The Black Knight was destroyed by the Illuminati. How did the black reiters destroy European chivalry? Destroying the Black Knight

QUESTION No. 113. Where did the unknown artificial satellite come from in Earth's orbit? Who created it and why?

From media reports about the “Black Knight” dated March 23, 2017. on the websites and

“Black Knight” above the Earth - photo taken by American astronauts in 1998

Media reports about the destruction of the Black Knight satellite

“The site was the first to publish footage of the destruction of a certain space object. From the explanation it followed that they were received from hackers who hacked the secret Wikileaks server and obtained files with this secret video filmed by the CIA and the Pentagon. Filmed by participants in a secret operation to destroy a mysterious satellite known as the Black Knight Satellite. Ufologists believe that about 13 thousand years ago it was placed in Earth’s orbit by aliens to keep an eye on the development of our civilization.

On orders from the Illuminati, the Black Knight was allegedly shot down by a missile fired from a secret aircraft.

SecureTeam10 - a ufology channel on YouTube distributed a video of the destruction of the "Black Knight" and reported that the CIA and the Pentagon were only carrying out orders to shoot down the satellite. Representatives of the secret Masonic lodge Illuminati, which actually rules the world, gave the order for its destruction. It includes influential people from various Anglo-Saxon countries.

Media Conclusion: Black Knight destroyed on March 16 or 17, 2017. Evidence of this is a video from the Wikileaks server: a damaged object burns in the atmosphere and falls apart into small pieces. Why did the Illuminati shoot him down?

“Black Knight”, why are you circling above the Earth...

Ufologists and even some more traditional scientists call a “black knight” a space object that is (or has already been) in Earth’s orbit at an altitude of about 2 thousand kilometers and rotates in the “wrong” direction. All spacecraft launched by people fly in the direction of the Earth's rotation, and he flies in the opposite direction.

From the myths about the “Black Knight” it follows that Nikola Tesla was the first to identify it back in 1899. He allegedly caught encrypted signals that came to Earth in pairs from somewhere outside and assumed that they were being sent by an alien probe. In the 30s of the last century, such signals began to be detected en masse, which strengthened suspicions of the existence of aliens and their probe.

Further, if you believe the myths, in 1958 the object first caught our eye. It was seen through a telescope by American amateur astronomer Steve Slayton, who saw it against the backdrop of the bright Moon. The object was rotating in the “wrong” direction. According to the calculations of an amateur astronomer, its size was about 10 meters, its flight altitude above the Earth was from 1 to 2 thousand kilometers. He reported his observations to the military. They connected radars, but apart from the satellites of the USSR and the USA that were available at that time, they did not find anything.

In 1998, the “Black Knight” was finally photographed. The photographs were taken by the Americans from the Endeavor shuttle during the STS-88 expedition to the International Space Station (ISS) under construction. Since then, images of the alien satellite obtained by astronauts have been considered the most reliable evidence of its existence. The astronauts took several photos of the “Black Knight” from different angles and they became the main evidence of the existence of the object.

The satellite most likely received the name “Black Knight” from the Soviet science fiction writer Alexander Kazantsev. In the early 70s of the last century, his trilogy “Phaetians” was published about the tragic death of the planet Phaeton, which was supposedly located between Mars and Jupiter, where there is now an asteroid belt. The writer in his book called the satellite “The Black Prince”. In the text that was translated into English, the name became Black Knight Satellite - "Black Knight". And it became attached to a mysterious space object, about which there were already numerous rumors. By the way, the name “Black Prince” is also in use now. It is obvious that it was Kazantsev who was involved in the assertion of ufologists that the object was supposedly already real and appeared in Earth orbit approximately 13 thousand years ago.

And yet, the myths that relate to the “Black Knight” did not arise out of nowhere.

Ufologists believe that the “Black Knight” came from the constellation Bootes.

On October 11, 1928, Dr. Karl Stoermer, while in Oslo, received signals from a Dutch radio station - a set of dots and dashes. For some reason, everyone came twice with a delay of 3 to 18 seconds. It was as if radio waves went into space and then returned, reflected from some object.

This experiment was repeated by the French, Germans, and Americans with the same results. They called the phenomenon LDE (from English - Long Delay Echo - long delay of radio echo) and recognized it as real. But there are no reasonable explanations.

The hypothesis appeared only in 1960, the idea was that an alien reconnaissance probe had arrived in the solar system. The device discovered intelligent life and sent a message to its own. And now it communicates itself to us, receiving our signals and, with some delay, sending them back.

