Literary reading lesson "A. Pleshcheev

Literary reading lesson

1 class

Lesson topic:“Poem by A.N. Pleshcheev “Spring”



Familiarization with the poem by A.N. Pleshcheev “Spring”;

Conscious perception of a literary work;

Formulating answers to questions about the content of the work read and listened to;

Constructing reasoning;


Plan (in collaboration with the teacher and classmates) the necessary actions, operations, act according to the plan;

Monitor the process and results of activities, make the necessary changes


Adequately evaluate your achievements, recognize emerging difficulties,

look for their causes and ways to overcome them.


Enter into educational dialogue with the teacher, classmates, participate in

general conversation, observing the rules of speech behavior;

Ask questions, listen and answer questions from others,

formulate your own thoughts, express and justify your

point of view;

Carry out joint activities in pairs and work groups, taking into account specific educational and cognitive tasks.


Positive attitude towards learning, cognitive activity,

Desire to acquire new knowledge, skills, and improve


Be aware of your difficulties and strive to overcome them;

Participate in the creative process.

Lesson type:“discovery” of new knowledge.

Methods and forms of training: partially search, individual, frontal, work in pairs.

Equipment: projector, presentation, video “Paintings by Russian artists. P.I. Tchaikovsky “April”, textbook “Literary Reading”, cards with tasks.

During the classes

1.Motivation for educational activities.

Slide 1

The bell rang and invited us to a literary reading lesson. I really want our lesson to be interesting and educational.

2. Introduction to the topic of the lesson. Setting a learning task.

Slide 2

1)- Suggest why they say “Nature has no bad weather...”?

Each season is unique, beautiful in its own way. We will talk about nature. And what time of year the conversation will be about, and what the name of the work is, you will find out by completing the task.

2) Work in pairs.

Slide 3

You will work in pairs. Take the leaves on the table, guess the riddle, provide evidence. Each row has its own riddle.

1. She comes with affection

And with my fairy tale.

He'll wave his magic wand,

The snowdrop will bloom in the forest.

2. The streams rang,

The rooks have arrived.

To your home - hive - bee

She brought the first honey.

3. The snow is melting,

The meadow came to life

The day is coming.

When does this happen?

Read the riddle, name the answer, prove why you decided this way. (Spring)

Slide 4

They guessed correctly and proved that it was spring. Spring is a wonderful and beautiful time of year, all nature wakes up and comes to life after winter sleep. No wonder poets call spring “the morning of the year.”

What is the name of the piece we will be working on? ("Spring")

3) In order to determine in what genre the work “Spring” was written, you need to try and form a word from the syllables:

your, re, sti, ho, e, ni

So, what is the topic of today's lesson?

3. Studying new material.

Slide 5

1) Slide 6

Before you is a portrait of a poet. A.N. Pleshcheev was born in Kostroma in 1825 into a noble family. He lost his father early, but his mother was able to give her son a good education and upbringing. The poet faced many trials, but Alexey Nikolaevich always remained a kind, sympathetic and sensitive person.

2)Slide 7 physical exercise “Wind”

3) Reading of a poem by the teacher (books closed).

Listen carefully to the poem and try to imagine the picture described. You can close your eyes.

What did you imagine when you listened to the poem?

4) Slides 8,9

Vocabulary work.

While reading, you will encounter unfamiliar words in the text:

blew - blew

azure – blue, light blue color

storm - bad weather

passed - passed

5) Slide 10

Working on a poem.

Open your textbooks to page 39. Let's read the poem out loud.

What words help you understand that spring has already arrived?

What is said about the forest?

How do you understand the words “the forest will be clothed with leaves”?

What is said about nightingales?

What does the poet say about the blizzard?

What sounds can you hear when reading and listening to a poem?

What mood was the poet in when he wrote the poem?

Does the poet love spring? Why?

6) Slide 11 physical minute

Along the path, along the path

We gallop on our right leg,

And along the same path

We jump on our left leg.

Let's run along the path,

We'll run to the lawn.

On the lawn, on the lawn

We'll jump like bunnies.

Stop. Let's rest a little

And we'll walk home.

7) Expressive reading.

Where should you pause and stop?

On which sign should you take a long pause?

