Human influence on nature, negative impact. Main types of environmental management

06/21/2016 / Donskoy urban district

Federal Law No. 7-FZ of January 10, 2002 “On Environmental Protection” for the first time established the principle according to which negative impact on the environment is paid (clause 1 of Article 16).

The types of negative impact on the environment, paragraph 2 of Article 16 of the Federal Law “On Environmental Protection” include:

— emissions of pollutants and other substances into the air;

— discharges of pollutants, other substances and microorganisms into surface water bodies, underground water bodies and drainage areas; — contamination of subsoil, soils; disposal of production and consumption waste; environmental pollution by noise, heat, electromagnetic, ionizing and other types of physical influences;

— other types of negative impact on the environment.

At the same time, by virtue of Article 16 of the Federal Law “On Environmental Protection”, paying a fee for a negative impact on the environment does not exempt economic and other business entities from carrying out measures to protect the environment and compensate for environmental damage - carried out by the customer and (or) the entity economic and other activities, including activities for the removal of components of the natural environment, presupposes the obligation of these persons to compensate for damage to the environment, including when the project of such activities has a positive conclusion from the state environmental assessment (Article 77 of the Federal Law “On Environmental Protection”).

And about. Prosecutor of the city of Donskoy, junior counselor of justice E.V. Zeleva

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Pollution surrounding environment - a change in the quality of the environment that can cause negative consequences.

Pollution (in the narrow sense) is considered to be the introduction into any environment of new, uncharacteristic physical, chemical and biological agents or an excess of the natural average long-term level of these agents.

Pollution can be of natural or artificial origin.

Pollution classification:

Mechanical - pollution of the environment with agents that have only a mechanical effect without physical and chemical consequences (construction waste, PET bottles, etc.).

2. Chemical - changes in the chemical properties of the environment, which have a negative impact on ecosystems and technological devices.

3. Physical - change in the physical parameters of the environment: temperature and energy (thermal), wave (light, noise, electromagnetic, etc.), for example:

Thermal (thermal) - an increase in the temperature of the environment, mainly due to industrial waste gases and water, to a lesser extent - solid waste (metallurgical slag).

3.2 Light - disruption of the natural illumination of the area as a result of the action of artificial light sources (this leads to anomalies in the life of plants and animals).

3.3. Noise - an increase in noise intensity above the natural level.

3.4. Electromagnetic - a change in the electromagnetic properties of the environment (from power lines, radio and television, the operation of some industrial installations, etc.) leads to global and local geophysical anomalies and changes in fine biological structures.

Radiation - exceeding the natural level of radioactive substances in the environment.

5. Biological - penetration into ecosystems and technological devices of animal and plant species alien to these communities and devices, including:

Biotic - the spread of biogenic substances, as a rule, undesirable from the point of view of people (excretions, dead bodies, etc.) into territories where they have not been observed before.

5.2. Microbiological -

a) an increase in the population of microorganisms associated with their mass reproduction on anthropogenic substrates or in environments modified by human economic activity;

b) acquisition of pathogenic properties by a previously harmless form of microorganisms or the ability to suppress other organisms in communities.

The listed types of pollution are interrelated and each of them can be an impetus for the emergence of other types of pollution: for example, chemical pollution of the atmosphere can contribute to an increase in viral activity, and consequently, biological pollution.

More controversial is the answer to the question - to what quantitative extent the occurring changes in the properties of the environment can be considered as its pollution.

Most often, pollution is considered to be only the entry, introduction into the environment, and the presence of various agents in it. However, a decrease in the amount of any component in the environment (for example, oxygen in the atmospheric air) also negatively affects humans and other biological objects and, therefore; should be classified as pollution.

Optimal environmental conditions for human life and activity are within certain, relatively narrow limits.

There are upper and lower critical boundaries of environmental parameters, the achievement of which threatens the onset of irreversible changes in the biological system and in its individual links.

For example, heavy metals in significant quantities are strong poisons; in small doses, they are necessary for humans, otherwise severe functional disorders occur; Both excessive noise and its complete absence are harmful to health.

Sources of pollution are very diverse: industrial enterprises, heat and power complex, household waste, animal husbandry waste, transport waste, as well as chemicals intentionally introduced by humans into ecosystems to protect beneficial producers, pests, diseases, and weeds.

From an environmental point of view, pollution does not simply mean the introduction of certain alien components into the atmosphere, soil or water - in any case, the object of pollution is the elementary structural unit of the biosphere - biogeocenosis, as a result of which this ecosystem is destroyed or its productivity decreases.

Environmental pollution is a complex, diverse process.

The human impact on the biosphere comes down to four main forms:

— changes in the structure of the earth’s surface (plowing of steppes, deforestation, land reclamation, creation of artificial lakes and seas and other changes in the regime of surface waters);

— changes in the composition of the biosphere, the circulation and balance of its constituent substances (removal of fossils, creation of dumps, release of various substances into the atmosphere and water bodies, changes in moisture circulation);

— changes in the energy balance of individual regions of the globe and the entire planet;

- changes made to the biota as a result of the extermination of certain species, the creation of new breeds of animals and plant varieties, and their movement to new habitats.

