The fate of the European Union predictions. Why will the EU collapse? The world won't end

In 2011, NTV broadcast the program “Vanga Returns,” and in 2013 the video “If Tomorrow Vanga” appeared. The authors of the project claim that unknown predictions have surfaced in private archives. It seems that when Syria falls, World War III will begin, there will be an apocalypse, Europe will be empty, and Russia will be saved.

Nothing to say, interesting video. Disturbing music, dynamically changing frames. Satanovsky, Ivashov, Korotchenko and other famous people flash on the screen... but they’re not talking about Vanga. But the effect is good. And given the latest events in Syria and Europe, one can even believe in the apocalypse.

But first we need to find out what the soothsayer actually said. And this is more difficult, because the phrases are taken from different sources. If, for example, it is an obvious linden, then there are doubts. So I'll go through the quotes and, as always, try to find the original sources:

“2011 will be a special year, people will change, the whole world will change”, “Chemical rain will fall in the north, from which all living things will die”, “Chemical weapons”, “2016, empty Europe”, “When Europe is empty, no one will live there will". All this is clearly from here:

The list has been circulating on the Internet for many years, and, by the way, appears in an NTV video. I will write separately about the fact that it is pure fake. She didn’t say anything like that, and in general, this is Nostradamus. Then I’ll tell you where the list came from, and from what time it began to be attributed to Vanga.

“Not soon, Syria has not fallen yet.” Allegedly, this is how Vanga answered the question of when the Third World War would begin. In fact, this sentence was taken out of a completely different context. The entire phrase is in the book “The Truth about Vanga” (1997), written by her niece Krasimira Stoyanova, on page 162:

“As soon as Syria falls, expect a great war between the West and the East,” “In the spring, a war will begin in the East, and there will be a Third World War,” “The war in the East, which destroyed the West.” Vanga didn’t say this. And in general, friends and relatives of the soothsayer have repeatedly argued that she never predicted the Third World War. Here is an excerpt from an interview from a Bulgarian website:

And here is a quote from the “Vanga Encyclopedia” (1998-2002), it can be found in volume 2, on page 161. This is a fragment of an interview that Vanga gave to Russian journalist Sergei Kostorny in 1995.

“Syria will collapse at the feet of the winner, but the winner will not be the same.” This phrase is in Nadezhda Dimova’s book “Vanga. The mystery of the gift of the Bulgarian Cassandra" (2007). But the author refers to Anatoly Lubchenko, who allegedly has an audio recording of the last interview with the soothsayer. Decide for yourself whether to believe the Ukrainian businessman. But this is the original source. Here's the full quote:

“The apocalypse will come,” “Evil will burst out of the ground and destroy everything,” “Only Russia will be saved, not everyone,” “There will be both water and peace in Russia.” Vanga actually said something similar, and this is confirmed by many sources, all of them cannot be listed here, and there is no need to. Here, for example, is a fragment from the same NTV video:

And this is from another video. The Bulgarian artist and writer Petr Bakov, who knew Vanga well, says approximately the same thing. True, something about Europe also surfaced there, but a separate material needs to be prepared about this. In the meantime, a small fragment:

“It will be bad to live as evil people,” “Stop! Stop the race... money, weapons", "Evil will return, there will be trouble", "After the end of the world, only those who get rid of anger and envy, who can become different will be saved", "Nothing will save, neither escaping to other countries, nor money ... only cleanliness from the inside.” But you can't argue with that. And it doesn’t matter whether Vanga said something like that.

Let's summarize. It turns out that Vanga said practically nothing about Syria. The phrase “Syria has not fallen yet” can mean anything or nothing at all. The Third World War is also cancelled. The apocalypse, however, is in question, but it seems to be postponed for now.

But as for Europe... Yes, it will not be empty by 2016, there will be no chemical rains and a big war between the West and the East. It is clear that Vanga did not predict anything like this. But the situation there is complicated. It looks like they still have some problems ahead of them.

