What did the Germans find in Antarctica? New Swabia: the secret base of the Third Reich in Antarctica

It is still said that Nazi Germany was not completely destroyed in 1945. Some of Hitler’s followers managed to escape to the ends of the world, to Antarctica, where a secret base 211 called “New Swabia” was created in a system of underground karst tunnels and caves of the sixth continent. It was possible to get into the new German state only by submarine. From the land side, reconnaissance aircraft and surface ships saw and still see only a thick ice shell and black coastal rocks...

The son of Nizhny Novgorod scientist Arkady Nikolaev, the first in the world to reach Antarctica's Pole of Inaccessibility in 1958, told us that there might be a secret Nazi facility at the southernmost point of the Earth.

Do you think my father was sent to the Pole to erect a bust of Lenin there? – Andrey Nikolaev voiced his version. – It’s hard to believe. Thirteen years after the war, when the country was still half in ruins, for some reason colossal funds were suddenly invested in my father’s expedition. He led his team into the center of Antarctica in all-terrain vehicles at a speed of 5 km/h, risking falling into ice cracks several kilometers deep. Behind them they dragged a sleigh with diesel fuel weighing thirty tons. Two people died from lung burns because they jumped out of the cockpits of all-terrain vehicles without special monkey fur masks. Two planes were washed into the ocean off the coast. What are these sacrifices for? I do not rule out that the expedition to the Pole was a cover, but in fact the USSR, like our other allies in World War II, was looking for traces of a Nazi base there.

As it turned out, this version has serious grounds...

An oasis in the ice.

The first to speak about the secret Nazi base was the German Hans-Ulrich von Kranz. He managed to find a former SS officer, scientist Olaf Weizsäcker: this man, it turns out, saw the base with his own eyes! In 1938, Weizsäcker arrived there as a research scientist, and in 1945 as a refugee, fleeing with other members of the SS order.
Von Kranz found Weizsäcker in Argentina. The result of this meeting, as well as many years of independent research, was Kranz’s sensational book entitled “Swastika in the Ice.”
...The Germans began exploring Antarctica in 1938, when German reconnaissance planes flew over the continent. Photographing the area from the air, German scientists, among whom was Olaf Weizsäcker, discovered oases with warm lakes, free of snow and covered with vegetation, among the eternal snow. There they found the ruins of two ancient cities, the inscriptions on the walls of which resembled runic ones. These stunning discoveries, which were immediately classified by the intelligence services of the Third Reich, changed the world's view of Antarctica as a dead country of eternal ice and terrible cold.
But the most interesting thing was not outside, but inside.
According to Weizsäcker, the water in the Amudsen Sea turned out to be several degrees warmer than in other surrounding waters - and warm springs bubbled up from the shore. To study this phenomenon, on Hitler’s personal order, five new submarines were sent. Arriving in Antarctica, one of them dived under a rock and found herself in a system of caves connected to each other by deep freshwater lakes, so warm that you could even swim in them. Above the underground lakes, another tier of caves was discovered, but completely dry and suitable for habitation. Many of them contained traces of ancient human activity - reliefs on the walls, obelisks and steps carved into the rocks. It was a vast, habitable underground world.
It must be said that Adolf Hitler believed in the ancient theory of the hollow earth, which is that inside the globe, like a nesting doll in a nesting doll, there are several lands and civilizations that may be significantly superior to us in development. This idea was completely contrary to orthodox science that the earth consists of a continuous layer of crust, mantle and core.
Hitler took the report on the underground kingdom of Antarctica as confirmation of his theory and decided to build a system of secret cities there, later called New Swabia.
I’m going to Antarctica, and ore to Germany.

And so huge transport submarines crawled across the entire Atlantic Ocean, transporting supplies of food, clothing, medicine, weapons and ammunition, mining equipment, rails, sleepers, trolleys, and cutters for tunneling to New Swabia. The boats went back to Germany loaded with minerals.
“In 1940, rich deposits of rare earth metals were discovered on the territory of Ellsworth Land. From that moment on, New Swabia ceased to be an extremely costly project for Germany and began to bring tangible benefits, writes von Kranz. -The situation with rare earth metals in Germany still surprises many historians. The Reich did not have its own deposits; the reserves accumulated by 1939 should have lasted for a maximum of two years. By all accounts, German tank production should have completely stopped in the summer of 1941. However, this did not happen. Where did the Germans get the most important raw materials? The answer is obvious: from the Ice Continent!”
According to von Kranz, by 1941 the population of the underground city reached ten thousand people. He was already fully self-sufficient in food - a huge oasis with a fertile soil layer of five thousand kilometers, which was called the “Garden of Eden,” was discovered a hundred kilometers from the coast. By the end of 1943, construction of a shipyard for repairing submarines was completed in the karst caves. “The scale of the enterprise was such that mass production of submarines could easily be established there.” Several metallurgical and mechanical engineering enterprises already operated in New Swabia.
And in 1945, the base became the last refuge for the Nazis.

Entire factories disappeared.

After the surrender of Germany, it turned out that many submarines had disappeared in an unknown direction. The winning side did not find them anywhere - neither on the ocean floor, nor in the ports. Most likely, they sailed far to the south...
“In total, about 150 submarines were prepared for the great exodus,” writes von Kranz. -A third of them were transport vehicles with a fairly large capacity. In total, more than 10 thousand people could be accommodated on board the submarine fleet. In addition, relics and valuable technologies were sent overseas.”
According to him, the submarines of the dying empire took with them its “brains” - biologists, specialists in rocketry, nuclear physics and aircraft construction. The winners did not get the most advanced achievements in the field of high technology. Meanwhile, on the eve of the defeat in Germany, atomic bombs, jet aircraft, and ballistic missiles V-1, V-2 and V-3 were developed. The latter was capable of reaching a height considered to be outer space.
It is now reliably known that “by the end of the war in Germany there were nine research enterprises that were developing projects for flying disks,” that is, flying saucers or airplanes with a circular wing. Where did these developments go?
While working in the archives, von Kranz discovered the names of several factories that produced high-tech products and which disappeared into obscurity after the war. “They were all evacuated by personal order of Martin Bormann in January-April 1945 to northern Germany,” he writes. “Obviously, their further path lay across the entire Atlantic Ocean to the land of eternal ice.”
It turns out that valuable trophies never went to the victorious allies.

Impregnable Antarctica..

