Language r wiki. The R programming language and its place among statistical programs

Programming on R. Level 1. Basics

The R language is the world's most popular statistical data analysis tool. It contains a wide range of capabilities for analyzing data, visualizing it, and creating documents and web applications. Want to master this powerful language with the guidance of an experienced mentor? We invite you to the course "Programming in the R language. Level 1. Basic knowledge".

This course is intended for a wide range of specialists who need to look for patterns in large amounts of data, visualize them and build statistically correct conclusions: sociologists, clinical trial managers/pharmacologists, researchers (astronomy, physics, biology, genetics, medicine, etc.) , IT analysts, business analysts, financial analysts, marketers. The course will also appeal to specialists who are not comfortable with the functionality (or fees) / .

During the classes you will gain basic skills in data analysis and visualization in the environment R. Most of the time is devoted to practical tasks and working with real data sets. You will learn all the new tools for working with data and learn how to apply them in your work.

After the course, a certificate of advanced training of the center is issued.

Many examples and articles on this site actively use the “R” programming language.

R for Linux can usually be installed using your distribution's repositories. I use Debian-based distributions, in which the standard command to install R looks like this:

Sudo apt install r-base

You need to type this in the terminal.

The beauty of R is this:

  1. This program is free (distributed under the GPL license),
  2. Many packages have been written for this program to solve a wide range of problems. All of them are also free.
  3. The program is very flexible: the sizes of any vectors and matrices can be changed at the user's request, the data does not have a rigid structure. This property turns out to be extremely useful in the case of forecasting, when the researcher needs to give a forecast for an arbitrary period.

The latter property is especially relevant since other statistical packages (such as SPSS, Eviews, Stata) assume that we may only be interested in analyzing data that has a fixed structure (for example, all data in a working file must be of the same periodicity with the same start dates and end).

However, R is not the friendliest program. While working with it, forget about the mouse - almost all the most important actions in it are performed using the command line. However, in order to make life a little easier, and the program itself a little more welcoming, there is a frontend program called RStudio. You can download it from here. It is installed after R itself has already been installed. RStudio has many convenient tools and a nice interface, however, analysis and forecasting in it are still carried out using the command line.

Let's try to take a look at this wonderful program.

Getting to know RStudio

The RStudio interface looks like this:

In the upper right corner in RStudio the name of the project is indicated (which for now we have “None” - that is, it is missing). If we click on this inscription and select “New Project” (new project), we will be prompted to create a project. For basic forecasting purposes, just select “New Directory” (a new folder for the project), “Empty Project” (an empty project), and then enter the name of the project and select the directory in which to save it. Use your imagination and try to come up with a name yourself :).

When working with one project, you can always access the data, commands and scripts stored in it.

On the left side of the RStudio window is the console. This is where we will enter various commands. For example, let's write the following:

This command will generate 100 random variables from a normal distribution with zero expectation and unit variance, then create a vector called "x" and write the resulting 100 values ​​into it. Symbol "<-» эквивалентен символу «=» и показывает какое значение присвоить нашей переменной, стоящей слева. Иногда вместо него удобней использовать символ «->”, although our variable in this case should be on the right. For example, the following code will create an object "y" that is absolutely identical to the object "x":

These vectors now appear in the upper right part of the screen, under the tab, which I have entitled “Environment”:

Changes in the "Environment" tab

This part of the screen will display all the objects that we save during the session. For example, if we create a matrix like this:

\(A = \begin(pmatrix) 1 & 1 \\ 0 & 1 \end(pmatrix) \)

with this command:

then it will appear in the “Environment” tab:

Any function we use requires us to assign some values ​​to certain parameters. The matrix() function has the following parameters:

  • data – vector with data that should be written to the matrix,
  • nrow – number of rows in the matrix,
  • ncol – number of columns in the matrix,
  • byrow - logical parameter. If “TRUE” (true), then the matrix will be filled in rows (from left to right, row by row). By default, this parameter is set to FALSE.
  • dimnames - a sheet with row and column names.

Some of these parameters have default values ​​(for example, byrow=FALSE ), while others can be omitted (for example, dimnames ).

One of the tricks of “R” is that any function (for example, our matrix() ) can be accessed by specifying values ​​directly:

Or you can do it the way we did it earlier - observing the sequence and omitting the names of the parameters.

