Interaction between a speech therapist and a music director in correctional and educational work. The relationship in the work of the music director and the speech therapist teacher for the correction of speech and movements Forms and types of interaction between the speech therapist teacher

Achieving effectiveness in correctional and developmental work is possible through the interaction of all participants in the pedagogical process, in particular the teacher - speech therapist and music director. The activities of teachers have much in common and are aimed at solving educational, educational and correctional problems.
In the system of correctional classes for children with speech disorders, music classes occupy a special place.
Object: a child with speech pathology.
The subject is various disorders of psychomotor functions and the system of movements in combination with music and words.
The goal is to overcome speech disorders through the development, education and correction of the motor sphere in combination with words and music.
Basic principles of interaction:
- classes are based on the general provisions of correctional and pedagogical work with preschoolers with developmental disabilities;
- classes are conducted systematically because only under this condition do preschoolers form and consolidate correct motor dynamic stereotypes;
- principle of comprehensive influence
- the principle of accessibility and individual approach. The content and didactic techniques for conducting joint classes are selected and implemented differentially, in accordance with the age of the children, the structure and composition of speech disorders;
- the principle of clarity;
- the principle of gradual complication of motor, speech and musical tasks.
Strengthen the musculoskeletal system.
Develop breathing.
Develop coordination of movements and motor functions.
Form correct posture.
Educational and upbringing:
To educate and develop a sense of rhythm, the ability to sense rhythmic expressiveness in music and movements.
To develop the ability to perceive musical images.
Improve personal qualities and a sense of teamwork.
Develop speech breathing.
Develop the articulatory apparatus.
Form prosodic components of speech.
Develop phonemic awareness.
Develop grammatical structure and coherent speech.
The main directions of correctional and developmental work:
Teacher speech therapist:
- staging diaphragmatic-speech breathing;
- strengthening the muscular apparatus of the speech organs through speech therapy massage;
- formation of an articulatory base to correct incorrectly pronounced sounds;
- correction of disturbed sounds, their automation and differentiation;
- development of phonemic perception, analysis and synthesis;
- improvement of the lexical and grammatical aspects of speech;

Learning the ability to coherently express one’s thoughts;

Literacy training, prevention of dysgraphia and dyslexia;

Development of the psychological basis of speech;

Improving fine motor skills;

Speech therapy of classes and routine moments.

Musical director:

Development and formation:

Auditory attention and auditory memory;

Optical-spatial representations;

Formation and consolidation of pronunciation skills;

Visual orientation to the interlocutor;

Coordination of movements;

Ability to convey a simple musical rhythmic pattern.


Rate and rhythm of breathing and speech;

Oral praxis and voluntary facial motor skills;


Phonemic hearing.

Forms and types of interaction between the music director and speech therapists:

Joint design of a plan for interaction between a speech therapist and a music director for the school year, its adjustment as common problems are solved;

Interaction Notebook;

Joint selection of methodological literature, manuals and repertoire;

Participation of a speech therapist in the preparation and conduct of themed entertainment, holidays, and open events;

Compiling card files of speech games, word games, etc.;

Speech by the music director at pedagogical councils on topics related to corrective exercises, word games, singing, etc. for the prevention of speech disorders;

The use of speech therapy chants, speech games, logorhythmic exercises, word games, finger games, dramatizations of fairy tales and songs, vocal and choral work in music classes, holidays and entertainment.

Modern goals and objectives of preschool education outlined in FGT cannot be realized by each participant in the pedagogical process individually. Therefore, the problem of cooperation between specialists and teachers in the context of the holistic development of the child must be solved in every kindergarten.

Thus, the joint correctional and developmental work of the teacher - speech therapist and music director successfully contributes to the improvement of the general emotional state of children, the development and correction of the motor sphere, the establishment of correct diaphragmatic-speech breathing, the development of strength, height, timbre of the voice, its expressiveness, sensory abilities of children with speech pathology, helps eliminate speech disorders and ensure the socialization of each child. And as a result of using a differentiated selection of techniques and content of correctional pedagogical influence, the process of speech correction and development is optimized.

Thanks to interaction, it was possible to establish continuity, which had a positive impact on the quality of work (85% of graduates went to school with clear speech), the time for correctional work was reduced by one third, and relapses were practically minimized.