Humanity tried three times to find base 211. And all three times these attempts tragically ended in death and disappearance of people. Von Kranz describes them in detail in the book “Swastika in the Ice.”
In 1947, an impressive American squadron of 14 ships set off to the shores of Antarctica in search of a Nazi base. In addition to the flagship aircraft carrier, it consisted of thirteen destroyers, more than twenty airplanes and helicopters and five thousand personnel. The operation was called "High Jump", which in reality turned out to be not high at all.
While flying over the coast, one of his American pilots spotted a mining quarry. A detachment of five hundred people went to this place on heavy all-terrain vehicles with air support from several aircraft. Suddenly, fighters with crosses on their wings appeared in the sky, and the landing party was destroyed in a few minutes: burning planes and all-terrain vehicles were all that remained of it. Then one of the US ships was blown up - a column of water rose in its place. And then they used... flying saucers!
“They silently rushed between the ships, like some kind of satanic blue-black swallows with blood-red beaks, and continuously spat murderous fire,” recalled expedition member John Syerson many years later. - The whole nightmare lasted about twenty minutes. When the flying saucers dived under the water again, we began to count our losses. They were terrifying."
The torn squadron returned to America...
The next victims were members of the expedition of Jacques-Yves Cousteau. On the ship "Calypso" in 1973, its crew went to Queen Maud Land with the unofficial task of the French intelligence services - to find traces of base 211. Cousteau's scuba divers discovered an underwater entrance to the underground caves and made their way there. But all five people died in one of the tunnels. The expedition had to be urgently curtailed.
The Russians were the third to pay for their curiosity. We have already mentioned the 1958 expedition - it discovered nothing. Nova went on a search in the late 70s, when aerial photographs appeared that showed large oases in Antarctica, free of snow and inhabited by people. A group of researchers was sent to one of them. Ours set up camp in the oasis, and then tried to get into the mine leading into the earth. At that moment there was a powerful explosion and three people were killed.
And a few days later, all the other members of the expedition disappeared without a trace...
Since then, world powers have stopped bothering the mysterious inhabitants of the Ice Continent. A natural question arises: does the base of the Third Reich exist now?
“Even today there is no definite answer, but there are more than enough indirect answers,” says our historian Vadim Telitsyn in his book “Hitler in Antarctica.” “Radar stations of the US Air Force, Argentina and Chile very often record “flying discs”, “cylinders” and other “geometric figures” plying from one tip of Antarctica to the other.”
So, it is possible that the Third Reich is still thriving in the dungeons of Antarctica...

Subglacial lakes, rivers - life?

It would seem, what mysteries and secrets can be discovered on a continent where over 99 percent of the territory is covered with a layer of ice up to four kilometers thick, the average temperature even in the summer months ranges from -30 to -50 degrees, there is practically no vegetation, and the animal world is represented only by living on the coast with penguins and seals? In addition, Antarctica has been under the supervision of scientists for almost a hundred years; there are dozens of scientific stations operating here, and the inhabitants of Chile and Argentina live with entire families in villages. However, Antarctica hides many secrets. But it can be quite difficult to uncover them, sometimes it takes decades.
There are a number of giant subglacial lakes in Antarctica. For example, Lake Vostok is located 480 kilometers from the South Pole. In area it is not inferior to a lake like Onega. The thickness of the ice above the lake is from 3.5 to 4.5 kilometers, its greatest depth is 1200 meters, and in the area of ​​​​the Russian Antarctic station "Vostok" located just above it - 680 meters. Scientists around the world consider the study of this unique lake one of the most interesting and intractable scientific problems of the early 21st century.
During a satellite scan of the sixth continent, researchers discovered strange changes in the size of giant subglacial lakes. Thus, the water level in one of them increased by three meters, while in the other two it decreased noticeably. It would be quite simple to explain this phenomenon if the distance between the reservoirs hidden in the ice did not exceed 290 kilometers. Trying to solve this mystery of nature, scientists came to the conclusion that under Antarctica there may be a whole system of subglacial rivers that connect huge lakes hidden from human eyes. Moreover, these rivers must be large enough to “transfer” almost two cubic kilometers of water from two reservoirs to a third over a distance of 290 kilometers in just 16 months.
Scientists have long been “hunting” for microorganisms that could theoretically live in subglacial lakes in Antarctica. These bodies of water are also called “time capsules,” because possible life in them must have remained isolated since the surface of the sixth continent began to be covered with ice. Ice from Lake Vostok can change many scientific ideas of mankind.
The study of ice, as well as the upcoming study of the waters of Lake Vostok, will play a huge role in building a scenario for natural climate change in the coming millennia and studying life on the planet.
Two species of bacteria unknown to science have already been discovered in columns of ice raised from a distance of several hundred meters from the surface of the reservoir. Some biologists believe that Lake Vostok still contains living creatures from the times of giant ferns and dinosaurs, since the water temperature there can reach +18 degrees.
Interestingly, data obtained from American orbital satellites showed that above the water surface of the lake there is a cavity covered with an ice dome 800 meters high, and instruments recorded high magnetic activity there.
Recently, at the Vostok station, biologists from the St. Petersburg Institute of Nuclear Physics analyzed a core taken from the deep layers of ice covering the lake. A bacterium was discovered in it that can live at a temperature of +55 degrees. It turns out that the lake once had such a temperature. Or maybe there still is today. So, the hypothesis that the water under the ice is somehow heated by, say, geysers, doesn’t look so fantastic?

Mysterious East.

According to the head of the Vostok station, Valery Lukin, in recent years an ultra-deep well has been drilled into the ice, and about 130 meters remain to the water surface of the lake. But they are afraid to drill further: if the drill “plunges” into the water, then there is a high probability of introducing ordinary earthly dirt into this giant “flask”, sealed millions of years ago. Nobody knows where this will lead. Maybe some terrestrial bacteria will destroy all life in the lake - fish, shellfish... But a sterile drill does not yet exist. And what will “break out” of the lake to the surface and what consequences it will cause is also unknown. After all, there is no guarantee that creatures or microbes that people on Earth have never encountered will not appear from Lake Vostok!
NASA tested a special robot for ultra-deep ice drilling at the South Pole. It was created to study glaciers on Europa, a satellite of Jupiter. Europe is also covered with a many-kilometer layer of ice, underneath there is water, and the temperature on the surface of the planet is below -70 degrees. Almost Lake Vostok, only in space. The ice caps of Mars are also similar to the East. And maybe there is life under the ice layers on both Europa and Mars?
The author of the article “Cryobot Explores Antarctica,” published in the American magazine Space, claims that this robot has already dived into the glacier at the South Pole several times and reached a depth of 1226 meters.
In general, there are all kinds of rumors about Lake Vostok, even among polar explorers. Rumor has it that there is an alien ship in it, that the lake is home to waterfowl lizards that have long disappeared from the surface of the Earth and some other ancient monsters.
Scientists call all these arguments philistine speculation. But they themselves cannot yet answer many questions.
“What’s interesting about Lake Vostok,” says Al Sutherland, head of the American expedition at the McMurdo Antarctic station, “is that any discovery associated with it will raise many more questions than it will answer. Lukin and Sutherland meet often and always begin the conversation by discussing the problems of Lake Vostok, but they talk about them very sparingly to others. Various countries are increasingly classifying work related to penetrating the secrets of this unique formation, “hidden” under the ice of Antarctica.
Until 2000, on the American side, an international team of scientists was engaged in research on the lake, but then the US National Security Administration took over the reins. NASA media relations spokeswoman Deborah Schingteller said the change was dictated by national security concerns. Immediately after these words, one of the NASA managers took a place in front of the microphone, clarifying that “the research was interrupted to ensure the environmental safety of the environment.” Since then, none of the journalists have been able to contact Deborah Schingteller and find out what kind of security she had in mind...
So what is under the ice shell of Antarctica that can so attract government circles in the United States and Russia that they send scientific expeditions, equipped with expensive and even classified equipment, to the Lake Vostok area one after another?
According to information published in foreign sources, in February 2000, two groups of scientists, carrying out a joint research program funded by the US and British governments, intended to lower special probes equipped with various sensors into the waters of the lake. But suddenly they received instructions to stop all work on the program. There was no explanation for this.
In connection with the above, some researchers of mysterious natural phenomena and the secrets of history are discussing the possibility of the existence in Antarctica - on its surface or under the ice cover - of a secret UFO base or German Nazis (!), and some believe that one does not exclude the other.
As for the last two assumptions, even with the most skeptical attitude towards UFOs, the idea of ​​​​the existence of a fascist base in Antarctica seems even more fantastic, if not downright absurd. But perhaps we shouldn’t rush to such conclusions...

