Removed from the tongue. Taken off the tongue What does the expression “taken off the tongue” mean?

In mid-summer, the next Xinhua Dictionary was published - the official dictionary of the Mandarin Chinese language, one of the most popular books in the history of mankind (almost half a billion copies since 1953). Esquire publishes several hieroglyphs that have been added to the new version of the dictionary. (Illustrator Yuri Gordon).


A direct copy of the English Internet of Things (IoT). The term refers to a new technological environment that is being built using cloud computing, radio frequency identification and other sensor technologies as a universal network of tracked objects. For example, a refrigerator can know what is inside it, how long it has been there, and based on this data, independently order products. In China, IoT was on everyone's lips last year, making it onto the list of seven "strategic emerging industries" key to economic development under the 12th Five-Year Plan. This item of expenditure alone will receive $785 million in government funding. China could gain a significant advantage here over Western countries, where the development of IoT technologies is hampered by concerns about misuse of information and invasion of privacy - problems that simply do not arise under authoritarian rule.


People enslaved by mortgages. The term has found its place in the dictionary alongside “autoslaves” and “credit card slaves.” Thanks to soaring apartment prices in Beijing, Shanghai and other major cities, buying a home, a prerequisite for marriage for Chinese men, has become an extremely onerous undertaking over the past decade. In 2009, the authorities already banned the screening of the television drama “Snail House” - it told about the difficulties faced by a married couple who want to buy an apartment in a metropolis. The problem of the high cost of real estate today has become perhaps the main subject of social irritation and discontent in China.


The literal meaning is “to give strength”, the slang meaning is “chic”, “cool”. The word was first used in the animated film adaptation of the classic novel Journey to the West and has since quickly gained popularity. Just a few months later, in November 2010, it made headlines in the official newspaper of the CPC Central Committee, the People's Daily. This caused a surge of enthusiasm in the Internet community, but a subsequent attempt to introduce the English version (geilivable) faced a ban: along with other “Chinglish” words, it fell victim to the language cleansing campaign proclaimed by the General Administration for the Surveillance of the Press.


The literal meaning is “thunderstorm man”, the slang meaning is an expression of shock or extreme surprise, like “wow”, “stunned” or “horror”. Unlike "gay-li", it was not warmly accepted at the official language level. Thus, in March 2010, the use of “lei-zhen” was directly prohibited in any communications about the two meetings that were taking place at that time: the National People’s Congress and the People’s Political Consultative Council. The directive did not necessarily have any special meaning - it could be considered on a par with the prohibition of teachers from using colloquial expressions like “cool” or “cool” in written work.


The Chinese translation of the term "otaku", which in Japan refers to a person who is so obsessed with something that he stops even leaving the house. “Zhai Nan” are gamers, Internet addicts and everyone else who spends an enormous amount of time staring at a computer screen. Chinese authorities and parents are seriously concerned about this phenomenon. China, with the largest population of Internet users in the world, in 2008 became the first country to officially recognize Internet addiction as a disease. Today, therapy centers exist throughout the country.

Alex andra 2017

more than a year ago

A frequently used phraseological unit. It means the following: when during a conversation between two people, one of them says what the other just wanted to say.

Often, with such behavior, they say to the interlocutor: “You read my thoughts.” They also sometimes compare them to dolphins and psychics. My husband often tells me in such a situation: “The dolphin is mine!”

the system chose this answer as the best


12 months ago

The stable expression (phraseologism) “” acquires the following meanings in our speech:

  • To say absolutely or approximately the same thing that another person (most often located here) intended to say at the same moment.
  • How to hear, read the interlocutor’s thought and voice it.
  • Get ahead of the person in a conversation by a few moments.
  • A proverb can contain the words “as” or “as if” (for example, “you must have taken it off my tongue”) or do without it (for example, “you took this assumption off my tongue”).

This phraseological unit often expresses some kind of agreement, approval, as if assenting to the interlocutor. But at the same time, the person emphasizes that the idea was born to him first. At the same time, of course, without seriously claiming any kind of championship. Nobody shames anyone for having some phrase “taken off their tongue.”

We are, of course, not talking about swelling of the tongue or a coating on the tongue that needs to be removed.

Black I am the Moon

9 months ago

Expression " Took it off my tongue” means said my thought before I could say it. That is, it happens that people may agree on some issue. But what came to your mind, someone already said at that very moment. That’s why I took it off my tongue and said it almost immediately as you thought, only ahead of me.

Al Lepso id

11 months ago

The verb “to remove” suggests moving something that was somewhere. What can be on the tongue? (not literally, but figuratively) Of course, these are words that have already formed in our brain, but have not yet been spoken. So it turns out that the phraseological unit “took it off the tongue” means that the interlocutor voiced what you wanted (or didn’t want, but had a similar opinion) to voice. This seems to confirm your agreement with what was said.


9 months ago

A person begins to produce words using, among other things, the tongue.

The thought that came, which did not have time to jump out in the form of words with the help of language, since someone had already voiced it, remained, as it were, “in the language.”

