The law protects nature. The law protects nature Test 17 The law protects nature

1. Think of and write down ways in which a citizen can protect nature.

Compare the resulting list with the methods listed in the text of the paragraph. Add to your list if necessary.

1. Creation of environmental clubs and parties.
2. Creation of posters-appeals on the topic of nature conservation.
3. Creation of cleanliness days and cleanup days in schools aimed at cleaning the city.
4. Rallies and calls for cleanliness and order.
5. Installation of garbage cans every 50 meters throughout the city.
6. Establishment of new environmental rules and procedures.
7. Setting fines for violations of the rules.

To begin with, do not litter, take all garbage to recycling stations, use environmentally friendly things, plant trees and other plants, you can make a birdhouse or feeder.

2. In the relatively recent past, rural gatherings of Siberian and Arkhangelsk peasants often declared forests as sacred lands, where all economic activities were prohibited. Such a solemn ceremony was held in front of a huge crowd of people, with the participation of clergy, and was called a commandment. This is where the word “reserve” comes from.
Remember and write down other examples of people's environmental protection activities.

The Altaians revered cedar. An ecological riddle was circulating in Siberian villages: “Don’t hit me, climb on me, I have it.”

In the Kyiv province, not a single peasant would cut down or uproot the elderberry, fearing that it would become angry and send damage and misfortune to the family. They did not burn it, fearing that the poultry would certainly all die, and lightning would strike the oven. Such beliefs existed.

Natural or protected groves occupied a special place in folk conservation. The Udmurts, Mari, Dagestanis, Siberian tribes, Chuvash had them, and in some places they have survived to this day. Some of them became part of the Caucasian and Altai nature reserves.

3. What is the name of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation that regulates the state’s attitude towards nature? When was it adopted?

Federal Law of the Russian Federation of January 10, 2002 No. 7-FZ “On Environmental Protection”.

4. What types of protected areas do you know? How are they different?

Taking into account the peculiarities of the regime and status of environmental institutions located on them, the following categories of these territories are distinguished:

State nature reserves (including biosphere reserves)
. National parks
. Natural parks
. State nature reserves
. Natural monuments
. Dendrological parks and botanical gardens

5. The world's first park, Yellowstone National Park, was founded in 1872 in the state of Wyoming by decision of the US Congress. Since then, thousands of “pleasure spots” have been opened around the world—that’s what national parks were called until the beginning of the 20th century.

1) Think about why national parks were called “places of enjoyment.”

Because contemplating the beauty of nature, you receive aesthetic pleasure.

2) Find out what protected areas are in the area where you live. Fill out the table.

6. Water is a unique gift of nature and at the same time one of the most common substances on Earth. Over time, it began to play a huge role in our lives.

1) Remember the famous gods who personify the water world, as well as legends and myths about water.

Poseidon is the god of the seas in ancient Greek mythology.

2) In ancient times, water served for protection in case of enemy attack. Write down some examples of such defenses.

A moat filled with water was created around the walls of any ancient city. The Flemings opened water dams and drowned enemies on the battlefield.

3) What pollutes water? How to deal with this? Based on your own knowledge and experience, fill out the table.

4) It is known that all modern developed countries have adopted uniform water quality standards. Think about the purpose for which this was done.

This is done to ensure the safety of human health from microbiological contamination.

7. In recent decades, so-called ecotourism has gained enormous popularity.

1) Suggest how it differs from ordinary tourism.

Traveling into nature, and the main content of such travel is getting to know living nature, local customs and culture.
. Minimizing the negative consequences of an environmental and socio-cultural nature, maintaining the environmental sustainability of the environment.
. Promoting the protection of nature and the local socio-cultural environment.
. Environmental education and enlightenment.
. The participation of local residents and their receipt of income from tourism activities, which creates economic incentives for them to protect nature.
. Economic efficiency and contribution to the sustainable development of the regions visited.

2) Suggest one or more such routes around your region.

Southern Urals

Where to go. Bashtau Ridge, Belaya River, Bashkir State Nature Reserve, Kapova Cave, the foot of the Bolshoy Shatak mountain.

What is there to do. In 6 days you can see the maximum number of natural and cultural sites in the region. You will have to travel on foot, by bus, horse or catamaran. St. Nicholas Church and Holy Springs, Demidov mining villages and places associated with the name of Pugachev, apiaries and Bashkir villages - this is the cultural program in brief. As for the natural part, here travelers can expect a horseback ride to the foothills of the Middle Kraka and Bashtau ranges, and a road trip to the Bashkir State and Shulgan-Tash nature reserves with a stop at the Kapova Cave, and a trip to the foot of Mount Bolshoy Shatak with a visit gold mines, and, of course, rafting along the Belaya River (17 km) with reaches and rifts. The route is designed in such a way that “wild” (tent) overnight stays alternate with “civilized” (in hotels).