Whose reading did you like best? Why?

8) Spring in the works of artists and composers.

Not only poets and writers, but also composers and artists dedicated their works to spring. I suggest you look at reproductions of paintings by Russian artists about spring and listen to the musical excerpt “April”

P.I. Tchaikovsky from the cycle “The Seasons”. (2 minutes)

9) Slides 12, 13

Creative task (oral collective).

Now let’s try to compose a cinquain - a five-line poem for the word “spring”.

(use cards with words, attach with a magnet).


What is she like? (2 words) green, warm, bright, light

What is he doing? (3 words) blossoms, melts, runs, murmurs, grows, rings

What can you say about spring? Make a proposal. The long-awaited spring has arrived. Warm spring has arrived.

Conclusion-conclusion. What does spring evoke in us? (1 word) warm, bright, fresh, elegant, sun, joy

4. Reflection.

What new did you learn?

What did you like?

What caused the difficulty?

You have yellow and red suns on your desks. If you succeeded in the lesson, you were interested - raise the yellow sun, if it was difficult and boring - raise the red one.

So, spring means warmth, sun, joy. I would like spring to come in our class too. Smile at each other, give joy and good mood.

Slide 14 And the sun gives you his smile.

Slide 15 Thank you for the lesson! Well done!

Summary of an indicative integrated lesson on literature in grade 4 Topic: “A. Fet, A. Pleshcheev “Spring” (the theme of spring in literature, music, painting) Goals:
create a holistic idea of ​​early spring (based on the poem by A. Fet “I came to you with greetings”; the painting by I. Levitan “March”; the music of P. I. Tchaikovsky “March”);
compare the features of the image of spring in these works; develop students’ speech and expressive reading skills; train the skills of analyzing a lyrical work;
cultivate a love of art.
introduce outstanding works of art about spring; find out the features of each of them;
develop students’ horizons, the ability to see and understand beauty.
reproduction of I. Levitan’s painting “March”,
record player,
recording of P. Tchaikovsky’s music “The Seasons”;
poem analysis plan;
portraits of poets
Progress of the lessonI. Organizational moment.II. Announcing the topic of the lesson
Russian proverb:
red with flowers, and autumn with pies.
-What word is missing? (Spring)
-Today we will talk about the theme of spring in poetry, music and painting
(epigraph on the board) He breathed life with nature alone E.A. Baratynsky 1. The teacher’s word. Spring Every person loves this time of year in his own way. To some it is dear to the bird
hubbub, for some - a noisy ice drift. For many, spring brings a surge of vitality, unknown joy, and inspires hope. People have always admired spring. Let's pick up epithets for the word SPRING (SPRING is written on the poster. Children write down epithets for the word on separate pieces of paper and stick them to the poster) - What is spring called? (red - beautiful) Yes, spring is beautiful. This time of year was admired by many poets and writers, artists and musicians, and each of them showed spring in their own way in their works. 2. Acquaintance with the work of Alexei Nikolaevich Pleshcheeva) Biography of A. Pleshcheev
Alexey Nikolaevich Pleshcheev was born on December 4, 1825 in Kostroma, in the family of an official who came from an old noble family. The poet’s distant ancestor took part in the battle with the Tatars on the Kulikovo Field.
Alyosha spent his childhood in Nizhny Novgorod, studied in St. Petersburg, at the school of guards ensigns, then, leaving it, at the university, at the oriental faculty. In 1844 he published his first poems in Sovremennik, and in 1846 he published a separate collection of poems, which brought him wide fame.
b) Reading by children of poems by A. Pleshcheev, prepared independently
- Write down epithets and comparisons for the word SPRING found in the text.

c) Reading the poem “Spring”

The snow is already melting, streams are flowing, Spring is blowing through the window... The nightingales will soon whistle, And the forest will be covered with leaves! The blue of the sky is pure, The sun has become warmer and brighter, The time for evil blizzards and storms has passed again for a long time. And the heart is beating so hard in the chest, as if is waiting for something, As if happiness is ahead And winter has taken away worries! - What did you imagine while listening to the poem? - Each work has a mood. What is the mood of this poem?
Find lines that prove this.
d) Repeated reading by children in two lines, explanation of what was read. - What artistic device does the poet use in the phrase “the forest will be clothed with leaves”? (personification) - What is personification? - Are there other examples of personification? (Spring took away worries)
- Read 1 paragraph. What is more: description or narration? Read it.
- And in the second paragraph? - What feelings does the arrival of spring evoke in Pleshcheev? And you?
- Find words that you don’t understand. Who can explain them? Conclusion Pleshcheev wrote about the joyful feelings that overwhelm a person every spring.

