A literacy lesson in a pre-school group. Literacy training

Zhuikova Anna Viktorovna, teacher of the highest category, teacher - speech therapist of category II, municipal preschool institution No. 1 kindergarten “Cheburashka”, SAKHA (Yakutia) Eldikan village.

Explanatory note. The prerequisites for successful literacy learning are formed in preschool childhood. It has been established that the age of the fifth year of life is optimal for the education of a special (higher) form of phonemic hearing, phonemic perception and the development of a child’s orienting activity in sound reality.

It is known that sound-letter analysis is based on clear, stable ideas about the sound composition of a word.

The presented didactic games allow children to be introduced into the world of sounds, letters and reading in a playful, non-intrusive way and to develop phonemic awareness. They are important for developing the sound culture of children’s speech, preparing them for learning to read and write, and contribute to the general speech development of preschoolers.

The teacher can use them both in class and during individual work and in the independent activities of each child. The typesetting canvas can be mobile, as for example in the game “Magic Rays”, and can be used in literacy classes and mathematics classes. A simulator for the development of speech breathing can become an element of an ecological corner.

“One step, two steps”
(for children 5 – 7 years old)

Target: Learn to divide words into syllables, perform sound-letter analysis of words. Develop phonemic awareness, the ability to correlate a sound with its graphic image (letter).
typesetting panel in the form of steps, cash register of letters. Red squares represent vowel sounds, blue boxes represent hard consonant sounds, and green boxes represent soft consonant sounds. Subject and subject pictures, graphic diagrams of sentences.
1 option. The teacher offers the children a picture that they must name. Then they divide this word into syllables, count them and show them on the syllable line.
Option 2
. The teacher puts the picture in the top window and invites the children to perform a sound analysis of the word.
Option 3
. Children independently perform a sound analysis of a word based on the picture provided by the teacher. Each sound is then labeled with a letter.
Option 4
. A plot picture is displayed in the top window. The teacher invites the children to make a sentence based on it. Then the children count the number of words in it and display a graphic diagram of the sentence.

“On the waves of sounds and letters”
(for children 6 – 7 years old)

Purpose: To teach the basics of sound analysis, to help remember letters. Develop phonemic awareness.
Didactic material (equipment):
Planar images of two boats. The first red boat with a lowered sail symbolizes vowel sounds (when pronounced, the air stream does not encounter an obstacle). The second boat with two raised blue-green sails and a bell on board. This is a symbol of consonant sounds (when pronounced, the air stream meets an obstacle “inflating the sails”), a bell - ringing sounds, a blue sail - hard sounds, a green sail - soft sounds. Set of magnetic letters.
You can use this game in literacy classes during familiarization with letters, and also use it for individual work in your free time or to consolidate the material covered.
1 option
: In literacy classes, while learning about the next letter, children analyze its sound, characterize the sound, determining whether it is a vowel or a consonant, and form them into “waves” for boats.
Option 2:
The teacher names the sound, invites the child to designate it with a letter, find the desired boat, explaining his choice.

“Simulator for the development of speech breathing”

Target. Develop speech breathing, consolidate knowledge about seasonal changes in nature.
A plastic base (clothes dryer), which is suspended at the height of the child and is designed in accordance with the time of year. Winter – snowdrift, snowflakes. Summer – clearing, flowers, insects. Spring – bushes, leaves, birds. Autumn – clouds, yellow leaves.
Depending on the time of year, the teacher models the situation (a winter blizzard swirled snowflakes, butterflies flew to the flowers, a breeze tore off yellow leaves, migratory birds flew in, etc.) The child blows on light figures suspended from the simulator, taking a deep breath and exhaling smoothly. Or several exhalations following the teacher’s instructions. The exercise lasts no more than 3 – 5 minutes.
It should be borne in mind that in all games that develop breathing, as in breathing exercises, the rule is strictly observed: inhalation coincides with the expansion of the chest, exhalation with its narrowing. Children learn to inhale while speaking, only through the mouth and not through the nose.

“Magic rays”
(literacy training)

Target: Teach syllabic reading.
Didactic material (equipment):
A typesetting canvas with the image of the sun, a box of letters.

Option 1. Vowels are placed in the pockets at the ends of the beams, and consonants are placed in the center. Children read forward and backward syllables.
Option 2. Cards with syllables are placed in pockets. Children read words.
Option 3. Children independently select letters, syllables and read them.

“Magic rays”
(development of elementary mathematical concepts)

Target. Learn to solve arithmetic operations for addition and subtraction, compare the number of objects and make digital notations (more, less, equal). Compose and solve arithmetic problems.
Didactic material (equipment).
A printed canvas with the image of the sun, cards with numbers and signs: greater than, less than, equal to.

Option 1. Cards with numbers are placed in pockets. The teacher invites children to add them up, subtract or compare.
Option 2. Children independently choose numbers and signs and fill their pockets. And they come up with arithmetic problems in accordance with the examples.

List of used literature.

  1. Gerbova V.V. Speech development in kindergarten / “Mosaic - Synthesis”, M., 2006.
  2. Magazine “Hoop” 2005.
  3. Zavyalova N.A. Integrated course for preparing preschoolers for school / “Teacher”, Volgograd, 2005.
  4. Krupenchuk O.I. Teach me to speak correctly / Litera Publishing House, St. Petersburg, 2006.
  5. Kolesnikova E.V. Program “Mathematical Steps” / “Sphere”, M., 2008.
  6. Kolesnikova E.V. Mathematics for children 6 – 7 years old / “Sphere”, M., 2005.
  7. Martsinkevich G.F. Teaching literacy to preschool children/“Teacher”, Volgograd, 2006.
  8. Mikhailova L.S. How to prepare a child for school / “Teacher”, Volgograd, 2005.
  9. Scientific and methodological journal “Speech therapist” No. 2/2008.
  10. Povalyaeva M.A. Speech therapist's reference book / “Phoenix” - Rostov-on-Don, 2003.
  11. Polyakova M.A. Self-instruction manual on speech therapy / “Iris - press”, M., 2007.
  12. Rudenko V.I. Speech therapy: practical guide/ “Phoenix” - Rostov on/D, 2008.
  13. Smirnova L.N. Speech therapy in kindergarten / “Mosaic - Synthesis”, M., 2006.
  14. Tumakova G.A. Familiarization of a preschooler with a sounding word / “Mosaic - Synthesis”, M., 2006.