Rules protecting nature

Rules for environmental protection during construction, industrial, agricultural, scientific work;

Rules for the production, transportation, storage, and burial of hazardous substances;

Veterinary rules and regulations established for the control of plant diseases and pests;

Rules for the protection and use of subsoil;

You already know about the forest fires that engulfed vast areas in many areas of our country in 2010. They destroyed not only vegetation, but also residential buildings located close to forest areas. For several months, firefighters risked their lives to fight the fire. And the cause of the fire was often a cigarette butt thrown into dry grass by someone, a fire not extinguished by tourists, and even deliberate arson. The law provides for punishment for careless handling of fire that causes a forest fire in the form of heavy fines or imprisonment for up to 2 years, and for arson an attacker can receive up to 8 years in prison.

The law establishes that an enterprise, organization or individual who has caused harm to the environment is obliged to compensate for the damage caused.

State nature reserves have been created to preserve and study natural phenomena, individual species of plants and animals, and unique ecological systems. On their territory, land, water, subsoil, flora and fauna, which are important as examples of the natural environment, are withdrawn from economic use. A strict environmental regime is established in the reserves and any activity that contradicts it is prohibited. The creation of nature reserves makes it possible to preserve biological diversity and maintain the nature of protected areas in a natural state. Scientific research is conducted in biosphere reserves under a unified international program.

National parks are territories where unique natural objects are protected. In them, unlike nature reserves, visitors are allowed for recreation.

In 2010, the Russian Government planned a significant expansion of 10 nature reserves and 2 national parks, and it is also planned to create 10 new nature reserves and 10 national parks within 10 years.

Look at the pictures and formulate the rules, the violation of which will result in punishment.

The implementation of the law is monitored government inspectors in the field of environmental protection. They have the right to check compliance with established rules by enterprises, organizations, and individuals and are obliged to identify and suppress violations of the law. Along with the state control, public control in the field of environmental protection is also carried out. It is led by public voluntary associations and individual citizens.


§ 17. The law protects nature

Question 1. What are the responsibilities of Russian citizens?

Everyone must comply with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and laws, respect the rights and freedoms of other persons, and bear other duties established by law. Ignorance of officially published law does not excuse one from responsibility for non-compliance with it.

Basic general education is compulsory.

Everyone is obliged to preserve nature and the environment, to treat flora and fauna with care.

Everyone is obliged to take care of the preservation of historical and cultural heritage, to protect historical, cultural and natural monuments.

Everyone is obliged to pay legally established taxes and fees.

Citizens of the Russian Federation, in accordance with federal law, participate in the administration of justice as lay judges or jurors.

Defense of the Fatherland is the duty of citizens of the Russian Federation.

No one should be forced to perform duties not provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the law.

Question 2. Compare the geographical location and natural conditions of Eastern Europe and Greece. Show how nature influenced the life of the ancient Greeks and the population of Rus'.

The geographical location of Greece is surprisingly advantageous, since it is located at the junction of three continents (Europe, Asia and Africa). The country belongs to the Mediterranean climate zone. In summer there is almost no rain, but in winter there are heavy downpours. Average January temperature: 4 -12°C. Average air temperature in summer: 20-27 °C, water temperature: +27 °C.

Eastern Europe stretches from the Baltic to the Black Sea, the countries of the region have a transit position. Natural resource reserves include: coal (Poland, Czech Republic), oil and natural gas (Romania), iron ores (Romania, Slovakia), bauxite (Hungary).

In general, the region is experiencing a shortage of resources, and in addition, it is a striking example of the “incompleteness” of a set of minerals. Thus, Poland has large reserves of coal, copper ores, and sulfur, but almost no oil, gas, or iron ore. In Bulgaria, on the contrary, there is no coal, although there are significant reserves of copper ores and polymetals.

The climate is temperate maritime, moderate continental, in the south it turns into subtropical Mediterranean.

Natural zones are diverse, large areas are occupied by mixed and broad-leaved forests.

Question 3. Think about the significance of the activities of V.V. Dokuchaev. Can we say that he lived with concern for Russia?

Vasily Vasilyevich Dokuchaev (March 1, 1846 - November 8, 1903) - Russian geologist and soil scientist, founder of the national school of soil science and soil geography. He created the doctrine of soil as a special natural body, discovered the basic laws of the genesis and geographical location of soils.

Question 4. Consider on p. 144-145 map of our country. Find nature reserves and national parks on it. Are there state reserves or national parks in the region, republic, region where you live? Name them.

Ilmensky Nature Reserve, National Parks - Taganay, Zyuratkul.

Question 5. Find out what environmental associations exist today.

Environmental organizations of the world:


International Social and Ecological Union (ISEU)

International environmental organization Bellona

International Green Cross Association

International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN)

Environmental organizations of Russia

All-Russian Society for Nature Conservation (VOOP)

Center for Environmental Policy of Russia (CEPR)

Russian environmental movement "Greens"

Non-governmental environmental foundation named after V.I. Vernadsky

Russian Regional Environmental Center (RREC)

All-Russian public organization "Green Patrol"

Russian Green Cross

Movement of Nature Conservation Teams (DOP)

Question 6. Why is active conservation work necessary?

Question 7. Why are land and other natural resources valued as the basis of life for peoples?

Throughout our lives, we constantly use natural resources. They are the basis of our life. The earth is our nurse.

Question 8. What does the state do to protect the environment?