3. Acquaintance with the work of A. Fet
- Which author’s poems have you prepared yet?

a) Reading poems by A. Fet, prepared at home
B) a word about the poet (reading by the teacher, showing slides) Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet was born in the Novoselki estate of Mtsensk district in November 1820.
The story of his birth is not entirely ordinary. His father, Afanasy Neofitovich Shenshin, a retired captain, belonged to an old noble family and was a wealthy landowner. While undergoing treatment in Germany, he married Charlotte Feth, whom he took to Russia from her living husband and daughter.
He graduated from the university, where he studied first at the Faculty of Law and then at the Faculty of Philology. At this time, in 1840, he published his first works as a separate book, which, however, did not have any success.
In 1892, the poet died two days short of turning 72. He was buried in the village of Kleymenovo - the family estate of the Shenshins, 25 versts from Orel.
c) Reading a poem in a textbook p.

What words are repeated? Why? (repetition enhances emotional impact)
- How are the works of Fet and Pleshcheev similar?4. Now about painting. Painting by I. Levitan “March” (1895) If the poet can transfer the action from one place to another, then the artist paints only what he is able to capture with one human gaze.
It’s as if he says: “A moment, stop!” Let’s turn to I. Levitan’s painting “March” a) conversation with students - What do we call paintings that depict nature? (landscape) - What is depicted in the painting? - What shows that is this the beginning of spring? (streams are not flowing, birds are not chirping) - From what can we see that it is already spring? (soft sunlight, everything is waiting for warmth - the wall of the house is flooded with sunlight, a horse is dozing by the porch - it probably , it’s warm, the snow on the roofs has begun to melt, snowdrifts are settling) The picture is warm, joyful.- Are there people in the picture? (no) But a horse is waiting at the porch, the door is ajar, there is a birdhouse on a log near the house. This painting is kept in the Tretyakov Gallery. - What colors does the artist use? (Levitan’s blue color is the color of hope for the best; brown is the color of earth, the color of warmth, it warms the soul. Orange and light purple colors are used) - What mood does the artist convey? (cheerful) - Which lines from Tyutchev’s poem are consonant with this picture? Read them. Conclusion The picture exudes joy, the viewer is warmed by the anticipation of warmth and sun.
4. And now the music. Today we will hear the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky from the cycle “The Seasons.” Music sounds. - What did you imagine while listening to the music? - What kind of spring did Tchaikovsky depict? (early) - What images did you imagine? - How is the musical landscape filled with feeling? (the joy of renewal) III. Consolidation Today we got acquainted with outstanding works of literature, painting and music about early spring. - What unites them? - Why did poets, musicians and artists turn to spring in their work? (admired it) Conclusion Their works are a hymn to spring, the renewal of life. We were able to see the relationship
music, literature and painting.IV. Lesson summary

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Attached files

Equipment: portrait of A.N. Pleshcheev, reproduction of a painting by I.S. Ostroukhov “Early Spring”, books by Kuban poets, multimedia presentation for the lesson, textbook by L.F. Klimanova “Literary reading. Native speech" for 2nd grade.

During the classes

I. Organizing time.

II. Updating knowledge. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

I - ... - am red, waking the earth from sleep.
I fill my kidneys with juice,
I grow flowers in the fields,
I drive ice away from the rivers,
I make the sunrise bright!

Name the keyword.


IV. Learning new material.

1 .

(Rhyme, rhythm)

(Have fun, feel the mood...)

Today we will get acquainted with the works of the great Russian poet A.N. Pleshcheeva. (Showing a portrait of the poet)

2. .


4. .
- Were the assumptions regarding the title of the poem justified?

What is the poet describing?


