Furious construction squad. "Teams are people

What was the popular name for the WSSO movement (All-Union Student Construction Teams)

WSSO is an abbreviation meaning All-Union Student Construction Team. The people called the WSSO movement:

  • construction team

This story began back in 1924, when the All-Union Central Body of Trade Unions issued instructions in which students were recommended to practice in the summer. Specifically, the WSSO movement was first heard in 1959, when Moscow State University students voluntarily went to work in the virgin lands in Kazakhstan. Further control over the VSSO relied on the Supreme Body of the Komsomol of the Soviet Union and the bodies that were subordinate to it.

What is the WSSO movement

For many of you, WSSO is an already forgotten abbreviation, for others it is memories of a romantic time - youth. In those days, literally all students worked, from the lowest to the highest educational institutions. As is known, there were enough facilities in the National Economy of the Soviet Union, so where to send students to work during the summer holidays was not a big problem. The goal of the WSSO is clear - the correct education of Soviet youth, instilling a love of work, as well as the development of virgin lands with new objects. Many themselves really wanted and were looking forward to leaving for construction teams. There are dozens of different songs and poems associated with construction brigades.

Hierarchy in construction teams

The Komsomol bodies created an entire structure, which began at the level of the entire Soviet Union and ended with the headquarters of line detachments formed by individual educational institutions. Each such headquarters had its own commander. He was appointed by the Supreme Body of the Komsomol itself, and was approved by the party bureau of educational institutions. The commander performed many duties related to his detachment, but perhaps the main one was the rational distribution of financial resources.

Another leadership position in the detachment was the commissar. Most often, he was chosen by the educational institutions themselves. Almost always, candidates for this position were graduate students or even teachers. They were responsible for cultural activities.

Next in the hierarchy were the foreman and foreman. The master was analogous to the foreman. Even before the start of work on the subject areas, he learned information about the required amount of work done, distributing it between teams. The foreman directly supervised his team, while he himself was involved in the work. One construction detachment had two or three teams. Each brigade, in turn, has about ten people.

The detachment also included a supply manager, a cook, a treasurer, a doctor, and a chief artist. The person who worked at least one virgin soil was called a fighter, and the one who did it at least three times was called an old man.

Traditions of construction teams

One of the most famous activities, which almost every detachment did, was called “Burying the Green Serpent.” It was most often carried out the day before departure to the virgin lands. By this, the detachment members showed that they would not touch alcohol during labor.

Another interesting tradition was the Young Fighter’s Day, when one of the young fighters changed places with the “old man” and told him what and how to do. But even before this, an Epiphany was organized for the young, which consisted of performing many different tasks.

There was no unemployment in the USSR. The exact opposite of this unfortunate phenomenon took place - a constant shortage of labor resources. This problem arose especially acutely for the country’s leadership after, which marked some liberalization of social relations. The labor army of Gulag prisoners was significantly reduced, and the peasants received the opportunity, albeit limited, to avoid the dreary fate of lifelong collective farmer serfs. Nevertheless, the need for builders remained high. This was especially felt in the fifties, during the development of virgin fallow lands in Kazakhstan. It was then that the WSSO movement arose, inspired, like any other mass phenomenon, by the Communist Party, the only ruling force in the Soviet Union.

The first virgin land construction crews

There were few hunters going to the virgin lands. The first wave of immigrants consisted of two unequal parts, romantic enthusiasts (there were such a minority) and those who were tempted by the uplift, finding themselves in an extremely difficult situation due to various life circumstances. In other words, the second, larger category was made up of those who had nothing to lose, including people with a criminal record. Finding themselves in the bare steppe, not provided with housing and supplies, enthusiasts and adventurers alike began to understand the complexity of the situation; many made attempts to return back, but not everyone succeeded. Then the party called out to the students, and the Komsomol, as always, answered “Yes!” The first construction teams, as the VSSO movement was called, headed to the Virgin Lands in 1959 and consisted of students from Moscow State University. Over the summer, 339 students built 12 houses, a rabbitry and a couple of poultry houses in Northern Kazakhstan, a place of exile for political prisoners. These modest achievements had more propaganda than practical significance. Without the participation of any qualified builders and considerable expenses for transportation, food and accommodation of young people, the construction of these objects would be impossible. History is silent about how much each of them earned, and whether this venture was at least self-sustaining.

There have been attempts to attract student labor resources both earlier and later. Since then, the party leadership has believed that students should not be idle. During the years of “mature socialism,” the tradition continued with regular dispatches to sponsored collective farms for autumn agricultural work. Moreover, most often the tasks performed by Komsomol members had nothing to do with construction. In this regard, by 1983, the need for renaming had matured, since in the USSR people still called the VSSO movement construction brigades. Now they were designated by the shorter abbreviation SO (that is, student teams), thereby expanding their scope of application. Students were used at industrial enterprises experiencing difficulties, including seasonal ones, in labor resources. Usually in such plants and factories the work was hard, the standards were high, and the pay was very modest.

Organizational structure

Since its creation, the Komsomol has been a faithful assistant to the Communist Party. As in the CPSU, the fundamental principle in this organization was democratic centralism. It was also passed on to the brainchild of the Komsomol, the construction brigades, as people in the USSR called the VSSO movement. Structurally, all units were controlled by the central headquarters working under the Komsomol Central Committee. Each individual unit (detachment), consisting of thirty to forty people, was subordinate to the corresponding functionary of the Komsomol district committee. It was controlled by a commander and a commissar. The first dealt with general issues of leadership, the second regulated the ideological side. There were other positions necessary for the proper functioning of the unit, such as accountant or cook. The best commanders, selected throughout the vast country, took part in regularly organized rallies.

