Astral vision: how to see what is inaccessible to others. Conquering inner vision

For the first time, people started talking about such an ability of the human body as alternative vision in the twentieth century. The superfunction was studied by outstanding scientific minds: Bekhtereva, Pytyev and many others. Vyacheslav Bronnikov became widely famous, having created and substantiated a practical method that allows one to see surrounding objects without the help of the usual visual organ, without the help of the eyes, using the so-called internal vision. The theory has caused mixed reactions in scientific circles. However, over the years, students of the Bronnikov school have demonstrated amazing results in vision with their eyes closed andhealing of diseases.

Alternative and astral vision

Alternative vision implies a person’s ability to see, read, or navigate in space without using the usual visual pathway. In this case, we are talking about performing standard visual functions - seeing at a human visual angle of 220 degrees, using an alternative method, using the abilities of human consciousness and brain activity.

The human body is capable of more. His astral (etheric) body, devoid of physical limitations, has an expanded vision of 360 degrees around itself. This ability, called astral (etheric) vision, is achievable with the use of special training that allows one to realize the limitlessness of vision.

Developing an alternative vision. V. Bronnikov's method

Disputes in the scientific community about V. Bronnikov’s method do not subside to this day. A number of studies designed to test the effectiveness of the technique, conducted by leading scientists, confirmed the existence of an alternative vision, but could not establish its nature. The reality of this ability was recognized by N. Bekhtereva as a result of a study by a group of employees of the Institute of Human Brain of the Russian Academy of Sciences led by her. Having not found direct evidence, Bekhtereva suggested the implementation of the function of alternative vision with the help of the skin.

At the beginning of 2011, specialists from the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus announced the safety and effectiveness of developing alternative vision using V. Bronnikov’s method.

Created and popularized by V. Bronnikov, it is based on many years of research into the human brain and the scientist’s firm conviction that every person has abilities, ancient brain structures that are not needed in the body due to thousands of years of evolutionary transformations. The method allows you to include them in real life gradually, going through 3 practical steps.

First stage actively develops the bioenergy of the human body, awakening phantom feelings and teaching them how to manage them, create them within themselves and in the surrounding space. This technology is the basis of qigong, wushu and other eastern teachings.

At the second stage inner vision is activated, opening up a new world of human possibilities. A person learns to consciously create an internal screen that broadcasts any given images, taste, olfactory and other sensations. It is important to adhere to precise technology and safety elements.

At the third stage Direct vision becomes available when, with the eyes closed, an image is formed on the internal mental screen, similar to the picture in the material surrounding space. The direct perception method allows the brain to view the world around it independently without the use of standard visual organs.

The development of internal and external vision, the acquisition of phantom feelings open up enormous prospects for a person. At the fourth stage, the ability of alternative vision is like a biological computer, into which the person himself puts the desired program.

Vyacheslav Bronnikov’s method formed the basis of a training program aimed at developing all forms of vision, intuition, managing the energy of one’s own body, complete diagnosis of the condition, development of super-memory, super-sensitivity, restoration of body functions, cure of diseases.

Other methods for developing an alternative vision

Today, an alternative vision is actively developing in the developments of specialists around the world. The possibilities that the discovery of phenomenal functions opens up for a person are truly endless.

The technique of Mark Komissarov, an American scientist of Russian origin, is also widely known, which makes it possible to activate the human brain’s ability to directly perceive the world around us without using the visual organs. Practice demonstrates the effectiveness of the technique in acquiring visual function for blind people.

The well-known Russian school of Nikolai Denisov is developing a person’s ability to directly perceive the surrounding reality, whose students demonstrate phenomenal results in vision without the help of the eyes, as well as receiving information directly from the brain.

Kinesiology deals with the development of the hidden abilities of the human brain, which allow us to perceive information from the surrounding world without using the usual senses. Carol Ann Hontz's One Brain approach restores the brain's ability to make free choices in the present, effectively releasing traumatic situations from the past.