Here are some possible scenarios. If it starts to erupt, it will provoke serious disasters, including in Europe. If the level of the World Ocean rises by several meters, many European capitals will find themselves under water. You never know what else. Crisis, refugees... That’s what Vanga said... However, I’ll write about this separately.

For more than a century, the thought about the future of Europe has not left the attention of philosophers, historians, politicians and simply thinking people. Russia's internal orientation to the West adds to these reflections an element of involvement in the problem, since it is European culture and values ​​that have long remained the standard for the Russian idea. The future, like the whole world, today is becoming a controversial field that affects an increasing number of cultures and political positions.

Philosophical-historical approach

Two classic philosophical and historical works - N.Ya. Danilevsky's "Russia and Europe" and O. Spengler's "The Decline of Europe" were the first to analyze the paths of the European world. Having identified the cyclical nature of cultural development, both researchers single out the European type as one of the leading ones on the world stage of the 19th century.

O. Spengler defines European culture as having gone through almost the full cycle of its existence. Issues of politics and economics are not leading in the philosopher's concept. He represents culture as a living soul, which in the European type was lost by the end of the 19th century. It should be replaced by another type of culture; Spengler defines it as Russian-Siberian.

Danilevsky, citing other reasons for typologizing culture, also holds the opinion of the slow attenuation of the European world, the development of a new, Russian, cultural-historical type.

Demographics and future

Pessimistic forecasts about the future of Europe are being put forward by an increasing number of analysts today. One of them was Gunnar Heinsen. His work Sons and World Domination is based on demographic data examined in historical and contemporary contexts. Heinsen shows that historical upheavals occur in areas where young people make up a large share of the population (about 30% and above).

Today, such rapid population growth is observed in the Arab-Muslim world, while in Europe it is extremely insignificant. The situation is aggravated by the sluggish desire of Europeans to create families, same-sex marriage, and the general decline in family values.

The author writes about the fatal mistake of Europe, which in 2015 made it possible for refugees to resettle in European countries. Migrants and their descendants will eventually make up the main population of Europe (according to Gallup - 950 million people in 2052), which means they will bring their own religion and traditions.

National identity

The influx of migrants, a large proportion of whom are large families, is not just a quantitative increase in the population. This is the emergence of a fundamentally different worldview, which in some cases runs counter to European culture. The foundations of this worldview:

  1. Islam, the religion of most people from the Middle East, plays a leading role, exerting an expansive effect. The religious views of Islam, its desire to conquer large new territories due to the sharp increase in the Muslim population, are a reality for which in most cases Western culture is not ready. An alternative future for Europe in this aspect is conceived as Muslim.
  2. Following the views of traditional culture. European culture today is perceived as innovative, where the roles of technology, political mechanisms and economics are dominant. However, people from the Middle East adhere to the norms of traditional societies, where the place of religious, ethical, and gender roles remain unchanged over the centuries. Thanks to a strong focus on its own traditions, such a society is more stable and can “stifle” innovative processes. In other words, Europe is only a profitable economic and territorial base for Muslim culture.
  3. Intellectual level. The overwhelming number of migrants who come from the Middle East have a low level of education, which also affects the nature of their lives in Europe. The tolerance instilled in Europeans is completely alien to visitors. European values ​​and ethical standards seem insignificant and meaningless to them. They are repressed - implicitly at first, but more aggressively in the future.

These, as well as other factors, are a reason for leveling European identity - new generations of Europeans will be a minority in their historical lands.

Relations with Russia

An important point in predicting what kind of Europe will be present on the world stage in the future is its interaction with Russia. If Russian identity from within Russia is perceived as close to European, then from the outside it is often perceived as an independent culture or an eastern totalitarian state. The future of Europe in most works is described in complete isolation from Russia - both economically, politically, and culturally. The slow death of Europe does not mean similar processes in Russia.

The political future of Europe in some works is considered in the context of Russian-European interaction. Common Christian roots, natural and human resources provide the basis for this cooperation.

Russia needs Europe as a source of technology and opportunities for selling raw materials. Europe sees Russia as a reliable supplier of energy resources. economies and, in general, cultural and historical paths, should lead to the creation of a new cultural and historical type. This opinion is perhaps one of the most optimistic.

