Requirements for kindergarten teachers. Modern requirements for the profession of a teacher in early age groups

« Professional standard for preschool education teacher“- recently, such a query is increasingly being entered into search engines. No wonder: the time comes when professional standards from recommendations become mandatory norms. Let’s figure out what the professional standard for a teacher is and what its significance is.

The connection between the requirements for a preschool teacher according to the Federal State Educational Standard and the professional standard

Education has always been an area that the government has not neglected. That is why, in order for professionals to deal with education, professional standardization was introduced at one time regarding the level of qualifications of the teacher. Preschool educational institutions are no exception. This category includes nurseries, kindergartens and other organizations involved in the education of children under the age of 7, when it is time for schools, gymnasiums, etc.

Two types of standards are now applied to preschool educational institutions (educators, teachers, etc.):

Don't know your rights?

  • Federal State Educational Standard approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation;
  • professional standard approved by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation.

Both standards were developed in 2013, but relate to different areas: the Federal State Educational Standard concerns educational institutions in general, and the professional standard refers to personnel policies, certification work, the development of job instructions and other actions relating to specific employees. In addition, the Federal State Educational Standard is already in force, and the professional standard for teachers will only come into force in 2017.

However, both the Federal State Educational Standard and teacher professional standard Preschool educational institutions are closely related to each other. The fact is that from 2017, when professional standards for teaching staff come into force, the Federal State Educational Standards will have to be developed taking into account the requirements laid down in the professional standard.

What does the professional standard for a kindergarten teacher include?

Professional standard for a teacher in kindergarten and other preschool educational institutions includes the following structural parts:

  1. General information about the standard
    This section defines what specific type of activity the professional standard for preschool teacher, which OKZ and OKVED codes should be used when recording this type of activity. It should be noted here that according to the professional standard, the concept of “teacher” is broader than “educator”. Teachers include both educators and teachers in schools and other general education institutions. The division occurs at the level of OKZ codes (code 3320 applies to educators) and OKVED (80.10.1 - preschool education services).
  2. Functional map
    This describes the functions that a teacher must perform in his work. Applied to professional standard for preschool teacher The main functions in relation to children will be:
    • training;
    • education;
    • development.
  3. Characteristics of functions
    In this part professional standard for preschool teacher The functions mentioned in the functional map are characterized in detail. In addition, the official titles for positions (“educator”, “teacher”, etc.), educational requirements and other qualification conditions are established here. It should be noted that data from the unified qualification directory approved by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation in 2010 is also used here.
  4. Information about which organizations have developed professional standards
    Mention of the developers of the professional standard is placed in a separate section. So, professional standard of a preschool educational institution teacher according to the Federal State Educational Standard was developed by MGPPU with the participation of Central Election Commission No. 109 of Moscow.

In conclusion, it remains to be said that the professional standard for a preschool teacher, to be introduced in 2017, should become a new and effective way to streamline the work of kindergartens and other preschool institutions, increase the efficiency of educational activities in them, and also achieve greater competence from employees. Time will tell how useful the introduction of professional standards will be...

Yulia Golovleva
Modern requirements for the profession of a teacher in early age groups

« To the modern child - to the modern teacher- the slogan of today!

Who is he? « modern educator» ! Let's speculate.

Today, more than ever, the teacher’s responsibility to society for quality is growing. education and training of young children. To the teacher It is necessary to improve your pedagogical skills, look for new approaches to children's minds and hearts, and become a model and example to follow. From his personal qualities and professional skills largely depends on the psychological climate in group, emotional comfort of each child, the nature of the emerging relationships between pupils, the child’s success in activities.

let's consider modern requirements for the profession of a teacher in early age groups:

1. Educator must be sincere and spontaneous. After all, kids are very sensitive and quickly recognize lies, indifference, and ill will.

2. It is extremely important for the teacher to positively accept children and treat them kindly. This implies a positive attitude from the teacher, regardless of what and how the child does. He must be free to communicate with adults. He needs to feel that the adult is open to him. The child must be sure: no matter what he does, no matter what he says, they will definitely pay attention to him. An adult will try to understand him and help.

3. An important condition for pedagogical communication with young children is empathy, i.e. sympathy and empathy. Educator One who has this quality can easily enter the inner world of a child in order to better understand his feelings, thoughts and experiences. Empathy implies not only the ability to hear the baby’s words, but also to understand what he is not saying.