There's a whiff- it blew

Azure- light blue color, blue

passed- passed

Storm- bad weather.

6. Selective reading.

- What expressive means of language does the poet use in the poem?

Now that we have tried to understand the poet’s mood, let’s try to read the poem expressively. What does it mean to read expressively?

The snow is already melting, the streams are flowing,

There was a breath of spring through the window...

The nightingales will soon whistle,

And the forest will be dressed in leaves! (one student marks)

Let's highlight the main words (together).

At what pace? (2-3 students read expressively)

Whose reading seemed more successful and expressive? Who could convey the mood?

Read it.

8. Listening to music
- What signs of spring can we hear? (birds singing, drops, streams)

Listening to music

What did the composer manage to convey with this melody? (the beauty of a spring day, a good mood, the murmur of water...)

What is this state of nature called? (awakening)


The birthplace of the word “April” is Ancient Rome. It means warm, sunny. April is a snowman. P.I. Tchaikovsky appreciated the work of A.N. Pleshcheeva. The poet gave him one of his autographed collections of poems.

9. Word drawing.



10. Work on the reproduction of a painting by I.S. Ostroukhov “Early Spring” (illustration of the painting).

Physical education minute:

The wind blows in our faces

The tree swayed.

The breeze is getting quieter, quieter,

The tree is getting higher and higher!


1. Vocabulary work.

What does the word "seni" mean?

(The canopy is the non-residential part of the house connecting the living space with the street).



4. Selective reading.

5. Local history material.

What do you know about them?

For your information: barn swallows return in May and take up residence under the roofs of wooden buildings. The nest is made from mud, which the swallow collects from the edges of puddles and fastens with saliva, horsehair and straws.

City swallows nest under the roofs of stone buildings. Two species of these swallows are under human protection. There are also shore swallows (image of swallows).

In Moscow and the Moscow region you can find not only these types of swallows, but also many other birds that are also protected by law.

7. Mini test.

A. Barto,A. Pleshcheev,F. Tyutchev.

Spring, sIma, autumn.

Swallows, sparrows,nightingales


Nature, withsun, birds.

Additional time: Excerpt from S.Ya. Marshak’s fairy tale “12 months”
(time: 12:39 - 14:48)

8. Lesson summary

    What new did you learn in the lesson?

    What did you like about the lesson?

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“Summary of the literary reading lesson “Poems about spring by A.N. Pleshcheev””

Summary of a literary reading lesson

Topic: “Poems about spring by A.N. Pleshcheev”

Target: introduce children to poems about spring by A.N. Pleshcheev;

    develop correct, expressive reading skills.


    enrich children's vocabulary;

    develop memory, attention, observation, imagination;

    instill a love of nature and Russian literature.

Equipment: portrait of A.N. Pleshcheev, reproduction of a painting by I.S. Ostroukhov “Early Spring”, books by Kuban poets, multimedia presentation for the lesson, textbook by L.F. Klimanova “Literary reading. Native speech" for 2nd grade.

    1. During the classes
      1. I. Organizing time.
      2. II. Updating knowledge. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

I offer a literary warm-up that will help determine the topic of the lesson. This requires your attention, observation and good mood. So, read and name the missing word.

I - ... - am red, waking the earth from sleep.
I fill my kidneys with juice,
I grow flowers in the fields,
I drive ice away from the rivers,
I make the sunrise bright!

Name the keyword.

Determine the literary genre of the work.

Who can formulate the topic of the lesson?

      1. III. Checking homework. Reading competition.
      2. -Who remembers and wants to tell an excerpt from A. Barto’s poem “Rope”?
      3. IV. Learning new material.

1 . Preparation for text comprehension .

How do poems differ from prose?
(Rhyme, rhythm)

Who can guess for what purpose poetry is read?
(Have fun, feel the mood...)

Today we will get acquainted with the works of the great Russian poet A.N. Pleshcheeva.

2. Brief bibliographic information about the poet .

Alexey Nikolaevich Pleshcheev (1825-1893) - poet, translator, literary critic. The poet spent his childhood in Nizhny Novgorod. His mother, Elena Alexandrovna, was involved in his upbringing, and she managed to give her son a good education. Alexey Nikolaevich wrote quite a lot of works not only for children, but also for adults.