“Interaction between a teacher-speech therapist and a music director” We work in a municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of a combined type 68. In correctional groups, correctional training and education of children with general speech underdevelopment of different levels is carried out. Severe speech defects are combined with a variety of pathologies of non-speech functions (increased excitability, fatigue, impaired spatial orientation and general, fine motor skills, attention and memory deficits).

If speaking is difficult for you, music will always help! Logorhythmics is one of the forms of a unique active therapy based on the connection between movement, music and words. It is part of the educational and correctional development work in the speech group. The goal of logorhythmics is the correction and prevention of existing deviations in the development of a child. Objectives: development of general, fine and articulatory motor skills; - formation of correct breathing; - development of the ability to navigate in space; - development of clear coordinated movements in conjunction with speech; - development of phonemic hearing; - formation of relaxation skills; - development and correction of musical-rhythmic movements In correctional work with children with speech disorders, a positive role is played by the joint activities of a speech therapist and a music director, who combine movement, speech and music, and contribute to the normalization of motor skills and the rhythmic side of speech. During joint activities, speech development occurs through the synthesis of words, movement and music. Movement helps to comprehend the word. Word and music organize and regulate the motor sphere of children, which in turn activates their cognitive activity and emotional sphere. Joint correctional intervention eliminates speech dysfunction and develops the child’s functional systems: movement, vocal function, articulatory apparatus, attention, processes of memorization and reproduction of speech and motor material, which is planned in accordance with lexical topics.

Interaction between a speech therapist and a music director in correctional and educational work

In correctional work with children suffering from various speech defects, a positive role is played by the activities of a speech therapist and a music director, which represent a combination of a system of movements, a musical background and vocabulary content. Indeed, in addition to correctional goals, an increase in efficiency in the development of non-speech and speech functions is achieved, which contributes to more intensive adaptation of children.

During classes, speech development occurs through the synthesis of words, movement and music. Movement helps to comprehend the word. Word and music organize and regulate the motor sphere of children, which activates their cognitive activity, emotional sphere, and helps adapt to environmental conditions.

When carrying out their work, both the speech therapist and the music director must take into account:

    structure of speech disorder;

    carry out an individual approach against the backdrop of collective activity;

    consolidate the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in speech therapy classes;

    comprehensively develop the personality of a preschooler.

Both the speech therapist and the music director have the same requirements for conducting joint classes with children.

Principles for constructing joint classes:

    Classes are based on the general provisions of correctional and pedagogical work with preschoolers with developmental disabilities

    Classes are conducted systematically because Only under this condition do preschoolers form and consolidate correct motor dynamic stereotypes.

    The principle of comprehensive influence

    The principle of accessibility and individual approach. The content and didactic techniques for conducting joint classes are selected and implemented differentially, in accordance with the age of the children, the structure and composition of speech disorders.

    The principle of visibility.

    The principle of gradual complication of motor, speech and musical tasks.

We can highlight the main tasks facing the speech therapist and music director when carrying out correctional and educational work:

    Develop breathing.

    Develop coordination of movements and motor functions.

    To educate and develop a sense of rhythm, the ability to sense rhythmic expressiveness in music and movements.

    To develop the ability to perceive musical images;

    Develop speech breathing.

    Develop the articulatory apparatus.

    Form prosodic components of speech.

    Develop phonemic awareness.

    Develop grammatical structure and coherent speech.

At the same time, each of the subjects of correctional and developmental work carries out the development of the following areas:

Teacher speech therapist:

    staging diaphragmatic-speech breathing;

    strengthening the muscular apparatus of the speech organs through speech therapy massage;

    formation of an articulatory base to correct incorrectly pronounced sounds;

    correction of disturbed sounds, their automation and differentiation;

    development of phonemic perception, analysis and synthesis;

    improving the lexical and grammatical aspects of speech;

    learning the ability to coherently express one’s thoughts;

    literacy training, prevention of dysgraphia and dyslexia;

    development of the psychological basis of speech;

    improving fine motor skills;

    speech therapy of classes and routine moments.

