Bless event lost light of the tree of life. Races and classes in MMORPG Bless

In the mythology of various peoples and in religious traditions there are many symbols that characterize the connection of God with earthly people, the fictional world with the present. Thus, the tree of life is one of such elements that characterizes the development of life, honoring traditions and keeping the commandments. For different peoples, the vision of this symbol may differ.

What does the tree of life mean?

It is generally accepted that the tree of life is a kind of mythical symbol denoting the connection between man, God, earth and heaven. It carries a deep meaning that not every person can understand. Here are some interpretations of the tree of life as a symbol of human essence:

  1. It can symbolize human life - from birth and development to death.
  2. The Tree of Life connects Heaven, Hell and the daily lives of people.
  3. Can serve as a symbol.
  4. The fruits and leaves on a tree can have special meanings, such as symbolizing health.
  5. As a rule, a tree is depicted with thick roots and a crown, which gives it a massive, full-fledged, healthy appearance - this is a symbol of this state of the people, and branched roots are a sign of deep connection with religion, a solid foundation and a certain foundation for further development.

The symbol in question is present in almost all religions. What does the tree of life look like for each of them? In the form of natural wood or schematically - in the form of blocks directed from one to another. The content of this concept will be slightly different, but its essence and meaning for a believer, regardless of religion, will be similar.

Tree of Life in the Bible

In the Book of Genesis, the tree of life in Eden was a tree that was planted by God. It grew in the Garden of Eden along with the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Eating its fruits ensured eternal life. God forbade the first people on earth - Eve, Adam - to eat the fruits of the tree of knowledge; by violating this prohibition, they were expelled from paradise, stopped using the gifts of the tree of life, thereby depriving themselves of eternal life.

Also in the Bible, the tree of life symbolizes the following concepts:

  • the presence of God;
  • God's help;
  • taciturnity;
  • wisdom of man;
  • observance of commandments and church traditions.

Tree of life in Islam

The Muslim religion has its own similar symbol - Zakkum - a tree growing in the middle of Hell, the fruits of which hungry, sinful people are forced to eat. What does the tree of life mean in this case? Perhaps this is a symbol of retribution for abandoning one’s God and sinful deeds. As punishment for sinners, a disgusting, fetid tree awaits, the fruits of which will destroy the human body. At the same time, people will not feel hungry, which will force them to use Zakkum as a constant source of food. This will be a kind of punishment for disobedience to religion and traditions.

Tree of Life - Kabbalah

Kabbalah is a religious and mystical teaching in Judaism. The Kabbalistic tree of life looks like a set of ten sefirot - the fundamental concepts of this movement. The Sephirot are considered as a single whole, which personifies the activity of God, and each individual component of the tree will be a symbol of the manifestation of the divine principle.

In such a tree of life the following parts are distinguished:

  • the middle pillar is a symbol of tenderness and balance;
  • left pillar – severity;
  • the right pillar is mercy.

Often the middle pillar symbolizes the short path of a hermit who has renounced worldly life. For the worldly path, the passage of all 10 sefirot is required. In the tree of life of Kabbalah, there is a difference between light and darkness, the feminine and the masculine. If we consider each sephirot, then above it will be feminine properties, and below it will be masculine.

Tree of Life - Mythology

As a rule, the tree of life in mythology is a symbol of life and its fullness. It is often the opposite of the image of death. In mythological stories, the life cycle is presented from the moment of birth to maximum development, so one can compare this process with the development of a tree - from its planting, the gradual strengthening of the root system, the development of the crown until the period of flowering and the appearance of fruits.

Tree of life among the Slavs

The pagan Slavs have a legend - before the appearance of land on Earth there was an endless sea, in the middle of which there were two trees. Pigeons sat on them, which at a certain point in time dived into the water and took out stones and sand from the bottom. These components became the basis for the earth, sky, sun and moon in the middle of the sea.

Perhaps, according to this legend, the Slavic tree of life became a symbol of the creation of the world and its original center. This image is often found in folk works. The tree of life in Slavic mythology is sometimes represented in the form of a large tree, the roots of which reach to the deepest layers of the earth, and its branches reach to the sky and symbolize the passage of time and the surrounding space.