Exercises for developing direct vision according to the method of V. Bronnikov

From the editor: enter the word “Bronnikov” in the search on our website and read the opinions of other authors, sometimes strongly diverging from each other.

Opening the sixth chakra can take a lot of time and effort, so you need to make sure in advance that you are ready to take responsibility for new skills.

The mystery of the third eye attracts hundreds of thousands of people, but only a few need to activate the center and want to use the chakra not only for selfish purposes. The possibilities of the all-seeing eye are practically limitless, because they open access to the general information space of the Universe.

The Power of the Third Eye: Types of Vision

From the perspective of almost any Eastern practice, the functions of the third eye are divided into three basic categories.

  • Internal (or X-ray) vision- this is a person’s ability to look into his own body or the organisms of other people and analyze all organ systems. This ability directly refers to healing.
  • Meditative vision- skills of working with the subconscious and your own soul. Here we are rather talking about the ability to develop one’s consciousness to a higher level in order to master astral travel of the soul, achieve enlightenment, etc.
  • Intelligent Vision- this is the ability to feel your own mental abilities, as well as the skills of your interlocutor. This may include reading and sharing thoughts and developing ideal logical thinking.

Thus, when discussing what abilities open up with the development of the third eye, it makes sense to talk about advanced skills of the brain, soul and heart.

In the East it is believed that the perception of information images can be varied. You can’t always see the picture, because sometimes a single voice or thought is enough to fully analyze the situation.

Therefore, the answer to the question of what the third eye sees can be conditionally divided into separate spheres in accordance with such channels as:

  1. Clairvoyance is the most popular part of perceiving data from the Cosmos when the sixth chakra is activated. Here a person has access to pictures from the future.
  2. Telepathy is a way of reading the thoughts of other people, so whoever opens the third eye can study any hidden details of life from the past or present.
  3. Dreams - prophetic dreams often appear in owners of the all-seeing eye, in addition, they have access to astral flights of the subtle body while the physical shell is resting. Using this method, you can see not only different stages of time, but also parallel worlds and other spaces.
  4. Intuition - you should not throw away the power of your own inner voice, therefore, after activating the third eye, a person sees in advance a variety of life situations and problems.

The magic of the third eye in a scientific context

The theory of torsion fields allows us to argue that the all-seeing eye, the activity of which the scientific community traditionally attributes to the pineal gland, helps the body tune to different frequencies of its own or someone else’s soul. Accordingly, by connecting to the desired torsion field, you can gain access to the most hidden information.

Even if we abandon this version and accept the general information field of the Universe as true, the work of the third eye is quite simple to explain. It is believed that about 95% of brain cells have a connection with the astral-mental sphere, where there are no categories of time and space. Therefore, by connecting to the mental plane with the help of the third eye, you can easily read information through the corresponding fields.

What is the third eye for from the point of view of scientists? Returning to the popular idea of ​​torsion fields, we can distinguish three functions of this chakra in accordance with the frequencies available to it:

  • Functions of intelligence. Here we are tuning into frequencies with the Higher Mind, the Creator, the Absolute. For such skills you have to tune in to the frequencies of the universal information space.
  • Functions of meditation. Tuning into different levels of frequencies of the fields of your soul. Interestingly, this is a more individual and troublesome procedure, since each of the hundreds of spiritual practices has its own frequency.
  • Functions of the inner gaze. The main task of a person within the framework of this ability is to tune in to the frequencies of different internal organs. This opens access to the body and allows diseases to be diagnosed in time.

Degrees of development of the third eye in yoga

Each spiritual guru expresses the signs of the all-seeing eye differently. In addition, much is determined by the amount of training and a person’s lifestyle. Therefore, before asking the question “How to use the third eye?”, It is useful to first determine at what stage of its activity it is and where its current capabilities end.

