Output of the blood and wine supplement. We are not in a fairy tale

So, CD Projekt RED crowned themselves with unprecedented success with the release of Wild Hunt, but is this the end? That's right, no! Shortly before the release of Wild Hunt, CD Projekt RED announced Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine, expansion packs designed to expand Geralt's adventures. Now we will talk about "Blood and Wine".
The addition was released on May 31, 2016 and is also paid. Its passage can be started independently of the main plot, that is, completed after the completion of the main plot or separately from the menu. Or you can even do it in parallel with the main plot, having previously upgraded Geralt. This is possible due to the fact that the add-on is implemented as a separate quest chain.


And again, as usual, we take the order from the notice board and go to the call to the Masons' Settlements. After meeting with Palmerin de Lonfal and Milton de Peyrac-Peyran, we learn that Beauclair, the capital of Toussaint, is in danger - a monster called the Bestia is killing people. And not just people, but people from the upper class and between the victims there is a certain connection that we have to find out about. And after a short showdown with the bandits, you go to the Principality of Toussaint itself.
As has already become clear, our task until the end of the expansion will be to prevent new murders and kill Bestia. And before the witcher has time to arrive in such a wonderful land, he immediately stumbles upon another victim.

In general, as soon as we get to Toussaint, the initial events quickly rush past us, presenting us with many epic moments, but then the pace slows down and everything goes on as usual - Geralt is investigating and looking for new clues.
The Principality of Toussaint is undoubtedly a wonderful place, which appears before us in bright colors, not to mention the fact that Toussaint is a completely new location, which is comparable to Velen and Novigrad, and the addition as a whole will captivate you for a complete passage 30 hours minimum . Many people jokingly called “Blood and Wine” an addition that is larger than many modern games, but there is little laughter here. Other developers should think about this.

As a brief summary of the plot, we can say that the story turned out to be very exciting and no worse than the main plot. An excellent non-linear script, staging and dialogues will not let you get bored, and a bunch of innovations add even more variety to the game. In the game you will meet a lot of new and a little old (and, as always, I won’t say anything specific, bugger). But do you know what's the saddest thing about all this? The story of the addition “Blood and Wine” is the last adventure for Geralt. The developers consciously left a message for all players at the end of the expansion, and you will easily notice it, since Geralt himself will let you know about it. I hope someday we will see the White Wolf again...

“There is something to stand out about”

And again, since this is an expansion, there’s not much to talk about graphics or gameplay. Ha, have you already believed it? Well, in vain!

There are a lot of innovations and changes! And perhaps the most obvious change will be radically redesigned interface. Perhaps in some ways it was inferior to the previous one, in some ways it was better than it, but in taste and color...

The second significant change, or rather addition, is completely new location "Toussaint". In the best spirit of game design! Toussaint is beautiful and unique, it is a pleasure to study and admire it.

Those who like to improve Geralt in every possible way and make him killing machine will appreciate "Mutations"- something similar to skills, but much more powerful than them. You can get this new feature by completing a quest. There is also a lot of new equipment and armor in the game (don't be afraid - Roach is not left out)! By the way, you will try all this against new opponents.

Since there is a gambler in each of us, everyone will appreciate new deck for Gwent entitled "Skellig". The deck is very flexible and has several unique card skills.

I almost forgot about musical accompaniment. The composers know their business and new music. the accompaniment perfectly conveys the whole flavor of Beauclair. However, the music has changed course somewhat and now it is sharper, hotter, more aggressive. With martial music you feel a serious danger!

And perhaps the last thing I’ll mention is localization. No, I'm not saying that she is bad, quite the contrary, but she has some flaws. Finally no more of that stupid rewinding of character lines, hurray! But the typos are glaring.

Bottom line

This is the culmination of the whole story. Geralt left beautifully... He left beautifully to my thunderous applause! And who knows when he will return?

However, the developers are not limited to just new maps. In “Blood and Wine” you will meet completely new monsters and incredibly powerful bosses, Geralt will be able to try on hundreds of unique pieces of armor and more than thirty new types of weapons. By the way, in this add-on you will be able to collect completely new sets of grandmaster equipment from different witcher schools. And if you don’t like the color of your armor, you can now repaint it to any other color. But first you will need to find or make suitable paint. Unleash your inner artist and create something unique for yourself! A new mutation system has also been added to the game, thanks to which Geralt will have a number of new skills. For example, when a character's health reaches zero, he is healed and becomes immune to damage for a while. Or the updated Ard sign, which does not stun, but freezes opponents. Well, isn't it a fairy tale?

What made me incredibly happy about “Blood and Wine” was the almost complete redesign of the game interface. Previously, it was far from ideal, but now it has become much more convenient and, most importantly, informative. For example, items in the inventory began to be grouped more logically than before. Books you've read in stores now appear dimmed, and recipe descriptions tell you if you've already read them. Missing ingredients from the Alchemy menu can now be purchased from the seller in real time. Literally everything was redone, for which I would like to sincerely thank the developers. This is exactly what the original game's interface should have been like. But it's better late than never. However, there was a fly in the ointment. The inventory exhibits extreme slowdowns, which somewhat dampens the excitement of the above-mentioned improvements. However, considering how many items I have accumulated in this very inventory, it’s downright sinful to complain. Yes, and we are talking about a version of the game for a game console, so there should not be such brakes on a PC.

There are other problems with the game. As a journalist, typos in the texts and other shortcomings of Russian localization immediately caught my eye. There were extra underscores in the words, and in some places I even came across unclosed tags like font. According to the developers, the Blood and Wine expansion contains 14,000 lines of dialogue. For comparison: in the previous expansion, Hearts of Stone, this number was only 6000. With such volumes of text, it is not surprising that the translators made several unfortunate mistakes. What can I say? Even the most literate person can sooner or later make a typo. I would also like to note that the add-on is replete with small bugs: a soldier’s head suddenly twitched absurdly, Roach fell through the ground and found himself imprisoned in a cave, severed body parts of enemies hovered in the air. But again, given the incredible size of the game and the enormous amount of work done on it, minor flaws were simply unavoidable.

But what is impeccable in the game, as always, is its humor. One gets the feeling that the developers decided to have a blast and give free rein to their imagination in all possible directions. There are jokes at every turn, and some quests can easily satisfy any professional stand-up comedian. Healthy cynicism and vulgarity, of course, have not disappeared anywhere, but such is the world of the Witcher: here they swear, cut off each other’s heads and, forgive me my French, spend their free time with the priestesses of love. Just remember the quest in which Geralt is asked to find a penis that was sawed off from a local landmark - a bronze statue of the greatest lover of all time. And during the passage of the quest “A long time ago” I naturally screamed with delight and clapped my hands. Unfortunately, I cannot tell you its details, since it is impossible to do this without spoilers. As the game progresses, the developers very skillfully make fun of such modern phenomena as bureaucracy and even feminism. Oh yes! Unicorn jokes included!

The game is full of not only gags and witty dialogues, but also so-called “Easter eggs”. Here and there you will come across tiny messages from the developers, which are references to various modern works, including video games. What can you say, for example, about a fire with a sword stuck in the center? Doesn't it remind you of the Dark Souls series? Doesn’t the village girl worry about the approaching winter and tell you that her brother gave her a sword nicknamed “Needle” remind you of the heroine of the series “Game of Thrones”? There are such hidden references in the game as a carriage and a small cart. What can we say about the fact that local taverns serve real wines and French cuisine? After all, Toussaint was copied from France, whatever one may say. As a wine connoisseur, I was especially pleased to see the famous grape varieties Shiraz, Cabernet, Pinot Blanc, Chardonnay and others in the game. And when I got my own distillery in the game, I completely melted with happiness.


