Classroom script in the form of a conversation on a topic. Class hour Class hour in the form of a conversation

Class hour. Types, forms, topics. Classroom organization.

Classroom concept. Generalized concept of a class hour:  Class hour (Class Teacher Hour) is a form of educational work of the class teacher in the classroom, in which students take an active part in specially organized activities that contribute to the formation of their system of relations to the world around them.  “Class hour is a form of educational work of teachers with students outside of class hours.”  Class hour is one of the most common forms of organizing frontal educational work (N.I. Boldyrev)  Class hour can be called a specially organized value-oriented activity that contributes to the formation of a system of relations among schoolchildren to the world around them. (N.E. Shchurkova)  Class hour is the time for communication between the class teacher and his team, when he uses a variety of techniques, means and methods of organizing interaction. (E.V. Titova) Functions of the classroom  Educational - the classroom expands the range of knowledge of students that is not reflected in the curriculum. This knowledge may contain information about events taking place in the country and abroad. The object of discussion can be any phenomenon or event  Orienting - the class hour forms value orientations in students, a certain attitude to the world around them, to what happens in it, contributes to the development of a hierarchy of material and spiritual values. Helps to evaluate phenomena occurring in life.  Guide - a class hour helps to transfer theoretical knowledge into the field of practice, to direct students to real practical affairs.  Formative - the class hour develops in students the skills of thinking and evaluating their actions and themselves, the skills of conducting dialogue and constructing statements, defending their opinions. Promotes the formation of basic skills (through a variety of activities), strengthens relationships in the children's team. Most often, a classroom hour simultaneously performs all four of these functions: it educates, orients, guides, and shapes students. These functions, if possible, should be reflected when formulating the goals of the educational event.

There are the following types of class hours: Information class hour Goals:  Formation in students of involvement in the events and phenomena of the socio-political life of their country, their city, region;  Application of knowledge gained in history and civics lessons;  Formation of your attitude to what is happening;  Development of research skills. Thematic class hour Objectives:  Develop students' horizons;  Contribute to the spiritual development of students, the formation of their interests and spiritual needs. Intellectual-cognitive class hour Objectives:  To develop the cognitive interest of students;  Develop the ability to recognize one’s individual capabilities and the desire for self-improvement. Moral class hour Objectives:  Educating students in order to develop their own moral views, judgments, assessments;  Study, comprehension and analysis of the moral experience of generations;  Critical understanding and analysis of one’s own moral actions, the actions of peers and classmates;  Development of moral personal qualities (kindness, desire to help people, the ability to admit one’s mistakes, defend one’s point of view and respect others’, etc.) Forms of the classroom Form is the external outline, appearance, contours of an object; external expression of any content. A class hour can be held in the form of a class meeting, a conversation (moral, ethical), a debate, a meeting with interesting people, a quiz on various areas of knowledge, KVN, a travel game, it can be an excursion or a thematic lecture. Maybe an emergency class meeting or replacing one form of class with another for one reason or another. Classroom forms can be very different. Their choice depends on the level of development of the team, the characteristics of the class, the age differences of the children, the professionalism of the teacher, etc. The following forms of conducting classroom hours have proven themselves well in pedagogical practice. 1. Discussion (debate). A distinctive feature of this form is that the discussion allows you to involve children in discussing the problem posed, helps to develop students’ skills in analyzing facts and phenomena, defending their point of view with reason, listening and understanding other opinions and positions.

