Have aliens from the underground anti-world seized power on Earth? Alien ultimatum or final warning? Aliens are taking over the earth.

Original taken from titanium3d Aliens will take over the Earth very soon

Former NASA director Charles Bolden said that in a few months the Earth will be invaded by aliens.

Bolden, a veteran of space flights on the Columbia shuttle,
Discovery and Atlantis. He has more than 680 hours in space. In 2009, he was appointed director of NASA.

Bolden believes that there are at least 30 thousand alien civilizations in the Universe.
According to him, aliens can take over the Earth at any time. But the exact date of the invasion
He didn’t have time to voice the aliens, as he was taken away from the conference by two strong NASA employees.

Previously, NASA astronaut Leroy Chiao argued that aliens have been living on Earth for a long time,
People just can't see them because they don't want to.

According to the astronaut, humanoids are now in a state of suspended animation and could remain in it for a long time,
but they will have to wake up ahead of schedule because of the big apocalypse that awaits earthlings in 200 years. After his forced awakening,
aliens from outer space will live together with people.
The astronaut first began to suspect the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence during his flights into space.

His NASA colleague Buzz Aldrin completely agrees with him.

How to take over the Earth
and not screw it up?

John Davis

“How many animals do you think know that they are in a zoo? Moreover, at least for those who were born in a zoo, how can they understand what life in the wild is like? What is a non-zoo? Did you know that there is only a 5% difference in DNA between you and the goat at the petting zoo?

So I'm leaning towards Neil deGrasse Tyson's opinion. One of the scariest thoughts he voices is: “If the difference between us and chimpanzees is only 1%, but the monkeys are not able to resist us, does that mean that we have no chance of stopping the takeover of the planet, even if the aliens are like us? » His other thought: maybe they are so smart that they have already done it. The smartest chimpanzees can behave like five-year-old children. Perhaps the smartest people on earth are infants in intelligence compared to aliens. What if they're so smart that they keep us in some kind of fantasy human zoo, and we're too stupid to understand it? And how could we understand this? How does a monkey know it's in a zoo?

So, yes, I think they won't have to travel 90 billion light years to have a war around the Earth. Instead, they will study us, test us for problem solving, subject us to stressful situations, and probably look at our strange mating rituals in their own Animal Planet version. If they are good, this option makes sense.”

Eriel Williams

"Maybe aliens will be a carbon-based life form, and even our biology will be similar, but what we will most likely definitely differ in is the combinations of amino acids. What does it mean? That all the biological material of the Earth will be poisonous for them, and vice versa.

There are many ways to reassemble amino acid chains and adapt life on Earth to new inhabitants. If where aliens live, at least some elements are different from ours, this means that their entire world, the entire spectrum of molecules and their compounds, has been changed. Just a little bit of a semi-rare element on the surface, ammonia or boron (I took these two elements absolutely by accident), and everything will be different.

There are many foods that are poisonous to even most species on Earth. For aliens this could be an even higher percentage. Their biology will likely be different from ours. This is good news because they definitely won't want to eat us or our delicious cows, chickens, pigs, fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts and coffee. But there is also bad news: this means that they do not need living forms on Earth. This means that it would be ideal to do everything in such a way that humanity would not even understand that it is under attack. For example, irradiate the planet and make it uninhabitable for any life except alien life.”

So, a few assumptions:

Aliens flew to us for a long time, which means they could potentially survive for a long time in deep space. Even at the speed of light, the journey would take many years, and they are likely significantly slower. Consequently, aliens know how to extract material from asteroids for their huge ships and fuel for travel.

Aliens have a different biology (compared to ours), and they do not have the opportunity to eat our food and suffer from our diseases.

They are here to colonize Earth, as it is a perfect garden in the circumstellar habitable zone around their star and has a similar gravity to their home planet.

They want to colonize our planet because it has a rocky body, good gravity, liquid water in all three states and a large moon that holds meteorite impacts. In real estate, the three most important things are location, location and location. This is even more important for life in space. They don't want us or our plants and food, they want water, air, sun and Earth.

