Antonym words in Russian: examples of their use. What are antonyms and examples of enriching the Russian language with them? Dictionary of words with opposite meanings.

Tatyana Astakhova
Formation of a dictionary of antonyms in children of senior preschool age with ODD


IN preschool age a child must master this dictionary, which would allow him to communicate with peers and adults, study successfully at school, understand literature, television and radio programs, etc. Therefore preschool pedagogy considers development vocabulary for children as one of the important tasks of speech development.

Currently, the psychological and psycholinguistic literature emphasizes that the prerequisites for speech development are determined by two processes. One of these processes is the nonverbal objective activity of the child himself, i.e., the expansion of connections with the outside world through a concrete, sensory perception of the world.

The most important factor in speech development, including enrichment dictionary, the speech activity of adults and their communication with the child appears.

Initially, communication between adults and a child is one-sided and emotional in nature, causing the child to want to make contact and express his needs. Then adult communication moves on to familiarize the child with the sign system of language using sound symbolism. The child consciously connects to speech activity and begins to communicate using language.

This "connection" occurs primarily through the simplest forms of speech, using understandable words associated with a specific, specific situation.

In this regard, the development of vocabulary is largely determined by the social environment in which the child is raised. Age norms of vocabulary for children of the same age vary significantly depending on the socio-cultural level of the family, since dictionary is acquired by the child in the process of communication.

Vocabulary (dictionary) The child develops gradually in the course of verbal communication between those around him and the child and acquaintance with the outside world. Dictionary presented in two aspects: passive dictionary(impressive vocabulary)- these are the ones words, which the child knows and understands their meaning. Active dictionary(expressive vocabulary)- these are the ones words which the child uses in communicating with others. Normally passive dictionary prevails over active. Speech understanding children is formed also in the process of verbal communication with the outside world.

Many authors note the spasmodic development of active dictionary, while the passive develops evenly and ahead of schedule. Translation words from passive to active, i.e. actualization, occurs in stages.

Violations formation of vocabulary in children with OHP are manifested in limitations vocabulary, a sharp discrepancy between the volume of active and passive dictionary, inaccurate use words, numerous verbal paraphasias, difficulties in updating dictionary.

In classes on the development of lexical and grammatical means of language and coherent speech, a lot of work is done to activate and improve dictionary, speech understanding, formation the ability to identify parts of an object. Based on the clarification of passive speech reserve, oral speech practice is organized.

Formation a child’s vocabulary is closely related to the processes word formation, since it quickly becomes enriched due to derivatives words. Appearance sequence word forms in children's speech is determined by their semantics, function in the structure of the language (first, semantically simple, visually perceptible, well differentiated diminutives appear noun forms). Much later in speech the names of people’s professions and other more complex semantics appear. words. Thus, mastery word formation occurs on the basis of mental operations, comparison, synthesis, generalization, which, in turn, contributes to intellectual development children.

Thus, in preschool age is not only possible, but it is also necessary to develop children's dictionary. And especially pay attention to formation and development, both active and passive dictionary, including antonym dictionary.

To enrich and activate vocabulary, special tasks and didactic exercises are used. Often used:

Speech sample;

Repetition by the teacher of new things words in different contexts;

Explanation of origin words;

Answers to questions requiring statements (what? where? which);

Negotiation words, unsaid by the teacher;

Various games that will also contribute to development antonym dictionary.

When teaching young children, there is no other way to expand their vocabulary other than experience and observation. The child visually becomes familiar with the object itself and its properties and at the same time remembers words, naming both the object and its qualities and features. Sequence of assimilation that's how it is: acquaintance with the subject, formation of an idea, reflection of the latter in word.

External perceptions, experiences, and personal experiences of the child play a primary role in the development of the child, but the meaning words- secondary and auxiliary. The most important and most perfect method of teaching in the early stages of childhood is the culture of observation.

Taking care of expanding stock children's words we must strive to expand this reserve through representation words, but not words - sound.

All types of speech development activities serve this purpose. But there are a number of special methodological speech exercises, the purpose of which is to expand the vocabulary and speech skills children. They are useful to do with children preschool age, provided they are kept alive, casually, taking into account age interests and opportunities.

Here are some of the types exercises:

"Find another word»

Target: accurately indicate the situation; select synonyms and antonyms.

Dad decided to make a swing for the children, Misha brought him a rope. “No, this rope is no good, it will break.”. Misha brought him another one. “But this one will never break”. What rope did Misha bring first? (Thin, shabby.) And then? (Strong, durable.)