2. Role-playing game is a form of collective creative activity that allows students to discuss a problem, increase its understanding, evoke empathy, and try to find a solution with the help of a theatrical game. Options for conducting role-playing games can be different: “mock trial”, “press conference”, “asked and answered”, dramatization of a literary work, etc. 3. Oral journal - a form of expanding and deepening schoolchildren’s knowledge about history, culture, people’s lives, etc. The number and topics of magazine pages are determined in advance and distributed among creative groups of students. 4. A socio-cultural project is an independent study by students of various socially significant problems and the creation of a socially significant product. During the class hour, elements of project activities can be used. 5. An informational class hour can be overview (introduces current events in the country and the world), thematic (introduces the problems of today, their analysis and the attitude of various segments of the population and professionals to this problem). The main forms of work during the information hour: - newspaper reports; - retelling events in the world and the country using quotes from newspapers and magazines; An important part of the overall organizational work is preparing the premises for this event. The room in which the class hour will be held must be clean and ventilated. The topic of the class hour can be written on the interactive board, where, in addition to it, the issues to be discussed are indicated. During class time, students are seated the way they want. The duration of the class hour must be reasonable. An experienced class teacher tries not to drag out the class hour, to finish it before the children feel tired:  1-4 grades, a class hour can last up to 15-20 minutes,  5-8 grades 20 - 30 minutes,  9 - 11 grades - more than 1 hour (when a current topic that interests every student is discussed).  Goal: students’ assimilation of accepted values, norms, and patterns of behavior.  Content: the definition of the topic and content is chosen by the teacher.  Activities: often the only organizer of activities and communication is the class teacher; interaction is based on monologue, frontal and group forms of work; joint activities are regulated in accordance with the plan developed by the teacher. When analyzing, attention is paid to the volume, novelty, and spiritual value of the transmitted information. The main components of the classroom  Target - target settings should be associated, first of all, with the development of the child’s individuality, with the design and establishment of his unique way of life.  Meaningful - the content of the class hour is personally significant. It includes the material necessary for self-realization and self-affirmation of the child’s personality.  Organizational and active - students are full-fledged organizers of the class hour. The actual participation and interest of each child, the actualization of his life experience, the manifestation and development of individuality.  Evaluative-analytical - the criteria for assessing the effectiveness of a class hour are the manifestation and enrichment of the child’s life experience, the individual and personal significance of the acquired information, which influences the development of the individuality and creative abilities of students. Preparation of class hour. Each class teacher has his own “secrets” for a successful class, but the preparatory stage plays an important role. Classroom preparation can be based on the following plan:  determining the topic of conversation with students; An hour of communication is a joint creativity of an adult and children. In order for students to look forward to each new opportunity to speak frankly, they must take an active part not only in the preparation and conduct of class time, but also in determining the topics of communication hours. Discuss with the children a range of issues that interest them, “collect a basket of problems” and, taking into account the wishes of the students, formulate the topic of class hours.  formulation of goals and objectives of the class; draw up a plan (scenario),  together with students, select the necessary material, visual aids, musical accompaniment, possible presentation on the topic;  give specific tasks to students for preliminary preparation (if provided for in the script);  determining the feasibility of participation in the class by other teachers, parents, specialists on the topic under discussion, and high school students.  conducting a class hour;  analysis and assessment of the effectiveness of the class hour and the activities for its preparation and implementation.

The topics of class hours are varied. It is determined in advance and reflected in the plans of class teachers. It is advisable to involve students and their parents in planning.