Stage one: destroy
The most dangerous species is people:

Without attracting attention, collect samples and samples of many life forms and organisms. Small robotic probes can do this without being detected. They may be no larger than an insect.

Create artificial viruses to wipe out almost every person on the face of the Earth. Remember what I said about amino acids? This could also mean that the virus probably wouldn't be dangerous to aliens if it was designed correctly. States are afraid to use biological weapons because they can be easily turned against their people, but with a body that does not react to chemicals, this is not a problem.

A virus like this, targeting key organisms in the food chain, could kill the rest of life. You can start with plankton, bees and livestock. Without plankton, the inhabitants of the ocean will die, and without pollinators, living creatures on the surface will die. The only reason to kill cows and pigs is to hasten the death of humanity.

As the human population declines and becomes less stable, wars may break out. Small communities will hide in bunkers and secret safe places, which will reduce the possibility of their development. Many weapon systems will be used remotely. It will be necessary to put weapons into orbit to limit the chance of the use of nuclear or chemical weapons by the population of the Earth. The likelihood of such a situation is not very high, but you need to be prepared for anything. Radioactive contamination is dangerous for everyone, even aliens.

Stage two: clean the surface

Take three large meteorites and send them to Earth, expecting them to reach the planet in 1-3 years. Let one be stone, 20–50 km in diameter, the other two - 10–20 km each, on an iron-nickel base. Place the iron-nickel meteorites in a different orbit that doesn't cross Earth, but be sure to equip them with thrusters to correct the orbit when needed. But a large rocky asteroid will go to Earth. Ideally, he will be there in a year at such a speed that people will not notice anything.

This can be arranged simultaneously with the epidemic. People will not be able to react quickly due to the chaos associated with it. Most conservative theories suggest that humanity needs between 3 and 10 years to stop the epidemic.

When the first meteorite approaches the Earth, you need to arrange several controlled explosions on its surface and break it into small pieces that will fall to different regions and to different continents. 10–20 pieces will be enough. This would eliminate almost all remaining humans and most of the ecosystem.

We launch the second meteorite towards the Earth. This is a planet killer. Large and strong enough to send earth and water into the sky and create an eternal winter, but not so huge that it would throw water into orbit or melt the crust. The water must be redistributed, turning first into steam. Eternal winter will destroy everything that was fed by photosynthesis.

Repeat the same with the third meteorite a year later. At the end of the year, most of the water mixed with the earth will return to the planet and the Sun will be visible again. Continue repeating the process until all life dependent on photosynthesis (plants and animals) has died.

Stage three: clean up and move in

During the Ice Age, a targeted sterilization program begins. Any people remaining in the deep bunkers will be found and destroyed. All nuclear weapons have been removed or dismantled. Special programs will begin to destroy any unpleasant life forms that miraculously survived the winter.

Any materials that were present in large concentrations on the home planet will be mined from asteroids and introduced to Earth during severe storms during the Ice Age. Chemical compounds would be produced to absorb any chemicals found more frequently on Earth that would interfere with alien flora and fauna.

After winter, it is necessary to begin the production of greenhouses for cultivating seeds of plants native to the alien environment and the aliens themselves. This large-scale project will be expanded and the seeds will be grown in ideal conditions. They will be able to provide enough food to feed the population.

A core of 100-200 aliens could completely fill the Earth using frozen embryos and sperm equivalents from 10-30 thousand aliens. This would prevent inbreeding and create viable genetic diversity in a very small space compared to relocating 5-10 thousand pairs to Earth. 5-10 thousand is the minimum viable genetic diversity, if we take statistics on the creatures of the Earth as a basis.

Repeat with several hundred ships, each with 100-200 colonists and 10-30 thousand fertilization samples. After 100,000 years, the species could successively spread to most of the Galaxy using this method.

