Ukrainian myths about Russian special forces. Special status of Novorossiya Novorossiya special department in contact

Original taken from avva in Sergeev's memories of the LPR

This stunning text is worth reading in its entirety. Militia “volunteer” Evgeny Sergeev writes on his VKontakte his memories of “Batman”, in whose group he spent six months. As a result, this turns out to be a text about the entire LPR and the order in it, and not just about Batman. Judging by Sergeev’s page, he returned home to Russia just a month ago, on New Year’s Eve. The RRT that is often mentioned is Batman's "Rapid Response Team".

Sergeev, apparently, is not a fake or a propaganda invention, real person with real VKontakte, with a long feed of posts, photos and videos from Lugansk and Slavyansk starting back in May. He fought against the Ukrainian side for six months, and now, quite sincerely, he continues to be for Novorossiya and against the Ukrops. Its text speaks for itself. It was published in five parts on his VKontakte (the last part was published three days ago and “To be continued”). I found it via a link from Misha Verbitsky.

Evgeniy Sergeev, RBI "Batman". About Alexander Bednov.

"At the moment, this personality has two diametrically opposed poles when assessing him as a leader and as a person. This is understandable - his violent and sudden death still has both political and moral significance, both for the actors in Novorossiya and the idle Internet onlookers and spectators split into two opposite camps - the first due to their ambitions and the degree of closeness to him during life, the second in accordance with the laws of crowd behavior, always greedy for the low and primitive pleasures of any public bloody spectacle - from bullfights to gladiator fights and boxing matches inclusive. Some always root for the reds, and others for the blues...

In addition, I believe that my thoughts about him also have the value that I knew him personally, served under his command for more than six months, and without being part of his inner circle, I am freed from the temptation of both unbridled praise and selfish, momentary and conjunctural throwing mud at him. And in general, I am apparently the only one from the entire former RBI “Batman” who, in one way or another, has the ability to speak and has the opportunity to quite clearly convey my observations to his address.

So let's start with its genesis.

Bednov, since the spring, was initially part of Mozgovoy’s group and was not in the very first roles there, but then such a nuisance happened as an attempt to murder Mozgovoy by his, let’s say, comrades in arms - he was invited to a meeting at the Regional State Administration, was arrested and put in the basement in anticipation of imminent and inevitable death from a “heart attack.” But times were still simple then, and maybe people were more determined than now, but Mozgovoy was eventually released, since eighty of his fighters surrounded the Regional State Administration and under the threat of burning such a representative building. demanded his release. (We note that apparently for this reason Bednov was not arrested at the Regional State Administration an hour before the murder - they were afraid of a repetition of the May events).

Lesha, don’t be a fool, immediately retired to the north of the region in the Lisichansk area, away from such nimble and ardent “heroes of Novorossiya,” but he needed someone who would take the risk of action in Lugansk itself, and this is where Batman appears , which takes on the functions of representing Mozgovoy’s interests in the capital. (And as we see, this was his fatal mistake, since Mozgovoy is alive, but Bednov is not). He is allocated 12 people, given access to Russian sponsors and the arsenal. And here all of Bednov’s organizational talent, which so effectively helped him create the GBR, manifests itself. The main fighting force of the militia is Russian volunteers, and he is doing everything to direct part of their flow to the GBR. He puts Abkhaz at the Severny checkpoint and negotiates with all those smugglers who illegally transfer volunteers across the border in the Donetsk Rostovsky-Izvarino area to send these volunteers to him. Remembering myself and my guys, I now understand that this was a brilliant move. We crossed the border at random, we had no information about active resistance groups, and we didn’t care which group we ended up in - we were only interested in the fight against fascism and the desire to avenge Odessa. But this was not the case in Lugansk itself - the field commander who had more “bayonets” would then ultimately determine the situation in the LPR. Therefore, they competed quite fiercely with each other for Russian “cannon fodder.”

At first, Bednov’s group was a motley and inexperienced gang that did not quite understand with what enemy it had decided to measure its strength. The first and only battle in which Bednov personally took part was a counterattack on dill in the Metalist area on June 17, 2014. On my first day of service for the benefit of Novorossiya. Our group did not have time to take part in the battle, since we arrived at the location late in the evening, and only closer to midnight, after the end of the clash, Bednov lined us up, still dressed in civilian clothes, and made a very long and heartfelt speech (he generally loved to talk speech), accepted us into the unit. But according to the surveys of participants, an unattractive picture emerged for me. All thirty people drove out to the battlefield in cars, and right in front of the dill they began jumping out of them and firing in all directions. As I now understand, they were then saved from complete defeat by Barbie, a 57-year-old elderly Russian militiaman from Krasnodar, who pinned the dill to the ground with the fire of his double-barreled ZU-23, placed directly on the “jihadmobile” - on a Japanese jeep pickup truck. Dill, caught in an open field by such a destructive “Caesar’s chariot,” abandoned their weapons and fled, but then their snipers and machine gunners came into action, and now it was time for the GBR to retreat in panic, abandoning their weapons and the wounded. So Barbie, wounded on the battlefield, was abandoned by his friend “Novoross” (I no longer remember the call sign of this bastard), for the reason that “If I had started dragging him, I would have been killed too.” Barbie radioed that he was wounded and asked for help, but in vain, the militia had already fled. The dill surrounded him and finished him off with a shot in the heart, and disfigured his face by cutting off his left ear. This bastard did not suffer any punishment. Moreover, he then showed off his good looks, proudly prancing around the barracks, weighed down with as many as three pistols.

As I have already noted, from that very battle Bednov avoided not only personally commanding the battlefield, but, over time, even simply visiting the “hot” spots of the defense of Lugansk. When some staff members invited him to personally visit our positions near Smelye in October 2014, he wisely declined such a dubious honor, clarifying that he was “not a fool.” He really was never a fool, since there was a very high probability of his not returning from there, from this cauldron that was fatal both for us and for the dill....

The shock of that first battle showed everyone, not only Bednov, but also his emerging circle, that the time for jokes and slogans had passed irrevocably, and that there was a very high probability of their very rapid and painful transformation “into pieces of human meat and into scraps from torn people.” (I quote verbatim what I then heard from Janek, one of his closest favorites). This was the reason for the sharp split of the GBR into two parts that had absolutely no communication with each other - into the combat, front-line core and into the so-called “Special Department”.

These were people who had hardly ever seen even a dead dill, let alone a living one (with the exception of those wounded prisoners whom we transported to our hospital). They took up all the mouse movement that is now being blamed on Bednov. The main activity of these “gopolchentsev” became, naturally, requisitions, expropriations, all kinds of squeezes, trade in humanitarian aid and racketeering. In addition, judging by some indirect evidence, we can talk about money received from relatives of those who were extorted for their release, and Bednov also organized his own hospital, a matter that at first glance is very necessary and noble, if you do not take into account that circumstance , that, according to rumors, he put under his control all the pharmacies in the eastern part of Lugansk, and where, with the help of this very hospital, he had the opportunity to hand over all the medical humanitarian aid that was coming from Russia for direct sale. But Tigra, naturally, the head of the hospital, “Novorossiysk”, can tell you more about this.

Complete freedom of hands, a lot of free time, closeness to the “body”, a sense of imaginary security, frequently changed wrung out business class cars, suddenly acquired wealth and complete impunity in relation to the life and death of peaceful Luhansk residents drove these unfortunate bastards crazy. You should have seen the attitude of these smart guys who settled in and settled down towards us - towards the soldiers' "rabble". Full of arrogance and even some kind of pitiful contempt for our idealistic desire to stand up for the women and children of Donbass, at first they behaved down on us, did not consider us people and stayed away from us.

Then, when many of us rightfully gained fame for our military deeds, they began to fear and curry favor with us, realizing that after all that we had gone through, it would not have been difficult for us, desperate and seasoned people, to deal with by this hedonistic and decayed community of cowards and poseurs, who at all costs avoid the front and its refreshing “charms” - step on one foot, pull the other, and say that it was so.

And this desire grew more and more. I, as a Russian, understood that sooner or later, but that strength. on which Novorossiya relied and relies, Great bourgeois Russia, will not allow such clever fiddling with the right of property and the rights of citizens in the territory adjacent to it. So as not to set a seductive and contagious example for your own fellow citizens. And that sooner or later, these excesses will be correctly assessed and correctly resolved. Another thing is that a helpful fool is always worse than an enemy...

However, Bednov would not be interesting to others and would not be so hated by his enemies. if he could only be characterized as a stilted and primitive operetta villain. This personality was as contradictory and complex as the process of formation of Novorossiya itself was complex and contradictory. He, and this is without a doubt, is a real hero of the defense of Lugansk and he will forever remain one of the founding fathers of Novorossiya, and in the future, a free and fraternal Ukrainian state.

This man had both the talent and the will to create the most effective combat militia unit in the LPR - the Rapid Reaction Group. Starting from scratch, making mistakes and acting, acting again and making mistakes again, he gradually, not all at once, but gathered around himself a team of fighters and managers on whom he could fully rely. He always looked at the future and never put it off. Whatever he planned or promised, he systematically brought it to life. Back in June, during the formation, he promised that the GBR would definitely have its own “mazut”, that is, its own vehicles and armored unit, and despite any difficulties he achieved his goal. The organization of the already mentioned hospital also took place quickly and professionally, and this saved the lives of many, very many - both militiamen and civilians, and even captured and mutilated ukropatriots in battles.