 Determining the topic of conversation with students;  Formulation of goals and objectives of the class;  Selection of necessary materials and equipment;  Creation of an initiative group of students, distribution of assignments between them;  Determining the advisability of participating in the class hour with other teachers, parents, and specialists on the topic under discussion. Class hour technology Introductory part (5 minutes) Goal: to switch children from educational activities to another type of activity, to arouse interest in this type of activity, positive emotions. Typical mistakes: duplicating the beginning of the lesson, taking too long. Recommendations: the effective switching of children to extracurricular activities is facilitated by: 1. surprise in the organizational moment, i.e. the use of riddles, problem questions, game moments, sound recordings, etc. 2. changing the organization of children (positioning children on the carpet, in a circle) or moving to another room (school museum, library, music class, etc.) Main (content) part (30 minutes) Goal: implementation of the main idea of ​​the lesson. Typical mistakes: 1. The teacher is active while the children are partially or completely passive. 2. Monotony of methods - only conversation or story. 3. The predominance of methods of forming consciousness over methods of forming behavior. 4. Creating a learning atmosphere for the lesson. 5. Edification. Recommendations: 1. The educational effect will be greater if children are as active as possible in class. In activating children in the classroom, the creation of a special emotional atmosphere, different from the lesson, is of paramount importance. For example, children are not required to raise their hand and stand up. To maintain discipline, special rules are introduced: the one to whom the arrow pointed answers, the forfeit fell, etc. 2. The creation of a warm atmosphere is facilitated by the absence of value judgments in the teacher’s speech: “right”, “wrong”, “well done”, and the use of friendly assessments instead , emotional reactions: “How interesting”, “Thank you for the new version”, “Wow!”, Wow!” Final part (10 minutes) Purpose: to set up children for the practical application of the acquired experience and determine to what extent they succeeded in realizing the idea of ​​the lesson. Typical mistakes: this part is ignored altogether or reduced to two questions: “Did you like it?”, “What new did you learn?” Recommendations: 1. Test tasks in a form that is attractive to children: crossword puzzle, mini-quiz, blitz, game situation and others to determine primary results. 2. Various recommendations for children on applying the acquired experience in their personal lives (this could be showing books on a given problem; discussing situations in which children can apply the skills or information acquired in class; advice - what they can tell their loved ones, what to ask on this topic; where you can go, what you can pay attention to, what you can play, what you can do yourself). Classroom analysis There are two sides to the analysis: The first side is a joint analysis of the teacher and students (reflection). The other side is pedagogical analysis:  Why? For what? - needs, characteristics, interests.  What? - goal  How? - methods, forms of work. Activity, involvement, interest, emotional state of students. Good luck, difficulties.  And what do we get from this? - result, continuation of work Tips for conducting a class hour  From subject information to information assessment;  From general assessments to detailed judgments;  Attention to student performances;  Emphasis on important points;  Reflections with children;  Joint search for solutions to problems;  Taking into account the psychological characteristics of students’ perception of the material (poor attention, change of activity/musical pause/physical minute/thorny question). Parable “The Shop of Opportunities” “Once a man had a dream that he was walking through the city and entered a trading shop. He wanders for a long time among a variety of exotic fruits and vegetables. There are very strange and unusual fruits and berries there, not even close to those he had previously seen. Some attract him with their incredible colors, others with their aroma, and others with the exquisite sounds coming from the cores of the fruit. And, of course, each person chooses the fruit that he likes; it often turns out that this is exactly what he needs. But as soon as the buyer picks up the fruit, it disappears, and only a tiny seed remains in the palm of his hand. Quite surprised, the man decided to cheat and approached the owner of the shop: “Please give me that fruit over there,” he said and pointed to the shelf. The owner of the shop served the most beautiful exotic fruit, but as soon as he touched his hand, it disappeared, and a tiny seed lay on the palm. Seeing the surprise on the buyer’s face, the shop owner said: “We don’t sell fruits, we sell seeds.”

Conclusion: Classroom plays a big role in the lives of students. This is a form of mass educational work that is flexible in content and structure, which is a specially organized out-of-class communication between the class teacher and class students in order to facilitate the formation and development of the class team and the self-actualization of participants in educational interaction.

There is a wide variety of forms that a class teacher can use to organize communication during thematic classroom hours. The choice of form depends on:

1) the goals that the teacher set for this meeting with students;

2) the age of schoolchildren;

3) existing conditions and available funds;

4) the experience of the teacher.

The most common forms of conducting thematic classes are:

1) conversation on a specific topic (students discuss a given topic, which teaches them to form and express their opinions);

2) discussion, disputation, debate , (the class is divided into groups, whose representatives speak out in defense of opposing positions on this issue; this form helps to involve students in the discussion of various problems, teaches them to listen and understand the opinions of others, and defend their point of view);

3) deliberative groups (the class is divided into small groups, each of which discusses a given topic or problem for a short period of time, then a representative of the group reports the conclusions made by his team; this form of conducting a class hour promotes communication within the group, the development of thinking in children, and the ability to work in a team , make independent discoveries when studying the material);

4) role-playing game (a problematic situation is briefly played out, after which students have the opportunity to discuss, analyze and draw conclusions; this form helps to better understand the problem by feeling it through playing a particular role);

5) thematic lecture (topics important for schoolchildren are covered, such as smoking, drug addiction, safety, health, etc.; in addition, lectures can be educational - about culture, traditions, biographies, etc.);

6) lecture forum (discussion of the topic after the lecture - enlivens the lecture itself, stimulates students to show interest in the information presented);