Musical director:

Development and formation:

    auditory attention and auditory memory;

    optical-spatial representations;

    visual orientation to the interlocutor;

    coordination of movements;

    the ability to convey a simple musical rhythmic pattern.


    pace and rhythm of breathing and speech;

    oral praxis;


    phonemic hearing.

The effectiveness of correctional work with children of speech therapy groups is determined by the clear organization of their stay in kindergarten, the correct distribution of the load during the day and continuity in the work of the speech therapist and other preschool specialists.

Coordination plan

Pedagogical tasks

Speech therapist

Musical director

Development of fine motor skills

Exercises with various didactic materials.
Finger games.

Playing children's musical instruments.
Dance moves.
Theater using bibabo puppets

Development of facial expressions

Face massage.
Gymnastics of facial muscles.
Arbitrary formation of certain facial poses.
The connection between facial expressions and intonation

Developing expressiveness in singing and dancing

Development of speech breathing

Tongue Twisters. Exercises for the development of speech breathing. Differentiation of oral and nasal breathing. Development of lower diaphragmatic breathing

Use of musical wind instruments. Chants. Breathing exercises in dance.

Sound gymnastics. Exercises to develop flexibility of the soft palate

Choral singing.
Movements with speech to music.
Using character roles.

Development of phonemic hearing

Reading poems highlighting phonemes. Distinguishing phonemes that are similar in method and place of formation and acoustic characteristics. Education of the acoustic-articulatory image of sound. Formation of speech control through acoustic control.

The use of chants. Choral and individual singing. Musical and rhythmic movements.

Articulation development

Exercises with a mirror.
Articulation gymnastics.
Pure talk.
Massage of the articulatory apparatus (individual)

Learning and singing songs. Singing songs with onomatopoeia

Development of grammatical structure of speech

Formation of word formation and inflection skills.
Overcoming agrammatism

Learning song lyrics. Dramatization.
Musical performances, dramatizations.
Puppet show.

Dictionary development

Developing an understanding of various speech structures and grammatical forms.
Development of nominal, predicative and adjectival vocabulary.

Replenishment of the dictionary with musical terminology.
Enrichment of vocabulary during classes.

Development of dialogic speech

Formation of dialogue composition skills

Puppet theater and bibabo dolls. Musical performances.

Development of monologue speech

Development of the child's desire to speak.
Developing skills in mastering monologue speech.

Learning lyrics

Development of communication skills

Psychological studies and communication games

Participation of children in musical performances.

1. Development of auditory perception, musical hearing, phonemic
2. Development of the main components of speech sound culture: intonation,
rhythmic and melodic side;
3. Formation of correct speech and singing breathing, changes
strength and pitch of voice depending on context;
4. Enrichment of the vocabulary of preschoolers with FFND according to those developed by the teacher
– speech therapist on lexical topics;
5. Development of skills in the field of listening to music, singing, musical
rhythmic movement, playing children's instruments.

Preparatory speech therapy group
MBDOU kindergarten No. 8 “Fairy Tale”
20152016 academic year year.

Lesson No. 1 (week 4)
Speech movement exercise “Beep”
Goal: Development of auditory and visual attention, strength and duration
speech exhalation
Game material: soundtrack of theatrical noise "Trains"
Progress of the lesson: The teacher tells the children: “Today we are going to
journey. What will we go on?” The theatrical noise of a “train” sounds. Children
determine what they will ride on and imitate the whistle of the locomotive. Sound strength is adjustable
with a conductor's gesture: “Uh-uh!”
Lesson No. 2 (1 week)

voice apparatus.
Game material: percussion musical instruments (phonogram)

the lexical topic being studied (name a vegetable, fruit, berries, mushrooms). Then everyone
the child is invited to say “his” word, focusing on the actions of the teacher.
The teacher explains that the position of the hands in space is a regulator
volume. When the hands are raised up the sound intensifies when the hands
lower - the sound becomes quieter, when the hands are clenched into a “lock” there is silence.
Lexical material on the topic “Garden. Garden. Love Mother Earth,”
"Berries, mushrooms":
Harvest, potatoes, carrots, cabbage, onions, beets, cucumbers, tomatoes,
eggplants, zucchini, garlic; apples, pears, plums, peaches, apricots, garden bed,
greenhouse, greenhouse; tubers, fruits, seeds, cabbage, beetroot, vinaigrette, juice,
box, pests, planting, russula, boletus, boletus, honey mushroom,
chanterelles, fly agaric, toadstools, cranberries, raspberries, mushrooms, berries.
Goal: Nurturing partnership relations, developing coordination of speech and
Lesson No. 3 (week 2)
Musical material: singing on two sounds
Progress of the lesson: Children stand in a circle, sing words in two sounds,
accompanying movements
Knead, knead the dough,
There is room in the oven.
We'll bake a loaf
Get over it, get over it!
Perform hand stretching.
Hold hands and narrow the circle
Putting hands on neighbors' shoulders
They sway from foot to foot. Not
lowering my hands.