There are pollutants that are destroyed by biological processes and those that are not destroyed (persistent).

The former enter natural cycles of substances and therefore quickly disappear, being destroyed by biological agents. The latter are not included in the natural cycles of substances, are transmitted through food chains and accumulate.

The objects of pollution are the main components of the ecotope (the habitat of a biotic creature): atmosphere, water, soil.

Indirect objects of pollution are the components of the biocenosis - plants, animals, microorganisms.

Ultimately, the object of pollution is the elementary structural unit of the biosphere - biogeocenosis. Changes caused by environmental pollution mean a change in the regimes of various environmental factors, their deviation from the requirements of a particular organism (link in the food chain.).

At the same time, metabolic processes are disrupted, the intensity of assimilation and the productivity of the biogeocenosis as a whole are reduced.

Thus, from an ecological point of view, environmental pollution should be called any introduction into a particular ecosystem of living or non-living components or structural changes that are not characteristic of it, interrupting the circulation of substances, their assimilation, the flow of energy, as a result of which this ecosystem is destroyed or its productivity decreases.

Types of negative impacts on the earth. Land degradation is a set of processes leading to changes in soil functions, quantitative and qualitative deterioration of their composition and properties. Agricultural depletion; Waterlogging; Erosion.

Land pollution is an anthropogenic activity that leads to deterioration of land quality, characterized by an increase or appearance of chemicals or radiation levels compared to previously existing values.

Slide 4 from the presentation “Land Protection” for law lessons on the topic “Environmental Law”

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Environmental law

“Fees for the use of wildlife objects” - Hunting license. Use of objects of aquatic biological resources.

Special licenses. Marine mammal. Various types of fish. Fees for the use of wildlife objects. Procedure for calculating and paying the fee.

Individual entrepreneur. Collection rates. Objects of the animal world. Fishery organization.

“Ownership rights to natural resources” - Land plots are in municipal ownership: Grounds for the emergence of private property rights. The maximum sizes of isolated water bodies are determined by the land legislation of the Russian Federation.

Objects of property rights: State property rights: State property rights.

“Environmental law” - 1. General characteristics of environmental law. Created by man, but with natural properties (gardens, forest belts). 2. Environmental rights of citizens. Objects of environmental law The environment (the main object of environmental law) is a set of components of the natural environment: natural and natural-anthropogenic objects, as well as anthropogenic objects.

“Legal protection of landscapes” - Legal protection of landscapes: Types of protected areas: “Protection of territories of natural parks, state.

natural reserves and other protected areas of regional and local significance.” Fed. Law “On Animal World” (1995). Landscape is a specific territory, homogeneous in its origin and history of development, indivisible according to zonal characteristics, possessing a single geological foundation, the same type of relief, a general climate and a uniform combination of hydrothermal conditions, soils and biocenoses.

“Environmental Management” - Fundamentals of environmental legislation.

Rights and responsibilities of citizens. Sources of natural resource law of the Russian Federation. Law. Types of environmental violations. Validity period of permits. Licensing of natural resources.

Subsystems of environmental legislation. Structure of legislation. Responsibility for environmental violations.

“Land protection” - Legal protection of lands. Land conservation. Land protection. Special responsibilities for land protection. Land protection measures. The role of the state. Littering of lands.

State measures to ensure rational use and protection. Measures to improve and restore the quality of land. Types of negative impacts on the earth.

There are a total of 8 presentations in the topic “Environmental Law”

Impact of the electric power industry on the environment

Energy is one of the sources of adverse impacts on the environment and humans. A brief environmental description of the main electric power industry facilities, on the basis of which its development can be carried out, indicates that they all have one or another negative impact on the environment.

There are practically no objects that do not affect the environment at all.

Energy affects the atmosphere (oxygen consumption, emissions of gases, moisture and solid particles), the hydrosphere (water consumption, creation of artificial reservoirs, discharges of polluted and heated waters, liquid waste) and the lithosphere (consumption of fossil fuels, landscape changes, emissions of toxic substances) .

The largest number of negative impacts is associated with the development and operation of thermal power plants.

Thermal power plants burning organic fuels adversely affect almost all areas of the environment and expose nature to all types of impacts considered, including emissions of radioactive substances in the fly ash of flue gases, which, according to some experts, exceed the volume of radiation emissions from nuclear power plants during their normal operation.

Radioactive substances contained in the primary fuel are carried outside the thermal power plant with solid particles (ash) and dispersed with flue gases over a vast area.

The negative impact of thermal power plants is aggravated by the fact that their operation must be ensured by constant production of fuel (fuel base), accompanied by additional negative impacts on the environment: pollution of the air, water and land; consumption of land and water resources, depletion of non-renewable fuel reserves (natural fossil resources).

