Spelling grid for the primary school course. How to emphasize spellings (emphasize letters, vowels and consonants, signs) What is spelling number 1

Dear adults! You probably don't want:

1) do lessons and assignments in Russian with your child until grade 11;

2) despite 5 hours of Russian a week - you will get your own illiterate child (the wrong teacher, whom you scolded so much, will remain in school, and you will still have to live with an illiterate family member);

3) on each of these 5 days (when the Russian language is on the schedule) expect a bad grade (and there are more than 30 school weeks in a year. Multiply by all years of study. Very stressful);

4) have big problems with the GIA (Russian exam, which is taken at the end of the ninth grade. And time flies, believe me, very quickly);

5) have big problems with the Unified State Exam (I won’t even explain about the Unified State Exam).


if your child


Spelling is a “mistaken” place in a word. For example, there are no spellings in the word MAMA. As we hear, we write. And in the word WATER, it is not clear how to spell WATER or WADA.

And don’t forget that if this is clear to you personally, then your child has yet to understand all this. And your usual explanations to the baby, like:

What is there that you don’t understand? The hedgehog (hare, ram, giraffe) understands!

Who did you look like?

Since you’re so stupid, I’ll take your tablet (I won’t let you watch a cartoon, I won’t let you go for a walk, you’ll stand in the corner)

And what do they teach you at school?

All your similar explanations (I gave a very incomplete list) will not help. What do they teach at school? They learn to highlight spellings. And this is necessary, first of all, for you and your child. The teacher herself is already quite literate, and she won’t be able to pass the State Examination with the Unified State Exam, as your child will soon be able to do.

Therefore, trust your teacher and make sure that your child never forgets to highlight spelling patterns in his homework.

And another very important thing. Those spelling tests that a child goes through starting from the first grade - ALL OF THEM ARE IN THE GIA and USE.

In the first grade, Russian lessons last a little over a couple of months. During this time, you will study at least 10 spellings in ANY RUSSIAN PROGRAM. Of course, they will be reinforced hundreds of times in second grade. But in second grade new spelling patterns will appear. And so on with each subsequent class. Therefore it cannot be launched. Not at all.

Especially advanced parents - “users” of the Russian language can read an appeal to teachers, which explains the method of finding spelling patterns.


For teachers

To achieve practically absolute literacy, the teacher needs, starting from the first grade, to plan Russian language lessons so that at EACH LESSON several sentences are pronounced by the CHILDREN IN A CHAIN ​​IN ALL SPELLING GRAMS.

If you don’t start pronouncing spellings from the VERY BEGINNING of 1st grade, then in 2nd, and even more so in 3rd and 4th grades, teaching children to SEE ALL SPELLINGS, which means it will be very difficult to AVOID MISTAKES, and children will just write at random.

Below is an example dictation for the end of first grade. There are 20 words in the dictation. Of these, only 2 words are WITHOUT SPELLING. In ALL other words, IT IS NECESSARY TO TEACH CHILDREN TO SEE AND SPEAK SPELLING GRAMS. And even such a small dictation is “enough” to work along the chain for at least 31 people in the class.

If there are more children (or there are fewer spellings in another dictation), then you can, for example, invite the children to return to words with the spelling “tested unstressed vowel at the root of the word” or “paired consonant in a weak position” and ask them to come up with other test words.

At first, it takes children even more time to pronounce all the spellings than to write a dictation. But by doing this type of work SYSTEMATICALLY in class, children not only find spelling patterns faster (and therefore understand “mistaken” places), but also begin to write much more competently.

Each class has its own weak points. Therefore, the list of detailed recitation can be expanded. For first grade, this is an indicator of the softness of a consonant with vowels, the spelling of Y, the transfer of words, and much more - at the discretion of the teacher.

At first, it is better to give the child a star, a sticker, etc. for finding EACH SPELLING, SPEAKING AND CHECKING IT. So that the very process of such an important finding of spellings turns into an exciting game.

List of required first grade spellings

to pronounce IN EVERY WORD

  1. Capital letter at the beginning of a sentence.
  2. Proper names.
  3. Combinations ZHI-SHI, CHA-SHA, CHU-SCHU.
  4. A soft sign is an indicator of softness.
  5. Separating soft sign*.
  6. Combinations CHK-CHN.
  7. Tested unstressed vowels at the root of the word.
  8. Unverifiable unstressed vowels at the root of a word (dictionary words).
  9. Paired consonants in a weak position (doubtful consonants) at the end of a word.
  10. Paired consonants in a weak position (doubtful consonants) at the end and middle of a word.*
  11. Proper names.
  12. Prepositions.