Under the words: “Inflate, bubble, inflate, big, stay like that and don’t
burst!” diverge as widely as possible, trying to break the circle
Lesson No. 4 (week 3)
Speech game "Forest"
Goal: Activation of perception, development of auditory motor and tactile
memory, articulatory motor skills.
Progress of the lesson The teacher tells the children: “We came to the forest. Listen,
trees talk to us:
“U-o-o” the forest was alarmed, “O-o-o” the forest was surprised, “A-a-a”
the forest rejoiced. (Guests have arrived)
The musical director provides intonation support for performance
pure talk. Children sing in one sound:
Sa - a - a - a fox is running in the forest
Children pretend to be a fox using soft
hand movements.
So - o - o - the hedgehog curled up into a wheel. Depict a hedgehog, fingers clenched and unclenched
Boo - y - y - a raven sits on an oak tree
Transmitted to music on the downbeat
toy in a circle
The child who still has the toy in his hands after the music ends must guess. Who
still lives in the forest (you can identify the animal by the musical passage)
Lesson No. 5 (week 4)
Game gymnastics “Wind and Breeze”
Goal: Development of auditory perception, expressiveness of movements.
Musical material: Beethoven's music
Progress of the lesson: “Show how the breeze shakes the branches of the trees.” Children
raise their arms up and swing to the sides with a small amplitude along
music. “Ah, now there’s a strong wind…….. And here’s a light breeze again.”
Children perform rocking movements in accordance with musical phrases.
of different amplitudes.
Lesson No. 5 (1 week)
Speech therapy chant “Pants”

These trousers are for Ilyusha. They stomp twice, first with the right foot, then with the left.
Grandmother sewed it from plush.
Ilya goes for walks in them,
He's big, like you and me...
They show how grandma sewed trousers.
They walk in a circle, holding hands,
Raise your arms up, stretch on your toes.
Lesson No. 6, 7 (2 3 weeks)
Finger gymnastics with musical accompaniment “Plate”
Purpose: relieving muscle tension with play massage
Lesson No. 8 (week 4)
Mimic exercise
expression of emotions

repeat after him.
Khmurilka lives here
Tease lives here
Smeshilka lives here
The Scarecrow lives here

knitted eyebrows

This is Bibka's nose!
Where's your smile?
spread out, mouth open

Lesson No. 9 10 (1 2 weeks)
1. Play-gymnastics “Walking”
Goal: Development of orientation in space, sense of rhythm and tempo.
Musical material: “march” or any rhythmic music
Progress of the lesson: Children walk around the hall to music (in a circle, around the perimeter). By
At the end of the music they stop in front of the chairs.
Speech therapy chant “Christmas tree”
Lesson No. 11 (week 2)
Goal: development of empathy, communication skills, auditory attention, feeling
tempo and rhythm, coordination of movements and music.

Musical material: Exercise “Passing a handkerchief”, music by T. P. Lomova
Any music can be used at a moderate tempo with clear and clear
Progress of the lesson: the teacher reads a poem with the children:
You roll, funny ball,
Quickly, quickly hand over hand,
Who has a funny ball?
He will dance for us.
Children, standing in a circle, pass the ball to the neighbor on the right (on the downbeat
performed musical work). Whoever has the ball at the end will
demonstrates previously learned dance movements, matching them with tempo and rhythm
musical accompaniment, and the rest repeat after him.
Lesson No. 12, 13 (week 34)
Goal: development of auditory attention, sense of tempo and rhythm
Speech therapy chant “Feeder”
Early in the morning we hung a feeder at the edge of the forest,
For goldfinches and titmice and for all the hungry birds.
Lesson No. 14 (1 week)
Goal: liberation of the vocal apparatus, development of articulatory motor skills,
auditory attention and reaction speed
The players sit in a circle, the children are asked to remember two commands: “Drynnnn” and “And
AI" to start the car moving, the player turns to his neighbor and