Pollution of the natural environment also occurs during the transportation of fuel, both in the form of its direct losses and as a result of the consumption of energy resources for its transportation, which on average across Russia is carried out at a distance of about 800 km.

The total amount of items by which the negative impact of electric power facilities on the environment is determined turned out to be the largest for thermal power plants using fossil fuels.

According to this qualitative assessment of the environmental impact, nuclear power plants with their fuel base are in second place.

Among the factors of the adverse impact of nuclear power plants are such formidable ones as radiation hazard.

Among the large number of air pollutants (more than 200), there are five main ones, which account for 90-95% of the gross emissions of harmful substances in various regions of the country.

These include: solid particles (dust, ash); sulfur oxides; nitrogen oxides; carbon oxides; hydrocarbons. In the electric power industry, the main air pollutants include the first three. Emissions from the electric power industry reach 1/3 of the total amount of harmful substances entering the atmosphere from stationary sources.

The amount of harmful substances emitted into the atmosphere by power plants over a 10-year period has noticeably decreased, although electricity production over the same period increased by 27%.

This reduction was achieved by changing the structure of generating capacities, improving ash treatment systems, increasing the share of natural gas used, reducing the amount of high-sulfur fuel oil burned at power plants and reducing the average sulfur content of coal.

According to the level of danger, the main emissions from power plants belong to class III, i.e.

are not the most dangerous. Along with the main air pollutants discussed above, the flue gases of power plants contain a certain amount of even more harmful, including carcinogenic, substances belonging to hazard class I. It has been established that significant amounts of carcinogenic substances are formed during layer combustion of fuel. Combustion of fuel in pulverized coal furnaces reduces the amount of emissions of carcinogenic substances by four orders of magnitude.

Benzopyrene and other carcinogenic substances, although present in the combustion products of power plants, are in such small doses that they determine no more than 3-4% of the toxicity of the combustion products of powerful state district power plants.

The construction of large thermal power plants that burn solid fuel in pulverized coal furnaces or natural gas can significantly improve the carcinogenic situation in populated areas due to the abandonment of a large number of small boiler houses, the emissions of which are four orders of magnitude higher than those of large power plants.

Moreover, these emissions are carried out through low pipes, which do not contribute to their sufficient dispersion.

When fossil fuels burn in the furnaces of boilers at power plants, solid and gaseous harmful substances (the so-called “waste”) are formed, transported as part of the flue gases through the boiler flues into the chimney. Some of the “outgoing” harmful components are absorbed by other components of the flue gases (for example, sulfur oxides are partially absorbed by ash) in the boiler and during movement through the flues.

At the exit from the chimney, they are captured by special devices, such as ash collectors. Anything that is not absorbed or captured is released into the atmosphere. These uncaptured and unabsorbed harmful substances are called “harmful emissions” or simply “emissions.”

A large number of various harmful substances enter the atmosphere with the flue gases of thermal power plants.

The largest share of them is ash (solid particles), sulfur and nitrogen oxides, emissions of which are standardized and calculated for the future.

Other emissions (CO and CO2) are not taken into account and are not controlled, i.e.

because under normal operating conditions there is no carbon monoxide in emissions from thermal power plants. In this regard, carbon monoxide emissions are not taken into account, as are CO2 dioxide emissions, the volume of which is very large. This gas is non-toxic and in the natural cycle serves as a source of oxygen during plant photosynthesis.

Scientists in a number of countries have noted an increase in the concentration of CO2 in the atmospheric air, which is apparently the result of an increase in its emissions due to the burning of an ever-increasing amount of organic fuel in the world, including at power plants, as well as a reduction in the area of ​​forests due to intensive deforestation in all regions of the Earth, and especially in the river basin.

The Amazon, whose forests are rightfully considered the lungs of the planet. An increase in the concentration of CO2 in the planet’s atmosphere can have a global impact on the planet’s climate, creating the so-called “greenhouse effect”, leading to an increase in average air temperature, melting glaciers, rising sea levels, flooding of vast coastal areas of the Earth and other adverse impacts.

When making an environmental comparison of options for the development of the electric power industry, it should be taken into account that, other things being equal, sources of electricity that burn organic fuels and emit large amounts of CO2 have a certain disadvantage compared to power plants that do not fundamentally affect the creation of the “greenhouse effect”.

These include primarily hydroelectric power plants, as well as nuclear power plants and power plants using alternative sources.

Speaking about the impact on environmental temperature conditions, it seems appropriate to dwell on disturbances in the thermal balance as a result of direct heat emissions associated with the operation of power plants.

Almost all the thermal energy released when using fuel (both organic and nuclear) goes to replenish the thermal balance of the planet and, naturally, the balance of the local area in which the power plant is located.

When burning organic fuel, the environment additionally receives the thermal energy that has been accumulated in it over millions of years of the Earth’s existence.