The rise of the construction brigade movement

The WSSO movement in the USSR reached its peak in the late sixties and early seventies. The life of a student was most often poor. The scholarship was 40 rubles (increased - 50), and “out-of-towners” living in dorms were forced to look for extra work, especially if their parents could not help. Construction teams provided an opportunity to stock up on funds, sometimes significant ones, over the summer. Their geography was extensive, and in some cases they paid for distance. Making money during the holidays is a common thing for a student in any country, but nowhere has it received such organizational scope as in the USSR. People called the WSSO movement student brigades, construction brigades, and sometimes just covens, but that didn’t matter. As long as the main incentive was relatively high fees, it developed, and the number of students taking part in it grew. Already by 1970 it exceeded the figure of 300 thousand, five years later it doubled, and by 1980 it exceeded 800 thousand. Then there was a recession.

Decline of WSSO

As long as the construction teams had a certain ability to choose the objects on which they had to work, things went relatively well. But by 1983, the party leadership realized that such a significant working-age “mass” could be used more efficiently, which, translated into economic language, was expressed by the simplest formula “pay less, work more, and not where they want, but where they say.” The number of people willing to work under such conditions decreased, and administrative measures were used, including the threat of expulsion from the university if they refused to work for the summer in a construction team.

But still…

And yet, those who are 50-60 years old today remember the construction teams with a kind word. It is difficult for young people who do not even know what the WSSO movement was called and how these letters are deciphered, it is difficult to understand the joy of the sight of a cowshed built by everyone together, the feeling of independence and happiness of overcoming difficulties, and there were many of them. Mosquitoes bit, living conditions often left much to be desired, and the diet was completely different from what my mother prepared, but none of this mattered. Songs by the fire, not always the ones that Pakhmutova composed about the “furious construction brigade”, baked potatoes, first loves and a magical feeling of freedom, reinforced by the gentle crunch of self-earned money in your pocket - this is what is remembered by the then construction brigade members, and now quite respectable uncles and aunties. Today's twenty-year-olds can wish for such nostalgia.

The beginning of the Student Teams Movement is considered to be 1959, when 339 student volunteers of the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, during the summer holidays, we went to Kazakhstan, to the virgin lands. They built 16 facilities on state farms in the North Kazakhstan region. The following year, 520 MSU students already participated in the construction.

In 1960 students built the first street on the Bulaevsky state farm in the North Kazakhstan region. 520 MSU students took part in the construction. It was decided to name the street Universitetskaya.

In 1961 There were already about 1,000 fighters working in student detachments. This year, the student movement involved in construction work had its own printed organ - the newspaper “Young Virgin Lands”. At the student detachment of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov, the Sputnik pioneer camp was first organized. This event marked the beginning of a whole tradition, and over time, such camps began to appear in other regions of the USSR.

In 1962 Almost 10 thousand students from Moscow, Leningrad and Kyiv were already working in 128 farms in Kazakhstan. Over nine hundred agricultural facilities, schools, and residential buildings were built. Using funds earned during the first Shock Free Labor Day, students purchased a convoy of agricultural machines, which they sent as a gift to heroic Cuba. The first Charter of the student construction team was also adopted.

In 1963 19 thousand young men and women from 87 universities in the country worked in construction teams. The detachments included a medical service, a supply service, teams of electrifiers, signalmen, plumbers, and installers. About 3 thousand children rested in 42 pioneer camps attached to the detachments. Students took it upon themselves to build sports facilities in rural areas.

In 1964 in the construction teams there were already 30 thousand young enthusiasts, representatives of 9 union republics, 41 cities, 178 higher educational institutions. 3,860 objects were built, more than 3 thousand concerts were organized, 5 thousand lectures were given for rural workers. For the first time, MPEI students enrolled 30 “difficult” teenagers into their squads. For the first time, an international student team went to the virgin lands. The fighters of student groups receive their first awards: “For Labor Distinction” and “For Labor Valor.”

In 1965 The movement of student groups was already widespread. The MTR switched to high-impact Komsomol construction projects - the construction of the Abakan-Tayshet railway, the development of oil and gas fields in the Tyumen region.

In 1966 the total number of fighters was already more than 100 thousand people. Two thousand of them were involved in eliminating the consequences of the earthquake in Tashkent. This year became significant for the entire movement - the first All-Union rally of student groups took place in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses. In the same year, due to the large-scale student movement, in order to guide and coordinate actions, the Central Headquarters of student teams for construction and “Energy”, which was engaged in electrification, were created under the Ministry of Transport Construction and the Ministry of Energy.

In 1967 the student movement continued to gain momentum, attracting more and more activists from universities of all union republics. At the same time, regulatory documents were introduced regulating the activities of student groups and their relationships with other organizations. The form of a standard contract was approved, which was concluded with students going to work.

In the same year, new directions were opened in the structure of student teams. The first detachment of restorers appeared on the territory of the Solovetsky Monastery, the first detachment of guides, the first detachments working on Putin, Kamchatka and Sakhalin. With all this diversity and the huge number of students going to work in the summer, clear coordination of actions was required, so it was decided to create a single Central Headquarters of student detachments under the Komsomol Central Committee.