3. Preparation for text perception (continued).

The first poem we will read is called “Spring”.

Based on the title of the work, can we guess what (who) the poet will talk about?

4. Reading of the poem “Spring” by the teacher . Checking primary perception.

Were the assumptions regarding the title of the poem justified?

What is the poet describing?

5. Vocabulary work. Preparing to read the work aloud.

Re-read the text. Mark words that require clarification.

There's a whiff- it blew

Azure- light blue color, blue

passed- passed

Storm- bad weather.

6. Selective reading.

What words help us understand that spring has already arrived?

What is said about the forest and nightingales?

There are interesting facts about the behavior of nightingales. Who arrives earlier in the spring, females or males? Where are the houses built? At what time of day are ringing trills produced? (The student is given homework: find information about birds for the next lesson)

      1. 7. Work on expressive reading

        What expressive means of language does the poet use in the poem?

      2. (lit. technique - personification: transfer of properties and characteristics of animate objects to inanimate ones)

What pictures of spring does the poet observe?

In what mood does he speak about them?

Now that we have tried to understand the poet’s mood, let’s try to read the poem expressively.

    Choose the desired tone and pace of reading.

    Convey your attitude towards what you read.

Let's think about where we will pause.

The snow is already melting, the streams are flowing,

There was a breath of spring through the window...

The nightingales will soon whistle,

And the forest will be dressed in leaves!

(one student marks)

Let's highlight the main words (together).

In what tone should we read these lines?

At what pace?

2-3 students read expressively.

Whose reading seemed more successful and expressive?

Who could convey the mood?

What happens with the arrival of spring in a person’s soul?

Prepare the following lines for expressive reading.

Read it.

8. Listening to music
- What signs of spring can we hear? (birds singing, drops, streams)

Who helps people hear and imagine the awakening of nature?

Listen to a fragment of the work by P.I. Tchaikovsky's "April" and guess what the composer wanted to convey with this melody?

Listening to music

What did the composer manage to convey with this melody?

(the beauty of a spring day, a good mood, the murmur of water...)

What is this state of nature called?


Which lines from the poem “Spring” fit the piece of music?

Why did the composer choose this name, “April”?

The birthplace of the word “April” is Ancient Rome. It means warm, sunny. April - snowmobile. P.I. Tchaikovsky appreciated the work of A.N. Pleshcheeva. The poet gave him one of his autographed collections of poetry.

9. Word drawing.

- What images of nature could you reflect in your paintings?

Try to do this type of work at home and prepare for expressive reading of the poem.

- Spring awakens not only nature, but also the human soul. Paintings of native nature are especially felt by artists.

10. Work on the reproduction of a painting by I.S. Ostroukhov "Early Spring".

What do you see in the foreground?

What signs of spring indicated in the poem “Spring” can be seen in the reproduction of the painting?

(the snow is melting, the sun is shining brightly...)

What mood, what feelings did the artist want to convey?

What interested you in this picture?

      1. Physical education minute:

The wind blows in our faces

The tree swayed.

The breeze is getting quieter, quieter,

The tree is getting higher and higher!

      1. V. Continued work on new material.

- Let's continue to study the poet's work. The work that the authors of the textbook offer us for work in class is called “Rural Song”.

What (who) will the poem be about?

1. Vocabulary work.

What does the word "seni" mean?

(The canopy is the non-residential part of the house connecting the living space with the street).

2. Primary reading of the poem by A.N. Pleshcheeva

Did you like the poem?

Have you heard this piece before?

(Verse sounds in the film “12 Months”)

3. Independent reading of the poem.

(Children's attention is drawn to the placement of punctuation marks).

4.Working on expressive reading of text. Selective reading.

Is the poet happy about the arrival of spring or not?

In what lines is this expressed?

What signs of spring can you see and what can you hear? Find and read them.

What unites the works of A.N. Pleshcheeva?

Imagine that you are composers. What kind of music would you write for this piece? (Cheerful, perky, sad?)

5. Local history material.

What bird is the poet talking about throughout the entire text in the poem “Rural Song”?

Is the swallow a spring bird?

What do you know about them?