In order to see the contents of any object located in the “Environment” tab, just print its name in the console:

Another option is to click on the object name in the "Environment" tab.

where matrix is ​​the name of the function we are interested in. In this case, RStudio will open the “Help” panel especially for you with a description:

You can also find help on a function by typing the name of the function in the “search” window (icon with a lens) in the “Help” tab.

If you don’t remember exactly how to write the name of a function or what parameters are used in it, just start writing its name in the console and press the “Tab” button:

In addition to all this, you can write scripts in RStudio. You may need them if you need to write a program or call a sequence of functions. Scripts are created using the button with a plus sign in the upper left corner (you need to select “R Script” in the drop-down menu). In the window that opens after this, you can write any functions and comments. For example, if we want to plot a line graph over the series x, we can do it like this:

Plot(x) lines(x)

The first function builds a simple scatter plot, and the second function adds lines on top of the points connecting the points in series. If you select these two commands and press “Ctrl+Enter”, they will be executed, causing RStudio to open the “Plot” tab in the lower right corner and display the plotted plot in it.

If we still need all the typed commands in the future, then this script can be saved (floppy disk in the upper left corner).

In case you need to refer to a command that you have already typed sometime in the past, there is a “History” tab at the top right of the screen. In it you can find and select any command you are interested in and double-click to paste it into the console. In the console itself, you can access previous commands using the Up and Down buttons on your keyboard. The “Ctrl+Up” key combination allows you to show a list of all recent commands in the console.

In general, RStudio has a lot of useful keyboard shortcuts that make working with the program much easier. You can read more about them.

As I mentioned earlier, there are many packages for R. All of them are located on the CRAN server and to install any of them you need to know its name. Installation and updating of packages is carried out using the “Packages” tab. By going to it and clicking on the “Install” button, we will see something like the following menu:

Let's type in the window that opens: forecast is a package written by Rob J. Hyndman, containing a bunch of functions useful to us. Click the “Install” button, after which the “forecast” package will be installed.

Alternatively, we can install any package, knowing its name, using the command in the console:


provided that it is, of course, in the CRAN repository. smooth is a package whose functions I develop and maintain.

Some packages are only available in source code on sites like and require that they be built first. To build packages under Windows, you may need the Rtools program.

To use any of the installed packages, you need to enable it. To do this, you need to find it in the list and tick it, or use the command in the console:


One unpleasant problem may appear in Windows: some packages are easily downloaded and assembled, but are not installed in any way. R in this case writes something like: "Warning: unable to move temporary installation...". All you need to do in this case is to add the folder with R to the exceptions in your antivirus (or turn it off while installing packages).

After downloading the package, all the functions included in it will be available to us. For example, the tsdisplay() function, which can be used like this:


She will build us three graphs, which we will discuss in the chapter “Forecaster Toolkit”.

In addition to the forecast package, I quite often use the Mcomp package for various examples. It contains data series from the M-Competition database. Therefore, I recommend that you install it too.

Very often we will need not just data sets, but data of the “ts” class (time series). In order to make a time series from any variable, you need to run the following command:

Here the start parameter allows us to specify the date from which our time series begins, and frequency specifies the frequency of the data. The number 12 in our example indicates that we are dealing with monthly data. As a result of executing this command, we transform our vector “x” into a time series of monthly data starting from January 1984.

These are the basic elements of R and RStudio that we will need.

P.P.S. A fairly good guide to R is published on the QSAR4U website by Pavel Polishchuk.

P.P.P.S. A lot of information about R is presented on the official website.

Independent work

Here are some tasks for you to do yourself in R. Run the following commands, see what happens and try to understand why this happened:

(41/3 + 78/4)*2 2^3+4 1/0 0/0 max(1,min(-2.5),max(2,pi)) sqrt(3^2+4^2 ) exp(2)+3i log(1024) log(1024, base=2) c(1:3) c(1:5)*2 + 4 x

]. "Proletarian of mental labor." Physicist by education. I have been working in the field of processing medical and biological information for 30+ years.
I’ve been working in R for exactly 10 years, having migrated to it after 15 years of close collaboration with Matlab. The primary reason for migrating to another work platform was my own physical migration to the opposite end of the Earth in Auckland, New Zealand. Here life from the first days pushed me into the arms of R, which I have not yet had to regret.

