Russian language lesson noun outline of a Russian language lesson on the topic. Lesson topic

>>Russian language 5th grade >>Russian language: Noun

Lesson topic: Noun

Lesson objectives:

> systematize and deepen students’ knowledge about nouns;
> the ability to find nouns in the text, determine their morphological features (gender, number, case, declension);
> the ability to distinguish between lexical and grammatical categories of nouns (animate - inanimate, proper - common nouns);
> develop students' cognitive interests.

During the classes:

I. Teacher's opening speech:

Guys, today we have a general lesson on the topic “Noun”. What do you think we should set ourselves and solve in today's lesson? (Children formulate lesson objectives; if necessary, the teacher will help).
So what do you know about a noun?

II. Frontal survey of students:

1. What words are called nouns?
2. Which nouns are proper nouns? Which are common nouns?
3. Name the morphological features of nouns.
4. How do nouns change?
5. Which nouns are asked who? To which - what?
6. Which nouns have only a singular form?
Which nouns only have a plural form?
7. What do we call declination?
8. How many cases are there in Russian? List their names and questions in each case.
9. What are the names of the members of the sentence that answer the questions of indirect cases?

III. Solving puzzles.

The word “rebus” comes from the Latin word thing, that is, literally translated, rebus means things, objects, with the help of things.
(Students are shown puzzles that they must solve).

Determine the declension, gender of these nouns, their lexical and grammatical categories.

I.p. chain mail kokoshnik watercolor
R.p. chain mail kokoshnik watercolor
D.p. chain mail kokoshnik watercolor
V.p. chain mail kokoshnik watercolor
etc. chain mail kokoshnik in watercolor
P.p. about chain mail about kokoshnik about watercolors

IV. Work according to the textbook.

Exercise 449. Read and guess the riddle. Select one sentence and complete a written morphological analysis of two or three nouns.

Snow is falling in bags from the sky;
There are snowdrifts as big as the house!
Those are storms and blizzards
They attacked the village.
At night the frost is strong -
During the day, drops can be heard ringing.
The day has grown noticeably
Well, what month is this?

Burans – noun, subject,
I. n.f. (what?) snowstorm
II. – inanimate, nat., m.r., 2 texts, – plural, i.p.
III. (what?) snowstorms

Blizzards - noun, subject,
I. n.f. (what?) blizzard
II. – inanimate, popular, female, 3rd class, – plural, i.p.
III. (what?) snowstorms

To the village - noun, subject,
I. n.f. (what?) village
II. – inanimate, popular, female, 1st volume, – units, V.p.
III. (where?) to the village
- .- . - . - . - . –

V. Cryptogram.

The word cryptogram is of Greek origin and means secret writing. In each cryptogram, the text is mysteriously encrypted. To decipher such a text, you need to unravel the key words.

3,2,4,5 River
10,7,6,7,9,5 Head
8,2,11,9,2,3,10 Thursday
1,5,9,7,13 Plant
4,12,13,5 Where?
Place the letters of the keywords by numbers in the cells of the picture.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 2 6 7 9 2 4 5

2 10 7

11 3 12 13

Grammar task:

Write out the word mirror from the proverb and perform a morphological analysis.

VI. Compose a five-line poem (using the technology “Development of critical thinking through reading and writing”)


VII. Summary of what has been covered. Summarizing.

VIII. Homework: p. 181 exercises 450, 451.

KSU "Borasinskaya Secondary School-Garden" village Beskaragai, Beskaragai district, East Kazakhstan region of the Republic of Kazakhstan, teacher of Russian language and literature Nazymgul Amangeldinovna Kalizhanova

Lesson topic: “A noun as a part of speech.”

(Repetition of what was learned in 5th grade)

Lesson objectives:

Summarize and systematize knowledge about a noun as a part of speech (be able to

determine the general grammatical meaning, morphological features,

syntactic role; role in speech);

Repeat spellings related to the spelling of nouns;

Promote the development of self-control skills, self-assessment of educational activities


Promote the development of attention, observation, ability to analyze

information and

draw conclusions; development of speech skills necessary to participate in dialogue;

To promote the formation of a conscious interest in learning the Russian language.

Type of lesson: lesson on updating knowledge and skills.

Equipment: worksheet, background outline, task cards, presentation.

During the classes:

Guys, please look at each other and smile. You are glad to see each other, I am glad to see you all. And when we are all together, everything will work out. Sit down please.

