Spectral analysis of metal. Spectral analysis Spectral analysis of the chemical composition of the metal

The most effective way to determine the chemical composition of metals from the optical emission spectra of atoms and ions of the analyzed sample, excited in a light source.

The light source for optical emission analysis is the plasma of an electric spark or arc, which is produced using an excitation source (generator). The principle is based on the fact that the atoms of each element can emit light of certain wavelengths - spectral lines, and these wavelengths are different for different elements.

In order for atoms to begin emitting light, they must be excited by an electrical discharge. An electrical discharge in the form of a spark in an argon atmosphere can excite a large number of elements. High-temperature (more than 10,000 K) plasma is achieved, capable of exciting even such an element as nitrogen.

In a spark stand between the tungsten electrode and the test sample, sparks occur with a frequency of 100 to 1000 Hz. The spark table has a light channel through which the received light signal enters the optical system. In this case, the light channel and the spark stand are purged with argon. The entry of air from the environment into the spark stand leads to deterioration of the firing spot and, accordingly, to a deterioration in the quality of the chemical analysis of the sample.

The modern optical system is made according to the Paschen-Runge scheme. The spectral resolution of an optical system depends on the focal length, the number of lines of the diffraction grating used, the linear dispersion parameter and the qualified alignment of all optical components. To cover all the necessary emission lines, it is enough to cover the spectral region from 140 to 680 nm. For good visibility of the spectrum, the optical chamber must be filled with an inert gas (high frequency argon) or evacuated.

A device for spectral analysis of metal - M5000 analyzer. As recording elements, modern metal analyzers are equipped with CCD detectors (or PMTs), which convert visible light into an electrical signal, register it and transmit it to a computer. On the monitor screen we observe the concentrations of elements as percentages.

The intensity of the spectral line of the analyzed element, in addition to the concentration of the analyzed element, depends on a large number of different factors. For this reason, it is impossible to theoretically calculate the relationship between line intensity and the concentration of the corresponding element. That is why standard samples that are similar in composition to the sample being analyzed are required for analysis. These standard samples are first exposed (burned) on the device. Based on the results of burning, a calibration graph is constructed for each analyzed element, the dependence of the intensity of the spectral line of the element on its concentration. Subsequently, when analyzing samples, these calibration graphs are used to recalculate the measured intensities into concentrations.

It should be borne in mind that in reality several milligrams of a sample from its surface are analyzed. Therefore, to obtain correct results, the sample must be homogeneous in composition and structure, and the composition of the sample must be identical to the composition of the metal being analyzed. When analyzing metal in foundries, it is recommended to use special molds for casting samples. In this case, the sample shape can be arbitrary. It is only necessary that the sample being analyzed has sufficient surface area and can be clamped in a stand. Special adapters are used to analyze small samples, such as rods or wires.

Advantages of the method:

  • Low cost
  • Possibility of simultaneous quantitative determination of a large number of elements,
  • High accuracy,
  • Low detection limits,
  • Easy sample preparation
Using the M5000 metal analyzer from Focused Photonics Inc, you can make highly accurate spectral analysis of metals and alloys!

Rostov-on-Don 2014

Compiled by: Yu.V. Dolgachev, V.N. Pustovoit Optical emission spectral analysis of metals. Methodical instructions for laboratory workshop / Rostov-on-Don. Publishing center of DSTU. 2014. – 8 p.

The guidelines are developed for use by students when performing laboratory workshops in the disciplines “Non-destructive methods of testing materials”, “Physical chemistry of nanomaterials”, “Nanotechnologies and nanomaterials” and are intended for the practical development of theoretical concepts about the structure and properties of materials, obtaining skills in analyzing the chemical composition of metals and alloys, .

Published by decision of the methodological commission

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Technologies and Equipment

Scientific editor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Pustovoit V.N. (DSTU)

Reviewer: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Kuzharov A.S. (DSTU)

 Publishing center DSTU, 2014

Optical emission spectral analysis of metals

PURPOSE OF THE WORK: To become familiar with the purpose, capabilities, operating principle of the Magellan Q8 spectral analyzer and to perform a chemical analysis of a metal sample.

1. Basic theoretical concepts

1.1. Purpose of optical emission spectral analysis

Today, chemical composition analysis has found wide application in many sectors of the national economy. The quality, reliability, and durability of the product largely depend on the composition of the alloy used. The slightest deviation from the specified chemical composition can lead to a negative change in properties. A particular danger is that this deviation may be visually invisible and, as a result, indeterminable without special instruments. Human senses do not make it possible to analyze such parameters of a metal as its composition or the grade of alloy used. One of the devices that allows you to obtain the necessary information about the chemical composition of the alloy is an optical emission spectrometer.

An optical emission spectrometer is used to measure the mass fraction of chemical elements in metals and alloys and is used in analytical laboratories of industrial enterprises, in workshops for the rapid sorting and identification of metals and alloys, as well as for the analysis of large structures without compromising their integrity.

1.2 Operating principle of the optical emission analyzer

The operating principle of the spectrometer is based on measuring the radiation intensity at a certain wavelength of the emission spectrum of atoms of the analyzed elements. The radiation is excited by a spark discharge between the auxiliary electrode and the analyzed metal sample. During the analysis process, argon flows around the object under study, making it more visible for study. An emission spectrometer records the intensity of radiation and, based on the data obtained, analyzes the composition of the metal. The content of elements in the sample is determined by calibration relationships between the intensity of emission radiation and the content of the element in the sample.