  • The huge size of the “Blood and Wine” add-on is quite suitable for an independent game.
  • A powerful plot with unexpected twists, drama and, of course, romance.
  • As before, each of the 90 quests is carefully designed and elegantly presented.
  • There is a desire to explore every corner of a huge new location.
  • Subtle, smart, adult humor that causes sincere smiles and laughter.
  • Bright characters that awaken genuine empathy in the player.
  • The mutation system will allow you to make Geralt an invincible warrior.
  • New monsters, fierce bosses, grandmaster weapons and equipment.
  • Fans of the card game Gwent will certainly be delighted with the new deck.
  • The brilliant quest “A long time ago”, which made me love the game even more.
  • I’m very pleased with the game’s completely redesigned and polished interface.


  • In-game inventory and loading could be a little faster.
  • The roach, stupid animal, will wear out all your nerves.
  • Typos in the texts of the Russian localization of the game.
  • Numerous minor bugs.

All good things come to an end sooner or later. This law also applies to the story of the adventures of Geralt of Rivia. As sad as it may be, the developers decided to send the famous character to a well-deserved rest. It was a wonderful journey, full of amazing discoveries, touching moments, new acquaintances and unexpected plot twists. I fell in love with this virtual world and its inhabitants with all my heart, so now I am filled with light sadness. Traditionally, I will not evaluate DLC, since at one time I gave the original game 10 points out of 10 and I think that the addition “Blood and Wine” made it even better. No small roughness can spoil the impression of such a monumental work of art.

The game has been tested onPC

CD Projekt RED has been working on The Witcher for about ten years, a series that brought Polish developers worldwide fame. And with the release of the third part - the well-deserved title of one of the most talented people in the industry. This recognition, glory to Melitele, did not intoxicate the authors. They continued to grow above themselves, which could be seen in the wonderful addition “Hearts of Stone”. If you thought it was almost impossible to do better, take a look at “Blood and Wine” - the fresh add-on makes it clear with every scene that there is no limit to perfection.

Something ends, something begins

Like most stories about the White Wolf, this one begins on a bulletin board. Master Geralt is wanted by knights from the distant Duchy of Toussaint. In the prologue, the authors propose to face difficulties for the last time in Velen, but for only one reason - so that we can properly feel the contrast between two such different provinces. Having dealt with the problems of a village in No Man's Land, we finally set off on our journey. As it turned out, in the domains of Her Majesty there was a Bestia - a monster that kills noble gentlemen. It's hard to imagine a more suitable goal for a witcher.

The introduction of Blood and Wine is true to the spirit of the series - it is a kaleidoscope of bright events, one after another. In the very first minutes after arriving in Toussaint, we are forced to clash with a terrible giant, sent to the knightly arena, invited to experience local traditions for ourselves and introduced to a deadly enemy. The prologue nods to the thriller "Seven". But you just have to think: “Ha, I think I know how the story will develop!” - and the authors immediately make a sharp turn in the narrative.

The first thing you notice about Toussaint is how his appearance is strikingly different from everything seen in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. The area breathes peace, its vibrant views are reminiscent of France and Italy, where the authors drew inspiration from. Rich and vibrant landscapes shimmer with warm colors. Even the technical implementation plays into creating atmosphere: the new rendering mode makes the image not as sharp as in Velen or Skellige. In addition, the picture is softer and more contrasting.

After all the dirt of Temeria, it is difficult to get used to the well-kept Toussaint with its elegant buildings decorated with plants. Even a modest village in this warm region is surprisingly clean and representative. However, do not be deceived by appearances - the inhabitants of these lands have no fewer problems than we are used to seeing in the original. Only they are of a slightly different kind. The world has already been saved from the White Frost and the Wild Hunt (of course, you can go through the expansion to the final of the Wild Hunt, but we don’t recommend going there before level 35), so the authors allowed themselves to joke as much as possible.

Residents of the duchy are people of art in its various manifestations: poets, sculptors, painters and actors. At worst, winemakers. Therefore, they have corresponding troubles: either the local statue of the hero will be stolen, ahem, “dignity”, or two ghosts will turn out to be former spouses, unable to get along in the same tomb. The authors will make you smile sincerely more than once. When they start making fun of modern art or go through the bureaucracy of social institutions, it becomes simply impossible to contain your laughter.

But don't think that you can put your swords aside. Toussaint is full of dangerous creatures, and going against them without proper equipment is pure suicide. Sometimes they even go overboard with complexity. One of the tasks will make you remember the most nightmarish moments from some Dark Souls. We can only recommend one thing: when you are asked to recreate the moment of the elves’ surrender, stock up on healing potions. Seriously, pick up as many of them as you can carry.

It’s good that the developers have given new opportunities to strengthen Geralt. Firstly, an additional level of armor improvement has appeared - grandmaster. Of course, to make them, you will first need to find the drawings; These tasks in Blood and Wine are more exciting than before. And there is a lot of powerful unique equipment in the add-on - some swords, if properly upgraded towards the end, will allow you to carry out a fierce massacre. Secondly, now you can get various mutations that can make life much easier - out of twelve, only one can be active at one time. But the more you acquire, the more standard skills you can add to your build.

In Blood and Wine it's not boring and it's just traveling around the world. As before, the map is densely dotted with “questions” - various interesting places full of dangers and treasures. The authors have finally made the world outside of quests more alive. For example, clearing out bandit camps affects how many thugs are roaming around. If you destroy the main lair with the boss, the influence of the robbers in the territory will weaken, and strongholds without centralized control will be ravaged by monsters.

Traveling usually turns into battles with monsters and helping the locals, but the main story differs from previous stories in the series. The scriptwriters do not shy away from turning everything upside down several times. There is a mystical thriller, political intrigue, and family drama - all this is richly seasoned with an aristocratic atmosphere. And where would we be without love adventures, unexpected meetings with old acquaintances and difficult decisions. In Blood and Wine, perhaps the most blurred line in the history of the series is between good and bad, and more often than not you have to choose not the lesser of evils, but what meets your moral principles.

The authors were able to structure the narrative very competently. If you want, you can focus on the main task and it will appear as a single story. But often you are allowed to choose the "I'll join you later" option and go explore Toussaint. When you want to put the sword aside, your own estate will be at your service - an abandoned winery. Initially, it will be in a deplorable state, but by investing a tidy sum, it can be restored to its former shine. They let you hang pictures on the walls and display rare weapons and armor collected over a hundred hours of wandering. At your disposal are a stable, workbenches, a laboratory and a cozy bed. Under certain circumstances, some interesting personalities may even move in with you.

While you are reading these lines, CD Projekt RED is already working hard on Cyberpunk 2077. Another world, another genre. New Horizons. For them, this is a change of era. Something ends, something begins.

It's scary to admit, but the story of Geralt of Rivia is over. At all. The developers saw off the witcher for a well-deserved rest with a grand feast, where blood and wine flow like a river.

And I was there. Now I'll tell you everything.