Representatives of a foreign civilization in dream scenes in which they arrive on their “plate”, come into contact with the sleeping person, take him onto their “ship”, conduct their experiments on him, or have to run away from them. At the same time, the sleeper always feels inexplicable fear, increased anxiety, restlessness, and less often horror. This indicates negative influences on the sleeping person from the waking side, or they report a period of internal emotional imbalance, contradictions, and doubts. Lucifophages often disguise themselves as aliens. How obsessive images are the beginning of a serious mental illness.

Interpretation of dreams from the Mythological Dream Book

It is difficult to unambiguously interpret your dreams. Still, you need to take into account all the details, including those under what circumstances you had dreams, what you are interested in (for example, it is important whether you do meditation or other spiritual practices, etc.) If you interpret dreams about aliens from the point of view of the unconscious, then they dream at difficult moments of fate. When changes occur or are coming, you are afraid of losing your family, losing control over the situation and are unable or unwilling to adapt to the changes. One way or another, the “fight against aliens” is now in full swing on earth, only on an individual basis and on a subtle level (mainly on an unconscious level). The most important thing is not to save the planet, but to first “save” yourself. Pay attention to your inner world, your attitude to current events in life, country, etc. And don’t be afraid! Everything will be fine. Best,

Dream Interpretation - Capture of the planet by aliens!

Your dreams indicate that you are an active person, always striving to do something, to achieve success, showing others your importance, your need, so that they listen to your advice and suggestions. And therefore, in a dream, you are fighting with aliens (in real life - difficulties) and taking some measures. You are a good family man and you are constantly worried about the well-being of your family. Good luck.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Fate has prepared a lot of difficulties and troubles for you, but you will cope with them safely. In the near future, all you will do is awaken the conscience of your neighbors, and you will do this persistently and in an aggressive manner. Perhaps you will be sad and mopey.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Hostage taking, escape

Good afternoon, Esther! “... It’s like I’m doing an internship in a hospital (this can’t happen in life, because I’m not a doctor and have nothing to do with medicine). “- I’ve already previously written in interpretations of your dreams that things should happen to you changes in life, and you are being pushed towards this. These changes must be drastic, something you are not used to and do not even imagine about yourself. “But here I was sent by some responsible person to this particular hospital - a large, multi-story, crowded institution. I walk around the wards, check for the presence of something, communicate with people - I feel like I’m in business” - just if you feel your mental and emotional state of this moment, you will be able to understand what awaits you. “I remember a moment: an elderly woman (one of the patients) talked about her financial difficulties, and I thought, should I lend her money?” - You will have to help people. "but I remembered that all my cash was in a different currency than the one in circulation here.... Then I remember the syringe in my hands, I used it ineptly... And that woman repaid the debt (which means I still gave her the money) " - but this help of yours will not be of a material nature. “By the night, tired, I lay down on the couch in the corridor and was just about to fall asleep when 2 or 3 men appeared. They behaved unbridledly and immediately declared us all hostages. I tried to sneak away from them unnoticed, but failed. Right there in the corridor I They sat me down again, covering their eyes with a rag." - You are bothered by the problem that you asked me about in the mail, don’t think that you forgot, I’m analyzing your question, it’s just complicated. “But I decided to try to leave openly; I tore off the bandage from my head and ran! I jumped into some room (there was a guy and a girl there), asked where the exit was. They said there was a door, but there was no exit behind it. I answered, that I would go there anyway, because I can’t go back. I went, taking this couple with me. Behind the door there was a convenient exit to the street. There we separated - I told the guy to run one way and contact the police, and myself (with the girl ) decided to run a different route so as not to get caught by the bandits' accomplices all at once." - You, subconsciously, understand your problem and are trying to free yourself. “The girl couldn’t run, I had to drag her by the collar.” - this problem is connected with some wrong action in your life, and is a karmic punishment, so you have to atone for it with your actions. And most likely this should be done through helping people. “Soon we saw elderly people sitting at a table. There were several landline phones on the table. I rushed to them, but all of them (phones) turned out to be non-working. A young woman appeared with a telephone, I approached her, begging her to let me call. She first called herself for her own needs, then, without interrupting the call, she gave the phone to me, saying, “This is the police, speak up.” From the emotions I experienced, I burst into tears (although I felt relief from being freed) and spoke into the phone through tears. I didn’t have time to receive an answer, I woke up...” - I think that everything will be fine for you, but you will have to put in a lot of effort. God bless you!

