Teach 8 year old children the English alphabet. How to help your child learn English letters: three difficulties

The need to study foreign languages ​​is obvious. Therefore, in recent years, English has become a compulsory lesson in kindergartens. But despite this, parents themselves can teach their child. And starting with learning the alphabet, use what children like most: songs, games.

At what age can you teach a foreign language?

At 3 years old, the child reaches the age of ‘I want to know everything!’ and this must be used

Lewis Carroll: “The more you learn at once, the less you suffer later.”

Many mothers and fathers wonder at what age it is best to start teaching a child. Psychologists and teachers have come to a consensus that the optimal age for learning a foreign language is 3 years. At this age, the baby already speaks his native language quite well, his speech becomes articulate, divided into phrases and sentences. In addition, from 3 to 5 years old, a child’s memory works most intensively.

Where to start learning the English alphabet?

Early learning should be visual

The difficulty of learning English letters is that most of them have several sounds, unlike Russian. Therefore, the associative method of memorizing sounds (namely, they are necessary for subsequent learning to read) is not suitable in this case. Teacher-methodologists recommend first learning the order of letters, and only then adding memorization of sounds. So, where to start learning letters? Considering his young age, the answer is obvious - with educational games and songs.

Exercise games

You can make cards with the English alphabet yourself

There are several options for interesting exercise games for teaching the alphabet. Moreover, if you wish, you can study not only with your child, but also with his friends.

  • "Funny magnets" This is a magnetic board with multi-colored magnet letters, which together with your child you can rearrange or come up with different stories with them. Just keep in mind that you must name the letter every time and ask the baby to repeat its “name”. Magnetic letters can be replaced by those drawn on cards. In this case, it would be better to accompany each letter with a drawing of an object or phenomenon in the name of which it appears.
  • Card game. On one side of the cards the letter of the alphabet is written, and on the other - what this letter looks like. It turns out to be a kind of associative series. For example, the letter S looks like a snake, and W looks like a fire-breathing dragon.
  • “Who is who’s neighbor?” This game again requires letter cards. The kid must find neighbors to the left and right for a given letter from a shuffled deck.
  • "Puzzle". Draw a picture, cut it into pieces and write a letter of the alphabet on each piece. The baby will get used to the order of the letters and will easily remember it, putting together a puzzle with a specific image that he understands.
  • "Letter Soup" Write the letter on one side of the card and the word containing it on the other. Put all the cards in a bowl, the child takes out one - this is his dinner. Children perceive such learning very joyfully, especially when they come across frogs or bears.
  • "Mysterious Guest" Hide the card with the letter under the book and gradually pull it out - the baby must guess what the letter is before it appears.


Choose energetic and fun songs

There are two types of songs for learning the English alphabet:

  • with a certain melody (such songs require periodic listening to remember the motive);
  • with an improvised melody (such songs can be sung to any suitable motive).

Here are some texts of the second type:

Come and sing along with me

Tell me what you want to be

Now I know my ABCs

This song can be shortened (this option, by the way, is also available with a melody):


Now I know my ABCs

Next time won't you sing with me.

For those kids who are familiar with numbers, there is a more complex option:

It's as easy as 1 2 3.

Some of the letters rhyme,

We're almost done now

Now I've gone through our ABC's,

Maybe next time you'll say them with me.

As for songs with a certain melody, it is best to use karaoke versions:

How to consolidate the learned material?

If you expect results from your studies, then you need to study regularly

Young children grasp new information very quickly, but just as quickly, without systematic repetition, they forget it. Therefore, it is important to correctly structure the work to consolidate the alphabet. To do this, also put it in the form of a game.

Use educational cartoons. It is better that they are authentic, but for this parents will have to refresh their own knowledge. Children really love animated series in which the characters solve some important issues, for example, learning the alphabet at a school for frogs.

“And today we learned the letter A! - a mother hears from a child at the beginning of second grade. “It’s so interesting, and the letter is just like in the Russian language.” Several weeks pass, and often the joy of discovery disappears somewhere, the letters begin to get confused, and for some reason it’s impossible to learn them... Is this a familiar situation? And how! For a child who already knows how to read, the letters of the English alphabet are like “old new acquaintances”: it seems like I’ve seen them, it seems like everything is simple, but they can’t learn it. Why is that?