The additional flow of heat into the environment is primarily due to the imperfection of the process of converting thermal energy into electrical energy (the conversion efficiency for conventional thermal power plants is at the level of 35%, and for nuclear power plants 30%). There are thermal losses in electrical networks (8-10%), losses in the process of converting electricity into mechanical, thermal energy, etc.

When comparing the impact of various sources of electricity on the environment, it is necessary to take into account only that increase in heat in the overall heat balance of the Earth or region, which is associated with different conditions for the use of primary energy resources.

In this regard, the cleanest sources are hydroelectric power plants, which have virtually no effect on the Earth's heat balance.

They essentially make it possible to usefully use only that renewable part of solar energy that constantly reaches the Earth and forms its natural thermal balance.

When creating hydroelectric power stations, a significant part of the potential energy of a watercourse is converted into electrical energy, which is usefully spent in the national economy.

The efficiency of hydroelectric power stations is high and is at the level of 90-95%.

A thermal power plant to produce the same amount of electricity requires the use of non-renewable energy accumulated in fuel, which, to the extent of its scale, upsets the thermal balance of the planet.

The thermal balance of nuclear power plants is even worse.

The useful energy of modern nuclear power plants is only 1/3 of the energy released as a result of nuclear reactions.

The power unit of a nuclear power plant with a capacity of 1 million kW has a thermal power of 3 million kW. Accordingly, with the development of nuclear power plants, the amount of heat input into the Earth’s balance increases and, concentrated, into the heat balance of the area where the nuclear power plant is located.

A huge amount of waste thermal energy from thermal power plants and nuclear power plants is a potential resource for its beneficial use.

There are currently no reliable methods for assessing the real contribution of heat emissions from thermal power plants and nuclear power plants to global warming of the Earth's climate.

Therefore, when comparing options for the development of the electric power industry, the contribution of power plants to the disturbance of the Earth’s thermal balance can be taken into account only qualitatively, bearing in mind that only hydroelectric power plants are practically clean in this regard, and among thermal power plants and nuclear power plants, preference in this indicator should be given to thermal power plants using organic fuels.

Among traditional sources of electricity, hydroelectric power plants have the least impact.

The great advantage of hydroelectric power plants is also that their impact is limited to local areas of reservoirs and that they use only renewable energy from the watercourse, do not require fuel bases and fuel transportation, and do not consume non-renewable minerals.

Among the adverse impacts of hydroelectric power stations, the main one is the flooding of vast territories, which determines the ecological face of hydroelectric power stations.

The number of negative environmental impacts from unconventional electricity sources is generally small, with the exception of geothermal power plants.

The increase in power and electricity generation, necessary to meet the increase in consumer demand for electricity, creates the preconditions for increasing the negative impact of the electric power industry on the environment.

Additional impacts may be expressed in the withdrawal of land and water resources, pollution of land, water and air.

In this regard, one of the most important problems of environmental optimization of the development of the electric power industry is the comprehensive reduction of these impacts using various environmental measures.

Among environmental protection measures in the electric power industry, two fundamentally different groups can be distinguished.

The first of them includes technical measures carried out at electric power facilities and helping to reduce harmful emissions and discharges there, reduce the concentration of harmful substances, as well as resource conservation, recycling of production waste, etc.

The second group of environmental measures may include those that ensure a reduction in the negative impact on the environment by optimizing the fuel and energy balance of the electric power industry, optimizing the structure and location of power plants.

The capabilities of the first group of environmental protection measures are determined by technical progress in power engineering, the quality of the development of design solutions for electric power facilities, the completeness of taking into account environmental protection requirements when designing, and the economic and social acceptability of the proposed solutions.

The activities of the second group are studied and applied taking into account the fact that the activities of the first group are fully implemented at the facilities, i.e.

The activities of the second group do not replace, but complement the complex of activities of the first group. The capabilities of the second group of environmental measures in structural optimization are determined by the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the fuel and energy resources of the region under consideration, a set of alternative sources that can be used to cover the increase in electricity consumption (hydroelectric power plants, nuclear power plants, state district power plants, etc.), their location, environmental and economic characteristics.

The conditions for optimizing the development and placement of electric power facilities can be significantly influenced by the state of the environment in the area, including the availability of land and water resources, and the level of background environmental pollution.

Obviously, in the case of an increased level of environmental pollution, conditions may arise under which placing a power plant here without violating sanitary standards will be impossible, even if all available measures of the first group are used. In this case, a radical means of protecting nature in a given area may be the removal of the power plant to another, more environmentally favorable area, or a change in the type of fuel or type of power plant.

It is important to emphasize that in any options for the development and location of power plants, with any set of environmental protection measures on site, it is mandatory to ensure standards for the protection of the natural environment and human safety.

From the foregoing it follows that the implementation of systemic measures largely depends on the specific characteristics of the region under consideration, which in each individual case must be studied individually.