The idea was developed by the English astronomer Duncan Lunan. Based on the sequence of signals and their delay time, he drew a diagram in which he recognized the constellation Bootes. But on the diagram it appeared not in its modern form, but as it looked 13 thousand years ago.

Did the Illuminati shoot down the “Black Prince” or not? It turned out just the other day - 03/21/17: they didn’t shoot down anything - it’s a hoax, a blatant fake.

The footage, which hoaxers present as evidence of the destruction of the Black Knight, shows the Japanese Hayabusa apparatus. It was launched in 2003 to the Itokawa asteroid, approached it, took soil samples and returned to Earth. On June 13, 2010, Hayabusa entered the dense layers of the atmosphere, where it burned down. But before burning out, the Japanese device dropped a capsule with samples of asteroid soil, which successfully landed in Australia.

On the website, the famous ufologist and virtual archaeologist George Graham, host of the Streetcap1 channel on YouTube, also does not agree that the legendary alien satellite “Black Knight” was shot down, which many media outlets “shouted” about.

In his opinion, it is too simple and almost unrealistic. Why for many thousands of years, even during the times of more developed civilizations than ours, this alien object was not subjected to any attacks, and now suddenly, it was either shot down, or it “accidentally” collided with our satellite?..

And as confirmation of the ufologist’s doubts, on the night of March 22, 2017, in a dream, he was “shown” a picture of some translucent object of a strange shape, like the “Black Knight,” following the ISS. The mysterious device followed the space station of earthlings for almost seven minutes, and at the same speed. Its translucency initially confused the researcher, which is why at first he didn’t even pay attention to the object, mistaking it for a flare on the camera lens.”


"Black Knight" is an alien spaceship in Earth's orbit, left by the TC from the constellation Sirius. More than a million years ago, it was initially inhabited and served as an observation post for the space zone in the region of the solar system. The satellite's equipment is a biorobot created using the highest technologies with high artificial intelligence and a mind of a high level of development. It was used to monitor events in the region of the orbits of the planets Venus, Earth, Mars and Phaethon.

At that distant time, there was a period of space wars in the area of ​​​​the orbits of these planets between representatives of the dark forces of the dracoid EC from the constellation Orion and dark forces from other constellations of our zone of the Galaxy, who fought for the right to conduct their experiments to populate the planets of the solar system with living and intelligent life. As a result of the fighting, victory went to the Dracoid race from the constellation Orion, which was allowed, as one of the parties to cosmic dualism, to create races on Earth based on its genetics. She was admitted by the Creator to the EC of the light forces of the Galactic Union and became the creator of a race of people called the Anglo-Saxons.

The “Black Knight” control program gave him the opportunity, based on his higher intelligence capabilities, to open portals for space flights from other star systems to the solar system. But he could not only open such portals, but also create them and regulate them in directions.

After the Star Wars in our solar system, it was not visited by its Creators and, on command, was transferred to standby mode for the further execution of its programs. He maintains constant contact with them, transmitting to them monitoring data about civilization on Earth and waiting in standby mode for control commands. The "Black Knight" has its own defense system against attack and the ability to telepathically view negative intentions in the memory of intelligent beings. It cannot be destroyed or entered into.

It was not for nothing that the famous ufologist and virtual archaeologist George Graham was shown a picture of the translucent satellite “Black Knight” following the International Space Station (ISS). Firstly, in order to show that no one shot it down and it is in orbit as always, and secondly, it is translucent because it can make its matter partially or completely invisible, i.e. in the form of mirror matter (article No. 91). Therefore, observing it is a rather rare case, because... it is found much less frequently in the visible frequency range and does this only to throw up another unsolved mystery to our science. For about a million years now, the “Black Knight” has been creating the necessary portals for members of the Galactic Union and their guests to fly to Earth...

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Black Knight

He is black as darkness and terrible as death,

Below him the firmament crumbles into gray dust.

His dead horse gallops tirelessly.

The horse's hooves strike fire.

And in time with their blows the earth only groans,

But into the distance Black Knight everything drives the horse... Author Yar.

Features of the army of the dead.