1. The first secret, or similar letters.

Some are similar to Russians, and this is great: it’s easier for a child to learn to distinguish between them. But this similarity is often confusing, because Russian and English letters convey different sounds. What to do?

Game: invite your child to play hide and seek with the letters. This game is suitable if you have already learned all or almost all the letters. To do this, you will need two teams: from letters that are similar to Russian, and from letters that are not at all similar to Russian letters. Let the child separate them himself. Happened? That is great. Hide the letters of one team, then the other, in turn and play “hot and cold.” You need to name the letters correctly! Whoever finds the letter must name the word in which it appears.

And after the game, show your child a picture of these kittens and ask him how they are similar to each other. The child will probably answer that they are the same size, they have the same color and back. Now ask what is different between them, and if it is difficult for the student to answer, tell him yourself: their names are different, one kitten is called Fluff, and the other is Murzik. And these kittens also have different characters, one likes to play with a ball, and the other likes to look at fish. So similar pairs of letters, like kitten brothers. And their names are different, and the sounds they show are also different.

2. The second secret, or lowercase and capital letters.

If everyone only wrote in capital letters, how much easier it would be to learn English! But the letters in books are “big” (uppercase) and “small” (lowercase). Learning the letter T is easy, but remembering that it has a minor letter – t? And also not to confuse it with f?

To help solve this problem, try to find something in common between uppercase and lowercase letters, and be sure to do exercises to read words written in only uppercase or only lowercase letters.

For example: q is similar to Q, she’s just small herself, so she had to grow a big tail. Look for what the letters look like. For example, O looks like a round clock, and Q looks like a clock with a weight. And q are small ones with one weight that hangs on a longer chain.

3. The third secret, or learning complex letters.

I called these letters complex conventionally; it would be more correct to call them similar. The letters b and d, q and g, t and f are often confused. And there is only one way not to confuse these letters - to associate the letters and some bright image in memory.

Game: look at the letters b and d, think about what they look like. For example, d is a dog with ears (the top stick is ears), and b is a bear that has eaten too much honey. You can draw a dog and a bear with these letters, and even give the bear an empty pot in its paws, like Winnie the Pooh.

Game: give your child a text in English. It is important that the text does not contain pictures that can distract, and that the letters are large. If you are trying to remember a letter that is rare, make sure it is in the text. The adult claps his hands or turns on the music, and at this time the child must find the desired letter and circle it with a pencil. Tomorrow give him another text, but with a different letter, which he confuses.

These tips will help you quickly and easily learn English letters with your child. Good luck in learning English!

Pavel Burtovoy

Video designer of the St. Petersburg media channel “First Popular Television”. He is interested in cinema, animation and everything connected with it.

My son has been studying English at school for the second year. I recently discovered that his knowledge in this area is simply terrible. Problems were found even with the alphabet. Something had to be done.

For some reason, the method of memorizing words using double-sided cards did not work in our situation. Probably due to poor knowledge of the alphabet. I’m generally silent about different programs for smartphones: the child’s interest in learning a language is not zero, but rather negative, so that these programs can interest him.

I had to, based on the experience of my predecessors, develop and test my own method. Well, personally manage the learning process.

A little theory

Memorization can be reduced to a cyclical process of three components:

  1. Perception.
  2. Repetition.
  3. Testing.

When we want a child to remember information, the task becomes more complicated: it is not clear how well he perceived it, how many times he repeated it, and testing a student leads to stress and negative emotions in case of a bad result.

Let's look at all three components of the memorization process and how they can be improved.


For high-quality perception, it is desirable to use as many types of memory as possible: auditory, visual, motor. You can also add a variety such as verbal memory.


When repeating material, oddly enough, an effective method turned out to be multiple recordings of what was being studied and their simultaneous pronunciation.

I read about this method in the memoirs of a Soviet intelligence officer. He called this technique the most effective for increasing vocabulary.

The effectiveness of the combination of repeated rewriting of words with their simultaneous pronunciation can be explained by the fact that all possible types of memory are involved in the process.