We are not in a fairy tale

If you have read, then you already know the beginning. The Witcher receives an order from Her Grace Anna-Henrietta, Princess of sunny Toussaint. In the capital of the principality, Beauclair, there is a certain Bestia - an elusive serial killer, clearly no stranger to magic. He kills knights, and a grand tournament is just planned in Toussaint, and the murder of any distinguished guest will have consequences for the entire region. Geralt accepts the order - and the plot takes a low start.

Remember the intro to Hearts of Stone? A battle with a toad, a kidnapping, a shipwreck... Events quickly flashed before your eyes, and then the story took a timeout and sent you along interconnected plot paths.

The situation here is similar. As soon as he finds himself in Toussaint, Geralt will get involved in a battle with a giant, Brooks, Charley (a huge armadillo) and the Bestia itself, and the investigation will proceed at a rapid pace: evidence upon evidence. The introduction is full of bright events, every second scene is at the Hollywood level, and from quest to quest it’s a stone’s throw, the route is calculated very competently.

And then you meet one witcher acquaintance, and the plot slows down, defining two key motives.

There's a lot going on in the opening scenes. But then the game will stop spoiling you so much and will only present key scenes on a grand scale.

Motive one: under the spoiler

Be careful, there's thin ice here! Open this chapter only if you Very want to know which friend we are talking about.

Yes, one of Geralt’s best friends has resurrected: he was saved by the very Beast that the witcher is hunting. Therefore, Regis wants to figure out what made his savior (and, concurrently, friend) kill the Toussaint knights. The matter is clearly more complicated than it seems.

Regis in Toussaint looks organic, because the addition is entirely dedicated to vampires. You will meet - often in battle - lower, higher and even the highest bloodsuckers, and at the same time you will learn about their life before the Conjugation of the Spheres, about class division, orders and problems.

For example, it turns out that only a vampire can kill a higher vampire, which means that by his standards Regis did not die. It’s easy to find fault with this explanation and blame CD Projekt for manipulating the feelings of fans, but the result justifies everything. Regis was one of the most striking book characters, and in the game his image was recreated at the proper level: meek, intelligent, not a stranger to irony. It's interesting to watch him, it's a pleasure to communicate with him. In the plot, he is also not for show: Regis plays a key role along with the witcher.

So what if he is resurrected? The game is an adaptation of the novels, not a sequel. Otherwise you know: “Milva suddenly discovered with horror what she should have discovered long ago. Regis cast no shadow."

Prepare moon dust and oil: there are many vampires in the addition.

A lot of vampires.

Second motive: people

The second motive of the addition was knightly romance. Beauclair is a place where form reigns over substance, ridiculous traditions are sacred, and knights have so few worries that they find time for vows and deeds. Beauclair was not touched by the war, and it remained the same serene region as it was - with incredibly lush greenery, blue water and houses painted in all the colors of the rainbow, surrounding a truly fabulous elven castle. All this is thoroughly ridiculed in dialogues, quests and story events. After all, Beauclair only imitates a fairy-tale kingdom. Inside there is the same dirt and prose of life.

For example, Bestia kills knights not anyhow, but according to a system. In Toussaint, they swear allegiance to five virtues: honor, wisdom, generosity, valor and compassion. And every sacrifice corresponds to a desecrated virtue. The greedy knight is found with a full wallet in his mouth, the not too wise one is found in a jester's outfit. At first, the story brings to mind Fincher's Seven, but each new piece of evidence shows that the matter is much more complicated. Geralt will have to dig through the dirty laundry of Toussaint's high society and again get involved in a showdown of national importance.

Toussaint's world is holistic, so you believe in it. If there is a shoe shiner in the city who spills dirt on the streets, you will hear about him from a variety of dialogues.

New fashion among Toussaint hipsters: abstract art.

Badly forgotten old

When the story slows down, The Witcher, as always, brings some of the best dialogue in gaming to the forefront. Every extra in the crowd becomes a living person, every scene of any significance turns out to be vivid and etched in the memory. Cynical humor, satire, malice, sophisticated obscenity - it's all here. The story itself is well constructed and doesn't sag at all. The scenery is constantly changing: just now you were following in the footsteps of the killer - and now you find yourself in a creepy damned mansion. Or to the ruins of a vampire castle. Or to a reception for noble people. Or to a tournament. Or to the local fairy tale land. The story is always different. But...

Only now we have already seen this. Geralt has already gone to a masquerade (and then to a wedding), and followed the trail of a vampire killer, and stormed guarded fortresses, and established the family life of gentlemen, and removed curses in creepy mansions, and visited the world of dreams. There is a lot of self-repetition here. Every now and then you will remember the plot tropes of the first “The Witchers”. And the developers have already shown their special love for Sapkowski’s story “The Lesser Evil” in “The Price of Neutrality,” an addition to the first game. They will show it here too. This blurs the impression of the plot: the feeling of novelty disappears.

On the other hand, the level of execution has increased, the elaboration of plot situations has reached its limit, and Geralt's past adventures have been rethought, making it the foundation for a new story. And everything is in place, because “Blood and Wine” literally breathes with nostalgia. Here you will find Geralt’s armor from the first part, the Lady of the Lake will again give the witcher her silver sword (“Try not to lose this time”), and Toussaint’s rich bestiary has been supplemented by many monsters from the past: here you will find an archispore, a scolopendromorph, and a kikimora. And all of them have been rethought: the ghostly barghest dogs, for example, now jump through Geralt and burn in emerald flames.

There are also new animals in Toussaint. For example, wights and panthers.

The addition contains many nostalgic elements not only from the games. Book lovers will have plenty to cry about.

Why is the house rich?

Despite the many familiar motifs in the plot, “Blood and Wine” impresses with its scale and elaboration. Toussaint is slightly smaller in size than No Man's Land. From the northern to the southern border - three kilometers (versus four in Velen-Novigrad). And almost everything was created from scratch: Toussaint has its own flora, fauna, architecture, culture, music, people, clothing, weapons. Its own, excuse me, atmosphere. And its own problems: many “question marks” are found only in Toussaint (“save the knight errant”), and the usual ones are supplemented.

“Blood and Wine” is designed for high-level witchers. The opponents here reach level fiftieth, and some monsters are dangerous in their own right. But Geralt was not deprived either. After completing a special side quest, the witcher will find the laboratory of a person who studied witcher mutations. The discovery will open up new abilities in Geralt: experience points and mutagens can be spent on perks. Initially, these “mutations” are divided into three branches: green, blue, red. But the most powerful abilities require leveling up several branches at once.

One day Geralt will have his own winery. It functions like a house in some Fallout 3: you can buy furniture and hang pictures. There are racks for armor and weapons, shelves for trophies, an alchemy laboratory and even a bookcase. And sleeping in his own bed gives Geralt temporary bonuses to his characteristics.

Perks do not change the rules of battle; their value is rather quantitative. In general, they provide large bonuses to damage. And, for example, “Blood Bath” simultaneously turns every murder into an “execution” (hello, Fallout!). Particularly expensive perks, however, prove to be more interesting: say, one makes “Aard” freeze opponents, and another brings the witcher to his senses once every three minutes as soon as he receives fatal damage. There are twelve perks in total, but only one can be active - otherwise all the vampires from Buina to Yaruga would scatter in fear.