Uranus on Queen Maud Earth.

In 1961, a significant event occurred in the official history of Antarctica - uranium deposits were officially discovered in its depths. And not just deposits, but entire deposits comparable in importance to reserves throughout the world, with the richest ores located in Queen Maud Land, which the Nazis wanted to colonize. Many years have passed since then, and the development of mineral resources in Antarctica is prohibited by the provisions of the famous 1959 Treaty. According to some estimates, the percentage of uranium in Antarctic ore is at least 30 percent - this is a full third more than in the world's richest deposits in the Congo, from which the United States for many years drew "explosives" for its atomic and nuclear arsenals. In 1938, the problem with enriched uranium was not as acute as in the post-war years, but exploration of uranium deposits was still carried out. In Europe and America there were practically no such sources.
The Germans, despite Hitler’s open disdain for the new type of weapon, realized earlier than many that European uranium sources were of little use for the mass production of an atomic bomb, since the uranium content in the existing ore was too insignificant; even the emergency construction of enrichment plants could not solve the problem. On the eve of a major European war, it would be unreasonable to count on African deposits, and that’s when it was decided to probe the “no man’s continent” - Antarctica.
Having rummaged through the collection of rock samples brought from Antarctica by the German polar explorer Wilhelm Filchner in 1912, the head of the Nazi “atomic project”, Dr. Werner Heisenberg, quite reasonably suggested that the bowels of Dronning Maud Land may contain rich reserves of high-quality uranium. Intoxicated by his victories in Europe, Hitler easily allowed himself to be persuaded by Himmler, Goering and Raeder to agree to send an equipped expedition to distant Antarctica in search of the mythical “roots”. At the celebration marking the completion of the building of the new Reich Chancellery, Hitler said smugly: “Oh well! If in this divided and re-divided Europe a couple of states can be annexed to the Reich in a few days, then no problems are foreseen with Antarctica, even less so...” (In Stanss. “I Heard Hitler.” 1989)
The decision to annex Dronning Maud Land - Norwegian possessions in eastern Antarctica - was made by the German command back in May 1940, shortly after the surrender of Norway. For this purpose, a special military unit was formed under the command of General Alfred Richter. There is information that the Germans had plans to land on Queen Maud Land since 1938 and even came up with a name for this territory in advance: New Swabia. Allegedly, even then Richter flew over it in a small plane and dropped several dozen pennants with swastikas, demonstrating complete disregard for international agreements on the division of Antarctica. And in 1941, the Germans actually landed in Antarctica, in what they believed were former Norwegian possessions, and founded their Oasis station there in an area now known as the Bungera Oasis, named after the American pilot who discovered him in 1946. "Oases" are areas of land free of ice.
The Germans settled here thoroughly. In 1943, Grand Admiral Karl Doenitz dropped a very remarkable phrase: “The German submarine fleet is proud of having created an impregnable fortress for the Fuhrer on the other side of the world.” This most likely means that from 1938 to 1943 the Nazis were building a secret base in Antarctica. To transport goods, mainly submarines from the secret formation "Fuhrer Convoy" were used.

Expedition "High Jump"

Indirect confirmation of this assumption can be the events associated with the “Antarctic activities” of Richard Byrd, an American admiral, polar explorer, pilot, and leader of four Antarctic expeditions. The fourth of them, which took place in 1946-1947, was the most grandiose and mysterious.
In terms of its scale, this expedition, codenamed “High Jump,” was more reminiscent of a military invasion operation. Thirteen US Navy ships took part, including an aircraft carrier, icebreakers, a tanker and a submarine. Air assets included 15 heavy-duty aircraft, long-range reconnaissance aircraft, helicopters and flying boats. The personnel composition of this “scientific” expedition is curious. It included 25 scientists and... 4,100 marines, soldiers and officers! The expedition was approved by the US Congress and financed by the country's government, and it was led by the Navy Department.
Official American propaganda never tired of repeating that the expedition pursued exclusively scientific goals. But then why, as Chilean and Argentine journalists claimed, did the Americans “have serious problems landing on the coast of Antarctica”? And why did the “scientists” under the command of Admiral Byrd undertake a 200-kilometer forced march across the entire eastern part of the continent? What (or who) were they looking for there? Perhaps, at the Oasis base station in New Swabia, as well as on the Baltic coast of Poland, the Germans created and tested their super-secret weapon of retaliation V-7 - supersonic discos driven by rocket and possibly nuclear engines, And it was them, or at least signs of such activity, that the American admiral was trying to find? And, perhaps, it is no coincidence that the operation he led was called “High Jump” - after all, V-7 diskettes took off and landed vertically...
In this regard, the statement Baird made upon his return from this strange scientific expedition seems very significant. And he literally said the following: “The United States must prepare to defend itself against an enemy that has flying objects capable of threatening us from the poles of our planet.”
Returning to the personality of Richard Byrd, this American Papanin, it should be added that in 1928 he was the first to fly an airplane over Antarctica, and in November 1929 he reached the South Pole by airplane. In total, he flew over Antarctica for a total of about 180,000 kilometers. 67-year-old Baird made his last flight over it in 1955, two years before his death. It was his last flight that gave rise to a lot of mysterious rumors and assumptions.
There are still persistent rumors about the amazing discovery he allegedly made during this flight. A book written by Amadeo Giannini and published in 1959, two years after the admiral's death, claims that in Antarctica, Byrd discovered an entrance to... the underworld! He visited this world, saw rich vegetation there, lakes with warm water and, most surprisingly, animals very similar to dinosaurs roaming along their shores. The admiral allegedly filmed all this and described it in detail in his secret diaries, which will definitely be found and published someday. (What can we say here? Science fiction writers Jules Verne and Obruchev are resting).

Ice tower and unknown virus.

Another mystery of Antarctica: in the issue of the American magazine "Weekly World News" dated April 24, 2001, a message was published that Norwegian scientists based at the Amundsen-Scott south polar station discovered in the depths of the Antarctic continent, at a distance of about 160 kilometers from Mount McClintock, a tower of mysterious origin and unknown purpose. The 28-meter-tall tower is built from hundreds of ice blocks and resembles, in their words, “the watchtower of a medieval castle.”
Until very recently, this structure was hidden inside giant snowdrifts; it appeared to the gaze of amazed researchers only after recent hurricane winds cleared it of snow drifts.
- We have no idea who could have built this tower and how long it has been here. It could be a hundred or a thousand years old,” says Kjell Nergaard, one of the participants in the expedition into the interior of the continent that made this amazing discovery.
Why is it vital to study the sixth continent? But here's at least why: in 1999, one significant event occurred, to which, however, almost no one, with the exception of perhaps specialists, paid due attention. And the following happened: according to Internet publications, a US research expedition discovered a virus in Antarctica to which neither humans nor animals have immunity. But, in the end, Antarctica is far away, and there seems to be nothing to worry about, especially since the dangerous virus is in the permafrost. However, according to scientists, if we take into account that the Earth is threatened by global warming, then an unknown infection could threaten humanity with a terrible catastrophe. So New York University expert Tom Starmer shares the gloomy forecasts of his colleagues. “We don’t know what humanity will face at the South Pole in the near future due to global warming,” he said, “perhaps an unprecedented epidemic will begin. Viruses protected by a protein shell, having retained their viability in permafrost, will begin to multiply as soon as The ambient temperature will rise..." Where did this infection come from? Perhaps this is a prehistoric life form. Or maybe the result of testing Nazi bacteriological weapons?
Russian scientists continue to take an active part in revealing the secrets of Antarctica. The state again had the means to finance the study of the distant continent. Last December, the polar marine geological exploration expedition vessel Akademik Alexander Karpinsky set out on a new voyage from St. Petersburg. It conducts a geophysical study of the structure of sedimentary rocks on the bottom of the eastern part of the Mawson Sea. It is expected that members of the expedition will also study the mysteries of Lake Vostok.
Our Murmansk Shipping Company is directly related to the mysterious continent, whose sailors have repeatedly delivered supplies to Antarctica for our polar explorers for more than forty years on ice-class vessels.