Esoteric versions

I remember the soothsayers and prophecies describing the future of Europe. Vanga and Nostradamus predict climate change, civil and religious wars, diseases that will overwhelm Europe and change its life. Edgar Cayce, a psychic, writes about natural disasters, large seismic activity in Western Europe, which will lead to significant changes in the way of life of Europeans and will force them to think differently about technology and religion.

Correlating predictions and historical facts, analysts point to some similarity and justification of what was said. Esoteric versions also confirm the profound transformations that await Europeans in the future.

Let's summarize...

In recent years, the European world has changed significantly and influenced the destinies of many peoples. The migration of the indigenous population has increased - the Dutch, Germans, and French are increasingly leaving for the USA, New Zealand, and Australia, giving way to immigrants from the Middle East. A cozy and safe Europe is no longer perceived as such; the premonition of terrorist attacks and other disasters causes a feeling of insecurity and uncertainty. Most researchers agree that Europe is in a state of transition. What its outcome will be depends largely on political, economic, cultural, and demographic reasons.

Regardless of forecasts and points of view, the historical development and future of other cultures and peoples will depend on the future of Europe, because for many centuries it was decisive in the world cultural space.

The former head of the police station on Holy Mount Athos, Stavros Validis, provides stunning evidence of the prophecy of Elder Paisios about the “black future” awaiting the European Union because of Germany...

“I met when the Lord vouchsafed me to serve as the head of the police station of the Holy Mountain. In November 1991, with my colleague, we went down from his cell. And then we knew well that if three hundred pilgrims came to Athos a day, then half of them they were definitely going to Father Paisius... At the top gate of the fence you were greeted by a sign with the inscription “help yourself”, and under it there was a box with Turkish delight. There was even a spring with running water and several mugs so that pilgrims could quench their thirst.

When we approached, he, fortunately, was there and loosening his garden.

I was impressed by the fact that, living in seclusion from the world, the elder knew almost everything that was happening in the field of national security and police control and had to do with Athos. He even knew about everything that happened outside the Holy Mountain in Greece.

The elder told me that the European powers with their enormous capital set the goal of distorting the principles, traditions and institutions of Holy Mount Athos. To do this, they contributed to the influx of significant funds to Athos, the creation of comfortable living conditions, the construction of roads, the import of construction equipment and the distribution of various modern amenities.

I remember once, as a police chief, I accompanied three official foreign guests who, after what they had heard in their homeland, wanted to meet the “great ascetic Paisius.” One of them, when asked about a united Europe, received the following answer from the elder:

The blood has hardly cooled yet...

This answer baffled the foreigners because they were unable to understand the meaning encrypted in it.

Later I asked him what the answer about uncooled blood meant, and the elder said:

It will become clear later, but it is impossible to imagine cooperation between the British, French, Germans, Italians, Austrians, etc., while people are alive who lost their fathers and brothers during the Second World War. Can they really call each other “allies” when that is what they mean? Let's not be so short-sighted and let's not look at things only from the point of view of economic gain. This is how nationalism will come to the surface and then...”

See also:

Metropolitan Jeremiah of Gortyn. The modern crisis in the prophecies of Elder Paisius the Holy Mountain
The situation in Greece and throughout the world is completely unfavorable. We are living in evil days. The reason for the increased and prevailing evil is our sins and apostasy from God. Today we urgently need repentance. Let us turn with a prayer to our Lord Jesus Christ: let us ask Him to forgive our sins, to grant us Enlightenment and His Grace, so that we can follow His Holy Will and someday see better times. Let us also resort to our Lady, the Most Holy Theotokos, and ask Her to become an intercessor for us before Her Divine Son.

Original taken from victoriarossi in Jupiter Ascending or something about the harvest. This will happen in the next 3-5 years.

This will all begin in the spring of '15, because I see birds flying in from the south - Intelligence agencies warn: Europe will be depopulated This recording was made on 09/05/15 on the eve of the solar eclipse on September 13, 2015. It will be visible in South Africa and Antarctica. Virgo, being an analytical zodiac sign, will criticize the endeavors that come under the influence of this eclipse. The new moon trine with Pluto in Capricorn speaks of the inevitability of change and its radical nature. Most likely, they will be necessary and timely, but they will bring tension.