We wish you success!

Card index

didactic games and exercises

in the preparatory group

"Mastering the Basics

original charter"

Didactic game

"Sound Caps"

Target : Develop sound analysis skills. Learn to form forward and backward syllables.

Progress: 2 children take part in the game. They choose their beetle and goose hats. Leaves and flowers cut out of colored paper are laid out on the floor. Letters representing vowel sounds are written on them. According to the teacher’s instructions “The sun is waking up,” children move around the room, imitating the buzzing of a beetle and the hissing of a goose. At the teacher’s signal, the children stop on the leaves and flowers, pronouncing the syllables with their own sounds in turn. For example: The beetle stopped at a flower with the letter “A”, the child pronounces the syllable “Zha”.

Didactic game

"Finish the word"


Progress: Children stand in a circle. Teacher with a ball in the center: “Children, now you will finish the word I started. I will throw the ball to any of you and say the beginning of the word, and you must throw the ball back to me and say its end (kosh - ka, gla - for).

Didactic game

"Guess the word"

Target: Develop children's ability to divide words into syllables.

Progress: The teacher invites the children to guess the words, while tapping 2 times. Children select words with a given number of syllables. For the correct answer, the child receives a chip.

Didactic game

“Let’s weave a wreath of sentences”

Target: Exercise children in composing sentences, united thematically, to develop verbal attention.

Progress: The teacher makes a sentence. Children name the last word and come up with a new sentence with it. For example: Seryozha is reading a book. The book is on the table.

Didactic game

“Name the words in which the second sound is a vowel (consonant).”

Target: Strengthen the skills of sound analysis of words, practice distinguishing vowels and consonants, and activate the vocabulary.

Progress: The teacher asks the children to remember words whose second sound is a vowel or consonant. Children compete in rows. The row that comes up with the most words wins.

Didactic game

"Magic Cubes"

Target: Strengthen children's ability to determine the place of sound in a word, perform phonemic analysis and synthesis of words, develop auditory and visual memory, as well as visual perception.

Material: Cubes on each side of which depict objects familiar to children.

Progress: The child is asked to collect some word, for example “elephant”. Pay attention to the first sounds of words - names of objects. The child first finds a cube, on one of the faces of which there is an object whose name begins with the sound [s]. Then he searches on the faces of the next cube for an image of an object whose name has the first sound - [l], [o], [n].

Didactic game

"Fun Train"

Target: Improve the skill of sound analysis, strengthen children’s ability to determine the number of sounds in a word.

Material: Each child has an object picture in his hands - a ticket.

Progress: The teacher asks each child to determine the number of sounds in his word and put the picture in the correct carriage corresponding to the number of sounds in the word (how many boxes, so many sounds).

Didactic game

"Necessary Signs"

Target: Develop children's speech apparatus, practice diction, and consolidate ways of denoting sentences.

Progress: The teacher names the proposal. Children determine with what intonation it was pronounced, and accordingly, they raise a card with the desired sign.

Didactic game

"Find Brother"

Target: Strengthen children's ability to identify the first sound in a word, distinguish between hard and soft consonant sounds.

Material: Subject pictures

Progress: The teacher puts object pictures in one row. Children must arrange the pictures in two rows. In the second row there should be pictures such that the first sounds of the words are brothers of the first sounds of the words of the first row.

For example: Butterfly, first sound [b]. I’ll put the squirrel, the first sound in this word is [b"], [b] and [b"] - brothers.

Children take turns coming up, naming objects, the first sounds of words, and if they have chosen the correct pair, place the picture under the top row.

Didactic game

"Red White"

Target: Continue to teach children to intonationally isolate any sound from a word and determine its place in the word.

Material: Each child has a red and white circle.

Progress: The teacher names the words. If the children hear the sound [s] in the word, then they raise a red circle; if there is no given sound, they raise a white one. Sounds: [f], [sh], [sch"].

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Game 1. "Letter traffic light"

Goal: to exercise preschoolers in selecting words starting with a given letter; develop memory, thinking, dexterity and speed of reactions.

Material: not required.

Progress of the game. The driver is selected ("traffic light" ) , he stands in the center of the site and names any letter.

The rest of the children name words starting with the given leading letter. (words should not be repeated). Those children who did not find words try to run to the other side, and "traffic light" catches them. The last one caught takes the place of the driver.

Game 2. "Shop"

Purpose: to train children in selecting words for a given sound; develop memory, thinking, imagination, expressiveness of imitative movements.

Material: not required.

Progress of the game. Children stand in a circle, holding hands. At its center is the driver ("buyer" ) , he sets the letter for which children come up with words. Children lead a round dance with the words:


We are opening a store.

Come in, come in,

Buy what you want.

The buyer says, for example: “I want to buy items starting with the letter R” .

Children speak words to a given sound and depict these objects using facial expressions and gestures.

Game 3. "Words are friends"

Material: pictures in pairs for certain sounds (onion - elk, fish - shirt, cat - goat, beetle - crane, juice - dog, etc.).

Progress of the game. Children take pictures on the table that are similar in first sound. After which the teacher tells them to find a friend - one whose name of the picture matches the initial sound.

Game 4. "Names"

Goal: to train children in identifying the first sound in a word and selecting words for a given sound; develop mental operations.

Material: ball.

Progress of the game. The teacher, throwing the ball to the children, invites them to say their name and, at the first sound of the name, also name their favorite object. For example, the teacher says: “My name is Irina Petrovna, I love toffee” .

Game 5. “What word did the artist want to write?”

Material: cards with pictures, the first sound of which makes up the letter of a new word.