The spectrometer consists of a spectrum excitation source, an optical system, and an automated control and recording system based on an IBM-compatible computer.

The spark spectrum excitation source is designed to excite the emission light flux from a spark between the sample and the electrode. The spectral composition of light is determined by the chemical composition of the sample being studied.

Currently, the most optimal layout of the optical system is considered to be based on the Paschen-Runge scheme (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1 Optical system according to the Paschen-Runge scheme

When atoms excited by a glow discharge move to a lower orbit, they emit light. Each emitted wavelength is characteristic of each atom that emitted it. The light is focused at the entrance slit of the spectrometer and split into a concave holographic grating according to wavelengths. After this, through precisely positioned output slits, the light enters the photomultiplier tube corresponding to the element.

To ensure good transparency, the optical chamber must be evacuated. In addition, the system must be independent of external conditions (temperature and air pressure). Currently, stationary optical spectrometers are thermally stabilized with an accuracy of tenths of a degree.

The process of measuring and processing output information is controlled from a built-in IBM-compatible computer using a special software package. The program configures the device, constructs calibration curves based on the analysis of standard samples, optimizes its parameters, controls the spectrometer modes, processes, saves and prints measurement results.

1.3 Installation of Magellan Q8

Qantron Magellan (Magellan Q8) is an optical emission analyzer with vacuum optics from Bruker (Fig. 2). Allows you to determine the chemical composition of alloys based on iron (steel and cast iron), copper (bronze, brass, etc.) aluminum (duralumin, etc.). The installation is equipped with sensors that determine the percentage of elements such as carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, vanadium, tungsten, silicon, manganese, chromium, molybdenum, nickel, aluminum, cobalt, copper, niobium, titanium, tin, boron, iron, zinc , tin, beryllium, magnesium, lead.

Calibration of the installation is carried out using calibration samples of various steels, cast irons, bronze, aluminum alloys. The accuracy of determining the chemical composition of alloys is up to hundredths of a percent.

Rice. 2. Installation of Magellan Q8

Analysis of metals and alloys

Analysis of metals and alloys solves the problem of determining the elemental composition of metals and their alloys using analytical methods. The main purpose is to check the alloy grade or type and compositional analysis of various alloys (quantitative analysis).

  • wave dispersive analysis,
  • emission analysis,
  • X-ray fluorescence analysis,
  • assay analysis.

X-ray fluorescence analysis

Portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometer for analysis of metals and alloys

Spectrum displaying alloy Al, Fe, Ti

XRF analysis is carried out by exposing the metal to X-rays and analyzing the fluorescence using modern electronics to achieve good measurement accuracy.

Advantages of the method:

  • Non-destructive analysis.
  • It is possible to measure many elements with high accuracy.

Alloy identification is achieved by identifying the unique combination of several elements within specified compositional ranges. Accurate quantitative analysis is achieved by using appropriate corrections to the inter-element influence matrix.

The analyzed material is exposed to X-ray fluorescence within a few seconds. Atoms of elements in a material become excited and emit photons with energies specific to each element. The sensor separates and stores photoelectrons received from the sample into energy regions and, based on the total intensity in each region, determines the concentration of the element. The energy region corresponding to the elements , , , MS , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , can be analyzed effectively.

The RF analyzer consists of a central processor, an X-ray tube, a detector, and an electronic memory that stores calibration data. In addition, the memory is also used to store and process alloy grade data and other coefficients related to various special operating modes.

As is correct, control over the study is carried out through a computer program based on a hand-held portable computer (PDA), which provides the user with an image of the spectrum and the obtained element content values.

After the analysis, the values ​​are compared with a database of steel grades and the closest grade is searched.

Emission method

Emission method: One of the main sources of random error in measurements of relative impurity concentrations in emission spectral analysis is the instability of the parameters of the spectrum excitation source. Therefore, to ensure the emission of impurity atoms from the sample and their subsequent optical excitation, a low-voltage spark, the so-called C, R, L - discharge is used. In this case, two parameters are stabilized on which the processes of emission and optical excitation depend - voltage and energy in the discharge circuit. This ensures low standard deviation (RMS) of measurement results. A special feature of the emission method is the quantitative determination of light elements in iron-based alloys (analysis of sulfur, phosphorus and carbon in steel). There are several types of devices for emission analysis based on the spark and air-arc methods or their combination.

Assay method

Assay method: Assay melting is based on the physical and chemical laws of metal reduction, slag formation and wetting with molten substances. The main stages of assay analysis using the example of an alloy of silver and lead:

  • Sample preparation
  • Mixing
  • Crucible melting for lead alloy
  • Pouring lead alloy into iron molds for cooling
  • Separation of lead alloy (werkbley) from slag
  • Werkbley cupellation (lead removal)
  • Removing a bead of precious metals and weighing it
  • Quartering (adding silver, if necessary)
  • Treating the bead with dilute nitric acid (dissolving silver)
  • Gravimetric (weight) determination of silver

see also

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    See what “Analysis of metals and alloys” is in other dictionaries: - (radioactivation analysis), a method of qualitative and quantitative elemental analysis in VA, based on the activation of atomic nuclei and the study of the resulting radioactive isotopes (radionuclides). They are irradiated with nuclear particles (thermal or...