In 1968 There were already 270 thousand people in student groups. Following the example of the first restoration team that worked on the territory of the Solovetsky Monastery, student teams were created that carried out the restoration of historical and architectural monuments throughout the country.

In 1970 student teams were stationed in/conducted their activities at such well-known facilities throughout the country as the Volzhsky and Kama automobile plants, the Norilsk mining and processing plant, the North-Center and Central Asia-Center gas pipelines, the construction of the Tyumen-Tobolsk-Surgut railways, and the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station. They worked at thousands of different sites throughout the country. At an extended meeting of the Central Headquarters of student detachments under the Komsomol Central Committee, the new Charter of the VSSO was approved.

In 1971 Participants in the labor semester built 13,300 objects in many regions of the country. Teams of doctors, restorers, and railway carriage conductors worked. The detachments include 4.8 thousand foreign students studying at universities of the USSR. Soldiers of the units organized 1,850 pioneer satellite camps and updated 1,700 monuments to the heroes of the revolution and the Great Patriotic War.

In 1972 The number of the All-Union Student Detachment named after the 50th anniversary of the USSR exceeded 500 thousand people. The Secretariat of the Komsomol Central Committee supported the initiative of students to patronize the city of Gagarin, Smolensk region.

In 1973 student teams worked at 100 All-Union Komsomol shock construction sites. This year, the All-Union Student Detachment completed more than a billion rubles worth of work, surpassing this level for the first time.

In 1974 The first two thousand fighters of student detachments began work for the first time at the most famous All-Union construction site in the country - BAM. This construction lasted for almost ten years, becoming a symbol of the era and a symbol of student groups.

In 1975 A tradition has emerged every year of choosing a symbol for the All-Union detachment, from among important historical events, under the auspices of which students will work for the next 12 months. In 1975, the All-Union Student Detachment was named after the 30th anniversary of the Victory. The boys and girls worked under the motto “For themselves and for that guy.” For the first time, a consolidated international detachment “Friendship” was formed, consisting of representatives of nine socialist countries.

In 1976 The All-Union Student Detachment named after the XXV Congress of the CPSU participated in the construction of 31 thousand objects. The Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted a resolution “On measures to further improve the organization of summer work for student teams.”

In 1977 The All-Union student detachment named after the 60th anniversary of the Great October Revolution numbered 740 thousand people. The experience of creating student mechanized harvesting and transport complexes was approved. For the first time, an operation was carried out to construct, repair, improve and plant trees on the “Road of the Motherland” highways. The Central Committee of the Komsomol approved the Charter of the student detachment.

In 1978 fighters of the All-Union Student Detachment named after the 60th anniversary of the Komsomol spent capital investments and produced products worth over 1.4 billion rubles. 1,300 of the objects put into operation were awarded the “Student Quality Mark”.

In 1979 , in April, the All-Union rally of student teams took place in Almaty. The 800,000-strong All-Union student detachment completed a volume of work worth 1.5 billion rubles.

In 1980 There are already more than 800 thousand people in the ranks of the student movement. For the first time, student teams were formed to work in sea and river ports. The students’ work on the construction of the Olympics-80 facilities was highly appreciated. Their work in servicing the Olympic Games in Moscow deserved no less praise. An experiment has begun to organize the work of students who want to temporarily combine their studies with socially useful work.

In 1981 The All-Union Student Detachment was named after the XXVI Congress of the CPSU, 840 thousand future specialists completed a volume of work worth 1.7 billion rubles. Over the summer, boys and girls organized about 350 thousand lectures, more than 125 thousand concerts, and carried out routine repairs of 11.5 thousand schools free of charge.

In 1982 more than 60 percent of the fighters of the All-Union Student Detachment named after the 19th Congress of the Komsomol worked in rural areas, making a significant contribution to the USSR Food Program. Groups of livestock breeders have been created, teams performing a range of work according to the “field-processing enterprise-store” scheme. A “Nature” environmental protection raid was conducted.

In 1983 , in the year of the 65th anniversary of the Lenin Komsomol, more than 860 thousand young men and women as part of the All-Union Student Detachment completed a volume of work worth about 1.8 billion rubles. Every fourth construction team used the principles of brigade contracting.

In 1984 , in May, an All-Union rally of student groups took place in Almaty, which summed up the results of the 25-year period of development of the patriotic movement. The All-Union student detachment named after the 30th anniversary of Tselina commissioned more than 14 thousand objects in rural areas for operation and installation of equipment. Patronage was taken over the city of N. Urenga. 422 gratuitous labor units donated their earnings to socially beneficial purposes. Almost every orphanage in the country received financial assistance from student groups. The Day of Impact Labor was held in support of the XII World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow. In 8 student groups of the country, clean-up days were held to fund the construction of the Victory Memorial in Moscow on Poklonnaya Hill. By this year, the share of non-construction teams in the total composition of the VSSO reached more than 40%.

In total, over the years of the existence of the student movement, from 1965 to 1991, almost 13 million young men and women took part in their work. At the peak of the movement's development, its number exceeded 830 thousand people, while the need for additional labor in the form of student groups exceeded 2 million people per year. Students worked in all spheres of the national economy, on the territory of all regions, territories and republics of the Soviet Union. During this time, clear rules for the organization and activities of student groups, standards, and safety regulations were developed. The state switched to the planned formation of joint ventures. Benefits and benefits for traffic participants were legally established. The entire mechanism of the movement’s work was developed, starting with the detachment and ending with the Central Headquarters.