The state issues laws aimed at protecting nature. In 2002, the Russian Federation Law “On Environmental Protection” came into force. It states that every citizen has the right to a favorable environment, to its protection from negative impacts as a result of both natural emergencies and human activities.

The land, its subsoil, and soil are subject to protection, firstly. Secondly, surface and groundwater. Thirdly, forests and other vegetation, animals and other organisms. Fourthly, atmospheric air and near-Earth space.

The state sets rules that protect nature. These include:

Safety rules for handling toxic substances and microorganisms;

Rules for the protection of fish stocks.

Question 9. What punishments does the law establish for those who harm nature?

For violation of these rules, the state punishes with fines or can even imprison for a term of 2.5 to 8 years.

The law provides for punishment for careless handling of fire that causes a forest fire in the form of heavy fines or imprisonment for up to 2 years, and for arson an attacker can receive up to 8 years in prison.

Question 10. What can public organizations and citizens do to protect nature?

Every citizen of the Russian Federation can:

Create or join public organizations operating in the field of environmental protection;

Take part in meetings, rallies, demonstrations, collecting signatures for petitions on environmental issues;

Provide assistance to authorities in resolving environmental issues;

Contact authorities and other organizations with statements related to environmental protection;

Participate in environmental activities.

Question 11. Using additional sources of information, prepare a report on international agreements aimed at protecting the environment.

Protection of the environment from radioactive contamination is regulated by a number of international legal documents: the 1980 Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material; adopted a few months after the Chernobyl accident by the Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency of 1986, which established a procedure for the exchange of information and consultations in the event of accidents that have resulted or may result in a transboundary release of radioactive substances; and the 1986 Convention on Assistance in the Case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency, which regulates the cooperation of States in the event of a nuclear accident to minimize its consequences and protect people and the environment from the effects of releases of radioactive materials. Still a particular problem in Eastern European countries is the accumulation of radioactive waste and the ongoing consequences of the Chernobyl accident due to past leaks of radioactive materials.

Tests: Law guarding nature (Man and nature - Social studies, 7th grade)

Human and nature

Law protects nature

What general term can be used to describe these negative factors affecting the environment?

  • A Note
  • B Sanction
  • IN Poaching
  • G Limitation
  • Which document are these extracts from?

    Article 1. In this Declaration, culture is understood as the material and spiritual environment created by man, as well as the processes of creation, preservation, dissemination and reproduction of norms and values ​​that contribute to the elevation of man and the humanization of society.

    Article 3. The culture of every nation, large and small, has the right to preserve its uniqueness and identity.

    Article 4. The culture of every nation has the right to preserve its language as the main means of expressing and preserving the spiritual and moral identity of the nation.

    Article 5. Participation in cultural life is the inalienable right of every citizen.

    Article 7. Culture has the right to international protection in situations of war and interethnic conflicts.

    Article 9. The state ensures equality of opportunities and conditions for the cultural development of all citizens...

    Article 11. State organizations (educational, educational, informational and educational) have a direct responsibility to instill respect among citizens for national culture, its history, and traditions.

    § 17. The law guards nature. —

    2. Creation of posters-appeals on the topic of nature conservation.

    3. Creation of cleanliness days and cleanup days in schools aimed at cleaning the city.

    4. Rallies and calls for cleanliness and order.

    5. Installation of garbage cans every 50 meters throughout the city.

    6. Establishment of new environmental rules and procedures.

    7. Setting fines for violations of the rules.

    2. In the relatively recent past, rural gatherings of Siberian and Arkhangelsk peasants often declared forests as sacred lands, where all economic activities were prohibited. Such a solemn ceremony was held in front of a huge crowd of people, with the participation of clergy, and was called a commandment. This is where the word “reserve” comes from.

    Remember and write down other examples of people's environmental protection activities.

    3. What is the name of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation that regulates the state’s attitude towards nature? When was it adopted?

    4. What types of protected areas do you know? How are they different?

    State nature reserves

    Dendrological parks and botanical gardens

    5. The world's first park, Yellowstone National Park, was founded in 1872 in the state of Wyoming by decision of the US Congress. Since then, thousands of “pleasure spots” have been opened around the world—that’s what national parks were called until the beginning of the 20th century.

    Law protects nature

    Lesson 33. Social studies 7th grade

    Lesson summary “Law on guard of nature”

    Today we will talk about the fact that not only environmentalists stand guard over nature, but also the state, which develops legislative mechanisms for nature protection.

    Thanks to the timely adoption of such laws, not only state bodies, but also industrial enterprises, public organizations and even individual citizens are obliged to deal with nature conservation.

    But before we start talking directly about nature conservation, let’s remember what it is.

    Protection of Nature- these are all measures that can be taken to preserve, manage and restore the environment, including natural resources, flora and fauna, purity of water, soil and atmosphere on planet Earth.

    Your right to a favorable environment is enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. This right also includes the right to protect the environment from negative impacts caused by economic and other human activities, natural or man-made emergencies.

    What legislative acts establish these legal norms?