Weaknesses of the dead. Many warriors of this race refuse to obey the player under certain conditions. Zombies and skeletons, entering the control zone of a living enemy (on a cell adjacent to the one occupied by the enemy creature), do not move until either they or their enemy are destroyed. The only thing that remains for the player is to choose which of the enemies to strike, provided that there are several enemies that can be struck without leaving the spot. Skeleton archers completely “forget” to take a step back and shoot, as Russian archers do, and continue hand-to-hand combat. Vampires and ancient vampires are controllable only until they are injured. A wounded vampire attacks only with a furious attack on the nearest living warrior, even if it is an ally or mercenary, and becomes controllable only after it has restored its health.

A few representatives of the dead have the skills of a fierce attack (vampires only) or blind defense (black knight). Although the necromancer has 4 lives (the Russian sorcerer has only 3 lives), he cannot heal either himself or another necromancer (if there are several of them on the field).

Strengths of the dead. A necromancer, using the magic “necromancy”, for a certain amount of mana, can return to the battlefield any skeletons, all zombies with the exception of the zombie lord and even ghosts, which, if played correctly, makes it possible to have an indestructible army at his disposal! Skeletons and zombies themselves are relatively cheap, for example, instead of one Russian warrior, you can take two warrior skeletons.

When all dead people receive damage, they lose only 1 step (cell) of speed for each damage, and all other indicators remain the same. Considering that this rule does not apply to cavalry (it is considered that the rider was wounded, not his horse) and creatures with the “flight” characteristic, the loss of speed only threatens skeletons and zombies.

The “horror” characteristic of the dead, instead of the fighting spirit of the living, fetters many enemy warriors!

The Zombie Lord not only gives a good bonus to nearby zombies, but is also capable of replenishing the army of the dead with new zombies directly on the battlefield by killing living enemy warriors!

Ancient vampires can be quickly transferred from one battle area to another and even behind enemy lines to his shooters and magicians - the speed of an ancient vampire is 10 cells, regardless of the folds of the terrain! His unique ability to restore previously lost lives at the expense of the lives of living opponents (vampirism) makes him invulnerable to a small group of the enemy, for example, an ancient vampire is able to independently destroy 3-4 Russian infantrymen leaving the battle without a single scratch!

Ghosts are unique warriors of the dead; they are capable of terrifying any living enemy who does not have “fearlessness” in their characteristics, and then their destruction is “a matter of technology.”

Features of the Black Knight.

Black Knight– one of the most formidable warriors in the army of the dead, he himself has several unique characteristics today. Unique Double punch(the value of the die thrown into the attack is multiplied by 2.), gives him the ability to penetrate almost any armor. Combat Master deprives the enemy of chances - the black knight strikes without missing. Magic armor Protects against critical hits. A two attacks with a two-handed sword making a circular movement, they mow down crowds of enemies. With his good movement speed of 8 steps, he has strong armor = 10, making him invulnerable to bows and crossbows at medium distances. A high horror rating of 8 puts quite a few enemies into a state of stupor, which is especially valuable when attacking with a two-handed sword. A black knight in a narrow area of ​​the playing field can single-handedly hold off many enemies using the skill blind protection. But, despite 6 lives and its other advantages, the loss of a black knight is irreversible - the necromancer is not able to return a previously destroyed black knight to battle.

Combat Master– this is a creature unable to fail an attack, i.e. When a die is rolled, a value of 1 is added to the base attack value.

Silent protection. A creature using this skill adds two die rolls to its base defense statistic, but does not roll any dice on its attack.

Important! The player must report the use of blind defense before rolling the attacker's dice. The defender in advance refuses to carry out a counterattack against the enemy, using two dice rolls in defense instead of one.

Important! A player cannot use dice defensively at will, such as defending against a first attack with one dice and using another to defend against the next attack. If blind defense is used by the player when repelling the first attack, then all subsequent attacks the creature defends using only its basic defense. If a 1 is rolled on one of the dice, then this die is not added to the defense value; if two units are rolled, then a blind defense is carried out using only its basic defense.

Magic armor gives immunity to a critical hit - a six rolled on the die is simply added to the base attack, and is not automatically counted as a wound. The shooter cannot injure a creature with magical armor if the weapon's strength is not sufficient.

Two-handed sword gives the ability to carry out an attack on several enemy creatures located on adjacent cells in the control zone at once. In this case, all creatures, except the first one, that are hit by a two-handed sword, defend themselves using only one die in defense, regardless of the skill of blind defense or the ability to carry out more than 1 attack. When performing an attack on one creature, it adds + 2 to the base attack indicator. A circular strike with a two-handed sword affects not only enemy warriors, but also your own warriors!

Table of combat characteristics of the Black Knight

You did the RIGHT thing by betting on the army of the dead!