Progress of the game. The teacher says that the artist came and wrote the word, but it is unusual, because... consists of pictures. You and I need to read this word, for this we will identify the first sound in each picture, write the letters on the board, and then read it.

Game 6. “What are the children’s names?”

Goal: to train children in isolating the first sound in words and composing new words from them; develop mental operations.

Material: portraits or dolls of a boy and a girl. Cards in which names are encrypted using pictures so that the first sound

the picture makes up the letter of the new word.

Progress of the game. The teacher says that children have come to our lesson and shows dolls or portraits. You and I don't know what their names are. And to find out, you need to determine the first sound in each picture.

Game 7. "TV"

Goal: to train children in isolating the first sound in words and composing new words from them; develop mental operations of analysis and comparison.

Material: TV mockup into which various images are inserted (A5 size with inscriptions, for example, MAK). Below the TV there are pockets where cards with pictures are inserted; pictures, the first sound of which corresponds to the letters in the TV image, etc.

Progress of the game. The teacher invites the children to watch TV and read the word (for example, MAC). After this, the children come to the table, take the upside-down pictures and independently determine the first sound in the word. Then the teacher offers to insert pictures in which the first sound corresponds to the letter in the image on the TV.

Game 8. “Help the artist, collect words from pictures”

Goal: to train children in isolating the first sound in words and composing new words from them; develop mental operations.

Material: cards with words, where under each letter there is a pocket where pictures are inserted, the first sound of which corresponds to the letter of the word, etc.

Progress of the game. The teacher says that the artist came and could not read a single word, because... they consist of letters, but he can only read from pictures. Help the artist, take one picture at a time and place it under the letter with which the word begins.

Game 9. "Mom's bag"

Purpose: to train children in naming words with a given sound; develop mental operations and memory.

Material: not required.

Progress of the game. The teacher says that mom came from the store and brought products that have sounds in their names [m] And [m"] or any others. Children name the words: butter, milk, carrots, tomatoes, sour cream, etc. Pictures can be used as a hint.

Game 10. "Sisters"

Goal: to train children in naming words starting with a given letter, to compose a story independently; develop mental operations and memory.

Material: letters or cards with letters that the teacher shows while reading the story.

Progress of the game. The teacher reads the story: “Once upon a time there were two sisters. Their names were like this: the name of one starting with A (shows card with letter A), the second - in I. What could their names be? Children invent (Anya, Arina, Alina, Alena, Ira, Inna, Inessa, etc.). They went to the forest for berries on Ch and 3 (blueberries and strawberries) and for mushrooms on B and P (boletus, babka; boletus, Polish mushrooms.) They brought it to my mother, she cooked it with mushrooms (soup), and from berries K and B (compote and jam)» .

The teacher invites the children to come up with a story-task with letters for their friends.

Game 11. "Rings of Lull"

Goal: to train children in identifying the first sound in a word and selecting words starting with a given letter; develop mental operations.

Material: Lull rings, consisting of two circles fastened in the middle so that they can rotate. On the inside (small) four different letters are pasted in a circle; on the outside (big) circle - pictures, the first sound of which corresponds to the letter in the small circle (2-3 pcs.)

Progress of the game. The child takes Lull's rings and must match the letter on the small circle with the pictures located on the outer circle.

Game 12. "The Fourth Wheel"

Goal: to train children in identifying the first sound in a word; learn to exclude unnecessary objects from a number of items that are similar in a certain way; develop mental operations, memory, attention.

Material: a row of pictures of 4 pieces. in each, where only in three pictures the first sound of the word matches. (For example, LION, STORK, LEAF, WINDOWER).

Progress of the game. The teacher invites the children to look at a series of pictures, where in three pictures the first sound matches, but in the fourth it does not. Children need to identify the extra picture.

Game 13. "Say a word"

Material: poems in which one word is missing.

Progress of the game. The teacher reads poetry where he doesn’t finish the word, the children guess it and highlight the first sound in the word.

Mikhail played football

And scored into the goal... (Goal).

Andreyka in his garden

Watered flowers from... (watering cans).

Our Tanya is crying loudly

Dropped it into the river... (ball).

Where did the sparrow have lunch?

At the zoo... (animals).

A goat walked along the bridge

And wagged... (tail).

Game 14. "Puzzles"

Goal: to train children in identifying the first sound in a word; develop mental operations.

Material: riddles.

Progress of the game. The teacher reads the riddles, the children guess and highlight the first sound in the word.

The grandfather is sitting, dressed in a hundred fur coats.

Whoever undresses him sheds tears. (Onion.)

Who has eyes on horns,

And the house on the back? (Snail.)

It's scarlet and sugary.

The caftan is green, velvet. (Watermelon.)

In winter - white,

In summer - gray. (Hare.)

small ball

He's rummaging around under the bench. (Mouse.)

Game 15. "Mosaic"

Material: a mosaic consisting of four parts so that each of them depicts objects starting with the same sound, and on the reverse side there is a letter and other pictures.

Progress of the game. The teacher says that Mishka lost his lunch and needs to be found. Choose only those pictures with the first sound [m], [m"]. Children put together a mosaic (BEAR, HONEY, ICE CREAM, MILK). Mishka thanks them and reveals the secret. The teacher turns over the assembled mosaic, which shows the letter M. (Pinocchio lost friends: BUTTERFLY, RAM, SQUIRREL; bumblebee - clothes: HAT, SCARF, PANTS; wolf - items: BUCKET, HANGER, BICYCLE; dog - food: CHEESE, SAUSAGES, LARD, etc.)

Game 16. "Treasure"

Goal: to train children in identifying the first sound in a word; develop mental operations.

Material: picture of jewelry.

Progress of the game. The teacher hides the picture in advance. Then he says that pirates came to the group and hid treasure in or under an object that begins with the letter K. Children walk around the group and look for objects that match a given sound, asking the teacher:

Is this item a doll?

The children find a picture of a treasure under the carpet.

Game 17. “Where are the pets hiding?”

Goal: to train children in identifying the first sound in a word; learn to select words for a given sound; develop mental operations.