Rewriting allows you to automate the process and depersonalize it. In addition, recorded words document the fact of repetition and make it possible to find out which material is remembered better and which worse.


When testing knowledge, it would be good to hide the fact of testing from the child, but leave a reward for successful completion. That is, hide the stick, but stick out the carrot in every possible way.

If confirmed, the cycle of “perception - repetition - testing” is interrupted. If not, repeat. This creates an incentive to learn all the material faster.

At the same time, knowledge is acquired in portions and tested in portions, and not like this: “Sit down, now I will check how you learned what you were asked today.”

How the method works

Since my son didn’t know the alphabet very well, we started with that. I found the simplest recipes on the Internet, similar to these:

First, I got my son to completely associate the pronunciation of each letter with its spelling: this will be very important in the future. After the alphabet we moved on to words. To do this, I used and continue to use a regular student’s notebook with a line or sheets from such a notebook. In the margins I write the Russian meanings of the words (expressions) that are to be learned.

These words must be written on the appropriate lines. Since each word is new, I allow you to rewrite it from the textbook for the first time. Then the son writes the word as many times as will fit on the line.

At the same time, he not only writes, but also pronounces the word out loud every time.

When finished, the sheet is turned over, and there is a surprise! In the margins are the same Russian words, and with their English counterparts you need to fill in all the lines, but without looking at the textbook.

Three important points:

  1. I care about the child, I don’t blame him for his mistakes.
  2. If he doesn't remember the spelling, then I spell it (this is where a good knowledge of the alphabet comes in handy).
  3. If a child wrote and pronounced a word without prompting the first time, then we have an agreement that he does not repeat it throughout the entire line. Subsequently, the word is removed from the lists. It is considered that it has been learned and the cycle of “perception - repetition - testing” is completed for it.

The process is repeated until all words from the original list have been eliminated. The photo below is about the fourth iteration.

We previously taught our son the alphabet in the same way. I wrote “ey”, “bi”, “si”, “di” and so on in Russian in the margins, and my son filled in the lines with English capital and lowercase letters.

Pros and cons of the method

The method has several strengths. Almost all types of memory are involved: auditory, visual, verbal and motor. Learning is stress-free and the student does not suffer.

The rules of the game are simple and fair. We can say that the method works automatically and the result appears as if by itself. A clear demonstration of the dialectical principle of the transition from quantity to quality. The algorithm is applicable for repeating forgotten material and is easily scalable for different volumes of words.

The method gives the student objective criteria for achieving the goal. There are real incentives to learn everything quickly and go for a walk.

The disadvantages of this method of learning are also obvious: you need a lot of paper and a “supervisor”.

My son learned the spelling and pronunciation of the English names of the days of the week in the evening. The next day I received an A on the test, praise and surprise from the teacher. And this is not the only success.

It was also interesting to observe how the material is, if it is not repeated. First of all, the ability to write without errors disappears, then pronunciation begins to suffer, and last of all, the sound of the word is forgotten. But the ability to recognize it in the text remains for a long time.

I don’t think that the method is ideal, but using the described memorization mechanisms, you can always come up with something of your own.

If you don’t know the English alphabet yet, then we even envy you: there are so many discoveries that will happen now! Avid English lovers will also be able to find something new. For example:

Interactive table with reference sound and transcription;
. Interesting Facts;
. the most effective ways to memorize letters (for children and advanced adults);
. options for using letters;
. English alphabet - video dessert.

Do you want classics of the genre? Please: there is a traditional sign here too. But only for starters. Meet the most unusual article about ABC!

English alphabet with transcription. Reference option

Before mastering the art of cake making, you need to properly fry at least one fried egg. It’s the same with the English alphabet: first - the frame, and then any whim for your money. Therefore, we could not ignore the most reference of all reference tables. Here you will see the correct spelling and hear the correct pronunciation. Read, click, listen, repeat, remember:

English alphabet with pronunciation




[`dʌbl `ju:] - double yu

Zed, zee

Alphabet "Classical" (with transcription)
Like the British Tea Party, it should be on display for all English learners. Remember the correct spelling, listen to the correct pronunciation by clicking on the letter, repeat all this regularly and discover the fantastic world of English along with the letters of the English alphabet!




