How many major sense organs does a person have and what are their main functions and significance? Sense organs and brain, nervous system: how are they interconnected? Hygiene rules for the main sense organs. Five basic human senses The meaning of the visual analyzer

The five - those that we all know, that is, vision, hearing, taste, smell and touch - were first listed by Aristotle, who, being an outstanding scientist, still often got into trouble. (For example, according to Aristotle, we think with the help of our hearts, bees come from the decaying carcasses of oxen, and flies have only four legs.)

According to popular belief, humans have four other senses.

Thermoception is the feeling of heat (or lack thereof) on our skin.

Equibrioception is a sense of balance that is determined by the fluid-containing cavities in our inner ear.

Nociception is the perception of pain by the skin, joints and organs of the body. Strangely, this does not include the brain, which has no pain-sensitive receptors at all. Headaches - no matter what we think - do not come from inside the brain.

Proprioception - or "body awareness". This is an understanding of where parts of our body are, even we do not feel or see them. Try closing your eyes and swinging your leg in the air. You will still know where your foot is in relation to the rest of your body.

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Humans are designed to interact with the world around them. A person has five of them:

The organ of vision is the eyes;

The organ of hearing is the ears;

Sense of smell - nose;

Touch - skin;

Taste is the tongue.

They all react to external stimuli.

Organs of taste

Humans have a sense of taste. This occurs due to special cells responsible for taste. They are located on the tongue and are combined into taste buds, each of which has from 30 to 80 cells.

These taste buds are located on the tongue as part of the fungiform papillae, which cover the entire surface of the tongue.

There are other papillae on the tongue that detect various substances. There are several types concentrated there, each of which has its own taste.

For example, salty and sweet are determined by the tip of the tongue, bitter by its base, and sour by the side surface.

Olfactory organ

The olfactory cells are located in the upper part of the nose. Various microparticles enter the nasal passages onto the mucous membranes, due to which they begin to contact the cells responsible for the sense of smell. This is facilitated by special hairs that are located in the thickness of the mucus.

Pain, tactile and temperature sensitivity

The sense organs of a person of this species are very important, because they allow them to protect themselves from various dangers of the surrounding world.

Special receptors are scattered across the surface of our body. Cold reacts to cold, heat to heat, pain to pain, tactile to touch.

Most tactile receptors are located in the lips and on the tips of the fingers. There are much fewer such receptors in other parts of the body.

When you touch something, tactile receptors are irritated. Some of them are more sensitive, others less, but all the information collected is sent to the brain and analyzed.

The human senses include the most important organ - vision, through which we receive almost 80% of all information about the outside world. The eye, lacrimal apparatus, etc. are elements of the organ of vision.

The eyeball has several membranes:

The sclera, called the cornea;

The choroid, which passes in front into the iris.

The inside is divided into chambers filled with jelly-like transparent contents. The cameras surround the lens - a transparent disk for viewing objects near and far.

The inner side of the eyeball, which is opposite the iris and cornea, has light-sensitive cells (rods and cones) that convert into an electrical signal that travels to the brain along the optic nerve.

The lacrimal apparatus is designed to protect the cornea from microbes. The tear fluid continuously washes and moisturizes the surface of the cornea, ensuring its sterility. This is facilitated by occasional eyelash blinking.

The human senses include three components - the inner, middle and outer ear. The latter is the auditory concha and the ear canal. Separated from it by the eardrum is the middle ear, which is a small space with a volume of about one cubic centimeter.

The eardrum and inner ear contain three small bones called the malleus, stapes, and incus, which transmit sound vibrations from the eardrum to the inner ear. The sound-receiving organ is the cochlea, which is located in the inner ear.

The snail is a small tube twisted in a spiral in the form of two and a half special turns. It is filled with a viscous liquid. When sound vibrations enter the inner ear, they are transmitted to the fluid, which sways and acts on the sensitive hairs. Information in the form of impulses is sent to the brain, analyzed, and we hear sounds.

Sense organs are anatomical formations that perceive external stimuli (sound, light, smell, taste, etc.), transform them into a nerve impulse and transmit it to the brain.

A living organism constantly receives information about changes that occur outside and inside the body, as well as from all parts of the body. Irritations from the external and internal environment are perceived by specialized elements that determine the specifics of a particular sensory organ and are called receptors.