The nature of our planet is very diverse and inhabited by unique species of plants, animals, birds and microorganisms. All this diversity is closely interconnected and allows our planet to maintain and maintain a unique balance between different forms of life.

In contact with

Human impact on the environment

From the very first days of man's appearance, he began to influence the environment. And with the invention of more and more new tools, human civilization has increased its impact to truly enormous proportions. And at present, several important questions have arisen before humanity: how does man influence nature? What human actions harm the soil that provides us with our staple foods? What is the influence of man on the atmosphere we breathe?

Currently, man’s impact on the world around him not only contributes to the development of our civilization, but also often leads to the fact that the appearance of the planet undergoes significant changes: rivers are drained and dry up, forests are cut down, new cities and factories appear in place of plains, to please new transport routes destroy mountains.

With the rapid increase in the Earth's population, humanity requires more and more food, and with the rapid growth of production technologies, the production capacity of our civilization is also growing, requiring more and more new resources for processing and consumption, and the development of more and more new territories.

Cities are growing, seizing more and more land from nature and displacing their natural inhabitants: plants and animals.

This is interesting: in the chest?

Main reasons

The reasons for the negative impact of humans on nature are:

All these factors have a significant and sometimes irreversible impact on the world around us. And more and more often a person is faced with the question: what consequences will such influence ultimately lead to? Will we eventually turn our planet into a waterless desert, unsuitable for existence? How can a person minimize the negative consequences of his influence on the world around him? The contradictory impact of people on the natural environment is now becoming a subject of discussion at the international level.

Negative and contradictory factors

In addition to the obvious positive impact of humans on the environment, there are also significant disadvantages of such interaction:

  1. Destruction of large areas of forests by cutting them down. This influence is associated, first of all, with the development of the transport industry - people require more and more highways. In addition, wood is actively used in the paper industry and other industries.
  2. Wide use of chemical fertilizers in agriculture actively contributes to rapid soil pollution.
  3. Widely developed network of industrial production with its own emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere and water They not only cause environmental pollution, but also contribute to the death of entire species of fish, birds and plants.
  4. Rapidly growing cities and industrial centers significantly affect changes in the external living conditions of animals, a reduction in their natural habitat and a reduction in the populations of various species themselves.

Also, one cannot ignore man-made disasters that can cause irreversible harm not just to an individual species of flora or fauna, but to entire areas of the planet. For example, after the famous accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, to this day a large area of ​​Ukraine is uninhabitable. The radiation level in this area exceeds the maximum permissible standards by tens of times.

Also, a leak of radiation-contaminated water from a nuclear power plant reactor in the city of Fukushima could lead to an environmental disaster on a global scale. The damage that this heavy contaminated water could cause to the ecological system of the world's oceans would be simply irreparable.

And the construction of conventional hydroelectric power plants causes no less harm to the environment. After all, their construction requires the construction of a dam and the flooding of a large area of ​​adjacent fields and forests. As a result of such human activity, not only the river and the surrounding areas suffer, but also the wildlife living in these areas.

In addition, many people thoughtlessly throw away garbage, polluting not only the soil, but also the waters of the world’s oceans with their waste. After all, light debris does not sink and remains on the surface of the water. And given that some types of plastic take more than a decade to decompose, such floating “islands of dirt” make it much more difficult for marine and river life to obtain oxygen and sunlight. Therefore, entire populations of fish and animals have to migrate in search of new, more suitable territories. And many of them die in the search process.

Deforestation on mountain slopes makes them susceptible to erosion; as a result, the soil becomes loose, which can lead to destruction of the mountain range.

And people treat vital supplies of fresh water negligently - daily polluting freshwater rivers with sewage and industrial waste.

Of course, the existence of humans on the planet brings considerable benefits to it. In particular, it is people who carry out activities aimed at improving the ecological situation in the environment. On the territory of many countries, people organize nature reserves, parks and sanctuaries, which allow not only to preserve the surrounding nature in its natural, pristine form, but also contribute to the preservation and increase in populations of rare and endangered species of animals and birds.

Special laws have been created to protect rare representatives of the nature around us from destruction. There are special services, funds and centers that fight the destruction of animals and birds. Specialized associations of ecologists are also being created, whose task is to fight to reduce emissions into the atmosphere that are harmful to the environment.

Security organizations

One of the most famous organizations fighting for nature conservation is Greenpease is an international organization, created to preserve the environment for our descendants. Greenpease employees set themselves several main tasks:

  1. Fighting ocean pollution.
  2. Significant restrictions on whaling.
  3. Reducing the scale of deforestation of taiga in Siberia and much more.

With the development of civilization, humanity must look for alternative sources of energy: solar or cosmic, to preserve life on Earth. The construction of new canals and artificial water systems aimed at maintaining soil fertility is also of great importance for preserving the nature around us. And to keep the air clean, many enterprises install specially designed filters to reduce the level of pollutants released into the atmosphere.

This reasonable and caring attitude towards the world around us clearly has only a positive impact on nature.