  1. The first stage is the study of objects and people by seeing their aura, which determines the emotional or physical state of objects.
  2. The second stage is viewing events and things from the recent past or present from the outside or from the inside. Here you can also see special thought forms of a religious or spiritual orientation due to increased concentration. At first, such visions may be short-lived and darkened, but after exercises on the third eye their quality increases.
  3. The third stage - seeing pictures from different times and spaces is no longer different from the signals of ordinary eyes. These are flashes with fairly high clarity, allowing you to see any details and little things.

The first three steps, according to experts, are accessible to absolutely anyone after some time. Even blind people are able to successfully complete training and achieve a good level of development of the third eye.

The fourth stage is the master level. These are abilities already for the elite, which are revealed only after long spiritual self-improvement. The inner vision of such a person sees everything he wants, without focusing on space and time.

Most Popular Abilities

It is believed that the list of skills acquired after opening the third eye includes:

  • visions with closed eyes;
  • mind reading;
  • visions of the past and future;
  • intuition;
  • visions beyond time and distance;
  • contact with spiritual guides;
  • vision of the aura and analysis of the body according to its condition;
  • healing without drugs;
  • clairvoyance;
  • vision of etheric bodies;
  • vivid and controllable dreams.

Despite such an impressive list, it is worth noting that understanding the abilities of the sixth chakra of Ajna is not accessible to a wide range of people. What does the third eye mean according to the unenlightened public? As a rule, the most common skills associated with extrasensory perception and popularized by many programs are implied in the conversation.

  • Telekinesis - influencing objects without muscle force. This is a mental influence on objects using psychic energy. In other words, things move due to the energy field and the formation of a powerful physical field.
  • Clairaudience is the skill of picking up sounds that are inaccessible under standard circumstances.
  • Telepathy is the transmission of feelings or thoughts at a distance, wordless communication with humans, animals, and plants. This is an exchange of information due to the biofield.
  • Clairvoyance is the perception of information over a wide range of sensitivity. This is vision based on the processing of astral light rays emanating from any being. If objects are at a distant distance and their aura cannot be considered directly here and now, a person can use a constant stream of thoughts, held together by prana. This destroys the space for the unimpeded path of astral light and sound vibrations.
  • Teleportation is moving from one place to another without the help of vehicles or physical effort.

The mystery of the third eye is still not even half revealed. This mysterious organ or energy center is easier to describe as a kind of sixth sense. With the help of the all-seeing eye, a person is able to perceive information not on the physical, but on the energetic level. In this case, the senses and standard logical thinking patterns may not be involved.

Development of astral vision

Development of astral vision

The development of etheric and astral vision is justified in many cases. Those who seek to expand the scope of their vision and develop clairvoyance will understand how important this is.

Many massage therapists, psychics and healers want to take their work to a new level and improve their practice. They often manage to develop new methods. If you are simply interested in such topics to broaden your horizons, then I invite you to take part in practical exercises that develop all these abilities. What if you see yourself from a different perspective, learn something hitherto unknown?

There are many theories, terms and techniques associated with etheric and astral vision. Some people (born healers) can quickly examine the patient’s body and immediately correctly identify the problem organs, without even being able to formulate the cause and name of the disease in medical language. Some can see aura colors and energy fields moving. These abilities can be a matter of scientific experience and study, and not at all of magic or sorcery.

If these energy fields do exist objectively, then people who study them may, over time, develop the ability to work with these fields and even see them.

If you want to develop etheric and astral vision, you can try the following exercises.


This is the simplest of the initial methods, and it precedes any deliberate effort in this direction. The technique is to mentally imagine or visualize everything that you come into contact with. When you hear some movement in the distance, a conversation outside the window, or smell a cooking dinner, or the sound of a car on the street, try in your imagination to imagine a visual continuation of these impressions. Namely, what kind of sound is it and where does it come from, who is talking outside the window, what kind of car drove by, etc.

You need to imagine a picture that would complete the sound image coming from far away or the smell you caught. You must learn to create within yourself something like an interactive video that continues your auditory and other impressions.