In front of you are worksheets that will replace your notebooks for today’s lesson, and supporting notes that we will fill out during the lesson. Write down today's date in the worksheets, great job.

So here we go.

Since ancient times there has been a country called Rech. It is divided into parts, each of which has its own title, name. Name these parts of Speech.

(noun, adjective, verb, pronoun)

You will find out which part of the country we are talking about today by guessing the riddle.

I've been living in this world for a long time

I give names to the items.

Who guessed what the topic of our lesson today is?

Children's answer.

Yes, you are right, write down the topic: “Noun as a Part of Speech” in your worksheets.

Who can help me explain the purpose of our lesson?

(Remember everything we know about the noun).

Guys, give examples of nouns.

Children's answers

The noun is a very ancient part of speech. It appeared first in the speech of our distant ancestors. And now in communication we use the noun more often than other parts of speech. Let's confirm this by completing the first task.

A recording is projected on the screen.

Don't know.

Guys, can this post be called text? Why? Every text assumes a theme. Define it and title the text. What is the main idea of ​​this text, formulate it.

This text contains 57 words. Please count the number of nouns in it. In the worksheets, underline all the nouns with one line.

19 nouns, which is 33% of the total number of words in the text.

Well done. What are nouns for?

Now name the words that answer the question WHO?: Bullfinch, Lyonka, brownie, hero, Vitka. What do these words mean?

Name the words from this task that answer the question WHAT?: straw, winter, frost, snow, simplicity, answer, delight, house, wasteland. What do the words that answer the question WHAT mean?

(Inanimate objects, abstract concepts.)

We conclude: nouns denote an object, answer the questions WHO? WHAT?, are divided into two large groups: animate and inanimate.

An appropriate entry is made into the supporting notes.

Guys, why are some nouns written with capital letters? Name them. Lyonka, Vitka.

Let us conclude: among nouns there is a distinction between proper and common nouns. Recording in the supporting notes.

Words are written on the screen that need to be distributed in two columns.

Common nouns

Proper nouns

Rain, stone, (I,i)lya, (B,b)aykal, book, Sidorov, X-ray, x-ray.

Those who were attentive noticed that one word was written twice: in the first case with a capital letter, in the second with a small letter. Why?

(Proper nouns sometimes turn into common nouns. Roentgen is a German physicist, scientist Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen, who discovered x-rays, x-rays - transillumination with x-rays).

Physical education minute.

Now, rested and cheerful, you can get back to work.

Next task. In front of us is a three-story house.

Nouns live on the ground floor: day, table...

Nouns live on the second floor: country, night...

Nouns live on the third floor: happiness, sea...

According to what principle do you think the words were distributed on the floors? (depending on the type)

How to determine the gender of a noun? (The gender of the noun is determined by substituting the pronouns he is mine, she is mine, it is mine)

Now we will see how you can quickly determine the gender of a noun. I will read riddles, and you name the answers and determine the gender of these words.

1) In winter and summer, one color. (Spruce)

2) No arms, no legs, but he draws on the windows. (Freezing)

3) Who wears their house? (Snail, turtle)

4) The foam rose on it,

I washed the dust and dirt from my hands,

Paints and inks.

Do you recognize? This is... (soap)

5) Who is prickly, like a Christmas tree,

Does he carry needles on his back? (Hedgehog)

6) We buried it in the ground,

They poured clean water on it.

Time has flown by -

Sprouted up.. (seed)

We remembered one more morphological feature, write it down in the reference notes.

Nouns from one house visit nouns in a neighboring house, but each word only goes to a specific house.

Why? What does this depend on? In order to solve the next sign of a noun, we must unravel the mystery of the silent table. Let's fill it out and title it.

(How many declensions do nouns have? How to determine the declination of nouns? (1st declension includes masculine and feminine nouns with ending -а, -я, 2nd declension includes neuter nouns with ending -о, -е and masculine nouns with zero ending, to the 3rd declension - feminine nouns with a zero ending).

Game "Lost Words".

A few words: they forgot which house they live in, help them. (The teacher shows the words, and the children, putting the words in the initial form, determine their declension).


The sign is recorded in the supporting notes.

All the previously listed features of nouns are called constants. But nouns also have unstable features - they change according to cases and numbers.

Game "Who is faster".

Assignment: change the cases of the noun STUDENT.

For each row a piece of paper with a word is given, work begins from the last desk. The student completing the task writes down the name of the case, the case question and changes the word. The students who complete the task first win.