More and more often I see outbreaks of interest in R in the professional network. Well, articles about him appear on this respected resource. Further below the cut is my first attempt at a Russian-language introduction to R - the first (verbal) part of the presentation that I did for colleagues from the Animal Science Faculty, Iova State University three years ago.
(to the side: but it turns out that it’s difficult to translate yourself...)

In this post

  • What is R
  • Where did he come from
  • Why I love him
  • Myths and truth

What's happened R

First of all R is a system for statistical and other scientific calculations using a programming language S .

S- language written by statisticians for statisticians. as defined by author John Chambers. The language has been very well received since its introduction and has been tested by generations of very fastidious statistical users. It can be considered that it is quite widely known and accepted in the global statistical community. On the tongue S A number of critical epidemiological, environmental and financial models have been implemented and are still in operation around the world and in many industries. How is the language from the point of view of me, as a “writing user”, S is a very pleasant alternative to the language SAS .

From my own experience - Introduction and first lessons S I myself received it in the early 90s from WHO statistical experts with whom I intersected on scientific research at that time.

According to many estimates, R (both for me and not much exaggerated) is one of the most successful open source projects, distributed freely from dozens of mirrors around the world according to GNU license standards.
The authors categorically refuse all proposals to commercialize the project, although today there is reason to assume that the number of installed copies of R in the world exceeds the total number of copies everyone other statistical analysis systems.

From the very beginning to this day, the project evokes in me the deepest respect (on the verge of admiration) for stability, user support, code compatibility, etc., which I would combine in the concept culture.
However, the last sentence is rather for subsequent subsections.

Where did it come from? S and what does this have to do with R

Undoubtedly, Wikipedia will give you many more letters.
I will only note what I consider important for understanding the place of S and R in this life in this world.

Bell Laboratories (aka Bell Labs, AT&T Bell Labaratories) are quite famous in the history of science and technology, and IT in particular. Statistical research there was always carried out very seriously and was also seriously supported by all available computer tools (read - tons of Fortran and Lisp code).

What later became the S language originated in the 1970s, at the initiative and direction of John Chambers, as a set of scripts that made it easier to “feed” data to Fortran code. Those. The main focus was on the task of interactive data manipulation, compactness, ease of writing and readability of the code and obtaining decent output on a variety of devices, tables and graphs.

The syntax of the language provides for the construction of almost arbitrarily complex data structures, tools for describing specific statistical tasks and objects - statistics. tests, models, etc.

Since 1984, the language has acquired a name, its own “Bible” (a book by Chambers and Beckers was published: S: An Interactive Environment for Data Analysis and Graphics), began to contain by default an almost complete “gentleman's set” of statistics and “probabilistic scientists” - distributions, random number generators, statistical tests, many standard statistical analyzes, working with matrices, etc., not to mention a developed system of scientific graphics. The most important thing is that it has become available to users around the world at a very reasonable price.

In 1988 (another book published The New S Language) - modified using OOP, everything became objects with very reasonable default values, accessibility for modification, self-documentation elements, etc., etc.

At the same time, the laboratories published the source code and “Bell Lab” S became free for students and for scientific use. This was all somehow connected with the “dekulakization” of AT&T, but I was no longer very interested in these details.

There were, and probably still are, commercial implementations of the language S. I came across S-Plus And S2000. They were supported by different companies at different times, mainly living (living?) due to the support of previously created S applications. In these post-Bell versions S a new version of the OOP engine appeared, but for the pure user it was almost bloodless in terms of compatibility of the historical code.

R- the only non-commercial, completely independent (from the original Bell) implementation of the language S.

And in a rare agreement these days, in some way unimaginable to me, the developers of the current versions of the commercial S and non-profit R support their almost complete compatibility and continuity.

And now R

Behind any significant phenomenon in this life there is some kind of charismatic personality. However, this can happen and this is the definition of the significance of the phenomenon.

In the case of R, there are three such people.
I already mentioned John Chambers.

Ross Ihaka, a student and then a researcher in the Department of Statistics at the University of Auckland, chose the topic of his dissertation (which was carried out at MIT, USA) to study the possibility of building a virtual machine (VM) for statistical programming languages. The intermediate language chosen was Lisp (Common Lisp, CL) and it implements a prototype VM that “understands” small subsets of SAS And S.
Ross returned to Oakland to complete his dissertation, where he soon met Robert Gentleman and became interested in the R project.
Ross never defended his dissertation, but already has an academic degree from several universities “on the basis of combined merit.” Last year he was awarded the title and received the position of Associate Professor (Assistant Professor) at his home university.