Having made mutagens full-fledged participants in the hero's development process, the developers provided Geralt with ways to obtain and convert them. At a certain stage, the witcher will get an alchemical laboratory and a “mutage generator”. The first allows you to split “named” mutagens: say, “mutagen from werewolf” can be broken down into small red ones, and from them you can make large mutagens in the alchemy menu. But to unlock all the perks, you need Very there are a lot of mutagens - and a mutagenerator will help here: you just kill enemies, and it accumulates charges and from time to time gives you a random mutagen.

One thing is strange: Geralt will receive these devices at, hmm, very late stages of the plot, when there is no one to show off his new mutations to. Unless you leave the lion's share of side quests for later.

If you come across ruins occupied by robbers, hurry to neutralize “that guy with the torch.” If he manages to reach the signal fire, serious reinforcements will also fall on you.

From some quests, Geralt will have exceptional souvenirs.

But the main trump card of The Witcher is quests, and everything is very good here. There are many of them, and you will remember most of them for a long time. Moreover, the most unusual and striking things are usually left out of the plot. Photo hunting for wild animals, a battle with the banking bureaucracy, posing for an artist, participating in a tournament... As always, the game does not give out quests, it tells stories. Even the simplest tasks contain more than just “go kill those over there.” And there is almost always room for choice: how and with what to end the next story.

The quest appears automatically in your quest log

Step 1: Check any notice board in Velen
Just go to any board in Velen or Novigrad and get further information.

Stage 2: Meet the knights in the village of Debrya
The village is located in the northern part of Velen, near the Hanged Tree.

Upon arrival, we speak with Milton de Peyrac-Peyran and Palmerin de Lonfal. The knights have undertaken to protect the villagers and are waiting for the bandits to attack. We can help (2A), or convince not to interfere (3).

Stage 2A: Help Palmerin and Milton defeat the bandits
A gang of bandits, including several archers and shield warriors. Defeating them is not particularly difficult.

Stage 3: Listen to the invitation from Anna-Henrietta
The knights reported that they had arrived at the request of Princess Toussaint. According to them, the ruler wants Geralt to deal with the mysterious Beast from Toussaint, who has already killed three respectable residents. We look at the drawings, ask the knights and set off.

A few days' journey and you are in Toussaint!

Bestia from Toussaint

A few days later, the heroes arrive in Toussaint. The first thing Geralt sees after the landscapes of the principality is the fight between the knight and the giant Goliath. We'll have to help

Stage 1: Defeat the Giant
Although Goliath looks intimidating, he is not much different from a regular Cyclops with the exception of a huge sledgehammer in his hands. He readily uses this weapon and his most powerful attack is a whirlwind. Dodge, use Quen and Yrden, as well as oil against the ogres.

Stage 2: Follow Milton to the location where the body was found
After the fight with Goliath, we learn that another resident of Toussaint was killed. His body was caught near the Kurolisk tavern. Together with Milton we go there.

Stage 3: Search the shore using your Witcher Senses
We follow the tracks to the shore. P We go to the shore and fight with the scabs - a type of corpse eater, reminiscent of foulbrood. Be careful, they explode before they die!

On the spot we understand that the body has already been taken by the guards. All that remains is to search the surrounding area. Pay attention to the pieces of fishing net. We dive into the water and find more remains of the net. We return to the shore, find traces of the boat and talk to the knight. Milton says he knew the man killed, but doesn't want to talk about it.

Stage 4: Follow Milton to the inn and find out where the body was taken
The knight decided that in the Kurolisk tavern they probably saw where the boat with the corpse sailed away. Geralt also notices that they are being watched from the bridge, including a mysterious hooded woman. Together with the knight we go there

From visitors we learn that the corpse was taken to the Corvo Bianco winery, in the basement of which there is now a dead body. Geralt again notices the hooded woman, but no one knows her.

Stage 5: Go to Corvo Bianco and examine the body left in the basement
We get on the horse and go to the marker on the map. On the spot we see that the guards were attacked. We use our witcher's sense to explore the surrounding area. An examination of the dead suggests that the soldiers were attacked by Bruxa. We go down to the basement to get the body.

Stage 6: Defeat Bruxa
The vampire turned out to be the woman in the hood. In a battle with such a monster, the following will be useful: anti-vampire oil, Black Blood, Yrden, Quen, Moon dust. We are constantly moving, attacking in bursts. Sometimes the whirlwind will be useful, but be careful at higher difficulty levels. Beware of the Bruxa's screams and you will defeat her.

Stage 7: Examine the body of the Beast's victim
We approach the table and examine the corpse - the head, torso and third arm. The latter is still warm and constantly succumbs to spasms. Geralt takes her with him and goes to the princess. Knight Palmerin will take you to her.

Stage 8: Heading to the Tournament Fields
The arena is located near the winery. We find the knight and watch the battle. Young Guillaume, who previously fought Goliath, is now fighting Charlie. There are bells tied to the monster, which drives him crazy, since Charleys have heightened hearing. Eventually the relic gets rid of them and first takes down the knight and then begins to threaten the public. Together with Palmerin we beat the monster.

Stage 9: Defeat Charley
The monster has a hard shell that is weak in front and below. A frontal attack is dangerous, so we try to turn him over or wait for him to fall on his back. Aard and oil are effective against relics. Don't forget to monitor the knight's health.

After the victory, we decide to kill or spare the monster. This decision affects the side quest" Paths of Destination"

Stage 10: Follow the princess into the palace gardens
After defeating Charley, Geralt will have a conversation with Anna-Henrietta and Damien de La Tour, captain of the Beauclair guard.

Geralt then receives the Corvo Bianco winery as an advance.

Well, after that comes a conversation about the matter. We learn that all three of those killed were connected by common causes in their youth. The witcher and the princess come to the conclusion that the next victim is Milton de Peyrac-Peyran. We get on the horse and ride to the palace. Along the way, Annarietta reveals that the knight is taking part in the celebration and will play the role of the Easter Bunny. To find it, you need to find three clues, two of which Geralt needs to find.

Stage 11: Find the unicorn in the clearing in the palace gardens
A horse with an artificial horn grazes on the grass. You can lure it with food, or try Axii. Be careful, she is very shy. We take the hint and move on.

Stage 12: Catch a goldfish from the pond
We run to the water and dive. We are looking for the right fish using the witcher's senses. If we are in the water too late, someone else will take the fish we need. We try to convince you that we need it more and take it away. We take the key and run to the princess.

After studying the clues, it becomes clear that Milton is in the greenhouse. Alas, upon arriving at the place the knight has already been killed, and above him the killer is a high vampire. Geralt gives chase and overtakes him in an abandoned house.

Stage 13: Fight the Beast
We fix the camera on the vampire, use Quen, constantly avoid attacks and immediately attack. You can try bombs or oils.

When the health of Bestia, or Geralt, reaches zero, watch a colorful video and meet an old friend.


After the battle with Bestia, the guards arrive to us. We tell you what happened and go to the cemetery to see Regis.

Stage 1: Go to the Mer Lachaise cemetery and meet Regis
The desired location is located in the southeast of the map. A closed door and various monsters await us at the place: barghests, corpse eaters, archespores, but you can run away from them into a cave. We pass through the tunnel, killing the kikimora along the way.