7) class meeting (responsibilities are distributed among students, various instructions are given, reports on the implementation of these instructions are heard);

8) hour of communication (this form involves consideration of topics of interest to students, solving problems that have arisen in the class through their discussion; teaches students to be frank with each other and the teacher, not to be afraid and to be able to resolve conflict situations);

9) Questions and answers (teacher and students have the opportunity to ask each other any questions that interest them, which promotes the development of relationships between them, openness and helps solve emerging problems);

10) excursion (allows you to usefully organize students’ leisure time);

11) travel games (develop the imagination of students, help expand their horizons in a playful way);

12) trainings (they teach schoolchildren the correct behavior in certain situations, reinforcing this in practice through playing certain scenarios);

13) conferences (they teach schoolchildren to take certain issues seriously, work independently with information material, prepare a topic, speak in front of an audience);

14) symposium, symposium forum (several children are offered material to present on various aspects of the topic being discussed; after the symposium, an informal discussion of the topic can be held with the whole group);

15) seminar (the class works on researching a topic under the guidance of an expert);

16) commission, commission forum (several children, well prepared on a given topic, participate in a free discussion of this topic in front of the whole class, discussions are possible, followed by a discussion of the information heard by all students);

17) master classes (students are divided into interest groups under the guidance of several experts, specific topics are discussed in the groups; such groups can be organized to listen to various speeches, watch demonstrations, discuss different aspects of the same topic, work, practice and assessment);

18) working groups (all students in the class are divided into groups, which are given certain tasks that they must complete; such groups promote student cooperation and communication with each other);

19) theatrical performances (develop the creative potential of students, contribute to their cultural education);

20) games similar to television shows such as “KVN”, “Brain Ring”, “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”, “Finest Hour”, etc.(cognitive material is presented in a form that is interesting to students; participation in teams develops the ability to unite).

This is not a complete list of possible forms of conducting classroom hours. Any new forms available in the school setting can be used. The main thing is that the students find it interesting and that the class achieves the goals set by the leader.

Below are some of the forms themed classroom hours will be discussed in more detail.

To help the teacher

The teacher should not allow himself to take an overly didactic tone during the class hour. Such an attitude will only suppress the initiative and desire of schoolchildren to express their own opinions.

During class hours, it is very important to be able to create a comfortable microclimate in the classroom, otherwise students will feel uncomfortable, constrained, and indecisive. It will be difficult for them to decide to express their opinion for fear of not being heard, misunderstood, or not accepted by others.

You can suggest certain rules for communication in the classroom. For example, these:

1) respect each other;

2) treat the opinion of others with attention and respect;

3) if one person speaks, no one interrupts him until he finishes his thought;

4) if someone wants to speak, they should raise their hand and not shout from their seats, etc.

It will be even better if the teacher invites students to jointly develop similar rules of behavior. Their participation in drawing up the rules will encourage students to be more disciplined in their implementation.

The main and, perhaps, the only form of “educational work” - the classroom hour - gradually lost the signs of a collective educational event. Classroom hours are moving further and further away from modern schoolchildren, in which not only problems of academic performance were solved, but also events were held in “areas of education”: aesthetic, political, moral, etc. As a rule, they were carried out “frontally” and were addressed to the entire team . With all the shortcomings of collectivist education, they nevertheless provided one of the few opportunities for schoolchildren to communicate and contact the teacher outside of class.

As usually happens during periods of sudden changes, the baby was thrown out with the bathwater. Educational work with students was expelled along with the boring “events”. Imperceptibly, she moved into the sphere of working with families at parent-teacher meetings. But the need for communication between students, as well as the need for students to address the teacher as an elder, a helping comrade, remained. Consequently, the not yet completely expelled class hour can and should serve to solve educational problems. True, at a completely different organizational and content level.

What can replace the collective as a goal, means and form of education? It is obvious that Union children for education and training is an inevitable form of working with them both today and in the future. It is impossible to get away from it, not only because there are no means for individualizing education, but because unification - in various forms - is always more advantageous than the most impeccable individual work with the student.