Filling out the supporting notes.

How many objects can a noun denote? (one, several)

Fill the table:




fairy tales



Let us conclude: to designate one object, the noun is used in the singular, to designate two or more objects - in the plural.

In which column would you place the words glasses, gates, noodles, peas?

(These words cannot be written in any column, because the first two words have only a plural form, the third and fourth have only a singular form).

Now the next attribute of the noun has been defined, we make an entry in the supporting notes.

What is the syntactic role of nouns in the following sentences? We define the role of the word Russia.

Russia is my homeland.

My home country is Russia.

(in 1 - subject, in 2 - predicate, in 3 - object, in 4 - adverbial).

We are making another entry in the supporting notes, the last one for today.

Summarizing. Reflection.

What did we repeat today about the noun and what new did we learn? Help me draw a conclusion to our lesson based on the notes we filled out during our lesson.

The information recorded in our notes will be replenished by you in the next Russian language lessons. You will learn that the role of nouns in the Russian language cannot be overestimated. Unfortunately, we increasingly hear words such as “person”, “comp”, “teacher” and other words that make our speech distorted and ugly. Therefore, guys, try to watch your speech, because your speech is your calling card.

Our lesson has come to an end, and I really want to know: did you like our lesson? It was a pleasure working with you. If you liked the lesson, then raise the sun up; if you didn’t like the lesson or you were uncomfortable, then raise the cloud.

Basic outline plan

answers the questions_______________________________________________.

They have ___________________ and _____________________________________.

Basic outline plan

A noun is __________________________________________,

which stands for ________________________________________________ and

answers the questions______________________________________________.

Nouns are __________________________________________,



Nouns change by __________________ and _______________,

in the sentence plays the role of _____________________________________________



November twenty third


1 task


Tell me, why are bullfinches called bullfinches? - I ask.

Lyonka wants to guess. He fidgets on the straw, but soon confesses:

Don't know.

You see, along with winter, with frost, with snow, they arrive. Snow bullfinch.

The unexpected simplicity of the answer delights Lyonka.

So, grandma’s brownie is because in the house... Wasteland... Bogatyr, - Lyonka mutters. - I’ll run to Vitka! I'll tell him a wish.

2 task

Arrange the words in two columns

Rain, stone, (I,i)lya, (B,b)aykal, book, (S,s)idorov, X-ray, x-ray

Proper nouns

Common nouns

3 task

Determine the syntactic role of the word Russia in the following sentences.

Russia is my Motherland

My home country is Russia.

Abroad, I often think about Russia.

I have lived in Russia since birth.

Olzonova Tamara Maksimovna

Russian language

7th grade

A noun is a part of speech.

Russian language. Textbook for 7th grade special (correctional) educational institutionsVIII kind.

Lesson objectives:

1. Teach children to prove that these words are nouns

2. Formation of skills in finding and applying the main members in a simple sentence in oral and written speech.

Lesson objectives:

Educational: systematize knowledge and skills of finding nouns on questions;

Developmental: development of coherent written speech based on working with words, puzzles, didactic games, enriching students’ active vocabulary;

Correctional and developmental: correction and development of mental activity (planning function of thinking through exercises with words - puzzles), correction of students' personal qualities: skills of self-control, perseverance, patience;

Bring up politeness, culture of dialogue,cultivate interest in learning and the subject.

Lesson type: Combined. Learning new material.

Lesson type

Forms of student work: collective, independent work; working with a textbook; work in notebooks; working with cards; working with slides.

Equipment: computer, projector, screen, cards for individual work, pictures, envelopes with assignments, music.

UMC components used:

1. Special (correctional) program
educational institutions of the VIII type, edited by V.V. Voronkova. 2013

2. Galunchikova N.G., E.V. Yakubovskaya Russian language. Textbook for 7th grade special (correctional) educational institutionsVIII kind. year 2013

Methodological literature:

    N.M. Barskaya, L.A. Nisnevich “Teaching the Russian language in grades 5-9 of a auxiliary school”;

    E.A. Nefedova, O.V. Uzorova “Reference manual on the Russian language”;

    N.A. Kasatkina “Entertaining materials for literacy and Russian language lessons in elementary school”;

    V.I. Krukover, L.I. Shelestova “Lesson work in the Russian language, 4th grade”

During the classes

Lesson stage:

(teacher and student activities)


Org. moment

The bell has already rung,

Sit quietly and quietly

And let's start the lesson soon.