    Chemical encyclopedia

    Metal alloys, metal alloys, solid and liquid systems formed primarily by the alloying of two or more metals, as well as metals with various nonmetals. The term "S." originally referred to materials with metallic... ...

    This term has other meanings, see Sample (meanings). Sample of noble metals determination by various analytical methods of the proportion, weight content of the main noble metal (gold, silver, platinum, etc.) in ... ... Wikipedia

    Definition of chemical composition and number of individual phases in heterogeneous systems or individual forms of compounds. elements in ores, alloys, semiconductors, etc. Object of Ph. A. is always a rigid body. Name F. a. has become dominant, although some... - (radioactivation analysis), a method of qualitative and quantitative elemental analysis in VA, based on the activation of atomic nuclei and the study of the resulting radioactive isotopes (radionuclides). They are irradiated with nuclear particles (thermal or...

    Spectral analysis, a physical method for qualitative and quantitative determination of the atomic and molecular composition of a substance, based on the study of its spectra. The physical basis of S. a. is spectroscopy of atoms and molecules, it is classified according to... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    I Spectral analysis is a physical method for qualitative and quantitative determination of the atomic and molecular composition of a substance, based on the study of its spectra. Physical basis of S. a. Spectroscopy of atoms and molecules, its... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Method of qualities. and quantities. analysis of metals and alloys without preliminary sampling (without taking chips). When analyzing alloys of non-ferrous and ferrous metals, one or more. drops of acid or other solvent are placed on a thoroughly cleaned surface... ... - (radioactivation analysis), a method of qualitative and quantitative elemental analysis in VA, based on the activation of atomic nuclei and the study of the resulting radioactive isotopes (radionuclides). They are irradiated with nuclear particles (thermal or...

    A method for studying the atomic structure in water by experimentally studying the diffraction of x-ray radiation in it. R. a. basic on the fact that crystals are natural. X-ray diffraction gratings. R. a.… … Big Encyclopedic Polytechnic Dictionary

A metal analyzer allows you to quickly and accurately check the composition of an alloy or its type. This is important in many industrial sectors. Most often, secondary raw materials are analyzed in this way. This is due to the fact that it is impossible for even an experienced specialist to perform such a procedure at random. The device in question is also called a spectrometer.


Using a metal analyzer, you can reliably determine the composition of the copper alloy and the percentage of foreign inclusions in it. In addition, it is possible to determine the nickel content of stainless steel. In this case, the raw material under study does not need to be sawed or its structure disturbed in any other way. The device will be useful for those who work with ferrous scrap. It also helps to identify the presence of heavy metals in the alloy, which ensures safe operation and compliance with the required standards.


The analyzer of metals and alloys is a complex high-tech device, the creation of which at home is very problematic. There are two types of these devices:

  • Laser modifications, operating on the principle of optical emission.
  • X-ray option, determining readings using x-rays.

Stationary analogues are aimed at large warehouses and bases for receiving and processing scrap metal. For example, the M-5000 model is a compact modification that can fit on a table. The device is used primarily in secondary metallurgy production. Reviews from experts confirm that such a device optimally combines quality and price indicators.

Optical emission models

The optical emission metal analyzer is used in the study of various structures, workpieces, parts and ingots. The spark or air arc analysis method is used. In the first case, some evaporation of the metal alloy is noted.

The working medium of the devices under consideration is argon. To change the operating mode of the device, it is enough to replace the nozzle on a special sensor. The chemical composition of the alloy is recognized and recorded using an optical spectrometer.

There are several research modes, namely:

  • Determination of metal grade using a special table.
  • Comparison of the reference spectrum with an analogue of the alloy under study.
  • A “yes-no” function that determines the specified characteristics of the raw material.

This device works with ferrite, aluminum, titanium, copper, cobalt, tool alloys, as well as low alloy and stainless steel.

X-ray fluorescence options

This type of metal analyzer consists of light-sensitive elements that can detect more than 40 substances. Reviews from experts note the fast operation of these devices, as well as the monitoring without compromising the integrity of the analyzed object.

Due to their compactness and low weight, the devices in question are easy to use and equipped with a housing protected from moisture. The software makes it possible to set user standards, enter the required parameters and connect a printer with subsequent printing of the received information.

A feature of such analyzers is that they cannot detect elements with atomic numbers below 11. Therefore, they are not suitable for detecting carbon in cast iron or steel.


The optical emission type metal composition analyzer has the following capabilities:

  • The device is able to detect even minor inclusions of foreign mixtures, which is important when testing ferrous metals for the presence of phosphorus, sulfur and carbon.
  • High measurement accuracy makes it possible to use the device for certification analysis.
  • The unit is offered with a pre-loaded program, which makes it difficult to check the alloy for the introduction of unknown inclusions that are not included in the software list.
  • Before starting the inspection, the object must be processed with a file or a grinding wheel to remove the top layer of dirt or dust.

Features of X-ray metal spectral analyzers:

  • These devices are not as accurate, but are quite suitable for working with scrap and sorting alloys.
  • The device is versatile. Allows you to detect all elements available in its range.
  • The surface of the object under study does not need to be carefully treated; it is enough to remove rust or paint.