What interested top German officials so much? Why did they need to build submarines on the eve of the war? Such questions still concern the public today...

Journey to the South... City of the Gods.

When British intelligence officers discovered incomprehensible activity on the part of Germany directed towards the South Pole, they seriously thought: why do the Germans need permafrost?

It all started in 1938, when Germany equipped two large-scale expeditions to the south for the purpose... which the intelligence officers of the former USSR learned about a year later. Throughout the year, German planes examined an area of ​​more than 8,000 square meters. kilometers, marked it with a swastika and safely reported to the commander. Research on the part of Germany had a single goal - the search for the “city of the gods,” which, according to some sources, was located under the ice of the Antarctic and was a warm oasis where people could calmly exist.

According to German scientific researchers, planet Earth has so-called huge hollow spaces in its depths. It was precisely these voids that the Germans were looking for in the lands of Antarctica. According to scientists, these voids were huge areas with continents, seas, mountains and... the sun. Whether the Germans found it or not is still unknown. But the fact that since 1940 Hitler ordered the construction of underground bases is a fact. But the purpose of constructing the Arctic bases was quite prosaic at that time - the study and design of supernova weapons.

Target - New Swabia

According to verified data, starting in 1942, the active transfer of the elite and outstanding geniuses of Germany to the icy dungeons of Antarctica began. Why was there such a rush? And what did Hitler really know? There are two versions on this matter.

First- The Third Reich foresaw a possible failure in the war and provided for itself a safe place where the entire elite of the invaluable Aryans could sit out for many years without the risk of being found.

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Second version includes the first, but on a larger scale. German scientists, armed with new knowledge, in the relative calm of the ice, planned to search for alternative energy sources and new developments in the field of mechanical engineering. As the found records of scientists who worked for Nazi Germany show, the Germans were quite successful in creating incredible machines.

So the electrodynamic apparatus, when rotating, created a gravitational field around itself, bending time. If German scientists were able to create this in the second half of the 40s of the last century, what could they have created in absolute peace over the past decades?

Also, some sources claim that Hitler did not actually die in the bunker, as many people think. And he safely arrived on a submarine to “paradise” near Antarctica and took direct part in the life of several bases. Is this true or fiction?..

The deception was a success

No less surprising is the following observation. A decade after World War II, in 1950, weather stations in Antarctica detected an amazing object. According to eyewitnesses, it had a cigar shape, moved absolutely silently and in a zigzag manner, simply hovering in the air several times...

Six years later, two more such devices were detected, and their background radiation exceeded the permissible norm by more than 40 times. As witnesses, helicopter pilots, said, two large metal objects quickly approached them, then one abruptly changed direction towards the ground, while its surface changed color. Five years later, such devices were noticed by Brazilian researchers.

UFO or German development? Where did the Nazis go in Antarctica?

So what is it? UFO or German development? According to some researchers, after the capture of Germany, the Allied forces lost 250 thousand people. But where could they have disappeared to? Another fact! More than 150 German submarines simply disappeared in the waters of the world's oceans. Moreover, the maximum number that could be blown up by underwater mines does not exceed 30 objects. Then where is everyone else?

...In 1954, a sensational article appeared in the American newspaper National Policy that Adolf Hitler did not die in his Berlin bunker in May 1945, but slipped away to Antarctica in a submarine and lived there in a “country residence” under called New Bertesgaden.

The corpse found by Soviet soldiers in the courtyard of the Reich Chancellery was allegedly that of one of Hitler's doubles - Klaus Buschter, a Jew from Antwerp (*49).

The official news of the death of the world's most important villain, which flew around the entire globe, put an end to all doubts and fabrications about failed retribution, which allowed the Fuhrer to begin creating a new, Fourth Reich in harsh polar conditions.

“...In Antarctica,” writes National Policy, “it would be practically impossible to find “this demoniac” of any, even the most numerous expedition. Would it be possible to comb all these plains, alleys and mountains covered with eternal ice and snow?

In the best case, thousands and tens of thousands of search engines with ships, planes, helicopters and special equipment would be required. Meanwhile, in Germany, plans to create a permanent base in Antarctica began to be developed in earnest back in 1938, and over the next seven years, regular voyages of the research vessel Swabia began between Germany and Antarctica, later, with the outbreak of the war, replaced by a division of submarines , which received the new name “Fuhrer Convoy” and included 35 submarines.

Before the war, mining equipment, rail roads, electric locomotives, trolleys, tractors, cutters for cutting tunnels in the rock mass were brought to the area where the Antarctic base was being built on Swabia...

Everything else was transported on submarines. Scientists, engineers, and highly qualified workers arrived in large numbers at “Base 211,” founded in Schirmacher Bay and turned into a cargo transshipment port.”

And here are the memories of retired American Colonel Windell Stevens, who in the late 80s told everyone who wanted to listen to him about a German documentary report he had once seen, allegedly found by the Australians in 1957 and transferred to US military intelligence:

“Our intelligence service, where I worked at the end of the war,” Stevens recalls, “was aware that the Germans were building twenty-four very large cargo submarines with a displacement of 5,000 tons each - a size unprecedented for this type of ship, and all of these submarines were launched on the water, staffed by experienced crews, and then disappeared without a trace.

To this day we have absolutely no idea where they went. They did not surrender after the war in any port in the world, and their remains have also not been found anywhere. It's a mystery, but it can certainly be solved thanks to this Australian documentary, which shows large German cargo submarines in Antarctica, surrounded by ice, crews standing on decks waiting to be docked..."

So, a new version has appeared about the last refuge of the German Fuhrer. A very good version, because it keeps the minds of millions of overly impressionable consumers of mass media on edge. The fascinating book "Under the Same Sky" by the famous "otherworldly" explorer Karel Velazquez highlights some aspects of the "German Antarctic epic."

Based on some secret documents that came to him from nowhere and at an unknown time (and also disappeared to who knows where later), Velasquez claims that in addition to the latest cargo submarines, the “Fuhrer Convoy” also included about a hundred (!) conventional combat submarines, and in July-August 1945 (after the end of the war in Europe), two of these boats surrendered to the Argentine authorities in the port of Mar del Plata. The captains of these ships were Otto Wehrmouth (U-530) and Heinz Schaeffer (U-977).

During interrogations conducted by specialists from the British and American intelligence services, these “sea wolves” allegedly admitted that they had repeatedly made voyages from Germany to Antarctica, to the shores of New Swabia, and on the night of April 13, 1945, both submarines began their last transoceanic crossing.

Loaded in Kiel with large sealed boxes that contained the most valuable relics of the Third Reich and Hitler's personal belongings, Schaeffer took his boat out to the ocean. In addition to the cargo, about 30 people unknown to Captain Vermouth were taken on board U-530, and some of their faces were hidden with surgical bandages.