Their bites increase the level of intoxication, so we don’t allow ourselves to be attacked, we constantly move and use Igni. At the end of the passage, Regis's shelter awaits us.
The vampire says that he is connected with Bestia, and at the same time calls his name - Detlaff van der Erethein. To lure him out, you need to prepare a special elixir - an echo. To do this, you need to get a rare ingredient - wight saliva. It can be obtained from the glands of the monster, killing it along the way, or obtained from the soup, where the wight puts saliva. Geralt can also sit with an old friend over a bottle of mandrake and learn a lot of interesting things. And then hit the road.

Stage 2: Find the wight's lair
Barghests - ghostly dogs - are waiting for us near the house. Aard is effective against them.

Regis said that the wight lives in a cursed house full of spoons. On the spot, Geralt realized that the curse was connected with the monster. In the house, it becomes clear that the wight is the mistress of the house, who has been cursed. The curse says that “not a single spoon will feed her anymore, no one will sit at the table with her, she will never want to look in the mirror.”

Stage 3: Find the wight's boiler
The required ingredient is in the cauldron where the wight prepares his decoctions. The dishes are in the basement, where we go down, simultaneously searching the chests and exploring the house with the help of a witcher's sense. Alas, the cauldron is empty. We hide in the closet and wait for the monster. When he comes, we have two options: get the glands by killing the wight (3A) or take them from the decoction and try to remove the curse (3B), if you have studied the house well.

Stage 3A:
We jump out of the closet and attack. Igni, oil against corpse eaters and bombs will be effective in the fight. The fight isn't particularly difficult. We kill the monster and go to Regis.

Stage 3B:
We come out of the closet and invite the wight to have lunch together at the table. Select “Eat without spoons” to remove the spell, the other two will scare away the wight. In this case, you can take the decoction and just leave or finish off the wight. If we remove the curse, the wight will run away and we will have to follow him (or go to Regis). There will be barghests along the way.
Having followed the trail, we discover that the curse has been lifted and instead of the wight there is an elderly woman. We take her to Corvo Bianco, optionally listen to her story and go to the vampire.

Stage 4: Travel to Tesham Mutna
The final ingredient for the echo is the blood of Regis in his vampiric, unbalanced and excited state, in which he will be dangerous to Geralt. Moreover, the condition is caused by a sea of ​​monster blood. The ideal place for such a thing is the abandoned vampire castle Tesham Mutna, where there is a special cage that will hold a high vampire. It's full of monsters there. Let's go there.

Step 5: Prepare
In the castle we follow Regis, simultaneously examining the ruins, and listen to a lot of interesting things. We place bait for monsters in the desired room. We will be attacked by: ghouls, foulbroods, fleders and katakana. We take oil for the corpse eaters, since there will be the most of them, we stock up on bombs and elixirs.

Stage 6: Kill monsters until bloodlust turns Regis into a monster
The indicator at the top should fill completely with red. The first to attack will be the brats and ghouls, who will have to be destroyed most of the time. Beware of dying foulbroods! There will be fledgers, which ideally need to be killed quickly, otherwise they will constantly stun. At the end, a katakana will come out, but a fight with him can be avoided if we kill enough lower monsters.
After the battle, watch the video and find out the further plot.

Lair of the Bestia

With the help of the echo, we learn that Dettlaff met his last victim at a shoeshine shop, and after the murder he returned there. So the cleaner knows something. We go to the port of Beauclair to question him.

Stage 1: Find the shoeshine boy who appeared in the vision
The boy is located east of the port gate. On the spot we see that three men want to deal with the sly man. We beat up the unfortunate people and find out from the guy where he took the shoes for Bestia.

Stage 2: Walk with Regis around the city
The cleaner said that they needed a house with a red door and a wooden sign. The right place turned out to be an abandoned toy store. Together with a friend we go inside.

Stage 3: Search the abandoned toy store using your Witcher Senses
We examine the first floor and listen to the heroes’ comments on various subjects. Alas, there is nothing remarkable here, so let's go upstairs. On the second floor we find notes with the names of four victims of Bestia. We speak with Regis, who claims that Dettlaff is most likely being controlled. We continue the search and find a letter with threats. The vampire's thoughts were confirmed. A wine stain on one of the notes is considered as a clue. In the land of love and wine, such a problem should be addressed to the princess.

Wine is sacred

Stage 1: Report to the princess about the search for Bestia
We go to Anna Henrietta’s castle and tell her the information we received. At first the princess was dissatisfied with the results, but changed after hearing the whole story and receiving a note with a wine stain. She immediately calls the right specialist and he points out that the stain was left by Sangreal wine from 1269. This drink is served only at the prince's table, so the princess believes that the wine was stolen from the cellars of Castel Ravello. We go there together with her and Damien.

Stage 2: Go to the winery
Our goal is located east of Beauclair, in the south of the map. Along the way, the heroes come across a carriage that was attacked by a panther. Together with the guardsman we deal with them. In Castel Ravello we talk with the manager. He says he doesn’t know anything, so he’ll have to check for himself.

Stage 3: Search the cellar with Anna-Henrietta
The princess is sure that she has been betrayed, so she goes with you. The cellar has many barrels with various wines. The ones we need are Sangreal 1269, located in the far part, on the second level. On the way there we pick up various things that will come in handy. We tap the barrels - they are all filled. Anna-Henrietta decides to open them, so we need a tongue and a hammer. If you didn't pick it up earlier, you'll have to come back. The second barrel that we break will not be filled with Sangreal, as the princess’s dissatisfaction will tell us. We return to the yard to the manager.

Stage 4: Interrogate Fabrizio
The winemaker says that he sold a barrel of wine to a man with a Cintra accent. Soon he had to take the second barrel to the indicated place, where the stranger's people would pick it up. The princess sends you and Damien to the meeting place. According to the plan, Geralt will bring the barrels while the guards are waiting in ambush.

Stage 5: Defeat the bandits
Alas, the witcher was immediately recognized, so we fight. About a dozen bandits shouldn't be anything new to you. Poison, Igni, Quen, everything is as usual.

Step 6: Get information
The guards managed to capture one bandit alive. Not right away, but he talks about the Cintrian. Damien takes him for a detailed interrogation, so Geralt and the princess will have to wait a little. Returning, the guardsman says that the stranger was seen in the company of a singer, Cecilia Bellante. According to information received from her maid, the artist will perform at a masquerade ball at the Mandrake establishment. Anna-Henrietta decides to sneak in there incognito with the witcher.

Nobleman from Cintra

Stage 1: Meet Anna-Henrietta in the Knights of Profit Lane
Before coming to the princess, you can go to the tailor and choose your clothes - an elegant beauclair outfit. But you don’t have to do this; your companion will still force you to change clothes. We approach the guard and find out that Cecilia has already performed, but she can be recognized by the Kovir orchid in her hair. She’s not in public, so we’re looking for her in the boxes. Let's go inside.

Before getting down to business, you can have a little fun - have a drink, draw a picture, look at the Ophir magician. Unfortunately, I can't play Gwent.

The box we need will be on the left side of the entrance, and the first of three rooms. It differs in that a small corridor leads into it.

Stage 2: Talk to the model
In the right room we will find an artist who draws a portrait of a girl with a Kovir orchid in her hair. Alas, this is not the same girl, she only picked up the rose after Cecilia. But we didn’t leave without information - the model said that she saw the artist in the company of a man with a Cintra accent, who gave her a heart-shaped bottle, and then they went to the table with snacks. Let's go there.