In terms of supplies, the GBR units have always stood out very favorably from the rest of the militias - “Zarya”, “Don”, Seventh Checkpoint, Leshy and Lisov. Against their background - ragged, dressed in assorted semi-civilian underwear, eating almost from hand to mouth, and armed with "karamultuks", units of the GBR always looked like some kind of space landing rangers, - with the most modern weapons, in brand new, brand new uniforms, with personal protective equipment, transport and communications. The food supply was always at its best - we always had everything. Moreover, we always shared numerous surpluses of food, cigarettes and medicines with the civilian population and with our ragged and hungry comrades. Bednov himself disbanded the three-platoon division of the GBR combat unit, which had proven to be ineffective. He removed people unsuitable for combat work from command positions and switched to a system of staffing the unit with separate combat detachments under the command of dashing and desperate father-commanders. Names such as Kamaz, Ratibor, Prince, Orel, Kinder and Plastun, this is the true face of the Batman GBR. It is they who have gained and are still gaining military glory for this unit. They instilled in the units the strictest discipline, the true spirit of soldierly brotherhood and selflessness. Selfless faith in the rightness of the all-Russian cause and readiness for sacrifice. We, front-line soldiers and soldiers, never dared to raise a hand against someone peaceful and unarmed, to insult or humiliate someone, to deprive someone of their property or livelihood. All our horizons and prospects were limited only by the deadly, dangerous struggle, the rough and ennobled life of a soldier, cheap cigarettes and precious male friendship. Each of us was happy being there - in the SBI unit, and this is also the direct merit of “Batman”. He constantly emphasized in his nightly speeches at inspections that we are the best, that we are pure, that we do not engage in squeezes and robberies, that we fight, that we are a simple people abandoned by all governments and gods, that our duty is to help people , and not to multiply their already innumerable sorrows and ongoing misfortune. At these moments, his blue, very expressive eyes lit up with some kind of inspiring and soft light, and we all believed that despite all the mouse excesses happening around us, still, wearing the bat of the unit on your sleeve is a big and obliging honor. We believed, once again getting ready for the next trip and going to our everyday and bloody work, that there was no one but us to defend Novorossiya, that our cause was just, that all these misunderstandings were a manifestation of civil war and social revolution and that they would definitely be overcome, all the guilty punished, and our sacrifices will not be in vain. In addition, the glory of the GBR was already ahead of itself. Many fighters are not only from Lugansk. but also from the DPR they sought to join the GBR in order to fight and fight for real. And in Lugansk itself, the Lugansk residents themselves have already begun to respectfully decipher the abbreviation GBR as “State Security of the Republic.”

By the end of the summer of 2014, Bednov “dumped” Mozgovoy and himself tried on the Napoleonic epaulets of an independent field commander. As can be seen from the results of his political activities, he did this clearly in vain and at the wrong time. But that’s how he was - he wanted everything at once. The loss of such a patron as Mozgovoy, however, over time, revealed all his vulnerability and isolation from other centers of power in the LPR. At first, when the fate of Novorossiya hung in the balance, it was not so obvious and deadly, but after the situation stabilized, his “precocity” and his ungrateful behavior towards his former patron showed his competitors that they should not believe his oaths, not a word from him.

His ambitions inevitably dragged him there - to the dirty and broken crossing between Lutugino and Georgievka...

The general public, of course, remembers that shameful August day of 2014, when almost the entire leadership of the Lugansk People's Republic and the paramilitary forces close to them panicked, in a huge column in luxurious executive cars filled with cash and jewelry, abandoning the population to the mercy of fate and remaining faithful to the idea of ​​​​fighting until end, the militias, ended up on the territory of the Russian Federation. It seemed to them, after the complete encirclement of Lugansk, that the game was over and it was time to “pack the bags and go to Moskalyovka.”

Bednov and Plotnitsky, unlike them, did not do this. And for this alone one can forgive a lot of these people for their courage and composure in those fateful days. They stayed in Lugansk and fought to the end.

This funny incident not only deprived the defense of Lugansk of eight hundred of its defenders, but removed Bolotov and his entire team from the political arena. And “this is where the war began,” as Thucydides wrote...

Bednov attempted the unthinkable, from the point of view of the main players in the LPR - he decided to become the Head of the Republic.

No sooner said than done. The Liberation Front public movement is immediately created, signatures are collected, its activists are recruited from the SBI fighters, lists of candidates for deputies of the People's Council are compiled, posters and campaigning for Bednov begin to be hung, and work is carried out with the population. San Sanych appears more and more often in the body and Internet space. During the bravura and sweet-hopeful constructions, I sometimes got the impression that if Bednov himself had not wanted to become the President of the Republic, then the hangers-on and sweet-voiced flatterers and sing-alongs crawling before him would have dragged him to the throne almost by force. The GBR headquarters was then full of joyful and pathetic bustle. Persons close to His Imperial Majesty were already clearly burdened by the unpretentious and modest, almost Spartan atmosphere of the former student dormitory. They were already dreaming of the velvet carpets and polished oak parquet of the Presidential Palace, where they, in the noble and representative silence of the parliamentary and ministerial offices, would wisely and fruitfully decide the fate of financial flows and the sea of ​​spilled humanitarian aid. And only a mere trifle - the time allotted for voting and counting the votes cast for them - stood between them and their dazzling future.

Naturally, the election process was not without incidents.

It should be noted that just before the entrance to the GBR camp, at the Machine Institute, from morning to evening, relatives of those detained by the Commandant’s Platoon, another monstrous creation of the dark side of Bednov, were crowded (We’ll talk about him later. Let’s leave, so to speak, the sweetest part for dessert).

And in the midst of this large crowd of people, exhausted by the unknown and fear for the fate of their loved ones, Lugansk residents, a thick theatrical poster stand stood proudly and arrogantly, completely hung with bright election posters campaigning for Bednov and his “Liberation Front.” One must think that it is difficult to imagine a more effective PR... Direct, so to speak, and visual campaigning among voters... But this is so, some features of madness and surrealism were noticed, not without inner amazement, by an ordinary machine gunner... And it’s true, - after all, all these people, one way or another, were waiting for the Liberation from Bednov... for their relatives from the basement...

However, this whole venture ended in nothing. Dreams were shattered, and again, once again, faith in Humanity was lost... When trying to submit documents for registration of a social movement, Bednov was shown his place - the documents for registration were not accepted, and during the most solemn and long-awaited procedure for submitting them , fire was opened on representatives of the State Bureau of Investigation right in the department of the Ministry of Justice of the Government of the LPR, injuring three people.

Well, what can you say to this?

Direct military democracy in action:

Bullet in response to a submitted application.

Thermobaric flamethrower charge as a visa.

A directed landmine, as a form of non-verbal negative response from a higher authority to a signed petition.

A nine-millimeter “olive” of a “Fort” pistol into the left temporal lobe of the brain, as a sanction for an overdeveloped speech apparatus.

Do not go, my dear readers, to the elections to the representative bodies of the LPR.

You will be healthier.

To the members of the Special Department, as artistic and vulnerable individuals and “not going to appear where they are shooting” (I am conveying verbatim what one of them told me, a front-line soldier, with amazing frankness and shamelessness. You can evaluate the degree of their “chosenness” and conceit) , first of all, a brute and regular armed force was needed, not close enough to Batman to seriously share with her, but, at the same time, so covered in all sorts of excesses and squeezes that, on occasion, it would hold keep your mouth shut and do all the necessary dirty work without complaint. The Commandant's Platoon became such a force. His initial task was to guard the GBR base and maintain order and discipline in the area. However, at the very moment when this “combat unit” was born, neither the Machine Institute itself nor the adjacent neighborhoods shuddered or shuddered. And it should. For this “bell” rang, first of all, for them...

At the foundation of the building of discipline, as in memorable times, when laying the foundations of pagan temples and temples, it was decided to make a human sacrifice. This unprecedented honor fell to a local militia with the romantic call sign “Italy.” At that time, the “Novorossians” did not yet dare to kill Russian citizens, but after the death of Batman’s Russian guards, this annoying restriction has now been finally lifted by the fact of their impunity and cowardly silence.

Italy had recently moved his wife and children to Russia, and apparently felt very strongly about this as his own personal tragedy. Many began to notice his increasing inadequacy and the emerging features of a nervous breakdown. And it finally took place. Two weeks after his family left to emigrate, he left his position without permission and returned to Lugansk, where he began to drunkenly “build” some teenagers drinking on the street. There he was detained and disarmed. I cannot say who and how decided his fate, but a few days later he was taken to the former GBR base, allowed to smoke his last cigarette, and after that, a masked executioner executed him by shooting him point-blank with a pistol. His corpse, according to rumors, was either thrown into the river or buried in one of the many mortar craters. Thus, a true patriot of his country, who did not flee abroad, like most Donbass residents, and did not hide behind his wife and children as an excuse for his cowardice, but who stood up in arms to defend his native city, was extrajudicially put to death, despite the fact that his there was no human blood in their hands, no female chastity, not a single hryvnia squeezed out and appropriated.

I believe that he deserved anything but death.

Having educated themselves in this way, the Commandant's Platoon enthusiastically began to carry out their direct duties. The “basement”, which previously existed at an amateur level, began to acquire the features of a professional and qualified assembly line. The victims of his dungeons were mainly civilians caught and kidnapped on the streets of Lugansk, owners of vehicles they liked, houses, cottages and apartments, as well as representatives of the Lugansk business community who were subject to “special treatment” and had the imprudence to stay and continue working in the besieged city. We must understand that here there was least of all arbitrariness and tyranny. People were detained precisely in order to constantly have a source of free labor at hand. Simply put, slaves were needed.

Naturally, due to their Slavic character, these were not the prisoners of the notorious Caucasian zindans starved to death and deprived of fingers and ears. In comparison, the conditions of “work” and release were much more humane.