We have already discussed the advantages of associations. The difference is based on a humanistic approach to association, where the main value is the interests of the individual, which are always a priority over the interests of the association and, paradoxically, precisely because of this ensure the overall success of the association, expressed in the most effective achievement of a common goal.

Second distinctive peculiarity - in the process of achieving a common goal of activity. This happens due to the differentiation of the means to achieve it. Translated into everyday language, this means

provides different ways to solve a common problem for individual members of an association or microgroups existing within it.

Third feature - the need to take into account the desire of a certain number of participants in the association towards a common goal, determined by the conscious needs of each of them to obtain the result they personally desire, which, nevertheless, is important for others.

Fourth feature - the task of the educator (teacher, leader) is considered as a non-violent and discreet organization of conditions for the formation of such interpersonal relationships that are most favorable for the successful achievement of the goal.

The classroom continues to be one of the most important forms of organizing front-line educational work. Sometimes in pedagogical literature and in school practice this form is called an hour of education, an educational hour, an hour of a class teacher. The main thing is to ensure targeted business communication between the class teacher and students and create a healthy moral atmosphere.

Class time is included in the school schedule in advance and is held weekly on a certain day of the week. It is not an additional lesson. The time of its holding is not strictly regulated. It can last 20-30 minutes, and sometimes more than an hour. It all depends on the nature and purpose, on the age of the students, on the form of implementation. During the classroom hours, a free form of communication between the teacher and students prevails. The topics are outlined in advance in the plans of the class teachers. But sometimes classes are held that are not included in the plan. They are dedicated to current events, emergencies in the classroom, city, country.

Classroom hours should not be used for teaching, instruction, or lectures. Experienced class teachers strive to ensure that students do not feel that they are being educated at the moment; the class hour is an hour of communication.

Class hour is one of the links in the system of educational work. If the life and activities of the team are well organized in the classroom, and there is a democratic relationship between the teacher and the students, then the class hours are organized in an interesting way.

Before conducting a class hour, the class teacher solves a number of problems:

Determine the theme and form;

Choose a place and time;

Make a plan for preparing and conducting a class hour,

Involve as many participants as possible in the preparation and implementation process;

Distribute tasks between creative groups and individual participants.

As in any educational event, take into account the age characteristics of children, characteristics of the class, and level of development.

Forms of conducting a class hour may be different:

ethical conversation, dispute, discussion, meeting with an interesting person, travel game, defense of fantastic projects, evening of solved and unsolved mysteries, “Romashka” concert, KVN, music quiz, etc.


A class hour is most often conducted by a class teacher or a creative group (senior grades). He talks with students, introduces them to literary material, identifies and analyzes the public opinion of the class on certain issues. Sometimes class hours are spent by students in the form of discussing current issues in class life, reviewing newspapers and magazines on a certain topic, etc. Class hours should not be similar to one another.

The main requirement is the active participation of all students. The class hour is preceded by a lot of practical activity. Often it continues after him. Individual students or groups of students carry out assignments related to the topic of the class hour (collect material, design stands, albums, etc.). This type of classroom teaching is combined with other forms of educational work.

The most common form of conducting a class hour - ethical conversations.

In the pedagogical literature, ethical conversation is defined both as a method of attracting students to discuss, analyze the actions of peers and to develop moral views, judgments, assessments, and as a form of explaining to schoolchildren norms and principles, understanding the generalization of the moral experience of schoolchildren. Ethical conversation appears in the real educational process both as a form of ethical education and as a method of moral education.

Ethical conversations have become widespread in school practice. Valuable material for ethical conversations can be facts from the life of the school, class, works of fiction, statements by teachers, scientists, articles from newspapers and magazines, etc. It is advisable to involve students in collecting material for conversations.

Ethical conversation acts as one of the traditional forms of education. The main purpose is to help schoolchildren understand complex moral issues, to form a strong moral position in children, to help each student understand their personal moral experience of behavior, to instill in students the ability to develop moral views, assessments, judgments based on

acquired knowledge.

An ethical conversation is based on the analysis and discussion of specific facts and events from the daily lives of children, examples from fiction, periodicals, and films.

Conversations happen group and individual, and software(a system of conversations on the rules of behavior culture, rules for students, etc.). Conversations can also be episodic, related to the current situation in the team.

