All-Russian test work physics 11. VPR in physics: analyzing tasks with the teacher

This manual fully complies with the federal state educational standard (second generation).
The book contains 10 versions of standard tasks of the All-Russian Test Work (VPR) in physics for 11th grade students.
The collection is intended for 11th grade students, teachers and methodologists who use standard tasks to prepare for the All-Russian test in physics.

The body performs rectilinear motion along the x axis. The graph shows the dependence of the projection of its speed vx on time t to the selected direction.
Choose two statements that correctly describe the movement of the body and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
1) For the first 10 seconds, the body moves evenly.
2) The body moves uniformly all the time.
3) From 10 to 20 seconds of movement, the body moves evenly.
4) From 20 to 30 seconds of movement, the body moves at an accelerated rate.
5) The modulus of maximum acceleration of the body is 3 m/s2.

A metal balloon was filled with helium at atmospheric pressure and room temperature and connected with a thin tube to a pressure gauge. After this, the balloon was placed in a vessel with water at a temperature of 0 °C.
Select all the statements that correctly characterize the process occurring with helium in the cylinder, and write down the numbers of the selected statements.
1) The volume of helium in the cylinder does not change.
2) The volume of helium in the cylinder decreases.
3) The temperature of helium decreases.
4) The temperature of the helium rises.
5) The helium pressure in the cylinder increases.
6) The helium pressure in the cylinder decreases.

Download the e-book for free in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book VPR, Physics, grade 11, 10 options, Typical tasks, Federal State Educational Standard, Legchilin A.Yu., 2017 -, fast and free download.

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– a control event carried out at the all-Russian level according to a single standard. When the new method of monitoring knowledge was officially approved, the Ministry of Education explained its importance as follows: VPR will allow monitoring not only the level of knowledge, but also the effectiveness of the methodological apparatus used by teachers in a particular school in the Russian Federation.

However, these good intentions do not negate the fact that the introduction of the VPR was an unpleasant surprise for graduates. Not only are there many difficult ones awaiting them, but they also need to learn several additional subjects, many of which will not even be useful during the course. One of the most complex disciplines included in the all-Russian measurement of knowledge is physics - a science characterized by a voluminous categorical apparatus, numerous laws and complex calculations.

Those who are already taking physics will definitely not have to worry about the VPR. Well, for schoolchildren who do not plan to connect their lives with the exact sciences, it will be useful to learn all the intricacies of assessing and writing CDs, including the structure and content of the work. Despite the fact that the VPR does not affect the ability to obtain a certificate, you are unlikely to want to provoke the teacher’s anger by writing a test with an unsatisfactory result.

Demo version of VPR in physics

Date and regulations of VPR-2018 in physics

In the CPR schedule for the 2017/2018 academic year, the test work in physics includes: March 10, 2018. The VPR rules in physics state that the student must complete his version in 90 minutes. When solving a test, schoolchildren will be able to use a calculator for calculations, which does not have a programming function or the ability to store information. The initial score scored by an eleventh-grader for a high-level assessment is converted into grades as determined by the teaching council of each particular school.

This work will make a final measurement of knowledge among 11th grade graduates. The basic level of training assumes that students can easily understand and explain physical terms, as well as apply their knowledge in everyday life. Based on the results of the control work, the relevant department will make a conclusion about whether it is advisable to make changes to the school curriculum, and whether it is necessary to improve the professional skills of subject teachers.

The specialized commission named mechanics, molecular and quantum physics, elements of astrophysics, as well as a section studying electrodynamics as the main sections submitted for verification within the framework of the VPR. When evaluating test papers, the commission will check:

  • knowledge of the categorical apparatus of this science (i.e. phenomena, quantities and units of measurement, the goals of physics and methods of achieving them through the use of various equipment);
  • ability to interpret received information and data presented in graphical and tabular form;
  • understanding how the laws of physics work;
  • the ability to describe and characterize processes using physical quantities;
  • willingness to apply formulas used in physics;
  • the ability to read instrument readings (beakers, dynamometers, barometers, voltmeters and ammeters), conduct observations and experiments in accordance with the proposed hypotheses;
  • the ability to explain physical phenomena that occur in the world around us.