Having fallen into the hands of Chechen, Luish, Phobos and Maniac, the prisoner was treated almost in a friendly manner with a thick plastic pipe and legs, after which he went to the damp and hospitable dungeon of the basement of the student dormitory, with hard work washing away the shame of owning an expensive car, the grave guilt of living in the immediate vicinity from the Machine Institute and the sin of getting noticed by the law enforcement group on the wide avenues of Lugansk.

Having worked from hand to mouth for a month, having fallen under the hot hand five times, and having shown obedience and humility, the reformed offender happily skipped out of the walls of the GBR, which had become almost familiar to him.

The fate of those who, one way or another, attracted the special attention of the knights of the pipe and dagger was more difficult.

Usually it all started with a welcome shot in the leg in the knee area. Then, after providing him with first aid (We had our own hospital, remember?), the prisoner was dragged into the room for a heart-to-heart talk. There he was trimmed with various improvised devices - clubs, hammers, shovels, butts and surgical instruments. After which the unfortunate man was put on a chain and there he most likely either “escaped” or died of a “heart attack.”

Naturally, at first, we all justified both the activities of the basements and the activities of the Maniac. Firstly, at that time there was no law and order on the streets of Lugansk, and it seemed to us that our comrades were playing this role. And where there is law and order, you cannot do without prisons. Moreover, Lugansk was then overwhelmed by a tsunami of crime and decay, the inevitable companions of war and anarchy. Just look at the “combat group” of the KGB militia, widely known in narrow circles, which in the period from July to August 2014 robbed at least one and a half thousand abandoned Luhansk apartments until its “fight for Novorossiya” was stopped. These people robbed in trains...

In addition, one should not discount the wave of spy mania and the feverish search for saboteurs and mortar terrorists. And she had every reason. At the headquarters of the National Guard battalion “Kyiv-1” we somehow found a hastily abandoned logbook recording the work of artillery gunners “working” in Lugansk. It was a very, very large ledger, with phone numbers, names and results. Maniac “split” one such artillery commander, a suspicious man with a soldier’s bearing and a piping on the back of his head, who we detained before our eyes, breaking two shovels on him in the courtyard of our barracks on the Veselenky farm. He was then found with radio equipment and $2,000 in cash. Another 60 thousand “green” were on the bank card seized from him.

And the very regime of our stay at the base did not allow us to fully receive and evaluate information about the Maniac’s activities. In those short days in the barracks between combat missions, we had no time to collect rumors and information. However, as always, sooner or later, the quantity of information gradually and inevitably began to turn into quality.

The very widespread use of slave labor in all spheres of life in the GBR was simply shocking. People were not shy and shamelessly used prisoners in all dirty and hard work, from cleaning the territory and digging trenches to cooking. I was simply amazed how quickly the militia got used to this order of things and considered it natural. Showing neither pity nor compassion for his former fellow citizens and countrymen. This callousness pointed to something that I could not understand and define, and it bothered me, as sometimes this or that word bothers me, which you just can’t remember and that makes you forget it even more.

There was no contempt from a warrior for a non-warrior. Since the prisoners were also very actively used by the civilian, mostly female staff of the State Bureau of Investigation, who never in their lives risked it and did not put it on the card table of armed confrontation every day as a minimum bet. There was no general fashion for ostentatious, brutal violence and cruelty, without following which in public, you would lose something in the eyes of your colleagues and subordinates. Not at all. The very ordinariness and routine of coercion, its naturalness and spontaneity, told me something that I could not understand. And it was necessary to understand this, because without such an understanding, all our sacrifices and efforts were devalued and desecrated. But one day, I remembered my cherished word. This happened when I heard this phrase from Sasha. “We threw off some beavers to put others on our necks. But these are the same beavers."

On September 1, a significant event occurred that had been awaited for several months. Negotiations on a ceasefire and peace in the South-East of Ukraine began in Minsk, in which the DPR and LPR acted as an independent entity. Their representatives were included in the Contact Group for the settlement of the Ukrainian crisis, which also includes representatives of the Russian Federation, Ukraine and the OSCE. Personally, these are the Russian Ambassador to Ukraine Mikhail Zurabov, ex-President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma, the official representative of the OSCE Chairmanship on the settlement of the situation in Ukraine Heidi Tagliavini, the rebel republics were represented by Deputy Prime Minister of the DPR Andrei Purgin. He submitted a 15-point ceasefire proposal for consideration. However, comments on these proposals have been controversial.

First, information appeared that representatives of Novorossiya demanded the adoption of a special status for Donbass. The media disseminated a commentary by Andrei Purgin, in which he said that “we are talking about the common security space of Ukraine, the DPR and LPR, about the post-war restoration of economic, cultural and social ties with Ukraine and that the DPR and LPR will not lay claim to other territories Ukraine".

These proposals are specified on the Russian Spring portal:

“The LPR and DPR demand recognition of the special status of their territories, the cessation of the military operation of the Ukrainian security forces in order to hold free elections and recognition of the status of the Russian language.

They also insist on special status for their armed forces and the right to appoint prosecutors and judges. At the same time, in their opinion, it is necessary to carry out an unconditional amnesty for militia members and all political prisoners.

The LPR and DPR also require a special procedure for conducting foreign economic activity, taking into account deepening integration with Russia and the Customs Union.

If these requirements are met, the LPR and DPR guarantee that “they will make every effort to maintain peace, preserve the single economic, cultural and political space of Ukraine and the entire space of Russian-Ukrainian civilization.”

“For the cessation of the punitive operation, the withdrawal of troops and the formal recognition of the DPR and LPR as part of Ukraine, the republics of Novorossiya will receive de facto independence:

Independent power structures, whatever they are called;

An independent economy, including freedom of foreign economic relations, which means joining the Customs Union and actual merging with the Russian economic space;

Legalization of foreign economic activity, including in relations with Western structures, i.e. the ability to avoid a blockade and boycott of export-import operations;

An independent judiciary;

With actual independence from Kyiv, the opportunity to seriously influence Ukrainian domestic politics through representation in the Verkhovna Rada and participation in presidential elections;

In addition, conditions will probably be set for the remaining territories of Ukraine, such as the state status of the Russian language in Ukraine, the expansion of powers of the regions, etc.”

In fact, this is an ultimatum to Ukraine, which is unlikely to be accepted by the Ukrainian authorities.

However, later DPR Prime Minister Alexander Zakharchenko refuted the proposals made by Purgin and generally doubted that he could have expressed them.

The information that the DPR and LPR have announced their agreement to remain part of Ukraine is not true, Zakharchenko said on the Russian News Service. “It is unknown where this information came from. Most likely, Kyiv would like it to be like this,” the Donetsk prime minister considered, adding that the republics do not consider it realistic to remain part of Ukraine. He said that DPR representatives were sent to Minsk to consult on the prisoner exchange, “they did not have the authority to make such statements, and they did not make them.”

Then, Deputy Prime Minister of the DPR Andrei Purgin denied the message that appeared in the media about the alleged readiness to preserve a single political space of Ukraine.

“The next meeting will be on the 5th, while we exchanged documents with the Ukrainian side. They conveyed their vision of the situation, and we conveyed ours,” Purgin said. According to the Deputy Prime Minister of the DPR, at the next meeting of the contact group the first steps towards a ceasefire and the issue of exchanging hostages “all for all” will be discussed.

The fact that the next round of negotiations has been postponed until the end of the week plays into the hands of the Novorossiya army. During this time, it can cook the punitive forces in cauldrons, clear airports, liberate the villages of Shchastya and Maryinka, pushing the enemy to a missile-safe distance from Donetsk and Lugansk. Then block the grouping near Debaltsevo in the new cauldron on the northwestern front and thereby open the way to Lisichansk and Severodonetsk along one road line and to Kramatorsk and Slavyansk along the other. At the same time, in the south, Mariupol will be placed under a final blockade. Thus, the rebels will be closer to the complete liberation of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions (at the moment they control about half of their territory).

From these positions, the two unrecognized republics will most likely negotiate with the Ukrainian authorities on September 5. If President Petro Poroshenko remains stubborn here, the advance of the militia army will continue, and then the talk at the 3rd round of negotiations will be about stopping the advance of the Novorossiya army into neighboring regions in exchange for recognition of a “special status” or the creation of a demarcation line.

There is no doubt that the proposal for a “special status” was made. It’s just that Purgin hastened to make it public - it apparently was an unspoken message. Officially, the negotiator had to talk about the exchange of prisoners of war. Therefore, Zakharchenko had to refute his words, just as Purgin later did - himself.

Despite the fact that the DPR and LPR propose to remain part of Ukraine, this status is strategically beneficial to both the unrecognized republics and Russia.

In fact, we are talking about a status similar to Transnistria: de facto - an independent state, a protectorate of Russia, but de jure - a republic within Moldova. This confusing situation allows Transnistria to conduct its own policy and trade, independent from Moldova, but coordinated with Russia. But because of this burden, Moldova cannot join the EU, unite with Romania, and especially not join NATO. If the DPR and LPR remain part of Ukraine on the same principles, for the latter this option will be even worse than Transnistria for Moldova. Novorossiya, as a de facto independent state with a strong and strengthened army, being de jure part of Ukraine, can and will have a direct political and military impact on Kyiv and Ukrainian territories. This will lead to a further growth of separatism and the partisan movement in the southern and eastern regions, which were not included in Novorossiya, but were historically part of it. With the escalation of partisanship and the organization of uprisings in these areas, the army of Novorossiya can defend the insurgent people. And this will continue until Ukraine abandons the southern and eastern regions in favor of a new state and recognizes it. Either this wave will reach Kyiv, where the junta will fall and a new government, pro-Russian, will be established.