[`dʌbl `ju:] - double yu

Zed, zee

Alphabet "Children's" (with voiceover)
Discover the fascinating world of language, starting with learning the letters of the English alphabet. Colorful, expressive pictures with the names of animals will turn the English alphabet for children into a fairy-tale comic book, and the proposed dubbing will be etched in the child’s memory forever.




[`dʌbl `ju:] - double yu

Zed, zee

Alphabet "Modern" (with voiceover)
The English alphabet can be not only a necessary tool in language learning, but also a stylish accessory to decorate your workplace. In addition to a female voice and aesthetic visualization, the letters of the English alphabet will sparkle with new colors and decorate your everyday life!

Curious facts about the letters of the English alphabet

What is remarkable about English letters:

1. the name itself (alphabet) is rooted in the Greek term “alphabetos”, which was composed of the first letters of the ancient Greek alphabet: alpha and beta (compare with our “alphabet” - az and beeches);
2. it is 7 letters shorter than Russian. But relatively recently it was shorter by only 6, because the ampersand (&) was the 27th letter in the alphabet;
3. it appeared 700 years ago;
4. English words most often begin with a letter S;
5. least often English surnames begin with X;
6. if you add up the first letters of the months from July to November, you get the word Jason;
7. many consonants from the English alphabet can be read both as a voiceless and as a voiced consonant (however, in Russian we also say “dup” instead of “oak”);
8. letter Z in British and Canadian pronunciation it sounds, and in American -;
9. The most common letters in English are T And E, and least often - Z and Q;
10. letter J- the only one that does not appear in the periodic table of elements;
11. almost- the longest word where all letters are arranged in alphabetical order;
12. only 3 English words contain two letters U in a row: vacuum, residuum, continuum. But in our Russian language there is only one word with 3 letters “e” in a row: long-necked;
13. title(droplet) is a dot above the letter i. It’s not hard to guess where these words came from: when they wrote with ink, a dot could be dropped;
14. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog- in this phrase you will find all 26 letters of the English alphabet;
15. queue- even if you remove ALL letters from this word except the first, its pronunciation will remain correct.

Note names in English

Guitarists are familiar with the “musical alphabet.” After all, the names of the notes are indicated in English letters:

C (before); D(re); E (mi); F (fa); G (salt); A (la); In (si).

English alphabet for children and adults. How to learn?

Just as theater begins with a coat rack, learning English begins with the alphabet. Probably everyone who studied English at school at least once sang the famous song “ABC” with Mary Ivanna. Do you think nothing has changed since then? The melody, of course, remains the same, but the presentation is for every taste and color:

1. Classics of the genre. Song "English alphabet" in the American style. Listen to it once and you’ll remember it even now. Because the creatures flying out of the chimney are impossible to forget. As is the annoying motive.

2. The effectiveness is confirmed by the performance of this cutie. Such a little one sings the entire alphabet without a hitch (the cuteness is off the charts):

3. Hard hardcore - an alternative to the alphabet for adults. Nowadays it is better to keep children and people with a delicate mental structure away from blue screens. Also, this video is not recommended for viewing by grandparents, strict teachers and ministers of education :)

Letters of the English alphabet walking by themselves

Did you know that some letters of the English alphabet have long lived an independent life? For example:

A is the highest grade in the US education system. Even the idiom has taken root: to get straight A's(to be an excellent student). If you suddenly want to show off such knowledge, then do not forget to pronounce “A’s” as in the alphabet. Otherwise, you risk being branded a foul speaker (compare with the pronunciation of “ass”);

Americans boldly use the letter B in order not to bother with writing such a long word as “be” (to be). In addition, Americans are lazy to write “you” (you), so if you see “I wanna B with U” in the lyrics, then don’t think that it is about the love of the letter B for the letter U;

. not to know B from a bull's foot- an idiom that some translators associate with our Russian “neither be nor me.” But for Americans, the meaning of this phrase is different: “not knowing anything / not knowing the basics”;

In contrast to the Know-Nothings, there is another idiom with letters of the Latin alphabet: to know smth. from A to Z