4. All teachers are faced with the problem of adapting a child to kindergarten. Many children have great difficulty coping with separation from mom: Cry a lot and resist any attempts to involve themselves in any play activity. In this situation from teacher required patience and the ability to instill trust in yourself not only of the child, but also of his mother.

5. Another important feature in working with children early age is the need for personal attention to the child. The need for an individual approach is obvious in all ages. However, in early age a personalized approach is critical. Since a small child is capable perceive only the influence of an adult that is addressed to him personally, and not to the whole group.

6. Children early age cannot regulate their behavior through words. They don't act: all sorts of instructions, calls for obedience, explanations of rules, etc. This feature of young children places high requirements for the actions of the teacher. They must be extremely expressive and emotional. This requires a certain artistry from teacher. A modern teacher should educate not with words, but with your feelings and actions.

7. A teacher in early age groups must be able to play. The game is a universal method raising young children. She requires the indispensable participation of an adult, who not only conveys to the children the necessary rules and methods of playing actions, but also "infects" their interest in activities, stimulates and supports their activity.

Thus, the analysis modern requirements for the teaching profession showed what to personality teacher society presents a number of serious requirements. There are main, stable requirements, constantly inherent educator of all eras, times and peoples. To such requirements include: love for children, for teaching, special knowledge in the field of preschool pedagogy and psychology, broad erudition, pedagogical intuition, highly developed intelligence, high level of general culture and morality, professional mastery of a variety of teaching methods and raising children. Additional, but relatively stable requirements, presented to teacher, are sociability, artistry, cheerful disposition, good taste, etc.

But the new socio-political and economic situation that has developed in society sets new learning goals and education. They, in turn, determine requirements requirements for the individual teacher in accordance with the dictates of the times. At the moment, society needs a new type of teacher, which characterize: high civic responsibility and social activity; love for children, need and the ability to give them your heart; genuine intelligence, spiritual culture, desire and ability to work together with others; high professionalism, innovative style of scientific and pedagogical thinking; willingness to solve creative and research problems; experimenter; professionally competent in the field of information and communication activities; proficient in new technologies and ready to work in a market economy; able to constantly improve himself and improve his education.

What should a kindergarten teacher be like in modern realities? This profession is special in its significance and essence.

Features of the profession

The specificity of the work lies in the fact that the main object is the child, who is a unique creation of nature. The teacher must be involved in the spiritual, mental, and physical development of the child. It is for this reason that working as a kindergarten teacher is one of the most responsible and important in the modern world.

Specifics of pedagogical activity

All the work of the teacher is aimed at the formation of basic activities that contribute to the development of a harmoniously developed personality of the preschooler. To successfully implement all the tasks assigned to a teacher, he must have true professional skills. Not all holders of a diploma from a pedagogical educational institution will be able to become good employees of preschool educational institutions. Working as a teacher in a kindergarten involves performing musical, gaming, labor, research, and project activities with students.

Teacher's work program

There are certain requirements for the level of training, as well as for the direct activities of a teaching worker in a preschool institution. In addition to secondary vocational or higher specialized education, there must be a special work program for the teacher. It indicates the main goals of working with students: educational, developmental, educational. Here the tasks set by the teacher for a certain period and ways to achieve them are written down. According to the new standards of preschool education, the teacher prescribes all the basic universal skills that his pupils must master after completing the course of study. Depending on what profile is chosen by the preschool institution, teachers’ programs can be narrowly focused. Among the most common areas in preschool educational institutions, the leading ones are patriotic, environmental, and physical education.

Functions for the implementation of the educational activities of the teacher

To implement the tasks set for the educator by the modern Russian education system, he needs certain functions. The communicative-stimulating function presupposes the teacher’s ability to establish contact with children and maintain friendly relationships with the children. The professional qualities of a kindergarten teacher involve showing warmth, care, warmth, love and respect to children. This function involves full communication not only with wards, but also with parents, other employees, and colleagues.

The diagnostic function is interconnected with the study of the characteristics of each child and the establishment of their level of education and development. The professional qualities of a kindergarten teacher include knowledge of the characteristics of child developmental psychology. If a teacher does not have information about the level of moral, mental, and physical development of a child, he has no place in kindergarten. A true professional will study all the personal characteristics of each child in his group, get to know the parents, analyze living conditions, the atmosphere in the family in order to be aware of everything that is happening with his kids.