Please note: barn swallows return in May and take up residence under the roofs of wooden buildings. The nest is made from mud, which the swallow collects from the edges of puddles and fastens with saliva, horsehair and straws.

City swallows nest under the roofs of stone buildings. Two species of these swallows are under human protection. There are also shore swallows.

In Moscow and the Moscow region you can find not only these types of swallows, but also many other birds that are also protected by law.

Why are some bird species listed in the Red Book?

What benefits do birds bring?

What needs to be done to reduce the number of bird species listed in the Red Book? What can you do to make the birds' lives better?

      1. 7. Mini test.

A. Barto,A. Pleshcheev,F. Tyutchev.

2. The time of year that the poet describes?

Spring, sIma, autumn.

3. The name of the birds from the poem “Spring”.

Swallows, sparrows,nightingales

4. What is the source of creative inspiration of A.N. Pleshcheeva?

Nature, withsun, birds.

Additional time:
Excerpt from S.Ya. Marshak’s fairy tale “12 months”
(time: 12:39 - 14:48)

      1. 8. Lesson summary

    What new did you learn in the lesson?

    Which poem do you remember?

    What did you like about the lesson?

Primary school teacher Kutenkova N.A.
GBOU School No. 384 named after D.K. Korneeva
Literary reading lesson 2nd grade
Topic: Poems by A. Pleshcheev about spring
 familiarize children with poems about spring by A.N. Pleshcheev;
 develop correct, expressive reading skills.
 enrich children's vocabulary;
 develop memory, attention, observation, imagination;
 instill a love of nature and Russian literature.
Planned results:
students must be able to predict the content of a work to read
poems expressively; imagine pictures of spring nature and find in
in the poem those words that help to imagine these pictures, explain
individual expressions in the lyrical text.
 Cognitive: analyze the poem, highlight the main idea in it,
answer questions based on the text of the poem.
 Regulatory: formulate the educational task of the lesson based on the analysis
textbook material in joint activities, understand it and accept it,
plan together with the teacher activities to study the topic of the lesson; evaluate
your work in class.
 Communicative: discuss answers to questions in pairs, following the rules
communication, be able to prove your point of view.
students’ establishment of a connection between the purpose of educational activity and its motive.
Means of education:
portrait of A. Pleshcheev; book exhibition, textbook, presentation, film excerpt
"Twelve months".
Lesson type: “Lesson of discovering new knowledge.”

During the classes
Organizing time
Updating students' knowledge. Determining the topic of the lesson.
I offer a literary warm-up that will help determine the topic of the lesson. For
This requires your attention and observation.
Guess the riddle
loose snow
Melts in the sun
The breeze plays in the branches,
Louder bird voices.
So, SPRING has come to us
What time of year will we talk about in class?
What genres of literature do you know? (Fairy tale, poem, riddle, story, etc.)
Determine the genre of this work.
Reading the poem by A. Pleshcheev “Autumn has come.”
Autumn has come
The flowers have dried up,
And they look sad
Bare bushes.
Withers and turns yellow
Grass in the meadows
It's just turning green
Winter in the fields.
A cloud covers the sky
The sun doesn't shine
The wind howls in the field,
The rain is drizzling..
The waters began to rustle
of the fast stream,
The birds have flown away
To warmer climes.
Who is the author of the poem? (Alexey Nikolaevich Pleshcheev)

On the board there are cards with the words: SPRING, POEM, A.N. PLESHCHEYEV
Who will try to formulate the topic of the lesson?
Today we will get acquainted with the works of the great Russian poet
A.N. Pleshcheeva.
Brief bibliographic information about the poet.
Alexey Nikolaevich Pleshcheev (18251893). Poet, translator, literary critic.
The poet spent his childhood in Nizhny Novgorod. His mother, Elena, was in charge of raising him.
Alexandrovna, who managed to give her son a good education. Alexey Nikolaevich
He wrote quite a lot of works not only for children, but also for adults.
3. Studying new material.
1. Preparation for text comprehension.
How do poems differ from prose?
(Rhyme, rhythm)
Who can guess for what purpose poetry is read?
(Have fun, feel the mood...)
The first poem we will read is called “Spring”.
Based on the title of the work, can we guess what (who) the poet will talk about?
“Spring” Alexey Pleshcheev
The snow is already melting, the streams are flowing,
There was a breath of spring through the window...
The nightingales will soon whistle,
And the forest will be dressed in leaves!
Pure heavenly azure,
The sun became warmer and brighter,
It's time for evil blizzards and storms
It's gone for a long time again.
Do these words help you understand that spring has already arrived?
Reading the poem “Spring” (audio recording).
Checking primary perception.