The Allies failed to find out more from the surrendered submariners, and although Wehrmouth was still accused of having taken Adolf Hitler himself to South America, he stubbornly denied it, and since no evidence was found, all these accusations hung in the air. But over time, Velasquez managed to learn much more.


As already mentioned, the interest that the leaders of Nazi Germany showed on the eve of the Second World War in this distant and lifeless region of the globe could not find a reasonable explanation, despite even the widespread version of preparations for the evacuation of the leaders and values ​​of the Reich in the event of its defeat in the coming war.

But Velasquez quickly found that “reasonable explanation”, and even supported it with some documents.

The essence of the matter boiled down to the following. Long before the start of the Second World War, and even before Hitler came to power, such mystical societies as “THULE” and “VRIL” existed in Germany, and the first was nothing more than a “German branch” ... of the Teutonic Order itself, and the second, more closed - a kind of Masonic lodge with a pronounced occult beginning.

Both societies worked in close contact with the ANNENERBE organization, and among other things, with the help of the financial capabilities of the patron society, they searched throughout the world for documentation related to occult orders. Non-traditional methods of obtaining knowledge were also practiced. The most experienced mediums and contactees were involved in sessions with the “gods” - under the influence of hallucinogenic drugs, in a state of trance, they contacted the so-called “External Minds”.

One fine day, the supposedly occult “keys” worked, and through one of the contactees, technogenic information was received, which made it possible to obtain drawings and descriptions of “flying discs”, which in their characteristics significantly surpassed all aviation equipment of that time.

“In the archives of the Third Reich,” Velazquez informs his readers, “drawings were found that in general terms explain the principles of “twisting” the so-called subtle physical fields, which make it possible to create certain techno-magical devices. The acquired knowledge was transferred to scientists to “translate” them into an engineering language understandable to designers One of the developers of “earthly versions” of techno-magical devices is considered to be the famous doctor Walter Schumacher (*50).

If you believe the documentation I received, then the electrodynamic machines designed by this scientist, which used the rapid rotation of piezotronic elements, not only changed the structure of time around themselves, but also hovered in the air contrary to all previously known laws of gravity. There is evidence that a device with such capabilities was sent in 1939 near Munich, to Augsburg, where its research was continued at a secret Air Force training ground. As a result, the technical department of the SS-1 created a whole series of “flying disks” of the “Vril” type.

The TULE Group also received similar information through its own channels. The "plate", built according to the drawings obtained by the "contactees" of this society, received the code name "Schütz" and was additionally equipped with jet boosters, which led to its disaster, which occurred in Norway in the winter of 1940. Judging by the secrecy with which all the work was carried out, there is every reason to believe that Hitler was not informed of these experiments at all...

The next generation of flying saucers was the Haunebu series. As is clear from the secret US Air Force intelligence documentary “Ural Federal District in the Third Reich,” which came to me under mysterious circumstances, these devices used some of the ideas and technologies of the ancient Hindus. The engines for the Haunebu were designed by the most prominent Austrian scientist in the field of fluid motion, Walter Stauberg.

All work was personally supervised by Himmler, who spared no expense in financing such grandiose projects. With the help of additional appropriations, an SS experimental design center with expanded capabilities was created - "Bouvet-IV", in which a highly secret project of "flying saucers" - "Hauneburu-X-Boot" with a diameter of 26 meters was soon developed.

The so-called “perpetual motion machine” - a tachyonator-70 with a diameter of 23 meters - was used as propulsion on the “Hauneburu-X-Boot”. The control was carried out using a pulsed magnetic field generator under the symbol "4A-sic". The device could reach a practical speed of about 6000 km/h, but by increasing the engine thrust it was planned to reach a speed four times higher...

However, the most important achievement of German designers was the adaptation of the saucer to the most extreme conditions, which turned it into a real spacecraft, and its normal carrying capacity was no less than 100 tons.

Serial production of this model was scheduled for 1944, but by that time the next, more advanced version was tested - "Hauneburus-I", intended for air combat with enemy naval squadrons. The diameter of the “plate” was 76 meters, and four gun turrets from the battleship Lützow were installed on it, each of which had three 203 mm caliber guns mounted.

In March 1945, this “saucer” made one revolution around the Earth at an altitude of more than 40 kilometers and landed in Japan, at the naval base of the Japanese fleet in Kure, where at the local shipyard the onboard guns were replaced with nine Japanese 460 mm caliber guns from the battleship "Yamato" (*51). Hauneburus-I was powered by a free energy engine that harnessed the virtually inexhaustible energy of gravity (*52).

By the end of the war, the Nazis had nine research facilities that were testing a variety of flying disc projects. All these enterprises, along with scientists and key figures from the leadership of the Third Reich, were successfully evacuated from Germany. I have reliable information that they were transported to a place called "New Swabia".

Today it can already be a fairly sized complex. Maybe these large 5000-ton cargo submarines are also located there... Many competent sources claim that since 1942, thousands and thousands of concentration camp prisoners, as well as many scientists, engineers, pilots, have been transferred to the South Pole with the help of submarines and politicians with families and members of the Hitler Youth - the gene pool of the future "pure race".

Contactee Randy Winters provided me with information that in the depths of Antarctica there is an entire underground city called New Berlin with a population of more than... five million people - and this is in addition to the numerous villages and outposts scattered throughout New Swabia! The main occupation of the residents of New Berlin is genetic engineering and space flights.

To generate all the energy necessary for the needs of such a huge conglomerate, so-called “Kohler converters” are used - devices that operate on the same principle as “flying disc” engines, that is, using the energy of earth’s gravity.

Indirect confirmation of the existence of the base is the repeated sightings of UFOs in the South Pole area. There, they quite often see “plates” and “cigars” hanging in the air, and in 1976, Japanese researchers from the Antarctic scientific station “Showa”, located in Lützow-Holm Bay on the western edge of Dronning Maud Land, using the latest equipment, simultaneously detected 1 round objects that "dipped" onto Antarctica from space and disappeared from the screens.

The same Randy Winters reports that in the post-war years, the German Antarctic colony came into contact with a civilization from the Pleiades constellation, and in the area of ​​​​New Berlin there is a real alien spaceport. After the war, the aliens took some of the Germans into their service. Since then, at least two generations of Germans have grown up in Antarctica, going to school with the children of aliens and interacting with them from an early age.

Today they fly, work and live aboard unearthly spaceships. And they no longer have those desires to rule over the planet that their fathers and grandfathers had, because, having learned the depths of the Cosmos, they realized that there are much more significant things in the world..."


In 1961, a significant event occurred in the official history of Antarctica - uranium deposits were officially discovered in its depths. And not just deposits, but entire DEPOSITS, comparable in importance to the scale of the entire continent, and even the entire civilized world, and the richest ores are located precisely in New Swabia - Dronning Maud Land.

Many years have passed since then, and the development of mineral resources in Antarctica is prohibited by the provisions of the famous 1959 Treaty. According to some data, the percentage of uranium in Antarctic ore is at least 30% - this is a full third more than in the world's richest deposits in the Congo, from which the United States for many years drew "explosives" for its atomic and nuclear arsenals. In 1938, the problem with enriched uranium was not as acute as in the post-war years, but some exploration of uranium deposits was still carried out.

Even the “father of the atomic bomb,” Robert Oppenheimer, made a statement in 1937 that a country intending to produce weapons whose operating principle is based on the fission of the atomic nucleus must seriously concern itself with reliable and sufficient sources of the necessary raw materials. In Europe and America there were practically no such sources.

