1 year in the army. Conscript service in the army (all about conscript service)

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For young people, the arrival of spring is the beginning of the conscription campaign. Therefore, everyone is interested in the question: what will be the service life in 2017–2018? Moreover, information periodically appears that the duration of military service will be increased.

In 2008, the President of Russia announced a decree that provided for changes in military service. Among them, in first place: reducing the duration of military service to one year. This decree is still valid today. Exceptions are provided only for contract employees; they have a service period of two years.

Today, the Ministry of Defense is creating all the conditions to improve the training of conscripts and to increase the attractiveness of contract service.

Documents establishing service life

In Russia, there are a number of documents that prescribe the period of military service. This list begins with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, according to which a conscript can choose between conscript service and alternative service, and the time spent in service will be added to the insurance period. Alternative service takes place at state enterprises and is paid. The list of professions that are available to conscripts is listed by the Ministry of Labor.

The order that increases the service life to 1 year 8 months has not been signed to date. A new program dedicated to alternative service came into force in September. State and, for the first time, commercial universities participate in it on equal terms. Students are given the opportunity to choose an alternative service. They have the opportunity to spend 450 hours in the military department. It provides for service in the field for 90 days to acquire practical service skills. In addition, the student has the right to independently choose a military specialty. Upon completion of alternative service, you are issued a military license.

Is it true that the service life will be increased to 1 year and 8 months from the fall

Such rumors periodically surface, after which they are refuted. It is not entirely clear why this is happening, because none of the officials voiced this. All this happens at regular intervals before the next recruitment into the army.

To figure out exactly what the current period of military service in the army is, you don’t need to believe unverified sources, just read the official documents:

  1. Federal Law No. 53 of March 28, 1998, this law is constantly changing and supplemented. The last amendment was made in July 2016.
  2. Presidential Decree No. 1237 of September 16, 1999. which is also periodically updated. The last amendment was made on 08/04/2016.
  3. Regulations on the procedure for military service.

All these official documents specify the duration of military service. Of course, no one forbids listening to the opinions of different public people, but this should be done simply for general development, and not create panic. If during a speech or in the text there is no reference to an official document, then this information, which has not been verified and will not be verified by anyone, will not be verified. Then there is no need to believe this source, because the period of military service in the army has not changed for six years and will not be expected for the next two years. So, having once again heard information about extending military service, it is better to open the Order on military service in the Russian Armed Forces.

The development of a modern army has become one of the main tasks of the country. A large number of reforms are planned for next 2017. The most important task is to re-equip the army, equipping it with advanced, modern equipment and weapons.

In 2017, it is planned to receive new, modern domestically produced equipment. It should be completed in the coming years. In addition, military training standards will be changed. Changing the format will make the training of soldiers much more effective and of higher quality.

In order for the country's defense capability to be at a high level, it is necessary to carry out all planned reforms, and for this there is no need to increase the service life to 1 year and 8 months.

The reform of the army is proceeding at a rapid pace, and this result is already visible now. Military wages were increased. This yielded results: young people went to serve in the army, and the competition for admission to military educational institutions became great.

The fact that reforms are taking place in the army is successfully confirmed by the fact that in 2016 a large number of young men expressed a desire to voluntarily serve in the Russian army. Increasing the role of the military man in the life of the country, improving his well-being and safety during his service, all this makes the service attractive, which leads to a decrease in the number of evaders from military service.

Thus, it became clear that in 2017–2018 the length of military service in the army will not change, either up or down, but only one year will remain.

Video: Will the length of military service be increased to 1 year and 8 months and how much is it now?

Every citizen of Russia recognized for health reasons as fit or partially fit for military service is in the state of:

  • pre-conscription registration (upon reaching 17 years of age);
  • preparation for conscription;
  • conscription services;
  • retirement;
  • conscription for military training in order to maintain combat readiness.

After conscription service, a person can enter into a contract and continue serving as a professional military man.

After how many years do they not join the army?

If we are talking about conscription service, then after a person turns 27 years old, they have no right to call him up for military service. There are rumors that conscription can be carried out up to 28 years of age. This is not true.

Federal Law No. 53 says clearly and unambiguously - upon completion of a full 27 years. After a person turns 27 years old, the age interval is not full 28 years.

Draft age in Russia

In wartime, when general mobilization is declared, all men and women liable for military service are divided into three categories:

  • 18-35 years old;
  • 35-45 years old;
  • 45-50 years old.

These are the age intervals of conscription age in the conscription order. First, those who have not yet turned 35 years of age are subject to mobilization, then the army is replenished with the generation under 45 years of age. The last people to join the army are those under 50.

Those who have not yet turned 45 years old are usually recruited for short-term military training. After this, the person is subject to mobilization only in case of war.

The age interval for contract service in a non-officer rank is measured for men - from 18 to 40 years, for women - from 20 to 40 years. However, these are indicators of the age interval of being in service. Initial use is usually made before the age of 30.