Were the assumptions regarding the title of the poem justified?
What time of year is the poet describing?
What pictures of spring does the poet observe and draw? (Spring is coming)

What is said about the forest, about nightingales, about blizzards?
What picture can you imagine from this poem?
Speech warm-up

The starling is flying, the end of winter.
I saw a spring starling near the porch.
The starling messenger of spring is flying.
Start reading slowly and gradually speed up the pace.
Start reading quickly and gradually slow down.
Start reading in a whisper and gradually increase your voice.
Start reading loudly and gradually switch to a whisper.
Now you are ready to read poetry.
Reading a poem. Work with text.
Initial acquaintance
Guys, let's open our textbook and read this poem
on one's own.
What word did you not understand? Mark words that require clarification.
(Azure) look, it is highlighted in blue in our textbook.
What do you think it means?
(Interpretation of the word “azure” is light blue color, blue)
Vocabulary work. Preparing to read the work aloud.
Reading words syllable by syllable and then whole word
According to the air - I lo - it blew (= to blow)
They whistle for - they will whistle (= sing)
o de - no - xia - will get dressed
mi - but - va - la - passed (= passed)
se-ni-seni (non-residential part of the house connecting the living space with the street)
about - yet - run - chirp
What do these words mean? Find words synonyms?
Re-read the text.
Initial check of understanding.
What pictures of spring does the poet observe?
What technique does the poet use so that we can imagine spring pictures more clearly?

What expressive means of language does the poet use in the poem?
(literary device personification)
Fill in the missing avatars
“The snow is already melting,... streams.”
“Soon the nightingales will whistle
And the forest……. leaves."
“Pure heavenly azure,
The sun is warmer and brighter......"
In what mood does he speak about them?
Where should you pause when reading a poem?
Now that we have tried to understand the poet’s mood, let’s try to read
the poem is expressive.
2. Work on reading expressiveness.
What does it mean to read expressively?
Read the whole word and without mistakes.
Choose the desired tone and pace of reading.
Highlight the main words with your voice.
Convey your attitude towards what you read.
Reading the poem “Spring” (12 students read the poem)
Physical education minute
Let's continue to study the poet's work. The authors of the textbook offer us for work
a poem called "Rural Song".
What (who) will the poem be about?
1. Vocabulary work.
What does the word "seni" mean?
(The canopy is the non-residential part of the house connecting the living space with the street).
Chirp, i.e. sing
2. Primary reading of the poem by A.N. Pleshcheeva
Why did the author give this name? What do you think it's about?

Did you like the poem?
Have you heard this piece before?
(An excerpt of the poem is heard in the film “12 Months”)
Watch an excerpt from the film.
P.I. Tchaikovsky appreciated the work of A.N. Pleshcheeva. The poet gave him one of his
collections of poems with an autograph.
Reading the poem "Rural Song"
The grass is turning green
The sun is shining;
Swallow with spring
It flies towards us in the canopy.
With her the sun is more beautiful
And spring is sweeter...
Chirp out of the way
Greetings to us soon!
I'll give you grains
And you sing a song,
What from distant countries
I brought with me...
Name the keywords.
Spring, Sun, Grass, Swallow, song
Does the poet like spring?
What words indicate that the poet is rejoicing and waiting for spring?
What request does the poet make to the swallow?
What signs of spring can you see and which can you hear?
Find and read about them.
3. Independent reading of the poem.
(Children's attention is drawn to the placement of punctuation marks).
4. Work on expressive reading of the text. Selective reading.