Stage 3: Using your Witcher Senses, inspect the tables with food
The food is located near the entrance to Mandrake. We are interested in the heart-shaped box, which is on one of the tables, to the right of the column. We examine the find and follow the scent. The trail leads to the edge of the square and then into a building. Fortunately, the guard recognized the princess and was happy to help. We go in and see that the singer is dead. Anna Henrietta leaves for help, and we inspect the murder scene.

Stage 4: Using your Witcher Senses, follow the tracks along the balconies
We go out onto the balcony and climb to the other side through the door that the killer had previously broken down and installed between the abyss. We follow the tracks, and then go up the stairs. We go into a new room, where we again see traces of a fight, but this time without a corpse.

Stage 5: Using your Witcher Senses, search the room and find out what happened in it
We pay attention to traces of blood and a cut on the painting in the corridor. We select a jewel and a bloody hunting knife from the table. After this, we watch a video with Geralt’s thoughts.

Then Orianna, the owner of the mandrake, who was warned by Anna-Henrietta, enters the room. The aristocrat said that it was she who fought with the Cintrian, and was even able to defeat him by throwing him out the window. Then we go to the princess with the evidence.

Anarietta examines the handle of the knife and recognizes the coat of arms of Dun Tynne. She also says that the jewel is the Heart of Beauclair, a relic that was owned by members of the dynasty of rulers of Toussaint, but the stone disappeared many years ago. Comparing the evidence, the princess believes that the employer of the Cintrian and the blackmailer of Bestia may be her sister Sianna, who was expelled by her parents long ago. Apparently, she is hiding in Dun Tynne, and at the same time Rena, Dettlaff’s beloved, is being held there, so she will have to visit there with the army.

After this, guests come to the heroes and a very interesting dialogue begins.

Assault on Dun Tynne

ATTENTION! After starting this quest, free travel around the world will be temporarily closed, and some secondary tasks will no longer be available to complete.

Stage 1: Meet Damien at the Mill de la Croix after midnight
Let's go to the meeting, the mill is somewhere in the middle of the map. Before arriving, the game will prompt us to save and warn us about the consequences. Keep in mind.

The guardsman told his plan, according to which the witcher would penetrate the castle from the rear when the soldiers began the assault. Yes, again we have all the work.

Stage 2: Find Syanna and Rena in Dun Tynne
There are guards waiting for us on the way, nothing that we wouldn’t encounter. Pay attention to crossbowmen and heavily armed ones, they like to attack from behind. When we deal with the main part, we run to the fortress, along the way there are conversations of soldiers. You can finish it off or pass by.

Stage 3: Defeat Roderick and his men
The owner of the fortress is sitting on a cart, but this will not help him. This fight is no different from the previous fight. We kill the guards and interrogate the count.

Roderick says that he knew nothing about the plans of the customer who seduced him and attracted him to cooperate. He himself knows nothing about the hostage, but Sianna and her entourage are in the fortress. We choose to help the count with a wound, or leave him to bleed, and then we go to the castle.

Stage 4: Defeat the guards and go to the Dun Tynne fortress.
On the way we beat several soldiers until Regis and Dettlaff come to our aid.

The main forces await us in the square near the castle, but you can leave them to the vampires and watch the colorful carnage yourself.

We tell where the girls are and go there. There is only one in the room, which Dettlaff recognizes as Rena. Having looked around carefully, Geralt claims that she is not a hostage, but a guest. In other words, Sianna and Rena are one person.

Bestia reacts emotionally to the news and gives the girl three days to appear in Tesham Mutna, otherwise she will destroy Beauclair, and leaves Dun Tynne. Sianna agrees because she understands what Dettlaff is capable of.

Anna Henrietta arrives with the guards and rejoices at meeting her sister. She doesn’t want to hear anything about Dettlaff’s demand, and takes Sianna with her to Beauclair.

Long night

Several days pass, and Geralt and Regis come to the princess with nothing. She locked her sister in the castle, whom the nobles want to punish and get Dettlaff. While Anna Henrietta reprimands the heroes for poor work, a dying soldier crawls into the palace and notifies them of a vampire attack. We watch as a crowd of vampires descends on the city.

Bruxa immediately enters the palace and finishes off the messenger. Regis takes the princess away, and Geralt has to defeat the monster.

Stage 1: Defeat the Vampire
Brooks is identical to the one in Corvo Bianco. Moreover, the guards will help us here. We use Black Blood, Yrden, anti-vampire oil and Moon Dust

After the fight, Regis returns and says that he knows how to lure Dettlaff out. there are two ways: bring Syanna to him or find a hidden vampire who will summon Bestia. Before this, you need to get information: Damien will tell you about Sianna (Stage 1A), and Orianna, who is also a vampire and has lived in Beauclair for many years, will tell you about the hidden vampire (Stage 1B).

Stage 1A: Find Damien
A guardsman is somewhere in the city, protecting residents from vampires. Together with Regis or alone we run to him. Along the way we come across Garkain, Bruxa and Alpa - formidable opponents. We find a makeshift barricade and follow in the footsteps of the soldiers. Damien and his people were attacked by Fleder, so we kill the vampire.

The guardsman tells, albeit not immediately, that the princess hid her sister in the children's room in the palace. Let's go there (the quest will begin " A long time ago...") or heading to Orianna (quest " Call of blood"). Later, you can return for Syanna.

Stage 1B: Ask Orianna where to find the Hidden One
We run to the Mandrake and talk to the owner. She is going to leave the city, because outside its walls she runs an orphanage where something bad happened (beginning of the quest " Call of blood")

Call of blood

We arrive with Orianna at the orphanage and discover the corpses of children. The vampire discovers one alive, but the boy is too shocked. We calm him down with Axiem, or leave him to the mistress. Now the child talks about a monster that attacked from above.

Stage 1: Search the orphanage using your Witcher Senses
We inspect inside and out. We find many corpses on the street. We find traces of poison on one of the bodies and we conclude that the shelter was attacked by the leader of the Garkains. We follow in the footsteps of the vampire and reach the stall. There are cart tracks leading from there, so we sit on Roach and ride along them.

Stage 2: Follow the wheel tracks using your Witcher Senses
The tracks lead along the road, but at one point the cart slid into the grass. We continue driving until we find a dead horse and driver on the river bank. We use our instincts and follow the sound to the vampire.

Stage 3: Kill Garkain
Beware of attacks from behind, use oil against vampires, Black Blood and Samum. We kill the monster and take the trophy.

Then we jump back to Orianna. Upon arrival, we discover that the vampire helps children for a reason - she drinks their blood. Even if she doesn’t kill them, it’s still disgusting. We take the key to the Cave of the Hidden One from her and leave the shelter, promising to return. You saw what came out of this in the release trailer for “The Witcher 3” called “An Unforgettable Night”.

We tell the crows to tell Regis about the new information. We decide whether to go to the meeting right away, or continue exploring the surrounding area.

While talking with the vampire, we make the final choice about how we will fight Dettlaff

  • Bring Syanna (quest " A long time ago...")
  • Make the Hidden One summon him (quest " Between worlds")

This choice will affect the final battle and epilogue of the expansion.

Between worlds

So, you have chosen the Hidden One. We sail on a boat with Regis to the cave that Orianna pointed to.