Sense organs serve a living organism for interconnection and adaptation to constantly changing environmental conditions and its cognition.

According to the teachings of I.P. Pavlov, each analyzer is a complex integrated mechanism that not only perceives signals from the external environment, but also converts their energy into a nerve impulse, carries out higher analysis and synthesis.

Each analyzer is a complex system that includes the following links: 1) peripheral device, which perceives external influences (light, smell, taste, sound, touch) and converts it into a nerve impulse; 2) pathways through which the nerve impulse enters the corresponding cortical nerve center; 3) nerve center in the cerebral cortex (cortical end of the analyzer). All analyzers are divided into two types. Analyzers that analyze and synthesize the environment are called external These include visual, auditory, olfactory, tactile, etc. Analyzers that analyze phenomena that occur inside the body are called internal in the cerebral cortex (cortical end of the analyzer). All analyzers are divided into two types. Analyzers that analyze and synthesize the environment are called interoreceptive. They provide information about the state of the cardiovascular, digestive systems, respiratory organs, etc. One of the main internal analyzers is the motor analyzer, which provides information to the brain about the state of the muscular-articular system.

Its receptors have a complex structure and are located in muscles, tendons and joints.

It is known that some analyzers occupy an intermediate position, for example the vestibular analyzer. It is located inside the body (inner ear), but is excited by external factors (acceleration and deceleration of rotational and linear movements).

The peripheral part of the analyzer converts certain types of energy into nervous excitation, and each of them has its own specialization (cold, heat, smell, sound, etc.).

Thus, with the help of the senses, a person receives all the information about the environment, studies it and gives an appropriate response to real influences.

Organ of vision

The organ of vision is one of the main sense organs; it plays a significant role in the process of perceiving the environment. In the diverse activities of man, in the performance of many of the most delicate works, the organ of vision is of paramount importance.

Having reached perfection in humans, the organ of vision captures the light flux, directs it to special light-sensitive cells, perceives black-and-white and color images, sees an object in volume and at different distances. 144. The organ of vision is located in the orbit and consists of the eye and an auxiliary apparatus (Fig. 144).

Rice. 2 - Structure of the eye (diagram): 3 - 1 - sclera; 5 - choroid; 6 - retina; 4 - central fossa; 8- blind spot; 18- optic nerve; 12 - 7- conjunctiva; 13 - ciliary ligament; 14 - 9-cornea; 15 - 10-pupil; 16 - eleven, 17- optical axis;

front camera;(oculus) consists of the eyeball and the optic nerve with its membranes. The eyeball has a round shape, anterior and posterior poles. The first corresponds to the most protruding part of the outer fibrous membrane (cornea), and the second corresponds to the most protruding part, which is located lateral to the exit of the optic nerve from the eyeball. The line connecting these points is called the external axis of the eyeball, and the line connecting a point on the inner surface of the cornea with a point on the retina is called the internal axis of the eyeball. Changes in the ratios of these lines cause disturbances in the focusing of images of objects on the retina, the appearance of myopia (myopia) or farsightedness (hyperopia).

Eyeball consists of fibrous and choroidal membranes, retina and nucleus of the eye (aqueous humor of the anterior and posterior chambers, lens, vitreous body).

Fibrous membrane - outer dense shell, which performs protective and light-conducting functions. Its front part is called the cornea, the back part is called the sclera. Cornea - This is the transparent part of the shell, which has no vessels, and is shaped like a watch glass. The diameter of the cornea is 12 mm, the thickness is about 1 mm.

Sclera consists of dense fibrous connective tissue, about 1 mm thick. At the border with the cornea in the thickness of the sclera there is a narrow canal - the venous sinus of the sclera. The extraocular muscles are attached to the sclera.

Choroid contains a large number of blood vessels and pigment. It consists of three parts: the choroid, the ciliary body and the iris. The choroid proper forms a large part of the choroid and lines the posterior part of the sclera, fused loosely with the outer membrane; between them there is a perivascular space in the form of a narrow gap.