Portable metal analyzer

The devices under consideration are divided into three types:

  1. Stationary option.
  2. Mobile models.
  3. Portable versions.

Stationary models are located in special rooms, occupy a large area, produce ultra-precise results, and have wide functionality.

Mobile analogues are portable or mobile devices. They are most often used in factories and quality control laboratories.

The portable metal and alloy analyzer is the most compact and can be held in one hand. The unit is protected from mechanical influences and can be used in field conditions. This device is suitable for people looking for raw materials using a metal detector.


Portable models operate in the same way as their stationary counterparts. The average weight of the device is from 1.5 to 2 kilograms. Judging by user reviews, in certain areas such a device becomes the best option. The device is equipped with a liquid crystal screen, which displays information about the composition of the object under study.

The unit is capable of accumulating and storing information, including research results and photographs. The analyzer accuracy is about 0.1%, which is sufficient for use in the recycling industry.

Using a portable model, you can analyze large and complex structures, pipes, ingots, small parts, as well as workpieces, electrodes or shavings.


Among the most famous companies producing metal chemical composition analyzers are the following companies:

  • Olympus Corporation. This Japanese corporation specializes in the production of photographic equipment and optics. Analyzers from this company are popular due to their high quality. Consumer reviews only confirm this fact.
  • Focused Photonics Inc. The Chinese manufacturer is one of the world leaders in the production of various devices for monitoring various environmental parameters. The company's analyzers are distinguished not only by their high quality, but also by their affordable price.
  • Bruker. The German company was created over 50 years ago. It has representative offices in almost one hundred countries. Devices from this manufacturer are distinguished by high quality and a wide selection of models.
  • LIS-01. The device is of domestic production. It was released by a scientific division whose office is located in Yekaterinburg. The main purpose of the device is sorting scrap, diagnosing alloys during incoming and outgoing inspection. The device is an order of magnitude cheaper than its foreign analogues.

In their reviews, users speak positively about the MIX5 FPI model. It is powerful and has the ability to accurately detect heavy metals. The device is easy to use: just press one button and wait for the test results. In high-speed mode this will take no more than 2-3 seconds.

In conclusion

As practice and consumer reviews show, metal and alloy analyzers are quite in demand not only in the industrial sector, but also in small companies and among individuals. Finding a suitable option on the modern market is quite simple. You just need to consider the range of use of the device and its capabilities. The cost of such devices varies from several thousand rubles to 20-25 thousand dollars. The price depends on the type of device, its functionality and manufacturer.



RD RTM 26-362-80 -
RD RTM 26-366-80

In return RTM 26-31-70 -
RTM 26-35-70

Letter of the Ministry of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering dated 09/08/1980 No. 11-10-4/1601

from 08.09. 1980 No. 11-10-4/1601 introduction date established from 01.10.1980

These technical guidelines apply to chemical and physical methods for studying the chemical composition of basic and welding materials used in chemical and petroleum engineering (except for shielding gases).

Establish standard methods for studying materials with different bases, methods for calculating results and safety precautions.

RD RTM 26-366-80




This technical guidance material applies to monitoring the chemical composition of carbon, alloy, structural and high-alloy steels, as well as weld materials for the main marking and alloying elements using the method of spectral analysis.


1.2. The state of delivery of standards (which are used as GSO ISO TsNIIChM, as well as secondary production SOPs) and samples must be the same.

1.3. The masses of standards and samples should not differ significantly and should be at least 30 g.

1.4. The sharpness of the surface of standards and samples should be Rz20.


2.1. Determination of chromium, nickel, manganese, silicon in carbon steels.

2.1.1. Purpose

The method is intended for the determination of chromium, nickel, manganese, silicon in steel grades St. 3, Art. 5 and others according to GOST 380-71, in steel grades 20, 40, 45 and others according to GOST 1050-74.

Medium dispersion quartz spectrograph type ISP-22, ISP-28 or ISP-30.

Arc generator type DT-2.

Spark generator type IG-3.

Microphotometer MF-2 or MF-4.

Spectroprojector PS-18.

Grinding machine with electrocorundum wheels, grain size No. 36-64.

Set of files (for sharpening standards and samples).

A device or fixture for sharpening metal and carbon electrodes.

Sets of GSO ISO TsNIIChM - 12; 53; 76; 77 and their replacements.

Permanent rod electrodesÆ from 6 to 8 mm from electrolytic copper grade M- I according to GOST 859-78 and rodsÆ 6 mm from spectrally pure grade C coals 1, C 2, C 3.

“Spectral” photographic plates, type I, II.

Hydroquinone (paradioxybenzene) according to GOST 19627-74.

Sodium sulfite (sodium sulfite) crystalline according to GOST 429-76.

Metol (para-methylaminophenol sulfite) according to GOST 5-1177-71.

Anhydrous sodium carbonate according to GOST 83-79.

Ammonium chloride according to GOST 3773-72.

Sodium sulfate (sodium thiosulfate) according to GOST 4215-66.

A layer of 1 mm is removed from the end surface of the steel sample using an emery wheel, then the sample is sharpened with a file, the surface quality must be no less than Rz20. Copper electrodes are sharpened to a 90° cone, rounded with a radius of 1.5 to 2.0 mm. Carbon electrodes are sharpened into a truncated cone with a platform diameter of 1.0 to 1.5 mm. The light source is focused onto the slit of the spectral apparatus using a quartz condenser with a focal length of 75 mm or a three-lens lighting system. The lenses are installed at the distances specified in the spectrograph data sheet. The slit width of the spectral apparatus is from 0.012 to 0.015 mm.