We will write, work,

After all, the tasks are not easy.

We, friends, cannot be lazy,

Because we are students.

The teacher will ask if you need to stand up.

When he allows you to sit down, sit down.

If you want to answer, don’t make noise,

Better yet, raise your hand.

1 min.

Checking homework

Guys, in the last lesson you were askedexercise 191 .

Let's check it, and we'll do it like this. I name the words, and you pick up a card with this part of speech.

2 minutes


Today we are visiting. Meet this boy, you, of course, recognized him; he is a frequent guest at our lessons. Who is this?


He again brought us questions and tasks that he could not solve himself, Dunno asks us for help. Let's help him. Who is this boy? You don’t know him yet, he came to us for the first time. Can you guess who it is?


Yes, that's him. Znayka brought with him advice, tips, and references from scientific books. He will help us.

1 min

Motivation for learning activities

Work on consolidating the topic “Parts of speech”

Orally, 1 student at a time at the board, the rest are checked.

    What does our speech consist of?

    What parts of speech do you know?

    What questions does a noun answer?

    What questions does the verb answer?

    What questions does an adjective answer?

Dunno did his homework at home, but could not complete it to the end.

Guys, identify all the parts of speech in the sentences and tell Dunno how to correctly emphasize them.

Ch. Adj. Noun

Costs Beautiful sofa.

A little girl draws.

A rock dove is flying.

3 min.


I'm friends with the physical minute,

I'll straighten my back,

I'm stamping my feet,

I'll clap my hands,

And now I'm jumping

I'm shaking my legs.

I will sit at my desk slenderly so that I can behave with dignity!

2 minutes.

New material

Working in a notebook

I'll take the notebook
I'll put it in the corner
I am friends from you
I won’t hide my pen
I'll take it this way.
I'll sit straight, I won't bend,
I'll get to work.

Let's write down the number in our notebooks. Two lines down, in the third line in the middle we write (number, cool work)

A noun as a part of speech.

I've been living in this world for a long time,

I give names to the items.

2 minutes.

Communicating the purpose and topic of the lesson

Reflection Exercises

Working in a notebook


Individual work using cards

1 student at the blackboard, the rest in a notebook.


The goal of our lesson is to be able to distinguish and prove that these words are a noun. Let's look into Dunno's first envelope. What are these mysterious drawings, do you think?

These are puzzles.

What words did you get?

1. Ears, pillar, woodpecker, butterfly.

What can you say about these words, now draw a conclusion? How might they differ from each other? What do these words have in common? Ponder! (students' answer)

Writing words in a notebook.

- Yes! This is a difficult question. Let's turn to Znayka for help. He will give us advice. (Student reads the note)

Question the words

Let’s take the advice and put a question above the words

Ears, pillar - what?

Woodpecker, butterfly - who?

What can you now say about these words, now draw a conclusion!

They answer the question who? What? indicate an object.

2. fox, play, noisy, table, heat, spring, green, laugh, witch, hedgehog, fox, forest.

    Select all the nouns from these words and write them down in your notebook.

    Prove that these are nouns!

Words that answer the question who? What? and denote an object are called nouns. Today we will get acquainted with this part of speech and even build a house for it.

6 min.

Working with the textbook

P.84 rule 1

Our textbook also has a rule that confirms our words (reading the rule)

And here is the roof of our house

3 min.


What do you know about the words of this part of speech?

They answer the question who? What? Denote an object

This will be the first floor of our house.

Who? What?


Independent work in notebooks

Check (signal cards)

Reflection Exercise


Znayka offers you a written assignment. Complete your notebooks with your three nouns.

What words did you write down (ask 2 students)

- Now I’ll try to guess the word that you didn’t write down.


- does it look like?



Answers the question what?

_ Dunno also brought his words. Let's open the second envelope. (read the words in unison)

Cold. Meeting. Joy.

Think about it, will these words be the residents of our house? (Students think, pose a question)

Yes and no.

Opinions may vary, so the question is what? but do not represent objects. And here is what Znayka thinks about these words. (open the envelope, read the hint)

Nouns can denote not only objects, but also natural phenomena, events, and human states.

Guys, it turns out that Dunno’s words are also nouns. Let's read another rule on page 84.

It turns out, guys, nouns can denote events, the human condition, natural phenomena... this will be the second floor of our house.

7 min.