On the physics course, 18 tasks await you, for which 90 minutes are allotted.

Structural features of VPR in physics

In each version of the test, students will be offered 18 tasks, differing in form and complexity of the solution:

  • tasks 1 to 10 are basic, testing knowledge of terminology, basic quantities and main laws of physics. Three tasks are related to the section studying mechanics, two are related to the section on molecular physics, three are tasks on electrodynamics, and one concerns quantum physics;
  • tasks 11 and 12 will test the methodological skills of schoolchildren. In the first, you will need to record the readings of the device, based on the proposed photo, and in the second, you will need to sketch out a plan for a simple experiment, adhering to a certain hypothesis;
  • tasks 13-15 test how well eleventh-graders can use physical knowledge when describing various devices and instruments (including those they use in everyday life), and whether they can characterize the principle of their operation;
  • tasks 16-18 will test your skills in working with physical texts and information in the form of a table, diagram or graph.

The 13 test tasks require the student to write a short answer in the form of a number, symbol, correct word or phrase, or simply select the correct answer from the list provided. For 5 tasks you will need to give a detailed answer - this could be several sentences describing the stages of the experiment, or filling in the blanks in the table.

In total, you can score 26 points for the test, 19 (or 73%) of which can be obtained for solving 14 simple tasks, and 7 points (27%) for working with 4 complex tasks.

How to prepare for the VPR in physics?

Spend time not only on textbooks, but also on working through the demo version of VPR

From the structure of the ticket it is clear that you will definitely not be able to score a high score by learning only physical terms and laws. If your goal is to earn maximum points, then you need to thoroughly understand the logic of calculations, remember and understand formulas, and understand the mechanism of action and manifestations of physical laws. Schoolchildren who wrote a CD in physics last year, as well as subject teachers, give the following preparation recommendations:

  • be sure to download and solve the demo version of the 2018 VPR, which was developed by specialists from FIPI (see links at the beginning of the article). This way you will understand how the ticket is built and evaluate your level of preparation;
  • if you have not chosen, then to prepare for the VPR it will be enough to repeat the materials presented in school textbooks;
  • students who are not good at experiments and do not know how this or that device works should consult with a tutor or watch videos that clearly demonstrate working with various equipment and reading readings;
  • To reinforce the terminology, take several online tests.

To prepare for the VPR 2019, the 2018 options are suitable.

VPR in physics grade 11 options with answers 2018

This test is not mandatory and is carried out in 2018 by decision of the school.

The test in physics includes 18 tasks, and 1 hour 30 minutes (90 minutes) is allotted for its completion. Participants in the physics course are allowed to use a calculator.

The work tests the mastery of all sections of the basic level physics course: mechanics, molecular physics, electrodynamics, quantum physics and elements of astrophysics.

When completing VPR tasks, eleventh-graders must demonstrate an understanding of the basic concepts, phenomena, quantities and laws studied in the physics course, the ability to apply the acquired knowledge to describe the structure and principles of operation of various technical objects or recognize the studied phenomena and processes in the world around them. Also, within the framework of the VPR, the ability to work with textual information of physical content is tested.

The following skills are tested here: grouping learned concepts; find definitions of physical quantities or concepts; recognize a physical phenomenon by its description and highlight essential properties in the description of a physical phenomenon; analyze changes in physical quantities in various processes; work with physical models; use physical laws to explain phenomena and processes; build graphs of the dependence of physical quantities that characterize the process according to its description, and apply laws and formulas to calculate quantities.

At the beginning of the work, nine tasks are offered that test graduates’ understanding of the basic concepts, phenomena, quantities and laws studied in the physics course.

The next group of three tasks checks the level of methodological skills of graduates. The first task is based on a photograph of a measuring device and evaluates the readings taking into account the specified measurement error. The second task tests the ability to analyze experimental data presented in the form of graphs or tables. In the third task from this group, based on a given hypothesis, you are asked to independently plan a simple study and describe its implementation.

Next, a group of three tasks is proposed that tests the ability to apply acquired knowledge to describe the structure and operating principles of various technical objects. The first task asks graduates to identify the physical phenomenon underlying the operating principle of the specified device (or technical object).