That’s why they say that, in the sense that they thought the same thing, exactly the same thing, but it was the interlocutor who managed to say it out loud first.

With this phraseological unit a person usually voices his approval and agreement with the interlocutor.

Leisa nSatd inova

more than a year ago

“Took it off my tongue” - in another way, it means I read your thought. It was “on the tip of your tongue,” but the interlocutor said it out loud. This often happens when people think in the same direction, when they have known each other for more than one year, and read each other’s thoughts “in the eyes.” I often use the phraseological phrase “taken off my tongue” in speech.

Maryl eleki na

more than a year ago

“Took it off the tongue” is when another person spoke and expressed your thought faster than you could open your mouth. Usually this phenomenon is accidental and both interlocutors are surprised by such a coincidence. In addition, this expression can also be replaced by others, for example: “You read my thoughts!” and this phrase will be a synonym.


more than a year ago

This is what they say when a person was the first to say what you were going to say. Perhaps they have already started talking or are just thinking about it. Moreover, as a rule, this applies not only to specific words and phrases, but also to other sentences that coincide with your thoughts in meaning.

Kills ratio n

11 months ago

The expression “taken off your tongue” is used when you wanted to say something to someone, but they beat you to it (they said it before you). The concept “taken off the tongue” is a stable expression (phraseologism).

Miss Shin

more than a year ago

The phraseological phrase “take it off your tongue” is used when you thought about something and were just about to say it when another person beat you to it. Literally, the phrase was already on the tongue, but someone “took it off,” that is, said it.

A direct copy of the English Internet of Things (IoT). The term refers to a new technological environment that is being built using cloud computing, radio frequency identification and other sensor technologies as a universal network of tracked objects. For example, a refrigerator can know what is inside it, how long it has been there, and based on this data, independently order products. In China, IoT was on everyone's lips last year, making it onto the list of seven "strategic emerging industries" key to economic development under the 12th Five-Year Plan. This item of expenditure alone will receive $785 million in government funding. China could gain a significant advantage here over Western countries, where the development of IoT technologies is hampered by concerns about misuse of information and invasion of privacy - problems that simply do not arise under authoritarian rule.

房奴 “Apartment SLAVES” (FAN-NU)

People enslaved by mortgages. The term has found its place in the dictionary alongside “autoslaves” and “credit card slaves.” Thanks to soaring apartment prices in Beijing, Shanghai and other major cities, buying a home, a prerequisite for marriage for Chinese men, has become an extremely onerous undertaking over the past decade. In 2009, the authorities already banned the screening of the television drama “Snail House” - it told about the difficulties faced by a married couple who want to buy an apartment in a metropolis. The problem of the high cost of real estate today has become perhaps the main subject of social irritation and discontent in China.


The literal meaning is “to give strength”, the slang meaning is “chic”, “cool”. The word was first used in the animated film adaptation of the classic novel Journey to the West and has since quickly gained popularity. Just a few months later, in November 2010, it made headlines in the official newspaper of the CPC Central Committee, the People's Daily. This caused a surge of enthusiasm in the Internet community, but a subsequent attempt to introduce the English version (geilivable) faced a ban: along with other “Chinglish” words, it fell victim to the language cleansing campaign proclaimed by the General Administration for the Surveillance of the Press.


The literal meaning is “thunderstorm man”, the slang meaning is an expression of shock or extreme surprise, such as “wow”, “stunned” or “horror”. Unlike "gay-li", it was not warmly accepted at the official language level. Thus, in March 2010, the use of “lei-zhen” was directly prohibited in any communications about the two meetings that were taking place at that time: the National People’s Congress and the People’s Political Consultative Council. The directive did not necessarily have any special meaning - it could be considered on a par with the prohibition of teachers from using colloquial expressions like “cool” or “cool” in written work.


The Chinese translation of the term "otaku", which in Japan refers to a person who is so obsessed with something that he stops even leaving the house. “Zhai Nan” are gamers, Internet addicts and everyone else who spends an enormous amount of time staring at a computer screen. Chinese authorities and parents are seriously concerned about this phenomenon. China, with the largest population of Internet users in the world, in 2008 became the first country to officially recognize Internet addiction as a disease. Today, therapy centers exist throughout the country.

Text by Eveline Chao. Reprinted with permission from Foreign Policy.
2012 By the Washington Post Company, LLC

Yuri Butusov
10 hrs · Kyiv, Ukraine · Edited ·
Dear citizens, politicians and businessmen from all over the world! A person is suddenly mortal, and oil in a certain country is spilled on everyone’s path... No, not like that: If you think that you can cooperate profitably and cheerfully and do business with a gangster regime in a corrupt, degrading state, with a society poisoned by fascism, close eyes on the crimes and mass murders organized by a schizophrenic ruler for the sake of new super-profits, if in the 21st century you forgive even the destruction of THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE, the destruction of a civilian airliner, the destruction of dozens of cities and villages, pretending to believe the “lack of evidence”, because money doesn't smell...
Sooner or later the #‎Drunk Snowplow will catch up with you