2.1.4. Spectrum excitation source

An alternating current arc (DG-2 generator) and a high-voltage spark (IG-3 generator) are used as sources of spectrum excitation. The main parameters of the discharge circuit are given (in table).

Table 1

AC arc

table 2

High voltage spark

The value of the circuit parameters

Capacity, µF

Inductance, µH

Analytical span, mm

From 1.5 to 2.0

The scheme is “complex”

Analysis is carried out using the “three standards” or photometric interpolation method described in spectral analysis manuals. The sharpened electrodes, standards, and samples are placed in a tripod. Using shadow projection, the component analytical interval is established. The spectra are taken with a preliminary firing of 10 s for an alternating current arc and from 30 to 40 s for a high-voltage spark. The exposure is selected depending on the sensitivity of the photographic materials (the blackening of analytical pairs should lie in the “normal” region; for type I photographic plates, the region of “normal” blackening is from 0.4 to 2.0). The spectra of standards and samples are photographed at least 3 times without an attenuator using the “three standards” method and through a 9-step attenuator using the photometric interpolation method.

At the end of the shooting, the photographic plate is processed in a standard developer (solutions A and B are combined in equal proportions before development).

Solution A; prepare as follows: 1 g of metol, 26 g of sodium sulfate, 5 g of hydroquinone, 1 g of potassium bromide are dissolved in 500 cm 3 of water.

Solution B; prepared as follows: 20 g of sodium carbonate is dissolved in 500 cm 3 of water.

The development time is indicated on packs of photographic plates; the solution temperature should be from 18 to 20 °C. After development, the photographic plate should be rinsed in water or stop solution (2.5% acetic acid solution) and fixed.

The fixer is prepared as follows: 200 g of sodium sulfate; 27 g of ammonium chloride is dissolved in 500 cm 3 of distilled water.

After fixing, the photographic plate is thoroughly washed in running cold water and dried.

In the case of the “three standards” method, the spectrograms are processed on an MF-2 or MF-4 microphotometer. The microphotometer slit is from 0.15 to 0.25 mm, depending on the width of the spectral lines. With the photometric interpolation method, the content of analyzed elements is assessed visually using a PS-18 spectroprojector.

2.1.7. Analytical lines

a) arc excitation:

Cr 267.7 - Fe 268.3

Ni 305.0 - Fe 305.5

Mn 293.3 - Fe 292.6

Si 250.6 - Fe 250.7

b) spark excitation:

Cr 267.7 - Fe 268.9

Ni 341.4 - Fe 341.3

When using the “three standards” method, calibration graphs are plotted in coordinates ( D S, lg WITH), with the photometric interpolation method, respectively, in

where D S- the difference in blackening of the element being determined and the iron comparison lines;

lg WITH- logarithm of concentration;

J el - line intensity of the element being determined;

J Fe- intensity of iron lines.

The square error of reproducibility, depending on the determined concentration, ranges from 2 to 5%.

2.2. Determination of chromium, nickel, manganese, silicon, copper, vanadium, molybdenum, aluminum, tungsten, boron in alloyed structural steels

2.2.1. Purpose

The method is intended for the determination of chromium, nickel, manganese, silicon, aluminum, copper, vanadium, molybdenum, tungsten and boron in steel grades 40X, 15XM, 38ХМУА, etc. according to GOST 4543-71.

2.2.2. Equipment, auxiliary equipment, materials, reagents

To carry out the analysis, the equipment and apparatus specified in clause . When determining boron, it is more advisable to use high-dispersion devices of the STE-1 type, which reliably resolves the B 249.6 nm and Fe 249.7 nm lines. As standards, you can use sets of GSO ISO TsNIICHM - 20, 21, 22, 28, 29, 32, as well as production MOPs, repeatedly analyzed by various chemical laboratories. The remaining materials, as well as the reagents for processing spectrograms, are the same as for the analysis of carbon steels (see paragraph).

2.2.3. Preparing for analysis

Preparing steel samples for analysis and placing the sample in a stand is carried out in the same way as described in paragraph. The lighting system is 3-lens or single-lens, the lenses are installed at the distances specified in the spectrograph passport. The slit width of the spectral apparatus is from 0.012 to 0.015 mm. When analyzing boron using medium dispersion spectrographs of the ISP-30 type, the slit width should be from 0.005 to 0.007 mm. Permanent copper electrodes are sharpened as described in paragraph. and used for arc excitation. Spectrally pure carbon electrodes (see paragraph) are used to determine the following elements in a high-voltage spark.

2.2.4. Spectrum excitation source

An alternating current arc (DT-2 generator) and a high-voltage spark (IG-3 generator) are used as a source of spectrum excitation. The main parameters of the discharge circuit are given (in table).

2.2.5. Carrying out analysis

The analysis is carried out using the “three standards” method.

The installation of electrodes, samples, standards (GSO ISO TsNIIChM SOP) is described in paragraph.

The pre-search time for an alternating current arc is 10 s and from 30 to 40 s, for a high-voltage spark from 30 to 40 s.

Standards and samples are photographed at least three times, the exposure is selected depending on the sensitivity of the photographic materials. The processing of photographic plates is carried out in a developer and fixer of the same composition as in paragraph .