Every day the positive impact of man on nature is increasing, and this cannot but affect the ecology of our entire planet. That is why the human struggle for the preservation of rare species of flora and fauna and the preservation of rare plant species is so important.

Humanity has no right to disrupt the natural balance through its activities and lead to the depletion of natural resources. To do this, it is necessary to control the extraction of mineral resources, carefully monitor and take care of the fresh water reserves on our planet. And it is very important to remember that it is we who are responsible for the world around us and how our children and grandchildren will live depends on us!

Negative is any impact on the environment that requires any reaction of the biosphere or its subsystems to restore ecological balance on a local, regional or global scale, or, moreover, leading to an irreversible change in the environment at any of these three levels.

Negative impacts on the environment from a specific source are divided into local (that is, affecting its condition only within a relatively small area - a city, suburbs, adjacent areas) and regional (territories extending several hundred or even thousands of kilometers). In addition, global impacts that determine the deterioration of the biosphere as a whole are considered (that is, disturbances in global ecological balances). They do not correspond to a separate source, but are always summative. Regional impacts are also usually considered in a generalized manner, that is, as a result of the influence of a combination of sources.

Local are, as a rule, pollution of water bodies of local importance, air pollution with heavy particles settling on the surface at a short distance from the source, or short-lived substances that quickly decompose in the atmosphere, or substances whose concentration, with distance from the source, quickly decreases to the value , which does not pose a threat to human health and ecosystems. Solid waste disposal is usually also local pollution (except when it has a regional effect through interaction with long-distance watercourses). Groundwater pollution is always local at first. However, over time, due to the movement of groundwater (for example, migration of lenses of oil products) and their penetration into surface waters, it may acquire a regional character. Local impacts include noise and electromagnetic radiation, as well as local contamination with radionuclides. Local environmental disturbances, including the accumulation of pollution, are often caused by the destruction of local ecosystems (primarily forest and water). In turn, the destruction or degradation of ecosystems can be the result of pollution.

Negative impacts on the environment at the regional level are associated primarily with the transport of pollution through the air over long distances and long watercourses. The best known example of regional impacts is the release of sulfur and nitrogen oxides, leading to acid rain over large areas.

In particular, the transboundary transport of such pollution from European countries by winds prevailing in the European part of Russia in the western and northwestern directions is a significant negative factor for the environment of this region.

Global impacts include those that affect the Earth’s climate system and the state of the ozone layer, and also predetermine the decline in biodiversity, the process of desertification, pollution of the World Ocean, and the accumulation of persistent organic pollutants that spread (including through food chains) almost throughout the world. The most significant of the global impacts is the destruction of natural ecosystems, which leads to the opening of the cycles of substances associated with the system of life on Earth, to environmental degradation, the weakening of the biosphere’s ability to self-regulate, and the inability of ecosystems to cope with the growing flow of anthropogenic pollution.

The biosphere as a whole and its constituent ecosystems at various levels have the ability to self-regulate and self-heal. Therefore, a huge number of negative impacts on the biosphere and ecosystems are successfully compensated by their responses. However, the ability of each ecosystem and the biosphere as a whole (global ecosystem) to compensate for impacts is not unlimited. The total amount of impact on any ecosystem should not exceed the permissible limit - the so-called carrying capacity (they also say ecological, economic capacity) of this ecosystem. Otherwise, it goes into a depressed state, begins to degrade and ultimately loses its ability to self-heal, dies or transforms into a less productive ecosystem.

On 06/07/2016, the Regulation on confirming the elimination of the negative impact on the environment of waste disposal facilities (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation), approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 26, 2016 No. 467 (hereinafter referred to as Resolution No. 467), came into force.

The specified regulatory legal act was issued in development of clause 6 of Art. 23 of Federal Law No. 89-FZ of June 24, 1998 “On Production and Consumption Waste” (as amended on July 3, 2016; hereinafter referred to as Federal Law No. 89-FZ), exempting payers of fees for negative environmental impact (hereinafter referred to as NVOS ) (in terms of waste disposal) from the obligation to calculate and pay the appropriate fee when placing waste at a waste disposal facility (hereinafter referred to as the WDF), which does not provide NVOS.

from Federal Law No. 89-FZ

Article 23. Payment for negative impact on the environment when disposing of waste

6. When placing waste at waste disposal sites that do not have a negative impact on the environment, no fee is charged for the negative impact on the environment.
7. Elimination of negative impact on the environment of waste disposal sites [...] confirmed by monitoring results state of the environment […]. Confirmation procedure eliminating the negative impact on the environment of waste disposal facilities established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Despite the short period of existence, the listed norms have become overgrown with myths.

In particular, many resource users believe that the application of the above provisions of the legislation is possible only if the condition is met that the disposed waste is generated in the course of the activities of the person who owns the waste disposal waste used.