Material: pairs of pictures starting with the same sound (CAT - CUBES, PIG - SWEATER, DUCK - DILL, DONKEY - HOOP, ROOSTER - CAKE, etc.).

Progress of the game. The teacher says that the pets decided to joke: they hid behind the pictures that were on the typesetting canvas. Guess where the animals hid? Here's a hint: the first sound in the name of the object in the picture matches the sound of the animal that is hiding behind it.

Game 18. "In a trip"

Goal: to train children in identifying the first sound in a word; learn to select words for a given sound; develop mental operations.

Material: two drawn suitcases with letters glued on them: on one - C, on the other - W. Pictures depicting clothes in which these letters are present (shorts, pants, scarf, fur coat, shirt, hat, suit, boots, sweater, socks, headscarf, underpants).

Progress of the game. The teacher says that the boys Sasha and Shura are going on a trip and ask us to help them pack their things. Sasha needs to put things in his suitcase where there are sounds [With] And [With"], and Shura, where there is sound [w]. Children take pictures from the table, determine whether there is such a sound in the word, and put them in suitcases.

Game 19. "Lotto"

Goal: to train children in identifying the first sound in a word, selecting words starting with a given letter; develop mental operations and memory.

Material: bag with plastic letters; a lotto-type card, where the divisions contain pictures of objects whose initial sound corresponds to the letters in the bag.

Progress of the game. The teacher invites the children to draw one letter from the bag and put it on the lotto card so that the first sound in the picture matches the letter.

Game 20. “Seat the animals in their houses”

Goal: to train children in identifying the first sound in a word and correlating a word with a certain sound with a letter; develop mental operations and memory.

Material: pictures of animals, a lotto-type card, where letters are depicted on its divisions.

Progress of the game. The teacher says that the animals ask the children to move them into houses with letters on them. Then he invites the children to take one picture from the table and put it on the lotto card so that the first sound of the animal in the picture corresponds to the letter.

Game 21. “I bought it in the store”

Purpose: to train children in highlighting the last sound in a word; learn to select words for a given sound; develop mental operations of analysis and synthesis, memory.

Material: microphone.

Progress of the game. Children stand in a circle, the teacher begins the game with the phrase “I bought a BUS at the store” . Children pass the microphone around and name words based on the last sound of the previous word. "I bought (A) in the store CRUSH" etc.

Game 22. "Analogies"

Purpose: to train children in selecting words for a given sound; develop mental operations, memory, attention, phonemic hearing.

Material: ball.

Progress of the game. The teacher throws the ball one by one and asks the children to continue a series of words corresponding to the first sound of the word named by the teacher. For example, ELEPHANT - DOG, SAUSAGE, SUNDRESS, LAD, CANDLE; FISH - HAND, STREAM, FRAME, LYNX, etc. Children can name a different number of words.

Game 23. "Teremok"

Goal: to train children in identifying the first sound in a word; develop mental operations, memory, attention, phonemic hearing.

Material: TRIZ house with pockets, medallions of the heroes of the tower (Mouse, Frog, Wolf, Mosquito, Bear) and cards with pictures of animals (fly, fox, crow).

Progress of the game. The heroes of the tower are chosen and given medallions. To introduce the heroes of the tower, the teacher himself knocks on the door: “Knock-knock, who lives in a small house, who lives in a low one?” The heroes answer him: “I am the Little Mouse, I am the Frog-Frog, I am the Runaway Bunny, I am the Gray Little Wolf, I am the Squeaky Mosquito, I am the Bayun Bear.” . Then the rest of the children take pictures of animals and ask to go to the little house with the words: “Knock-knock, teremok, it’s me, your friend, Fox” , showing the picture to the heroes of the tower. If the first sound in the names matches, then the hero invites: “Come into the little house, this is the Frog - your friend” .

Game24. "Body"

Goal: to train children in selecting words for a given sound.

Material: basket, chips.

Progress of the game. The teacher says that he has a box, pointing to the basket. You can put in it those words that contain, for example, sounds [To], [To"] and what grows in the forest (you can set a different sound and location).

“I take the box and put the fungus in it” . Children come up with words with sounds themselves (boletus, boletus, cranberries, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, etc.). The teacher encourages them with chips. The one with the most chips wins.

Game 25. "The ABC has fallen"

Goal: to train children in reconstructing letters from elements; develop mental operations, memory, attention.

Material: children have cards with incorrect images of letters.

Progress of the game. The teacher reads a poem:

What's happened? What's happened?

The alphabet fell off the stove!

Painfully sprained my leg

And I hit myself a little.

Collect the letters and write them correctly.

Game 26. "The letters are hidden"

Purpose: to teach children to find the outlines of letters; develop a visual representation of a letter, memory, attention.

Material: cards with combined lettering; board, chalk

Progress of the game. The teacher shows the children a picture and says that the letters are hidden, they need to find them and write them on the board.

Game 27. "Letter on the Palm"

Goal: to develop visual and spatial representation of letters, memory, attention.

Material: not required.

Progress of the game. The children are divided into pairs, one of them is the driver, he writes on the palm of the other child - "leaf" (he closes his eyes)- letter with your finger. "Sheet" guesses which letter the driver wrote.

Game 28. "Find the error"

Goal: to develop a visual representation of a letter, to find inconsistencies in the image of letters; develop memory and attention.

Material: board on which the elements of letters are incorrectly depicted, chalk.

Progress of the game. The teacher points the children to the board and says that Pinocchio made several mistakes when writing letters with his nose. You need to find them and fix them.

Game 29. "Draw a letter in the air"

Material: not required.

Progress of the game. The teacher says: “Guys, imagine that some parts of your body have turned into a pencil that writes letters very well. Let's depict it" . Write letters: with the index finger; hand; foot; nose; chin; elbow; ear; You can also use other parts of the body.

Game 30. “Make a letter from the elements”

Material: counting sticks.

Progress of the game. The teacher tells the children: “Remember the letters consisting of two identical elements - two long and one short stick - and build these letters” .

Game 31. "Feed the chick"

Goal: learn to compose a letter from elements, develop memory, attention, imagination, expressiveness of imitative movements.