says: drinn, the one to whom you came, says iii, straightening further, says drinn
The game should be played at a fast pace. The audible motion signal must be
continuous, i.e. the player pronounces his version until the next one
The private owner will not continue the sound.
Phonopedic exercise: “Fly”
Lesson No. 1516 (2 3 weeks)
Goal: Development of phonemic hearing, speech attention and speech breathing.
A fly buzzed all day over the bear near the ear: ZHZHZHZH
Mosquitoes fly, fly and squeak: Zzzzzzzzzzz, Zzzzzzzz will bite! ZZZZZZZZZ
LJJ – ZZZZZ (the text is spoken in different voices – low and high,
Sounds Zzhzhzhzhzhzhzhzhzhzhzhzhzhzhzhzand Zzzzzzzzzs are sung in different tonality)

Lesson No. 17 (week 4)
March Lesson No. 18 (1 week)
Speech therapy chant “MOMMY”

Lesson No. 19 20 (week 23)
Speech movement exercise “Chants”
Goal: Development of strength and duration of speech exhalation, emancipation
voice apparatus.
Musical material: percussion musical instruments (phonogram)
Progress of the lesson: Before starting the game, the teacher asks the children to name the words according to
the lexical topic being studied. Then each child is asked to say
“your” word, focusing on the actions of the teacher. The teacher explains that the situation
hands in space is the volume control. When your hands go up
the sound increases when the hands are lowered - the sound becomes quieter when the hands are clenched
There is silence in the “castle”.
Lexical material on the topic “Animals of the North and hot countries”
Squirrel, kangaroo, rhinoceros, seal, bear, lion, tiger, antelope, panther,
elephant, giraffe, zebra, North, South, walrus, leopard, hippopotamus, kangaroo.
Lesson No. 21 (week 4)
Logorhythmic exercise “Annoying flies”:
Goal: Development of a sense of rhythm
We drink fragrant tea, puff, rub palm against palm horizontally
Ufufuf, oufufuf. Singing on one sound
We drive away flies with a branch. They wave their hand rhythmically.
Muhmuhmuh, muhmuhmuh. . Singing on one sound
And they sat down in the jam, rhythmically tapping their finger on their palm
Eliel, eliel. . Singing on one sound
We were so tired of the flies. We quickly ate the jam! Rub palm against palm horizontally
Lesson No. 22 23 (1 2 weeks)
Logorhythmic exercise “Drops”
Goal: Development of a sense of rhythm
Musical material: phonogram of a drop, birdsong (to choose from)
One, two (two claps).
Drops ring (strike the palm of the palm twice with the index finger of one hand
Three, four (two claps)
We started singing (press palms to chest 2 times)
The starlings are flying, the messengers of spring are flying towards us (waving their hands)
Seven, eight (two claps)
The songs flow (stretch your arms forward)
Nine, ten (two claps)
Everyone laughs (raises hands up)
Ex. "Caring Sun"
Lesson No. 2425 (week 34)
Goal: Development of coordination of movements, development of a sense of rhythm
Children send the sun from the sky, rhythmically cross their arms above their heads

Ray, ray, ray. . Singing on one sound
And they boldly accelerate, smoothly shaking their hands above
Clouds, clouds, clouds. Singing on one sound
In summer, gently warms the cheeks rhythmically rubbed
Cheeks, cheeks, cheeks. Singing on one sound
And in the spring he puts it on his nose and rhythmically taps his finger on his nose.
Dots, dots, dots. Singing on one sound
Lesson No. 25 (week 4)
Performing facial movements by imitation, expressive
Mimic exercise
expression of emotions
Progress of the lesson: The teacher recites a poem and shows the movements, and the children
repeat after him.
Khmurilka lives here
Tease lives here
Smeshilka lives here
The Scarecrow lives here
This is Bibka's nose!
Where's your smile?
The child frowned, index fingers near
knitted eyebrows
Ex. "Pinocchio", child sticks out tongue
Index fingers on cheeks, child smiling
Eyes wide open, arms extended forward, fingers
spread out, mouth open
Index fingers at the tip of the nose
Children respond with a smile to the teacher’s question
Lesson No. 26 (1 week)
“Wind, Wind,...”
Goal: development of non-speech and speech breathing, ability to control strength and
duration of exhalation.
Methodology: Children imitate the breeze blowing at different times of the year,
using different phonemes
Spring has a gentle and gentle wind, warm fffffffff
Summer is hot, warming - xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Autumn is cool - sssssssss
Winter has a cold, icy - vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth - without tension
Lesson No. 27 (week 2)
Preparing for the graduation party