It assumes such professional qualities of a kindergarten teacher as planning educational and developmental work. In addition, the professional interests of a preschool educational institution employee should include the desire to be creative in their activities.

The constructive and design function characterizes the professional qualities of a kindergarten teacher regarding the organization of educational activities and educational games, projects with children.

The organizational function is considered the most difficult; it is this function that allows you to demonstrate your personal characteristics to the teacher. Only a person passionate about his profession can lead children and “ignite” a spark of knowledge in them. The teacher selects and structures information during communication with the children, organizes various activities for them, and analyzes the children’s desire to acquire new knowledge and skills.

The research function presupposes the ability of the teacher himself to engage in self-education, develop his professional interests in order to be a real example for the child.

What a teacher should be able to do

There are certain personal qualities that a kindergarten teacher should have. Education in this profile can be obtained at a pedagogical college or university. First of all, it is necessary to note the dominant qualities. If a teacher does not want to work with them, there is not even a question of his pedagogical competence.


This quality is especially important for representatives of this profession. It is the teacher who must provide timely support and assistance to the child, help him overcome problems associated with communicating with other children. Under the guidance of a sensitive mentor, the baby transforms from an “ugly duckling” into a beautiful “swan”. While attending kindergarten, the child’s personal growth should occur and the desire to acquire new knowledge and skills should grow.


The teacher must be tolerant of his children. Situations where the teacher raises his voice at children during class are not allowed.

Pedagogical tact and fairness

This quality presupposes that the mentor adheres to universal human norms of interaction and communication with preschoolers. In addition, a professional teacher takes into account the individual qualities of each child and his psychological characteristics. According to the new Federal State Educational Standards, each kindergarten student builds his own educational trajectory, along which he advances under the guidance of his mentor. Fairness is a mandatory quality of a modern school teacher. He is obliged to behave impartially towards each child. What other personal qualities should a good teacher have? He must be an optimist, not get lost in extreme situations, have charm and personal charm, have a sense of humor, and have worldly wisdom. From the point of view of social activity, such a teacher should always be ready to help colleagues in solving public and social problems related primarily to the educational sphere.

Job responsibilities of a kindergarten teacher

The Ministry of Education has developed requirements that a modern preschool teacher must meet.

  • He is obliged to plan, organize, carry out the activities of children and their upbringing in the preschool.
  • The teacher is engaged in daily work, which is aimed at providing conditions for the social and psychological rehabilitation of preschool children.
  • In his work, he is obliged to use modern techniques, methods, and teaching aids.
  • Based on the recommendations of a child psychologist, the results of personal research, she works with children individually, in groups, and is engaged in correctional and developmental activities.
  • Together with a medical professional, he develops and implements a set of measures aimed at preventing and strengthening the physical health of preschool children.

Together with medical workers, he ensures the preservation and strengthening of the health of children, carries out activities that promote their psychophysical development, and is responsible for their life and health.

The teacher is obliged to know and comply with the laws of the Russian Federation, regulations and decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation relating to preschool education, and be familiar with the provisions of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.


A word like “educator” comes from “to nourish,” that is, to feed. The modern dictionary interprets this profession as a person who is engaged in raising someone and takes full responsibility for the development and conditions of existence of the personality of another person. There were objective reasons for the emergence of this teaching profession. For the full development of society, it was important that the experience accumulated by older generations be passed on to children. This profession first appeared in Ancient Greece. At that distant time, a slave was responsible for the development of the child. It was he who first looked after the baby, and after the child grew up, he accompanied him to school. The duties of the slave included monitoring the development of the child, his behavior and actions. Gradually, the slave was replaced by home educators (governesses), and then kindergarten teachers. Modern DU teachers are creative and bright personalities. They are distinguished by emotional stability, endurance, patience, balance, and observation. Representatives of this profession have excellent communication skills and the teacher is an excellent organizer, speaks clearly and knows how to attract the attention of his interlocutor. All representatives of this important and responsible profession have a developed sense of personal responsibility. They are active, proactive, and kind to their students and colleagues. There are also certain medical restrictions that do not allow a person to work as a preschool teacher. A candidate for the position of teacher undergoes a medical examination. People with mental disorders, serious diseases of the musculoskeletal system, respiratory and cardiovascular systems, or those suffering from severe stuttering are not allowed to see children. Persons who have skin-venereal and infectious diseases and are virus carriers cannot work in a kindergarten.