Having carefully read the information that filled the network about the invasionAfrican Africans on European Africans and having compared some facts, I came to the conclusion that it is necessary to adjust our understanding of the plans of the world elite rabble:

The concept of the golden half billion no longer applies to the white European population.

You will be surprised. Now they plan to form a golden half-billion from Russians. plus some Asians. that's all. That is, no cleansing of Europe and the United States is planned, or the word CLEANING would be more accurate. below zero. together with the local elites.

Africans were sent to Europe not at all in order to put them under arms and send them against Russia. They are sent to Europe to kill Europeans. EVERYONE. since each of the migrants, including children, is a living bacteriological bomb that will not explode immediately, but only after some time, because the latent period of development of the disease with which migrants were infected in exchange for the opportunity to move to a brave new world can reach a long time. That is, the outbreak of deaths will be sudden and stunning. The plague of migrants will automatically turn into a pestilence of whites. The Black Plague will seem like a sweet fairy tale to Europe. Yes, yes (((Let’s remember Ebola, which was just a training session before the harvest.

Why can France survive? I think because it was she who developed these bacterial weapons (remember

), and therefore only she has the antidote. And there is no doubt that she will not give it to anyone but herself - remember Mistral.

Recommendations to the security service. In fact, the borders with Europe need to be closed now, banning people from traveling to Europe, so that the new black plague does not make its way to Russia. By the way, note that the sanctions act precisely in the direction of protecting Russians from the epidemic that, in fact, has already penetrated into Europe. Until the first mass deaths, no one can know what the migrants are infected with. And yet, due to the biological difference between Africans and whites, perhaps the new black plague only affects whites.

In development of the topic Roadmap of the plans of the world's elite scum

<<Европу ожидает в ближайшие 3-5 лет полное вымирание. Будет что-то очень трагическое. может быть какая-нибудь болезнь, мор. Начнется это всё весной 15 года. Я хочу предупредить Францию: это их не коснется, если они смогут во время среагировать. Для скептиков: если эти предсказания сбудутся (W* for Ukraine and Andrey Stenin from 15:21), what awaits Europe in the next 3-5 years will also happen. Europe will absolutely die out. I see pictures of empty cities in Europe, streets, dilapidated European houses... - these are France, Germany, Poland, Italy, Spain, I don’t know if England is there, but these countries simply won’t exist in the next 3-5 years. They will not die as a result of a nuclear war or a military strike, a terrorist attack - no, they will simply die out. Something very tragic will happen. maybe some kind of disease, pestilence... a lot of deaths, I feel straight European horror. what is happening around us now is absolutely unimportant, because soon everything will change, and very dramatically and for the worse. maybe it will be some kind of disease, I don’t know, it will all start in the spring of 15, because I see birds flying in from the south. I don't know if they'll bring any disease from the south or if it's just an indication that spring has arrived

(W* at the same time: the African spring brought a disease to the Europeans from the south - namely DISEASE, remember how the whites re-infected the islanders with their diseases, here is exactly the same story, the migrants are infected with something that the European body cannot withstand. I wonder when the refugees were given money to move, were they injected with something? I’m sure they did: what is a small prick for an African compared to the opportunities that Europe opens up for him?)