1. Babushkina R.L., Kislyakova O.M. Speech therapy rhythm: methods of work
with preschoolers suffering from speech underdevelopment
2. Gogoleva M. Yu., Logorhythmics in kindergarten. Preparatory group
3. Volkova G. A. Speech therapy rhythmics

In recent years, unfortunately, there has been an increase in the number of children with speech disorders.

Speech function is one of the most important mental functions of a person. In the process of speech development, higher forms of cognitive activity and the ability to conceptual thinking are formed. The meaning of words in itself is a generalization and, in this regard, represents not only a unit of speech, but also a unit of thinking.

A child’s mastery of speech contributes to awareness, planning and regulation of his behavior. Speech communication creates the necessary conditions for the development of various forms of activity and participation in collective work.

Speech disorders, to one degree or another, negatively affect the entire mental development of the child and affect his activities and behavior. Severe speech impairments can affect mental development, especially the formation of higher levels of cognitive activity, which is due to the close relationship between speech and thinking and the limited social, in particular speech contacts, during which the child learns about the surrounding reality.

In our group there are children with such speech disorders as general underdevelopment of speech of various levels, an erased form of pseudobulbar dysarthria. Children with this diagnosis have disorders of all components of the speech system, as well as a number of non-speech mental functions. Children have violations of general and oral praxis, insufficiency of phonemic perception, difficulties in switching from one movement to another, insufficiency of fine differentiated movements of the fingers, and automated execution of simple rhythms is impossible. Immaturity of the emotional-volitional sphere is combined with low mental performance and emotional lability.

Correctional work with preschoolers with SLD poses a difficult problem for specialists, since this category of children has impairments in all components of the speech system, as well as a number of non-speech mental functions. The more diverse the forms of work with a preschool child, the more successfully deviations in his development are overcome. Therefore, when organizing a comprehensive correctional impact on the speech and personality of the child as a whole, logorhythmic classes were included in the work system of our kindergarten.

In the specialized literature, logorhythmics is considered as a system of musical-motor, speech-motor and musical-speech games and exercises carried out for the purpose of speech therapy correction (Volkova G.A. Speech therapy rhythm. - M.: Prosveshchenie, 1985). Thus, speech development is formed and corrected through words, movement and music. Movements help to deeply experience the musical and emotional characteristics of a word and comprehend it. Word and music organize and regulate the child’s motor sphere, which activates cognitive activity, contributing to the social rehabilitation of children with speech pathology. This is relevant because In children with speech pathology, as a rule, there is a mismatch in a number of motor and mental functions. Rhythm occupies a special place in this trinity, without which neither music nor organized movement can exist. It is no coincidence that the concept of rhythm is introduced into the very name of the course - logorhythmics. There are two known ways of rhythm influencing a person. We use both, and consistently. In the early stages, motor contagion predominates, then the rhythm is connected to the regulation of the duration of mental processes. When a child learns to speak, first of all, he learns to sing. He learns not the word, but the sound forms that he reproduces in sound. Thus, musical speech and verbalization of thought are organically interconnected in the same way as phonemic and musical hearing. An equally important development factor is controlled elementary movements. As the child's fingers become skillful and strong, his intelligence and intelligence increase.