The new standard of preschool education sets requirements for the content of education, its results, as well as the conditions for the implementation of the educational process. In terms of implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, special attention is paid to staffing and training of preschool teachers. The basic requirements for teachers are defined in the text of the Professional Teacher Standard. The main figure capable of implementing the assigned educational and educational tasks is the teacher. And not just a teacher, but a specialist with a high level of professional competence.

The main function of a modern kindergarten of any kind is the purposeful socialization of the child’s personality, that is, introducing him to the world of natural and human connections and relationships, transferring to him the best examples, methods and norms of behavior in all spheres of life. The quality level of upbringing and development of a preschool child depends on how competently the educational process is structured in a preschool institution.

The connection between the requirements for a preschool teacher according to the Federal State Educational Standard and the professional standard

Education has always been an area that the government has not neglected. That is why, in order for professionals to deal with education, professional standardization was introduced at one time regarding the level of qualifications of the teacher. Preschool educational institutions are no exception. This category includes nurseries, kindergartens and other organizations involved in the education of children under the age of 7, when it is time for schools, gymnasiums, etc.

Two types of standards are now applied to preschool educational institutions (educators, teachers, etc.):

  • Federal State Educational Standard approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation;
  • professional standard approved by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation.

Both standards were developed in 2013, but relate to different areas: the Federal State Educational Standard concerns educational institutions in general, and the professional standard refers to personnel policies, certification work, the development of job instructions and other actions relating to specific employees. In addition, the Federal State Educational Standard is already in force, and the professional standard for teachers will only come into force in 2017.

Nevertheless, both the Federal State Educational Standard and the professional standard of a preschool teacher are closely related to each other. The fact is that from 2017, when professional standards for teaching staff come into force, the Federal State Educational Standards will have to be developed taking into account the requirements laid down in the professional standard.

What does the professional standard for a kindergarten teacher include?

The professional standard for a teacher in kindergarten and other preschool educational institutions includes the following structural parts:

  1. General information about the standard

This section determines what specific type of activity the professional standard of a preschool teacher relates to, what OKZ and OKVED codes should be used when recording this type of activity. It should be noted here that according to the professional standard, the concept of “teacher” is broader than “educator”. Teachers include both educators and teachers in schools and other general education institutions. The division occurs at the level of OKZ codes (code 3320 applies to educators) and OKVED (80.10.1 - preschool education services).

  1. Functional map

This describes the functions that a teacher must perform in his work. In relation to the professional standard of a preschool teacher, the main functions in relation to children will be: teaching; education; development.

  1. Characteristics of functions

In this part of the professional standard for a preschool educational institution teacher, the functions mentioned in the functional map are characterized in detail. In addition, the official titles for positions (“educator”, “teacher”, etc.), educational requirements and other qualification conditions are established here. It should be noted that data from the unified qualification directory approved by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation in 2010 is also used here.

  1. Information about which organizations have developed professional standards

Mention of the developers of the professional standard is placed in a separate section. Thus, the professional standard for a preschool teacher according to the Federal State Educational Standard was developed by the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education with the participation of Central Educational Institution No. 109 of Moscow.

The professional standard for a preschool teacher, to be introduced in 2017, should become a new and effective way to streamline the work of kindergartens and other preschool institutions, increase the efficiency of educational activities in them, and also achieve greater competence from employees.


3.2.1. Labor function

Labor actions

Participation in the development of the basic general education program of an educational organization in accordance with the federal state educational standard for preschool education

Participation in creating a safe and psychologically comfortable educational environment of an educational organization by ensuring the safety of children’s lives, maintaining the emotional well-being of the child during their stay in the educational organization

Planning and implementation of educational work in a group of children of early and/or preschool age in accordance with federal state educational standards and basic educational programs

Organization and conduct of pedagogical monitoring of children’s mastery of the educational program and analysis of educational work in a group of children of early and/or preschool age

Participation in planning and adjustment of educational goals (together with a psychologist and other specialists) based on monitoring results, taking into account the individual developmental characteristics of each child of early and/or preschool age