All-Union student construction teams
Date of foundation 1924
Date of dissolution 1991
Type Komsomol program for students of higher, secondary vocational and primary educational institutions, which formed temporary labor collectives
Leader Commander
Control Territorial committees of the Komsomol

Soldiers of the All-Union Shock Komsomol Detachment are leaving for shock construction sites in the Soviet country

VSO rank insignia.

At that time, construction teams aimed not only at direct income, but also at educating students in the spirit of creative collectivism and a correct (respectful) attitude towards work. They were entrusted with the task of developing high moral qualities and a sense of patriotism; construction brigades were considered as an important institution for the social and labor adaptation of student youth. The antipode to these organized forms of summer work for young people was shabby people, coven brigade.

The activities of the construction teams were accompanied by an elaborate ceremony; The special construction brigade uniform and symbols also played an important psychological role here. Thus, before starting to fulfill their assigned duties, the detachments were presented with special work permit passports in a solemn atmosphere at the opening ceremony of the Labor Season.

Construction brigade romance gave the culture of the peoples of the USSR a huge number of examples construction brigade lyrics- songs, poems, etc.

Youth squad uniforms

All-Union Student Construction Brigade (VSSO) - form of organization paid work student youth, organized on the basis of official regulations of the state. Since we were talking about work in free time from the main classes (that is, studies), and the bulk of these workers were students, this form received the established name “work semester.”

For the first time, students were involved in agricultural work in the summer of 1920 in the Donbass. In June 1920, the Donetsk provincial land department organized labor squads of students to cultivate the fields of the families of Red Army soldiers and poor peasants. The combatants, in addition to the established rations for physical labor, were paid 50 rubles for each working day. Those who worked hard were paid an additional 25 rubles daily in the form of a bonus. During agricultural work, student vigilantes worked from 08:00 to 20:00 with a two-hour break for lunch.

First work semester Soviet students passed in the summer of 1924, when the All-Russian Central Council of Trade Unions and the People's Commissariat of Labor and Education issued the first instructions on the practice of students in the summer. This document entrusted the organization of students' work during the holidays at the country's industrial and agricultural enterprises to Komsomol organizations of universities, ordering the leadership of the host organizations and the relevant People's Commissariats and departments to provide them with the necessary assistance in this. Subsequently, taking into account the legal subtleties associated with the employment of persons who were students (including minors), educational ministries, the State Committee for Labor and Social Affairs and other departments of the USSR issued a number of documents that put this work in a clear legal framework .

The decision to create the first student detachment was made on October 13, 1958 at the IX reporting and election conference of the Komsomol organization of the Physics Department of Moscow State University.

Spring is considered to be the moment when student groups emerged. 1959 year, when 339 physics students from Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov went to the Virgin Lands in the North Kazakhstan region (Bulaevsky district), where they built 16 objects, completing a volume of work worth 250 thousand rubles. The organizer and commander of the detachment was the secretary of the Komsomol Bureau of the Physics Department of Moscow State University Sergei Filippovich Litvinenko. Over the summer they managed to build 12 residential buildings, a calf barn, two poultry houses and a rabbitry. Soon students from other universities began to arrive in Tselina.

Impact construction

  • 1967 - VAZ was declared an All-Union shock-Komsomol construction site
  • 1971 - KAMAZ was declared an All-Union shock-Komsomol construction project (until the first car in 1976)
  • 1974 - "Giant on the Irtysh" TNHK SIBUR Tobolsk was declared an All-Union shock-Komsomol construction project (before the launch of the Central State Federal University in 1984)
  • 1974 - BAM was declared an All-Union shock-Komsomol construction project (before the golden crutch in 1979)
  • 1978 - the next All-Union Shock-Komsomol construction project was announced - the Sayano-Shushenskaya Hydroelectric Power Station.
  • 1979 - teams worked at the BAM, Primorye, and oil fields of Tyumen.

An All-Union rally of student teams is being held in Alma-Ata, Kazakh SSR.

  • 1982 - MTR participation in the construction of the Baikal-Amur Mainline.
  • 1985 - construction teams participate in the Komsomol shock construction project KATEK. The same year marked the peak of the development of SO in the USSR: applications were submitted from ministries and departments to attract 2 million students, the number of the All-Union Student Detachment amounted to 830 thousand people.
  • In the summer of 1986, MTR soldiers worked at high-impact construction sites: Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station, BAM, KATEK, Ekibastuz, gas fields of Tyumen. Hundreds of volunteers went to the Kyiv region to build housing for Chernobyl victims.

Organizational structure

The formation of the VSSO was under the supreme authority of the Central Committee of the Komsomol, where for these purposes it was created in 1969 Central headquarters of the All-Union Student Construction Team(WSSO). Similar headquarters were created in the republican Komsomol committees. In the RSFSR, as well as in Ukraine and other largest republics with regional (territorial) division, regional-level headquarters were created (under the jurisdiction of the corresponding regional committees of the Komsomol). In other republics - for example, Georgia - the headquarters of the VSSO (in the early 1980s, its commander was the secretary of the Central Committee of the Komsomol of Georgia, Lordkipanidze) was created directly under the Central Committee of the Komsomol.