Ciliary body resembles a moderately thickened section of the choroid, which lies between the choroid proper and the iris. The basis of the ciliary body is loose connective tissue, rich in blood vessels and smooth muscle cells. The anterior section has about 70 radially located ciliary processes that make up the ciliary crown. The radially located fibers of the ciliary girdle are attached to the latter, which then go to the anterior and posterior surfaces of the lens capsule.

The posterior section of the ciliary body - the ciliary circle - resembles thickened circular stripes that pass into the choroid. The ciliary muscle consists of complexly intertwined bundles of smooth muscle cells. When they contract, a change in the curvature of the lens occurs and adaptation to a clear vision of the object (accommodation).


- the most anterior part of the choroid, has the shape of a disk with a hole (pupil) in the center. It consists of connective tissue with blood vessels, pigment cells that determine eye color, and muscle fibers located radially and circularly. The iris is distinguished by the anterior surface, which forms the posterior wall of the anterior chamber of the eye, and the pupillary edge, which limits the opening of the pupil. The posterior surface of the iris constitutes the anterior surface of the posterior chamber of the eye; the ciliary margin is connected to the ciliary body and sclera by means of the pectineal ligament. The muscle fibers of the iris, contracting or relaxing, reduce or increase the diameter of the pupils. - Inner (sensitive) lining of the eyeball - retina tightly adjacent to the vascular. The retina has a large posterior visual part and a smaller anterior “blind” part, which combines the ciliary and iris parts of the retina. The visual part consists of internal pigment and internal nerve parts. The latter has up to 10 layers of nerve cells. The inner part of the retina includes cells with processes in the form of cones and rods, which are the light-sensitive elements of the eyeball. Cones perceive light rays in bright (daylight) light and are at the same time color receptors, and

On the posterior part of the retina there is the exit point of the optic nerve - the optic disc, and lateral to it is the yellowish spot.

This is where the largest number of cones are located; this place is the place of greatest vision. IN nucleus of the eye

includes the anterior and posterior chambers filled with aqueous humor, the lens and the vitreous body. The anterior chamber of the eye is the space between the cornea at the front and the anterior surface of the iris at the back. - The circumferential area where the edge of the cornea and iris is located is limited by the pectineal ligament. Between the bundles of this ligament is the space of the iridocorneal ganglion (fountain spaces). Through these spaces, aqueous humor from the anterior chamber flows into the venous sinus of the sclera (Schlemm's canal), and then enters the anterior ciliary veins. Through the opening of the pupil, the anterior chamber connects to the posterior chamber of the eyeball. The posterior chamber in turn connects to the spaces between the lens fibers and the ciliary body. - Along the periphery of the lens lies a space in the form of a belt (Petite canal), filled with aqueous humor.

Lens - This is a biconvex lens, which is located behind the chambers of the eye and has light refractive ability. It distinguishes between the front and back surfaces and the equator. The substance of the lens is colorless, transparent, dense, and has no vessels or nerves. Its inner part is

core. much denser than the peripheral part. On the outside, the lens is covered with a thin transparent elastic capsule, to which the ciliary band (ligament of Zinn) is attached. When the ciliary muscle contracts, the size of the lens and its refractive power change.

Having reached perfection in humans, the organ of vision captures the light flux, directs it to special light-sensitive cells, perceives black-and-white and color images, sees an object in volume and at different distances. 145. Vitreous body

it is a jelly-like transparent mass that has no blood vessels or nerves and is covered with a membrane. It is located in the vitreous chamber of the eyeball, behind the lens and fits tightly to the retina. On the side of the lens in the vitreous body there is a depression called the vitreous fossa. The refractive power of the vitreous body is close to that of the aqueous humor that fills the chambers of the eye. In addition, the vitreous body performs supporting and protective functions. - Accessory organs of the eye 1 - The auxiliary organs of the eye include the muscles of the eyeball (Fig. 145), fascia of the orbit, eyelids, eyebrows, lacrimal apparatus, fatty body, conjunctiva, vagina of the eyeball. 3 - inferior oblique muscle; 4 - inferior rectus muscle; 5 - lateral rectus muscle; B - view from above: 1 - block; 2 - superior oblique muscle tendon sheath; 3 - superior oblique muscle; 4- medial rectus muscle; 5 - inferior rectus muscle; 6 - superior rectus muscle; 8 - 7 - lateral rectus muscle;

muscle that lifts the upper eyelid

The motor system of the eye is represented by six muscles. The muscles start from the tendon ring around the optic nerve in the depths of the orbit and are attached to the eyeball. There are four rectus muscles of the eyeball (superior, inferior, lateral and medial) and two oblique muscles (superior and inferior). The muscles act in such a way that both eyes rotate in concert and are directed to the same point. The muscle that lifts the upper eyelid also begins from the tendon ring. The muscles of the eye are striated muscles and contract voluntarily.