    As you may already understand, first of all, this is the Constitution of the Russian Federation, as well as various regulatory and legal acts of federal local significance, which are aimed at a more specific and clear development of mechanisms and ways to implement environmental legislation, for example, such as:

    · Land Code of the Russian Federation;

    · Water Code of the Russian Federation;

    · Forest Code of the Russian Federation;

    · Federal Law “On Environmental Protection”;

    · Federal Law “On Animal World”;

    · Federal Law “On the Protection of Atmospheric Air”;

    · Law of the Russian Federation “On Subsoil”;

    · Federal Law “On ensuring access to information on the activities of state bodies and local governments”

    And a whole series of other legislative documents.

    These laws establish a number of rights of citizens in the field of environmental protection. For example, citizens can:

    · create any public organizations whose activities will be aimed at protecting the environment;

    · do not provide assistance to the state in solving environmental issues;

    · file lawsuits for compensation for damage caused to the environment;

    · take part in meetings, rallies, demonstrations, collecting signatures for citizens’ appeals on environmental issues.

    Also, the legislation of the Russian Federation enshrines the right of citizens to contact all government bodies and any officials to obtain complete and reliable information about the state of the environment in their places of residence and measures to protect it.

    This means that local officials, directors of enterprises and other officials who have discovered, for example, contamination of a reservoir with poisons or pathogenic microbes, or severe air pollution with harmful gases, are obliged not to hide this information, but to immediately warn the population about it.

    Think about why it is so important to warn people about dangerous changes in the environment?

    But we should not forget that along with the right, a person also has responsibilities towards nature and the environment.

    In particular, the Constitution of the Russian Federation enshrines the provision that everyone is obliged to take care of nature and the environment. This responsibility includes specific legal norms established by law, such as compliance with the rules of hunting, use of forests, water resources, a ban on the destruction or deterioration of animal habitats, and many others.

    Well, everything seems to be clear with a person, but what about “Mother Nature”, what does legislation guarantee her?

    We can say that legislative protection of nature consists of the following areas:

    · Land, its subsoil, and soil are subject to legislative protection.

    · all water, regardless of whether it is on the surface or underground.

    · all plants, animals, forests and other living organisms of our planet.

    · atmospheric air and near-Earth space.

    Rules protecting nature established by the state include:

    · rules of environmental protection during industrial, construction, agricultural, scientific work;

    · rules for the production, storage, transportation and disposal of hazardous substances;

    · safety rules when handling toxic substances and microorganisms;

    · veterinary rules and regulations established for the control of plant diseases and pests;

    · rules for the protection and use of subsoil;

    · rules for the protection of fish stocks.

    And a whole series of other rules.

    For violating these rules, a person will inevitably suffer punishment.

    Monitoring compliance with environmental legislation in our country is carried out by specialized government bodies, the most important of which is the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation.

    It is within the framework of the activities of this ministry that the main environmental laws are developed. In particular, the ministry oversees human activities in specially protected natural areas. What is it?

    You have most likely already heard words such as nature reserve, nature reserve or national park. Familiar words aren't they? So these are specially protected natural areas in which any human economic activity is prohibited.

    12% of our country’s territory is recognized as such protected areas. These are 102 nature reserves, 46 national parks, 70 state nature reserves and many other natural monuments.

    The most famous of them are the Shulgan-Tash nature reserve in Bashkiria, the Kurilsky nature reserve, the Baikal nature reserve, the Oksky state reserve and many others. Look for information about them yourself.

    At the end of our lesson, let's remember the main points.

    Law protects nature

    Lesson “The Law Guards Nature” (§ 21)

    The lesson completes the block of topics devoted to the problems of the relationship “man - nature”, “society - nature”. Its task is to show not only the importance of nature conservation, but also specific areas of environmental activity, the need for the participation of both the state and citizens in it.

    The lesson should foster a sense of responsibility for protecting the natural environment, including an understanding of social significance.

    Plan for learning new material

    1. The importance of land and natural resources as the basis for the life and activities of peoples.

    2. Laws of the Russian Federation aimed at environmental protection.

    3. Participation of citizens in environmental activities.

    The importance of land and natural resources is shown in the textbook using the example of our country. If the teacher thinks that students can say more about this, he will ask additional questions, checking that students understand the word “resources” and whether they have consulted the dictionary at the end of the textbook.

    Using the example of a resource such as land, we can show the dependence of people’s lives on its rational use. If we talk, for example, about the European part of Russia, then despite the presence of fertile lands, Russia does not have such favorable climatic conditions as Western Europe. In western Europe, the average annual precipitation ranges from 500 to 1000 mm, and in the Central Non-Black Earth Region of Russia its amount ranges from 550 to 730 mm, and in the southern Volga region - 350-400 mm. Our summers are sometimes cold and rainy, sometimes hot and dry, which causes crop failures. One of the many problems is land irrigation, without which the yield is low, and in dry years there is a threat of famine (for more details, see “Natural-climatic factor and the type of Russian society”1). Note that the text to which we refer reveals the far-reaching consequences of the impact of natural and climatic factors on the life of the peoples of our country, including social and state-political aspects. Whether this material should be used in the lesson and whether students are ready to understand it is determined by the teacher himself.