These headquarters were in charge of the formation, on the one hand, of the list of objects on which students were to work this year, and on the other, the distribution of these objects between higher and secondary specialized educational institutions of the respective republics that formed linear student construction teams (SCT). The formation of the VSSO, depending on the number and structure of the educational institution, was organized either by the “big committee” (VLKSM) of the university, or distributed among the faculty committees of the Komsomol.

During the production period, in the summer, the regional structure for managing construction teams based on location was activated. After all, the sites where SALW worked were located outside the cities, regions, and often the republics in which the construction teams were formed. The republican, regional and regional Komsomol committees entrusted the tasks of managing them to the commanders and members of regional headquarters they appointed. Besides district, regional etc. (corresponding to the units of administrative division of the USSR), in some cases, and zonal. For example, in the early 1980s. in the North Caucasus (Pyatigorsk, Mineralnye Vody, Nalchik), the work of the VSSO, which included student citizens of other countries, was supervised by the zonal headquarters of the VSSO “International” with headquarters in Kislovodsk.

Symbols of construction brigades

As a rule, chevrons and insignia of a specific detachment or group of detachments were sewn onto the jacket of a construction brigade soldier. There were signs “VSSO” - All-Union Student Construction Detachment, which was later replaced by the chevron “LSO” - Linear Student Detachment; signs of regional associations, chevrons of an educational institution and a specific detachment. Some chevrons were made centrally, for example, “LSO”, “LSO commander”, “Central headquarters of student detachments”, the rest were made separately by each detachment or headquarters, usually using silk-screen printing.

Since 1962, badges began to be issued centrally for construction teams - first “Student Virgin Construction” (from 1962 to 1973), then “Student Construction Teams” (from 1968 to 1972) and, finally, “All-Union Student Team” (from 1973 to 1992) . Commemorative badges and pennants were produced in small editions, both centrally and in republics, territories, regions and, of course, cities and universities. Small editions were even produced for individual student groups (for anniversaries and other memorable dates).

Brief construction brigade dictionary

  • Line detachment headquarters- the governing body of the LSO, consisting of the commander, commissar, foreman, caretaker, treasurer and detachment doctor.
  • Construction brigade headquarters- to manage the activities within the framework of the construction brigade movement in the USSR, a hierarchy of headquarters was created: from the all-Union level to the republican (territorial) and regional - within the Central Committee of the Komsomol of the corresponding administrative-territorial units, and, at the functional level - headquarters at the Komsomol committees of higher and secondary special educational institutions that were in charge of the formation of the main “working units” - linear construction teams (LCO). Each LSO (or simply, construction brigade) created its own headquarters (see below Line detachment headquarters).
  • Line Detachment Commander- head of the LSO. The position is elective; in Soviet times, the LSO commander was appointed by the Komsomol committee after approval by the party committee (party bureau) of the educational institution that formed the linear construction squad (LSO). He bore final responsibility to the authorities that appointed and approved him for all aspects of the activities of the LDF, including those delegated, in accordance with their duties and competence, to the foreman and other members of the LDF headquarters.

The commander is the main manager of funds LSO cash desks, position with right of first signature on the financial documents of the detachment (see also below Treasurer And caretaker).