Interesting event


Znayka has an interesting event from scientific books about a noun (we open the envelope, the student reads)

Noun - the largest part of speech. Almost every word in it is a noun. And this is understandable: from birth, a person looks greedily and wants to know and name everything that surrounds him, that exists around him.

- this means that there are nouns in every sentence, and a great many of them are hidden in stories and poems.

Fizkult- Minutka

2. For the eyes.
3. For hands
Exercise "Fists": Hands on your knees, fists clenched, / Firmly, with tension, / Fingers pressed. / Fingers squeezing tighter / Letting go, unclenching. / Know, girls and boys: / Your fingers are resting!

2 min. 30 sec.

Consolidation of what has been learned

I group – page 85

Exercise 214

II group – page 84

Exercise 213

III group-

Working with cards

Examination. Assessment.

Let's check the guys who completed the task
- Well done! They completed the tasks correctly.

10 min.

Lesson summary

So, what's new about the offer today?
- What did you study? For what?
- What helped us learn new things?
- Who helped you learn new material?

3 min.


    Page 85. Ex. 215 (Zhenya, Alena)

2. Page 85 exercise 216 (Vova, Alsou)

    Working with cards (Petya, Anton)

    Page Rule 84

1 min.


What did you like about the lesson?
- What didn’t you like? Why?
-Which task did you like best? Why?
- Who should we thank for the lesson?
- Who is satisfied with their work in class?
- Guys, what’s your mood now?
Choose a face, show your mood.

1 min.

Self-analysis of the lesson.

Russian language lesson.

    Lesson topic : Noun – as a part of speech.

    Lesson type : Combined. Learning new material.

    Lesson type : Lesson - workshop. The lesson was conducted using traditional technology using elements of developmental education.

    This lesson on the topic “Noun as a part of speech” is the first one this year. It is closely related to previous lessons and works for all subsequent lessons, because... aimed at studying this part of speech.

    During the lesson, the capabilities of this class were taken into account.

    The structure of the lesson and its content that I have chosen are rational for solving the tasks and studying the stated topic.

Lesson objectives:

    Teach children to be able to prove that these words are a noun.

    Strengthen the skill of grouping words by meaning.

    To develop speech, memory, attention, phonemic hearing of students.

    Cultivate politeness and a culture of dialogue.

    For psychological and pedagogical supportWe begin the lesson with a mobilizing stage, which helps create a psychological mood for students for a positive result of the lesson.

    For development cognitive spherethe study was carried out: work on the development of psychological processes.


    Updating knowledge (identifying parts of speech).

    Physical education minute.

    Learning new material (the ability to distinguish and prove that these words are nouns).

    Consolidating what has been learned (writing down and adding nouns).

    Reflection (the ability to evaluate one’s work and comrades).


    Development of fine motor skills of the hands.

    Working in a notebook (writing numbers, positioning the notebook when writing, seating).

    Updating knowledge (rules for working with a textbook, repeating knowledge about parts of speech, “grouping words”).

    Physical education minute.

    Reflection (reproduction of lesson stages, goals).


    Calligraphy (comparing letters, generalizing, highlighting the general).

    Setting the topic and goals of the lesson. Repetition of what has been learned.

    Updating knowledge (comparing groups of words, grouping, “encoding” words, puzzles).

    Physical education minute.

    Studying new material (generalization, logic, independence).

    Consolidating the material studied (working with tasks from a Russian language textbook, working on individual cards)

    Summing up the lesson (summarizing, highlighting the main thing, systematizing knowledge).


Throughout the lesson, she encouraged active learning, developed cognitive interest, and worked to satisfy the student’s curiosity.

II. By development motivational-need sphereThe student taught reflection skills at each stage of the lesson and at the end of the lesson, taught how to set a goal and plan one’s activities.

    I tried to create a situation of success at all stages of the lesson and formed students’ responsibility for their activities.

IV. By communication developmentThe student used methods of developing the skills to work within the framework of dialogue, listen to the interlocutor, negotiate with him, and convince him. I tried to ensure that the students communicated with each other throughout the lesson, instilled a culture of behavior in conversation and constantly stimulated the students to actively express their own opinions and the ability to prove them. During the lesson, the right to learn to make mistakes and the right to creativity were realized. I constantly work in the child’s zone of proximal development.

I believe that psychological and pedagogical support in the lesson was implemented.