Also try to look from your back, try to imagine in your imagination what exactly is behind you, from the sides, etc. try to look at the world where it is not accessible to ordinary vision. This method is suitable not only for the development of etheric and astral vision, but also works wonders at the moment when you need to get out of deep depression.

To take advantage of this therapeutic effect, imagine a flower tied to your ankles and point its roots down through the floor, through the ground, to the very center of the Earth.


For this exercise, you need to learn to realize which eye you see each specific object with. We usually prefer either the left or the right eye when looking at something, even though we don't notice it.

Try to focus on one thing without closing your eyes. First, look at it for a few seconds only through your left eye, and then, for a few seconds (without closing your eyes), try to look at the object only through your right eye. All this happens only at the level of your attention - focus.

In this case, you do not need to squint or close your eyes, but only switch your vision (attention) from the right to the left eye, using the focus of your attention.

Once you have mastered shifting your dominant eye, choose any simple object (crystal, other hand, lit candle, etc.) to use as a meditation tool. This object should be approximately an arm's length from your eyes, at eye level. Cover one eye with your palm. Now look at the meditation object with your closed eye.

This takes some practice because it seems very counterintuitive and it's a very subtle effect. But you will immediately understand when the experience of such vision comes.

Every person has the ability to see an object not in the usual way, but to see it with our astral vision. This is also called clairvoyance. You will have the unusual experience of seeing through a closed eye. Once this feeling is achieved, try to keep your focus in that direction for as long as possible.

After much practice and constant attention, visual phenomena such as the aura, astral plane, spirits and much more will be subject to your vision.


This is the most effective and simple method in developing etheric and astral vision. The dynamics involved in peripheral vision are also involved in etheric and astral vision. This may be due to the use of components in the retina of your eye.

The technique is simple and can be modified in any way that suits you. To begin, select an object or spot that you can find right in front of you. Take this as a starting point. Spread your arms out to the sides (your body forms a 'T' shape), and begin wiggling your fingers. Keep your vision focused on the selected reference area in front of you, but turn your attention to seeing the fingers of your hand with your peripheral vision. Your task is to learn to see both hands at once, with your peripheral vision.

Some ideas and options

Use a candle flame to capture your attention. Keeping your attention on the movements of your fingers, keep your gaze fixed on the candle flame. Pay attention to how the candle flame moves and at the same time look at the changes in the movements of your fingers, with your arms apart. With each hand, try to move your fingers not synchronously, but differently. This will help develop both hemispheres of the brain, which contributes to the development of astral vision.

Contemplating a candle flame is a wonderful meditative exercise even after you have adjusted your peripheral vision, but without stretching your arms out to the sides.

Try to keep your peripheral vision on different objects or fingers. Try to distinguish different objects or the number of your fingers using your peripheral vision.

Developing peripheral vision skills does not take much time, and even within one session you can significantly improve your skill.


This technique consists of simply relaxing, closing your eyes and looking at the pictures that appear in front of your closed eyes on the back of your eyelids. This way you can see a lot of interesting things. This is one of the best techniques for developing clairvoyance.

Lying on the sofa or in bed with your eyes closed, try to get away from all the vain thoughts of the day and keep the focus only on your observation. It is similar to how you would look at paintings in a museum or watch a movie in a cinema. However, in this experience you are looking at exactly the pictures that appear on the back of your eyelids.
After some training (from 15 to 30 minutes), open your eyes and look not directly at the ceiling, but as if in front of it, in the air. So you will see a lot of astral visual effects.

These techniques have had mixed results. You can see real astral visions, as well as pictures that come from your subconscious or brain. This effect develops in you the skill of looking inside yourself and seeing your inner world.

Perhaps many would like to see more than the people around them. This undoubtedly provides a number of advantages. The article will tell you how to develop such an extrasensory ability as astral vision. This phenomenon may seem fantastic, but with a more in-depth study it becomes clear that an alternative vision is not at all a figment of the imagination and every person can develop it with a strong desire. The motive is both a passion for the unknown and simple curiosity. In any case, working on its development will be very exciting.