* The separating soft sign is not accepted in all first class programs.

* Paired consonants in a weak position (doubtful consonants) at the end and middle of a word are not covered in all first-grade programs.

A few words about writing a dictation



Masha and I are going for a walk in the thicket. Lilies of the valley are blooming. Here is a prickly hedgehog running quickly. Fluffy mice squeak*. Birds are building* nests. (20 words)

Sample of oral debriefing in class

  1. We
  2. WITH
  3. Mashey- we write with a capital letter. Spelling - a proper name is written with a capital letter.
  4. Let's go- there are no spellings.
  5. They're partying b- spelling - soft sign - an indicator of softness.
  6. IN- this is a pretext. This means that it is written separately from the word.
  7. Cha shu- we write cha with A. Spelling - the combinations cha-sha are written with the letter A.
  8. Cha I feel- we write chu with U. Spelling - the combinations chu-shu are written with the letter U.
  9. .
  10. Ts vetut- we write with a capital letter. Spelling - the beginning of a sentence is written with a capital letter.
  11. Color it's here- spelling - the unstressed vowel at the root of the word being checked. Test word COLOR.
  12. Landes shi
  13. . - At the end of the sentence there is a period.
  14. Here- we write with a capital letter. Spelling - the beginning of a sentence is written with a capital letter.
  15. Fast O- a dictionary word. Spelled FAST ABOUT.
  16. B e lives- spelling - the unstressed vowel at the root of the word being checked. Test word RUN.
  17. Be life- we write zhi with I. Spelling - combinations zhi-shi are written with the letter I.
  18. TO oh darling- spelling - the unstressed vowel at the root of the word being checked. Test word INJECTION.
  19. Yo and- spelling - paired consonant in weak position. Test word HEDGEHOG.
  20. . - At the end of the sentence there is a period.
  21. P are looking- we write with a capital letter. Spelling - the beginning of a sentence is written with a capital letter.
  22. P and chat- spelling - the unstressed vowel at the root of the word being checked. Test word SEEK.
  23. Pi now- now we write with A. Spelling - combinations of cha-sha are written with the letter A.
  24. Pu Shitty- we write shi with I. Spelling - combinations zhi-shi are written with the letter I.
  25. We sh ki- spelling paired consonant in weak position. Test word MOUSE.
  26. . - At the end of the sentence there is a period.
  27. Birds- we write with a capital letter. Spelling - the beginning of a sentence is written with a capital letter.
  28. Petit chk and- spelling - combinations CHK-CHN are written without a soft sign.
  29. IN there- spelling - soft separating sign.
  30. Nests- there are no spellings.
  31. . - At the end of the sentence there is a period

Uzorova O.V.

I have been working in school for 30 years. I don’t remember a single year when at the methodological association of teachers, at meetings at various levels, the issue of students’ spelling literacy was not raised. This problem was and remains the main one and has not yet been completely solved. The teacher must see when and on what material he works on each spelling, see the system in this matter. This is especially important for a novice teacher. I compiled a grid of spelling patterns for the primary school course by year of study.

1st class


  1. Distinguishing between a sentence and a group of words.
  2. Formatting a sentence in writing (capital letter and period).
  3. Proper names.
  1. Vowels are stressed and unstressed.
  2. Letter combinations zhi-shi, cha-sha, chu-shu.
  3. Dictionary words.

Spelling of consonants.

  1. Distinguishing vowel and consonant sounds and letters.
  2. Consonants paired and unpaired.
  3. Consonants are voiced and voiceless.
  1. Vowels consonants.
  2. Percussion - unaccented.
  1. Vowels consonants.
  2. Shocked unstressed.

Spelling of unstressed vowels in the endings of adjectives.

  1. Vowels consonants.
  2. Percussion - unaccented.
  1. Vowels consonants.
  2. Percussion - unaccented.

Separating signs ъ and ь.

  1. Observing the pronunciation of words.
  2. Work of separating ъ and ь.


  1. Dividing words into syllables.

2nd class


  1. Types of sentences (by purpose of utterance and intonation).
  2. Finding the subject and predicate.
  3. Phraseologisms.