Dad made swings in the summer. But here it is. winter. Misha grew up to be a strong boy (healthy, strong). He went out to skate and felt strong ice under his feet. How can I say it differently? (Durable, non-fragile.) The frost grew stronger (became stronger).

How do you understand the expression "toughie"? (It is difficult to break, to break.) This is what they say not only about nuts, but also about people whom no adversity can break. About them They say: "strong in spirit" (means a strong, persistent person).

Explain what they mean words: "strong fabric"(durable, "deep sleep"(deep, "strong tea" (very strong, not diluted with boiling water). What expressions with in a word"strong" have you met in fairy tales and which ones? (In a fairy tale "Kids and the Wolf" goat tightly (very strictly) ordered the children to hold tight (very strong) locked the door.)

Come up with suggestions with in a word"strong".

I'll call you words and you tell me words with the opposite meaning: long, deep, soft, light, thin, thick, strong; talk, make laugh, fall, laugh, run.

Come up with a story to include words, opposite in meaning. You can take it words, which we just called.

Even when working with antonym words you can use the poem by D. Ciardi "Farewell Game":

It's your turn

Play the game "Vice versa".

I'll tell you word"high", and you will answer. ( "low").

I'll tell you word"far", and you will answer. ( "close").

I'll tell you word"ceiling", and you will answer. ( "floor").

I'll tell you word"lost", and you say. ( "found"!

I'll tell you word"coward", you will answer. ( "brave").

Now "Start" I'll say - well, answer. ( "end").

Game exercise "Finish the sentence"

The goal is to develop the ability to select opposite meanings words(enemy words) .

The speech therapist calls the children phrases, pausing. The child must say word, which the speech therapist missed, i.e. finish the phrase.

Sugar is sweet and lemon is.

The moon is visible at night, but the sun is.

Fire is hot and ice is.

The river is wide and there is a stream.

The stone is heavy and fluffy.

Complete the sentence and name words -"enemies".

The elephant is big, and the mosquito.

The stone is heavy and fluffy.

Cinderella is kind and stepmother.

The weather is cold in winter and cold in summer.

Sugar is sweet and mustard is.

The tree is tall and the bush.

Grandfather old, and grandson.

The soup is hot, and the compote is hot.

Soot is black and snow.

The lion is brave, and the hare.

The milk is liquid and sour cream.

The river is wide and a trickle.

It's hard to work, but it's hard to rest.

It is light during the day and at night.

Today I'm having fun, but yesterday I was.

The hare jumps quickly, and the tortoise crawls.

When crossing the street, first look to the left, and then.

They scream loudly, but they whisper.

I'm sick, but I'll be there soon.

I live close to the river, and my friend...

The seller sells, and the buyer.

Friends often quarrel, but easily.

It's easy to get sick, but it's difficult.

The teacher asks, what about the children?

In the morning, children come to kindergarten, and in the evening.

First the guests are greeted, and then...

When meeting, they say hello, and when parting.

In the evening they go to bed, and in the morning.


Taste: mustard and honey.

By color: snow and soot.

By height: tree and flower.

By thickness: rope and thread.

Width: road and path.

By age: young man and old man.

By weight: weight and fluff.

To size: house and hut.

A game "Compare the other way around".

Are used words: more - less, heavier - lighter, higher - lower, faster - slower, etc.

Truck and taxi. What's more? What is less of what?

Giraffe and horse. Who is taller than whom? Who is inferior to whom?

Elephant and bear. Who is heavier? Who is easier?

Hare and turtle. Who runs faster? Who moves slower?

A game « Antonyms»

Progress of the game: explain to the child that Antonyms are words with opposite meanings. For example, morning - evening, dark - light, cold - hot. Read the sentences to your child. Ask to find them words, opposite in meaning.

In winter the days are short, and in summer. (long).

Hot in warm summer, cold. (winter).

Sad in late autumn, happy. (winter).

The animals are hungry in winter, the animals are well fed. (in summer).

Summer is far away, winter is far away. (close).

In the city the roads are wide, in the forest there are paths. (narrow).

Thus, the author’s methods and recommendations provide entire systems of work on formation of a dictionary of antonyms. The authors take different parts of speech, poetry, phrases, proverbs, on the basis of which this work can be carried out by a speech therapist, parents, and teachers.