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Hostage taking, escape

You were entrusted with some task in which you are not an expert, “not able to use a syringe,” and you agreed to this event and are ready to spend your energy “borrow money,” but nothing good will come of this event for you, because you found themselves hostage to this event, and even requests for help did not find a response, everyone “helped” in their own opinion as best they could and in whatever way they could. Some sent me down the wrong path, others gave me a phone number after doing their business. The solution is not visible in your dream, perhaps this is a warning dream, and you should be careful about proposals in which you have no experience. Good luck!

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Hostage taking, escape

The dream most likely indicates that you will be under the influence of certain circumstances, from which it will be very difficult to escape: terrorists, non-working phones. Perhaps something will be connected with medicine, with some disease. Someone will pay you back - something positive you have done in life. The fact that you were sent to work by certain authorities probably means that you cannot control yourself in this situation. On the other hand, in a dream you are told that there is no exit behind the door, but you still find it - this is a positive sign. Then you literally drag that girl along with you - this is someone or something that opposes you in your quest for liberation. Think of this dream as an indication of some unfavorable circumstances in your life that are interfering with you, which you cannot change, but which you can resist. Good luck!

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Thus, one of the spiritual leaders of humanity - the Dalai Lama - during a speech to students in the USA, at the University of Portland, without a hint of a smile, said that very soon we will meet with aliens, and called on everyone to be mentally prepared for this. The fact is that the appearance of aliens can shock earthlings. However, this meeting will change the life of our planet from all points of view.

“Essentially, they are the same as us. Aliens feel things the same way as we do, even if they are different in appearance,” says the Dalai Lama.

Dalai Lama / Shutterstock

Around the same time, former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellier said in a television interview that he knew for sure that aliens exist. The 90-year-old politician said that in 1961, a flotilla of 50 flying saucers arrived on Earth, which was recorded by the armed forces of several European countries, Russia and Canada. It turned out that there are now representatives of about 80 different extraterrestrial civilizations on our planet. People meet with them every 3–4 weeks. Some are taken to their ships, others are taken to other planets. For what purposes is unknown.

When asked what these creatures look like, Hellier said that some of them are like small gray dolls with huge heads, others are tall and light-skinned, similar to people. There are also those who look exactly like us so that they can get lost in the crowd of people. For example, they often dress up as nuns and go shopping in America...

Paul Hellier/Shutterstock

Humanoids generally have close ties with the States. According to a Canadian politician, several aliens work for the US government and share innovative technologies with them.

The rest are simply watching the development of our society, fearing that people will detonate a nuclear bomb, thereby disturbing the balance in the Universe.

Hellier also has a shocking version that the Almighty is also a more developed being of another civilization. They say that the Star of Bethlehem, which showed the Magi the way to the newborn Jesus, was nothing more than a “flying saucer” of God.

Edward Snowden/Shutterstock

The latest evidence of the existence of aliens was the materials of fugitive CIA agent Edward Snowden, who made public some of the secret US documents. It contains, among other things, information that there is indeed a cooperation agreement between the United States government and the “tall white” aliens. And during the Second World War, these same humanoids helped Hitler develop advanced military technologies, for example, to build high-speed submarines in 1940... Snowden also stated that the aliens created a kind of secret regime and control the United States and the whole world at the same time.

Adolf Hitler / Shutterstock

At the same time, the website Whatdoesitmean also supports conspiracy theories and publishes materials that some world leaders have ordered their armies to wipe out entire countries, as well as secret underground nuclear explosions.

Each of us probably sometimes wonders why our ancestors abandoned their ancient faith and why Paradise on Earth was destroyed.
Ancient sources answer this question.

About 30 thousand years ago, there was a cosmic war between the asuras (a civilization of earthling gods) and the dragon “gods,” which is reported in the Bible, the Vedas and the ancient Greek writer Hesiod.
After this war of the gods, our planet was captured by the victorious alien dragons, known in various religions as the forces of Satan (“sS”).