Draft age in reserve

Stock composition
(military ranks)
Age of citizens in reserve
First category
Second category
Third category
Soldiers and sailors, sergeants and foremen, warrant officers and midshipmen
up to 35 years old
up to 45 years oldup to 50 years
Junior officers
up to 45 years old
up to 50 years
up to 55 years old
Majors, captains 3rd rank, lieutenant colonels, captains 2nd rank
up to 50 years
up to 55 years old
up to 60 years old
Colonels, captains 1st rankup to 55 years old
about 60 years old
Senior officers
up to 60 years old
up to 65 years old-

For officers, the upper threshold is usually measured at 50 years for women and 60 for men. There may be exceptions for special branches of the military. For example, wine musicians sometimes remain in the ranks even after the age of 60.

Those who have already completed army conscription school are usually accepted for contract service. However, some branches of the military can be hired immediately under a contract if the person has not served, but has a higher education, good physical characteristics and a sought-after specialty.

Conscription age and its dynamics

At different times, people were drafted into the Russian army for different periods of time. In Soviet times, until 1967, service lasted three years (four in the navy), then for all branches of the military it was reduced to two years. Since 2008, the service life has been reduced to a year.

In some media, forecasts have appeared that in 2018 it is planned to increase the conscription period again, since the tense international situation requires an increase in the number of military personnel.

However, at the official level these rumors were denied. There is no point in increasing the number of soldiers at the expense of conscripts, since the country has a well-developed contract service system.

Grounds for deferring conscription and exemption from military service

You can avoid military service temporarily or forever. In the first case, this is called deferral. However, if the deferment lasts long enough, that is, up to 27 years, then it will smoothly turn into release.

Complete and legal exemption from military service can only be determined by the draft commission for health reasons, when a person is declared completely unfit or partially fit. In the latter case, a person can only be called up during mass mobilization. He is liable for military service, he is given a military ID and assigned a military specialty. After this, he must only, like all people liable for military service in the reserve, register with the military registration and enlistment office at his place of residence.

In addition, students who studied at universities with a military department are exempt from service. After graduation, students receive officer ranks in a certain specialty and a military ID.

People receive a deferment from conscription on the following grounds.

  1. Curable diseases or injuries, for which the deferment will be extended as necessary, for example, from spring to autumn conscription.
  2. Full-time study in any educational institutions, including postgraduate studies. The exception is obtaining a second education. Studying in a master's or graduate school in a specialty that is different from the one that a person received while studying in a master's or specialty program is also considered such.
  3. The presence of a close relative or adoptive parent who, according to the conclusion of medical workers, needs constant attention and care. For the military registration and enlistment office, this reason for deferment is valid only if the person in need lives with the conscript and has no other close relatives.
  4. The presence of a minor child is a basis for deferment only if these children cannot be raised by the mother (her absence, serious illness, etc.).
  5. If a conscript has two minor children or one child and a wife more than 26 weeks pregnant, then such a person will not be accepted into the army.
  6. A deferment from the army is provided for conscripts who have a disabled child under the age of three.
  7. Having dependent minor brothers or sisters with registration of guardianship or trusteeship.
  8. Election to legislative bodies and local self-government.
  9. Registration as a candidate for elections to legislative and municipal authorities.
  10. Recruitment to the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and the customs service.

Release, delays and evasion

These three concepts differ from each other in the degree of legality of an action. Exemption and deferment are permission given by the state. Evasion is actions aimed at avoiding conscription by illegal methods.

In order not to fulfill their constitutional duty during the year, people declared fit for service take the following actions:

  • live without registration;
  • go abroad;
  • bribe members of the medical commission;
  • resort to self-harm;
  • feign illness;
  • promote the birth of children;
  • bring elderly and sick relatives to their apartment;
  • buy a fake military ID;
  • carry out adoption.

This is a list of the most common ways to get out of the army. Some of them fit well within the framework of the law. If, as a result of the reluctance to join the army, another son or daughter is born, sick relatives find a caring guardian, and children who have lost their parents receive a new father, then the desire to “save” can be recognized as a creative phenomenon.

However, if, due to a year of service, a person hides from law enforcement agencies for several years, doing odd jobs, living abroad, breaking his arms or legs, then these actions are clearly destructive. And the point here is not only that one citizen will reduce the level of the country’s defense capability. It’s just that the “draft dodger” destroys his own life.

Responsibility for evasion

A qualifying sign of evasion is failure to appear without good reason at the military registration and enlistment office for events related to conscription into the army.

To formulate an offense it is necessary that:

  • the conscript has signed for receipt of the summons;
  • did not appear at the military registration and enlistment office on time;
  • did not appear at the military registration and enlistment office at another time and did not provide evidence of a valid reason for his absence.

Depending on the severity of the crime, the conscript is liable in the form (Article 31 of the Federal Law No. 53, Part 1 of Article 328 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation):

  • a fine of up to 200,000 rubles, the amount of salary or income;
  • arrest for a period of 3 to 6 months;
  • imprisonment for up to 2 years.

Of course, being in prison and having a criminal record become completely legitimate reasons for exemption from military service. However, a year spent in military uniform is still better than two years spent in prisoner clothes

Military ID and its function

This document is something like a person's military passport. Having received it, the citizen is obliged to present it at his place of residence for registration.