Who received orders to disrupt the Argent Tournament organized by the Argent Vanguard on the northern shore of Icecrown.

He arrived at the tournament and became one of the candidates, saying that he lived with his family in Serebryany Bor or Western Territory. However, rumors began to spread among the tournament participants that everyone who was drawn to become the Black Knight's opponent in the next battle suddenly died.

Knight Rydall of the Vanguard learned that the story he tells about himself is a complete deception, and began collecting evidence to bring charges. She received a crystal found from the wild seers who live near the night elf ruins in the Crystalsong Forest. The crystal charged with Light energy was taken to the graves of the three dead tournament participants who were supposed to fight the Black Knight. The crystal revealed that Lorien Sunblaze had been poisoned, Sir Wendell had been burned alive, and Conall had been killed by a sword in the back.

Rydalla turned her attention to the orc Malorik, the squire of the Black Knight, who went to the Crystal Song Forest every day to get firewood. It became known that he actually goes to the ruins in the southwest of the Mirror of Twilight. Rydalla's messenger stunned the orc and took his bag, which contained poison, a set of knives, torches and oil.

The network exploded with a video of the death of a mysterious space object that had been in Earth orbit for 13 thousand years.


The website was the first to publish footage of the destruction of a certain space object. From the explanation it followed that they were received from hackers who hacked the secret Wikileaks server and obtained files with this secret video filmed by the CIA and the Pentagon. Filmed by participants in a secret operation to destroy a mysterious satellite known as the Black Knight Satellite. It is believed that aliens placed it in Earth's orbit about 13 thousand years ago. To keep an eye on the development of human civilization.

The Black Knight is destroyed by the Illuminati.

The files stolen by hackers allegedly contained reports with details of the combat mission, which will soon also be made public.

The Black Knight was allegedly shot down by a missile launched from a secret aircraft (circled).

Next, SecureTeam10, a ufological YouTube channel, joined the story. He distributed the video of the destruction of the “Black Knight” further across the network. And he said that the CIA and the Pentagon were only carrying out the order to shoot down the satellite. And it was given away by the Illuminati - representatives of the secret Masonic sect that actually rules the world. It includes several thousand influential people from different countries. There is even one Russian representative. But who he is is a secret.

"Black Knight" above the Earth - photo taken by American astronauts in 1998.

Result: “Black Knight” was destroyed either on March 16 or 17, 2017. Evidence of this is a video from the Wikileaks server: a damaged object burns in the atmosphere and falls apart into small pieces. Why did the Illuminati shoot him down? The authors of the messages do not specify.

“Black Knight”, why are you circling the Earth...

“Black Knight” is what ufologists and even some more traditional scientists call a space object that is - or has now been - in Earth’s orbit at an altitude of about 2 thousand kilometers. And it rotates in the “wrong” direction. All spacecraft launched by people fly in the direction of the Earth’s rotation, and he flies in the opposite direction.

From the myths about the “Black Knight” it follows that Nikola Tesla was the first to identify it back in 1899. Allegedly he caught encrypted signals that came to Earth in pairs from somewhere outside. He assumed that an alien probe was sending them. In the 30s of the last century, such signals began to be detected en masse. Which strengthened suspicions about the existence of aliens and their probe.

Further, again if you believe the myths, in 1958 the object first caught our eye. It was seen through a telescope by American amateur astronomer Steve Slayton. I saw it against the backdrop of the bright moon. The object was rotating in the “wrong” direction. According to the calculations of an amateur astronomer, its size was about 10 meters, its flight altitude above the Earth was from 1 to 2 thousand kilometers.

Slayton reported his observations to the military. They connected radars, but apart from the satellites that were available at that time, they did not find anything else.

According to another version, the first unidentified satellite, which moves in the opposite direction than all those launched by the USSR and the USA by that time, was discovered by the French astronomer Jacques Vallee in the mid-60s of the last century. But his colleagues did not confirm his “discovery.”

The astronauts took several photos of the Black Knight from different angles. These photos became the main evidence of the existence of the object.

The satellite most likely received the name “Black Knight” from the Soviet science fiction writer Alexander Kazantsev. In the early 70s of the last century, his trilogy “Phaetians” was published about the tragic death of the planet Phaeton, which was supposedly located between Mars and Jupiter - there is now an asteroid belt.