    It is advisable to look at the pictures depicting environmental disasters and ask questions about each of the dangerous environmental situations: what harm does this situation cause to people’s living conditions? What threat does it pose to human health?

    Next, you can read, having previously made a poster or made a note on the board, Article 42 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and pose questions: what does the phrase “environmental offense” mean? What does the right to a favorable environment mean? Why is reliable information about her condition important? Who should compensate for damage caused to the health or property of citizens?

    The first of these questions may require clarification. Ecological, i.e. related to ecology - the activities of society to protect the environment.

    Environmental law is a set of norms and legal relations that arise regarding the environment. In other words, an environmental offense is a violation of laws and other rules related to environmental protection.

    On the issue of the right to a favorable environment, it can be said that it means real opportunities to live in a healthy environment, to participate in the preparation, discussion and adoption of environmental decisions, and to control their implementation. This is the right to environmentally friendly products, water and household items, the right to environmentally safe working conditions, the right to reliable environmental information about the state of the environment, food products, etc.

    The right to a favorable living environment is ensured by the establishment of environmental quality standards, measures to prevent environmentally harmful activities and the improvement and elimination of the consequences of accidents, catastrophes, natural disasters, social and state insurance of citizens, the formation of various assistance funds, the organization of medical care for the population, and state control over the environment and compliance with environmental legislation2.

    It is advisable to discuss the question: why is it important to have reliable information about the state of the environment?

    Children must understand that unfavorable environmental conditions cannot always be detected. If water is contaminated with harmful bacteria or poisons, it may be difficult to detect by taste or eye. Laboratory tests are needed. In other words, if you drink such water or swim in it, there is a risk of contracting a dangerous disease.

    You can talk about the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986, when the population of Kiev, who went out to a street demonstration, was not informed that an invisible and very dangerous enemy was waiting for them - health-threatening radioactive pollution of the environment that arose as a result of the explosion at nuclear reactor.

    To ensure constitutional rights to a favorable environment, the state is creating a system of modern environmental legislation.

    It is advisable to read and comment with your students on the list of rules established by the state to protect the environment given in the textbook. For each item on this list, it is important to understand: what dangers are these rules aimed at protecting against? Why might these dangers occur?

    We can name the laws adopted by the state over the years aimed at protecting the environment: “On environmental assessment”, “On natural medicinal resources, health resorts and resorts”, “On specially protected natural areas”, “On the continental shelf”, “ On the protection of atmospheric air", Land Code of the Russian Federation, "On Animal World", Water Code of the Russian Federation, Forest Code of the Russian Federation, "On Environmental Protection".

    Listing the laws can provide a general understanding of environmental legislation, but students are not required to remember the names of the laws.

    The data on forest fires of 2002 given in the textbook can be supplemented with the following information. Among the main causes of such fires are: 14% - lightning discharges, 72% - due to human fault, 14% - other reasons. In other words, 3/4 of fires are caused by violations of fire safety rules. As of September 2002, law enforcement agencies had opened more than 5 thousand cases of violation of these rules3.

    The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation has Chapter 26 “Environmental Crimes”, which provides for liability for violation of the law. Thus, a person guilty of destroying or damaging forests as a result of careless handling of fire (for example, a fire left unattended; a cigarette butt thrown into dry grass, etc.) can be punished not only with a large fine, but also with correctional labor for a term of up to two years or imprisonment for a term of up to two years. Deliberate arson of forests is punishable by imprisonment for a term of three to eight years.

    Particular attention should be paid to nature reserves and other state-protected areas.

    We can recall the first national forest decree issued by Peter I. In order to stop the cutting of forests that was dangerous to nature, Peter I issued a decree in 1703 in which he ordered that all forests growing on both sides of large rivers for 50 versts be sawdusted, and small - 20 versts. All forests within these limits were declared protected.

    The strictest measures were taken to preserve forests: for example, the death penalty was applied for cutting oak trees. In 1722, by decree of Peter I, foresters were first appointed to supervise the owner's forests4.

    The laws of the Russian Federation determine a special legal regime for natural objects that have special law enforcement, scientific, historical, cultural, health and other valuable significance. To protect these objects, specially protected natural areas - reserves (including state nature reserves, natural monuments, national parks, botanical gardens, etc.) can be created.

    In order to protect and record rare and endangered plants, animals and other organisms, the Red Book of the Russian Federation was established. All these living organisms cannot be used for economic purposes. The law prohibits activities that lead to a reduction in the numbers of these plants, animals and other organisms and deteriorate their habitat.

    Students are invited to look at the map of nature reserves in the textbook (pp. 228-229) and think about why these specially protected objects are located throughout the country exactly as shown. It is advisable for the lesson to include a story about the protected natural site closest to the school and about the plants, animals and other organisms living in the nearby areas that are listed in the Red Book. It would be good if the students themselves prepared such messages with the help of the teacher.

    The issue of citizen participation in environmental activities is of particular importance for the formation of an active attitude towards environmental activities and the creation of incentives for direct participation in it.