They look like upright reptiles, very similar to humans.
Almost all nations call them the word “dragons.”
Today, some of them are known to us as “men in black” (“men in black”, or “MIBs”), who intervene in all important events in human society.

They become especially active when it comes to epoch-making discoveries.
Then they move from simply intimidating the authors of the discoveries to their physical destruction - if they do not agree to work for them.
According to historical data, in the Paleolithic era the image of dragons is not found, but in the Mesolithic (about 12 thousand years ago) and in the Neolithic (after that) - it appears, moreover, simultaneously throughout the planet and among all peoples.
Among the founders of ancient civilizations (Egyptians, Sumerians, Chinese, Indians, Aztecs, Mayans), among the peoples of the Far North and Australian aborigines, the dragon is one of the main characters in the fine arts.
This rise in creativity can only be explained by one thing: our planet was indeed colonized by a reptoid alien race.
Where are these reptiles today? Or did our ancestors manage to get rid of their “tutelage”?

Ufologists have a photograph of an alien driving a modern car; researcher A.K. writes about meeting him. Prima, and this proves that dragons roam freely along our roads, in cars of our brands, and earthlings perceive them as ordinary people.
It is possible that these invaders of the Earth are using mass hypnosis, described back in the last century, when the eyes see one thing, and the camera captures something completely different.

These reptoids have not gone away: they simply carefully hide their presence on Earth.
It is clear what should be called those who in every possible way hide their presence in human society - and, moreover, try to hide their influence on Humanity.
And not just influence: there is direct control of our views, values ​​and lives. And this is much worse than slavery.

So, for example, in accordance with Einstein’s theory of relativity, the Academies of Sciences of all countries of the world claim that there are no speeds greater than the speed of light, which means that serious space travel is impossible and therefore the Earth cannot be conquered from outside.

However, numerous works by domestic and foreign scientists (for example, academicians of the USSR Academy of Sciences P. Lebedev and V. Cherenkov) have long refuted this.
Thus, Einstein's theory of relativity prohibited people from thinking about space travel and generally led to fundamental errors.
The meaning of this (temporary) achievement of the forces of Satan is that slaves are not allowed to think about distant worlds: they must work and delude themselves so that they can be easily controlled.
Einstein himself turned out to be a blind tool in the hands of the “SS”-sheep.

As it is correctly said in Agni Yoga, “the dark ones are very fond of great intellects.”
Earthlings are also forbidden to know that it is possible to obtain energy from a vacuum and, accordingly, be able to move in space without fuel reserves.

As for the field of physics, there are highly classified works on the influence of certain frequencies on human vision.
Under the influence of these frequencies, a person begins to see objects through.

It is clear that these works are very dangerous for dragon reptiles: then people will be able to see them.
An analysis of the concept of “dragon” shows that this word is associated with the root “to see”: in Sanskrit “to see” is DRS, the Irish “eye” is DERS, in the Greeks DERCOMD is “a glance from under the brows”, and its more ancient meaning is “look of water".
This last circumstance may indicate that in order to detect dragons they need to be viewed from the water.

The period of open draconian slavery in which Humanity found itself is described by the Egyptians, Chinese, Tibetans, American Indians and the peoples of Europe.
The priests sacrificed people and sacred animals to the dragons, who declared themselves gods.
The god-men of that time turned out to be too gullible, and the aliens easily fooled them.
In particular, the dragons managed to enlist the support of even such deities as Indra and Vishnu.
And judging by the way some prominent spiritual figures on Earth extol the Orion civilization, it can be assumed that the dragons came from the constellation Orion or are masquerading as them.

Over the past 50 years, those scientists and politicians who come into contact with ufology report that there is an external influence on Humanity.
The most prominent researchers in this area are John Keel, Jacques Vallee, Brad Steiger, Felix Siegel, A.S. Kuzovkin, V.G. Azhazha - repeatedly emphasized this in their works.
Literally until recently (and this article was written in April 1999), intelligence services of all countries of the world seized all physical traces and evidence of contacts with aliens.