An unstressed vowel at the root of a word.

  1. Similar words.
  2. Finding the root of a word.
  3. Selecting a test word.
  4. Unstressed vowels at the roots of disyllabic words.
  5. Dictionary words.

Spelling of consonants.

  1. Spelling paired consonants at the end of a word.

Spelling of unstressed vowels in the endings of nouns.

  1. Recognition of parts of speech.
  2. Grammatical features of parts of speech.
  3. Spelling of prepositions and prefixes (combined and separate).

Spelling of unstressed vowels in the endings of adjectives.

  1. Parts of speech.

Spelling of unstressed vowels in verb endings.

  1. Parts of speech.
  2. Grammatical features of parts of speech.
  3. Spelling of prepositions and prefixes.


  1. Distinguishing parts of speech.

Separating signs ъ and ь.

  1. Separating ъ and ь.


  1. Transfer rule.

3rd grade


  1. Putting the necessary signs at the end of the sentence.
  2. Identification of the main and minor members of a sentence.
  3. Recognition of sentences with homogeneous members.
  4. Collocations.
  5. Phraseologisms.

An unstressed vowel at the root of a word.

  1. Composition of the word.
  2. Spelling of unstressed vowels at the root of a word in complex words by composition.
  3. Dictionary words.

Spelling of consonants.

  1. Spelling of paired consonants at the root of a word.
  2. Unpronounceable consonants.
  3. Words with double consonants.
  1. Composition of the word.
  2. Changing nouns by case (know the names of cases and questions).
  3. Distinguishing nouns by declension.
  4. Verification method.
  5. Feminine and masculine nouns with a sibilant at the end.
  6. Connection of words in a sentence.
  7. Collocations.
  8. Anonymous and synonyms.
  1. Connection of words in a sentence.
  2. Collocations.
  3. Composition of the word.

Spelling of unstressed vowels in verb endings.

  1. Composition of the word.
  2. Parts of speech.
  3. Grammatical features.


  1. Parts of speech.

Separating signs ъ and ь

  1. The composition of the word and the dividing words ъ and ь.


  1. Special cases of transfer.

4th grade


  1. Recognizing types of sentences.
  2. Punctuation marks in sentences with homogeneous members.
  3. Analysis of the proposal by members of the proposal.

An unstressed vowel at the root of a word.

  1. Spelling words with an unstressed vowel at the root of the word in independent and creative works.
  2. Finding a given spelling in the text and its explanation.
  3. Dictionary words.

Spelling of consonants.

  1. Spelling words with paired consonants at the end and in the middle of words, with unpronounceable and double consonants in independent and creative works.

Spelling of unstressed vowels in the endings of nouns.

  1. Finding the studied spellings and their explanation.
  2. Using the acquired knowledge in writing.

Spelling of unstressed vowels in the endings of adjectives.

  1. Adjective case.
  2. Case endings.
  3. Verification method.
  4. Amonyms and synonyms.

Spelling of unstressed vowels in verb endings.

  1. Verb – tense, number, conjugation.
  2. Correlation by conjugation.
  3. Spelling rule.
  4. Infinitive.
  5. ь at the end of the verb.
  6. go on and on


  1. Recognizing pronouns as parts of speech.
  2. Number and person.
  3. Pronoun with preposition.

Separating signs ъ and ь.

  1. Use of words with ъ and ь.


  1. Compliance with transfer rules.

Children forget precisely these basic spelling patterns before the All-Russian test.

If you don’t pay due attention to them while studying in grades 1-4, then parents will have to be nervous when their child takes the test in fourth grade, and the child will have to sit for several hours repeating them.

Spellings that need to be repeated before VLOOKUP

1. Spelling “Letters I, A, U after hissing letters”Children go through this rule in 1st grade, but many don’t remember it at all by 4th grade.

  • Combinations ZHI, SHI written with a letter AND(LIVE, ZHI, SCREEN, REEDS).
  • Combinations CHA, SHA written with a letter A(SEAGULL, dacha, grove, thicket).
  • Combinations CHU, SHCHU written with a letter U(MIRACLE, SCREAM, PIKE, DRAG).

2. Spelling “Letter combinations CHK, CHN, NC, ShchN”Few people remember about this spelling and children often make mistakes in it.

Combinations CHK, CHN, NC, SC are written WITHOUT soft sign (b)(rod, night, tip, powerful).