Material: cards with images of letters, where each element of the letter is highlighted in a different color; sticks that match the color of the letter elements in the picture.

Progress of the game. Children are divided into teams depending on the number of elements in the letter (for example, the letter Ш consists of 4 elements, which means there are 4 people in the team). Children are given a template showing a letter, as well as colored sticks (stripes)- these are worms that birds need to feed their chicks. The birds fly, then the teacher gives the command: “Fly for the worms!” . Children take elements (color stripes) and fly to the nest to feed their chicks (build a letter from the elements).

Game 32. "Masha the Confused"

Goal: to develop children’s visual and spatial representation of letters, memory, attention, and imagination.

Material: counting sticks or brushwood.

Progress of the game. The teacher tells the children a story about how the girl Masha went into the forest for brushwood, but she was scared by a crackling sound in the bushes. She ran so hard that she lost all the brushwood. Help Masha put it into letters (counting sticks are scattered throughout the group). Children walk in a circle and say the words:

Masha walked through the forest,

I lost brushwood in the forest,

Help Mashula:

Collect the letters into brushwood.

Children, on the instructions of the teacher, collect from 2 to 5 twigs and make up a certain letter.

Game 33. "Encrypted letter"

Goal: to develop children’s visual and spatial representation of letters, memory, and attention.

Material: cards with dots, connecting them according to a given algorithm to form a letter; markers.

Progress of the game. Children are given cards with numbered dots and an algorithm. At the teacher’s command, they take a marker and carry out the algorithm, for example, connecting the numbers 1-5, 2-3, etc.

Game 34. “Guess the letter from the description”

Goal: to teach children to guess the letter from a verbal portrait; develop memory, attention, imagination.

Material: not required.

Progress of the game. The teacher tells the children that now they will guess the letters based on the story about them. For example: “Once upon a time there was a letter, it consists of three elements - two long sticks and one short. Long sticks do not know how to stand straight, they are always leaning towards one another, and the third, short, stick always holds them together, like a belt, you can sit on it, like on a swing. The letter looks like a pointed tower, the roof of a house, a rocket..."

The teacher invites the children to independently compose a riddle-story about the letter.

Goal: learn to describe a letter according to a diagram, select words for a given letter; develop memory, attention, imagination.

Material: medallions with letters, letter description diagram.

Progress of the game. The teacher invites the children to advertise the letter on their medallion according to the following scheme:

Letter name;

What elements does it consist of?

What does it look like?

What words begin with it?

For example: “This is the letter A, it consists of three elements: two long sticks, inclined one towards the other, and one short one, connecting them like a belt. The letter A looks like a rocket, a house roof, a shark. It is contained in the most delicious words (watermelon, apricot, pineapple, quince); in the fastest (car, bus) and in the smartest words (alphabet, alphabet...)» .

Game 36. “Yes-no-alphabet”

Goal: to teach children to ask questions containing an affirmative answer "Yes" or "No" ; develop thinking and speech.

Material: alphabet.

Progress of the game. The teacher shows the alphabet and guesses the letter. Children must guess it by asking the teacher questions about the location of the letter. The teacher can only answer "Yes" or "No" . For example, children ask: “Is this letter in the first row? Between the letter O and P? Etc.

Game 37. "Teremok"

Material: TRIZ house, cards with letters.

Progress of the game. The teacher shows the house and says that letters are moving into it. Children break into pairs, come to the table, each take a letter and place them on the same floor. After this, one child names how the letters are similar, and the second - the differences.

For example, the letters T and G. The first child says: “The letter T differs from the letter G in that it has a longer top bar and in its name.” . The second one adds: “The letter T is similar to the letter G in that both consist of two elements.” . Etc.

Game 38. "Cold-hot"

Goal: to teach children to ask questions containing an affirmative answer; develop thinking and speech.

Material: alphabet.

Progress of the game. Children are detectives, they try to guess the letter that the teacher has guessed by asking him questions about the location of the letter in the alphabet. The teacher answers "Cold" , if children are looking in the wrong direction, and "warm" , if - in the correct one. For example, children ask: “Is this letter in the first row? Between the letter O and P" . Etc.

Game 39. "Shop"

Material: "money" (cards with numbers 1, 2, 3, 4), pictures depicting various objects.

Progress of the game. Children are given "money" , where the numbers are written. They come to the store, take a picture with an item whose number of syllables corresponds to the number on "money" . The teacher is a cashier, he determines the correctness of the children's choice. (For example, a child has 3 rubles, he chooses a picture with cabbage, goes up to the cashier and says: "Cabbage" , dividing the word into syllables using claps.)

Game 40. “Seat the animals in their houses”

Goal: to teach children to find similarities and differences in the outlines of letters; develop thinking and speech.

(from 1 to 4), pictures of animals.

Progress of the game. The teacher shows the houses and says that they have different numbers of windows, i.e. syllables. Children need to take a picture and move the animals so that animals with one syllable in their names move into a house with one window. (cat, hedgehog, lynx); which have two syllables - to a house with two windows (li-sa, squirrel) etc.

Game 41. "Names"

Purpose: to train children in dividing words into syllables; develop thinking and speech.

Material: four houses with different numbers of windows in them (from 1 to 4).

Progress of the game. The teacher shows the children the houses and says that they should move into them. Children with one syllable in their name are accommodated in a house with one window, children with two syllables - in a house with two windows, etc.

Game 42. "Pyramid"

Purpose: to train children in dividing words into syllables; learn to count the number of vowels in a word; develop thinking and speech.

Material: schematic drawing of a pyramid, at the base of which there are 4 squares, above - 3 squares, even higher - 2, then - 1; pictures with objects for different numbers of syllables.

Progress of the game. The children are given pictures, the teacher asks them to arrange them into the squares of the pyramid so that the number of syllables in the word coincides with the number of squares in the rows of the pyramid.

Game 43. "House"

Purpose: to train children in dividing words into syllables; develop thinking and speech.

Material: TRIZ house, cards with images of animals.