The orbit, in which the eyeball is located, consists of the periosteum of the orbit, which in the area of ​​the optic canal and the superior orbital fissure fuses with the dura mater of the brain. The eyeball is covered by a membrane (or Tenon's capsule), which is loosely connected to the sclera and forms the episcleral space. Between the vagina and the periosteum of the orbit is the fatty body of the orbit, which acts as an elastic cushion for the eyeball.

Eyelids (upper and lower) They are formations that lie in front of the eyeball and cover it from above and below, and when closed, completely cover it. The eyelids have anterior and posterior surfaces and free edges. The latter, connected by commissures, form the medial and lateral corners of the eye. In the medial corner are the lacrimal lake and the lacrimal caruncle. On the free edge of the upper and lower eyelids near the medial angle, a small elevation is visible - the lacrimal papilla with an opening at the apex, which is the beginning of the lacrimal canaliculus.

The space between the edges of the eyelids is called palpebral fissure. The eyelashes are located along the front edge of the eyelids.

The basis of the eyelid is cartilage, which is covered on top with skin, and on the inside with the conjunctiva of the eyelid, which then passes into the conjunctiva of the eyeball. The depression that forms when the conjunctiva of the eyelids passes to the eyeball is called the conjunctival sac. Eyelids, in addition to their protective function, reduce or block access to the light flux. consists of the lacrimal gland with excretory ducts and lacrimal ducts.

The lacrimal gland is located in the fossa of the same name in the lateral corner, at the upper wall of the orbit and is covered with a thin connective tissue capsule. The excretory ducts (there are about 15 of them) of the lacrimal gland open into the conjunctival sac. The tear washes the eyeball and constantly moisturizes the cornea. The movement of tears is facilitated by the blinking movements of the eyelids. Then the tear flows through the capillary gap near the edge of the eyelids into the lacrimal lake.(Fig. 146). The light that hits the retina first passes through the transparent light-refracting apparatus of the eye: the cornea, the aqueous humor of the anterior and posterior chambers, the lens and the vitreous body. The beam of light along its path is regulated by the pupil.

Having reached perfection in humans, the organ of vision captures the light flux, directs it to special light-sensitive cells, perceives black-and-white and color images, sees an object in volume and at different distances. 146. The refractive apparatus directs a beam of light to the more sensitive part of the retina - the place of best vision - the spot with its central fovea. Having passed through all layers of the retina, light causes complex photochemical transformations of visual pigments there. As a result of this, a nerve impulse arises in light-sensitive cells (rods and cones), which is then transmitted to the next neurons of the retina - bipolar cells (neurocytes), and after them - to the neurocytes of the ganglion layer, ganglion neurocytes. The processes of the latter go towards the disc and form the optic nerve. Having passed into the skull through the optic nerve canal along the lower surface of the brain, the optic nerve forms an incomplete optic chiasm.

From the optic chiasm begins the optic tract, which consists of nerve fibers of ganglion cells of the retina of the eyeball. Then the fibers along the optic tract go to the subcortical visual centers: the lateral geniculate body and the superior colliculus of the midbrain roof. In the lateral geniculate body, the fibers of the third neuron (ganglionic neurocytes) of the optic pathway end and come into contact with the cells of the next neuron. The axons of these neurocytes pass through the internal capsule and reach the cells of the occipital lobe near the calcarine groove, where they end (cortical end of the optic analyzer). Some of the axons of ganglion cells pass through the geniculate body and enter the superior colliculus as part of the handle. Next, from the gray layer of the superior colliculus, impulses go to the nucleus of the oculomotor nerve and to the accessory nucleus, from where the innervation of the oculomotor muscles, the muscles that constrict the pupils, and the ciliary muscle occurs. These fibers carry an impulse in response to light stimulation and the pupils constrict (pupillary reflex), and the eyeballs also turn in the required direction. 2- Diagram of the structure of the visual analyzer: 3 - 1 - retina; 4- uncrossed fibers of the optic nerve; 5- crossed optic nerve fibers;