Table 3

AC arc

Parameter values

Defined element

Arc current, A

Chrome, manganese, aluminum, vanadium, tungsten,

Ignition phase, hail

molybdenum, nickel

Analytical span, mm

From 1.5 to 2.0

Table 4

High voltage spark

Parameter values

Defined element

Capacity, uF

Chromium, nickel, vanadium, molybdenum, copper, silicon, manganese

Inductance, µH

Number of trains per half-cycle of the supply current

Setting spark gap, mm

Analytical span, mm

The scheme is “complex”

2.2.6. Photometry

Measurement of blackening on a photographic plate is carried out using an MF-2 or MF-4 microphotometer. The width of the microphotometer slit is set in the range from 0.15 to 0.25 mm, depending on the width of the spectral line.

2.2.7. Analytical lines

For the concentrations indicated in (Table 1), analytical pairs of lines using arc and spark excitation are recommended.

Table 5

AC arc

high voltage spark

Mn 293.3 - Fe 292.6

Mn 293.3 - Fe 293.6

From 0.100 to 2.900

Cr 267.7 - Fe 268.3

Cr 267.7 - Fe 268.9

From 0.100 to 2.000

Ni 305.0 - Fe 305.5

Ni 239.4 - Fe 239.1

From 0.300 to 2.000

Mo 317.0 - Fe 320.5

Mo 281.6 - Fe 281.8

From 0.100 to 1.000

V 311.0 - Fe 311.6

V 311.0 - Fe 308.3

From 0.100 to 0.700

Si 250.6 - Fe 250.7

Si 251.6 - Fe 251.8

From 0.100 to 0.800

Al 309.2 - Fe 309.4

Al 308.2 - Fe 308.3

From 0.400 to 1.500

W 239.7 - Fe 239.8

From 0.400 to 2.000

B 249.6 - Fe 249.7

From 0.003 to 0.100

Cu 327.3 - Fe 328.6

From 0.200 to 0.600

2.2.8. Construction of a calibration graph

Graphs are plotted in coordinates ( D S, lg WITH) (see item).

2.2.9. Reproducibility error

The standard (square) reproducibility error ranges from 2 to 5% depending on the concentration being determined.

Note. The sample supplied for analysis must meet the requirements set out in paragraph .

2.3. Separation of chromium, nickel, manganese, silicon, molybdenum, vanadium, niobium, titanium, aluminum, copper in high-alloy steels

2.3.1. Purpose

The method is intended for the determination of chromium, nickel, manganese, silicon, molybdenum, vanadium, niobium, titanium, aluminum, copper in steel grades 12X18H9, 12X18H9 T, 12X 18 H10T, 10 X17H 13 M2T , 10Х17Н13М3Т, 08Х18Н12Б, etc. according to GOST 5949-75.

2.3.2. Equipment, auxiliary equipment, materials, reagents

To carry out the analysis, the same equipment, equipment, materials, reagents are required as in paragraph.

2.3.3. Preparing for analysis

The steel sample is sharpened using a file. The surface quality must be at least Rz20. Copper and carbon electrodes are sharpened according to the form described in paragraph. Then the source is focused onto the slit using a quartz capacitor or a 3-lens lighting system; lenses are installed as indicated in paragraph. The spectrograph slit width should be 0.012 mm.

2.3.4. Spectrum excitation source

An alternating current arc (DG-2 generator) and a high-voltage spark (IG-3 generator) are used as a source of spectrum excitation. The main parameters of the discharge circuit are given (in the table,).

Table 6

AC arc

Table 7

High voltage spark

Parameter values

Defined element

Capacity, µF

Chromium, nickel, molybdenum, manganese, vanadium, niobium, titanium copper

Inductance, µH

Number of trains per half-cycle of the supply current

Auxiliary gap, mm

Analytical span, mm

From 1.5 to 2.0

The scheme is “complex”

2.3.5. Carrying out analysis

The analysis is carried out using the “three standards” method. Installation of electrodes, standards and samples in a stand is carried out as described in paragraph. The analytical gap is set using a template or shadow projection, depending on the lighting system. Each sample and standards are exposed at least three times, with a preliminary search of 10 s for an alternating current arc, for a high-voltage spark from 30 to 40 s. Exposure is selected depending on the sensitivity of the photographic material. The exposed plate is processed using a standard developer and fixer of the compositions given in paragraph .

2.3.6. Analytical lines

For the concentrations indicated (in table) analytical pairs of lines are recommended.

Table 8

Limits of determined concentrations, %

Cr 279.2 - Fe 279.3

From 14.0 to 25.0

Cr 314.7 - Fe 315.4

Ni 341.4 - Fe 341.3

From 6.0 to 14.0

Ni 301.2 - Fe 300.9

Mo 281.6 - Fe 283.1

From 1.5 to 4.5

V 311.0 - Fe 308.3

From 0.5 to 2.0

Nb 319.4 - Fe 3319.0

From 0.3 to 1.5

Ti 308.8 - Fe 304.7

From 0.1 to 1.0

Mn 293.3 - Fe 293.6

From 0.3 to 2.0

Si 250.6 - Fe 250.7

From 0.3 to 1.2

Cu 327.3 - Fe 346.5

From 0.1 to 0.6

2.3.7. Photometry and construction of a calibration graph

Photometry is carried out on a microphotometer MF-2, MF-4, the width of the slit is indicated in paragraph. The graph is plotted in coordinates ( D S, lg C) (see paragraph), the concentration of elements in the samples is determined using a calibration curve.