The participants and eyewitnesses of the contact could get into a variety of troubles - from a poltergeist at home to intimidation, a mental hospital and murder - so that they would not tell anything.

After contact, they could also erase the memory of it from their ordinary, daytime consciousness, of which ufology and studies under regressive hypnosis provide a great many examples.

Not a single government in the world has officially recognized the existence of UFOs, although almost all countries in the world have ordered their air defense not to shoot at UFOs, and instructions have been issued to officers in case they encounter them.

Also, not a single government in the world has officially recognized the cases of extraterrestrial civilizations visiting our planet and concluding a secret agreement with some of them.
Therefore, radio and television are practically silent about this.

And, as soon as one of the presidents has a desire to say this, he is immediately overthrown.
For example, a military coup was staged against the President of Grenada immediately after he raised the issue of an alien presence on Earth before the 33rd UN Assembly.

People of lesser rank are simply persecuted, intimidated or killed, as reported, for example, in his “Petition of Charges” by William Cooper, a former military consultant to the US government, who admitted that he worked with aliens on behalf of the US government.
Brad Steiger and a number of other authors write about this.

In Russia, too, there are enough facts of the destruction of politicians and scientists who knew, but did not want to remain silent.
All this suggests that, indeed, our planet has been captured and enslaved by an alien civilization - a real, genuine “dark force”, or in Christian terms - the forces of Satan (“cC”).
The reason is here, and everything else is their tool. And religion correctly says that we live in a fallen world; But she doesn’t fully understand this, because those who understand are silenced by the “sC”-sheep.
(But, since Satan acts “by the permission of God” - as religion says about this; and with this we agree - we write the word “Satan” with a capital letter, out of respect for the Decision of God and for this major figure chosen by Him - E. Levashov)

It is the seizure of the Earth that explains the fact that Humanity is constantly erasing or altering its history, that endless wars occur and there is no genuine social progress.

And if any changes occur, then everything turns against people; Even the less educated segments of the people noticed this.
Scientists and inventors are hampered by discoveries that could improve people's lives - that is, “SS”-sheep are manipulating our well-being and our future.
Through the masses of people who unconsciously serve them, they intensively incite military and military-patriotic psychoses, since the thoughts and feelings of the masses, condensed, “become material force” (V.I. Lenin) - that is, they actually lead to wars, feeding strength with the suffering of people hell (see “Rose of the World” by Dan. Andreev).

The purpose of all this is that the cosmic coalition does not consider the humanity of the earth to be intelligent; so that other civilizations consider humanity aggressive; and so that, in this way, humanity would not be accepted into the cosmic coalition: after all, then the invaders would have to get away from the Earth and transfer control of Humanity into the hands of himself.

As for the Coalition, it has already appealed to Humanity three times with a proposal to join its ranks, not counting the appeals of individual civilizations.
The last time the text of the “Address” was read out was in 1929 on the radio on a wave of 75 meters, in English, Russian, Spanish and Chinese.
The text was read throughout the day. But the forces of Satan got out of it here too.
They calmed down the unrest among the population, who demanded an explanation from the authorities, by presenting it as a radio joke.

The effect desired by the “SS” sheep was achieved, but in Russia (where at that time a grandiose murderous collectivization began) and in China, the authorities did not explain anything to the population at all.

However, at present, the dragons have several enemy civilizations that are interfering with the policy of concealing the presence of dragons on Earth.
This, in particular, was discussed at the First International Symposium on the Problems of Human Survival and Cooperation with Other Civilizations, held in Perm (Russia) in 1996.
Many have seen the film "Autopsy of an Alien", shown on television in the program "UFO: An Unannounced Visit".

They showed an anatomical dissection of a corpse that looked like a human, but was actually a dragon.
The characteristic biological signs of reptiles were visible: the third eyelid (the alien had a black film on his eyes), the absence of a navel and mammary glands.
The media, which are almost completely controlled by reptiles, declared this film a falsification and called for help from their servant-scientists, who brazenly explained to us stupid people that they were showing the autopsy of a freak of a man.