In addition, they may require:

  • during recruitment, especially in law enforcement agencies;
  • when applying for a foreign passport;
  • when obtaining a driver's license;
  • when considering a permit to carry a weapon.

The presence of a military ID proves the fact that the person has already served in the army and is no longer subject to conscription in peacetime.

Military service is just a year devoted to the process of learning military affairs. For the army and the country, this is the acquisition of one more person who can protect the sovereignty and security of his homeland. For a citizen, these are not only rights and responsibilities, but also advantages when hiring. So in our time, being a law-abiding conscript and a person liable for military service is not only honorable, but also profitable.

How long do conscript soldiers serve in different countries of the world?

source aif.ru

Conscription age in Russia in case of war

Citizens who have served in conscription and are considered fit, as well as “limitedly fit,” are subject to conscription for military service in the event of war at the age of 18 to 50 years.

In pre-revolutionary Russia:

Until 1874, military service was carried out by recruits (peasants and townspeople). At first, military service was indefinite; from 1793, the service period was reduced to 25 years. It gradually decreased - and by the time of the military reform of 1874 it was already 7 years.

After the reform, conscription was replaced by universal conscription. The total service life in the ground forces was 15 years (directly in service - 6 years, and the rest of the time in the reserve), the total service period in the navy was 10 years (direct service - 7 years).

In 1906, the period of active military service was reduced to 3 years. Then, in August-December 1914, general mobilization took place in connection with the outbreak of the First World War.

After the revolution of 1917 and the civil war, a new army began to form in the new state.


Based on various decrees and resolutions of the Central Executive Committee, the length of service was changed several times until the law on compulsory military service was adopted in 1925.

In the ground forces, until the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, it was 2 years. In aviation: from 1925 to 1928 - 3 years, from 1928 to 1939 - 2 years, from 1939 to 1941 - again 3 years. It also varied in the navy. So, from 1924 to 1928 you had to serve for 4 years, from 1928 to 1939 - 3 years, from 1939 - 5 years.

After the Great Patriotic War (with the beginning of which mobilization was carried out again), a new law on universal conscription was adopted already in 1949. In accordance with it, men were drafted into the ground forces and aviation for 3 years, and into the navy for 4 years.

In 1967, a new law on universal conscription was adopted, the service life was shortened and was 2 years for those sent to the ground forces and aviation, and 3 years for the navy.

In modern Russia:

In 1993, the normative act that existed in the USSR was repealed - the Russian Federation Law “On Military Duty and Military Service” came into force. Initially, the document reduced the service life to 18 months (i.e. 1.5 years), and in the fleet - to 2 years.

In 1996, in connection with the beginning of the Chechen campaign, a new law came into force, according to which the duration of service in the army and navy was equal - and amounted to 2 years.

In the early 2000s, preparations began in Russia for the division of military service by conscription and contract - and at the same time to reduce the period of conscription service from 2 years to 1 year. For the first time, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that the Russian leadership plans to reduce the length of conscription military service back in 2002.

The transition took place in stages: for example, young people who joined the army in the fall of 2007 had to serve for 1.5 years. And since January 2008, the service life has been 12 months - 1 year.

In November 2012, the media, following a statement by the chairman of the State Duma Committee on Defense, reported that the length of service in the Russian army would be revised again. Thus, according to the chairman of the committee, Vladimir Komoyedov, the optimal length of service is one and a half years, and the reduction of service to 1 year was a “political decision” and in fact has a bad effect on the combat readiness of the army.

A source in the Kremlin almost immediately refuted this, recalling the president’s implemented initiative to reduce deadlines.

How many are currently serving in the army? - a question of interest to many Russians, since information periodically appears in the media about a possible increase in conscription service life. You can find out how long conscripts and contract soldiers serve in the army by reading this article.

What is the conscription period for military service in 2015-2016?

Since the beginning of 2007, the length of conscription service in our country has gradually decreased. Thus, for persons called up for service during 2007, it was reduced from 2 to 1.5 years. And from 2008 to the present day, the period of conscription service is 1 year.

This period is the same for all categories of conscripts and does not depend on the presence or absence of higher education or officer rank. These circumstances, which were once important, have no effect on the duration of service since 2008.

Don't know your rights?

Despite rumors that appear from time to time about increasing the duration of military service, the authorities are currently not considering any bill on this issue.

How long do they serve under contract?

The duration of the contract service is specified in the text of the concluded contract. At the same time, the law establishes that the first contract with a person entering the service is drawn up for the period:

  • 5 years - if a citizen enters service as a midshipman or officer;
  • 2 or 3 years - when enlisting as a sailor, soldier, sergeant or sergeant major (a citizen has the right to choose whether to sign a contract for a two- or three-year period).

A subsequent contract can be concluded for various periods (from 1 year to 10 years), and until the serviceman reaches the maximum age for service. For most military personnel, this age is 50 years, for colonels and captains of the 1st rank - 55 years, for persons with the highest military ranks - 65 years. It should be noted that the law allows the conclusion of a new contract even after reaching the age limit (but not more than 65 years).

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