List of used literature

1. Konovalenko, V.V. Antonyms. Picture didactic material. A manual for teachers and parents / V. V. Konovalenko, S. V. Konovalenko Publishing house: GNOM and D

2. Lalaeva, R. I. Correction of general speech underdevelopment in preschoolers(formation vocabulary and grammatical structure)/ R. I Lalaeva, N. V Serebryakova – SPb.: SOYUZ, 1999 – 160 p.

3. Visual and didactic material for working with children preschool age with speech impairments(FFN and ONR)/ Comp. V. P. Glukhov, V. B. Atrepieva, T. I. Kontraktova. – M.: ARKTI, 2003.

4. Sidorova, U. M. Formation speech and cognitive activity in children with special needs: Exercises, didactic games, logic problems, activity games. / U. M. Sidorova - M.: Sphere shopping center, 2005.

Antonym is a word that has the opposite meaning of another word and creates a semantic contrast in a pair of lexical units.

Antonyms in Russian

Two words with contradictory meanings form an antonymous pair. A word can have more than one antonym, which is due to the polysemy of lexical units in the Russian language. For example, the antonym of the word “light” (luggage) in the literal sense is “heavy”; in a figurative meaning, its antonymic connection with other words is observed: light (wind) - strong (wind), easy (task) - difficult (task).

Antonyms act as one part of speech; often refer to an adjective, since the antonymic relationships of words are based on common qualitative features (good - bad). Vivid contrasting concepts are also expressed by nouns (good - evil), adverbs (easy - difficult), etc. Not all words provide for the presence of antonyms, for example, some specific nouns (house, apple), colors do not imply contradictory words.

The reverse concept of an antonym is a synonym. Hot and cold are antonyms, while hot and hot are synonyms.

Types of antonyms

Depending on the nature of the connection between words that have opposite meanings, the following types are distinguished:

  • linguistic, or dictionary, antonyms - antonyms built on the literal meaning of a word, for example: find - lose;
  • additional, or complementary, antonyms are words whose opposite meanings are achieved by negating other words, for example: untruthful (implying “false”);
  • contextual, or relational, antonyms are words that acquire antonymic meaning only within the context. The words “teacher” and “student” are not antonyms, but are contrasted in the context of their relationship.

Based on their morphological structure, they distinguish between single-root (come - leave) and multi-root (deep - shallow) antonyms.

Meaning of antonyms

Antonyms are common in folklore as a lexical antithesis, given their semantic binary position (Learning is light, and ignorance is darkness). Antonyms are widely used in oratory, fiction, and journalistic literature as a tool for enhancing the expressiveness and contrast of speech.

An example of the use of antonyms in literature

They got along. Wave and stone
Poetry and prose, ice and fire
(A. S. Pushkin; “Eugene Onegin”)

Antonyms are used by writers in the title to emphasize the antithetical structure of the work: “Poetry and Truth” by J. V. Goethe, “Cunning and Love” by F. Schiller, “The Splendor and Poverty of Courtesans” by O. de Balzac, “Red and Black” by Stendhal, “ Crime and Punishment" by F. M. Dostoevsky, "War and Peace" by L. N. Tolstoy, "Thick and Thin" by A. P. Chekhov, "The Prince and the Pauper" by M. Twain.

The use of antonyms in speech to express differences in qualities, objects, and phenomena that are homogeneous in nature is called antonymy. Antonymy underlies a number of stylistic figures built on the contrast of lexical meanings (oxymoron, chiasmus).

The word antonym comes from Greek anti – against and onyma, which translated means name, word.

Antonyms are words, belonging to the same part of speech, differing in spelling and sound, and meaning directly opposite concepts.

One part of speech is not the only condition under which words of opposite meaning can be called antonyms. There must be some common feature between these words. That is, both concepts must describe a feeling, or time, or space, or quality and quantity - and in this case they will be antonyms.

Examples of antonyms.

Let's look at this definition with examples.

Antonym for the word "Before".

The antonym for the word “before” is the word "now". Both words are adverbs - “when? before" and "when? now". Both of them are united by a common feature - a description of time. But while the word “formerly” describes a situation or event that took place sometime in the past, the word “now” refers to the present. Thus, the words are opposite in meaning and are antonyms.

Antonym for the word "Friendly".

The antonym for the word "friendly" is the word "unfriendly". Both concepts refer to the same part of speech - adverb. As the rule requires, they are united by a common feature - that is, they describe an emotional tone. But if the word “friendly” denotes joy and pleasure (for example, from someone’s presence), then “unfriendly” has the exact opposite meaning - someone whose appearance or speech is characterized by this word is clearly not happy about anything.

Antonym for the word "Tears".