Is the poet happy about the arrival of spring or not?
In what lines is this expressed?
What signs of spring can you see and what can you hear? Find and read them.
What unites the works of A.N. Pleshcheeva?
Consolidation of what has been learned
Take the cards and match the title of the poem with the author.
"Spring Waters"
“It’s not for nothing that winter is angry...” F. Tyutchev
"Rural Song"
A. Pleshcheev
Exchange cards and check with each other.
Mini test

Spring, winter, autumn.

Swallows, sparrows, nightingales.
Nature, sun, birds.
1. Author of the poems “Spring”, “Rural Song”.
A. Barto, A. Pleshcheev, F. Tyutchev.
2. The time of year that the poet describes?
Spring, winter, autumn.
3. The name of the birds from the poem “Spring”.
Swallows, sparrows, nightingales
4. What is the source of creative inspiration of A.N.
Nature, sun, birds.
Reflection on activity (lesson summary)
Which Russian poet's poems did we read today? What are these poems about?

What mood did the poems you read make you feel?
What new did you learn in the lesson?
Have we said everything in class or do we still need to think and reflect?
How did you do in the lesson?
Which poem do you remember?
What did you like about the lesson?
What caused the difficulty?
Have you become interested in poetry?
Draw an illustration for A. Pleshcheev’s poem.
Learn one poem by heart (optional).

Goals: introduce students to A. Pleshcheev’s poems about spring; develop the skills of correct, expressive reading, memory, attention, thinking.

Planned results: students must be able to predict the content of a work; read poems and riddles expressively; correlate riddles and answers; imagine pictures of spring nature and find in the poem those words that help imagine these pictures; explain individual expressions in the lyric text.

Equipment: portrait of A. Pleshcheev, exhibition of his books; visual materials on the topic; a fragment of the film (or cartoon) “Twelve Months” (if possible); cards (text for speech warm-up, tasks).

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

II. Speech warm-up

Read the poem in a buzzing manner.

Spring guest

Dear singer,

Dear swallow,

Came back to our home

From a foreign land.

It curls under the window

With a live song:

"I am the spring and the sun

I brought with me...”

Read expressively. Setting lesson goals

IV. Checking homework

Reading poems by heart.

V. Work on the topic of the lesson

1. Conversation about A. Pleshcheev

What do you know about this poet?

Material for teachers

Alexey Nikolaevich Pleshcheev (1825-1893) - a wonderful Russian poet, writer, translator. Contemporaries recalled that he was an exceptionally delicate, gentle and friendly person, always ready to help. However, the life of Pleshcheev himself was not easy: after exile, he was under police surveillance for many years, and in 1863, in connection with the Chernyshevsky case, he was summoned to the Senate on charges (false, as he managed to prove) of anti-government activities. All his life he struggled with poverty in order to support his family (his wife died in 1864, he later remarried, and had children from both marriages), and was forced to decide to serve, without leaving his literary pursuits.

He said this to his contemporaries who wrote for children: “Remember that little readers are the future builders of Russian life. Teach them to love goodness, their homeland, and remember their duty to the people.”

2. Poem “Spring”

- Read A. Pleshcheev’s poem “Spring” (p. 112).

- Find an explanation of the word “azure”.

— What pictures of spring does the poet observe? In what mood does he speak about them?

VI. Physical education minute

Morning - after exercise

The sun looked into the crib -

One two three four five.

We all do exercises

We need to sit down and stand up.

Stretch your arms wider

One two three four five.

Bend over - three, four,

And jump on the spot.

On the toe, then on the heel.

We all do exercises.

VII. Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson

Poem "Rural Song"

- Us. 113 read the title of the poem. What do you think it's about?

(Children's assumptions.)

- Read the poem yourself.

—Have you heard this poem before? Who remembers? (Answer: The poem is heard in the film “Twelve Months”. If possible, the teacher can show this fragment.)

- Read the poem expressively.

—Is the poet happy about the arrival of spring or not?

- In what lines is this expressed?

What signs of spring can you see and what can you hear? Find and read about them.

VIII. Reflection

What did you learn in the lesson?

What would you praise yourself for?

What did you do best?

IX. Summing up the lesson

What poems did we read?

Let's read a short poem.

The sun whispers

The sun whispers to a leaf:

- Don’t be timid, my dear!

And takes it from the kidney

For a green forelock.

V. Orlov


Learn any poem by A. Pleshcheev.

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