But there were such sources in Africa - Congo, Angola, Namibia. While we were talking only about development, the Americans had enough of their own, rather poor deposits in Canada, the Germans had their own in Beblingen, and no one then seriously thought about the development of “overseas mines.”

But the Germans, despite Hitler’s open disdain for the new type of weapon, before anyone else, it became clear that European uranium sources were of little use for the mass production of an atomic bomb, since the uranium content in the existing ore was too insignificant, and even emergency construction could not solve the problem. processing plants. On the eve of a major European war, it would be unreasonable to count on African deposits, and that’s when it was decided to probe the “no man’s continent” - Antarctica.

Having rummaged through the collection of rock samples brought from Antarctica by the German polar explorer Wilhelm Filchner (*53) in 1912, the head of the Nazi “atomic project”, Dr. Werner Heisenberg, quite reasonably suggested that the depths of Queen Maud Land could contain rich reserves of high-quality uranium. Intoxicated by his political victories in Europe (the annexation of Austria and the division of Czechoslovakia), Hitler easily allowed himself to be persuaded by Himmler, Goering and Raeder to agree to send an equipped expedition to distant Antarctica in search of mythical “roots”.

At the celebration marking the completion of the building of the new Reich Chancellery, Hitler said smugly: “Well, okay! If in this divided and re-divided Europe a couple of states can be annexed to the Reich in a few days, then no problems are foreseen with Antarctica, even less so...” (In Steiss. “I heard Hitler.” 1989)

Meanwhile, the events already described above took place in Antarctica. Two German expeditions, one after another, combed the length and breadth of New Swabia and founded a well-equipped “base 211” on the shores of Russian Bay (quickly renamed Bismarck Bay). Regular communication was established between the Reich and the “conquered country,” which made it possible to quickly transfer a significant number of workers and engineers to New Swabia for the development of uranium deposits.

The selection of guards for the rapidly expanding work was assigned to none other than Hauptstarführer Otto Skorzeny, who had just completed his “deeds” in Austria and Germany (key participation in the “Anschluss” in March, and in “Crystal Night” (*54) in August '38). Mining of extremely rich uranium ore was launched by the beginning of 1940, until the British fleet cut off the oxygen to these promising endeavors...

Concerned about the successes of the Nazis, the Americans, correctly understanding their intentions, but completely misoriented in the goals pursued by the Germans, urgently mobilized their “Papanin” - R. Baird, and sent him at the head of the next expedition to establish American sovereignty over the Antarctic coal found earlier by the same Baird .

The American admiral, not endowed with much imagination, did not come up with anything better than to establish two small stations on Stannington Island in the Bellingshausen Sea and at the foot of Mount Erebus on the border of the Ross Ice Shelf ("Little America" ​​and "McMurdo"), and start producing at least and a massive but ineffective aerial survey of the entire west coast lying between these two points.

He was strictly forbidden to enter into a conflict with the Germans - President Roosevelt still didn’t really know why he needed these icy plains, and the time was not right for entering a new world war. And only after some time the British opened Roosevelt’s eyes to the ugly truth, but it was already too late - the Argentines, who felt the gain, poured into Antarctica in a noisy horde.


This is an excerpt from the book Alexander Vladimirovich Biryuk „

Skeptics believe that there was no base 211. The Germans were unlikely to be able to swim to its location. Even if Hitler’s submarine had advanced to the base in Antarctica in April 1945, then at the speed of that time it would have reached the continent only by summer.

New Swabia is a territory of Antarctica in Dronning Maud Land. Before the start of the Great World War, the German ship Swabia went to this place. The main goal of the New Swabia expedition was to explore the icy continent and secure these territories for Germany. Some researchers say that in 1941, the Germans could actually land in Antarctica on Norwegian territory, which is Queen Maud Land, and establish the Oasis station there. Currently, this area is known as the Banger Oasis. Of course, at that time it was quite difficult to deliver to such a remote base the colossal amount of fuel necessary to generate electricity. But if the Germans could create Kohler converters, then their need for fuel was minimal. German researchers could spend about a month in Antarctica. When the war broke out, the project was briefly forgotten, but the story of New Swabia did not end there.

Some historians are convinced that the Germans were able to establish a secret military base 211 in Antarctica. According to some assumptions, it may be located under the ice. However, the necessary equipment and its personnel were delivered to the site by German submarines. Among other things, occult relics of the Third Reich, as well as Hitler himself, could be transported to New Swabia. It is believed that in Antarctica, Hitler and his associates intended to found the Fourth Reich in order to try to conquer the world once again. According to rumors, an entire colony has been developing here since the late 1930s. And the underground city “New Berlin” could be built with a population of more than 2,000,000 people! In addition to factories and laboratories, livestock farming and agriculture could flourish under the ice crust of Antarctica. According to experts, the main occupation of the inhabitants of the underground city could be genetic engineering and the breeding of a race of pure Aryans, as well as space flights.

By the way, in 1961, uranium deposits were discovered in Antarctica precisely on Dronning Maud Land, where New Swabia was supposed to be located. According to some data, the percentage of uranium in Antarctic ore is at least 30%. But the Nazis really needed uranium, trying to create nuclear weapons. It is quite possible that German scientists managed to create alternative energy sources and construct incredible electrodynamic machines. The most fantastic versions say that the UFOs observed over the South Pole are nothing more than German flying saucers that change the structure of time around themselves and do not obey the laws of gravity.

Skeptics believe that there was no base 211. The Germans were unlikely to be able to swim to its location. Even if Hitler’s submarine had advanced to the base in Antarctica in April 1945, then at the speed of that time it would have reached the continent only by summer. But we know that our summer is winter at the South Pole. At this time, the thickness of the ice cover in Antarctica becomes maximum. With the submarines of those times, it would hardly have been possible to reach Antarctica in conditions of incredible cold. The New Swabia expedition project ended in 1939 upon the return of its participants to Germany. Numerous diaries of the campaign to New Swabia have long been published even in Russian. There is no mention of secret missions of scientists there. No facts regarding the creation of the 211 base are also mentioned. Nazi Germany was a bureaucratic country. The Germans liked to write down everything that happened on paper. But no official documents were found about scientific research on the territory of New Swabia during the Second World War.

To date, there are unexplored areas in Antarctica. But the existence of any civilization under the ice cap is impossible. The ice thickness in the center of Antarctica is more than 3 km. And the average air temperature on the surface reaches -55 degrees Celsius. It is difficult for anything to survive there. Moreover, the version about Hitler and his associates moving to Antarctica may be a fiction. There is official and verified evidence that the Fuhrer’s body was burned and identified. Why would a group of Nazis go to Antarctica without their leader? They had the opportunity to escape to South America.

Who was the first to spread rumors about base 211 in New Swabia? Since the 1950s, stories about New Swabia have been associated with the name of Wilhelm Landig. He wrote a three-book novel called Thule, based on real facts, which he painted with all the colors of the rainbow and embellished with fantastic images. According to his version, after the fall of Nazi Germany, a squadron of the latest German submarines, equipped with self-charging electric motors, quietly covered a huge distance underwater to Antarctica, accompanied by flying saucers and a group of SS men. Their crew landed at base 211 in New Swabia. Along the way they destroyed the American squadron.

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Any editorial office is often visited by strange people. In October 2002, when the whole country was offended by the absurd death of Sergei Bodrov’s group, while filming under a glacier in the Karmadon Gorge, a smartly dressed man of about 45 came to the editorial office of the weekly magazine where I worked.