According to the plot of the novel, the inhabitants of Phaethon - the Phaetians - visited the Earth twice. The first time was when our furry ancestors, the faetoids, as Kazantsev called them, still lived on it. The second time - 13 thousand years ago. They flew from Mars, where many managed to move and survived there in local dungeons. The Faetians left a satellite in orbit with information about what happened to them. Earthlings discovered it, read the message and visited the Faetians on Mars.

The writer called the satellite “The Black Prince”. In the text that was translated into English, the name became Black Knight Satellite - "Black Knight". And it became attached to a mysterious space object, about which there were already numerous rumors. By the way, the name “Black Prince” is also in use now.

It is obvious that it was Kazantsev who was involved in the assertion of ufologists that the object, supposedly real and not invented by the writer, appeared in Earth orbit approximately 13 thousand years ago.

In 1998, the “Black Knight” was finally photographed. The photographs were taken by the Americans from the Endeavor shuttle during the STS-88 expedition to the International Space Station (ISS) under construction. Since then, images of the alien satellite obtained by astronauts have been considered the most reliable evidence of its existence.

And now the Black Knight is destroyed. Evidence of this is a video from the Wikileaks server: a damaged object burns in the atmosphere and falls apart into small pieces. Why did the Illuminati shoot him down? The authors of the messages do not specify.


The “Black Knight” covered himself with a warm blanket

It has long been known what kind of “mysterious” object was captured during the STS-88 expedition. One of its participants, Jerry Ross, spoke about this.

Astronauts Jerry Ross and his colleague Jim Newman during the installation of elements of the ISS.

Ross and his colleague Jim Newman participated in the installation of the ISS. They needed to cover the elements of the docking node of the connecting module Node 1 with thermal insulation. The thermal insulation was a specially sewn blanket, one side of which was silver and the other black. The astronauts missed this blanket.

Where's the blanket? - did colleagues ask Jerry and Jim?

“It flew away,” answered the hapless installers.

The docking station console, on which it was necessary to put thermal insulation.

The blanket that flew into space remained next to the shuttle for some time. It curled up, began to turn and take on bizarre shapes. The astronauts photographed the blanket. It was then that ufologists with unclean thoughts began to pass him off as the “Black Knight”.

Renowned expert James Oberg conducted a detailed investigation. And, showing the pictures, he brought the hoaxers to light.

NASA module: on the right (in the yellow square) - the thermal insulation is on, on the left the docking element is exposed.

The blanket flew away. The diagram shows which parts of the flying blanket correspond to the real elements.

And you don’t have to be a great expert to understand: the object caught in the astronauts’ frame could not possibly be the “Black Prince.” After all, this satellite is moving in the direction opposite to the movement of earthly spacecraft. Therefore, past the ISS, which seems to be flying towards him, he must rush past, to put it mildly, like a bullet. The photographer would not have had time to blink an eye, much less take a photo.

View of the ISS from the side of the shuttle: the astronaut working on the American module is marked in yellow, and the blanket that has been passed off as the “Black Knight” is marked in red.

And yet, the myths that relate to the “Black Knight” did not arise out of nowhere.

The "Black Knight" arrived from the constellation Bootes

On October 11, 1928, Dr. Karl Stoermer, while in Oslo, received signals from a Dutch radio station - a set of dots and dashes. For some reason, everyone came twice with a delay of 3 to 18 seconds. It was as if radio waves went into space and then returned, reflected from some object.

Stermer's experiment was repeated by the French, Germans, and Americans with approximately the same results. They called the phenomenon LDE (from English - Long Delay Echo - long delay of radio echo) and recognized it as real. But no reasonable explanation was given.

The hypothesis appeared only in 1960. At one of the NASA seminars, it was proposed by astronomer Ronald Braswell. His idea was that an alien reconnaissance probe had arrived in the solar system. The device responded to ordered electromagnetic waves emanating from earthly radio transmitters - that is, it “realized” that it had discovered intelligent life. Sent a message to my friends. And now it communicates itself to us, receiving our signals and, with some delay, sending them back.

Braswell's idea, which, by the way, was approved by the outstanding Soviet astrophysicist Joseph Shklovsky, was developed by the English astronomer Duncan Lunan. Based on the sequence of signals and their delay time, he drew a diagram in which he recognized the constellation Bootes. But on the diagram it appeared not in its modern form, but as it looked 13 thousand years ago.

The astronomer concluded: the probe conveys to earthlings where and when it arrived. He arrived, therefore, from the constellation Bootes 13 thousand years ago. Let us remember that, according to the myths about the “Black Knight,” he ended up in the solar system around the same time. Strange coincidence.