Scandinavian tree of life

The Scandinavian tree of life – the World Tree or Yggdrasil – is represented in the form of a massive ash tree. Its distinctive features and symbols:

  1. Its branches touch the sky. The tallest one protects the abode of the Gods with its shadow.
  2. The tree of life has a lush crown that protects everyone who is located under it.
  3. It has three roots, which descend into the underworld, and then diverge to the kingdom of people, or to the abode of giants.
  4. According to the Scandinavian story, three sisters - Present, Past, Future - water the tree of life with the water of the Urd spring every day, so it is bright green and fresh.
  5. As a rule, the Gods gather at the Yggdrasil tree to resolve important issues, and the wisest eagle lives on its branches
  6. Despite any trials, the tree gives life to the universe and shelter to those who remain alive.

Celtic tree of life

During the reign of the Celts, there was a certain tradition. Once their tribe occupied a new territory, the Celtic tree of life was chosen from it. Such a large tree in the center of the settlement was a symbol of the unity of the tribe. Around him, future leaders assumed supreme power, receiving permission from above.

Be kind!

For beginners.

When accepting new players, I always tell the same thing. I'm glad to help you settle in, but what if I'm not around? To do this, I will collect in this guide the most frequently asked questions, popular tips and other useful things for beginners.

1. Each class in the game has a magic SHIFT button on the keyboard - everyone has this special skill! For different classes, it performs its effect, but always removes almost all negative effects from your character. For some, when squeezed, it gives absolute invulnerability.

2. Collect everything you find: Ore, Herbs, Trees. Collected materials are crafted into Jars of potions, Dishes, various Items and weapons. Collect and craft everything! This improves the Gathering skill (increases the chance of collecting rare materials) and the Crafting skill (allows you to craft more useful things).

3. It’s easier to get equipment and weapons for quests.

4. The best way to level up to 45lvl is through quests and hunting (tasks to kill 12 mobs).

5. In dungeons and from world mini-Bosses (mobs that are difficult to kill) materials for crafting armor drop.

6. Inventory can be expanded for free for 7 days. When they run out, Nano removes all the items from the inventory bar that has ended, re-enter the game and you can open it again for 7 days.

7. Crystals in the game are the game currency. Quests will give you some crystals. Save up and buy in the store (right in the game) an Infinite Pickaxe and a Bag for collecting herbs. Save up the remaining crystals - you will need them to convert dungeon points into PvP points (or vice versa) to craft things at level 45. Well, or these glasses can be bought for the same crystals.

8. In the dungeon. If you die while killing the Boss, DO NOT resurrect. Lie like a corpse in the place where you were killed and wait. Either the paladin will resurrect you, or the Boss will be finished off and you will receive loot and the quest will count. once again: quests are counted for the dead and loot is distributed!

9. Backstabs are more effective for any class!

10. Run away when the ground under your feet turns red - this means there will be a strong massive blow from the enemy!

11. If there are no friends to go through the dungeon, then go to the entrance to the dungeon and stand in line to find a group. The Koreans will invite you and go through the dungeon together. They understand by nicknames that you do not understand Korean and are silent in the chat :)

12. Some ingredients for crafting can be bought from a materials merchant: look on the map in cities.

Races in the game are divided into two types - Giron and Union - these are the opponents in the game. All races of Giron and the Union are similar in appearance and in their characteristics, because according to history they once lived together. There is also one race that can belong to both Giron and the Union - this is the Mask.

- one of the oldest races on the entire continent. Immediately after birth, they adopt the hunting skills of their ancestors. By nature, they are calm and reasonable from the moment the battle begins - then they turn into real wild animals, ready to destroy their opponents without fear or compassion. Rougarou are able to weaken opponents and control their actions. The pinnacle of Ruragu's skills is to transform into huge, ferocious wolves.

Can become: guardian, berserker, ranger.

– Wood elves live in the oldest magical forest, which imbues them with extraordinary power. The Silvas were born at the dawn of time, making them the oldest race in the world. Arrogant and contemptuous - they consider other races inferior, insufficiently developed, so they look down on them. However, silvas rarely show their emotions; over the centuries of their life, their feelings have worn out and are difficult to awaken.