The antonym for the word “tears” is the word “laughter.” Both concepts are nouns; they both describe an emotional action. But if in the first case the emotion is clearly negative - tears of grief, tears of sadness, tears of pain - then the word “laughter” means joy, happiness and fun. The words are opposite in meaning - and therefore are antonyms.

Other popular antonyms.

Below we provide a list of words and their antonyms.

  • The word “Synonym”, antonym – “Antonym”.
  • The word “Interesting”, the antonym is “Boring”.
  • The word “Wind”, the antonym is “Silence”.
  • The word “Find”, the antonym is “Lose”.
  • The word “Fresh”, the antonym is “Spoiled, stale.”
  • The word “Beautiful”, the antonym is “Disgusting, terrible.”
  • The word “Snow”, the antonym is “Rain”.
  • The word “Waited”, the antonym is “Sudden, unexpected”.
  • The word “Neatly”, the antonym is “Carelessly”.
  • The word “Sun”, the antonym is “Moon”.
  • The word “Day”, the antonym is “Night”.
  • The word “Fast”, the antonym is “slow”.

We hope you now know what an antonym is.

Antonyms are words that belong to the same part of speech, differ in sound and spelling, and have exactly the opposite meaning. Belonging to one part of speech is not the only condition by which words that have opposite meanings can be called antonyms; there must be a common feature between such words, for example, when both concepts describe feeling, time, space, quantity, quality, etc.

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For example, “before” and “now”. In this case, both words are adverbs; they have opposite concepts and refer to the same attribute - the description of time (“when? now” or “when? before”).

What Wikipedia says

Antonyms(translated from Greek αντί- means “against” + όνομα “name”) are words of the same part of speech of directly opposite lexical meaning, having differences in spelling and sound: lie - truth, evil - good, be silent - speak .

Words with opposite meanings have relatively recently become the subject of linguistic analysis, which is why interest in the study of Tatar and Russian antonymy has increased significantly. In addition, this led to the emergence of a number of linguistic studies and various dictionaries of antonyms.

In the vocabulary of a language, lexical units are closely related not only because of the connection of contiguity and similarity, but also because of the semantic variants of polysemantic words. They do not always contain a feature that can be contrasted, therefore they cannot have antonymic relationships in a literal sense, but in a figurative sense they acquire an antonym.

Thus, contextual antonyms can have an antonymic relationship with a direct meaning, carry an emphatic load and perform a special stylistic function in a sentence.

It is permissible to apply them to words whose meanings reflect qualitatively opposite shades, while the basis of their meanings is always a common feature (height, weight, time of day, feeling, etc.); also, only those words that belong to the same stylistic or grammatical category can be contrasted.

Linguistic antonyms cannot be words belonging to different parts of speech or lexical levels. Also among antonyms there are no numerals, pronouns and proper names.

Types of antonym concepts expressed include:

Types of antonyms by structure:

  • cognate- are formed with the help of prefixes that are opposite in meaning (for example: move in - leave) or with the help of prefixes added to the main word (for example: monopoly - antimonopoly);
  • multi-rooted- having different roots (for example: back and forth).

From the point of view of speech and language, antonyms are divided into two types: contextual and linguistic:

  • Language or usual antonyms take place in the language system (for example: poor - rich);
  • Contextual- speech, contextual, occasional antonyms arise in a certain context; often found in sayings and proverbs. In order to check or determine this type, it is necessary to reduce opposite words to a language pair (for example: golden - half copper, or expensive - cheap).

Antonymous pairs are distinguished according to their action; they can be proportional or disproportionate:

  • Proportional represent action and reaction (examples: going to bed - getting up, getting poor - getting rich);
  • Disproportionate express action and its absence in the broad sense of the word (for example: think up - think about it, light up - extinguish).

Examples in language and literature

We quietly enter September... into the forest not uncommon… V thick, the trees there aren’t Judas... without grumbling, without daring; month of knot confusion, there good visiting evil

In this example, contradictory correlates are applicable (sparse - dense, good - evil). The following antonymic pairs belong to the same type of expressed concepts:

Let's look at other examples:

  • child - teenager - adult(contrary correlators);
  • come - go(same root antonyms);
  • laugh - cry(commensurate antonyms);
  • win - lose(conversions);
  • counter-revolution - revolution(vector correlators).

Pair systems

Antonyms usually form a pair correlation in Russian, as can be seen in examples in various dictionaries. However, this does not mean at all that there can be only one word with the opposite meaning.