  • Commissioner- the leader of the detachment on a par with the commander. Formally, the position of SSO commissar was “elected,” but selection and approval for it was the exclusive prerogative of the party committee (party bureau) of the educational institution, which acted on the basis of the formal presentation of the “selected” candidate by the Komsomol committee. As a general rule, members of the CPSU, candidates for membership of the CPSU, or Komsomol activists included in the secret “queue” for admission to the CPSU were appointed to the commissioners. Often, the WSSO commissioners were not students, but graduate students or junior members of the teaching staff. Responsible, like army political officers, for political and cultural work, the commissars became the head of the non-statutory Komsomol organization VSSO, having the right to raise questions at its meetings, including the expulsion of violators from the Komsomol (and the university).
  • Master- the responsible organizer and producer of the work of small arms and light weapons, his “foreman”. In the next season of work of the construction teams, he was the first (sometimes together with the future commander, if one had already been appointed), to begin preparing the front of work (and if the “political appointees” to the commanders were incompetent, he took on these functions in full). No later than February-March of the current year, travel (if necessary, together with lodgers) to the site of the future deployment of small arms and light weapons, entered into negotiations with the management of government contracting and subcontracting organizations, receiving from them lists of objects and - most importantly! - Approximately coordinating the estimate and prices of these works. With the start of work, he distributed the volumes accepted for execution between foremen construction team; made proposals to the MTR headquarters for the distribution of the accrued salary fund between brigades in accordance with labor participation rate(KTU; although this payment scheme was officially recommended, in practice some units circumvented it). Participated in daily planning meetings host construction organization (if there were several sites, they could also be visited by foremen interested in resolving issues of supplying their sites) as a foreman, resolving all issues of supplying the site with materials and tools. Carried final responsibility on issues that were directly under the control of the foremen: compliance with safety regulations, labor discipline, etc.; submitted to the receiving organization documents on the assignment of construction and other qualifications to members of the detachment, as well as on making entries in their work books.
  • Brigadier- by general definition, the head of a functional unit of a larger site (construction site, workshop, etc.) performing the corresponding production task, with the direct participation of himself foreman in these works along with other members of his team (that is, the position does not imply exemption from the main job). Mediator in relations between members of his team and higher management (in LSO - foreman and commander) in resolving issues, first of all, logistics of the work front and their payment. The LSO usually had at least 2-3 brigades, numbering from 5-10 to 15 or more people, depending on the type of activity. As a rule, student teams were formalized in the host organization as an independent structural unit (along with other teams). However, due to the specifics of the object, students could be included in the units already existing at the enterprise (construction site, etc.) under the guidance of professional foremen; in this case, the senior in experience from this group - maintaining the status in his LSO foreman- was a “deputy” professional foreman.
  • Tenant- a non-systemic name of a functional position performed by one or another detachment leader (commander, foreman, supply manager, foremen; sometimes the future detachment commander also traveled as part of the lodgers cook) during the preparatory period for SALW, and also, conversely, during the disbandment of SALW after the departure of the main part of the detachment contingent. The lodgers prepared the detachment's location for living, clarified the scope of future work, received the necessary tools, equipment and household property from the receiving party for balance or temporary use, and sometimes carried out a cycle of not too labor-intensive preparatory work (for example, geodetic work). After completion of the work, the lodgers organized the departure of the main part of the detachment and the return to the receiving party of the property, premises, and territory that belonged to it and was used by the detachment. The costs of sending lodgers to the places of future deployment of the detachment were borne by the headquarters of the special forces of the educational institution or the regional detachment. When deciding on the advisability of the business trip itself, this headquarters drew up the appropriate travel documents and accepted financial reports on them in the prescribed form. Cases of attributing expenses for business trips of quartermasters to the account of funds individually earned by members of the detachment were, as a rule, due to abuses (absence of production necessity of preliminary departure to an already equipped place of deployment; attempts to pay twice for the same travel, from two sources - railway .tickets were not personalized - etc.)
  • caretaker, head of the economic unit - a financially responsible position in the detachment, which involved accepting for storage property and valuables acquired at the expense of funds LSO cash desks(that is, from money transferred to the caretaker by the treasurer) or transferred to the detachment by its members or the organization that formed the detachment for temporary economic use (for example, pots, pans, beds, etc.). Combining the duties of a caretaker and a treasurer was a serious (but, alas, not uncommon) violation of financial discipline and served as a source of serious financial abuse in some VSSO. The very presence of a caretaker in the leadership structure of the LDF was determined, first of all, by the need to organize its own food service and kitchen. In these cases, the duties of the caretaker were performed, part-time, cook squad.
  • Treasurer- a financially responsible position, the content of which, according to the Accounting and Reporting Rules in force in the USSR, corresponded to the duties of an organization’s cashier, who, as an exception, combined this position with the functions of a “senior accountant with the rights of a chief.” Custodian of funds ( LSO cash desks) and responsible for reporting on their movement. In the financial documentation of LSO - the head with right of second signature (right of first signature belonged to the SALW commander as the manager of the detachment's funds).
  • Squad doctor. As a rule, two doctors (the so-called sandwich), the main one (determined on the basis of qualifications) was part of the LSO headquarters by position. In the vast majority of LSOs, students and graduate students of medical universities worked as physicians. However, with the consent of the chief physician of the district (zonal) detachment, who was responsible for the formation of this part of the construction brigade contingent, the LSO doctor and his assistant could be appointed other persons with secondary or higher medical education. “Medbrat” (“nurse”) were not obliged to work at production sites along with the detachment, but, as a rule, they joined one of its brigades in order to receive additional labor income.

Like squad master, his doctor began work long before departure: he was entrusted with the responsibility of collecting documents for the mandatory medical examination of those leaving, and if the detachment traveled to encephalohazardous and other areas critical to health, obtaining the necessary vaccinations. Only the largest universities in the country (the rank of Moscow, Leningrad, and Kyiv universities) had their own clinics, on the basis of which it was possible to successfully conduct medical examinations and vaccinations in an organized manner. In other cases, doctors from other detachments had to “run” after the construction crews almost until the day of departure, demanding from them the appropriate certificates. However, the doctor had the right to prohibit the departure of such careless people: after all, in the event of illness, infection or death of a soldier who did not provide a certificate, the law placed full responsibility on the detachment doctor (and his commander).

  • Squad cook- another (like doctors) necessary position, thanks to which the composition of the detachment, assembled on the basis of any highly specialized faculty or technical school (physicists, mathematicians, philosophers, etc.), was “diluted” with representatives of other educational institutions, specialties, creating favorable preconditions for “cross-cultural” communication. There are no statistics on what percentage of chefs were students and graduates of culinary colleges, and what percentage were self-taught from among “their” students. However, in any case, appointment to the position of cook required the candidate to first obtain an SES certificate, and required regular communication with medical and sanitary epidemiological services throughout the entire season of work of the LSO. According to Leningrad University statistics, out of about 50 construction teams, less than half actually had their own kitchen (and, accordingly, cooks) - namely, those who worked far from civilization. In other detachments, meals were provided in nearby and/or factory canteens (in these cases, not from the funds of the common boiler, but at their own expense); however, in case of emergency, the presence of a person with an SES certificate was also required in these units.
  • Sanddvoika- cm. squad doctor.
  • Glavkhud- chief artist of the squad
  • "The Cook"- cm. squad cook
  • "Chronicler"- keeps a chronicle of squad affairs
  • Fighter- a member of the detachment who has worked at least one virgin soil
  • Virgin land- place of work and residence of the detachment (in summer)
  • Tselinka- both dress and work clothes (jackets) of the squad members, a source of special pride for each fighter
  • Stroevka, fight- another name for the jacket of a construction brigade fighter, used in the European part of Russia; the jackets of fighters of pedagogical student brigades, student brigades of conductors and medical student brigades are also called.
  • Old man- a unit soldier who has worked for 3 summers (virgin lands) or more

Traditions and holidays of various groups

In various construction teams formed by universities and technical schools throughout the country, the USSR, various traditions and holidays were developed and maintained. The list below (like originally this entire article) was compiled from the chronicles of only one of them (obviously, the “Almagest” PM-PU Leningrad State University named after A. A. Zhdanov).