The mechanism of photoreception is based on the gradual transformation of the visual pigment rhodopsin under the influence of light quanta. The latter are absorbed by a group of atoms (chromophores) of specialized molecules - chromolipoproteins. Vitamin A alcohol aldehydes, or retinal, act as a chromophore, which determines the degree of light absorption in visual pigments. The latter are always in the form of 11-cisretinal and normally bind to the colorless protein opsin, forming the visual pigment rhodopsin, which, through a series of intermediate stages, is again cleaved into retinal and opsin. In this case, the molecule loses color and this process is called fading. The transformation scheme of the rhodopsin molecule is presented as follows.

The process of visual excitation occurs in the period between the formation of lumi- and metarhodopsin II. After cessation of exposure to light, rhodopsin is immediately resynthesized. First, with the participation of the enzyme retinal isomerase, trans-retinal is converted into 11-cisretinal, and then the latter combines with opsin, again forming rhodopsin. This process is continuous and underlies dark adaptation. In complete darkness, it takes about 30 minutes for all the rods to adapt and the eyes to acquire maximum sensitivity. The formation of an image in the eye occurs with the participation of optical systems (cornea and lens), which produce an inverted and reduced image of an object on the surface of the retina. The adaptation of the eye to clear vision at a distance of distant objects is called accommodation. The accommodation mechanism of the eye is associated with contraction of the ciliary muscles, which change the curvature of the lens.

When viewing objects at close range, accommodation also acts simultaneously convergence, i.e., the axes of both eyes converge. The closer the object in question is, the closer the visual lines converge.

The refractive power of the optical system of the eye is expressed in diopters (“D” - diopter).

There are three main anomalies in the refraction of rays in the eye (refraction): myopia, or myopia; farsightedness, or hypermetropia;

Having reached perfection in humans, the organ of vision captures the light flux, directs it to special light-sensitive cells, perceives black-and-white and color images, sees an object in volume and at different distances. 147. senile farsightedness, or presbyopia (Fig. 147). The main reason for all eye defects is that the refractive power and the length of the eyeball are not consistent with each other, as in a normal eye. With myopia (myopia), the rays converge in front of the retina in the vitreous body, and on the retina, instead of a point, a circle of light scattering appears, and the eyeball is longer than normal. To correct vision, concave lenses with negative diopters are used.

The path of light rays in a normal eye (A), with myopia

(B 1 and B 2), with farsightedness (B 1 and B 2) and with astigmatism (G 1 and G 2): 1 - B 2, B 2 - biconcave and biconvex lenses for correcting defects of myopia and farsightedness; G 2 - cylindrical lens for astigmatism correction; 2 - clear vision zone; 3 - blurred area;

corrective lenses

With farsightedness (hyperopia), the eyeball is short, and therefore parallel rays coming from distant objects are collected behind the retina, and it produces an unclear, blurry image of the object.

This disadvantage can be compensated for by using the refractive power of convex lenses with positive diopters.

Senile farsightedness (presbyopia) is associated with weak elasticity of the lens and weakening of the tension of the zonules of Zinn with a normal length of the eyeball.

This refractive error can be corrected using biconvex lenses. Vision with one eye gives us an idea of ​​an object in only one plane. Only when seeing with both eyes at the same time is depth perception and a correct idea of ​​the relative position of objects possible. The ability to merge individual images received by each eye into a single whole provides binocular vision.

Visual acuity characterizes the spatial resolution of the eye and is determined by the smallest angle at which a person is able to distinguish two points separately. The smaller the angle, the better the vision. Normally, this angle is 1 minute, or 1 unit. - This is the space that is perceived by one eye when it is motionless. Changes in visual field may be an early sign of some eye and brain diseases.

Color perception - the ability of the eye to distinguish colors.

Thanks to this visual function, a person is able to perceive about 180 shades of color. Color vision is of great practical importance in a number of professions, especially in art. Like visual acuity, color perception is a function of the cone apparatus of the retina. Color vision disorders can be congenital, inherited or acquired. Color vision disorder is called

color blindness

and is determined using pseudo-isochromatic tables, which represent a set of colored dots that form a sign. A person with normal vision can easily distinguish the contours of a sign, but a colorblind person cannot.