3. Spelling “The letters I and Y after the letter C”

  • Write Y– at the endings of words and in suffixes – EUN(merchants, knitting needles, fighters, martens, Spitsyn).
  • Write I- in other cases after C written and (Compasses, NUMBERS, CITRUS).

Exception words

Very easy to remember with the help of a short tongue twister.

Gypsy on tiptoe

4. Spelling “Dividing b and b”

Written b sign- before E, Yo, I, Yu, I at the root of a word or before the ending (blizzard, serious, friends, family). In some foreign words before ABOUT(medalOn, postman, champignon)

It's written as Ъ sign- before E, Yo, Yu, I

  • After consoles, which end in a consonant (approach, SHOOTING, explain).
  • In foreign words(object, adjutant, subject).
  • In difficult words with the first part TWO-, THREE-, FOUR- (DOUBLE-Anchor, THREE-tier).

5. Spelling “Unstressed vowels at the root of the word” -Most often they simply forget to check.

To check which letter represents the unstressed vowel sound in a word, you need to change the word so that the unstressed vowel becomes stressed (owl - owls; try on (measurement) clothes; reconcile (peace) friends).

6. Spelling “Verified consonants at the root of the word” -always ask your child to pronounce words, and if in doubt about how to write, be sure to check this spelling.

To check which letter to designate a paired consonant sound in terms of deafness and voicedness, you need to change the word so that after the consonant sound there is a vowel: eye - eyes, mushroom - mushrooms, boat - boat, hint - prompt.

7. Spelling “-TSYA and -TSYA in verbs” -Children often make mistakes in this spelling because they cannot pose the question correctly.

To avoid mistakes in spelling -TSYA And -THIS, you need to ask questions to the verbs: what to do? Laugh, what's he doing? laughs.

  • If soft sign (b) is in the question, then he IS WRITING and in the verb.
  • If you have a question NO soft sign (b) no, then it’s in the verb NOT is being written.

8. Spelling “Vowels and consonants in prefixes” -one of the often forgotten spellings.

  • In unstressed prefixes TO-, O-, FROM-, BY-, UNDER-, PRO- letter is written ABOUT(ARRIVED, LATE, SAILED, TALKED, SIGNED, PASSED).
  • In unstressed prefixes FOR-, ON-, OVER- letter is written A(Made sad, wrote, took a bite).
  • In Russian there is a prefix WITH- And NO console Z-(Release, Burn, Go) - this is trueThis must be remembered.

9. Spelling “Spelling of prefixes PRE- and PRI-” -one of the most difficult spellings for primary schoolchildren to memorize.

closeness to something: School area (area near the school), Roadside grass (grass near the road);
approach, addition, suctionunity towards something: RUNNED to the finish line (approached
to the finish, SEW a button (attach the button to the fabric);
incomplete action: CLOSE (not completely closed), Mute (muffle the sound a little, without turning it off completely);

close to very or too: Evil (very angry), PREMNOGO (very much);
close to the prefix PERE-: BLOCK the road (block the road with something).

10. Spelling “Unpronounceable consonants at the root of a word”

To correctly indicate with a letter the unpronounceable consonant at the root of a word, you need pick up a cognateword, in which this consonant is pronounced distinctly (locality (place), late (to be late), BUT: terrible (horrible), interesting (interesting), wonderful (wonderful).

THAT. The article contains a selection of basic spelling patterns that children often forget in VPR.

The Russian language is rich in spelling patterns, every child knows this. Since childhood, in Russian language lessons, we have been learning numerous rules that we can’t count, but all in order to know the correct spelling of words. It’s impossible to count all the spellings of the Russian language, there are so many of them that even philologists sometimes confuse and forget them. This article will help you understand the basic rules of spelling.

Unstressed verifiable vowels in the root and the spelling "cha, sha"

Children begin to learn this rule, as a rule, in first grade or kindergarten. The rule helps you find out which letter is written at the root of a word. For example, in the word "och_rovaniye" you can write both the letter "o" and the letter "a". To find out which letter is written in a word, you need to choose the appropriate word “chara”, because here the emphasis falls on the letter “a”. This means that “charm” is also written with the letter “a” at the root.

It is worth considering that spelling patterns in Russian can overlap. For example, another, no less important rule would be the spelling “cha, sha.” Words starting with "cha, sha" are always written with the letter "a". For example, thicket, chara, charm, cup, etc.