He introduced himself as Nikolai Alekseevich, an independent scientist from the Pogoda-69 center. Their group of geophysicists has been operating independently, as it turns out, for ten years now, and is fully self-supporting and is engaged in global projects across the globe.

Nikolai Alekseevich told a lot of incredible things, in particular, the tragedy in the Caucasus, according to him, was caused by the actions of their devices: they pumped heat flows from the Mediterranean to the Russian Plain to increase the growing season.

A glacier in the Caucasus accidentally found itself in the path of this flow: the rocky substrate warmed up, and the unplanned glacier slid along the water film. I asked what the power of their heat control devices was and received the answer: “Only a few watts and the size of a small suitcase.” “But it’s true that the Earth’s structure is not at all like what science says and it’s hollow inside,” I continued. “Are there secret entrances into the Earth in Antarctica?”

Nikolai Alekseevich nodded affirmatively and said that with their own methods they had recorded that bodies of large masses were moving quickly under the ice of Antarctica. They move along linear routes. But they could not determine what it was. After that, I began to have great respect for the stories of my old friend, State Duma deputy Alexander Vengerovsky, who headed the Intelligence Subcommittee for four years and claimed that he knew that Adolf Hitler was hiding in Antarctica at a base in the cavity of the Earth for many years. Now Antarctica is rapidly becoming free of ice. Over the past year, it has lost more than 10% of its thousand-year-old ice in its glacial shell.

"Gateway" to the south

In August 1944, the leadership of the Gestapo and the SS gathered for a secret meeting at the Maisonrouge Hotel in Strasbourg. The meeting of the heads of the secret service departments was chaired by SS Obergruppenführer Ernst Kaltenbrunner. For two days, the top military intelligence resident of the SD and the Gestapo discussed and approved plans for the escape of the top of Nazi Germany from Europe, which was soon to be occupied by the troops of the anti-Hitler coalition. South America was chosen as the main direction of escape. The operation, codenamed "Gateway", involved SS and SD forces around the world. Operation Gateway saved the lives of many high-ranking Nazis. Already in 1951, the undefeated fascists established cooperation and organized a secret alliance, the so-called “Black International”. The organization's secret activities were under the constant control of the US CIA. It turned out that since 1938, US strategic intelligence had introduced its people into one of the regional SS organizations. American agents operated in centers for the production of false IDs and documents, which were located in Bad Aussee, Austria, and Laufen, Czech Republic. Thanks to this, the Americans knew many of the Nazi plans. Day after day they knew about false documents for Gestapo chief Müller and Reichsmarshal Himmler. Himmler's ID was issued in the name of Sergeant Heinrich Gitzinger, and the chief of military intelligence, Kaltenbruner, received a passport in the name of Arthur Scheidler.

American intelligence officers also knew about the new life of Adolf Eichmann under the name Adolf Barth. And he managed to hide in South America for many years. The American intelligence services “forgot” to share this information with the Israelis, and they had to chase their fellow tribesman, the organizer of repression and genocide of Jews, for almost twenty years.

Soviet intelligence also did not lag behind, and had a direct channel to Hitler’s first deputy in the National Socialist Party, Martin Bormann. In Moscow, already at the end of the war, the details of Martin Bormann’s operation “Rheingold” - Rhine Gold, which he began in mid-1944, were known. Declared a state secret, this operation consisted of evacuating the core values ​​of the Nazi Party and the SS from Europe. Jewels and diamonds were hidden, secret deposits were made. The operation was personally supervised by Hitler. The Nazis managed to hide several hundred million dollars worth of valuables. These capitals still work for organizations that are part of the Black International. The intelligence services of the USA and the USSR were hunting for these funds and, as is known, some of these funds were used by them for operations in post-war Europe.

Some details of Operation Reingold are known. The export of valuables was carried out from Europe, which was blocked by the Allied fleets on three submarines. The names of the submarine captains are known: Heinz Schafer, Hans Wermuth, and Dietrich Niebuhr. Secret loading was carried out in the port of Saint-Nazaire, and unloading was carried out in shelters on the coasts of Argentina, Patagonia, Brazil and Antarctica.

The Nazis prepared a bridgehead for retreat ahead of time. So in 1948, American intelligence picked up the trail of a certain Perez de Guzman, a wealthy businessman. As it turned out, this was the same Dietrich Niebuhr, who was first a diplomat of Nazi Germany, and then the captain of a submarine that took Nazis out of Europe. It was he who brought Martin Bormann to Argentina, who, under the name of the German Jew Saul Goldstein, lived quietly in Argentina and Brazil. Bormann underwent plastic surgery after the war and died in Argentina in the winter of 1973. All this time he was under the close supervision of agents of the USSR and the USA. For the political leadership of the USSR and the USA, the arrest of Martin Bormann was undesirable; through him, the intelligence services of the allies in the anti-Hitler coalition had access to part of the financial resources hidden by the Nazis during Operation Rhine Gold. Through controlled Nazi No. 2 Martin Bormann and saboteur No. 1 Otto Skorzeny, who was also hiding in South America, intelligence tried to reach Adolf Hitler himself.

Skull cover with hole

Hitler officially took his own life by shooting himself with a pistol and then, to be sure, taking poison. The textbook version of the death of Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun in an underground bunker under the Reich Chancellery suits official historians and the world elite.

Until 1948, Joseph Stalin was skeptical about the operational materials of the NKVD about the death of the Fuhrer, more trusting the information of military intelligence officers. From their materials it followed that on May 1, 1945, in the sector of the 52nd Guards Rifle Division, a group of German tanks broke out from Berlin and was moving at high speed to the northwest. On May 2, it was destroyed by units of the 1st Army of the Polish Army. Several powerful civilian vehicles were seen in the ranks of the column; after the breakthrough, the vehicles left the column and disappeared in an unknown direction. In these cars were Hitler and his entourage. Later it became known that the exit corridor was deliberately organized by someone in the ranks of our and Polish troops...

It is known that the examination of the remains of Hitler and Eva Braun, found in a pit near the Reich Chancellery, was carried out extremely sloppily. Based on her materials, experts established that a forgery was committed by Soviet special agents. The main evidence of the “authenticity” of the charred remains of the Fuhrer and his wife were dentures and fillings. According to the Americans, NKVD specialists inserted gold bridges made to her order into the oral cavity of the remains of “Eva Braun,” but, as it turned out, they were not used by Hitler’s friend during her lifetime. The same fraud was done with the “Hitler skull”. The fakes were made according to the designs of the Fuhrer’s personal dentist, K.H. Blaschke, by dental technician F. Echtmann. Both were captured by SMERSH agents and wrote explanatory notes under their dictation, recognizing the authenticity of their creations. The “remains of Hitler and Eva Braun” were buried in a secret location near Leipzig immediately after the “successful” identification of the charred bones. In 1972, on Andropov’s orders, they were dug up and burned. The ashes are scattered in a secret place. The question is, why did they do this? Because at that time science, with the help of genetic analysis, could already give an exact answer whose remains these were. That’s why we were shown at the exhibition “The Agony of the Third Reich” in the State Archives of Russia in the summer of 2001, which was also visited by President Vladimir Putin, only the top cover of “Hitler’s skull” with a bullet hole and a piece of the lower jaw. Where are the parts that can be used to recreate a portrait likeness? Where are the genetic tests? There was no scientific evidence of the authenticity of the exhibits, except for the protocols and reports of the Smershevites from May 1945 at the exhibition. The newspapers were full of stories from archive keepers that the Fuhrer’s bones, it turns out, had been lying around for a long time in a shoe box, without accompanying documents, in the Lubyanka vaults...