    Article 68 of the Law on Environmental Protection contains the following provision: “Public control in the field of environmental protection (public environmental control) is carried out in order to realize everyone’s right to a favorable environment and prevent violations of legislation in the field of environmental protection.”

    This control can be carried out by public organizations, as well as citizens in accordance with laws.

    The textbook, under the heading “Journey to the Past,” reports the facts of the emergence and activities of voluntary environmental associations of citizens. This information can be supplemented with the following facts of youth initiatives in the 70-80s. XX century:

    Greening and improvement of cities and towns;

    Creation of artificial nests and reservoirs;

    Participation in restoring order on abandoned lands;

    Patrolling forests to prevent fires;

    Conducting “nature days” in kindergartens and schools;

    Equipment for ecological educational trails;

    Identification of natural monuments, etc.

    The Russian government intends to support environmental social movements in charitable activities; develop public environmental control, including public inspections.

    It is advisable to draw students’ attention to the section “What a citizen can do to protect nature.” They must understand the real possibilities for citizen participation in environmental activities, which are enshrined in the laws of the Russian Federation.

    The material about V.V. Dokuchaev and S.P. Zalygin in the section “Once upon a time there lived a man” can be supplemented with excerpts from the Memorandum in defense of nature, which was signed by the writers V.I. Belov, V.G. Rasputin, S.P. Zalygin , by a group of scientists:

    “We are convinced that the cause of saving the Fatherland from environmental catastrophe, economic devastation and preserving it in the ranks of advanced countries can be helped by a great popular movement, namely: the development of a broad social movement for the conservation of nature on every inch of our land, for the environmental well-being of the people in every village, hamlet, working town and city. Social environmental movement. must be based on the consciousness of the people, their vital interests, on their eternal love for the Motherland. The future of the Fatherland is in the hands of the people!”5.

    After reading these fragments, we can discuss the question: why do the authors of the appeal associate nature conservation with a feeling of love for the Motherland?

    The natural environment of Russia is an integral part of the global ecological system. Its state in our country is largely determined by the state of the World Ocean, the Arctic, Antarctica, near-Earth space and other global systems. Therefore, joint actions by different countries to protect the natural environment are necessary. Examples of international treaties include the Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution; International Convention for the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Oil; Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea; Antarctic Treaty, etc.

    Cooperation with other countries is carried out by the international body of the UN Environment - UNEL - through the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, the World Health Organization, the World Federation for Animal Welfare, the International Council for the Conservation of Birds, etc.

    The section “Learning to take care of nature” is focused on the practice of everyday behavior. A joint discussion of the advice contained in it will make it possible to identify opportunities for schoolchildren to participate in environmental activities - in some cases collectively, in others individually. In any case, it is important that the acquired knowledge and caring attitude towards the environment are translated into concrete actions by students. It is equally important not to reduce these matters to a one-time event. Some things can be done right away, some things can be done later, at other times of the year. It is useful to remind children about this after some time and, perhaps, to reflect: what was accomplished and what and why was it not possible to do?

    It is advisable to coordinate work on this topic with a biology (science) and geography teacher.

    1 Russian civilization: ethnocultural and spiritual aspects: Encyclopedic Dictionary / Editorial Board: M. P. Mchedlov et al. - M., 2001. - P. 322-326.

    2 See: Commentary on the Constitution of the Russian Federation / Editorial Board: L. A. Okunkov et al. - M., 1994. - P. 146.

    4 See: Losev A.V., Provadkin G.G. Social ecology. - M., 1998. - P. 30-31.

    5 Lemeshev M. Ya. Ecological alternative. - M., 1990. - P. 11-13.

    Social science. Law protects nature

    Nature conservation implies certain human activities aimed at preserving, wisely using and reproducing natural resources. This task is entrusted to state and local authorities, industrial enterprises, public organizations, and individual citizens.

    Since 2001, the Law of the Russian Federation “On Environmental Protection” has been in force. It provides for the right of every citizen to a favorable environment and to its protection from negative impacts as a result of both natural emergencies and human activities.

    According to the law, land, subsoil, soil, surface and underground waters, forests and other vegetation, animals and organisms, atmospheric air and near-Earth space are subject to protection.

    The state has established the following rules for nature protection:

    • rules for environmental protection during the production and conduct of construction, industrial, agricultural, and scientific work;
    • rules for the production, transportation, storage, and disposal of hazardous substances;
    • safety rules when handling toxic substances and microorganisms;
    • veterinary rules and regulations established for the control of plant diseases and pests;
    • rules for the protection and use of subsoil;
    • rules for the protection of fish stocks.

    Violation of these rules entails fines for the perpetrators or even imprisonment for a term of two and a half to eight years.

    State nature reserves have been created to preserve and study natural life and unique ecological systems. Everything located on the territory of the reserve is completely excluded from economic use. If visitors are allowed into the reserve for recreation, then such a reserve is called a national park.