Robert Gentleman, another statistician with a passion for programming, originally from Canada, while on an internship at the University of Auckland (he was then working in Australia), suggested that Ross “write some language.”
According to the legend that I myself heard from these “founding fathers”, in just almost a month they, in a fit of insane enthusiasm, rewrote C.L. almost all teams S, including a powerful linear modeling library.

Computing engine R, following the traditions of the prototype, the well-known, generally accepted and free BLAS library was chosen (with the ability to use ATLAS, etc. with the same interface).
Paul Murrel, one of Ross's closest friends and also an employee of the University of Oakland, went out of his way and wrote (in C, it seems) a graphics engine from scratch that completely reproduces the functionality of that in S.

The result was a free, fully functional package that instantly gained a place in the educational process at Oakland University, fully consistent with the descriptions in Chambers’s very detailed and high-quality books, which were traditionally published in paperbacks and of average print quality, but were cheap and accessible.
Several activist groups in the GNU (eg GIS) movement have adopted R as a platform for scientific computing.

But truly the widest fame R acquired in bioinformatics when one of the “fathers” Robert Gentleman, who was involved at that time in the work of the company Affimmetrix, duplicated all the functionality of the company’s commercial software and launched (well, more than one, of course) the open source project Bioconductor. Currently Bioconductor is the undisputed leader in bioinformatics open source for all “omics” (genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, etc.).

Naturally, the single interface language for this riot of bioinformatics fantasies has become R.

The circle came full circle when the retired Chambers, the creator of the language S, became a full member of the group of active developers R.

Why I love him (list)

  1. Interactivity, “Programming with data” - my favorite style of work
  2. Elegant (for an amateur) language - I love lists, data frames, functional programming and lambda functions (a-la) Freedom of expression: the same problem can be solved in ten ways (mitigates the feeling of routine)
  3. “Looks at this world soberly” - rarely “crashes” or “suspends” anyone, logical operations with missing data, error handling at runtime (try-error), easy exchange with the system at the level of standard I/O, etc.
  4. A complete set of ready-to-use statistical procedures
  5. Well documented and well maintained - compatibility, continuity, etc.
  6. Gathered around me a humanly pleasant professional community (forums, user conferences, etc.)
  7. Well-documented interface for external libraries and functions on anything - Fortran, C, Java. Hence a sea of ​​well-documented libraries on all aspects of statistics and data science in almost every field of science, but with a primary focus on bioinformatics/biostatistics; everything is updated regularly and correctly, if there is the author’s will for it
  8. Lack of a mandatory GUI in the “basic configuration” - Well, I’m not a “mouse” person!
Off the list: I'm just pleased that my main working tool has... a soul.
That's what I'm actually trying to show in my article.

Why and how I use it (examples)

I started writing in this section, but stopped.
Otherwise I would never have finished.
Oh, probably sometime later.

Myths and truth

R slow
R is “thin”, uses blas/lapack/atlas libraries for calculations, try to write something faster than these good old Fortran (often) “workhorses”. All critical functions, as a rule, use vector operations and are implemented in WITH.
R uses computing resources irrationally, in particular memory
Yes, the developers admit this sin. But a specialist’s working time is now much more expensive than hardware. Unload toys from a modern work computer and you will have no problems with R with most real data sets.
Free software may not be reliable
Maybe: Fortran, Linux, C, Lisp, Java etc.
Instead of an Epilogue
As stated above, the post below is actually a translation of my presentation for a fairly specific target audience, and I will briefly describe this audience.

Many “clean” IT companies will have to meet such people, since food production has long been competing with oil and other energy resources to attract capital and generate profits. And the capacity of the bioinformatics market in medicine and pharmacology is limited, no matter how you look at it.

So, my audience is people with a basic education in genetics and breeding, veterinary medicine, and, less often, biology (mainly molecular). Guys and aunties (more of the latter), 20-30 years old... programming (!) on FORTRANe or VB, famously managing Excel tables with 100k rows/columns and periodically “dropping” their tasks (and their programming) on ​​their Linux computing 500+ core cluster with 12TB of shared memory and from time to time requiring the expansion of disk memory by another ten terabytes.

The methodological base is an explosive mixture of variance analyzes as ancient as the world with mixed models solved in no other way than by the maximum likelihood method, “brain-melting” Bayesian networks, etc.