Note that the above statement is erroneous. The legislation does not link the exemption from the obligation to pay fees for waste disposal to the ownership of the waste disposal facility where the waste is disposed.

In other words, waste can be transferred for disposal by the “generator” of waste (with the exception of municipal solid waste; hereinafter referred to as MSW) at any waste disposal facility.


In this article, we analyze cases in which the subject of payment for waste disposal is the person whose activities generate waste.

At the same time, when preparing the material, it was taken into account that in accordance with paragraph 4 of Art. 23 of Federal Law No. 89-FZ, payment for environmental waste when disposing of waste (with the exception of MSW) is carried out by individual entrepreneurs and legal entities whose economic and (or) other activities generate waste.

According to paragraph 5 of Art. 23 of Federal Law No. 89-FZ, payers of fees for the NVOS when placing MSW are operators for handling MSW, regional operators carrying out activities for their placement.

At the same time, for the purpose of exemption from fees for waste disposal, it is necessary that the exclusion (absence) of NVOS be confirmed in relation to such waste.

The ownership of the waste disposal facility by one person or another does not have any significance for the purpose of exempting the “generator” of waste from paying for the NVOS when placing waste at a facility that excludes the NVOS.

To illustrate, let us consider typical situations associated with the disposal of waste (except for MSW) at an waste disposal facility that excludes NVOS.

1. Situation 1

2. The “generator” of waste (who is also the owner of the waste disposal facility) confirms (for the first time based on the results of 2016) the exclusion of NVOS during the operation of the waste disposal facility in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.


Situation 2

1. The “generator” of waste does not have a waste disposal facility belonging to it, and therefore the waste generated by it (with the exception of MSW) is transferred for disposal to a facility owned by another person (the subject of payment for waste placement is the person during whose activities the waste was generated).

2. The owner of the ORO confirms (for the first time following the results of 2016) the exclusion of NVOS during the operation of the ORO in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation;

3. The “generator” of waste has the right to be exempt from paying fees for waste disposal at a waste disposal facility that excludes the NVOS (applicable to 2016).

So, as we indicated, the only condition to relieve the subject of payment for waste disposal from the obligation to pay a fee for waste disposal at a waste disposal facility that excludes waste disposal, is confirmation of the exclusion of the NVOS.

How is confirmation of the exclusion of the NVOS verified?

First of all, we note that it is impossible to initiate the procedure for confirming the exclusion of NVOS during the operation of an ORO without the participation of the person operating the ORO.

In accordance with clause 6 of the Regulations, it is this person who must prepare a report on the results of monitoring, containing data confirming the exclusion of the NEVOS of waste disposal sites.


It is curious that the Regulations do not specify who has the right to submit this report to the territorial body of Rosprirodnadzor. That is, even one of the consumers of the landfill services could potentially act as an applicant. True, the report submitted by him to the territorial body of Rosprirodnadzor must be prepared by the person operating the OPO. Of course, it is better if this report is submitted to the territorial body of Rosprirodnadzor by the person operating the OPO.

However, in order not to depend on the good will of the person operating the waste disposal facility, you can add a condition in advance to the contract with him that he is obliged to take actions related to confirming the exclusion of NVOS when operating the waste disposal facility (including contacting the territorial body of Rosprirodnadzor) - of course , if the analyzes carried out confirm the fact of exclusion of the NVOS - and (or) the condition that the person operating the ORO is obliged to submit to the counterparty a report on the monitoring results within a certain period of time (previously January 15) (which, in extreme cases, the counterparty can submit to the territorial body of Rosprirodnadzor independently).


It would be a good idea to monitor the employees of the company operating the OPO. In the situation under consideration, those persons whose activities generated waste (with the exception of MSW) located at this landfill have a monetary interest first of all. Perhaps, for the company operating the waste disposal facility, the price of the issue is only a few hundred rubles in fees for the disposal of its own waste, for the sake of which the company’s employees will be too lazy (or simply afraid) to once again contact the body that carries out state environmental supervision.

It is important to note that the Regulations understand by the person operating the ORO to be precisely the person who is the owner of the ORO or in whose possession or use the ORO is located (this follows from clause 2 of the Regulations).

Actions of the OPO owner aimed at justifying the exclusion of negative impacts

1. Preliminary monitoring state of the environment in the territories of waste disposal sites and within the limits of their impact on the environment.

2. Formation of monitoring results, confirmed by instrumental measurements performed to determine the quality:

Atmospheric air - at the border of the land plot on which the ORO is located;

Soil - on the border of the land plot on which the ORO is located;

Waters of surface water bodies - at the point of release of wastewater entering the water body from the waste disposal facility;

Waters of groundwater bodies - on the border of the land plot on which the ORO is located, in the direction of the flow of groundwater.

3. Preparation in two copies (on paper) and in an electronic version of a report on the results of monitoring, containing data confirming the exclusion of environmental impact assessments of waste disposal sites.