Development of professionally significant competencies necessary to solve educational problems in the development of children of early and preschool age, taking into account the characteristics of the age and individual characteristics of their development

Formation of psychological readiness for schooling

Creating a positive psychological climate in the group and conditions for friendly relations between children, including those belonging to different national, cultural, religious communities and social strata, as well as those with different (including disabilities) health abilities

Organization of activities carried out in early and preschool age: subject-based, cognitive-research, games (role-playing, director's, with a rule), productive; design, creating ample opportunities for the development of children’s free play, including providing play time and space

Organizing constructive interaction between children in various types of activities, creating conditions for children to freely choose activities, participants in joint activities, and materials

Active use of non-directive assistance and support for children's initiative and independence in various activities

Organization of the educational process based on direct communication with each child, taking into account his special educational needs

Required skills

Organize activities carried out in early and preschool age: subject-based, cognitive-research, play (role-playing, directorial, with rules), productive; designing, creating ample opportunities for the development of children’s free play, including providing play time and space

Apply methods of physical, cognitive and personal development of children of early and preschool age in accordance with the educational program of the organization

Use methods and tools for analyzing psychological and pedagogical monitoring that allow assessing the results of children’s mastery of educational programs, the degree to which they have developed the qualities necessary for further learning and development at the next levels of education

Master all types of developmental activities of a preschooler (play, productive, cognitive-research)

Build partnerships with parents (legal representatives) of children of early and preschool age to solve educational problems, use methods and means for their psychological and pedagogical education

Possess ICT competencies necessary and sufficient for planning, implementation and evaluation of educational work with children of early and preschool age

Required knowledge

Specifics of preschool education and features of organizing work with children of early and preschool age

Basic psychological approaches: cultural-historical, activity and personal; basics of preschool pedagogy, including classical systems of preschool education

General patterns of child development in early and preschool age

Features of the formation and development of children's activities in early and preschool age

Fundamentals of the theory of physical, cognitive and personal development of children of early and preschool age

Modern trends in the development of preschool education

Other characteristics

Compliance with legal, moral and ethical standards, requirements of professional ethics


The Federal Educational Standard (FSES) has become firmly established in the life of the country's education system. In terms of implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, special attention is paid to staffing and training of preschool teachers. The main figure capable of implementing the educational and educational tasks is the teacher. And not just a teacher, but a specialist with a high level of professional competence.

The qualifications of teaching staff must correspond to the qualification characteristics established in the Unified Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Employees, section “Qualification Characteristics of Positions of Education Workers”, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated August 26, 2010, No. 761n.

The basic requirements for teachers are defined in the text of the Professional Standard for Teachers, which came into force on January 1, 2015.

According to this standard, a preschool teacher must:

  • Know the specifics of preschool education and the features of organizing educational work with children of early and preschool age.
  • Know the general patterns of child development in early and preschool childhood; features of the formation and development of children's activities in early and preschool age.
  • Be able to organize the main types of activities in preschool age: object-based, manipulative and playful, ensuring the development of children. Organize joint and independent activities of preschoolers.
  • Possess the theory and pedagogical methods of physical, cognitive and personal development of children of early and preschool age.
  • Be able to plan, implement and analyze educational work with children of early and preschool age in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (FSES).
  • Be able to plan and adjust educational tasks (together with a psychologist and other specialists) based on monitoring results, taking into account the individual developmental characteristics of each child of early and/or preschool age.
  • Implement pedagogical recommendations of specialists (psychologist, speech therapist, speech therapist, etc.) when working with children who have difficulty mastering the program or children with special educational needs.
  • Participate in creating a psychologically comfortable and safe educational environment, ensuring the safety of children’s lives, preserving and strengthening their health, supporting the child’s emotional well-being during their stay in an educational organization.
  • To be proficient in the methods and means of analyzing psychological and pedagogical monitoring, which allows assessing the results of children’s mastery of educational programs, the degree to which they have developed the necessary integrative qualities of preschool children necessary for further education and development in primary school.
  • Know the methods and means of psychological and pedagogical education of parents (legal representatives) of children of early and preschool age, be able to build partnerships with them to solve educational problems.
  • Possess ICT - competencies necessary and sufficient for planning, implementation and evaluation of educational work with children of early and preschool age.