This scenario is, of course, more desirable for Russia. She might have been satisfied with the Ukrainian breakaway of the DPR and LPR back in May-June, but now she will want to return all of Ukraine to the Russian world.

Naturally, the Ukrainian authorities also see the hidden insidiousness in the “special status”, which is why they will not accept it under any circumstances. It is better for them to immediately abandon the Donetsk and Lugansk regions, rather than to be neighbors with them, having at their side an irreconcilable enemy who harbors a grudge. Therefore, the war will continue until the military forces of Ukraine are technically weakened and morally decayed. Then, again, it will be easier to take all of Ukraine at once rather than in parts. So the situation is still in favor of Novorossiya. The army, hardened in battle and having felt the taste of victory, will not stop. Now stopping the army of Novorossiya is the same as stopping the Red Army’s offensive against Nazi Germany. The enemy must be broken and destroyed. Only such a war could drag on for another year or much longer - how much strength and patience does the United States have to support the puppet government of Ukraine, and Square - financial and human resources.

On December 5, representatives of the Sevastopol Cossacks, among whom was Vladimir Drevetnyak, gathered at the Government building.

In January, Vladimir Grigorievich, along with other patriotic public figures, restored the monument to Kazarsky, desecrated by vandals

Then he and I, a former naval officer, captain of the third rank, and in civilian life a specialist in working with stone, a deputy of the municipality of the Gagarinsky district, met.

During the past year, almost no public event in Sevastopol takes place without Cossacks. Now we have brighter reasons for getting ready. Today the issue of the inclusion of the Cossacks (how many of them there will be, what kind of troops, what it will look like) is being decided on the Council of the Governor of Sevastopol for the Cossacks.

Namely, what troops do you belong to?

We have the Sevastopol special department (regiment) of the Terek Cossack army. The command - the ataman - of this army, which is located in Vladikavkaz, officially recognized us and brought us the banner of the Sevastopol special department of the Terek Cossack army. We have a seal, everything is as it should be.

I am the chieftain, at the same time the deputy for the rear of this regiment, plus the chieftain of the Gagarin hundred. (Hundreds are the battalions into which the regiment is divided). In total there are five district hundreds in Sevastopol. Our army is the largest and one of the most combative. In general, there are many different Cossack troops in Sevastopol. We have all gathered now and will decide our organizational issues: what departments there will be, who will occupy what positions and whether they will occupy them, and so on.

Will the question of helping Novorossiya be raised there?

Many people call me and talk about this. I will try to raise this issue. But in my personal opinion, while official representatives of the government, big government people in Russia at the official level, clearly should not take part in this today. Just as citizens, as private individuals, if they want, then yes.

Can you somehow explain this, give reasons?

Yes, definitely. Firstly, the most unpleasant thing is the attitude towards this situation in the world, the desire of the world community to influence Russia in this conflict. Therefore, I would not give another reason for now. As they say, the dog barks, the caravan moves on. We are doing our job. Russia's support in this matter is simply decisive. Without her, nothing would have happened. Therefore, it is better to do more and talk less about it, especially on camera. Everything will happen as usual.

Tell me, please, what kind of participation do the residents of Sevastopol, ordinary ordinary people, take in this?

It is difficult to overestimate him. Just imagine: sending just one person to a training camp costs 1,600 rubles. This is how much a bus ticket costs. And now we have two battalions sent there. Sevastopol residents support us with things, food, medicine, vehicles, fuel and, of course, money. And you need to top up your phone account and buy some accessories... This can only be done with cash. It's difficult. Not everyone believes that the money will go where it is needed. But the people of Sevastopol and people from mainland Russia, who trust me personally and my comrades, transfer money and help. Low bow to them. Without them, nothing would have happened, and so many Sevastopol residents would not have fought for a just cause.

Where should those who want to provide humanitarian assistance through your Department go?

It is best to get information from the Sevastopol forum:
Theme: "Help to New Russia (Zheleznyakov)."

A participant in the “Sevastopol Ritual”, who raised a lot of funds to help the fighting Novorossiya, Vitaly Kalfa, joins our conversation.

He believes that outreach efforts to provide humanitarian assistance should be more active. “How many people go online, and specifically to the Forum?” he asks. “A minority. And many want to help, but don’t know how.”

People need to be woken up, as was the case in March, on the eve of the referendum. After all, any family can provide all possible help. But for this, in my opinion, there must be a call from influential political forces. For example, such as the political council of the United Russia party, the Sevastopol branch of the ONF. How do you think?

Interested in social activist.

The Russian spring began in winter, even during the Anti-Maidan. And then the whole of Sevastopol - thanks to our Sevastopol Forum - began to organize various organizations: "Rubezh", Smooborona, DND and many others. - Vladimir Drevetnyak explains. - That is, this was not decided overnight, but Novorossiya happened quickly, and the Cossacks sometimes have to act spontaneously. Of our five battalions, including training ones, two are fighting in Novorossiya. This is quite a lot for our army. I believe that it is not we who should deal with appeals. The organization of assistance, including information, should probably be provided by those whose competence it is. I'm used to being responsible only for my area of ​​work. You yourself can contact the United Russia political council. And the Cossacks did their job, and will do it. And in general, the whole of Russia is participating in helping Novorossiya, which gives great effect and significance.

At the end of our conversation, I asked Vladimir Grigorievich a rather frivolous question: “Do militias often use strong words?” :No more than in ordinary life. - He answered. - And you know what’s interesting? The guys from the Caucasus fighting for Novorossiya, of whom there are quite a lot there, do not swear at all. And they don't drink alcohol. In any case, I didn’t come across any drinkers.”

You could see how the Koshevoy’s eyes lit up the moment he started talking about specific people!

Caucasians are generally very interesting guys, desperate. I really liked the Chechens. Hot, brave. The people there generally be healthy. There are more than two hundred Sevastopol residents in our regiment. Of course, there are many Cossacks: Kuban, Rostov, Don. There are many volunteers from Samara, Chita, Yekaterinburg, and Transbaikalia... Our people are very motivated spiritually. We will not let the residents of Novorossiya either starve or freeze. We will all fight until victory, which I am convinced! - will be behind us.

After the meeting, we called Vladimir Grigorievich, and he said that he was very pleased with the results.

At the beginning of next week, our Cossacks are leaving for the front line again:

This is what is written under this photo on the Sevforum: “Before you are the commanders of guns, combat vehicles, artillery installations, rocket systems... I will keep a photo report on our movement to Novorossiya. Today in Sevastopol. No other outcome except Victory of Russia, somehow I don’t remember. We too will defeat Zheleznyakov.”

Help for the ARMY of Novorossiya:

BIC 044525607
INN - 7701105460
Corr. sch. 30101810400000000607
Persons sch. 40817810440030071452
Drevetnyak Vladimir Grigorievich
Tel. +7-978-74-64-669
Sberbank card 67619600 0411546220
Rub. Yandex wallet 410011376535204

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3-12-2018, 17:37

The head of the Donetsk People's Republic Denis Pushilin, guided by the Constitution of the DPR, signed a number of decrees on appointments to positions.

By Decree No. 101 of December 3, 2018 “On the Minister of Revenue and Duties of the Donetsk People’s Republic,” Evgeniy Evgenievich Lavrenov was appointed Minister of Revenue and Duties of the DPR.

By Decree No. 102 of December 3, 2018 “On the Minister of Economic Development of the Donetsk People’s Republic,” Alexey Vladimirovich Polovyan was appointed Minister of Economic Development of the DPR.

By Decree No. 103 of December 3, 2018 “On the Minister of Agro-Industrial Policy and Food of the Donetsk People’s Republic,” Artem Aleksandrovich Kramarenko was appointed Minister of Agro-Industrial Policy and Food of the DPR.

By Decree No. 104 of December 3, 2018 “On the Minister of Finance of the Donetsk People’s Republic,” Yana Sergeevna Chausova was appointed Minister of Finance.

By Decree No. 105 of December 3, 2018 “On the Minister of Coal and Energy of the Donetsk People’s Republic,” Ruslan Mikhailovich Dubovsky was appointed Minister of Coal and Energy of the DPR.

By Decree No. 106 of December 3, 2018 “On the Minister of Health of the Donetsk People’s Republic,” Olga Nikolaevna Dolgoshapko was appointed Minister of Health of the DPR.

By Decree No. 107 of December 3, 2018 “On the Minister of Industry and Trade of the Donetsk People’s Republic,” Eduard Viktorovich Armatov was appointed Minister of Industry and Trade of the DPR.

By Decree No. 108 of December 3, 2018 “On the Minister of Communications of the Donetsk People’s Republic,” Viktor Vyacheslavovich Yatsenko was appointed Minister of Communications of the DPR.

By Decree No. 109 of December 3, 2018 “On the Minister of Education and Science of the Donetsk People’s Republic,” Evgeniy Vasilyevich Gorokhov was appointed Minister of Education and Science of the DPR.

By Decree No. 110 of December 3, 2018 “On the Minister of Culture of the Donetsk People’s Republic,” Mikhail Vasilyevich Zheltyakov was appointed Minister of Culture of the DPR.

By Decree No. 111 of December 3, 2018 “On the Minister of Labor and Social Policy of the Donetsk People’s Republic,” Larisa Valentinovna Tolstykina was appointed Minister of Labor and Social Policy of the DPR.

By Decree No. 112 of December 3, 2018 “On the Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Donetsk People’s Republic,” Sergey Sergeevich Naumets was appointed Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the DPR.

By Decree No. 113 of December 3, 2018 “On the Minister of Transport of the Donetsk People’s Republic,” Dmitry Viktorovich Podlipanov was appointed Minister of Transport of the DPR.