Burying the green serpent- a promotion that takes place 1-2 days before departure to the virgin lands. The goal is to stop (from now on) drinking alcoholic beverages for the duration of the labor landing.

Virgin New Year(from July 31 to August 1); March 8(8 August); February 23(July 23); The 14th of February(August 14). On these days, squad members prepare handmade gifts, draw cards for each other, congratulate their superiors, and send telegrams to other squads. There are many different holidays in the virgin lands. For example, Sports day, Courtesy Day, Neptune Day, Builder's Day, Draw day, Anarchy Day etc., etc. The choice is at the discretion of the squad.

DMB - Young Soldier's Day. On this day, the detachment's headquarters is selected from young pioneer soldiers. They change places with the “old men” and “build” them. The next day everything returns to normal...

Once a season, the headquarters of some district and zonal detachments organized festivals and other holidays, which brought together all the construction teams of the region in full force. The headquarters of the ZSO “International” (North Caucasus) held such festivals in Kislovodsk. Their agenda included sports competitions, and, of course, amateur construction brigade competitions.


KMSO (Komsomol youth construction brigade) is a socio-economic movement in the USSR in the 1980s, one of the types of youth brigades (construction brigades). They were a structural subdivision of the MZhK organization.

The formation of the first KMSO took place by analogy with student construction teams (SCO).


OSiP (team of students and teenagers) is a socio-pedagogical movement of groups in which students involved difficult teenagers in work activities and, in the course of it, engaged in their re-education. The first OSiP “Edelweiss” was created in 1974 by NETI students. It included teenagers who were registered with the juvenile affairs inspectorate. The commander of the detachment was 5th year NETI student Sergei Bobrov. In 1981, 22 such detachments were already working on state and collective farms and at brick factories in the Novosibirsk region. Subsequently, the OSiP movement spread to other regions.

The beginning of the Student Teams Movement is considered to be 1959, when 339 student volunteers of the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University named after V.M. Lomonosov, during the summer holidays, we went to Kazakhstan, to the virgin lands. They built 16 facilities on state farms in the North Kazakhstan region. The following year, 520 MSU students already participated in the construction. The first street they built on the Bulaevsky state farm in the North Kazakhstan region was called Universitetskaya.

In 1960 The first street, built by the hands of 520 Moscow State University students on the Bulaevsky state farm in the North Kazakhstan region, was named Universitetskaya.

In 1961 There were already about 1,000 fighters working in student detachments. This year, the student movement got its own printed organ - the newspaper "Young Virgin Lands" at the student construction site. The pioneer camp Sputnik was first organized at the student detachment of the Moscow Medical Institute; from the next year it became a permanent practice and spread everywhere.

In 1962 Almost 10 thousand students from Moscow, Leningrad, and Kyiv worked in 128 farms in Kazakhstan. Over nine hundred agricultural facilities, schools, and residential buildings were built. Using funds earned during the first Shock Free Labor Day, students purchased and donated a convoy of agricultural machines to heroic Cuba. The first Charter of the student construction team was adopted.

In 1963 19 thousand young men and women from 87 universities in the country worked in construction teams. The detachments included a medical service, a supply service, teams of electrifiers, signalmen, plumbers, and installers. About 3 thousand children rested in 42 pioneer camps attached to the detachments. Students began sponsoring the construction of sports facilities in the village.

In 1964 in the construction teams there are 30 thousand young enthusiasts - representatives of 9 union republics, 41 cities, 178 higher educational institutions. 3860 objects were built, more than 3 were organized; thousand concerts, 5 thousand lectures were given for rural workers. For the first time, MPEI students enrolled 30 “difficult” teenagers into their squads. For the first time, an international student team went to the virgin lands. The first awards for fighters of student detachments “For Labor Distinction” and “For Labor Valor” appear.

In 1965 The movement of student groups was already widespread. The MTR switched to high-impact Komsomol construction projects - the construction of the Abakan-Tayshet railway, the development of oil and gas fields in the Tyumen region.

In 1966 the total number of already more than 100 thousand people, two thousand worked to eliminate the consequences of the earthquake in Tashkent. This year became significant for the entire movement; the first All-Union rally of student groups took place in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses. In the same year, due to the large scale of the student movement, the Central Headquarters of student teams for construction and “Energy”, which was engaged in electrification, were created to guide and coordinate actions under the Ministry of Transport Construction and the Ministry of Energy.

1967 The growth of the student movement from universities in all Union republics continued. At the same time, regulatory documents were introduced regulating the activities of student groups and their relationships with organizations, and a standard contract for work performed by students was approved.

In the same year, new directions appeared in the structure of student detachments: the first detachment of restorers on the territory of the Solovetsky Monastery, the first detachment of guides, the first detachments that worked on Putin, Kamchatka and Sakhalin. With all this diversity and the huge number of students going to work in the summer, clear coordination of all actions was required, so it was decided to create a single Central Headquarters of student detachments under the Komsomol Central Committee.

