really wanted to take him by the hand, to say how glad I was to see him, but I didn’t even dare to call him Seryozha, and certainly Sergey: that’s how it was with us.” However, Nikolenka soon realized that this boy was unworthy of his love. This happened after the guys led by Seryozha cruelly treated Ilenka Grap, the son of a poor foreigner. He was a quiet, kind, helpful boy. After bullying Grap, Nikolenka reproached himself for being cowardly, wanting to please Seryozha, and not standing up for Ilenka.

Only in adulthood, remembering the happy days of childhood, Nikolai Irtenyev thinks with regret: “We deprived ourselves of the pure pleasures of tender childhood affection due to only one strange desire to imitate the big ones.”

What will Nikolenka be like? Without knowing the further history of his life, we can say that he will be a decent person, a man of honor, with self-esteem, who knows how to sympathize and empathize.

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Answers (2)

    Irtenev Nikolenka (Nikolai Petrovich) is the main character on whose behalf the story is told. Nobleman, count. From a noble aristocratic family. The image is autobiographical. The trilogy shows the process of internal growth and development of N.’s personality, his relationships with people around him and the world, the process of comprehending reality and himself, the search for mental balance and the meaning of life. N. appears before the reader through his perception of different people with whom his life one way or another encounters him.

    "Childhood". In the story N. is ten years old. Among his dominant traits are shyness, which causes the hero a lot of suffering, the desire to be loved and introspection. The hero knows that he does not shine with his appearance and even moments of despair come over him: it seems to him “that there is no happiness on earth for a man with such a wide nose, thick lips and small gray eyes.” The acquaintance with the hero occurs at the moment of his awakening, when his tutor Karl Ivanovich wakes him up. Already here, in the first scene of the story, one of the main features of Tolstoy’s writing is manifested - psychological analysis, the famous “dialectics of the soul”, which N. G. Chernyshevsky wrote about in an article dedicated to the trilogy and war stories of Tolstoy and which will be developed in his future essays. Several large (mother's death, moving to Moscow and the village) and small (grandmother's birthday, guests, games, first loves and friendships, etc.) events take place in the story, thanks to which the writer manages to look deeper into the soul of the hero.

    Nikolenka Irtenyev gives the impression of a cheerful, kind, well-mannered boy. There are many of them around. The boy's kindness can be judged by his attitude towards his mother. How can a callous, angry, selfish person so passionately confess his love to his mother? But Nikolenka could. He could “wrap his arms around her neck, press his head to her chest and, gasping for breath, say: “Oh, dear, dear mother, how I love you!” And how bitterly the boy cries, for a moment imagining that his mother might leave him. He then He reads prayers for a long, long time and asks God: “God save daddy and mummy.” The boy’s good character also manifests itself during games with other children, although he always tries to suppress his sympathy for the weak and sick Ilenka Grap in order to be present. similar to his idol - Seryozha Ivin. But we still notice this sympathy. Nikolenka Irtenyev cannot be called an extraordinary boy. His behavior is no different from that of his peers. On the contrary, he is capable of offending someone dear in a fit of anger. a person can spill kvass at the table, he loves to dream, and even out loud... But his resentment does not turn into anger, rudeness is immediately replaced by affection. And he naively dreams of what seems good to him: “When I become a general, I will get married. on a wonderful beauty, I’ll buy myself a red horse, build a glass house and send Karl Ivanovich’s relatives out of Saxony.”

Nikolai Petrovich Irtenyev is the main character of L.N. Tolstoy’s story “Childhood,” a ten-year-old boy from a noble family. This is a cheerful, kind and well-mannered boy who grows up in love and care. Not only his parents take part in his upbringing, but also his nanny Natalya Savishna and teacher Karl Ivanovich. He loves his parents very much and is proud of them. In his eyes, these are the most beautiful and sincerely loving people. For him, his mother is the source of everything beautiful. When he thinks about her, he always imagines her kind smile and the sweet sounds of her voice. Nikolenka’s love for her mother was akin to love for God.

Feelings for the people around him occupy a special place in his life. The boy's good disposition also manifests itself when playing with the neighboring children. He sympathizes with the sickly Ilenko Grap from a poor family. In the village he treats Katenka with love, in Moscow he is literally in love with Sonechka Valakhina. He likes to meet new children, for example, the Ivins' relatives. Nikolenka Irtenyev is a peculiar boy, even an extraordinary one. He learned early to distinguish falsehood and does not like deception. He is contradictory and observant by nature. He wrote poems for his grandmother's birthday and was very excited when they were read out loud.

He remembers the happy time spent in the village with both longing and a smile. Nikolenka's childhood ended with the death of her mother. Having lost the most beloved person in the world, he stopped being small. The Irtenyev family moved to Moscow, but every time he was in the village, he visited his mother’s grave.

- creator of the story “Childhood”. The main character in it is Nikolenka Irtenev. The author introduces readers to the boy's early years, revealing the character's personality and worldview and assessing his actions. It is not without reason that the writer created such a touching image. The character's characteristics coincided with his personal character and biography.