By Decree No. 114 of December 3, 2018 “On the Minister of Information of the Donetsk People’s Republic,” Igor Yuryevich Antipov was appointed Minister of Information of the DPR.

By Decree No. 115 of December 3, 2018 “On the Minister of Youth, Sports and Tourism of the Donetsk People’s Republic,” Alexander Yuryevich Gromakov was appointed Minister of Youth, Sports and Tourism of the DPR.

"Luganskvoda" will legalize unauthorized connections to water utility networks without penalties until January 31, 2019

From December 1, 2018 to January 31, 2019, the Luganskvoda enterprise is holding a New Year’s campaign to legalize unauthorized connections of residents of the republic to water supply and sewerage networks. The company reported this.

Subscribers who have unauthorizedly connected to water utility networks can apply to the company from December 1, 2018 to January 31, 2019 to receive the necessary documents to register their connection and register it with the sales department of the Luganskvoda enterprise.

Penalties for unauthorized use of services will not be applied to residents of the republic who apply before January 31, 2019.

Due to planned work, interruptions in the work of the Phoenix mobile operator are possible

Due to scheduled work on the switching core of the State Enterprise "ROS "Phoenix" in the period from 23:00 hours on December 3 to 6:00 hours on December 4, there may be a short-term absence of voice services in all network standards, and the transmission of SMS messages and USSD will also be unavailable -requests.

Also, the press service of the State Enterprise “ROS “Phoenix” noted that failures in the operation of the mobile Internet in the 2G standard are possible. Mobile Internet in 3G and 4G standards will function as normal.

The LPR swimming championship was held in Stakhanov

The LPR Open Swimming Championship for athletes born in 2006-2007 and born in 2008 was held in Stakhanov. The city administration reported this on December 3. Young swimmers from Kirovsk, Stakhanov, Alchevsk, Lugansk, Molodogvardeysk and Krasny Luch took part in the competition.

Boys and girls born in 2008 competed in swimming at distances of 50 meters - front crawl, back crawl, breaststroke, butterfly and 100 meters. Swimmers born in 2006-2007 took part in swims at distances of 100 meters in the front crawl, backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly and 200 meters. As a result of the competition, the winners were Ilya Ruev and Polina Orlik, and the prize-winners were Natalya Plichenko, Ivan Belykh, Nazar Bulanov, Lera Goncharova, Sonya Rybolova and Sofia Pen from Stakhanov.

In the relay swimming, the team from Alchevsk took first place, and athletes from Stakhanov took second place. According to the results of the team championship, the team from Alchevsk became the winner, the team from Krasny Luch took second place, and the team from Stakhanov took third place. The winners and prize-winners of the individual championship were awarded with certificates and medals, and the winners and prize-winners of the team championship were awarded with cups.

A solemn event was held at the monument to the Unknown Soldier in Amvrosievka

At the foot of the monument to the Unknown Soldier and the mass graves of soldiers of the Great Patriotic War in Amrosievka, a solemn meeting was held, organized by activists of the social movement “Donetsk Republic”. The event is dedicated to the Day of the Unknown Soldier, which is celebrated annually on December 3.

The event was attended by deputy of the People's Council of the DPR, head of the Central Executive Committee of the public movement "Donetsk Republic" Natalya Volkova, deputy of the People's Council of the DPR Maria Pirogova, representatives of the administration of Amvrosievka, military personnel, students of search and military-patriotic clubs, and concerned citizens.

“As part of the long-term project “Heroes”, the public movement “Donetsk Republic” is holding an event at the monument to the Unknown Soldier. Every year the number of people coming here increases. You may notice that today there are a lot of young people. We pay great attention to the patriotic education of our younger generation. One of the most important tasks is the preservation of our historical heritage. We consider it very important when future generations know about the exploits of their ancestors,”- noted Deputy of the People's Council of the DPR Natalya Volkova.

Those gathered honored the memory of the fallen soldiers with a minute of silence, and a triple military salute was fired in their honor.

The Day of the Unknown Soldier was established in 2014 as a sign that it was on December 3, 1966, to commemorate the defeat of German troops near Moscow, that the ashes of the unknown soldier were buried near the wall of the Moscow Kremlin in the Alexander Garden. On the Day of the Unknown Soldier, various commemorative events, wreath-laying ceremonies are held, and courage lessons are held in educational institutions.

Konstantin Parkhomenko, a teacher at the easel painting department of the Lugansk State Academy of Culture and Arts named after Mikhail Matusovsky, and his student Elena Kulishova became first-degree laureates at competitions in Russia. The university reported this on December 3.

Konstantin Parkhomenko’s work “Breath of Spring,” which he presented at the 19th International Professional Academic Art Competition “World of Creativity,” was awarded a first-degree laureate diploma. A student of the easel painting department of the Lugansk State Academy of Culture and Arts named after Mikhail Matusovsky, Elena Kulishova, took part in the IV All-Russian art competition for children and youth with disabilities “Sun in the Palms” and became a first-degree laureate for her work “Sunny Day”.

Statement by the head of the DPR Foreign Ministry about the lack of a proper OSCE response to the use of drones by the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Donbass

The Ukrainian side continues to cynically violate the ceasefire, using a variety of methods to do this. Recently, the armed forces of Ukraine have mastered terrorist tactics - the use of UAVs for the purpose of combat destruction of ground targets.

In November alone, 7 cases of the use of attack UAVs were recorded: 4 times in the Donetsk direction and 3 times in the Gorlovsky direction. At the same time, cases of the use of attack unmanned aerial vehicles against the civilian population of the Republic have increased significantly, and cases of injury to civilians as a result of precisely this use have already been recorded. The DPR UNM took appropriate measures to protect civilians and facilities, thanks to which it was possible to prevent the use and destroy 6 Ukrainian UAVs in the past month alone.

Moreover, members of the enemy armed formations recorded some of their illegal actions on video and published them on social networks and the media in the context of the so-called victories of the Ukrainian army. In their messages, members of the armed formations controlled by Kiev convince that these are supposedly the positions of the people’s militia of the DPR, but the videos clearly demonstrate that Ukrainian UAVs destroyed civilian objects and residential buildings on the territory of the Republic.

We believe that such criminal violations of the requirements of the Minsk agreements on the ban on the use of military aircraft and UAVs on the part of Kyiv are largely a consequence of the lack of proper response from the OSCE SMM. We are confident that soon these and other illegal actions of the Ukrainian authorities and the Armed Forces of Ukraine will be given an appropriate assessment.

Our gymnasts brought two silver medals from international competitions

Five LPR gymnasts, thanks to the implementation of the program for state integration events of the Ministry of Education and Science of the LPR for 2018, took part in international competitions: “Golden Seagull” for the prizes of nine-time Olympic champion in artistic gymnastics Larisa Latynina among athletes of three age categories from 13 to 18 years and older and the XVII Kaluga Region Governor's Cup in artistic gymnastics, which took place in Obninsk.

According to the LPR Ministry of Education, following the results of the competition, our athletes Ilya Shurupov and Nikita Streltsov won two silver medals.

The guys performed according to the candidate master of sports program and took second place: Ilya in the pommel horse exercises, Nikita in the vault.

The boys are students of the Lugansk Higher School of Physical Culture.

Athletes from Russia, Belarus, Georgia, Armenia, South Korea, and Egypt also took part in the competition.

The DPR is ready to accept refugees from areas controlled by the Ukrainian Armed Forces

The authorities of the Donetsk People's Republic are ready to accept residents of areas controlled by Kiev who decided to leave due to the introduction of martial law in Ukraine, a representative of the DPR Ombudsman's Office told reporters when answering a corresponding question.

Earlier, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine approved the decision of President Petro Poroshenko to introduce martial law. The special regime will be in effect in ten regions for 30 days from the date of the decision.

“If a situation arises related to an increase in the migration flow from the territory of Ukraine due to the aggressive policy of the Ukrainian authorities towards the civilian population, the Republic is ready to accept everyone. People will be able to easily accommodate themselves or, if necessary, live in one of the social facilities. To do this, they must contact the Territorial Commission of Cities and Districts,”- said the representative of the department.

The Office of the Ombudsman noted that on the territory of the DPR, the rights and freedoms of humans and citizens are recognized and guaranteed in accordance with the generally accepted principles and norms of international law and in accordance with the Constitution of the DPR.

More than 19 thousand Lugansk residents received a free flu vaccination

The second stage of the influenza vaccination campaign continues in Lugansk. The city administration reported this on December 3. The chief sanitary doctor of Lugansk Spartak Gavrik said that at the moment 19 thousand 600 Luhansk residents have been vaccinated free of charge.

The second round of immunization against influenza is currently ongoing; more than seven thousand doses of the vaccine are available in the city's hospitals.

Automotive all-around competitions were held in the DPR

On Sunday, December 2, the final, third stage of the DPR motor sports championship in the “Automotive All-Around” discipline of “Sprint Slalom” took place in Donetsk.

In total, about 20 sports car drivers from the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics took part in the competition. Six crews competed for victory in the third stage. The races were held in two classes: “sport” and “standard”.

The final results of the final stage and the championship as a whole will be summed up on New Year's Eve. The winners will receive certificates, medals and gifts. Athletes who showed the best final results will be assigned sports categories.

It should be noted that the DPR Automotive All-Around Championship is being held for the fourth time in the Republic. This year it included three stages, the first two took place in June and October in Donetsk and Shakhtersk.

61 children joined the families of Luhansk residents

From November 26 to December 2, 61 babies were born in the capital of the LPR.
According to the Lugansk Health Center, among the newborns: 32 boys and 29 girls.
The minimum weight of the little Luhansk resident was 1 kg 380 g, and the maximum was 4 kg 30 g.