Stage 1: Open the passage using Orianna's key
The shore is worth a look. The required cave is located above, behind the place of power. Regis will be waiting at the entrance. We use the key at the entrance, similar to removing the illusion with Keira’s artifact.

Stage 2: Find the Lair of the Hidden One
In the cave we go, focusing on the passages with lit bowls. Or we can examine the passages and find gloves and boots of vampire armor. Having reached the goal, something will paralyze Regis, and Geralt himself will become a victim of the Hidden One. The Witcher will be thrown back to an unknown location, and even take away his swords.

Stage 3: Go around the cave and get out of it
First, we come to our senses with the help of Swallow or Raffar the White’s potion. After some more time, we finally recover and move forward.

The exit is on the stairs, the edges of which are washed with water. Alas, you can’t just climb there, it’s too high. We'll have to substitute something. We go down and find an abandoned camp. We study the note and find out that a sorcerer who was looking for the Hidden Vampire teleported here. Let's follow in the footsteps of the magician. Along the way, we will come across a new type of vampires - protofleders, who are more powerful fleders.

Stage 4: Take the gift for the Hidden One
We pass the monsters and reach the wall in the style of the movie "Inception" - gravity suddenly changes its direction. Let's move on to the "upside down" level. We reach the sorcerer's body and learn that in order to speak to the vampire you need to bring him a gift. He is right next to the corpse, we pick him up.

Stage 5: Find a way to get to the exit
We return a little along the traversed path and jump over the abyss.

There we bring down the stones and then jump into the waterfall. Below we go to the exit for another conversation with the Hidden One.

Stage 6: Talk to the vampire
The Hidden One accepts the gift and agrees to listen. It is also possible to ask two questions, but it is better to limit yourself to only one, otherwise the vampire will kill Geralt and you will have to load saves. We lay out the essence, and to the question “Why should I help?” choose “Dettlaff will harm you too.”

This will convince the Hidden One to disenchant Regis and help summon the Bestia. He leaves instructions and drives the heroes out of the cave. Before going to the castle, we exchange a few words with a friend.

After this, we go to talk with Dettlaff.

A long time ago...

You decide to bring Syanna to meet Dettlaff.

Stage 1: Arrive at the palace
This is done automatically if Regis is with you, or we stomp ourselves if we previously walked around Beauclair

Stage 2: Search the room
We go through the door. Nothing on the ground floor, let's go higher. Immediately near the stairs we search the painting and take out the key. Then we find the governess's diary, it is on the left side. We read all the points, it’s useful, and then we begin our search for the book “The Land of a Thousand Tales.” She's in the closet, right in front of the din. We open the door with the found key.

The book turns out to be magical and takes Geralt into a world of illusions based on children's fairy tales. This place was created by a sorcerer so that the sisters would have a place to play when they were children. Anna Henrietta immediately imprisoned her sister.

Stage 2: Walk along the yellow brick road
The Witcher got here alone. We can look around, Geralt will comment on a lot of things. To find Syanna you need to follow the yellow brick path. The correct path is straight from the starting point. The correctness of the path will be indicated by a stone that you will have to climb and a bridge with an archispore.

Stage 3: Defeat the evil witch
Quite a strong boss on high difficulty. The peculiarity is that she, surrounded by a shield, flies on a broom and dumps a strange liquid on Geralt.

We use Quen for protection. We also get rid of the spores and panthers that she sends. To kill the witch herself, you should wait until she starts pouring out this slurry, and then knock her down with a bomb, Aard or Igni. We run up to her and attack. Be careful, the broom will protect her! Then it will take off again, and you will have to repeat it several times.

Stage 3: Talk to Syanna
After defeating the witch, Syanna frees the boy from the witch's oven. The girls need bean seeds, which Jack usually owned. He said that Anna Henrietta hid them in different places. More, the boy Oska will say. Also, don’t miss the opportunity to talk with Sianna, it will come in handy.

Stage 4: Find Ojska
We go straight along the road. On the way we will meet shadow gnomes, who are weakly protected, but hit hard. The boy will be in the field, surrounded by wolves. Straight out of the fairy tale about the boy who cried "Wolf!"

We beat the wolves and talk to the boy. He constantly lies, so his words should be understood the other way around. According to him, each bean is hidden in a specific place. From this it follows that the red bean “was not eaten by anyone,” the blue bean was “guarded in the field three times by no one,” and the yellow bean “was kept by a bald farm laborer deep underground.” We go for beans, admiring the views along the way.

Stage 5A: Visit the three bears
Their cave is located closest to Oska. We go there and find Goldilocks bitten to death (or Masha in our opinion). If we take their food, the animals will immediately attack.

Stage 5B: Visit Granny's house
The Little Red Riding Hood house will be a little further from the bear cave. We go there and find the Big Bad Wolf, who is suffering from a hangover.

He refuses to tell us anything, since he has dealt with Little Red Riding Hood and there is no longer any need to play the role. We'll have to take on the roles of Riding Hood and Hunter. We jump into the well and search the remains. We swim ashore and enter the image.

Fighting with a wolf is not much different from fighting with werewolves. We use Quen, oil against the damned, Yrden. We kill the wolf and open its belly. The red bean that "no one ate" has been found.

Stage 5B: Goes to the Three Little Pigs
These animals are located behind Rapunzel's tower, which can be seen from everywhere. We go to them and knock down the house with Aard. They are unhappy, so we fight. The fight is the same as with wild boars, that is, not easy. Anti-beast oil and Aard will be useful. Having dealt with the pigs, we search the remains of the house and find a blue bean, which " Nobody guards the field three times."

Stage 5D: Talk to the girl with the matches
Located east of Oska. You will recognize it by the snowy terrain. There is a notice board nearby, you can take the task " Geese-geese, ha-ha-ha"We talk to the girl and understand that she doesn’t have a bean. But she does have a ribbon that Sianna lost as a child. You can buy it back or win it in Gwent. It will come in handy.

Stage 5D: Talk to Rapunzel
We approach the tower itself. The scythes are not visible, you will have to climb the walls. Inside we find the corpse of Longhair and a ghost in the form of a beanche. We kill and take the blue bean.

Also, in the fairy-tale world you can find the goose that laid the golden eggs, an analogue of the Bremen Town Musicians, the Naked King, the end of the rainbow and Thumbelina. Be careful with the latter.

Don't forget to talk to Sianna when necessary.

Step 6: Plant the beans
We go to the vegetable garden not far from the tower. A flock of gnomes is waiting for us nearby. Having dealt with them, we plant the beans and watch the growth of the stem. Let's go upstairs.

Stage 7: Defeat the Giant
The Giant is waiting for us in the clouds from behind the Clouds. The fight with him is similar to the fight with Goliath, only this one also teleports.

Yrden, Quen, oil against magical creatures will help here, or we use cells that are struck by lightning. You need to direct the giant's blow there, and then you will be able to stun him. We repeat this trick several times and win.

After the fight, Sianna will offer... to fly in the clouds. You can also fly.

Stage 8: Jump into the well
The girl says that in order to return to reality, you need to jump into the well, which is at the end of the castle. Let's follow her. On the bridge we will meet a firefly who will lead us under the bridge. You should follow it, as it will lead to a Dark Souls reference and one of the best silver swords in the game.

We approach the well and jump first. Regis is waiting for us at the castle, and all three go to Dettlaff.