Unverifiable vowels in the root of a word

Unchecked vowels at the root of a word are the least favorite rule of schoolchildren in primary school. After all, when writing words with such a spelling, no rules will help. Spellings of the Russian language with an uncheckable vowel are fundamentally not checked; the spelling of such words must be remembered. Vowels cannot be checked in words such as: birch, raspberry, vinaigrette, alley, factory, people, banana, chocolate, diamond, etc. The spelling of such words must be remembered once and for all so as not to make mistakes.

Unpronounceable consonants at the root of words

It is very important to study the rule because this spelling is often found in writing. Most often, unpronounceable consonants are radically checked. For example: dangerous - dangerous, heart - heart, sun - sun, giant - giant, happy - happiness, silent - rumor, etc.

ending in z-, s-

In fact, people often make mistakes in prefixes ending in z- and s-, even if they know Russian well. Spellings of prefixes are common, so you just need to remember what the spelling of the prefix depends on. The prefixes for z- and s- are: voz-/res-, through-/through-, vz-/vs-, voz-/res-, from-/is-, once-/ras-, without-/bes- and roses-/ros-.

In order to understand which letter is being written, you need to look at the next one. If the consonant letter following the prefix is ​​unvoiced (k, p, t, sh, shch, f, x, ch, s, c), then the prefix is ​​written with the letter “s”, this rule is provided for in the Russian language. Spelling patterns indicate that if the subsequent sound is voiced, then a prefix ending in “z” is written. Examples with “s”: flare up, painting, discolor, endless, etc. Examples with “z”: excessive, joyless, product, look, etc.


Alternating vowels in roots is an important rule that will accompany the student from the 5th to the 11th grade. There is no spelling in almost all exams, such as the OGE (GIA) and the Unified State Exam.

Spelling patterns for the Russian language provide for the existence of four alternation groups, each of which must be considered in detail:

  • Roots in which the spelling of the vowel depends on the subsequent suffix:

Ber-/bir-, -ter-/-tir-, -per-/-pir-, -steel-/-steel-, -brilliant-/-blist-, -der-/-dir-.

At the root of the word the letter “i” is written if the suffix -a- follows: freeze (but freeze), burn (but burn), shine (but shine), etc.

The root of the word is written “a” if the suffix is ​​-a-: touch (but touch), offer (but offer), etc.

  • Roots in which the spelling of the vowel depends on the stress in the word:

Gar-/-gor-, -creature-/-creation-, -clan-/-clone-, -zar-/-zor-.

If the emphasis in a word falls on the letter “a”, then the root is also written “a”: tan, bow, glow, dawn, etc.

If the stress in a word does not fall on the root, then it is written “o”: creation, bow, sunbathe, dawn, etc.

  • The spelling of a vowel in the root of a word depends on the letter behind that vowel:

Growing-/-growing-/-grove-, -jumping-/-skoch-.

The letter "a" is written before "st" and "sch": plant, grown, etc. The letter "o" is written in all other cases. Exceptions: sprout, teenage, growth, moneylender, Rostov, etc.

“A” is written before “k”, and “o” is written before “h”: jump, jump, etc. Exceptions: jump, gallop, etc.

  • The spelling of a vowel fundamentally depends on the meaning:

Mak-/-mok-, -equal-/-equal-.

In the first case, it is written “a” if the meaning of the word has the meaning of immersion in water: to dip, dip, etc. It is written “o” with the meaning of liquid: wet, to get wet, wet, etc.

In the second case, it is written “a” when the meaning is synonymous with the word “same”: equal, equal, etc. It is written “o” when the meaning is synonymous with the word “straight”: even, align, etc.

Letters "i", "s" after "ts"

The Russian language is rich in various rules. Spellings occur here and there. This is exactly the case with the letters “i”, “s” after the consonant “ts”, schoolchildren very often get confused in their spelling. In fact, in order to correctly write words with such a spelling, you need to remember in which cases you write “and” and in which “s”:

  • “and” is written at the root of words: number, quote, circus, cylinder, etc.
  • “and” is written in words starting with “tion”: nation, lecture, conference, information, privatization, etc.
  • “y” is written in the endings and suffixes of words: (no) queen, (shawl) Lisitsyn, (no) stepdaughter, etc.
  • “s” is written in exception words: gypsy, chicken, chick-chick, chick, tiptoe, etc.