The conditions necessary to create a social situation for the development of children that corresponds to the specifics of preschool age presuppose:

1) Ensuring emotional well-being through:

Direct communication with each child;

Respectful attitude towards each child, his feelings and needs;

2) Supporting children’s individuality and initiative through:

Creating conditions for children to freely choose activities and participants in joint activities;

Creating conditions for children to make decisions, express their feelings and thoughts;

Non-directive assistance to children, support for children's initiative and independence in various types of activities (play, research, design, cognitive, etc.);

3) Establishing rules of interaction in different situations:

Creating conditions for positive, friendly relationships between children, including those belonging to different national, cultural, religious communities and social strata, as well as those with different (including limited) health capabilities;

Development of children's communication abilities, allowing them to resolve conflict situations with peers;

Developing children's ability to work in a peer group;

4) Construction of variable developmental education, focused on the level of development that is manifested in the child in joint activities with adults and more experienced peers, but is not updated in his individual activities (hereinafter referred to as the zone of proximal development of each child), through:

Creating conditions for mastering cultural means of activity;

Organization of activities that promote the development of thinking, speech, communication, imagination and children's creativity, personal, physical and artistic-aesthetic development of children;

Supporting spontaneous play of children, enriching it, providing play time and space;

Assessment of children's individual development;

5) interaction with parents (legal representatives) on issues of the child’s education, their direct involvement in educational activities, including through the creation of educational projects together with the family based on identifying the needs for their support of the family’s educational initiatives.

The specifics of professional activity impose certain requirements on a preschool teacher. And in order to fulfill his professional duties, he must have certain personality qualities:

Professional orientation, which is based on an interest in the teaching profession and love for children.

It is these factors that encourage the desire to master pedagogical knowledge and constantly improve their professional level. The teacher must be able to empathize and sympathize, and respond emotionally to the child’s experiences.

Know the age characteristics of preschoolers, must carefully notice the slightest changes in the child’s behavior, show sensitivity, caring, goodwill, and tact in relationships. Along with being demanding of the participants in the educational process (children, parents, colleagues), the preschool teacher remains friendly towards them and believes in their strengths and capabilities. A teacher who loves children is always tuned to perceive their positive qualities.

To create conditions for the manifestation of the abilities of each child and to help reveal the personal potential of a preschooler. An optimistic teacher will not talk badly about the child or complain to parents about him. An optimistic teacher is characterized by the ability to inspire with cheerfulness and a sense of humor. When the teacher’s actions find the optimal combination of affection and firmness, kindness and exactingness, trust and control, humor and severity, flexibility of behavior and educational actions, we can talk about the teacher’s tact.

A teacher must be able to build proper relationships both with children and parents, and with colleagues, that is, with all participants in the pedagogical process. The teacher must show his students impeccable behavior. After all, children imitate the behavior of the teacher first of all. The teacher should also try to establish partnerships with parents and be able to prevent and resolve conflict situations.

Treat colleagues with respect and attention, share experiences, and accept criticism. To enjoy authority among children, parents and colleagues means to receive an assessment of one’s moral and professional qualities, culture, erudition, and dedication to the profession.

Be dedicated to your work and fight for your authority, value it. The success of a teacher’s professional activity largely depends on the ability for pedagogical reflection. After all, reflection implies the ability to analyze the steps taken, evaluate the results obtained and compare them with the planned goal. Based on the findings, the preschool teacher adjusts subsequent activities in order to obtain better results. - - A preschool teacher must be proficient in the latest technologies in the field of teaching and raising children, as well as have broad erudition, pedagogical intuition, highly developed intelligence and a high level of moral culture.

Be conscientious, demanding of yourself, show initiative, patience and endurance. It’s good if a preschool teacher knows how to make crafts, draw, sing well, and has acting skills. In this case, he will always be interesting to his students.

Thus, it can be noted that a modern teacher today needs special professional training. And for this we need to seriously work on improving the competence of teachers, which will allow them to work according to the standard. And therefore, the teacher’s competence– this is one of the main requirements of the standard.

Based on these requirements, a teacher training system will be built, which will include: studying thematic literature, conducting training seminars, and teachers mastering new approaches, methods and technologies of teaching and education. Conducting teacher councils and open screenings and master classes. Institutes for advanced training will rebuild their curriculum so that the preschool education system can work in accordance with modern requirements.

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