4. Annual submission (by January 15) with a covering letter of one paper copy and one electronic copy of the report on the results of monitoring to the territorial body of Rosprirodnadzor at the location of the waste disposal facility.

from the Regulations

10. The territorial body of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources, within a period not exceeding 30 days from the date of receipt of the report, compares the information contained in it with the available data on the state and pollution of the environment on the territory of the waste disposal facility and within the limits of its impact on the environment Wednesday [...].
Based on the results of this comparison, the territorial body of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources within a week accepts confirmation decision(non-confirmation) eliminating the negative impact on the environment of the waste disposal facility And informs about this, the person who submitted the report, electronically or by mail.

Thus, two parties to the relationship should be aware of the fact of confirmation of the exclusion of the environmental impact of the environmental impact of the waste disposal facility:

1) the territorial body of Rosprirodnadzor, which made the decision to confirm the exclusion of the NVOS of the waste disposal facility;

2) to the person in whose possession or use the ORO is located:

. to the person who sent to the territorial body of Rosprirodnadzor monitoring results report the state of the environment in the territories of waste disposal sites and within the limits of their impact on the environment;

. received from the territorial body of Rosprirodnadzor information about making a confirmation decision exclusion of the NVOS of the waste disposal facility.

In other words, waste can be transferred for disposal by the “generator” of waste (with the exception of municipal solid waste; hereinafter referred to as MSW) at any waste disposal facility.

At the same time, “generators” of waste, who have the right to be exempt from the obligation to pay for NWOS when placing waste at a facility (including someone else’s) that excludes NWOS, will by default be unaware of the results of interaction between the owner of the WWW and the territorial body of Rosprirodnadzor.

How can a waste generator obtain the necessary information?

There are two ways to obtain relevant information.

Method 1

Send a request to the territorial body of Rosprirodnadzor to provide information regarding confirmation of the exclusion in such and such a calendar year of the NVOS of the waste disposal facility to which the waste generated by the economic entity is transferred.

Method 2

Send a request to the owner of the waste disposal facility (who is the counterparty of the “generator” of the waste) about the receipt (or non-receipt) by the owner of the waste disposal facility of information on the adoption by the territorial body of Rosprirodnadzor of a decision to confirm the exclusion of the NVOS of the waste disposal facility.

It is also advisable to request from the counterparty a copy of the relevant information letter from the territorial body of Rosprirodnadzor.

Let us recall that in the absence of additional information, it is advisable to implement both options for requesting information in such a way that it is permissible to generate a response after February 21 the year following the reporting year, taking into account that:

A report on the monitoring results is submitted by the owners of the OPO to the territorial body of Rosprirodnadzor before January 15 of the year following the reporting year;

The territorial body of Rosprirodnadzor is given 30 days to verify the submitted data and 7 days to make a decision on confirming the exclusion of the NVOS of the waste disposal site.

However, of course, there is no prohibition on submitting a report on monitoring results earlier than January 15 (for example, January 10). Likewise, there is no prohibition on early completion by the territorial body of Rosprirodnadzor of verification of the submitted data (for example, on January 24).

We think that in practice, to clarify the issue, it will be most convenient not only to enter into correspondence, but also to maintain contact with a representative of the company that owns the ORO (in order to promptly receive news about the passage of documents).

It should be noted that by virtue of clause 3 of Art. 16.4 of the Federal Law of January 10, 2002 No. 7-FZ “On Environmental Protection” (as amended on July 3, 2016; hereinafter referred to as Federal Law No. 7-FZ), a fee for the NVOS at the end of the year must be paid no later than March 1(i.e., if you focus strictly on February 22, you may not have time to receive a response by the deadline, which will entail the need to choose between the risk of prosecution under Article 8.41 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses (as amended on July 6, 2016; further - Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation) plus the payment of a fine or the risk of spending excess funds, the return of which from the budget is usually not quick or simple (and most importantly, the reasons for this situation will have to be explained to management).

To summarize, it should be noted that if the waste “generator” does not have reliable data that the exclusion of NVOS has been confirmed in relation to the waste disposal facility on which the waste it generates is disposed, such waste “generator” has no grounds for not paying a fee for waste disposal calculated at the end of the reporting year.


Failure by the payer - the “generator” of waste (with the exception of MSW) - to pay for the NVOS when disposing of waste, based only on the payer’s assumptions about the absence of NVOS provided by the waste disposal facility, may have the following consequences if, in fact, the exclusion of the NVOS of the waste disposal facility turns out to be not confirmed:

The risk of being brought to administrative responsibility - failure to pay the fee for the NVOS within the established time frame is the basis for bringing a person to administrative responsibility under Art. 8.41 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation;

Economic risks—according to clause 4 of Art. 16.4 of Federal Law No. 7-FZ, for each calendar day of delay in terms of failure to pay the payment for the tax assessment, a penalty is charged in the amount of one three hundredth of the key rate of the Bank of Russia (but not more than two tenths of a percent for each day of delay).

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