. R months- months whose names contain the letter r. Who will list it faster? Hint: There are 8 of them and they are usually cold in the Northern Hemisphere;

. T-shirt- T-shirt (literally: shirt in the shape of the letter T). You can also add an A-shirt here - in the understanding of stylists, this is an alcoholic T-shirt (literally: a shirt in the shape of the letter A);

. to cross one’s t’s and dot one’s i’s- place all the dashes on t and dot all the “i”. If the absolute majority of Russian speakers already know about the dots above the “i” (and even use them in their speech), then the letter t is a revelation. In fact, this approach (first write everything, and then add dashes and dots) saves a lot of time. The only pity is that we gradually forget what it means to hold a pen in our hands;

. to mind one’s P’s and Q’s- maintain decency, behave in a secular manner, be helpful. I wonder where this expression came from? So linguists are curious. Therefore, they have 5 versions of the origin of this phrase;

English-speaking people are very fond of the letters of the Latin alphabet. Otherwise, where would so many variants ending in -shaped come from: L-shaped, O-shaped, C-shaped - that is, something shaped like a certain letter. L-shaped, O-shaped, C-shaped. In Russian, we would hardly be so sophisticated and would say: round (in the shape of a circle), crescent-shaped (in the shape of a month). True, we still say L-shaped (by analogy with the English letter L);

. Zzzz- this is how English-speaking people snore. Of course, they are far from our sweeping “hrrr”. Therefore the idiom to catch some Z's translated into our language by the modest “sleep, take a nap” (it’s a pity that there is no stable expression for “snore”).

Now that the die has been cast and the Rubicon leading to the magical world of English has been crossed, it’s time to take English transcription by storm. There are more sounds and diphthongs in English than there are letters, each of them requires careful consideration for correct use. We promise it will be easy and fun. Particular joy awaits visual learners, who find it easier to perceive information through the visual channel of perception.

How long have you been studying the English alphabet? What was it like the first time? Share your experience with other English lovers.




How to quickly learn the English alphabet for an 8 year old child in 5 minutes

How to quickly learn the English alphabet: for preschoolers, schoolchildren, adults

It is easiest for an adult to learn English, since he is able to consciously approach its study. First you need to figure out how each letter is read. The alphabet should be memorized after you learn the correct pronunciation in order to avoid problems with the language in the future.

Next, you should write down all the letters on a separate sheet of paper and add a transcription to each. Everyone has some kind of daily activity that has to be repeated constantly, it could be working on the computer, washing dishes, cooking or reading. Choose one of the actions that you perform more often than others and make it a habit to reread the alphabet out loud every time before you start doing it.

Thus, it turns out that, for example, if you sit down to watch TV in the evening, then go for tea, eat, talk on the phone, and during the breaks return to watching, then you will repeat the alphabet about 7 times in a fairly short period of time.

Thanks to the constant repetition of the material, your brain will remember it quickly enough, without much difficulty.

Useful: memorizing English words by repetition: cram with pleasure.

Techniques for memorizing the English alphabet for children

As for teaching preschool children, the main rule when working with them is to teach in a playful way.

A small child is not able to concentrate to learn something, but he loves to play with blocks and other toys. Therefore, you should purchase soft toys in the shape of letters of the English alphabet, beautiful magnets or other educational toys. You can also occasionally bake cookies in the shape of letters. In addition, regularity of classes plays a very important role in a child’s education: spend at least half an hour every day naming and showing letters to your child.

Children remember images better, so you can use the English alphabet with pictures.

In addition, there are many versions of the alphabet song, where the letters in the correct order are set to a fun and catchy melody. You can simply play such a song to your child, but it’s better to sing along with him. The most effective method of working with children is teaching with the help of toys, songs and rhymes. Do not forget that a child is not able to learn something that is not interesting to him.

Techniques for memorizing the English alphabet for schoolchildren

The most difficult thing for a schoolchild to learn is the alphabet, since, among other things, he also needs to be able to write it correctly. He can no longer be interested in simple children's games, but he still doesn't want to learn what he finds boring.