Spelling of prefixes pre- and pre-

The spelling of prefixes makes the Russian language quite complicated. Spellings for this part of the word are found very often and in large quantities. However, the rule is quite easy to remember.

The prefix pre- is used when:

  • It has the meaning to stop, block, successor, etc.
  • Gives the word the highest degree of quality: precious, kind, extol, excel, exceed, etc.

The prefix is ​​used when:

  • Proximity matters: seaside, homestead, court, station, etc.
  • It has the meaning of addition and approximation: fasten, bring, etc.
  • Indicates the incompleteness of the action: close, lie down, begin, subside, etc.
  • Indicates the completeness of the action: cut, muffle, etc.

As you know, all spellings of the Russian language have been studied for many years. In order to be literate and educated, you need to memorize these spelling rules and do practical tasks. Schools go over every spelling rule carefully.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. It’s not for nothing that the Russian language is called “great and powerful”. It is one of the most difficult in the world, and learning it is a real headache not only for foreigners, but even for natives.

And if with spoken language things are even more or less so (not for everyone, of course, but for the majority), then with written speech everything is much worse.

The fact is that many words in Russian they are written completely differently from how they are pronounced. Each such case requires that a person consult a textbook or dictionary.

Numerous rules – these are spellings. There are a huge number of them, and even certified philologists are sometimes unable to remember everything. But there are about 70 basic rules, and this is exactly the volume that is taught in Russian schools.

Spelling - what is it?

Spelling is the correct spelling of words, based on rules or established traditions and selected from several options.

This term, like many others, came into the Russian language from Ancient Greece - “orphos” (correct) and “gramma” (letter). That is, it can be literally translated as “correct letters” or “ correct writing».

Thanks to the numerous spelling patterns, even a whole science has emerged that studies and describes them - spelling.

Don’t think that we are only talking about complex words, such as synchrophasotron or izpodvypodverta. No, even the simplest words, for example, life, happiness, water, yellow or airplane, have their own spellings. Let's explain what we mean:

  1. ZHI ZN - it is not immediately clear to the ear which letter is the second - “I” or “Y”;
  2. midrange ASTIER - by ear we generally hear that this word begins with the letter “Ш”, and not with “СЧ”;
  3. IN YES - in everyday speech we do not pronounce “O” in the first syllable, but replace it with “A”;
  4. SAME LTY - again, although this color is written with the letter “E”, when pronounced we clearly hear “O”;
  5. SA MO LET – again, by ear there are two letters “A” in this word, that is, we pronounce “samAlet”.

And there are also so-called non-letter spellings. These are the rules of the Russian language, which explain when to put a dash or hyphen, when (for example, not-/ni-) are written together or separately, how to correctly hyphenate words, and so on.

An example of parsing a dictation and underlining spellings

For example, analysis and underlining of spellings in dictation for primary grades (parents of first-graders may find it useful), which well demonstrates the vast scope of their use:

By the way, pay attention to the underlining style - it differs for different spellings. Here is the “legend” according to which this is done:

Here the adult gets confused, what can we say about the child...

The most important spellings

We will not list all existing spellings, and this will take too much time and space (it would be easier to read a textbook then). Let's focus on the most important ones that children study in primary school.


Children encounter this rule already in the first grade. And from an early age we learn the phrase: “Write zhi/shi with the letter “I”, write cha/sha with the letter “A”, write ch/shu with the letter “U”.

But the whole point is that by ear we perceive completely different sounds. For example, in the words “lu live" And " shi roko" we can clearly hear the "Y" in " cha shka" and "pi now"respectively "I", and in " chu gum" and "by I feel fall" - "Yu".

Spelling: unstressed vowels in the root

Let's take, for example, the words: le dyanoy, be govaya xo baby, argu meh ntate. The underlined syllables are spellings, since it is not immediately clear in them which vowel letter should be, which means it becomes difficult to write. To avoid making a mistake, you need to choose a check word:

  1. LE DYANOY – from the word ICE, which means you need to write it with an “E”;
  2. BE GOVAYA - from the word RUN and again must be written with an “E”;
  3. U XO DIT is the test word STROKE and accordingly we write through “O”;
  4. ARSU ME NTATE – test word ARGUMENT.

One of the most difficult pairs of words related to this rule is POSV I SHCHENIE and EDUCATION E Pupping. They sound very similar, but at the same time they mean completely different things.