Nikolenka Irtenyev is among the curious young heroes, such as Ilyusha Snegirev, Kolya Krasotkin and.

History of creation

Tolstoy, like many writers, kept a diary. In it, the Count wrote down thoughts, dreams, and moral lessons that life taught him. The writer was not always the same as readers remember. He acquired the image of a venerable old man preaching life in the world and love of God after many years of reflection and creativity. The story “Childhood,” published in 1852, became Tolstoy’s first work.

Nikolenka, or rather Nikolai Petrovich Irtenyev, becomes the main character of the story and the trilogy to which it gave rise. The works “Childhood”, “Adolescence”, “Youth” describe the life of the hero. The character is autobiographical, and with his help Tolstoy answers questions that he repeatedly asked himself.

Illustration for Tolstoy's story "Childhood"

Nikolenka is a representative of an aristocratic family. The child is 10 years old. He is a count, and his upbringing corresponds to the highest standards of secular society. The boy is looking for peace of mind and the meaning of life, developing as a person. His inner world is rich. He changed after the terrible event that befell the boy's family.

The narration is told in the first person. In this way, the author makes it possible to understand that the events discussed were important to him and taken from real life.

The story "Childhood"

The author introduces the main character in the very first lines of the story. The reader sees a sleeping boy, for whom his mentor tirelessly watches. The boy grows up in comfortable conditions. Despite the spoilage and quirks typical of a barchuk, he shows kindness of heart and tender feelings towards others. The story introduces the audience to the first years of Nikolenka’s life.

We get the opportunity to form an idea of ​​the conditions in which a new generation of landowners and representatives of secular society was raised. The immorality and hypocrisy propagated in society are obvious in the example of a particular family.

Nikolenka Irtenev is not at all handsome. He has a large nose and plump lips, small eyes, and cowlicks sticking out at the back of his head. Appearance is important for a child, so he worries about shortcomings and often prays to God to send him beauty. Unpleasant traits are also noted by the adults around the child, even the closest person, the mother. She also talks about the boy’s spiritual beauty.

Nikolenka is distinguished by a quarrelsome character and a flaring feeling of envy, but the boy is gentle and affectionate with his loved ones, conscientious and kind to others. Positive traits favor the hero. He is always ashamed of his misdeeds and wrong thoughts. Remorse and remorse that overtake a child become a punishment for him. And I want to believe that the boy will try to behave better. He is not faced with a choice of profession, but the boy makes the life choice that is available to the hero every day, relying on his own feelings.

The contradictory personality of the main character is manifested in his actions and relationships with other characters in the story. The child studied at home. Nikolenka's mentor, a German who came to try his luck in Russia, evokes sympathy and pity in the boy.

Nikolenka wants to sacrifice for the sake of her beloved teacher, and he tries in every possible way to show his love. Sometimes he has breakdowns, and at such moments he gets angry and scolds at his older friend and teacher, is insolent and curses the German for a bad grade, a difficult exam or a reprimand. The boy is quickly overwhelmed by remorse, and he tries to obey.

Nikolenka’s character is also manifested in her friendship with Ilenka Grap, a sickly and modest peer from a failed family. Ilenka tolerated communication with the Irtenyevs, counting on subsequent patronage, and the master's children mocked the quiet boy and sometimes even beat him. He was brought to tears. This sin will torment Nikolenka’s soul for many years. He believed that he should have stood up for Ilenka, but he never did this, egged on by the older guys.

The main character, although distinguished by noble spiritual qualities, cannot hide his arrogance and arrogance. The boy understands perfectly well what status is expected for him, and what position Karl Ivanovich and. This could not be avoided, because from a young age the child heard that he was the master’s son. He realized that he was better than others due to his origin, and therefore worthy of respect. A sense of superiority in those years was instilled in children from an early age, so Nikolenka cannot be blamed for the formation of such a consciousness.

Trouble comes to any home. The death of the mother became a turning point in the child's life. His life was not as sweet as it seemed. The older brother mocked him, his friend, Dmitry Nekhlyudov, did not understand, his parents did not provide the necessary warmth and care, and the only bright image in his life was condemned to disappear. Nikolenka was not shy about his mother and loved her very much.

The main characters of the story "Childhood"

He often spent time with her, so her responsiveness and kindness were passed on to him. Maman's death struck the child and caused him deep emotional trauma. Although he cried for her, feeling sorry for himself, showing selfishness and pride.

Tolstoy, using the example of Nikolenka Irtenyev, showed the formation of the inner world of a person, described events that leave a mark on the soul and shape views on life. Through the hero, he describes his own experiences and the path to the person he became at the time of writing the work.


“I continued to cry, and the thought that my tears proved my sensitivity gave me pleasure and joy...”
“...I imagined that there was no happiness on earth for a person with such a wide nose, thick lips and small gray eyes as me...”
“...You used to remember about Karl Ivanovich and his bitter fate - the only person I knew who was unhappy - and you would feel so sorry, you would love him so much that tears would flow from your eyes, and you would think: “God grant him happiness, give him happiness.” I have the opportunity to help him, to ease his grief; I’m ready to sacrifice everything for him.”

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