In this article

What it is

Neurophysiologists studied astral vision. Vyacheslav Bronnikov taught children both blind and with normal vision. As a result, they could perfectly navigate in space, read, and recognize objects blindfolded. Of course, these studies caused some skepticism. But it was soon dispelled. Bronnikov began to use special masks that did not allow light to pass through, and the children were still seen in bandages.

How did they do it? According to the inventor of the technique, during training the sixth sense is activated, which, due to the lack of necessity in everyday life, is in a sleeping state. A person becomes able to see against the background of the veil that has shrouded his eyes due to blindness.

These results subsequently interested such brave scientists as Natalya Bekhtereva and Yuri Pytyev. They continued to work with graduates of the Bronnikov school. A number of studies were carried out under the leadership of Bekhtereva. Scientists recorded an electroencephalogram in a normal state and with a blindfold. The results showed that when alternative vision is turned on, the electrical activity of the brain becomes more frequent. Apparently, the brain starts a different mode and uses .

Bronnikov Vyacheslav Mikhailovich

Now it becomes clear that astral vision is the ability to see and feel the surrounding objective world, objects through the eyelids or through a wall. Moreover, you can see what is behind you.

Research confirms the theory that every person can learn astral vision. There is no need for any superpowers or innate clairvoyance potential. It has always been laid down in our dormant state. Just as a bodybuilder gains mass, you can train your astral vision.

Before moving on to the practical part, it is important to realize that there is a reason that some aspects of feelings are inaccessible to most. an alternative vision for fun or for profit is unlikely to bear edible fruit. Hidden abilities are suitable only for higher purposes. Healers use astral vision when diagnosing their patients. This way you can see the internal organs and.

A clear example of an alternative vision:

This skill will also be useful for practicing self-awareness. The more and more widely we understand the world, the more perfect we become.


Let's look at the most effective ones, according to practitioners. All you need is a table with a chair. Sit down, relax, take a meditative state. It is important to be calm and not be distracted by anything, to concentrate on your actions.

Workout with a table

Rub your palms together and focus on the feeling of warmth between them. Bring one hand to the surface of the table, without touching it, a couple of centimeters higher. Slowly swipe from edge to edge of the item. Keep your attention on the sensations under your palm. If the structure is glass, you can feel its coolness and smoothness, but the wooden one will be rough.

The next step is to close your eyes or put on a blindfold in case you are tempted to peek. Repeat the steps from the previous exercise, and when you reach the edge of the tabletop, you can feel the boundaries. Place a flat object, for example a plate. Slowly move your hand at a distance of 10 centimeters. You will notice a difference in the feel of where the item is placed.

Next, make the task more difficult. Ideal if it is possible to perform a workout in an unfamiliar room. But your own room is also suitable. The purpose of the exercise is to learn how to navigate in space with your eyes closed. You need to put on a bandage and slowly move around the room, try to feel objects, and not bump into them.

Exercises must be performed regularly. Not everything will work out right away. But if you want to achieve your goal, you will certainly learn to see the world with your eyes closed.


Your task is to most clearly recreate the picture of what is happening around you, based on sounds and smells. It is convenient to use it in everyday life. All you need is the ability to concentrate.

While walking in the park, sit on a bench and listen to the birds singing or the conversations of passers-by. Visualize with your eyes closed the clearest picture - what tree the bird is sitting on, its color and size. What people passing by are wearing, facial features, and even what topic they are talking about. What kind of flowers emit the aromas that reach you?

This practice develops subtle perception. In the future, you can learn to better understand people and capture their mood. Be more sensitive to the world around you.


The essence of the exercise is to understand which eye sees which objects. The scanning is performed as follows. You need to focus on one object and watch for 10 seconds. Afterwards, concentrate on it only with your left eye and then with your right. In this case, both eyes must be open, and only the focus of attention needs to be changed.