However, everyone saw that the doctors who opened the alien were dressed in protective suits, because strong radiation emanated from this mutant (explanation below).
It should also be borne in mind that the navel in mammals is a characteristic feature of the oviparous class, and this class is included in the order of mammals - that is, animals or people of the Earth.

Pseudo-scientists attracted by the “SS-sheep” explained the absence of a navel as an illness or plastic surgery. They will always find something to say, since they are “scientists”, first of all, in this area...

Spectators saw that the dissected corpse was apparently female and had vestigial mammary glands.
And, since numerous facts are known about the crossing of aliens with people of the earth, it can be assumed that the corpse was precisely a mutant hybrid.
This is also indicated by the presence of six fingers and toes, although modern science knows that the symmetries of Life (the words of Jesus: “I came that they might have Life, and have it more abundantly”) presuppose an odd number in the structure of the limbs.
Even is obtained due to the doubling of chromosomes and is usually caused by artificial means.

Victory of the lunar cult
After capturing our planet, the dragons destroyed the solar cult that our ancestors worshiped. Instead, they planted a lunar cult on Earth.
Written monuments of the history of India, Chaldea, and Egypt brought to us information that there were two dynasties on Earth: divine (solar) and human (lunar).
Behind the latter were alien conquerors of the Earth.
According to E.P. Blavatsky, citing Chaldean and ancient Indian monuments, the dynasty of gods (asuras) ruled for 4,320,000 years.
The lunar cult, according to these sources, finally won on Earth 4004 before the birth of Christ.

Unlike the solar one, the lunar cult involves:
human sacrifices and sacrifices of sacred animals;
collective orgies;
the use of ersatz, that is, wine and vodka, instead of sacred drinks: suritsa, amrita, soma, which were obtained from sprouted seeds, but were not fermented; the use of these drinks by warriors during battle actually helped them withstand a battle that lasted three days and three nights (a phrase often used in Russian folk tales);
in religious services - replacing the original language (Devanagari, which the souls of people spoke and speak) with modern languages ​​incomprehensible to souls. Therefore, our soul no longer understands our consciousness, as a result of which we cannot remember our past lives;

According to Egyptian legends, snake people helped ordinary people in treating diseases, mastering crafts, and were distinguished by their special wisdom. It was they who helped the Egyptians marry all their gods, which immediately weakened the divine egregor of Egypt. They helped them not only marry the gods, but also engage in incest, which led to the degeneration of the Egyptian divine egregor and the entire pharaonic dynasty;
the use of bribery, violence, blackmail, and everything that was completely rejected by our ancestors;
denial of reincarnation, that is, the reincarnation of the human soul into other physical bodies, or belittlement of this phenomenon;
rejection of scientific knowledge;
propaganda of war, murder and all kinds of violence.

All these directions of the lunar cult were needed by the conquerors in order to change the chemistry of memory - so that a person could not remember his past lives and especially his divine incarnations of the times of the Asuras, when people were the rulers of the Universe.
The personification and embodiment of the lunar cult on Earth are the so-called forces of Satan (“sS”), representatives of the civilization of the Draco constellation.
According to E.P. Blavatsky, the word "messiah" translated from Hebrew means "good dragon."

However, in modern dictionaries this word is translated as “anointed”, and this is not correct.
With the help of the so-called messiahs, the forces of Satan create new religions, then their followers are pitted against believers of traditional religions, which leads to wars and the weakening of humanity.
This allows the draconian civilization to maintain its dominance and control over humanity.

Great success for the forces of Satan, wrote N.K. Roerich, is that Satan managed to convince people that he, Satan, does not exist.
Disguising themselves as people and not differing from them in appearance, dragons continue to carry out their dark deeds on Earth.
The Fourth Appeal of aliens to Humanity is trying to reveal this fact to us (see Materials of the 1st International Symposium on the problem of the survival of Humanity and cooperation with other civilizations. - Perm, 1996).