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    1 Social studies test Law on guard of nature Grade 7 Option 1 1. Careful attitude towards natural resources is 1) the responsibility of only entrepreneurs and the state 2) the responsibility of exclusively citizens of the Russian Federation 3) a personal and voluntary matter of each person 4) the responsibility of all persons located on the territory Russian Federation 2. The constitutional responsibilities of a citizen of the Russian Federation include 1) participation in the management of state affairs 2) choice of type of activity 3) participation in elections of legislative bodies 4) protection of nature and the environment 3. Natural conditions are 1) “second nature” 2) the basis of economic activities 3) part of society 4) resources that are used in the economy 4. Nature conservation is directly manifested in 1) the creation of material wealth 2) the use of natural resources 3) the prevention of harmful effects on natural objects 4) the development of new natural territories 5. It is allowed on the territory of the reserve 1) light fires 2) pick mushrooms and berries 3) conduct scientific research 4) have picnics 6. Find a phrase that summarizes the above and write down the number under which it is indicated. 1) protection of nature 2) fight against poaching 3) creation of national parks 4) going to court 5) work in the environmental police 7. Establish a correspondence between concepts and definitions: for each element of the first column, select the corresponding element from the second column. Concepts A) environment B) natural resources C) environmental pollution D) environmental control Definitions 1) a system of measures aimed at preventing, identifying and suppressing violations of legislation in the field of environmental protection 2) the entry into the environment of substances or energy, properties or the quantity of which causes harm 3) nature and objects created by man 4) parts (components) of the natural environment that are used by humans in economic activities 8. Choose the correct statements. 1) In accordance with the Federal Law “On Environmental Protection,” economic activity must be aimed at ensuring favorable conditions for human life.

    2 2) A company or person who causes harm to the environment bears legal responsibility. 3) Not only state authorities of the Russian Federation and constituent entities of the Russian Federation, but also local government bodies are responsible for ensuring a favorable environment and environmental safety. 4) A national park is a specially protected area into which visitors are not allowed. 9. Fill in the blank in the table. Nature conservation Use of natural resources Preservation of natural resources, prevention of negative impacts on nature

    3 Social studies test Law on guard of nature 7th grade 2 option 1. Protection of nature and the environment 1) is considered a personal matter of each person 2) is a constitutional duty of a citizen of the Russian Federation 3) in modern conditions is not needed 4) rests entirely with the state 2. To the constitutional The responsibilities of a citizen of the Russian Federation include 1) caring for natural resources 2) participation in the elections of the President of the Russian Federation 3) participation in the administration of justice 4) engaging in entrepreneurial activities 3. Natural resources are 1) the environment 2) part of the natural resources that people use in economic activities 3) “second nature” 4) an integral part of society 4. Nature conservation is directly manifested in 1) human production activity 2) growth of acreage 3) conservation of natural resources 4) exploration of the World Ocean and space 5. On the territory of a national park it is prohibited 1) to collect mushrooms and berries in specially designated places 2) light fires in specially equipped fire pits 3) hunt in special areas 4) set up gardening farms and place summer cottages 6. Find a phrase that summarizes the above and write down the number under which it is indicated. 1) creation of public organizations 2) volunteer activities 3) charity 4) appeal to government bodies 5) protection of nature 7. Establish a correspondence between concepts and definitions: for each element of the first column, select the corresponding element from the second column. Concepts A) natural environment (nature) B) environmental quality C) use of natural resources D) environmental safety Definitions 1) a state that is characterized by certain physical, chemical, biological indicators 2) protection of the natural environment and vital human interests from possible negative impacts economic and other activities, from emergency situations and their consequences 3) land, subsoil, soil, surface and underground waters, atmospheric air, flora, fauna and other organisms, as well as the ozone layer of the atmosphere and near-Earth space 4) all types of impact in process of economic and other activities

    4 8. Choose the correct statements. 1) In accordance with the Federal Law “On Environmental Protection”, economic activities must be carried out taking into account respect for the human right to a favorable environment. 2) Society must protect, take care of reproduction and rationally use natural resources. 3) Various public events can be organized on the territory of the reserves. 4) The enterprise or person that caused harm to the environment must compensate for the damage. 9. Fill in the blank in the table with a phrase. Environmental management Use of natural resources Preservation of natural resources, prevention of negative impacts on nature

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    Question 1. What are the responsibilities of Russian citizens?

    Everyone must comply with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and laws, respect the rights and freedoms of other persons, and bear other duties established by law. Ignorance of officially published law does not excuse one from responsibility for non-compliance with it.

    Basic general education is compulsory.

    Everyone is obliged to preserve nature and the environment, to treat flora and fauna with care.

    Everyone is obliged to take care of the preservation of historical and cultural heritage, to protect historical, cultural and natural monuments.

    Everyone is obliged to pay legally established taxes and fees.

    Citizens of the Russian Federation, in accordance with federal law, participate in the administration of justice as lay judges or jurors.

    Defense of the Fatherland is the duty of citizens of the Russian Federation.

    No one should be forced to perform duties not provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the law.

    Question 2. Compare the geographical location and natural conditions of Eastern Europe and Greece. Show how nature influenced the life of the ancient Greeks and the population of Rus'.

    The geographical location of Greece is surprisingly advantageous, since it is located at the junction of three continents (Europe, Asia and Africa). The country belongs to the Mediterranean climate zone. In summer there is almost no rain, but in winter there are heavy downpours. Average January temperature: 4 -12°C. Average air temperature in summer: 20-27 °C, water temperature: +27 °C.