Progress of the game. The teacher shows the house and says that animals should move into it. Animals with one syllable in their name are moved to the first floor, two syllables to the second floor, etc. Children determine the number of syllables and place the animals.

(See pictures for games 19, 20.)

Game 44. "Watch"

Material: a watch, where instead of a dial there are pictures depicting various objects, and two hands - a short one and a long one.

Progress of the game. The teacher shows the children a clock and says that they must determine which word is short and which is long, and put the corresponding arrow. A long word consists of two or more syllables, and a short word consists of one.

Game 45. "Silence"

Purpose: to train children in dividing words into syllables; learn to identify long and short words; develop mental operations.

Material: not required.

Progress of the game. The presenter walks around the room and looks for objects with a short name. When he finds such an object, he stops and claps his hands. Children measure the word by clapping, checking whether the leader completed the task correctly, then look for objects with long words.

Game 46. “Short or long?”

Purpose: to train children in dividing words into syllables; learn to identify long and short words; develop mental operations.

Material: not required.

Progress of the game. The teacher names different words. With short words, children clap their hands, with long words, they quietly knock on their knees.

Game 47. “What objects are in the room?”

Purpose: to train children in dividing words into syllables; learn to identify long and short words; develop mental operations.

Material: medallions for two teams ("Poppy" And "Daisies" ) .

Progress of the game. Children are divided into teams ("Poppy" And "Daisies" ) . Team members "Poppy" walk around the group and look for objects with short words, where there are 1-2 syllables, and "Daisies" - with long words with more than 2 syllables. The names of each item are measured using claps.

Game 48. "Pinocchio"

Purpose: to train children in dividing words into syllables; learn to identify long and short words; develop mental operations.

Material: Pinocchio doll or his image in the picture.

Progress of the game. The presenter says that our friend Pinocchio has not learned his lesson about long and short words. He can't understand why the word "nose" - short if his nose is very long and confuses everything. Help him identify long and short words. I will tell you words, and you will determine which word is shorter and which is longer.

Game 49. “Children, get ready for school!”

Purpose: to train children in dividing words into syllables; learn to identify long and short words; develop mental operations.

Materials: two briefcases, school supplies: glue, pencil case, brush, paints, book, alphabet, pen, ruler, pencil case, sharpener, pencil-dash, eraser, etc.

Progress of the game. The presenter says: “Guys, you will soon go to school, and there you will need school supplies. What school supplies do you know? (Children call.) We have two briefcases, in the first we will collect items with two syllables in their names, and in the second - items with three syllables.” . Children take turns taking school supplies, determining the number of syllables in words and putting the items into their briefcases. The teacher asks why they didn’t put GLUE and CHALK in any of the briefcases. Children explain their choice by the fact that these words have only one syllable.

Game 50. "Flowers - in a vase"

Purpose: to train children in dividing words into syllables; learn to identify long and short words; develop mental operations.

Material: drawing with the image of three vases. Pictures of flowers: snowdrop, poppy, peony, rose, iris, phlox, mimosa, lungwort, etc.

Progress of the game. The presenter says: “The girl Masha was given a huge bouquet of different flowers for her birthday. Masha cannot put all the flowers in one vase, because... there are a lot of them. She asks us to help her arrange flowers in three vases. If the name of the flower consists of one syllable, then we put it in the first vase, if it has two syllables, in the second, if it has three syllables, in the third. Children take a picture of flowers, divide the word into syllables, determine the number of syllables in the word and put them in vases.

Game 51. "Look for the word"

Purpose: to train children in dividing words into syllables; learn to find new words in long words; develop mental operations of analysis and synthesis.

Material: cards with the words: SOCK, SPARROW, ANIMAL, CAR, BALALAYA, BEANS, TAPE RECORDER and others, or these words are written on the board with chalk.

Progress of the game. The presenter tells the children that short words are often hidden in long ones. To find them, you need to say a long word syllable by syllable and find a short one. For example: "In the word "SOCK" the word is hiding "JUICE" etc.

Game 52. "Step forward"

Purpose: to train children in dividing words into syllables; learn to determine the number of syllables; develop mental operations.

Material: red and green signals.

Progress of the game. Children line up facing the teacher, 4-5 meters away from him. The presenter says: “I will say words, and you, in turn, must determine the number of syllables in them. If the task was completed correctly, then I will light the green flashlight and you will take a step forward. If you make a mistake, I will light a red flashlight, it means: stand still. And the one who reaches me first will win (there may be several winners)» .

Game 53. “Will the Serpent Gorynych let the sound through?”

Purpose: to train children in distinguishing vowel and consonant sounds by ear; develop mental operations, phonemic hearing; prepare for sound analysis of words.

Material: drawings depicting Queen Glasna in a red robe, the Serpent Gorynych and two kings: the eldest - in blue and the younger - in green clothes; ball.

Progress of the game. The presenter, after reading a fairy tale about sounds, says: “I will throw a ball to each of you and name the sound, and you determine which of the characters the sound relates to. If the Serpent Gorynych skips a sound and can be sung, then this is a vowel sound, it refers to the Queen Vowel. If the sound cannot be sung and it sounds hard, then go to the older brother Poshlostny in blue clothes; if the sound cannot be sung, the Serpent Gorynych does not let it through and it sounds soft, then go to the younger brother Poslovny in green clothes.

Game 54. “In which kingdom does sound live?”

Material: drawings depicting Queen Glasna in a red robe and two kings: the eldest - in blue and the younger - in green clothes; pictures depicting different objects.

Progress of the game. The presenter tells the children that they need to arrange pictures with objects into kingdoms. To do this, you need to determine the first sound in the word. If this sound can be sung and it lasts, then the picture should be attributed to the Queen Vowel, if the sound cannot be sung and it sounds firm - to the elder Consonant in blue clothes; if the sound sounds soft - to the younger Consonant in green clothes. Children take a picture, determine the first sound in the word and assign it to the corresponding character.