In this video, the astral pilgrim, Yuri Grechushkin, will talk about possible problems:

Once you have mastered switching your dominant eye, use a meditation object. Place it at arm's length. Cover one eye with your palm and look at the object with it. A regular approach to this exercise is advisable; it requires practice, but you will immediately understand when the experience of vision comes.

It exists to awaken astral vision - to complete the missing parts of objects. This is another exercise convenient for everyday use. Looking at the door, imagine its reverse part, and what happens behind it, and so with any object. Imagine what things that are inaccessible to the eye look like.

This exercise focuses on what you will later see even through walls. And it is also important that this creates greater awareness.

The role of peripheral perception

The technique for improving it is simple and will not take much time. Focus on any selected object in front of you, spread your arms out to the sides, parallel to the floor. The task is to see both hands with peripheral vision.

Astral vision expands the boundaries and provides an additional opportunity to understand the world. Every person can develop it in themselves. Ours is endowed with incredible abilities, which for many, not always obvious reasons, are inaccessible. Regular training will reveal your potential, and what was previously considered a gift will be your well-deserved reward.

A little about the author:

Evgeniy Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the key to success in the perfect ritual. I will provide you with information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But don’t worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

The lesson is taught by the founder of the School of Practical Healing in Russia Andrey ZATEEV

Each of us has five senses. They are given to a person by nature for the most complete perception of the surrounding world. By consciously and purposefully training them, we can develop a sixth sense in ourselves, which will allow us to promptly and accurately diagnose various diseases without the use of special medical equipment.

Touch the energy with your hands

BEFORE engaging in non-contact diagnostics, you must learn to determine the size of the biofield. Put one of your loved ones or friends in front of you. Have him close his eyes and stand quietly in a relaxed state for some time. Shake your hands to increase sensitivity and bring your palms closer to your patient's body in the chest area. Begin to slowly move them away, all the time paying attention to the sensations that arise.

They will be different. Near the body, at a distance of 5–6 cm, sensations of warmth and fullness increase, and the further you move your arms, the less significant they become. At some point, a feeling of coolness will appear, and this means that you have gone beyond the biofield. Bring your hands back again and feel the warmth and fullness between your palms and your body. Determine the boundary where the strongest, concentrated accumulation of energy is observed and past which these sensations subside. This is the contour of your patient’s biofield.

Explore the biofield completely. When our hands come into direct contact with the energy of another person, they begin to read not only the fullness of the biofield, but also possible anomalies caused by disturbances in the physical body. This is most often expressed in a feeling of excessive warmth, or, conversely, coldness within the biofield, or the absence of any sensations at all. It is not necessary to indicate the exact diseases at this stage. It is enough to detect changes in your sensations and conclude that excessive tension or pain is possible in a given place. But the more often such sessions take place, the stronger the sensitivity of the hands to energy radiation will become. Over time, this ability will develop, and thus you will be able to actually identify diseases when studying the biofield. In general, non-contact diagnostics are based on this principle, which requires not so much great abilities as constant training.

Illness in a mirror image

IN THE PRACTICE of non-contact diagnostics, the “mirror reflection” method is often used. Here is its main essence. Imagine that you are a healer, and the person you want to diagnose is your patient. The healer (that is, you) stands facing the patient (your partner) at a certain distance (from 0.5 to 1.5 meters depending on the level of your sensitivity) and begins to mirror the patient, copying his posture, the position of his body, hands, legs, adjust to his breathing and heartbeat.

In the process of such attunement, the healer begins to experience the same sensations that the patient experiences. For example, if a patient has heart pain, the healer will also feel pain in his body on the right side at the level of the heart. If the patient has (or had) a fracture in his right arm, the healer will feel pain in his left arm, and so on. Knowing anatomy, it is easy to figure out what exactly hurts a person and in what area he experiences pain. You just need to remember that all the signals received will be mirror opposite.