2.3.8. Reproducibility error

The standard (square) error of reproducibility, depending on the concentration and the element being determined, ranges from 1.8 to 4.5%.


1. The sample supplied for analysis must meet the requirements set out in paragraph .

2. It is recommended to use aluminum electrodes, which, as shown by the results of studies conducted at VNIIPTkhimnefteapparatura, provide high accuracy and reproducibility with the sharpening form described in paragraph .

3. It is advisable to analyze high-alloy steels using a non-standard source of spectrum excitation - a high-frequency spark. Studies have shown that a high-frequency spark provides a determination accuracy of 2 to 3% when analyzing high concentrations; the search spots in diameter are 2 to 3 times smaller in size compared to a high-voltage condensed spark, which allows analysis of small-diameter, small-sized and multi-layer welding wires welds.


3.1. Purpose

The methods are intended for the determination of chromium, manganese, vanadium, molybdenum, titanium in high-alloy steels of grades X18H9, X18H10T, X18N11B, X20H10M2 T , Х20Н10М3Т, etc., as well as for the determination of molybdenum, vanadium, manganese, chromium in alloyed structural steels.

3.2. Equipment, auxiliary equipment, materials

Photoelectric stylometer FES-1.

Tripod SHT-16.

Electronic generator GEU-1.

A sharpening machine, a set of files, a device or device for sharpening electrodes.

Sets of GSO ISO TsNIIChM: 9, 27, 45, 46, 94, 29, 21, 32nd and others, replacing them, as well as “secondary” production SOPs.

Permanent electrodes with a diameter of 8 mm made of electrolytic copper grade M-1 in accordance with GOST 859-78.

3.3. Preparing for analysis

Alloy structural steels are sharpened on a grinding machine, from the end surface of the standard and sample. Using an emery stone, a 1 mm layer is removed, then sharpening is done with a file. High alloy steels are sharpened with a file. The quality of surface treatment must be at least Rz20. Copper electrodes are sharpened according to the shape described in paragraph. The light source is focused onto the slit of the FES-1 photoelectric stylometer using a raster condenser. The source is connected to the optical axis and the raster condenser is installed according to the device description.

3.4. Spectrum excitation source

An electronically controlled alternating current arc (GEU-1 generator) at various currents is used as a source of excitation of the spectrum, the ignition phase is 90 degrees, the analytical gap is 1.5 mm.

3.5. Carrying out analysis

The analysis is carried out using the “three standards” method.

The sharpened standards, samples, electrodes are placed in a ShT-16 stand, an analytical gap of 1.5 mm is set as described in the FES-1 operating manual, the arc is turned on and exposure is performed with preliminary firing for 10 s. Undecomposed light is used as a comparison line. Accumulation and measurement conditions, as well as other analysis conditions are given (in table).

3.6. Construction of a calibration graph

The graph is plotted in coordinatesn, lgC

Where n- indication of the moving scale of the potentiometer;

lgC is the logarithm of concentration.

The concentration of elements in the sample is determined using a calibration curve.

3.7. Reproducibility error

Table 9

Arc magnitude, A

Entrance slit width, µm

Exit slit width, µm

Filter number

Accumulation and measurement conditions

Undecomposed light signal level

Analytical lines, nm

Titanium in stainless steels

From 0.2 to 1.0

Niobium in stainless steels

From 0.3 to 1.5

Molybdenum in stainless steels

From 1.5 to 4.5

without a filter

From 0.7 to 1.5

Molybdenum in structural steels

From 0.1 to 0.7

Vanadium in stainless steels

From 0.8 to 2.5

Vanadium in structural steels

From 0.1 to 0.8

Manganese in stainless steels

From 0.4 to 2.0

Manganese in medium alloy and structural steels

From 0.2 to 2.0

Chromium in stainless steels

without a filter

Chromium in medium alloy structural steels

From 0.3 to 15

without a filter

The square error of reproducibility, depending on the determined concentration and element, ranges from 1.5 to 2.5%.


4.1. General provisions:

a spectroscopist laboratory assistant who has started work for the first time can begin work only after receiving safety instructions from the head of the spectral laboratory, directly at the workplace;

after ten days of duplication of work (with an experienced spectroscopist), repeated instruction is carried out;

a qualification commission is allowed to work independently after testing their knowledge;

repeated instruction is carried out at least twice a year;

The briefing and permission to work independently are each time entered into the control log with the signatures of the manager. laboratory and received instruction;

The laboratory spectroscopist must know both the general and the TB rules provided for in the instructions. Failure to comply with the rules entails administrative penalties, and in more severe cases, prosecution.

4.2. Safety rules when preparing excitation sources for work:

a generator (spark) voltage of about 15,000 V is dangerous to human life; it is strictly forbidden to turn on a generator that has not been tested and inspected by the shift supervisor;

Before turning on the generator, you must check the correctness of the connection circuit, which should only be done when disconnecting it from the network. Inspection of devices should be carried out only when the generator network is disconnected;

The generator is considered ready for operation when the following are checked:

serviceability of the wires of the primary and secondary circuits,

the presence of grounding of its body,

serviceability of the switch located on the generator control panel,

correct electrode connection,

grounding the rail of the optical device; if at least one of these points is not fulfilled, it is prohibited to turn on the generator;

Damage to the primary or secondary circuit of the generator is repaired by an electrician on duty;

Grounding wires should be connected only to main grounding busbars.