Tesham Mutna

So, the final battle. Much depends on which quest, "" or "", you chose. If “Between Worlds”, then in any case a fight awaits you, since you did not bring Syanna (hereinafter referred to as the Fight)

If “Once upon a time...”, then a lot depends on whether you took the ribbon from the little match girl.

  • If not, then Dettlaff will kill Syanna. You can kill him or let him go (hereinafter the quest “Behind Iron Bars” instead of “Ceremony”).
  • If so, when the Bestia deals the fatal blow, the girl will be teleported back to the world of a Thousand Tales. The fight cannot be avoided.

Almost immediately, Dettlaff incapacitates Regis, so we are always one on one. The battle will last in several stages.

Stage 1

Similar to the first battle with Bestia. We fix the target and defend ourselves with Quen. When he loses a quarter of his health, the second stage begins.

Stage 2

The beast transforms into a vampire bat and attacks in three ways. The first one comes from the air. The second, the most powerful, attacks with bats. At easy difficulty levels, such a blow destroys three-quarters of your health, and at high levels, it destroys everything. Quen won't help, you'll have to dodge. To do this, we catch the moment when he has just launched the flyers; this will be heard with a characteristic sound. After this, the third attack - appears from underground. He will stand motionless for some time, so we act.

Such raids are repeated two or three times, and then move on to the third stage.

Stage 3
Dettlaff manages to bite Geralt and drink his blood. Then, either hallucinations begin, or he really gets into the head of the Bestia, but a strange aura begins to surround us, which may turn out to be the heart of a vampire.

To win you need to destroy three blood bubbles. The bloody essence of Dettlaff, like the one that was in the second stage, but without wings, will interfere with this. The tactics are as follows: we fix the target on the essence, use Quen, vampire oil and constantly move, and when we kill, we attack the bubble. After each bubble or more often, the essence will be restored. We repeat the action until we destroy all three bubbles.

After all this, we return to reality, where it remains to deliver the decisive blow. We hit and watch the video.

Behind iron bars

This quest is only available if Syanna has not survived the quest "".

Several weeks pass after Bestia's attack. Due to the fact that the princess's sister has died, Anna Henrietta sends Geralt to prison to await trial.

In the courtyard, a man named Jacques the Handsome approaches the witcher, who informs him that we will work with him in the laundry.

Step 1: Look around the yard
In front of the laundry, you can play Gwent - win bread or lose clothes, and at the same time get a poster with a girl by performing a series of actions.

Stage 2: Go to the packing room
We pass through the corridors and find ourselves in the laundry. We pick up the soap from the floor (Geralt will do this very carefully) and collect the laundry. We load everything into a basin and wash it.

After a while, three people enter the room. The guard leaves, leaving the bandits with the witcher. As it turned out, this trio ended up in prison because of Geralt, when he stood up for the shoeshine boy in the quest “The Lair of the Bestial.” Jacques also leaves the room, so we beat the scoundrel ourselves.

Stage 3: Beat the deadline
Because of a fight, the witcher is put in a punishment cell. Weeks pass before the guard comes for us. He says that the verdict has been passed and leads him to the square where the execution is taking place. As it turns out, Geralt is not here and is taken to the tower. Damien de Latour is waiting there, who reports that the princess has agreed to give freedom. We have to thank Dandelion for this, who arrived in Toussaint and defended the rights of his friend.

We talk to him, say thank you and leave. Once free, we are immediately met by Regis, who says that he was thinking about the fifth victim. In his opinion, the fifth note is still passing around, and the shoeshine boy will help us with this. You can check it out, or go out for a drink.

The end of the addition thus gives you " Bad ending".


This quest is only available if Syanna survived the events of the quest "".

The quest begins with the tailor finishing a suit for Geralt. In it he will appear before the princess to present the Vitis Vinifera award. Regis shares his thoughts that there may be a fifth note, which identifies another victim. He suggests going to the cleaner who delivered the notes to Dettlaff. You can check (steps 1, 2 and 3), or go straight to the ceremony (step 4).

Step 1: Ask the shoe shiner
You can go with Regis or come up yourself later. The ability to explore the world has returned, which was temporarily missing after the quest "".

The boy says that the letters were brought by beggars. Regis finds out where the tramps gather.

Stage 2: Find a place to sleep
Not far from the cleaner's shop there is a house. Residents who are unhappy with the fact that homeless people are gathering near their houses are quarreling with the owner. We beat people and talk to the person. He is ready to help and invites you into the house to wait for the evening and talk with the beggars.

It paid off: one homeless man gives a note. It states that Sianna chose her sister, Anna Henrietta, as the fifth victim. You can go find out her motives (step 3), or immediately report to Damien (step 4).

Stage 3: Talk to Syanna
The girl is under lock and key, in the palace. We go to the room and talk with the guard. He agrees to let the witcher through, because he killed Bestia.

Depending on which quest (" " or " ") you chose earlier, the conversation will go differently.

  • "Once upon a time..." will give you the opportunity to find out Syanna's true motives. To do this, in a conversation we choose the answers “Because she turned away from you, erased it from her memory”, “Haven’t you thought about forgiving her?”, “Ask her.”
  • Because of the quest “Between Worlds,” you did not have time to get to know Sianna better, so the motives for killing the princess are unknown to you.

Stage 4: Talk to Damien
You can come right after the tailor, a conversation with Sianna, or yourself. If you find out about the assassination attempt, you can tell us, and then the ceremony begins.

Stage 5: The end of the story
Geralt of Rivia receives his medal and five thousand Novigrad crowns as a reward.

The outcome of the plot with the sisters will be different, depending on whether Geralt learned about Syanna's motives.

  • If not (the quest “Between Worlds” is selected), Sianna will kill her sister, and she herself will be shot with Damien’s crossbow.

After the ceremony, the whole of Beauclair was covered with clouds, all the inhabitants were in mourning. Geralt buys flowers and goes to the princess’s grave. Near the tomb, he meets Damien, who says that the sisters were buried in the same hall. Inside, you can put flowers on both graves, or just Anna Henrietta.

If the ending of the addition is like this, then you got " Tragic ending".

  • If yes (the quest “Once upon a time...” was chosen, the ribbon was taken from the girl with the matches), then the witcher managed to influence Sianna and the sisters finally talked. They figured out their relationship and make peace.

This decoupling of the addition means that you have received " happy ending".

At the end, Geralt and Regis are sitting by the fire in the cemetery, drinking mandrake tincture and discussing recent events (what ending you got). If Dettlaff is alive, then you will continue drinking (step 8), and if not, the vampire will offer to collect several of these roots, since he is about to leave Toussaint.

Step 6: Collect Mandrake Roots
The vampire gives us gloves and a mask to collect, since the fresh root is toxic even to a witcher. I recommend wearing it. We go to the graves and pull out the roots. Regis himself disappeared somewhere. Let's follow the tracks.

Stage 7: Using your Witcher Senses, find Regis
We pass to the crypt, where the vampire was attacked by bruxes. They consider him a traitor for killing Dettlaff. After the battle we return to the fire.

Stage 8: Talk about the future
Already at dawn, the conversation between friends comes to an end. Regis tells where he is going, and Geralt decides how his life will go next (you make this choice). Then they just sit by the fire, thinking about what adventures they have experienced, and that, finally, Geralt deserves a rest.

The last frame of the addition is Geralt saying goodbye to the player.

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