Data - tables of data from units to tens of thousands of rows, sometimes including 1-5 columns with phenotypes, but more and more often - tens or hundreds of “Ka” columns of variables that are weakly correlated with each other and with phenotypes.

Well, yes, they also have a “good tradition” of looking at everything in terms of family ties (genetics, after all). Kinship ties are traditionally presented in the form of a matrix of “kinship ties” (pedigree) with dimensions of, for example, 40,000 x 40,000 (this is if there are 40,000 animals). Well, or (for now, fortunately, only in the project) 20,000,000 x 20,000,000 - this is to “cover” with a single model all 20 million historical animals available in the database ( DB2, if anyone is interested, and even Cobol has not yet been “cut out” from everywhere...)

On tables littered with literature on (at the same time) Fortran, Java, C#, Scala, Octavia, Linux for Dummies you can recognize recent bioinformatics graduates. But somehow quickly many of them leave science to become “coders.”

However, I also know a case of reverse movement. So R will be useful to many more.

I would like to talk about using the free statistical analysis environment R. I consider it as an alternative to statistical packages such as SPSS Statistics. To my deep regret, it is completely unknown in the vastness of our Motherland, but in vain. I believe that the ability to write additional statistical analysis procedures in S makes R a useful data analysis tool.

In the spring semester of 2010, I had the opportunity to lecture and conduct practical classes in the course “Statistical Data Analysis” for students of the Department of Intelligent Systems of the Russian State University for the Humanities.

My students previously took a semester-long course in probability theory covering the basics of discrete probability spaces, conditional probabilities, Bayes' theorem, the law of large numbers, some background on the normal law, and the Central Limit Theorem.

About five years ago, I was already teaching classes in the (then combined) semester-long course “Fundamentals of Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics,” so I expanded my notes (given to students before each class) on statistics. Now that the Russian State University for the Humanities has a student server of the department, I simultaneously upload them to FTP.

The question arose: what program should I use to conduct practical classes in a computer class? The frequently used Microsoft Excel was rejected both because it was proprietary and because it implemented some statistical procedures incorrectly. You can read about this, for example, in the book by A.A. Makarov and Yu.N. Tyurin “Statistical analysis of data on a computer.” The Calc spreadsheets from the free office suite have been Russified so that I can hardly find the required function (their names have also been abbreviated disgustingly).

The most commonly used package is SPSS Statistics. SPSS has now been acquired by IBM. Among the advantages of IBM SPSS Statistics I would like to highlight:

  • Convenient loading of data in various formats (Excel, SAS, via OLE DB, via ODBC Direct Driver);
  • Availability of both a command language and an extensive menu system for direct access to various statistical analysis procedures;
  • Graphical means of displaying results;
  • Built-in Statistics Coach module that interactively suggests an adequate analysis method.
The disadvantages of IBM SPSS Statistics in my opinion are:
  • Payment even for students;
  • The need to obtain (additionally paid) modules containing special procedures;
  • Supports only 32-bit Linux operating systems, although Windows supports both 32-bit and 64-bit.
As an alternative, I chose the . This system began to be developed through the efforts of Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihak at the Department of Statistics at the University of Melbourne in 1995. The first letters of the authors' names determined its title. Subsequently, leading statisticians became involved in the development and expansion of this system.

I consider the advantages of the system under discussion:

  • Distribution of the program under the GNU Public License;
  • Availability of both source code and binary modules in the extensive CRAN (The Comprehensive R Archive Network) repository network. For Russia, this is the server;
  • Availability of an installation package for Windows (works on both 32 and 64-bit Vista). It turned out by chance that installation does not require administrator rights under Windows XP;
  • Ability to install from a repository on Linux (works for me on the 64-bit version of Ubuntu 9.10);
  • Availability of our own programming language for statistical procedures R, which has actually become a standard. It is, for example, fully supported by the new IBM SPSS Statistics Developer;
  • This language is an extension of the S language developed at Bell Labs, which currently forms the basis of the commercial S-PLUS system. Most programs written for S-PLUS can be easily executed in the R environment;
  • Ability to exchange data with spreadsheets;
  • Possibility to save the entire calculation history for documentation purposes.
For the first lesson, CDs were prepared, on which installation files, documentation and manuals were recorded. I’ll tell you more about the latter. CRAN provides detailed user guides on installation, the R language (and its subset S), writing additional statistical procedures, and exporting and importing data. The Contributed Documentation section contains a large number of publications by statistical teachers who use this package in the educational process. Unfortunately, there is nothing in Russian, although, for example, there is even one in Polish. Among the English-language books, I would like to mention “Using R for introductory statistics” by Professor John Verzani from the City University of New York and “Introduction to the R project for Statistical Computing” by Professor Rossiter (Holland) from the International Institute of Geoinformatics and Earth Observations.