Game 55. "Cube"

Goal: to train children in differentiating vowel and consonant sounds by ear, in identifying the first sound in a word; develop mental operations, phonemic hearing; prepare children for sound analysis of words.

Material: cube, the edges of which are covered with paper of three colors: red, blue and green (two edges of each color).

Progress of the game. The presenter invites the children to throw the dice. The color that appears on the top of the edge will be significant in the game. Different game options:

  1. children name the characteristics of sounds. For example, a blue color appears on the edge of a cube - "Hard consonant" );
  2. trying to name the sound itself - [R] or [To];
  3. words with a given sound characteristic are called. “Blue is a hard consonant, for example: [R]- cancer or [To]- cat" .

Game 56. "Lost Animals"

Goal: to train children in differentiating vowel and consonant sounds by ear, in identifying the first sound in a word; develop mental operations, phonemic hearing; prepare children for sound analysis of words.

Material: medallions depicting animals, drawings depicting three houses (red, blue and green).

Progress of the game. Children wear medallions with animal images. The presenter says that it is necessary to determine the first sound in the name of the animal and in which house it lives. The color of the house corresponds to the characteristics of the sounds: red is a vowel, blue is a hard consonant, green is a soft consonant.

Game 57. "Animals are looking for friends"

Goal: to train children in identifying the first sound in a word and finding similar sounds and paired consonants in terms of hardness and softness; develop mental operations, phonemic hearing; prepare children for sound analysis of words.

Material: animal medallions (zebra, hare, fly, bear, donkey, wasp, duck, snail, squirrel, beaver, turkey, oriole).

Progress of the game. Children wear medallions with animal images. The presenter reports that a friend bureau has opened, where everyone can choose a friend. But so that the soft and hard consonants belong to the same letter, and the vowels coincide. For example: fox [l"]- elk [l], fly [m]-bear [m"], donkey [O]- wasp [O]. Children are looking for a friend.

(See picture for game 20.)

Game 58. "Shop"

Material: wallets made of paper using the origami method according to the number of children playing, "money" (cardboard squares in red, blue and green); pictures depicting different objects.

Progress of the game. Three sellers are selected, cards made of red, blue and green cardboard are placed next to them - these are cash registers. The rest of the children are buyers; they take wallets with money made of cardboard of three colors. Pictures depicting objects are laid out on the table. Buyers come to the table, take one picture at a time, determine the first sound and its sound characteristics, go to the cash register, which corresponds in color to the sound of the word (red color - vowel, blue - hard consonant, green - soft consonant).

Game 59. "Help Dunno"

Goal: to train children in differentiating vowel and consonant sounds by ear, in identifying the first sound in a word; develop mental operations, phonemic hearing; prepare for sound analysis of words.

Material: three boxes with glued circles in red, blue and green, pictures depicting different objects.

Progress of the game. The teacher says that Dunno came to visit and brought boxes with red, blue and green circles glued to them and pictures depicting various objects. But he can’t put the items into boxes, because... knows letters and sounds poorly. Help Dunno arrange the pictures so that the box with a red circle contains pictures that begin with a vowel, with a blue circle - with a hard consonant, and with a green circle - with a soft consonant.

Game 60. "My find"

Goal: to train children in differentiating vowel and consonant sounds by ear, in identifying the first sound in a word; develop mental operations, phonemic hearing; prepare for sound analysis of words.

Material: medallions according to the number of children in three colors (red, blue and green).

Progress of the game. Children wear medallions. The teacher says: “Go through the group and find those objects whose first sound in its characteristics matches the color on the medallion” . Words starting with a vowel sound correspond to the red color on the medallion, a soft consonant - green, a hard consonant - blue.

Game 61. "Radio"

Purpose: to train children in finding missing letters in a word; develop mental operations, speech; practice sound analysis of words.

Material: cards with pictures where one letter is missing, microphone.

Progress of the game. Some children are offered cards with the words BUG, ​​CHEESE, CAT, etc., each of which has one letter missing, and other children are given these missing letters. They must determine which letter is missing and make an announcement on the radio. The presenter sets an example, takes the microphone and says: “In the word ZHUK the second letter U is lost. It denotes a vowel sound [y]» .

Game 62. “Lay out on the hoops”

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge of the sound characteristics of letters; develop mental operations and speech.

Material: three hoops of red, blue and green, pictures with different letters.

Progress of the game. The teacher invites the children to arrange the letters into hoops: put letters that represent only one vowel sound into the red hoop. (A, I, O, U, Y, E); put letters in blue that indicate only the hard consonant (F, W, C); in green - only soft consonants (Y, Ch, Shch); at the intersection of the blue and green hoop - letters that can simultaneously indicate hard and soft consonants; at the intersection of the green and red hoop - vowels (E, Yo, Yu, Ya, I).

Game 63.

Goal: to train children in identifying the first sound in a word, finding similar sounds, paired consonants in terms of hardness and softness; develop mental operations, phonemic hearing; prepare for sound analysis of words.

Material: animal pictures (zebra, hare, fly, bear, donkey, wasp, duck, snail, squirrel, beaver, turkey, oriole, etc.).

Progress of the game. Children receive cards with pictures of animals. At the command of the leader “One, two, three - find your pair!” they must find their friend whose first sounds in the name of the word are similar to him. So that the soft and hard consonants belong to the same letter, and the vowels coincide. For example: fox [l"]- elk [l], fly [m]- bear [m"], donkey [O]- wasp [O]. Children are looking for a friend.

Game 64. "True False"

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge of the sound characteristics of letters; learn to listen carefully to statements and independently draw conclusions, justifying your choice; develop mental operations and speech.

Material: not required.

Progress of the game. Children are invited to listen to the statements and make their own choices, i.e. agree or deny the statement: "Yes, it is true!" or “No, that's not true!” For example:

Word "cat" begins with a vowel sound;

In a word "fox" two syllables;

Word "lynx" begins with a hard consonant;

The vowel sound is indicated by a blue chip;

A soft consonant is indicated by a green chip;

Sound [O] consonant, it cannot be sung;

Word "raspberries" consists of three syllables;

Word "watch" starts with a consonant [w].