English translation by Nikita Popov:

Dear citizens, politicians, and businesspeople, all around the world! Humans are suddenly mortal, and oil in a well-known country is spilled on the path of every one… No, let me rephrase: If you believe that you may profitably and cheerfully cooperate, and do business with a criminal regime, in a corrupt and degraded country, with poisoned by fascism society, closing your eyes to the crimes and mass murders, organized by a schizophrenic dictator for the sake of new super profits, if you, in the 21st century forgive even the obliteration of THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE, annihilation of a civilian aircraft, eradication of dozens of towns and villages, pretending that “there is no proof”, because money does not smell…
Sooner or later, a #‎drunkensnowremovalmachinedriver may get you.
Farida Charifoullina · Mutual friend - Vladislav Babansky-Zakrzhevsky
I have briefly translated into French “Mesdames et Messieurs! Si vous pensez pouvoir faire business avec un régime de bandits dans un Etat corrompu, dans une société empoisonnée par le fascisme, si vous ignorez des milliers de morts et de crimes organisés par un schizophrénique, si vous pardonnez l"abattement d"un avion civile sous prétexte de manque de preuves, la destruction des villes et des villages, le #déneigeurbourré vous attend sur la piste! "

Sehr geehrte Bürger, Politiker und Unternehmer aus aller Welt! Der plötzliche Tod kann jedem Menschen ereilen und das Öl im besagten Land ist auf dem Weg jedes einzelnen verteilt… Nein, noch mal anders formuliert: Wenn Sie denken, dass es möglich ist, gewinnbringend und freudig Geschäfte mit einem Banditen-Regime in einem korrupten und degradierenden Staat zu machen, in dem die Bevölkerung mit Faschismus vergiftet ist und dabei Ihre Augen vor Verbrechen und Massenmorden verschließen, organisiert durch eine schizoiden Machtführer, zu Gunsten von Ihren neu zu erwartenden Supergewinnen; wenn Sie im 21. Jahrhundert gar das Auslöschen TAUSENDER Menschen und den Abschuss eines zivilen Flugzeugs vergeben, die Zerstörung von dutzenden Städten und Dörfern dulden und das alles aufgrund des „Mangels an Beweisen“ und weil Geld nicht stinkt … Dann wird Sie früher oder später ein #‎BetrunkenerSchneepflugfahrer erwischen.

It just happened by hand. Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. remove, throw off, pull off, pull off, rip off, pull off; remove, remove, release; seduce, bastard, rip off... Synonym dictionary

take off- verb, holy, used very often Morphology: I will remove, you will remove, he/she/it will remove, we will remove, you will remove, they will remove, remove, remove, removed, removed, removed, removed, removed, removed, removed see nsv. take off … Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary


SKIN- 1) who treats whom cruelly, does not spare. It is implied that who l. threatens someone This means that a person or group of persons (X) vested with power, seeking something. from another person or another group of persons (Y) or wanting revenge, are ready... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

three stockings off the tongue- (to remove from oneself) foreigner: to talk a lot and for a long time in order to persuade someone (a hint of removing, stripping, skins from a fur-bearing animal with a stocking, a pipe, without ripping it Wed. I begged money from an old man!.. Well, the work is not easy: Three stockings, right off the tongue! *** Aphorisms... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

philosophy of language- Analytical movement in Cambridge and Oxford Analytical philosophy in Cambridge Philosophy of language developed in two centers, Cambridge and Oxford, which is why it is called “Cambridge Oxford philosophy.” It developed more like a movement, rather... Western philosophy from its origins to the present day

Three stockings off the tongue- Three stockings from the tongue (take off from yourself) foreigner. talk a lot and for a long time in order to persuade someone (a hint of removing, stripping, skins from a fur-bearing animal with a “stocking”, a pipe, without ripping it. Wed. I begged money from an old man!... Well, the work is not easy: Three stockings, ... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

Three stockings from the tongue [remove from yourself]- Razg. Outdated Talk a lot and for a long time in order to persuade someone. BMS 1998, 630 ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

Mukhosransk- Mukhosransk is a fictional settlement, meaning “provincial town, wilderness, wilderness.” Being a quasi-toponym, it characterizes the described object from the negative side, indicating both its distance from the center and “to ... ... Wikipedia

Tropical forests and their fauna- The forest shines with rich beauty. Like some new, wonderful world. Until now we have wandered through the desert and become familiar with the steppe; Let us now take a look at the forests of interior Africa, which can be called virgin forests. Many of them do not... ...Animal life

GENERAL NARCOSIS- GENERAL NARCASIS. General N. is understood as artificially induced deep sleep, in which consciousness is lost and complete insensibility occurs. N. is used to be able to perform various types of manipulations painlessly, Ch. arr... Great Medical Encyclopedia

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Took it off my tongue What does the expression mean?
Taken off the tongue What does the expression “taken off the tongue” mean?

In the middle of summer, the next Xinhua Dictionary was published - the official dictionary of the Mandarin dialect of the Chinese language, one of the most popular books in history...