The first lesson was devoted to installing and learning to use the package, familiarization with the syntax of the R language. Calculation of integrals using the Monte Carlo method was used as a test task. Here is an example of calculating the probability of r.v. with exponential distribution with parameter 3, take a value less than 0.5 (10000 is the number of attempts).
> x=runif(10000,0,0.5)
> y=runif(10000,0,3)
> u=x[t]
> plot(u,v)
> i=0.5*3*length(u)/10000

The first two lines specify a uniform distribution of points in the rectangle x, then those points that fall under the exponential density graph 3*exp(-3*x) are selected, the plot function displays the points in the graphical output window, and finally the required integral is calculated.
The second lesson was devoted to calculating descriptive statistics (quantiles, median, mean, variance, correlation and covariance) and producing graphs (histograms, box-and-whiskers).
In subsequent classes, the Rcmdr library was used. This is a graphical user interface (GUI) for the R environment. The library is created by the efforts of Professor John Fox from McMaster University in Canada.

Installation of this library is carried out by executing the command install.packages("Rcmdr", dependencies=TRUE) inside the R environment. If the environment itself is an R language interpreter, then the "Rcmdr" add-on is an additional window equipped with a menu system containing a large number of commands corresponding standard statistical procedures. This is especially convenient for courses where the main thing is to teach the student to press buttons (to my regret, these are now becoming more and more common).

The seminar notes from my previous course were expanded upon. They are also available via FTP from the site These notes contained tables of critical values ​​that were used for calculations at the board. This year, students were encouraged to solve these problems on the computer and also check the tables using the (normal) approximations also provided in the notes.

There were also some mistakes of mine. For example, I realized too late that Rcmdr allows you to import data from downloaded packages, so relatively large samples were processed only in classes on regression analysis. When presenting nonparametric tests, students entered data by hand using my notes. Another drawback, as I now understand, was the insufficient number of homework assignments to write fairly complex programs in the R language.

It should be noted that several senior students attended my classes, and some downloaded materials from lectures and seminars. Students of the Department of Intelligent Systems of the Russian State University for the Humanities receive fundamental training in mathematics and programming, so the use of the R environment (instead of spreadsheets and statistical packages with fixed statistical procedures) seems to me very useful.

If you are faced with the task of studying statistics, and especially writing non-standard procedures for statistical data processing, then I recommend turning your attention to the R package.

I recently came across such a phenomenon - many people have heard about the R programming language. But very few people know what it is.

Since I am a native speaker of this language and am interested in its popularization, I will try to cover the topic a little in this post. It will be interesting!

The plan is simple:

1) What is the R language

2) Popularity in Russia

What is the R language

R (wiki) is a programming language for statistical data processing and graphics, and a free, open-source computing environment under the GNU Project.

In our opinion: The language is ideal for searching for market patterns. Free, fast and free.

It allows you to conduct statistical studies of everything you can get your hands on. Over the years of its existence, dozens and hundreds of extensions have appeared to solve almost any application problem.

This is the MOST popular programming language for algorithmic traders in the West. This is at the cutting edge of what is currently available in machine learning and statistics.

In order to write programs in R, just download R-Studio and that’s it

Some time ago, as part of popularizing the language, I recorded a mini-course “R for everyone”. Free. See how easy it all works and how quickly you can write scripts on it. This is simply great!

Popularity in Russia

Leaves much to be desired.

If in the West 90% of all research is carried out using this language, then in Russia a rare week passes on SmartLab, in which you can find at least one mention of it. Those. the number of people who know R is critically small.

Among the reasons for this situation: the lack of manuals in Russian until recently, the lack of training courses, the low literacy of traders and much more. Let's not talk about this.

The only important thing is that the popularity of this language in Russia and the CIS is steadily growing.

Russian users are tired of broken APIs and expensive trading systems. The free R language, in the context of trading, will very soon take its rightful place in their toolkit. Join us!

That's all for today. I hope it was interesting.

Watch my free course to see how easy it is to write code. Write robots!

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