Interesting facts about the senses. Part 1.

The human sensory system is both a defense system and a system for perceiving the world, and the ability to fully contact the world. A healthy person has 5 senses. Each has its own functions and purpose. How are human senses structured and how do they function?

A healthy person has 5 senses. They are divided into two types: remote and contact. The contact organs include the organs of taste and touch: tongue and fingers. Remote ones include: ears, eyes and nose. It is also important to note that disturbances in one place lead to multiple changes in other parts of the body. If you know what is connected with what, you can easily diagnose and eliminate the key causes of the disease. And the symptoms will go away on their own.

This is interesting!

When sensitivity is impaired in some organs, others increase their abilities to compensate for a more or less normal perception of the world and protect the body. For example, with complete or partial loss of vision, hearing acuity or sense of touch increases significantly.

Speaking about the senses, it is worth saying that the main thing here is the brain. All others are only intermediaries, because all signals are ultimately transmitted to the brain.

The eyes help to perceive colors and light, objects, allow you to see the world in volume, have the ability to focus directly on the central object or on the side ones. The eyes provide a wide range of vision. This is also a way of protection. By ear, for example, you can’t always immediately determine exactly where a sound is coming from. And the eyes immediately determine it accurately.

A healthy person has 5 senses. They are divided into two types: remote and contact. The contact organs include the organs of taste and touch: tongue and fingers. Remote ones include: ears, eyes and nose. It is also important to note that disturbances in one place lead to multiple changes in other parts of the body.

  • Lateral, or peripheral, vision is much better in women than in men. This also explains the ability of men to focus on only one thing, while women can do several at once.
  • The eyes have the ability to distinguish up to 500 shades of gray.
  • The iris of the eye is as unique as a fingerprint.

Therefore, it is important to protect your eyesight. Natural peptide bioregulators and other NPCRiZ drugs help not only prevent vision deterioration, but also restore it to some extent.

To prevent vision:

  • Mesotel Neo;
  • Geroprotector Retisil;
  • Peptide complex No. 17;
  • Peptide bioregulators: Visoluten, Cerluten;
  • Bioregulators of vascular and brain functions: Pinealon, Vezugen.

For complex treatment:

Perfect solution - complex application NPTsRIZ products to solve various vision problems.

Continued in the next article.

It appeared thanks to the meditation of seers, true rishis. For thousands of years, their teachings were passed down orally from teacher to student, and these teachings later became the subject of melodious Sanskrit poetry. Although many of these texts have been lost over time, much of Ayurvedic knowledge has survived.

This wisdom, originating in the Cosmic Consciousness, was received in the hearts of the Rishis. They realized that consciousness is energy manifested in five basic principles or elements: ether (space), air, fire, water and earth. Ayurveda is based on this concept of five elements.

The Rishis realized that in the beginning the world existed in the form of unmanifest consciousness. From this universal consciousness the silent sound “AUM” emerged as a subtle cosmic vibration. From this vibration the element of ether arose first.

Then this element of ether began to move, and this subtle movement created air, which is the mobile ether. The movement of the ether contributed to the emergence of friction, which generated heat. The particles of thermal energy combined to form an intense glow, and from this light the element of fire emerged.

So the ether was transformed into air, and it was the same ether that later manifested as fire. Typically, heat causes the etheric elements to dissolve and liquefy, manifesting the water element, and then solidify to form earth molecules. Thus, the ether is manifested in the four elements: air, fire, water and earth.

From the earth all original living bodies were created, including the plant and animal kingdoms, as well as man. Earth is also found in inorganic substances, which include the mineral kingdom. Thus, all matter is born from the womb of the five elements.

These 5 elements exist in all matter. Water is a classic example that proves this: the solid state of water - ice - is a manifestation of the earth principle. The latent heat (fire) in the ice melts it, manifesting water, and then changes to steam, indicating the principle of air.

The steam disappears into the ether, or space. Thus, in one substance there are 5 basic elements: ether, air, fire, water and earth.