Over the past week, 8 people were rescued by the Ministry of Emergency Situations - Natalya Getova

Today, December 3, the Ministry of Emergency Situations held a reporting briefing on emergencies, fires and unclassified incidents that occurred over the past week, the department’s press service reports.

As noted by the head of the department of public relations and international activities, senior lieutenant of the civil protection service Natalya Getova, over the past week in the Republic, units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations extinguished 58 fires.

“So, on November 27, a fire occurred in the coal preparation shop of the Yenakievo coking industry, as a result of which the electrical panel room, polymer slate and wall insulation on an area of ​​40 square meters were destroyed. The cause of the fire is being established. To extinguish the fire, the Ministry of Emergency Situations involved 6 units of equipment and 14 personnel.

On November 26, in the city of Amvrosievka, a fire occurred in a private house, as a result of which an elderly woman died. The cause of the fire is being established.

On November 27, in the Voroshilovsky district of Donetsk, a fire occurred in an unused two-story building, as a result of which a woman born in 1969 died. To eliminate this fire, the Ministry of Emergency Situations involved 3 units of equipment and 10 personnel.

On November 30, in the village of Rassypnoye, Shakhtarsky District, a fire occurred in the summer kitchen of a private housing construction, which resulted in the death of a man born in 1966. The cause of the fire is being established. To extinguish the fire, the Ministry of Emergency Situations involved 2 units of equipment and 9 personnel.

It is worth noting that over the past week, 8 people were rescued by the Ministry of Emergency Situations, of which 2 people were rescued as a result of road accidents in the cities of Snezhnoye and Gorlovka.

Thus, on December 2, in the Central City district of Gorlovka, the driver of a car lost control and caused a side collision into a street lighting pole. As a result of the incident, the driver, born in 1986, was pinned by the car's cabin structures. Rescuers from the Ministry of Emergency Situations unblocked the victim and handed him over to emergency medical workers. The victim was hospitalized in a city hospital.

In addition, on December 2, in Snezhnoye, the driver of a car lost control, drove into the oncoming lane of traffic and caused a head-on collision with another car. As a result of the incident, one person was killed and three were injured. Rescuers from the Ministry of Emergency Situations unblocked the victim, born in 1954, from the back row of seats and handed her over to emergency medical workers. Two victims: the driver of the car and the passenger got out of the car on their own before the arrival of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. All victims were hospitalized in a medical institution in the city of Snezhnoye. To provide assistance to victims of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, 2 units of equipment and 7 personnel were involved.

During the current period, units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations provided various assistance to the population 31 times. In addition, the resuscitation and anti-shock group of the mine rescue service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations was brought to the Makeevka coal enterprise to provide medical assistance to the miner.

It is also worth noting the work of mobile points of assistance to the population located at customs checkpoints in the cities of Donetsk and Gorlovka, as well as in the village of Elenovka and Novoazovsky district.

Over the past week, 4,877 people turned to the Ministry of Emergency Situations employees for various types of assistance, of which 72 needed medical assistance. All applicants were provided with qualified assistance. Since the beginning of this year, assistance has been provided to almost one hundred and eighty-eight thousand citizens.

Over the past week, the pyrotechnic work squad of the Ministry of Emergency Situations was involved 12 times to carry out requests to neutralize explosive objects. Sappers from the Ministry of Emergency Situations examined more than 8 hectares of open areas, including agricultural fields. In addition, premises with a total area of ​​more than 13,000 square meters were inspected. As a result of the work carried out by sappers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, three units of explosive objects were identified and neutralized,”
- said Natalya Getova.

According to the Hydrometeorological Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the DPR, in the Republic this week on some days there is light precipitation, fog, ice, and sleet. The main temperature background at night and during the day is within -6..+2º.

Ukrainian Armed Forces shelled the bridge near Stanitsa Luganskaya

On December 2 at 20.15, the Ukrainian Armed Forces fired at the bridge at the checkpoint across the contact line in the area of ​​Stanitsa Luhanska. As a result of the shelling, the wooden deck was damaged.

According to the LPR representative office at the Joint Center for Control and Coordination of the Ceasefire (JCCC), there were no casualties or injuries.

The shelling was conducted from the direction of the village of Stanitsa Luganskaya.

The LPR JCCC calls on the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) to “provide an appropriate assessment of the gross violations by the Ukrainian side of the Framework Decision of the Tripartite Contact Group on the disengagement of forces and assets of September 21, 2016.”

“They have been on the front line for 9 days and they have nothing to eat” - a Ukrainian blogger spoke about the starving Ukrainian Armed Forces members

They have been on the front line for 9 days already and have nothing to eat, only leftovers from their predecessors. And everyone who speaks badly about the army, they are “agents of the Kremlin,” maybe it’s time to start talking about problems?” - Ukrainian blogger Mikhail Ukhman told how soldiers of the 34th battalion of the 57th brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces are starving at the front line in Donbass.

According to him, soldiers of the 34th battalion of the 57th brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces are in terrible conditions on the front line. Previously, the blogger published a post on Facebook on behalf of the officers, where he spoke in detail about the reduced norm.

Mikhail Ukhman said that the soldiers have been “on the front line” for 9 days, they have nothing to eat. They were not provided with rations, and even earlier the quota had been cut. At the same time, the blogger noted that everyone who criticizes the Ukrainian army is immediately called “agents of the Kremlin.” However, according to Ukhman, it is worth starting to talk about the problems because the situation has gone too far.

“Maybe it’s time to turn on the adequacy?” the blogger urges. He remembered how the General Staff promised to feed soldiers according to NATO standards and give them new Fords. According to Ukhman, only the National Guard soldiers in Kyiv receive all this. The rest have to survive by eating crumbs shared by volunteers. All that the 34th battalion now has are “remnants from its predecessors,” the blogger noted.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces used unknown ammunition in the Donbass

“New types of weapons have appeared. If earlier there was an 82nd mortar, a 120th mortar, an RPG-7, now shells are already arriving that we cannot identify,”- says a soldier of the LPR army.

According to the fighter, the ammunition is non-standard with aluminum submunitions.

© Photo from the LPR website

This stunning text is worth reading in its entirety. Militia “volunteer” Evgeny Sergeev writes on his VKontakte his memories of “Batman”, in whose group he spent six months. As a result, this turns out to be a text about the entire LPR and the order in it, and not just about Batman. Judging by Sergeev’s page, he returned home to Russia just a month ago, on New Year’s Eve. The RRT that is often mentioned is Batman's "Rapid Response Team".

Sergeev, apparently, is not a fake or a propaganda invention, real person with real VKontakte, with a long feed of posts, photos and videos from Lugansk and Slavyansk, starting back in May. He fought against the Ukrainian side for six months, and now, quite sincerely, he continues to be for Novorossiya and against the Ukrops. Its text speaks for itself. It was published in five parts on his VKontakte (the last part was published three days ago and “To be continued”).

Evgeniy Sergeev, RBI "Batman". About Alexander Bednov

At the moment, this personality has two diametrically opposed poles when assessing him as a leader and as a person. This is understandable - his violent and sudden death still has both political and moral significance, and the actors in Novorossiya and idle Internet onlookers and spectators split into two opposite camps - the first due to their ambitions and the degree of closeness to him during his lifetime, the latter in accordance with the laws of crowd behavior, always greedy for the base and primitive pleasures of any public bloody spectacle, from bullfighting to gladiatorial fights and boxing matches inclusive. Some always root for the Reds, while others always root for the Blues...

In addition, I believe that my thoughts about him also have the value that I knew him personally, served under his command for more than six months and, not being part of his inner circle, I am freed from the temptation of both unbridled praise and selfish, momentary and opportunistic throwing mud at him. And in general, I am, apparently, the only one from the entire former RBI “Batman” who, in one way or another, speaks and has the opportunity to quite clearly convey his observations to his address.

So let's start with its genesis.

Since the spring, Bednov was initially part of Mozgovoy’s group and was not in the very first roles there, but then such a nuisance happened as an attempt to murder Mozgovoy by his, let’s say, comrades in arms - he was invited to a meeting at the Regional State Administration, was arrested and put in a basement in expecting imminent and inevitable death from a “heart attack.” But times were still simple then, and maybe people were more determined than now, but Mozgovoy was eventually released, since eighty of his fighters surrounded the Regional State Administration and, under the threat of burning such a representative building, demanded his release. (We note that apparently for this reason Bednov was not arrested at the Regional State Administration an hour before the murder - they were afraid of a repetition of the May events).

Lesha, don’t be a fool, immediately retired to the north of the region in the Lisichansk area, away from such nimble and ardent “heroes of Novorossiya,” but he needed someone who would take the risk of action in Lugansk itself, and that’s where Batman appears and takes on the functions of representing Mozgovoy’s interests in the capital. (And as we see, this was his fatal mistake, since Mozgovoy is alive, but Bednov is not). He is allocated 12 people, given access to Russian sponsors and the arsenal. And here all of Bednov’s organizational talent, which so effectively helped him create the GBR, manifests itself. The main fighting force of the militia is Russian volunteers, and he is doing everything to direct part of their flow to the GBR. He puts Abkhaz at the Severny checkpoint and negotiates with all those smugglers who illegally transfer volunteers across the border in the Donetsk Rostovsky-Izvarino area to send these volunteers to him. Remembering myself and my guys, I now understand that this was a brilliant move. We crossed the border at random, we had no information about active resistance groups, and we didn’t care which group we ended up in - we were only interested in the fight against fascism and the desire to avenge Odessa. But this was not the case in Lugansk itself - the field commander who had more “bayonets” would then ultimately determine the situation in the LPR. Therefore, they competed quite fiercely with each other for Russian “cannon fodder.”