Secret Antarctica

At the end of the forties, Stalin was presented with American intelligence data that Adolf Hitler was alive and hiding in New Swabeland, at a secret Nazi base in Antarctica, in the area of ​​Dronning Maud Land. Soviet and Western intelligence completely missed the creation of this base, which consisted of two settlements in Antarctica. Beginning in 1938, the German Navy made regular expeditions to Antarctica. According to the German scientific theory, which was adhered to by the Nazi leadership, the Earth is hollow inside; it was in the Antarctica region that there were entrances to giant underground cavities with warm air. The discoverer of underground cavities was the famous submariner Admiral Denis. The Germans who explored Antarctica called the underground caves a paradise. Since 1940, on the personal instructions of Hitler, the construction of two underground bases on Queen Maud Land began.

Similar bases were built before World War II and in the Soviet Union. One was built in the area of ​​Kuibyshev, now Samara, now the shelter has been declassified, and there is a museum called “Stalin’s Headquarters”. Another one, in the Ural Mountains, still operates today, and its location is a state secret. Similar facilities have been built and are being built in the USA. For several decades, Japan has been building a repository for its civilization in Canada, where it stores all its most valuable things: scientific forecasts regarding Japan are very pessimistic, and the Japanese are afraid of geological disasters.

Since 1942, the transfer of future residents of the SS Ahnenerbe complex scientific center began to the New Schwabeland; the leaders of the Nazi party and the state were later evacuated there, and production facilities were created there. The construction of secret settlements was carried out by the hands of prisoners of war; fresh forces were regularly supplied to replace those who were out of action. The bases were guarded by SS troops equipped with the latest submarines, jet aircraft were based at underground airfields, and missile launchers equipped with nuclear warheads were on combat duty. German science, in conditions of military isolation, managed to create nuclear weapons at the end of the war based on different physical principles than those used by scientists in the USA and Russia. These were nuclear charges based on “implosive” physics. At their bases and facilities in the Amazon and Argentina, the Germans developed advanced jet aircraft and tested implosive nuclear weapons. According to American intelligence information, which became known to our intelligence services, at the end of 1944, on Queen Maud Land, the Nazis placed five V-5 ballistic missiles on combat duty. They were created and tested by designer Wernher von Braun for shelling the territory of Great Britain and the United States in the last months of the war. Then, on the basis of these developments, the USA and the USSR built their missile forces.

The Fuhrer's Last War

Despite the fact that the Americans knew about the existence of a Nazi shelter in Antarctica, at first it was decided not to touch them. But then, out of fear that the high technologies known to them could spread from Schwabeland and fall into the hands of neo-Nazis thirsty for revenge, they wanted to destroy the Fuhrer’s secret hideout. In January 1947, the US Navy sent a squadron of ships with an aircraft carrier under the command of Rear Admiral Byrd to the Antarctic region. Sea and air battles took place along the ice-covered coasts. There were losses on both sides. The American landing on the base was repulsed and Schwabeland held out. The Americans organized punitive expeditions twice, the last one in 1949. Only the threat of the German Nazis on the radio to openly use nuclear weapons during the second operation forced the Americans to retreat. The war in Antarctica was strictly classified, information about it is still unknown to the world.

The existence of Hitler's last refuge in Antarctica became a state secret of the USA and the USSR. Adolf Hitler's secret stay in Antarctica suited the great powers quite well. Adolf Hitler had a lot of revealing materials that could destabilize the situation in the world, and he was not touched.

“Scientific” research began urgently in Antarctica. Soviet polar explorers from Antarctica were popular for a long time as the first cosmonauts. The Soviet Union and the United States created dozens of “scientific” stations: under their cover they formed a ring of tracking points, but they failed to organize a complete blockade. Even modern satellite monitoring in this area of ​​the planet is very limited in its capabilities. Until recently, implosion nuclear weapons created in New Swabeland made it possible to deter any aggressor. In addition, German scientists, already at the end of the war, developed combat lasers and “flying saucers,” devices that use different physical principles to move in space. Many discoveries and developments of German scientists, which went to the winning countries, remain classified in our time.

Beria and Hitler never met

According to the Nazis, Adolf Hitler died at a base in Antarctica in 1971. According to other sources, he lived until 1982. Hitler only made one trip to the “mainland” to the town of Heliopolis on the outskirts of Cairo, which is located on the island of Zemelek. In 1953, he had a meeting with Martin Bormann and his personal pilot Hans Baur, who was specially released from a Soviet prison for this purpose. At this meeting, an oral message from the head of the Soviet intelligence services, Lavrentiy Beria, was conveyed to Hitler. Beria informed the Fuhrer about his plans to transfer the Soviet zone of occupation of Germany to the Western allies and about the project for the reunification of Germany. He asked for support from secret Nazi organizations for his far-reaching plans. Agreement in principle to support such actions by Beria was received from the Fuhrer. By the way, Beria reported his plans for the reunification of Germany to members of the Politburo, but did not receive support. Beria's opponents involved the military intelligence of the GRU. What army would want to give up what it has conquered? Only the leadership settled down, they just began to live in villas and transport clothes to devastated Russia. It is no longer a secret that our generals and marshals, including the legendary Georgy Zhukov, transported furniture, libraries and other belongings from the occupied zone of Germany by train. This “feeding trough” for the military ended with Secretary General Mikhail Gorbachev, who gave the go-ahead for a united Germany 40 years later. The actions of the military, led by Marshal Zhukov, thwarted Beria's plans; he was accused of espionage and treason, and was destroyed in the basement of the NKVD prison without trial.

In the early eighties, both the USSR and the USA dismantled the tracking points for Swabeland. Interest in the ice continent has temporarily faded. This was due to the fact that all the old Nazis died out, and the new ones, according to rumors, did not want to live there. According to some sources, Schwabeland was destroyed by the Nazis themselves, according to others, the Americans created a nuclear submarine base in its place.

How myths are created

In July 2002, in the material “Operation - Bury Forever” published in several publications, I put forward a version that the ability to establish by genetic analysis from microparticles in the Ipatiev house, where the royal family was shot, who was actually shot in Yekaterinburg, forced authorities urgently demolish the ill-fated house. The Bolsheviks staged the farce of killing members of the royal family, and they themselves milked the tsar-father for information about his bank deposits, for which they left him and his family alive. And for many years they hid him in the New Athos Monastery near Sukhumi. And then, “miraculously,” the remains of members of the royal family were “suddenly” found at the beginning of perestroika. “Appropriate” examinations were carried out on them. The king and his family were buried magnificently. But the Russian Orthodox Church never agreed with the official version of the identity of the remains and did not officially participate in the farce of the funeral. The remains of Tsarevich Alexei and his sister Anastasia were never presented to the public. Vice Speaker Alexander Vengerovsky, who knew very well the whole story with the remains through a deputy request, then demanded that the burial commission of the royal family and its chairman Viktor Chernomyrdin conduct an analysis of the remains of Tsarevich Alexei, whose grave, according to his information, was in Saratov. Deputy Vengerovsky gave the exact coordinates of the grave where, according to his information, Tsarevich Alexei, who died in 1964, was buried. He said: “After some time, I was informed that the grave in Saratov had been desecrated, and there were no remains in it. There was nothing to identify."

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