    Eastern Europe stretches from the Baltic to the Black Sea, the countries of the region have a transit position. Natural resource reserves include: coal (Poland, Czech Republic), oil and natural gas (Romania), iron ores (Romania, Slovakia), bauxite (Hungary).

    In general, the region is experiencing a shortage of resources, and in addition, it is a striking example of the “incompleteness” of a set of minerals. Thus, Poland has large reserves of coal, copper ores, and sulfur, but almost no oil, gas, or iron ore. In Bulgaria, on the contrary, there is no coal, although there are significant reserves of copper ores and polymetals.

    The climate is temperate maritime, moderate continental, in the south it turns into subtropical Mediterranean.

    Natural zones are diverse, large areas are occupied by mixed and broad-leaved forests.

    Question 3. Think about the significance of the activities of V.V. Dokuchaev. Can we say that he lived with concern for Russia?

    Vasily Vasilyevich Dokuchaev (March 1, 1846 - November 8, 1903) - Russian geologist and soil scientist, founder of the national school of soil science and soil geography. He created the doctrine of soil as a special natural body, discovered the basic laws of the genesis and geographical location of soils.

    Question 4. Consider on p. 144-145 map of our country. Find nature reserves and national parks on it. Are there state reserves or national parks in the region, republic, region where you live? Name them.

    Ilmensky Nature Reserve, National Parks - Taganay, Zyuratkul.

    Question 5. Find out what environmental associations exist today.

    Environmental organizations of the world:



    International Social and Ecological Union (ISEU)

    International environmental organization Bellona

    International Green Cross Association

    International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN)

    Environmental organizations of Russia

    All-Russian Society for Nature Conservation (VOOP)

    Center for Environmental Policy of Russia (CEPR)

    Russian environmental movement "Greens"

    Non-governmental environmental foundation named after V.I. Vernadsky

    Russian Regional Environmental Center (RREC)

    All-Russian public organization "Green Patrol"

    Russian Green Cross

    Movement of Nature Conservation Teams (DOP)

    Question 6. Why is active conservation work necessary?

    Nature conservation is aimed at preserving natural resources and preventing the harmful effects of economic and other human activities on it. It is necessary to carry out reasonable (non-exhaustive) use of natural resources (environmental management), their reproduction. As a result, the diversity of animal and plant species on our planet must be saved, water resources and atmospheric air, i.e., the most important living conditions for humanity, must be protected.

    Question 7. Why are land and other natural resources valued as the basis of life for peoples?

    Throughout our lives, we constantly use natural resources. They are the basis of our life. The earth is our nurse.

    Question 8. What does the state do to protect the environment?

    The state issues laws aimed at protecting nature. In 2002, the Russian Federation Law “On Environmental Protection” came into force. It states that every citizen has the right to a favorable environment, to its protection from negative impacts as a result of both natural emergencies and human activities.

    The land, its subsoil, and soil are subject to protection, firstly. Secondly, surface and groundwater. Thirdly, forests and other vegetation, animals and other organisms. Fourthly, atmospheric air and near-Earth space.

    The state sets rules that protect nature. These include:

    Rules for environmental protection during construction, industrial, agricultural, scientific work;

    Rules for the production, transportation, storage, and burial of hazardous substances;

    Safety rules for handling toxic substances and microorganisms;

    Veterinary rules and regulations established for the control of plant diseases and pests;

    Rules for the protection and use of subsoil;

    Rules for the protection of fish stocks.

    Question 9. What punishments does the law establish for those who harm nature?

    For violation of these rules, the state punishes with fines or can even imprison for a term of 2.5 to 8 years.

    The law provides for punishment for careless handling of fire that causes a forest fire in the form of heavy fines or imprisonment for up to 2 years, and for arson an attacker can receive up to 8 years in prison.

    The law establishes that an enterprise, organization or individual who has caused harm to the environment is obliged to compensate for the damage caused.

    Question 10. What can public organizations and citizens do to protect nature?

    Every citizen of the Russian Federation can:

    Create or join public organizations operating in the field of environmental protection;

    Take part in meetings, rallies, demonstrations, collecting signatures for petitions on environmental issues;

    Provide assistance to authorities in resolving environmental issues;

    Contact authorities and other organizations with statements related to environmental protection;

    Participate in environmental activities.

    Question 11. Using additional sources of information, prepare a report on international agreements aimed at protecting the environment.

    Protection of the environment from radioactive contamination is regulated by a number of international legal documents: the 1980 Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material; adopted a few months after the Chernobyl accident by the Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency of 1986, which established a procedure for the exchange of information and consultations in the event of accidents that have resulted or may result in a transboundary release of radioactive substances; and the 1986 Convention on Assistance in the Case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency, which regulates the cooperation of States in the event of a nuclear accident to minimize its consequences and protect people and the environment from the effects of releases of radioactive materials. Still a particular problem in Eastern European countries is the accumulation of radioactive waste and the ongoing consequences of the Chernobyl accident due to past leaks of radioactive materials.

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