Antonymous relations allow opposing concepts to be shown in the so-called “unclosed” polynomial series (for example: concrete - abstract, abstract; cheerful - sad, boring, dull, sad).

In addition, each member of an antonymic series or pair may have synonyms that do not intersect in antonymic relationships. In this case, a kind of system is formed in which antonymic units are located horizontally, and synonymous ones are located vertically.

Here are examples of such a system:

  • stupid - smart;
  • stupid - reasonable;
  • brainless - wise;
  • headless - big-headed;
  • stupid - smart.
  • rejoice - be sad;
  • to have fun - to be sad;
  • rejoice - yearn.

Since our school days, each of us has been familiar with the concept of “antonym”. Lexical units (words) with opposite meanings belonging to the same part of speech are called antonyms. They can be either similar in spelling and sound, or completely different.

Identifying antonyms is quite simple. You just need to come up with a negative form for any word. But not every lexical unit in the Russian language can be matched with its opposite meaning. Let's look at examples of antonym words and how to form them.

General concepts

The concept of “antonym” is of Greek origin and is literally translated as “the opposite of a name.” The main feature of such words is the opposite of their lexical meanings. For example, white - black, good - evil, run - go, and so on.

Take note! Words that have opposite meanings must belong to the same part of speech.

Thus, the antonym “dark” cannot be chosen for the noun “light”, because it will belong to the group of adjectives. Thus, the correct pair will be “light - darkness”.

An antonymic pair can be composed of the following parts of speech:

  • noun (mountain - hill, circle - square, love - hate, etc.);
  • adjective (beautiful - ugly, dirty - clean, white - black, etc.);
  • (shout - be silent, walk - stand, love - hate, laugh - cry, etc.);
  • adverb (good - bad, fast - slow, always - never, here - there, etc.).

To form words of antonyms, the presence of a qualitative feature in a lexical unit is required, which could change and reach the opposite. It follows from this that most often qualitative adjectives and can be subject to antonymy. For example: big - small, many - few, and so on.


In the Russian language, antonyms are different both in structure and meaning, and in their use in speech. By structure, antonymous pairs can be:

  1. Same root. These are lexical units whose morphemic composition has the same root. For example: to come - to leave, progress - regression, beautiful - ugly, add - set aside. Same-root antonymous pairs are formed using various prefixes, which can also be opposite to each other.
  2. Multi-rooted. These are words that have different bases and roots in their morphemic composition (bad - good, morning - evening, native - foreign, etc.). You can find many more such examples of antonyms in the Russian language than examples of same-root antonymic pairs.

According to their semantic meaning, antonymic pairs are of the following types:

  1. Contrary or opposite. These are antonymous pairs that allow the presence of an intermediate link in their composition. This link usually has a neutral meaning. For example: love - (indifference) - hatred, past - (present) - future, remain silent - (whisper) - speak, etc.
  2. Contradictory or non-gradual. Such words, antonyms, contrast in their meaning objects, signs and relationships, which exclude the existence of an intermediate concept. For example: smart - stupid, life - death, good - evil, etc.

Based on their use in speech, antonyms are divided into the following types:

  1. General language ones that reflect our everyday reality (laugh - cry, leave - come, big - small).
  2. Contextual or copyright. Depending on the context and the will of the author, some words may be subject to antonymy. Such antonymic pairs may not be enshrined in dictionaries, but in context they will carry opposite meanings from each other.

Take note! Contextual antonyms are used to express the author’s assessment and attitude to the reality being described.

An example of such antonymy is the well-known fable “Wolves and Sheep,” where the author contrasts two different concepts that are not enshrined in antonymic dictionaries.

How to explain antonymy to children

To explain to children what an antonym is, it is best to avoid terminology and go straight to practice. Examples for children should be simple concepts that affect their everyday life.

For example, in pictures it is easier for a child to understand the difference between antonymic pairs: big - small, beautiful - ugly, dirty - clean, white - black, and so on.

It is also important to explain to the child that not all words in a language can be matched with others with the opposite meaning. So that he can perceive this, write separately on a piece of paper several words for which antonyms cannot be found. In this way, the child will be able to draw certain conclusions and remember exceptions.

Useful video

Let's sum it up

Antonymy in the Russian language is a rather complex phenomenon that has been studied by many linguists for a long time. From an early age, teachers and parents try to explain to the younger generation the difference between synonyms and antonyms. And these two concepts can also be called words with opposite meanings. The Russian language is full of exceptions, but at the same time it is very beautiful and multifaceted. Antonymy is only a small part of it, but it is very important to study.

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