– their life is a battle. There is nothing more valuable to Valor than a fair fight face to face with the enemy. Honor, traditions, courage are what the representatives of the Valor race honor. The youngest race that was able to unite wild peoples, turning them into a great fist, eager to flatten their opponents. The Valors dream of conquering the entire continent, uniting all races into one great empire, of which they will become the crown.

- once scattered tribes of nomadic robbers, living only by robberies and raids. Nowadays they are the great warriors of the Union. Uncontrollability, aggression and recklessness are the Targaryans' battle motto. Like the Rougarou, their blood relatives from the north, they know how to weaken and control their opponents. And the greatest manifestation of the power of the Targarians is the ability to transform into great panthers.

Can become: guardian, berserker, ranger, assassin.

- part of the elven union, separated after the collapse of the elven kingdom. Unlike their northern relatives, they decided to follow the path of freedom of thought and technological progress, turning away from the primordial elven traditions. This nation of elves lives on a huge island, remote from the main material, so no one prevents their race from living and developing.

Can become: guardian, paladin, ranger, assassin, mage

- cultural representatives of the race of people. Many of them devote themselves to science and culture, in particular music. The main value of the Amistads is constant self-improvement. A long time ago, they were able to separate from their brothers from Giron to create their own union in the south of the mainland, managing to unite all the scattered and oppressed tribes. The Amistars want to conquer the entire continent, wiping out their opponents from its face.

Can become: guardian, berserker, paladin, ranger, assassin, mage

- independent representatives of a trade guild that crashed on the mainland. They were able to found their own community and survived. However, events on the mainland also affected them. Now the Masku are divided into two tribes - one swore allegiance to the Union, the second to Giron. The Masku are inventors at their core, which has been the key to their prosperity.

Can become: guardian, berserker, paladin, assassin, mage, ranger

Classes in Bless

– armed with a sword and shield, guards on the battlefield are always in the vanguard. Their indomitable fighting spirit allows them to reduce damage to themselves and allies. Superior in tactics, Guardians protect their allies by giving them room to maneuver. They fight for honor and glory, but self-sacrifice is the most important virtue for a guardian.

– a perfect example of a threat on the battlefield. Everyone recognizes their skill. Most often, berserkers are ruthless mercenaries and adventurers who seek nothing more than money and blood. However, many berserkers choose to join guilds to demonstrate their abilities on the battlefield!

– combines the skills of a warrior and a priest, using a mace and shield from a warrior, and divine magic from a priest. They know how to protect their allies and heal them from mortal wounds. The divine essence of paladins allows them to skillfully destroy the undead and demons. The main task of paladins in everyday life is the protection of temples and monasteries.

– the main goal of assassins is murder. Nothing more. Only blood and ruthlessness are the motto of every skilled assassin. Many killers have significant knowledge of poisons and anatomy. Stealthy appearance in the shadows and delivering a fatal blow to the victim's ribs is the favorite strategy of all assassins. Amazing agility, long knives and light black cloaks - this is the silhouette of a killer.

- the whole life of magicians is in the study of secret knowledge. Their knowledge helps them manipulate water, fire, wind, and earth. The most skilled magicians can command not only the elements, but also natural phenomena, such as lightning or blizzards. Mages combine their knowledge to unleash it on their opponents.

\ ranger - rangers track enemies while wandering in the wilderness, setting up ambushes for enemy patrols. They use bows as their main weapon, so they strike first, which helps them in winning. Rangers also know how to attack the enemy's vulnerable spots using a long dagger - a secondary hunting weapon. Rangers prefer to use the terrain and terrain to plan stealth attacks, such as setting traps or creating ambushes.

At the moment, these are all the classes in Bless, but later several more classes will be added, which are described below.

They summon demons from another world, forcing them to fight according to the will of the ruler. Summoners are feared and hated, many of them were former mages, but betrayed their society to study the forbidden knowledge of demons. The priests do not tolerate summoners, but they tolerate them in order to win the great war.

Summon spirits by manipulating the frequent energy of nature. Spirits protect and protect their summoner, representing a formidable force for his opponents.

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