All 5 elements arise from the energy emanating from Cosmic Consciousness, all 5 are present in matter everywhere in the Universe. Thus, energy and matter represent a single principle.

Man is like a microcosm

Man is a microcosm. Just as the 5 elements are found everywhere in matter, they also exist in every person. There are many places in the human body where the element of ether is manifested. For example, there is space in the mouth, nose, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract, abdomen, chest, capillaries, lymph, tissues and cells.

Space in motion is called air.

Air is the second cosmic element, the element of movement. In the human body, air manifests itself in a variety of muscle movements, the pulsation of the heart, the expansion and contraction of the lungs, and the movements of the walls of the stomach and intestinal tract.

Under a microscope you can see that even a cell is in motion. The response to irritation is the movement of nerve impulses, manifested in sensory and motor movements. All movements of the central nervous system are entirely controlled by air.

The third element is fire. The source of fire and light in the solar system is the sun. In the human body, the source of fire is metabolism, metabolism. Fire operates in the digestive system. Fire manifests itself as intelligence in the gray matter of brain cells.

Fire also manifests itself in the retina of the eye, which perceives light. Thus, body temperature, the process of digestion, thinking and the ability to see are all functions of fire. The entire metabolism and enzyme system is controlled by this element.

Water is the fourth important element in the body. It manifests itself in the secretion of gastric juice and salivary glands, in the mucous membranes, in plasma and protoplasm. Water is vital for the functioning of tissues, organs and various body systems.

For example, dehydration resulting from vomiting and diarrhea must be corrected immediately to save the patient's life. Because water is so vital, the water in the body is called the Water of Life.

Earth is the fifth and final element of the cosmos, which is present in the microcosm. Life becomes possible at this level because the earth holds everything living and nonliving on its surface.

The solid structures of the body - bones, cartilage, legs, muscles, tendons, skin and hair - all came from the earth.

Feelings (perceptions)

These 5 elements are manifested in the functions of the five senses of man, as well as in his physiology. These elements are directly related to a person’s ability to perceive the world around him. Through the senses they are also associated with the five actions corresponding to the functions of the sensory organs.

The basic elements: ether, air, fire, water and earth are associated with hearing, touch, vision, taste and smell, respectively.

Ether is a medium that transmits sound. This etheric element is associated with the function of hearing. The ear, the organ of hearing, expresses action through the organs of speech, which give meaning to human sound.

Air is associated with the sense of touch; The organ of touch is the skin. The organ that transmits the sense of touch is the hand. The skin on the hand is very sensitive, the hand is endowed with the ability to hold, give and receive.

Fire, manifested as light, heat and color, is associated with vision. The eye, the organ of vision, controls walking and is thus connected to the leg. A blind person can walk, but without choosing a direction. The eyes give direction to actions when walking.

Water is associated with the organ of taste - without water, the tongue cannot sense taste. The tongue is closely related to the functions of the genitals (penis and clitoris). In Ayurveda, the penis or clitoris is considered to be the lower tongue and the tongue in the mouth is the higher tongue. The person who controls the higher language naturally controls the lower language.

The earth element is associated with the sense of smell. The nose, the organ of smell, is functionally connected with the actions of the anus, the organ of excretion. This connection is manifested in a person who has constipation or an unclean rectum - he has bad breath, his sense of smell is dull.

Ayurveda treats the human body and its sensory sensations as a manifestation of cosmic energy, expressed in five basic elements. The ancient Rishis realized that these elements originate from pure Cosmic Consciousness.

Ayurveda strives to enable each individual to bring his body into perfect and harmonious connection with this Consciousness.

5 elements, sense organs and their actions

element feelings sense organs action organ of action
Ether Hearing Ear Speech Speech organs (tongue, vocal cords, mouth)
Air Touch Leather holding Hand
Fire Vision Eyes Walking Leg
Water Taste Language Playback Genitals
Earth Smell Nose Selection Anus

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For students in grades 7–11...

Interesting facts about physics

What science is rich in interesting facts?  Physics!  7th grade is the time when schoolchildren begin to study it.  So that a serious subject does not seem so...
What science is rich in interesting facts? Physics! 7th grade is the time when schoolchildren begin to study it. So that a serious subject does not seem so...

Dmitry Konyukhov traveler biography