It all starts in the spring of 2015, but for another couple of years Europe does not realize that it is on the brink of destruction. That is, people will live by their own affairs, their own concerns, and then all this will begin to change very quickly. there will be terrible panic, very large flows of refugees. just crazy people. they will run to the east. I see Russia trying to stop this flow. The part that runs first will be accepted into Russian territory. then there will be more and more of them. I’m telling you now, and I’m overwhelmed by a feeling of European panic. It's like a herd running from fire. Russia will not be ready for such an influx of refugees, but local authorities will be able to dig large, deep ditches on the Russian border. in some places I see a high fence, but in many places I see a very deep ditch, lined with barbed wire along the perimeter. Russia will be able to protect itself from the epidemic, but Europe will suffer. Those who will be saved separately will be saved. Clear information: if you want to survive, be alone. Disease... pestilence... I don’t know what it is, everyone will die out, but the French will remain. No one will settle on extinct lands. no one at all. during two years. then I see. then Europe is populated, but it is populated by newcomers. these are the people who will come from the east. these are not Russians. I hear Arabic speech. Europe will be populated by Arabs. but these are not the same Arabs who were in Europe before. These are the new Arabs. there will be no conquest. Arabs will simply come to empty Europe and occupy empty houses. this is not conquest. there will be no one to fight with. The French will be saved by some miracle, I don’t know how. they will have clashes with the new Arabs. French rebellion, resistance will be crushed by the Arabs. French culture will be destroyed. Arabic speech will fill all of Europe. This information has been going on very clearly in the last 3 months and the picture is clear. I hope that I fulfilled the plan of the universe and gave people the opportunity to perhaps be saved, or perhaps to prepare for the end. >>

from the very moment when the news about the invasion of migrants in Europe began, I still remember this boy's predictions...

The version about the injections logically fits into another picture - no one will finance this resettlement of peoples for free...

The version about migrants arriving in Europe as cannon fodder in the upcoming war has not yet been canceled. We will see how the situation with the signing of the so-called “Transatlantic Treaty” develops. If I understand correctly, as soon as Europe signs this treaty with America, the rapid economic crisis will cover it, as a result of which there will be nothing to support this entire African horde, which will cause black riots turning into military action. Then the European Union will have only one option - to offer the Africans to rob someone else, that is, send them on a new campaign “Drang nach Osten”...

Fortune telling from Palm Libraries - repositories of knowledge of various kinds, written on palm leaves in Sanskrit or Old Tamil, emanating from great sages (rishis).

Russia is also mentioned in the prophecies. Quoted from Thomas Ritter's German book Predictions of the Future of Europe from Palm Libraries (translated by Yadu Chandra):

“...As the standard of living in the European Union countries will constantly deteriorate, social conflicts will heat up in society. People will try to withstand the coming difficulties. At this time, in many EU countries, protests directed against people of other nationalities will escalate, even if they live in other countries. The arrival of migrants from other parts of the world will worsen the situation. These people will flee famine, wars and droughts that are turning their countries into deserts.

The European Union and the societies of individual countries are beginning to disintegrate from within. There will be more and more protests against government policies and against the financially powerful who control the situation. At first it will seem that these protests are affecting government affairs, but this will turn out to be a hoax. The demands and arguments of the protesters will be ignored and ridiculed.

People who speak out openly against the government's line will be humiliated, their lives will be questioned, they will be presented as criminals and condemned. (Thomas Ritter, who published this material in German, has already encountered great problems from the German government - translator's note).

In 2011, great difficulties will begin in the economy. First in the USA, and a little later in Europe, money will lose its value more and more quickly. This will be a manifestation of the result of a missed economic and monetary policy based on a system of interest on interest and on the belief in limitless possibilities of financial growth.

The elite of society in the US and Europe have thought for decades that the world is a playground for their greed and self-interest, which they can change as they wish. First of all, they believed that there would always be more of everything. But they themselves will be deceived by the illusion that has blinded their minds. The earthly world is not infinite and there will never be limitless happiness and growth in it. Their system will encounter its limits. In the fall of 2012, the financial system will collapse.

The state will be unable to fulfill its obligations to civil servants. There will be no salaries for soldiers and government officials, because money will have no value. This state of affairs will lead the world community into chaos. Numerous firms, factories, and banks will have to close. Many people will lose their jobs and even the very basis of their existence. There will be great riots and looting, especially in big cities. Many people will die.

Armed townspeople will rob peasants in the provinces to get food. The US government will try to achieve order by using military force, using more loyal troops. But control over the situation will be only partial. The collapse of the American economy will lead to unrest comparable to civil war, which will continue until the second half of 2017. Then the northern neighbor (Canada – S.V.’s note) will help in resolving the conflict, which will effectively resolve the situation. Front lines will cross the country. But, unlike the first civil war between North and South, the West will fight against the East.