Game 65. "Portraits of Sounds"

Purpose: to train children in identifying a sound by the position of their lips when pronouncing it; develop mental operations; prepare for sound analysis of words.

Material: diagram of vowel sounds and portraits of vowel sounds separately.

Progress of the game. The presenter says that each vowel sound has its own portrait and shows a diagram. This portrait shows the position of the mouth when pronouncing a sound. Making a sound [A], we open our mouth wide, sound [O]- lips resemble an oval shape, sound [y]- lips stretch into a tube and form a small circle, etc. The presenter shows a portrait of a vowel sound, and the children must guess what sound it is.

Games aimed at teaching literacy to preschoolers in the preparatory group

Game "Where is our home?"


a set of object pictures (lump, ball, catfish, duck, fly, crane, doll, mouse, bag), three houses with pockets and a number on each (3, 4 or 5).

Description: the child takes a picture, names the object depicted on it, counts the number of sounds in the spoken word and inserts the picture into a pocket with a number corresponding to the number of sounds in the word. Representatives of the row come out one by one. If they make a mistake, the children in the second row correct them. For each correct answer a point is counted. The row that scores the most points is considered the winner.

Game "Build a Pyramid".

Target: develop the ability to determine the number of sounds in a word.

Game material and visual aids: a pyramid is drawn on the board, the base of which consists of five squares, above - four squares, then - three; pictures depicting various objects whose names have five, four, three sounds (respectively five, four, three pictures - bag, scarf, shoes, mouse, pear, duck, vase, elephant, wolf, poppy, wasp, nose).

Description: The teacher invites the children to fill out the pyramid. Among the pictures displayed on the typesetting canvas, you must first find those whose names have five sounds, then four and three. An incorrect answer will not be counted. Correct completion of the task is rewarded with a chip.

Game "Lost and Found".

Target: learn to perform sound-letter analysis of words.

: object pictures with pockets, cards with the names of the object shown in the picture are inserted into them, but each word is missing one consonant (for example: tig instead of tiger), a set of letters.

Description: The teacher shows the children pictures with captions and says that some letters in the words are lost. It is necessary to restore the correct record. To do this, you need to go to the “lost and found” table, where all lost things go. The children take turns going to the teacher and calling out the picture, identifying the missing letter in the signature, taking it from the “lost and found” table, and putting it in its place.

Game “What are their names?”

Target: develop the ability to determine the first sound in a word, to compose words from letters.

Game material and visual aids: a set of subject pictures (the name of a boy or girl will be made from the initial letters of their names); plates with images of a boy and a girl with pockets for inserting pictures and letters; cards with letters.

Description: The teacher hangs up signs with pictures of a boy and a girl and says that he has come up with names for them. Children can guess these names if they highlight the first sounds in the names of the pictures placed in the pockets and replace them with letters.

Two teams play - girls and boys. Team representatives name the objects shown on the cards and highlight the first sound in the word. Then they take the corresponding letter from the split alphabet and replace the picture with it. One team guesses the girl's name, the other team guesses the boy's name.

The team that comes up with a name first wins.

Sample material: boat, donkey, cancer, aster; ball, snail, gun, stork.

Game "Scattered letters".

Target: develop the ability to form words from given letters, perform sound-letter analysis.

Game material and visual aids: split alphabet according to the number of children.

Description: The teacher names the letters, the children type them from the alphabet and form a word. For a correctly composed word, the child receives one point (chip). The one who has the most points at the end of the game wins.

Game "Zoo".

Target: develop the ability to select words with a given number of syllables.

Game material and visual aids: three pockets, on each of which there is a cage for animals, under the pockets there is a graphic representation of the syllabic structure of words (the first pocket is one syllable, the second is two syllables, the third is three syllables); cards with images of animals and their names.

Description: The teacher says that new cages have been made for the zoo. Offers to determine which animals can be placed in which cage. Children go to the teacher in order, take cards with a picture of an animal, read its name syllable by syllable and determine the number of syllables in the word. Based on the number of syllables, they find the cage for the named animal and put the card in the corresponding pocket.

Sample material: elephant, camel, tiger, lion, bear, crocodile, rhinoceros, wolf, fox, giraffe, elk, jackal, hare, badger.

Game "Chain".

Target: develop the ability to select words one syllable at a time.

Description: The teacher says: “Window.” Children divide this word into syllables. Next, children select a word that begins with the last syllable in the word “window” (no-ra). Then they come up with a new word starting with the syllable ra (ra-ma), etc. The winner is the one who finished the chain last and named the most words.

Game "Encrypted ABC".

Target: consolidate knowledge of the alphabet and its practical application.

Description: The teacher selects several of the most frequently occurring letters of the alphabet in words and assigns each of them its own license plate. For example:


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

The teacher shows the child how to write down words, replacing them with numbers: 9 2 10 (house), 5 6 8 1 (strength), etc. Number all the letters of the alphabet. Invite your child to play “scouts” by sending encrypted letters to each other.

Game "Help Pinocchio".

Target: consolidate the ability to highlight vowels and consonants.

Game material and visual aids: two boxes, cards with vowels and consonants.

Description: Buratino comes to visit the children. He entered school and asks to check his homework: Buratino put cards with vowels in one box, and cards with consonants in another. Check if all the letters are laid out correctly. The child takes care of one card at a time and checks whether the task is completed correctly. You can deliberately mix up the letters, put several vowels in a box with consonants and vice versa. When all the mistakes are corrected, Pinocchio says goodbye and goes to school.

Game "Scouts".

Target: develop phonemic awareness, logical thinking, speech skills.

Description: The teacher shows another way of ciphering - using the first letters of the lines:

I The lizard lives in the desert.

AND Animals can be wild and domestic.

D December is the winter month.

U We have breakfast in the morning.

T a dark cloud obscured the sun.

E If the snow has melted, it means spring has come.

B jealously is a cut down tree.

I raspberries ripen in summer.

From the first letters of each line it turned out: I'm waiting for you. Can be encrypted in various ways.

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