In 1968 There were already 270 thousand people in student groups. Following the example of the first restoration team that worked on the territory of the Solovetsky Monastery, student teams were created that carried out the restoration of historical and architectural monuments throughout the country.

In 1970 on the map of the location of student teams there are already such well-known objects throughout the country as the Volga and Kama automobile plants, the Norilsk mining and processing plant, the North-Center and Central Asia-Center gas pipelines, the construction of the Tyumen-Tobolsk-Surgut railways, the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station. And thousands of others across the country. At an extended meeting of the Central Headquarters of student detachments under the Komsomol Central Committee, the new Charter of the VSSO was approved.

In 1971 Participants in the labor semester built 13,300 objects in many regions of the country. Teams of doctors, restorers, and railway carriage conductors worked. The detachments include 4.8 thousand foreign students studying at universities of the USSR. Soldiers of the units organized 1,850 pioneer satellite camps and updated 1,700 monuments to the heroes of the revolution and the Great Patriotic War.

In 1972 The number of the All-Union Student Detachment named after the 50th anniversary of the USSR exceeded 500 thousand people. The Secretariat of the Komsomol Central Committee supported the initiative of students to patronize the city of Gagarin, Smolensk region.

In 1973 student teams worked at 100 All-Union Komsomol shock construction sites. The All-Union student team completed more than a billion rubles worth of work, surpassing this level for the first time.

In 1974 For the first time, student teams began work at the most famous all-Union construction site in the country - BAM. The first two thousand soldiers began work. This famous construction continued for almost ten years, becoming a symbol of the era and a symbol of student groups.

In 1975 The all-Union student detachment was named after the 30th anniversary of the Victory. The boys and girls worked under the motto “For themselves and for that guy.” For the first time, a consolidated international detachment “Friendship” was formed from representatives of nine socialist countries.

In 1976 The All-Union Student Detachment named after the XXV Congress of the CPSU participated in the construction of 31 thousand objects. The Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted a resolution “On measures to further improve the organization of summer work for student teams.”

In 1977 The All-Union student detachment named after the 60th anniversary of the Great October Revolution numbered 740 thousand people. The experience of creating student mechanized harvesting and transport complexes was approved. For the first time, Operation “Roads of the Motherland” was carried out to build, repair, improve and green roads. The Central Committee of the Komsomol approved the Charter of the student detachment.

In 1978 fighters of the All-Union Student Detachment named after the 60th anniversary of the Komsomol spent capital investments and produced products worth over 1.4 billion rubles. 1,300 of the objects put into operation were awarded the “Student Quality Mark”.

In 1979 In April, the All-Union rally of student teams took place in Almaty. The 800,000-strong All-Union student detachment completed a volume of work worth 1.5 billion rubles.

In 1980 There are already more than 800 thousand people in the ranks of the student movement. For the first time, student teams were formed to work in sea and river ports. The work of students in the construction of Olympics-80 facilities and in servicing the Olympic Games in Moscow was highly appreciated. An experiment has begun to organize the work of students who want to temporarily combine their studies with socially useful work.

In 1981 The All-Union Student Detachment was named after the XXVI Congress of the CPSU, 840 thousand future specialists completed a volume of work worth 1.7 billion rubles. Over the summer, boys and girls organized about 350 thousand lectures, more than 125 thousand concerts, and carried out free maintenance of 11.5 thousand schools.

In 1982 more than 60 percent of the fighters of the All-Union Student Detachment named after the 19th Congress of the Komsomol worked in the countryside, making a concrete contribution to the USSR Food Program. Groups of livestock breeders have been created, teams performing a range of work according to the “field-processing enterprise-store” scheme. A “Nature” environmental protection raid was carried out.

In 1983 In the year of the 65th anniversary of the Lenin Komsomol, more than 860 thousand young men and women as part of the All-Union Student Detachment completed a volume of work worth about 1.8 billion rubles. Every fourth construction team used the principles of brigade contracting.

In 1984 In May, an All-Union rally of student groups took place in Almaty, which summed up the results of the 25-year period of development of the patriotic movement. The All-Union Student Detachment named after the 30th anniversary of Tselina commissioned more than 14 thousand rural facilities for operation and installation of equipment. There was active patronage over the city of N. Urengoy. 422 groups of free labor donated their earnings to socially useful purposes. Almost every orphanage in the country received financial assistance from student groups. The Day of Impact Labor was held for the fund of the XII World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow. In 8 student groups of the country, clean-up days were held in support of the construction of the Victory Memorial in Moscow on Poklonnaya Hill. By this year, the share of non-construction teams in the total composition of the VSSO reached more than 40%.

In total, over the years of the existence of the student movement from 1965-1991, almost 13 million young men and women took part in their work. At the peak of the movement's development, its number exceeded 830 thousand people, while the need for additional labor in the form of student groups exceeded 2 million people per year. Students worked in all spheres of the national economy, on the territory of all regions, territories and republics of the Soviet Union. During this time, clear rules for the organization and activities of student groups, standards, and safety regulations were developed. The state switched to the planned formation of joint ventures. Benefits and benefits for traffic participants were legally established. The entire mechanism of the movement's work was developed, starting from the simplest detachment and ending with the Central Headquarters.

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