At first, Bednov’s group was a motley and inexperienced gang that did not quite understand with what enemy it had decided to measure its strength. The first and only battle in which Bednov personally took part was a counterattack on dill in the Metalist area on June 17, 2014. On my first day of service for the benefit of Novorossiya. Our group did not have time to take part in the battle, since we arrived at the location late in the evening, and only closer to midnight, after the end of the clash, Bednov lined us up, still dressed in civilian clothes, and made a very long and heartfelt speech (he generally loved to talk speech), accepted us into the unit. But according to the surveys of participants, an unattractive picture emerged for me. All thirty people drove out to the battlefield in cars, and right in front of the dill they began jumping out of them and firing in all directions. As I now understand, they were then saved from complete defeat by Barbie, a 57-year-old elderly Russian militiaman from Krasnodar, who pinned the dill to the ground with the fire of his double-barreled ZU-23, placed directly on the “jihadmobile” - on a Japanese jeep pickup truck. The Ukrops, caught in an open field by such a destructive “Caesar’s chariot,” abandoned their weapons and fled, but then their snipers and machine gunners came into action, and now it was time for the GBR to retreat in panic, abandoning their weapons and the wounded. So Barbie, wounded on the battlefield, was abandoned by his friend “Novoross” (I no longer remember the call sign of this bastard), for the reason that “If I had started dragging him, I would have been killed too.” Barbie radioed that he was wounded and asked for help, but in vain, the militia had already fled. The dill surrounded him and finished him off with a shot in the heart, and disfigured his face by cutting off his left ear. This bastard did not suffer any punishment. Moreover, he then showed off his good looks, proudly prancing around the barracks, hung with as many as three pistols.

As I have already noted, from that very battle Bednov avoided not only personally commanding the battlefield, but, over time, even simply visiting the “hot” spots of the defense of Lugansk. When some staff members invited him to personally visit our positions near Smelye in October 2014, he wisely declined such a dubious honor, clarifying that he was “not a fool.” He really was never a fool, since there was a very high probability of his not returning from there, from this cauldron that was fatal both for us and for the dill....

The shock of that first battle showed everyone, not only Bednov, but also his emerging circle, that the time for jokes and slogans had passed irrevocably, and that there was a very high probability of their very rapid and painful transformation “into pieces of human meat and into scraps from torn people.” (I quote verbatim what I then heard from Janek, one of his closest favorites). This was the reason for the sharp split of the GBR into two parts that had absolutely no communication with each other - into the combat, front-line core and into the so-called “Special Department”.

These were people who had hardly ever seen even a dead dill, let alone a living one (with the exception of those wounded prisoners whom we transported to our hospital). They took up all the mouse movement that is now being blamed on Bednov. The main activity of these “gopolchentsev” became, naturally, requisitions, expropriations, all kinds of squeezes, trade in humanitarian aid and racketeering. In addition, judging by some indirect evidence, we can talk about money received from relatives who were extorted for their release, and Bednov also organized his own hospital, a matter at first glance that is very necessary and noble, if you do not take into account the fact that that, according to rumors, he put under his control all the pharmacies in the eastern part of Lugansk, and where, with the help of this very hospital, he had the opportunity to hand over all the medical humanitarian aid coming from Russia for direct sale. But, naturally, Tigra, the head of the hospital from Novorossiysk, can tell you more about this.

Complete freedom of hands, a lot of free time, closeness to the “body”, a sense of imaginary security, frequently changed wrung out business class cars, suddenly acquired wealth and complete impunity regarding the life and death of peaceful Luhansk residents drove these unfortunate bastards crazy. You should have seen the attitude of these smart guys who settled in and settled down towards us - towards the soldiers' "rabble". Full of arrogance and even some kind of pitiful contempt for our idealistic desire to stand up for the women and children of Donbass, at first they behaved down on us, did not consider us as people and stayed away from us.

Then, when many of us rightfully gained fame for our military deeds, they began to fear and curry favor with us, realizing that after all that we had gone through, it would not have been difficult for us, desperate and seasoned people, to deal with this a hedonistic and decayed community of cowards and poseurs, avoiding the front and its refreshing “charms” with all their might - stepping on one foot, pulling the other, and saying that’s how it happened.

And this desire grew more and more. I, as a Russian, understood that sooner or later, the force on which Novorossiya relied and relies—Great bourgeois Russia—would not allow us to so deftly fool around with property rights and the rights of citizens in the territory adjacent to it. So as not to set a seductive and contagious example for your own fellow citizens. And that sooner or later, these excesses will be correctly assessed and correctly resolved. Another thing is that a helpful fool is always worse than an enemy...

However, Bednov would not be interesting to others and would not be so hated by his enemies if he could only be characterized as a stilted and primitive operetta villain. This personality was as contradictory and complex as the process of formation of Novorossiya itself was complex and contradictory. He, and this is undoubtedly, is a real hero of the defense of Lugansk, and he will forever remain one of the founding fathers of New Russia, and in the future, of the free and brotherly Ukrainian state.

This man had both the talent and the will to create the most effective combat militia unit in the LPR - the Rapid Reaction Group. Starting from scratch, making mistakes and acting, acting again and making mistakes again, he gradually, not all at once, but gathered around himself a team of fighters and managers on whom he could fully rely. He always looked at the future and never put it off. Whatever he planned or promised, he systematically brought it to life. Back in June, during the formation, he promised that the GBR would definitely have its own “masuta”, that is, its own auto and armored units, and despite any difficulties, he achieved his goal. The organization of the already mentioned hospital also took place quickly and professionally, and this saved the lives of many, very many - both militiamen, civilians, and even captured and mutilated ukropatriots in battles.

In terms of supplies, the GBR units have always stood out very favorably from the rest of the militias - “Zarya”, “Don”, Seventh Checkpoint, Leshy and Lisov. Against their background - ragged, dressed in assorted semi-civilian underwear, eating almost from hand to mouth, and armed with "karamultuks", units of the GBR always looked like some kind of space landing rangers, - with the most modern weapons, in brand new, brand new uniforms, with personal protective equipment, transport and communications. The food supply was always at its best - we always had everything. Moreover, we always shared numerous surpluses of food, cigarettes and medicines with the civilian population and with our ragged and hungry comrades. Bednov himself disbanded the three-platoon division of the GBR combat unit, which had proven to be ineffective. He removed people unsuitable for combat work from command positions and switched to a system of staffing the unit with separate combat detachments under the command of dashing and desperate father-commanders. Names such as Kamaz, Ratibor, Prince, Orel, Kinder and Plastun are the true face of the Batman GBR. It is they who have gained and are still gaining military glory for this unit. They instilled in the units the strictest discipline, the true spirit of soldierly brotherhood and selflessness. Selfless faith in the rightness of the all-Russian cause and readiness for sacrifice. We, front-line soldiers and soldiers, never dared to raise a hand against someone peaceful and unarmed, to insult or humiliate someone, to deprive someone of their property or livelihood. All our horizons and prospects were limited only by the deadly, dangerous struggle, the rough and ennobled life of a soldier, cheap cigarettes and precious male friendship. Each of us was happy being there - in the SBI unit, and this is also the direct merit of “Batman”. He constantly emphasized in his nightly speeches at inspections that we are the best, that we are pure, that we do not engage in squeezes and robberies, that we fight, that we are a simple people abandoned by all governments and gods, that our duty is to help people, and not to multiply their already innumerable sorrows and ongoing misfortune. At these moments, his blue, very expressive eyes lit up with some kind of inspiring and soft light, and we all believed that, despite all the mouse excesses happening around us, still wearing the bat of the unit on our sleeve is a big and obliging thing. honor. We believed, once again getting ready for the next trip and going to our everyday and bloody work, that there was no one but us to defend Novorossiya, that our cause was just, that all these misunderstandings were a manifestation of civil war and social revolution and that they would definitely be overcome, all those guilty would be punished , and our sacrifices will not be in vain. In addition, the glory of the GBR was already ahead of itself. Many fighters not only from Lugansk, but also from the DPR, sought to join the GBR in order to fight and fight for real. And in Lugansk itself, the Lugansk residents themselves have already begun to respectfully decipher the abbreviation GBR as “State Security of the Republic.”

By the end of the summer of 2014, Bednov “dumped” Mozgovoy and himself tried on the Napoleonic epaulets of an independent field commander. As can be seen from the results of his political activities, he did this clearly in vain and at the wrong time. But that’s how he was - he wanted everything at once. The loss of such a patron as Mozgovoy, however, over time, exposed all his vulnerability and isolation from other centers of power in the LPR. At first, when the fate of Novorossiya hung in the balance, it was not so obvious and deadly, but after the situation stabilized, his “precocity” and his ungrateful behavior towards his former patron showed his competitors that they should not believe his oaths, not a word from him.

His ambitions inevitably dragged him there - to the dirty and broken crossing between Lutugino and Georgievka...

The general public, of course, remembers that shameful day in August 2014, when almost the entire leadership of the Lugansk People's Republic and paramilitary forces close to it panicked, in a huge column in luxurious executive cars, filled with cash and jewelry, abandoning both the population and those who remained faithful to the mercy of fate. the idea of ​​fighting to the end of the militias - ended up on the territory of the Russian Federation. It seemed to them, after the complete encirclement of Lugansk, that the game was over and it was time to “pack the bags and go to Moskalyovka.”

Bednov and Plotnitsky, unlike them, did not do this. And for this alone one can forgive a lot of these people for their courage and composure in those fateful days. They stayed in Lugansk and fought to the end.