Wars constantly provoked by the forces of Satan, to which humanity sent its best sons; human sacrifices, in which the best representatives of the human race were chosen as victims to the dragon gods; soldering peoples with various ersatz - all this led to the acceleration of the genetic degeneration of man as a species, which is what the forces of Satan are trying to achieve, striving to own the Earth individually.
When worshiping our true gods, egregors, using the energy of people, can take on the appearance of a person.
Today, the gods have begun to appear to humans in the form of dragon-like entities, which means that egregors use the energy of the conquerors.
Can you imagine how many of them there must be on Earth right now for the divine egregor to begin emitting images of dragons!..

The conquerors created a special culture on Earth that prevents people from remembering their past (and, above all, divine) lives.
No wonder Jesus told people: “You are gods.”
With the help of so-called progress, the invaders change everything that should remain unchanged for people: morality, religion, faith, and, at the same time, hinder the development of science, technology and psychotechnics.

Education, music, architecture, fashion are constantly being changed by the forces of Satan, and a person, coming into this world, cannot remember that he has been here more than once: nothing reminds him of this.

Paradise on Earth is almost destroyed by the “sS”-sheep, and people are turned into Ivans who do not remember their kinship.
To prevent the Cosmic Coalition from recognizing Humanity as reasonable, the forces of Satan constantly organize wars on Earth, happily demonstrating to the Cosmos the supposedly aggressive nature of man.

And this demonstration has been going on for about 30 thousand years - the entire period of the occupation of the Earth by dragons.
They have developed plenty of ways to start a war: bribery and blackmail of people in governments, murders of high-ranking people, provocations and prophecies about an impending war, mass hypnotic visions of sacred persons calling for military action, and so on.
But this is just a match; gunpowder is not a war on the material (physical) plane; This is, first of all, a war of languages, cultures and egregors, with the prospect of going even higher - into the war of the gods.

But where did these invaders come from?
The location of the seven Egyptian pyramids and the Sphinx is an exact projection of the brightest stars of the Orion constellation.
Is this a coincidence?

Esoteric literature speaks of the Orions as benefactors of Humanity, but historical examples show that not everything is so simple.
In Babylon, China and among the American Indians, the constellation Orion (translated from Greek as “hunter”), although it sounds differently, but, in meaning, means “hunter” everywhere.
In ufological reports there are reports of the predilection of some foreign civilizations specifically for hunting people.

According to Greek mythology, Orion hunted the seven Pleiades sisters, but they turned into doves and were placed in the sky by Zeus.
As follows from the documentary about aliens, filmed by the Swiss Edward (“Billy”) Mayer, civilizations arriving from the Pleiades constellation are offering their help to Humanity.
This film was brought to Russia by cosmonaut Marina Popovich.
The Americans spent one and a half million dollars on its examination and proved that it was genuine. And, as you may have guessed, a hunt was organized for Mayer...
So, the praise of the Orions is alarming.

Since those times, the words “fight” (from the word “dragon”) and “cold-bloodedness”, associated with the concepts of murder or torture, have been preserved in the Russian language.
But, in fact - more deeply - they are connected with the property of dragon reptiles to have a blood temperature equal to the ambient temperature.
Cold-bloodedness indicates the primitiveness of the reptile organism and gives rise to primitive behavior in them, allowing violence and killing of their own kind.

Having processed the Christian teaching, the dragons, although they gave birth to commandments (“thou shalt not kill,” “thou shalt not steal,” etc.), did not inform humanity that for murder the chain of incarnations of the murderer would be broken, that for theft the incarnation would be followed by incarnation as a rat, and for adultery - into a tree.
As for the commandments, “thou shalt not kill”—them personally; “Thou shalt not steal” - first of all, from them...

The cruelty of reptiles towards people (mammals) is explained by the fact that if these reptiles allow mammals to improve, then those who are evolutionarily higher will quickly figure out what’s what and throw off the slavery of their enslavers.
And, except on Earth, reptiles currently have nowhere to live...

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