Inner vision

In addition, such diagnostics allow you to instantly feel the patient’s mood, state of mind, and fortitude. Experienced specialists only need 30–40 seconds to fully diagnose a patient and determine where and what hurts.

Another of the most common diagnostic methods is highly developed tactile sensitivity of the hands. If your palms have increased susceptibility to energy impulses from the outside, then this will allow you to instantly pick up light vibrations and signals that will come from the person you are examining, and from them draw a conclusion about his internal state. In this case, acting as a healer, you will feel energy flows not with your entire physical body, but only with your hands, passing them throughout your patient’s entire biofield and reading the initial signals.

The ability to perceive information through sensations is developed through constant practice. To increase the tactile sensitivity of your hands, you need to constantly come into contact with the energy of another person and carefully listen to your feelings. As soon as a person tunes in to such a perception, his body will automatically switch to developing tactile sensitivity, and over time it will become sharper and sharper.

Inner vision

IN ADDITION to clairsentience, the source of reading information is clairvoyance - increased sensitivity of the eyes to seeing the energy shell, or internal vision. This ability can be either innate or acquired. To learn to concentrate your gaze in such a way that it can distinguish between energetic radiations, seeing them in a range of colors, you need to train your third eye quite strongly.

Surely many of us were fond of looking at stereo images of the “Third Eye”. In fact, this activity is not only entertaining, but also useful. Having seen the image in the picture, try to slowly, without changing the focus of your eyes, turn your gaze to the person and see his energy shell. If on a stereo picture a three-dimensional image emerges from a chaotic view, then, turning our gaze to another person, we, on the contrary, see that the clear image disappears, becomes blurry and is replaced by an energy shell, or aura. It is this kind of vision that is able to see what is not visible with ordinary eyes.

Try this experiment. Sit opposite each other (it is advisable to work in pairs), relax, cover your partner’s face with an absent-minded gaze, as if peering through him into the space behind, and take a closer look at what will happen. The usual facial features will begin to slowly disappear, as if being covered with a veil, and soon a completely different person will appear before your eyes. Sometimes the image becomes strange or even barely recognizable. As a rule, such visions reveal the true essence of the person you are looking at and his characteristics. If you learn to look at the biofield correctly (as if you were looking at a stereo picture), then gradually your inner vision will begin to develop, capturing energy flows of different wavelengths and, accordingly, different color gamuts.

You have probably noticed that every time we close our eyes, our vision is able to retain for some time on the mental screen the outlines of objects and people with whom we have just come into contact. Knowing this feature, you can train your inner vision by viewing the biofields of other people with your eyes closed. If the integrity of the energy shell (aura) of another person is damaged in some place, it means that there are certain pathologies in the place of deformation. This will be clearly visible on the mental screen.

In addition to the information that internal vision gives us, the visual image of a person that we perceive with external vision will tell us a lot. Nonverbal behavior, gestures, views, the patient’s appearance, as well as his clothing, skin condition, complexion and other external signs will help determine not only the person’s health status, including specific diseases, but also his outlook on life, level of material well-being, and mood.

In addition to visual and sensory sensations, you can detect smells or tastes coming from a person. Agree, newborns, adults, and older people are felt differently by us. Our senses of touch react differently to the people around us, so our sensations will be different. The same can be said about the odors emanating from a person. From them we can also determine the presence of certain diseases.

For example, if a person smells like a rotten egg, then he has stomach problems (gastritis) or caries. The smell of acetone indicates that a person has high blood sugar. Therefore, by listening to your senses of touch and smell, you can obtain reliable information about the health status of your interlocutor or patient.

The coordinated and accurate work of all five senses is the sixth sense, or clairvoyance. If you constantly develop it, then over time clairvoyance will become your reliable assistant and advisor. Having a sixth sense will help you protect yourself and your loved ones from the most serious diseases, since you will be able to learn about them in the initial period of their development.


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