Goals: familiarization with the general lexical meaning of nouns (they are the names of people, things, events, etc.), practicing the grammatical concept of “noun”, developing spelling vigilance.



  • Introduce the general lexical meaning of nouns.
  • Introduce the characteristics of a noun.
  • Develop spelling vigilance.


  • Develop the ability to accept a learning task and strive to complete it.
  • Develop the ability to observe, compare, generalize, and draw conclusions.
  • Expand words knowledge.


  • To foster an understanding of the importance of learning the Russian language.
  • Foster love and respect for the Russian language.

Lesson type: lesson of learning new material and primary consolidation.



Goals: familiarization with the general lexical meaning of nouns (they are the names of people, things, events, etc.), practicing the grammatical concept of “noun”, developing spelling vigilance.



  • Introduce the general lexical meaning of nouns.
  • Introduce the characteristics of a noun.
  • Develop spelling vigilance.


  • Develop the ability to accept a learning task and strive to complete it.
  • Develop the ability to observe, compare, generalize, and draw conclusions.
  • Expand words knowledge.


  • To foster an understanding of the importance of learning the Russian language.
  • Foster love and respect for the Russian language.

Lesson type: lesson of learning new material and primary consolidation.

Equipment: textbook by T.G. Ramzaeva “Russian language” 3rd grade, part 2; self-control sheets.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Introduction to a new topic.

– Today we will go on a journey through a country called Rech. You will not be tourists, but research scientists. Who is a researcher? (A person who explores something learns something new.).

- Right. A researcher is someone who engages in scientific research, obtains new knowledge, which is very valuable and necessary in life. (Task on the board)

– You now have to determine the topic of the lesson. UUD personal

– Who decided the topic of the lesson? (Noun)

III. Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson.

- Right. The topic of the lesson is “Noun”. Today in the lesson you will become familiar with the general lexical meaning of nouns, practice the grammatical concept of “noun”, develop the ability to work on error-prone places in a word, and name the spelling. In self-control sheets, you will give yourself grades for each completed task.

IV. Calligraphy.

– Let’s start the journey with a moment of penmanship. To make the letter correct and beautiful, let's do a finger massage (finger exercises).

– Open your notebooks, write down the date, cool work.

– Today we will remember the writing of capital letters B, K, N, Yu. We will write these letters in combination with the upper loop (students write the letters after being shown by the teacher).

V. Spelling minute.

- Now for a spelling minute.

Write on the board: k m a o v r o z e l i a n i a h o d g s b

– This entry is a meaningless set of letters. What types of tasks will you offer for this set of letters? (cross out the letters of vowels, cross out the letters of consonants, make up words, etc.) UUD communicative

- Let's put the letters into words.

(Students assemble words from letters, the student writes them on the board, names and explains spellings, the rest write the words in a notebook. For example: river, strawberry, snow, city and others.)

- Well done! You found and explained all the spellings. What studied spellings were not found?

– Now tell me, what types of tasks would you offer for these words? (analysis of words by composition, phonetic analysis of words, making a sentence with a word). Fine!

VI. Work on the topic of the lesson.

1. Words denoting an object. UUD regulatory

– What do these words mean? Name it in one word.(Items)

– Will I be right if I say that in the Russian language there are words that denote objects?(Yes. We just made sure of this)

A card appears on the board: ITEM

– What discovery did you make? (There are words in the Russian language that denote objects)

– Come up with words for objects. ( Children's answers)

2. Grouping exercises. UUD educational

– Distribute the words into two groups.

Sweet, cat, smart, student.

– Which groups were you divided into? (Words denoting objects and words denoting a feature of an object)

– Is a cat also an object?(Yes)

– If this is an object, then what? ( Alive )

- So, what discovery can be made? (In the Russian language there are words denoting living objects)

– If there are words denoting living objects, then there are also those that... (Refers to inanimate objects)

-What do I have in my hands? ( Ball )

– What question will I ask? ( What? )

– Who will make the next discovery? (Words denoting an inanimate object answer the question What?)

A card appears on the board: WHAT?

– Ask a question about the word “student”. ( Who? )

– What conclusion did you draw? (Words denoting a living object answer the question Who?)

A card appears on the board


– In Russian it is customary to call such words animate and inanimate.

Information about animate and inanimate nouns

UUD personal

– Complete the following task.

VII. Physical education minute.

VIII. Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson.