Read more about strange signals from space, Andrei Moiseenko's investigation published in Komsomolskaya Pravda Are aliens listening to our radio? The original is here/.


So did the Illuminati shoot down the “Black Prince” or not? It turned out just the other day - on March 21: they didn’t shoot down anything - it was a hoax, a blatant fake.

The footage, which hoaxers present as evidence of the destruction of the "Black Knight", shows the Japanese Hayabusa apparatus (Hayabusa - Peregrine falcon in Japanese). It was launched in 2003 to the Itokawa asteroid, approached it, took soil samples and returned to Earth. On June 13, 2010, Hayabusa entered the dense layers of the atmosphere. Where it burned down. What can be seen in the footage.

But before it burned there, the Japanese device dropped a capsule with samples of asteroid soil. She was also caught on video. Hoaxers, commenting on the footage, report: they say, look - a probe with important equipment separated from the “Black Knight” and flew away to its creators with a denunciation against us. No, the capsule flew off and landed successfully in Australia.

Capsule with asteroid soil: hoaxers claimed that it was the surviving part of the Black Knight flying away.

What happens? The video is fake, the NASA cards don't have "Black Knight" on them, but a blanket. It turns out: there is no objective evidence that the satellite really exists. Just speculation based on fakes. But the question is: what kind of object did Slayton see then? Mystery...

Black Reitar - executioner of chivalry

The pistol crossed out all knightly valor and the cult of hand-to-hand combat. After the advent of firearms, from three dozen steps it was possible to lay down anyone, the most famous master of a sword or spear, in his place. And no armor, not even Milanese or Toledo, could withstand the blow of a heavy bullet fired by a ruthless soldier, a mercenary, accustomed to killing without further ado or reasoning. Kill professionally and in cold blood, with discipline and precision.

The reiters were such prudent shooters. Warriors from the common people, trained to stay well in the saddle, make complex formations on horseback, and at the same time shoot accurately and with excellent dexterity from pistols hidden in saddle holsters. They wore black armor so as not to attract the attention of the enemy. And the reiters maneuvered on the battlefield harmoniously and swiftly.
The Black Reitar became the executioner of chivalry. The tactics of a massive cavalry charge with a heavy spear at the ready are a thing of the past. Bulky and heavy full armor was no longer needed. Reitar was content with lightweight armor - cuirass, legguards, helmet.

Black Reitar Attack

The pistol cavalrymen approached the enemy in rows at a trot. A few tens of meters before the enemy’s ranks, they took out their pistols and fired in volleys, after which they moved to the rear rows, giving their comrades the opportunity to fire shots. The formation, folding and unfolding at the command of the Rittmeister, resembled the movements of a snail. from which the tactics of the reitar received the name - karakole.
The army of the Holy Roman Empire was willingly replenished by soldiers from Southern Germany - Badeners and Württembergers who knew how to handle pistols. They became reiters, passing on the art of shooting from horseback to their children and grandchildren. Gradually a military class was formed. During the Thirty Years' War, Swedish horsemen used reitar tactics. This was the most effective way to inflict losses on the enemy.

Black reiters were especially useful to the Roman emperors during the Schmalkaldic War, when Catholics massacred Protestants. German cavalry pistol pilots were also in demand in the wars in Holland and France. Many of them, trying to increase the duration of the battle without reloading their weapons, loaded themselves with not two, but much more pistols. Five or even six deadly weapons were strapped to the saddle.

Black Reitar armor

The Reitar pistol had a special design. It was much longer than the models intended for infantry. At the end of the handle there was a heavy ball that served as a counterweight. So that the rider does not accidentally drop his weapon. There were modifications with two barrels, as well as very rare examples of the revolver type, when the barrels rotated. But loading multi-barreled pistols took much longer.
Edged weapons - a sword or a long sword - were used by reiters when pursuing the enemy, for personal defense outside the formation. It was an auxiliary weapon.
In the 16th century, the psychological aspect was not overlooked. Sometimes it was easier to scare the enemy. For some soldiers, the mere appearance of black horsemen on the battlefield inspired wild horror. They were represented as fiends of hell. The Reitars tried to additionally blacken their clothes and armor, even their faces, with soot.
The Reitar's dominance on the battlefield lasted about a hundred years. By the beginning of the 18th century, their tactics became archaic due to the increasing firepower of flintlock muskets and the discipline of the infantry. All European armies gradually refused to invite mercenaries to join the ranks of dragoons or hussars.

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