Next follow two contextual tasks. They offer a description of a device or a fragment from the instructions for using the device. Based on available information, graduates must identify the phenomenon (process) underlying the operation of the device and demonstrate an understanding of the basic characteristics of the device or the rules for its safe use.

The last group of three tasks tests the ability to work with textual information of physical content. As a rule, the proposed texts contain various types of graphic information (tables, schematic drawings, graphs). Tasks in the group are structured based on testing various skills in working with text: from questions on highlighting and understanding information presented explicitly in the text, to tasks on applying information from the text and existing knowledge.

In 2017, all-Russian tests of the VPR were tested in 11 grades in physics.

VPR are ordinary tests in various subjects, but carried out using common tasks and assessed according to uniform criteria developed for the entire country.

To understand how to carry out the test work, you should first familiarize yourself with the demo versions of control measuring materials (CMM) of the VPR for this year’s subjects.

Official website of VPR (StatGrad)-

Demo version of VPR 11th grade physics 2017

Demonstration options in physics for grade 11 will help you get an idea of ​​the structure of future CMMs, the number of tasks, their form and level of complexity. In addition, the demo version contains criteria for assessing the completion of tasks with a detailed answer, which give an idea of ​​the requirements for the completeness and correctness of recording the answer.

This information is useful; it can be used when drawing up a plan for reviewing material before a test in physics.

Options for VPR 2017 in physics, grade 11

Option 9 answers + criteria
Option 10 answers + criteria
Option 11 answers + evaluation criteria
Option 12 answers + evaluation criteria
Option 13 download
Option 14 download
Option 19 *
Option 20 *

* Options 19, 20 can be used for home preparation, since it has not yet been possible to find answers on the Internet.

The test includes 18 tasks. You are given 1 hour 30 minutes (90 minutes) to complete the physics work.

Formulate your answers in the text of the work according to the instructions for the assignments. If you write down an incorrect answer, cross it out and write a new one next to it.

You are allowed to use a calculator when doing work.

When completing assignments, you can use a draft. Entries in draft will not be reviewed or graded.

We advise you to complete the tasks in the order in which they are given. To save time, skip a task that you cannot complete immediately and move on to the next one. If you have time left after completing all the work, you can return to the missed tasks.

The points you receive for completed tasks are summed up. Try to complete as many tasks as possible and score the most points.

This manual fully complies with the federal state educational standard (second generation).
The proposed manual is intended to test the knowledge of 8th grade students. The publication makes it possible to develop the skills and abilities necessary for the successful completion of the All-Russian test work.
The publication contains 18 versions of test papers.
Answers are provided for all tasks.
Each test includes 12 tasks on the topics “Thermal phenomena”, “Electrical phenomena”, “Electromagnetic phenomena”, “Light phenomena” and covers all sections of physics studied in the 8th grade. Four tasks require a short answer, four tasks require multiple choice, one task requires you to insert missing words into the text, and three tasks require a detailed answer.

The figure shows a horseshoe-shaped permanent magnet. How are the magnetic field lines of the magnet at point A directed (up, down, right, left, from the observer, to the observer)?

The air temperature was measured with the thermometer shown in the figure. The temperature measurement error is equal to the thermometer division price. Write down in your answer the result of the temperature measurement, taking into account the error.

The glass rod was rubbed on the silk. After this, finely chopped pieces of paper began to stick to the stick. Select all statements that correctly characterize these processes and write down the numbers of the selected statements.
1) The stick and silk have charges of the same sign.
2) The stick and silk have charges of different signs.
3) Pieces of paper are not electrified.
4) Pieces of paper have positive and negative charges.
5) The glass rod acquires a positive charge due to excess electrons.
6) The glass rod acquires a positive charge due to a lack of electrons.

Download the e-book for free in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book VPR, Physics, 8th grade, Workshop, Boboshina S.B., 2018 -, fast and free download.

  • Description of control measuring materials for testing in PHYSICS in 2020, grade 8
  • Physics, grade 8, Test measuring materials, Boboshina S.B., 2014
  • Notebook for laboratory work in physics, grade 8, To the textbook by A.V. Peryshkin “Physics. 8th grade", Minkova R.D., Ivanova V.V., Stepanov S.V., 2020

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