1. Word game. UUD communicative

- Let's play with words. Name the words that answer the question what? and denoting a piece of furniture, transport, dishes, natural phenomena, etc. (Student answers)

– Name the words denoting people’s professions. What question should we put to these words? ( Who?)

– Can we say that the named objects exist? ( Yes )

– Come up with a name for all these existing words denoting objects. (Noun)

UUD educational

– Yes, in Russian these words are called nouns. These are words that people use to designate anything that they can see, hear, touch, or even that they can think of as existing.

– So we met the first inhabitant of the country with the unusual name Rech.

- What's his name? (Noun)

A card appears on the board: NOUN

– If you and I are residents of the village of Brilyakova, then words are also residents, only the country of Speech is part of it.

- So what should we call this resident? ( Part of speech )

A card appears on the board: PART OF SPEECH

– During the lesson, we came up with supporting words, from which we will now create a diagram of our answer.UUD educational

2. Generalization. UUD educational

– Using the diagram, tell us what you learned about the noun. (Students make up an answer)

IX. Consolidation.

1. Proper and common nouns.

– I propose to play the game “I know...” (5 names of girls, 5 names of boys, 5 names of animals, 5 names of cities)

(The student takes the ball, throws it and says the words)

– What other discovery did you make? (Nouns can name the names of boys, girls, animal names, etc.)

– What are these nouns called? (Proper names)

– What discovery did you make? (Nouns can be proper or common nouns)

2. Changing nouns by numbers.

– How do nouns change? (By numbers. Can be singular or plural)

- Let's play with words.UUD regulatory

If I say a word in the singular, you must say it in the plural.

3. Observation of the role of nouns. UUD personal

– Open the textbook on page 13. Let’s do exercise 389.

- Read the text. What does the text say? Give it a title. ( Student answers)

– Read the text without nouns. Is it possible to understand the text without them? ( No )

4. Exercise in classifying nouns.

UUD communicative

– Now let’s do exercise 391. Write two more words for each group of words. When the work is finished, exchange notebooks and check how your neighbor completed the exercise. (Students do the exercise independently)

X. Lesson summary

-Where did you go at the beginning of the lesson? Who were they? What discovery did you make?

– What spellings were repeated in class?

– What tasks did you like in the lesson?

– Our journey to the country of Rech has come to an end. In self-control sheets you assessed your work. I really liked the way you worked. Each of you will receive a score after I compare my score with yours.


Item: Russian language

Class: 2

Subject: Noun

Target: Consolidate children's knowledge in the “Noun” section.


1) Learn to find a noun in a text, determine its syntactic role, morphological features: gender, number. Learn to write proper and common nouns, spelling b for nouns.

2) Develop attention, memory, calligraphy, oral and written speech, spelling vigilance.

3) Cultivate interest in the subject, the topic, noun, discipline, activity, ability to work in a team, individuality.

Lesson type: generalization and systematization.

Form: non-standard.

During the classes

IV)Organizing time.

Hello guys. My name is Gulnisa ​​Umranovna, I will give you a Russian language lesson. Sit down please.

(Psychological attitude)

Well, check it out, my friend,
Are you ready to start the lesson?
Is everyone sitting correctly?
Is everyone watching carefully?
Everyone wants to receive
Just the mark “5”?

A minute of penmanship:

Guys, open your notebooks, write down the number, great job.

II) Goal setting. Guys, we have an unusual lesson today. We will have a travel lesson today. One guest came to our lesson, and together with him we will travel during the lesson. And who came to us? Let's find out!

Guess the riddle:

I've been living in this world for a long time,

I give names to objects. (noun)

Right. This is a noun.

Our guest today is a noun and with it we begin our journey.

III) Stage of generalization and systematization.

Stop 1: Build it. (vocabulary work)

We need to build a snow slide at this stop. Let's write down the words first, and I'll tell you what happens next.

(A slide is drawn on the board, in which there are vocabulary words, letters are missing from them. Snowballs with letters lie nearby).

m...rose i e a

work about and

p ... just e o

Stop 2: “Choose me”!

Guys, you need to select only nouns from these words and ask them the appropriate question.

Winter, snowy, snowball, cold, snow, hare, guys, slide, cool, wolf, harsh, tit.

Who? : Hare, wolf, tit, guys.

What?: winter, snowball, snow, slide.

So guys. From here we can draw what conclusion?

That's right, nouns are a part of speech that denotes an object and answers the question who? What?.

What are the names of nouns that answer the question Who?


And nouns that answer the question What?