4.3. Rules for safe work practices:

when operating the generator, you should stand on a rubber dielectric mat;

Do not touch the electrodes when turning on the generator;

handle hot electrodes only with tweezers;

when using open-type tripods, photograph the spectrum only with safety glasses;

if there is no exhaust ventilation in the room, working with the excitation source is prohibited;

you can fix the generator only by disconnecting it from the network;

when working on a generator with a condensed spark, there must be at least two people in the room, including the worker;

Photometry should be carried out in a darkened room, alternating with photography;

all sample preparation operations associated with the release of gases should be carried out under hood;

When leaving the premises, it is necessary to turn off the general switch and lock the door of the premises.

4.4. Safety rules when sharpening electrodes and samples:

You can start sharpening electrodes only after receiving instructions;

the emery stone should only be in a protective casing;

the sanding machine must be grounded;

It is prohibited to work on a vibrating sanding wheel;

the gap between the tool rest and the circle should not exceed 2 - 3 mm;

when working, you need to stand to the side, and not against the sanding wheel;

You should wear safety glasses when working on an emery wheel;

small sharpened samples must be held in a hand vice or special clamps;

The sanding machine should be well lit.



All-Union Research and Design Institute of Petroleum Engineering (VNIIneftemash)

Special design and technological bureau of chemical and petroleum engineering (SKTBKhimmash)


1. Gillebrand V.F. Practical guide to inorganic analysis, Goskhimizdat, Moscow, 1957.

2. Dymov A. M. Technical analysis. M., “Metallurgy”, 1964.

3. Stepin V.V., Silaeva E.V. and others. Analysis of ferrous metals, alloys and manganese ores. M., Publishing house of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, 1964.

4. Teploukhov V.I. Express analysis of steel. M., Publishing house of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, 1961.

5. Peshkova V.M., Gromova M.I. A practical guide to spectrophotometry and colorimetry. M., Moscow State University Publishing House, 1965.

6. Chemical and spectral analysis in metallurgy. Practical guide. M., “Science”, 1965.

7. Konkin V.D., Klemeshov G.A., Nikitina O.I. Methods of chemical, physical-chemical and spectral analysis of raw materials, metal and slag at metallurgical plants. Kharkov, Publishing house of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, 1961.

8. Babko A.K., Marchenko A.V., Photometric analysis. Methods for determining non-metals, M., “Chemistry”, 1974.

9. Charlot G., Methods of analytical chemistry. Quantitative analysis of inorganic compounds, M., “Chemistry”, 1966.

10. Rare earth elements. Publishing house of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 1963.

11. Sendel E. Colorimetric methods for determining traces of metals, Mir Publishing House, Moscow, 1964.

12. Korostelev P.P. Reagents and solutions in metallurgical analysis. Moscow, Publishing House "Metallurgy", 1977.

13. Rare earth elements. Publishing house of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 1963.

14. Vasilyeva M.T., Malykina V.M. and others. Analysis of boron and its compounds, M., Atomizdat, 1965.

15. Konkin V.D., Zhikhareva V.I. Complexometric analysis, Publishing House "Tekhnika", Kyiv, 1964.

16. Eremin Yu.G., Raevskaya V.V. and others. “Factory Laboratory”, 1964, No. 12.

17. Eremin Yu.G., Raevskaya V.V., Romanov P.N. News of higher educational institutions. "Chemistry and Chemical Technology", vol. IX, no. 6, 1966.

18. Eremin Yu.G., Raevskaya V.V., Romanov P.N. "Journal of Analytical Chemistry", 1966, vol. XXI, 11, p. 1303

19. Eremin Yu.G., Raevskaya V.V., Romanov P.N. "Factory Laboratory", 1962, No. 2.

Defined element

Name of analysis method

Current expenses

Capital investments

Presented costs




Phosphorus in carbon steels




Phosphorus in alloy steels




Tungsten mass fraction method


Silicon in alloy steels




Silicon in carbon steels

Weight sulfuric acid


Weight hydrochloric acid

Weight perchloric acid


Nickel in alloy steels

Weight method

Differential spectrophotometric

Copper in alloy steels







Atomic absorption

Zirconium in alloyed articles

Weight cupferronophosphate


Molybdenum in alloy steels

: Weight plumbate



Vanadium in alloy steels

Volumetric method



Aluminum in alloy steels

Weighing with electrolysis


Weight fluoride

Cobalt in alloy steels

Photometric (0.1 - 0.5%)


Photometric (0.5 - 3.0%)

Arsenic in carbon steels




Boron in alloy steels

Colorimetric with quinalisarin


Colorimetric with carmine


Niobium in alloy steels

Gravity hydrolytic


By weight with tannin


Photocolorimetric thiocyanate

Cerium in alloy steels



Notes to the application:

the current costs of performing one analysis consist of the sum of the salaries of laboratory assistants, depreciation on equipment used in performing the analysis and the cost of chemical reagents used for one analysis;

capital investments include the cost of equipment attributable to performing one analysis;

the given costs include current costs and capital investments multiplied by a standard coefficient of 0.15.

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