The most correct solution would be to study the alphabet in parts with the help of one of the parents. You can divide it into three parts and study them one by one. It is imperative that the child read and then pronounce all the letters out loud to someone, so you can achieve the correct pronunciation.

In addition, it is best if you set a goal for your child and you can somehow motivate him. For example, for every time he came up to you and beautifully read part of the letters, give him his favorite treat and promise that if he brings an A from school for the perfectly narrated alphabet, then you will go with the whole family to pizza or to the cinema.

Thanks to such incentives, you will not only get your child to want to learn (and when he starts to succeed, he will definitely like studying), but also show that efforts are always rewarded.

Useful: technique for memorizing English words.


How to learn the English alphabet quickly and easily - Learning English. Methods and materials

Learning any language, including English, begins with mastering the alphabet.

For those who want to learn English, the first question is how to learn the English alphabet? I’ll answer right away - simple, fast, easy. The main thing is your mood and motivation from the very beginning of learning the language.

Playful learning is the best method for learning the alphabet.

The most important thing you need to pay attention to is to initially establish the correct pronunciation of English letters, using the correct pronunciation of the transcription for this.

Remember - initially the CORRECT PRONUNCIATION of the sounds of the letters of the English alphabet is the key to further successful mastery of English.

How to quickly learn the English alphabet

The most important thing is to set yourself a goal and a deadline (for example, say out loud - “I will memorize the letters of the English alphabet within a week, studying for 5-10 minutes a day”).

In order to achieve your goal, pay special attention to learning the alphabet and at the same time take it as a game.

Think about what gift you will give yourself when you learn the alphabet (for example, you learned 5-7 letters, you did push-ups, or you went and bought yourself something unhealthy, but so delicious, repeat the letters you learned on the way or while doing push-ups and rearrange them in your mind in different orders to consolidate the result).

Below are six successful steps to successfully learn the English alphabet at home:

  1. Pay attention to the pronunciation of English letters - this is very important.
  2. Be sure to use videos when learning.
  3. Write each letter in cursive and its transcription, listen to audio or video to hear the sound of each letter.
  4. Learn letters in order and randomly.
  5. Visually imagine each letter in your imagination and for each letter identify one or another object, for example, in your room.
  6. Exercise regularly and systematically.

Thus, by simply setting a goal, you can achieve it in a short time by adhering to this technique.

How to learn the English alphabet on video

One of the most effective ways of learning in recent times is the video format. So, the video not only presents sounds and trains pronunciation, but also shows pictures to visually fix the letters of the English alphabet in memory.

The alphabet in the form of songs is an interesting and quick way to learn:

1. Visual representation of each letter with various words for a particular letter and images. Images are remembered by the brain much more effectively than regular cramming:

2. The famous song “ABC” is very funny and uniquely played out:

3. Another online video series - now a little longer and no less interesting:


Then, take a pen and notebook and start writing each letter, uppercase and lowercase. It is important not only to write, but also to pronounce the letters. It may take some time (about an hour or two), but you will develop English writing skills.

If your auditory memory works better than your visual memory, start singing the alphabet. On the Internet you will find a lot of audio and video recordings. They will help you learn the alphabet faster.

One of the main rules for memorizing information is constant repetition and use of it in practice. Start with your name. Write your name in English and spell it. Try to do the same with the names of relatives and friends, then last names and street names, addresses.

Play with words. Write the English alphabet in large letters on paper and cut it into squares. Take an English word you already know and try to put it together using letters, naming each letter. Then do the same, but without relying on the squares of the alphabet.

The more times you do this, the more confident you can be that the alphabet will be remembered for a long time.


English alphabet: how to learn quickly and easily on your own at home:

When starting to learn a new language, we first become familiar with the alphabet. Letters and sounds are the constituent parts of words, from which phrases and sentences are further constructed. The stages of learning English are different for adults and children, but both face the stage of learning the alphabet as the basis for further progress. What methods are more effective? How to quickly learn the English alphabet and do it easily and based on exciting tasks? Let's look at the most popular methods for adults and children.