The decline of the American economy and the depreciation of money will also affect European countries. Here money will also depreciate, but not as much as in the USA. Nevertheless, the consequences of such a development of events will be very serious, especially for ordinary people. Many will not have a living wage and will become poor. In large cities, there will be attacks on government offices, government officials and the wealthy portion of the population. The level of violence in Europe will not reach the level of the United States, because... in the European Union there are not so many weapons among the private population, and also because there will be no disintegration of security agencies, police and army.

In America, on the contrary, soldiers and police officers who have not been paid their salaries will attack, and they will immediately use weapons. There will be uprisings in European cities, primarily against foreigners living there. Particularly bloody battles will take place in Paris and Rome, but Madrid, London and Prague will also be significantly involved.

The least affected by this crisis will be Russia, China and India, which will mutually support each other's economies. Unrest in Europe will continue until 2016. Times resembling civil war will only be changed through the intervention of Russian and Chinese armed forces, which will be called upon by the rulers of Europe to help. Their arrival will restore order, but many people in Europe will see them not as helpers, but as invaders.

Until the collapse of the American monetary system and economy, the rulers of America, Europe, and their allies will do everything possible to stop the downward spiral. As happened twice in the 20th century, their orchestrated wars and destruction in other parts of the earth will revive America's economy. This way, the American Army, along with its European allies, will have the means to fight wars around the world.

Officially, the governments of these countries will justify the use of weapons against other states by the desire to save peace and freedom, but in reality, they want more power and territory. The ruler of the United States will feel like a person chosen by God to spread the Christian religion throughout the world. He will repeatedly express his claims publicly.

But also in occupied countries, such as Afghanistan and Iraq, people will think that their religion is the only true one and worth following. They, just like him, will call everyone to a “holy war.” After the capture of Iraq, the Americans will plan an attack on their neighbor, Iran, but will be horrified by the possible use of dangerous weapons by the enemy. This weapon will be equal in destructive power to the weapons of the Americans.

For this reason, the US will build military bases in most countries surrounding Iran in order to threaten it from all sides. The US Army will fight numerous wars in Africa and Asia until 2011. Military operations will be carried out in Somalia, Sudan, Yemen, Syria, Libya, Indonesia, Malaysia, North Korea and Saudi Arabia. These military conflicts will lead to polarization of the entire world. The countries of Europe and Asia will be divided into two camps - those who support America and those who reject everything American. The American army will bring war to all parts of the world, but the kind of war that happened twice in the 20th century will not happen.

There will be local conflicts in many places in Europe, in Europe, especially in the Balkans (Albania, Serbia, Bosnia). A prolonged crisis in the Western community will plunge the United States into foreign policy insignificance. By 2014, US troops will completely leave all countries. There will be very bloody wars in the center of Africa that will force millions of people to flee and emigrate. Also in central Asia - in Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan - there will be protracted civil wars.

From 2009, in many parts of Africa and Asia, wars will be waged not over land and wealth, but over drinking water. In the Middle East, the conflict between Palestine and Israel will escalate after a seeming calm due to the murder of a senior Palestinian official. Jordan, Syria and, to a lesser extent, other neighbors will also be drawn into the war. This will happen in 2011. There will be no war in Europe at this time, but people will feel the effects of war in other parts of the world. High taxes and duties, higher prices for raw materials and food, as well as refugees from hot spots, especially Africa, Turkey and the Middle East, will be a consequence of these wars.

Central and Western Europe will become targets for terrorists. The number of acts will be small, but with huge consequences. Governments will use this to strengthen their power, which they will even succeed for a while. From 2018, new monarchies and dictatorships will emerge, communities built according to a strict hierarchy, in which the traditions of a particular nation will reign.

The union of European states will weaken and disintegrate more and more. New alliances are being created... These new forms of cooperation will first allow the economies of Europe and the United States to stabilize. People will be ready to give up personal freedom in order to preserve their existence and security.