This funny incident not only deprived the defense of Lugansk of eight hundred of its defenders, but removed Bolotov and his entire team from the political arena. And “this is where the war began,” as Thucydides wrote...

Bednov attempted the unthinkable, from the point of view of the main players in the LPR - he decided to become the Head of the Republic.

No sooner said than done. The Liberation Front public movement is immediately created, signatures are collected, its activists are recruited from the SBI fighters, lists of candidates for deputies of the People's Council are compiled, posters and campaigning for Bednov begin to be hung, and work is carried out with the population. San Sanych appears more and more often on television and the Internet. During the bravura and sweet-hopeful constructions, I sometimes got the impression that if Bednov himself had not wanted to become the President of the Republic, then the hangers-on and sweet-voiced flatterers and sing-alongs crawling before him would have dragged him to the throne almost by force. The GBR headquarters was then full of joyful and pathetic bustle. Persons close to His Imperial Majesty were already clearly burdened by the unpretentious and modest, almost Spartan atmosphere of the former student dormitory. They were already dreaming of the velvet carpets and polished oak parquet of the Presidential Palace, where they, in the noble and representative silence of the parliamentary and ministerial offices, would wisely and fruitfully decide the fate of financial flows and the sea of ​​spilled humanitarian aid. And only a mere trifle - the time allotted for voting and counting the votes cast for them - stood between them and their dazzling future.

Naturally, the election process was not without incidents.

It should be noted that just before the entrance to the GBR camp, at the Machine Institute, from morning to evening, relatives of those detained by the Commandant’s Platoon, another monstrous creation of the dark side of Bednov, were crowded (We’ll talk about him later. Let’s leave, so to speak, the sweetest part for dessert).

And in the midst of this large crowd of people exhausted by the unknown and fear for the fate of their loved ones, a thick theatrical poster stand stood proudly and arrogantly, completely hung with bright election posters campaigning for Bednov and his “Liberation Front.” One must think that it is difficult to imagine a more effective PR... Direct, so to speak, and visual campaigning among voters... But this is so, some features of madness and surrealism were noticed, not without inner amazement, by an ordinary machine gunner... And it’s true, - after all, all these people, one way or another, were waiting for the Liberation from Bednov... for their relatives from the basement...

However, this whole venture ended in nothing. Dreams were shattered, and again, once again, faith in Humanity was lost... When trying to submit documents for registration of a social movement, Bednov was shown his place - the registration documents were not accepted, and during the most solemn and long-awaited procedure for their submission They opened fire on representatives of the State Bureau of Investigation right in the department of the Ministry of Justice of the Government of the LPR, injuring three people.

Well, what can you say to this?

Direct military democracy in action:

Bullet in response to a submitted application.

Thermobaric flamethrower charge as a visa.

A directed landmine, as a form of non-verbal negative response from a higher authority to a signed petition.

A nine-millimeter “olive” of a “Fort” pistol into the left temporal lobe of the brain, as a sanction for an overdeveloped speech apparatus.

Do not go, my dear readers, to the elections to the representative bodies of the LPR.

You will be healthier.

To the members of the Special Department, as artistic and vulnerable individuals and “not going to appear where they are shooting” (I am conveying verbatim what one of them told me, a front-line soldier, with amazing frankness and shamelessness. You can evaluate the degree of their “chosenness” and conceit) , first of all, what was needed was a brute and regular armed force, not close enough to Batman to seriously share with it, but, at the same time, so covered in all sorts of excesses and spin-offs that, on occasion, it will keep his mouth shut and meekly do all the necessary dirty work. The Commandant's Platoon became such a force. His initial task was to guard the GBR base and maintain order and discipline in the area. However, at the very moment when this “combat unit” was born, neither the Machine Institute itself nor the adjacent neighborhoods shuddered or shuddered. And it should. For this “bell” rang, first of all, for them...

At the foundation of the building of discipline, as in memorable times when laying the foundation of pagan temples and temples, it was decided to make a human sacrifice. This unprecedented honor fell to a local militia with the romantic call sign “Italy.” At that time, the “Novorossians” did not yet dare to kill Russian citizens, but after the death of Batman’s Russian guards, this annoying restriction has now been finally lifted by the fact of their impunity and cowardly silence.

Italy had recently moved his wife and children to Russia, and apparently felt this very strongly as his personal tragedy. Many began to notice his increasing inadequacy and the emerging features of a nervous breakdown. And it finally took place. Two weeks after his family left to emigrate, he left his position without permission and returned to Lugansk, where he began to drunkenly “build” some teenagers drinking on the street. There he was detained and disarmed. I cannot say who and how decided his fate, but a few days later he was taken to the former GBR base, allowed to smoke his last cigarette, and after that a masked executioner executed him by shooting him point-blank with a pistol. His corpse, according to rumors, was either thrown into the river or buried in one of the many mortar craters. Thus, a true patriot of his country, who did not flee abroad, like most Donbass residents, and did not hide behind his wife and children as an excuse for his cowardice, but who stood up in arms to defend his native city, was extrajudicially put to death, despite the fact that in his hands there was no human blood, no female chastity, not a single hryvnia squeezed out and appropriated.

I believe that he deserved anything but death.

Having educated themselves in this way, the Commandant's Platoon enthusiastically began to carry out their direct duties. The “basement”, which previously existed at an amateur level, began to acquire the features of a professional and qualified assembly line. The victims of his dungeons were mainly civilians caught and kidnapped on the streets of Lugansk, owners of vehicles they liked, houses, cottages and apartments, as well as representatives of the Lugansk business community who were subject to “special treatment” and had the imprudence to stay and continue working in the besieged city. We must understand that here there was least of all arbitrariness and tyranny. People were detained precisely in order to constantly have a source of free labor at hand. Simply put, slaves were needed.

Naturally, due to their Slavic character, these were not the prisoners of the notorious Caucasian zindans starved to death and deprived of fingers and ears. In comparison, the conditions of “work” and release were much more humane.

Having fallen into the hands of Chechen, Luish, Phobos and Maniac, the prisoner was treated almost in a friendly manner with a thick plastic pipe and legs, after which he went to the damp and hospitable dungeon of the basement of the student dormitory, with hard work washing away the shame of owning an expensive car, the grave guilt of living in the immediate vicinity from the Machine Institute and the sin of getting noticed by the law enforcement group on the wide avenues of Lugansk.

Having worked from hand to mouth for a month, having fallen under the hot hand five times and showing obedience and humility, the reformed offender happily skipped out of the walls of the GBR, which had become almost family to him.

The fate of those who in one way or another attracted the special attention of the knights of the pipe and dagger was more difficult.

Usually it all started with a welcome shot in the leg in the knee area. Then, after providing him with first aid (We had our own hospital, remember?), the prisoner was dragged into the room for a heart-to-heart talk. There he was trimmed with various improvised devices - clubs, hammers, shovels, butts and surgical instruments. After which the unfortunate man was put on a chain and there he, most likely, either “escaped” or died of a “heart attack.”

Naturally, at first we all justified both the activities of the basements and the activities of the Maniac. Firstly, at that time there was no law and order on the streets of Lugansk, and it seemed to us that our comrades were fulfilling this role. And where there is law and order, you cannot do without prisons. Moreover, Lugansk was then overwhelmed by a tsunami of crime and decay, the inevitable companions of war and anarchy. Just look at the “combat group” of the KGB militia, widely known in narrow circles, which in the period from July to August 2014 robbed at least one and a half thousand abandoned Luhansk apartments until its “fight for Novorossiya” was stopped. These people robbed in trains...

In addition, one should not discount the wave of spy mania and the feverish search for saboteurs and mortar terrorists. And she had every reason. At the headquarters of the National Guard battalion “Kyiv-1” we somehow found a hastily abandoned logbook recording the work of artillery gunners “working” in Lugansk. It was a very, very large ledger, with phone numbers, names and results. Maniac “split” one such artillery commander, a suspicious man with a soldier’s bearing and a piping on the back of his head, who we detained before our eyes, breaking two shovels on him in the courtyard of our barracks on the Veselenky farm. He was then found with radio equipment and $2,000 in cash. Another 60 thousand “green” were on the bank card seized from him.

And the very regime of our stay at the base did not allow us to fully receive and evaluate information about the Maniac’s activities. In those short days in the barracks between combat missions, we had no time to collect rumors and information. However, as always, sooner or later, the quantity of information gradually and inevitably began to turn into quality.

The very widespread use of slave labor in all spheres of life in the GBR was simply shocking. People were not shy and shamelessly used prisoners in all dirty and hard work, from cleaning the territory and digging trenches to cooking. I was simply amazed how quickly the militia got used to this order of things and considered it natural. Showing neither pity nor compassion for his former fellow citizens and countrymen. This callousness pointed to something that I could not understand or define, and it bothered me, as sometimes this or that word bothers me, which you just can’t remember and therefore forget it even more.

There was no contempt from a warrior for a non-warrior. Since the prisoners were also very actively used by the civilian, mostly female staff of the State Bureau of Investigation, who never in their lives risked it and did not put it on the card table of armed confrontation every day as a minimum bet. There was no general fashion for ostentatious, brutal violence and cruelty, without following which in public, you would lose something in the eyes of your colleagues and subordinates. Not at all. The very ordinariness and routine of coercion, its naturalness and spontaneity, told me something that I could not understand. And it was necessary to understand this, because without such an understanding, all our sacrifices and efforts were devalued and desecrated. But one day, I remembered my cherished word. This happened when I heard this phrase from Sasha. “We threw off some beavers to put others on our necks. But these are the same beavers.”

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