Yes, at POSV I The test word for SHENIA is HOLINESS, which is why the letter “I” is written, and for PROVV E The test word is LIGHT, so the letter “E” is written.

But the Russian language is complicated because it has exceptions to any rule. For example, in this case there are many words for which it is impossible to find test words. Therefore, you just need to learn their spelling by heart. These words include: p e cash, b e cutting, m A Lina, z A water, b A nan, A lmaz, choco okay, wine Gret.

Spelling: unpronounceable consonants at the root

We already mentioned the word at the beginning of the article midrange ASTIER, which is pronounced with “Ш”, but written with “СЧ”. And there are many such words, especially when a noun is converted into an adjective, and because of this, one of the consonants may be “lost” by ear. To write correctly, you must also use a check word.

  1. SER D CE – cardiac;
  2. IZVES T NYY – news;
  3. STUDY T NIK – participation;
  4. ZDRA IN STUY - health;
  5. CO L NCE – solar;
  6. SER D CE – cardiac;
  7. CHES T NY – honor.

But, of course, there are words that cannot be verified in any way. Their you just need to remember. This is, for example, a forest T nice, nice d nickname, svers T nicki, chu V stva.

Spelling: prefixes ending in Z-/S-

This rule appeared in the Russian language exactly 100 years ago, when the Bolsheviks carried out a reform. Previously, all prefixes ended with the letter “Z”, and no one had any questions. Now there are divisions: voz-/re-, from-/is, once-/ras, vz-/vs-, without-/bes-, rose-/ros-.

To find out how to write a specific word, you need to pay attention to the letter that comes after the prefix. If it is a voiceless consonant (K, P, S, T, F, X, Ts, Ch, Sh, Shch), then a prefix with “S” at the end is used.

BesK final, disK opal, rosP is, VSP gasped, voS tanning

If the prefix is ​​followed by a voiced consonant (B, V, G, D, Zh, Z, L, M, N, R) or a vowel letter, then prefixes with “Z” are used.

without B solo, vozL come to life fromD alec, timesB cheerful, vzG yad

Spelling: verbs ending -T/-Т

Another spelling that children become familiar with in elementary school. The question is simple - when to put a soft sign after the letter “T”, and when not to. And why?


Teach TH it's never too late
He teach T all day long

The rule here is very easy to remember. You just need to look at what question the verb answers – “what to do?” or “what does it do?” And the writing of the soft sign will depend on this.

“I appear in the sky T the first stars (what are they doing?)” and “They began to appear in the sky TH Xia the first stars (what did they start doing?)"

Spelling: adjectives with -Н- and -НН-

Another painful topic for many schoolchildren, especially when preparing for the Unified State Exam. The fact is that there are several rules at once, and which one to apply depends on the specific word.

Rule #1.

If the root of a noun ends in the letter “N”, then the adjective will already have two of them.

LENGTH - length NN y, сН - с NN th

The same applies to words whose roots end in “MYA”.

time - time NN y, seed - seme NN Ouch

At the same time, as always, there are a number of exceptions: young, pork, lamb, green, blue, spicy, peacock, crow. Although in all these words the root ends in the letter “N”.

Rule #2.

If an adjective is formed using the suffixes -ENN- and -ONN-, then two letters “N” are written, regardless of the root.

straw ENN oh, leaves ENN oh, station HE N th

And if the suffixes -AN-, -YAN- and -IN- are used, then the letter “N” remains alone.

lion IN oh, sol YANG oh, leather AN th

Exceptions- TIN, WOODEN, WOOD.

Previously, schools even said that they were easy to remember if you imagined a window. It has a glass base, a wooden frame, and a pewter handle.

Rule #3.

Two letters "N" are also formed from verbs:

washed NN y (wash), offend NN y (to offend), buy NN y (buy), heat NN y (fry).

But again there are exceptions, which include established expressions:

"In the end N th person", "name N oh sister", "plant N oh father", "simpler N Oh Sunday."


Of course, in our time less attention has been paid to spelling patterns. After all, we now write most tests not by hand, but type them on computers and gadgets. And they have special programs that will correct any errors.

But these technical innovations are unlikely to help schoolchildren when passing exams. And adults also have to write something on their own from time to time. And without knowing the rules (spelling patterns), it is very easy to be considered illiterate.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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