Well done guys, now we remember what our nouns are, what questions nouns answer, which nouns are animate and which are inanimate.

We continue our journey. Our next stop...

Stop 3: “Guess”

sit down. If you hear your own name, you should clap your hands over

Pushinka cat,

Dog Smeshinka,

Rooster Screamer,

Goat Hangover,

Sparrow Tishka,

Piglet Grishka,

Beautiful titmouse.

How do you write nicknames?

Proper nouns are written with a capital letter.

Game with signal cards. I name words, if this word is written with a capital letter, then the children should show a red signal, and if with a lowercase letter, then a green signal:

Astana, city, Kazakhstan, school, Masha, Sharik, sparrow, Katya, mother, Pinocchio, street, Marina, sun, Cheburashka.

Listen to the poem.

An ordinary letter suddenly grew

She grew taller than all her friend letters.

They look with respect at their friend’s letter.

But why? For what merit?

The letter didn’t want to grow on its own,

The letter is entrusted with an important task.

The letter is placed at the beginning of the line,

So that everyone will notice the beginning.

First name and last name are written with it,

To be more visible and visible to them,

To sound loud and proud

Your name, the name of the street, the city!

A big letter is not a trifle at all:

The capital letter is a sign of respect!

Guys, we remembered that proper names - names of streets, cities, surnames, first names, names of animals, fairy-tale characters - they are all written with a capital letter.

All other nouns are common nouns and are written in lowercase letters.

4th stop: Distribution (date)

Working with cards.

Fill in the missing letters. To the wordsthe only onenumbers fill in the wordsplural.

P(i,e)smo- S(a,o)sna-

(o,a)kno - 0з(i,e)ro-


L(e,u)stock- g(a,o)ra-

V(e.i)dro p(e,i)ro-

Here we have repeated the number of nouns, and the unstressed vowel at the root. We continue our journey.

Stop 5: “Think.” Guys, I will read riddles to you, you guess and name what kind of word this word belongs to. So:

Although I'm not a hammer -
I'm knocking on wood:
Every corner of it
I want to explore.
I wear a red hat
And the acrobat is wonderful.
Answer (Woodpecker)

The fidget is motley,
long-tailed bird,
Talkative bird
the most talkative.
Heather white-sided,
and her name is...
Answer (forty)

The pear is hanging - you can’t eat it.
Answer (Light Bulb)

Young mountain ash trees look at it,
Colored people trying on their headscarves.
Young birch trees look at him,
Adjusting your hair in front of him.
And the month and the stars -
Everything is reflected in it...
What is this mirror called?
Answer (Pond, lake)

Thunder struck, cheerful thunder,
Everything around was sparkling!
Rush into the sky tirelessly
Multi-colored fountains,
Splashes of light are pouring everywhere.
This is a festive...
Answer (salute)

That's how a piece of glass is a window!

If there is a cat in the glass,

So, there is a second one nearby -

Definitely like this.

If there is no second one nearby -

And none in glass.


He reveals himself, he closes you,
As soon as the rain passes, it will do the opposite.
Answer (Umbrella)

I work in the theater.
I'm just an aunt during intermission.
And on the stage is the queen,
Either granny or fox.
Knows Kolya and Larisa,
That in the theater I...
Answer (actress)

Not a clock, but a ticking clock.
Answer (Heart)

On the lawn, by the yard,

Very angry grass

Sprouted under a maple tree

A green rug.

Even though sometimes there is dew on it

Sparkles merrily

This bitch is like a wasp

Stinging master.


All over the place

One fire

Burning above us

Since a long time ago.

It burns hot

And gives us

Its warmth.

Well done guys, listen to the poem.

I will remember the feminine gender
And I'll say "she's mine"
And I will remember the masculine gender,
And again I will say “he is mine.”
Neuter gender - “it’s mine” -
This is your rule.

We have repeated the gender of nouns; nouns have three genders: feminine, masculine and neuter.

And we continue our journey. Our next stop:

Stop 6: Think about it.

Guys, you need to come up with and write down any sentence and underline the noun.

IV)instruction on health and safety

Yellow textbook: p.182 exercise 463

p.184 exercise 468

1) What part of speech did we talk about today?

2) a noun is...

3) means....

4)Answers questions.....

5) to the question who answers....

6) To the question what do they answer.....

7) proper names are written...

8) and common nouns....

9) nouns change according to...

10) in the sentence are.....

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