But the time from 2017 will only seem calm. The threat of new dangers appears. Not from the war, but from the rapidly changing global climate. Average annual temperatures are rising further. The Gulf Stream, pumping millions of cubic meters of tropical water to the north, will lose its strength, change direction and disappear completely. Enormous amounts of meltwater from melting ice masses in the north will cause the Gulf Stream to lose strength within just a few years.
The consequence of this will be droughts in the southern United States and floods in China. Scandinavia will turn into an icy desert, and densely populated coastal states - primarily Holland and Bangladesh - will be almost completely flooded. Millions of starving refugees will leave their homelands and move to what they believe are rich countries.

These events date back to the years 2029 to 2034. Icy winds blow across Northern Europe as devastating storms and floods devastate coastal regions. Forests are dying, and the plains near the North and Baltic seas will freeze to the point of tundra. Dramatic climate change will bring people and governments into emergency situations. Combustible materials will become rare, and the few remaining alliances and treaties will lose force.

Bloody conflicts will become more frequent, wars for resources, water and food will devastate the continents. Within a few years, the entire world is facing anarchy. Countries with unstable governments, such as Pakistan, will be tempted to use their nuclear arsenal to seize resources and fertile land. This will be the war between India and Pakistan in 2029. In this case, there will be a danger of the use of atomic weapons, which could lead to the devastation of vast territories of India and Pakistan.

The very rapid cooling of the earth's atmosphere, and the icing of large areas in the northern United States and Scandinavia, will be stopped after a few years of the normal natural cycle and the climate will stabilize again. Good harvests and calming the tense atmosphere in humanity will be associated with this. During the years of droughts and floods, new diseases will appear, as well as those that were considered defeated. There will be millions of victims in these years.

Along with infectious diseases such as plague and cholera, which appeared during civil wars due to insufficient hygiene standards, climate change will entail increased risks to human health. In years of climate warming, primarily in Africa and Asia, but also in some regions of Europe, people will suffer from increased solar activity, which will manifest itself as an increased number of skin diseases, cancers and tumors.

Refugees from Africa will bring a deadly disease with them to Europe in 2023, which will be called kunu. Those infected will have a high fever and internal organs will decompose within a few days. The disease will almost always be fatal and spread like the flu. Two years earlier, blood worms will appear. These are tiny worms that settle in the internal organs of a person - in the heart and liver. These organs are destroyed in a short time. Those infected rarely live more than one week. This type of worm will be transmitted through meat products.

Volcanoes will awaken in Italy and Greece. Volcanoes will release various gases, some of which will be poisonous. The result will be rain with aggressive caustic substances. Millions of people will die from earthquakes and floods. There will be a huge amount of destruction. The peak of disasters will be in 2046.

...After the disasters, restoration work will begin, the economy will flourish thanks to unprecedented demand in all sectors. After the disasters, the climate in Europe will gradually warm up and will resemble the climate of the Mediterranean. Snow in winter will only be high in the mountains. Agriculture will flourish. Tectonic activity will change the geography. Many islands and coastal regions of eastern North America, England, parts of Japan, and California will sink into the sea. New islands will appear in the Atlantic.

At this time, a new society will gradually form in Europe. His task will be to create the coming Satya Yuga (Golden Age - the era of spirituality, approx. lane). This time will be characterized by great individual freedom, accompanied and subordinated to the desire for the public good. The events of recent years will teach many people how destructive individualism and the desire for profit at the expense of others are.

This new community will stretch from the west coast of Europe to the east coast of Asia, but the focus of each region will be local. People will decide important issues locally, rather than wait for a centralized decision from afar. Land and water sources will no longer be privately owned, because... people realize that they do not have the right to appropriate to themselves what existed before them and will exist after them. But everyone will have the right to have their own home, which they built or bought.

From 2049, humanity will understand that it is not alone in the Universe. During restoration work in Europe and the Middle East, historical evidence of unearthly origin will be found. This will lead to the reformation of some religions and philosophies.

The era that will come after 2048 will be the beginning of a new, spiritually oriented time - the Golden Age."

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