Songs, rhymes and tongue twisters

One of the most popular and effective ways is to learn the alphabet, based on the perception of rhythmic music and rhyming poetry. There is a large amount of video and audio content developed by methodologists and teachers around the world for this purpose. It is based on funny entertaining songs with a minimum set of vocabulary and pronunciation/singing of the English alphabet. The melody, rhythm and bright pictures in the video are simply ingrained in the memory, and learning becomes simple and easy. This method is suitable for both adults and children. You can play songs or play videos for several days in a row, even in the background, and the task will be completed. This approach gives a clear answer to the question of how easy it is to learn the English alphabet.

Pictures, cards, posters and puzzles

This method can be adapted for both adults and children from two years of age, when they begin to show first attention to letters and sounds as such. It is important to maintain this interest. Hang cards, pictures, posters depicting letters or the full alphabet around the apartment (office, room, play/study area). In this situation, the association method will be most effective. Each letter must be associated with the word that begins with it.

How to learn the English alphabet with your child using puzzles? It is recommended to take ready-made ones or cut the letter/card into several parts and then assemble them into a whole. If it is possible to bring several children together, it would be effective to arrange such a game for speed or for points scored based on the results. This method makes it easy to work through individual letters, rather than the entire English alphabet at once. How can adults learn the latter using these materials? The most effective method will be cards with the image of a letter, a transcription sound and a word.

It is more effective to learn a word or phrase right away. Each word is processed through “spelling,” that is, pronouncing the letters of the alphabet. Visual, auditory memory and imaginative thinking work. Further, there will be no problems with such a simple task as dictating your email, an unfamiliar word or first/last name when communicating with foreigners.

Outdoor games, motor skills

The answer to the question of how to learn the English alphabet on your own at home can also be given by outdoor games. They are suitable mainly for children, since they learn mainly by playing. Soft toys in the shape of letters, cubes, educational materials, magnets and even cookies of the appropriate shape will suit the purpose. Show your child the alphabet in English. Say each letter several times, repeat daily, reinforce the next day and beyond if possible.

Play dance songs with the alphabet, educational cartoons aimed at learning and memorizing this topic. Let your child try to depict the shape of each letter with his body or fingers, with your help, to remember the English alphabet. How to learn it faster will be determined by the child’s hobbies and preferences. These are the ones you should rely on to make outdoor games interesting.

Children love the Steam Locomotive game, which uses a car with a trailer and letter cards. The parent “drives” the car and periodically makes stops with “letter” names. The child must load the appropriate card for the trip to continue. The things that are best remembered are those that are rich in images, emotions and fascinating details.


Plasticine or elastic modeling dough will be indispensable assistants in learning the English alphabet with children of preschool and school age. It is recommended to prepare stencils or blanks in the form of letter shapes. Then they are decorated with colored “patches”. You can make beautiful letters from clay or dough and bake them, turning them into interesting toys for further study. Joint creativity in this direction will also tell you how to learn the English alphabet with your child. Use clay to draw on paper using your fingers and outline shapes. Learn 1-2 letters a day in such a way as to improve their visual memorization.

Drawing and copywriting

Various versions of albums with images of English letters for coloring will also help in mastering the alphabet. This activity is suitable for children aged three years and older. For preschoolers and primary school children, copybooks will be a good help. There are special notebooks that will allow you to master the English alphabet faster and more interestingly. How to learn the names of letters in copybooks? Engage with your child. Name the letter, understand its constituent forms. These can be lines, circles, semicircles, etc. Come up with associations together about what this or that letter looks like for a child.

Summarizing all of the above, we can highlight a number of individual recommendations that will direct the activity of mastering the English alphabet towards effective memorization.

  • Posters in play and work areas for systemic perception and visual memory activities.
  • Songs, rhymes that you can listen to, sing and dance to.
  • Educational videos, computer games and cartoons aimed at teaching and consolidating the alphabet.
  • Coloring pages with letters and copybooks.
  • Plasticine, play dough, and craft clay, which can be used in a number of ways.
  • All tasks and games should be exciting, rich in images, and contain some stories for more effective memorization and development.
  • Constant repetition and reinforcement is important for both adults and children, due to the nature of short-term and long-term memory. All of the above methods and materials will greatly facilitate the solution to the question of how to quickly learn the English alphabet, and will provide the opportunity for an interesting pastime with your child.

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