It is known that in preschool age the adequacy of the perception of reality, including educational and pedagogical influence, is determined by the emotional attitude of the child. High emotional activity stimulates the adequacy of perception, and a constantly expressed negative emotional state leads to physiological changes in the body and diseases, which ultimately has a destructive effect on the information and energy structures of the individual. And here the great emotional stimulant - music - comes to the rescue. It has been proven that any emotional reaction has one movement or another as its final stage. This obligatory motor ending of any emotional act is a psychophysiological constant. In other words, by practicing a certain system of movements, regulating and directing them, we directly influence the emotional sphere of the child.

In planning logorhythmic lessons, I used the principle of concentrically building up material in all sections of lexical topics studied annually (seasons, harvesting, New Year's holiday, wintering birds, etc.). The basis of classes can be very diverse: a fairy tale plot, an imaginary journey or excursion, folklore sources, plot and didactic games.

The thematic focus and organized variability of classes that I have proposed contribute to the formation in children of a sustainable interest in musical and speech activities, support a positive emotional attitude of children to logorhythmic exercises, and therefore help to achieve better results in training and education.

The presented logorhythmic classes include elements that have a health-improving focus (general developmental exercises, work on singing breathing and the development of the singing voice, simple massage techniques, gymnastics for the eyes). Breathing exercises are based on the method of B. Tolkachev (sounded exhalation), sound breathing of M. Lazarev, accessible techniques, according to the method of V. Emelyanov. Each lesson includes finger games or finger massage. In terms of saturation of acupuncture zones, the hand is not inferior to the ear and foot. In Eastern medicine, there is a belief that massaging the thumb increases the functional activity of the brain, the index finger has a positive effect on the condition of the stomach, the middle finger on the intestines, the ring finger on the liver and kidneys, and the little finger on the heart. When including eye exercises in classes, it is first recommended to select exercises without fixing your gaze on a finger, stick or other objects, because It is difficult for children to manipulate objects and follow their movements with their eyes without turning their heads.

As a result of practical work, the following structure of the logorhythmic lesson developed:

  • Movements to music, exercising various types of walking and running;
  • Dance (round dance);
  • Learning quatrains, accompanied by movements;
  • Song accompanied by gestures;
  • Speech therapy gymnastics (according to T.V. Budennaya);
  • Mimic exercises;
  • Massage (back, arms, legs, etc.) or eye exercises;
  • Finger game;
  • An active or communicative game.

Depending on the plot, the lesson may include relaxation exercises accompanied by music, pure speech, speech or musical games; classes to develop a sense of rhythm or attention.

The following tasks are implemented in the presented logorhythmic classes:

  1. Clarification of articulation - the position of the lips, tongue, teeth when pronouncing the sound being studied;
  2. Development of phonemic awareness and phonemic representations;
  3. Expansion of vocabulary;
  4. Development of auditory attention and visual memory;
  5. Improving gross and fine motor skills;
  6. Development of clear coordinated movements in conjunction with speech;
  7. Development of melodic-intonation and prosodic components, creative imagination and imagination.

All exercises are carried out by imitation. Speech material is not pre-learned. During class, it is advisable for children to stand with the teacher in a circle or sit in a semicircle. This arrangement allows the children to clearly see the teacher, move and pronounce speech material synchronously with him.

It is advisable in the middle of the lesson to include an introduction to a new game from more complex categories - for the development of spatial imagination, logical analysis, classification, symbolization or verbal, creative games, which usually cause greater difficulties than all others. After this, it is good to include in the lesson a game related to movement, for example, from the rhythmic game section. At the next stage, musical, active, creative games are held. To relieve muscular and emotional tension, creative gymnastics is used, in particular, surface relaxation, which ends with playful self-massage or finger gymnastics. After these speech-motor exercises, instrumental music playing or play-dance is usually performed. The task of the final stage of the lesson is to maintain the positive emotional charge received. To do this, we use children's favorite game tasks. At the end of the lesson, the speech therapist sums up and evaluates the activities of each child.

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Armenian fairy tales download Heroes of Armenian folk tales
Armenian fairy tales download Heroes of Armenian folk tales

Armenian fairy tales © 2012 “The Seventh Book” Publishing House. Translation, compilation and editing. All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this...

The biological role of water in a cell. What role does water play in the life of a cell?
The biological role of water in a cell. What role does water play in the life of a cell?

A high water content in a cell is the most important condition for its activity. With the loss of most of the water, many organisms die, and a number of single-celled and...