Ethical conversation is carried out in two ways - inductive and


The main stages of conducting ethical conversations:

Reporting facts about student behavior taken from life or drawing on vivid passages from works of fiction;

Explanation of the given facts and their analysis with the active participation of schoolchildren;

Discussion of conflict situations;

Generalization of facts;

Motivation and formation of moral rules;

Applying learned concepts to assessing your own behavior and the behavior of others.

The content of ethical conversations and the methodology for conducting them largely depend on the age of the students. So, for example, in primary grades, conversations touch on a small range of issues accessible to students, and vivid examples are given from fiction, from programs watched, from the life around them. Ethical conversations with primary school students are most often conducted inductively, when students are exposed to vivid facts that contain certain moral patterns. Already in grades 3-4, some topics of ethical conversations can be carried out deductively, that is, go from the definition of a concept to facts and corresponding conclusions.


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1 Theme of the class hour: “LEARNING TO BE TOLERANT” The purpose of the class hour: to introduce students to the concept of “tolerance”, with the main features of a tolerant and intolerant personality, to develop the ability to adequately and fully know themselves and other people, to develop in students a tolerant and respectful attitude towards others their people; learn to find a compromise in resolving conflict situations between classmates and peers; develop conflict resolution skills. Course of the conversation 1. Introductory speech by the teacher. Teacher: - Today our conversation is devoted to tolerance. November 16 is International Day of Tolerance. Not everyone may be familiar with this, and, at first glance, it sounds completely incomprehensible. But the meaning it carries is very important for the existence and development of human society. A modern cultured person is not only an educated person, but a person who has a sense of self-respect and is respected by others. Tolerance is considered a sign of high spiritual and intellectual development of an individual, group, and society as a whole. - I would like to start our meeting with a conversation about the eternal, about love. There lived on earth a girl named Love. She was bored living in the world without a girlfriend. So she turned to the old, gray-haired wizard who had lived a hundred years: “Help me, grandfather, choose a girlfriend so that I can be friends with her throughout the life God has given me.” The wizard thought and said: - Come to me tomorrow morning, when the first birds are singing and the dew has not yet dried... In the morning, when the scarlet sun illuminated the earth, Love came to the appointed place... She came and saw: five beautiful girls standing, one is more beautiful than the other. “Choose,” said the wizard, “one is called Joy, the other Luck, the third Beauty, the fourth Sadness, the fifth Kindness.” “They are all beautiful,” said Lyubov. I don’t know who to choose... “It’s true,” the wizard answered, “they are all good, and you will meet them in life, and maybe you will be friends, but choose one of them.” She will be your friend for the rest of your life. Love came closer to the girls and

2 looked into each person's eyes. Love thought. Who would you choose? Why? (Music sounds and the continuation of the fairy tale): Love approached a girl named Kindness and extended his hand to her. Why did Love choose Kindness? (Answers) - What should a person be like in order to adapt as quickly as possible to the conditions into which he finds himself after graduating from school? Adaptation of a person to new conditions, both in life and in professional activity, is possible only if he has developed professional and social skills and personality traits. One of these qualities is tolerance. In life, a person communicates with representatives of different nationalities, cultures, worlds, confessions, social strata, so it is important to learn to respect the cultural values ​​of both one’s own people and representatives of another culture, religion, and to learn to find common ground. In addition, tolerance as a personality quality is considered necessary for successful adaptation to new unexpected conditions. People who do not have tolerance, being categorical, turn out to be incapable of the changes that life requires of us. (Then the presenter addresses the event participants). Today we will learn to be tolerant of each other. Why do we need to be tolerant? What do you understand by the word tolerance? Tolerance is the ability to endure something or someone, to be self-possessed, hardy, persistent, to be able to put up with the existence of something or someone, to take into account the opinions of others, to be forgiving. What does a tolerant person do? Tolerance is a form of behavior. A student who wants to live in peace with his classmates must limit himself. Don’t say an extra word, swallow it if someone says something to him. Because if he answers in the same way, they will answer him even worse and a quarrel will begin. And when the showdown begins, then there will be no tolerance. What synonyms of this word do you know? Tolerance. Let's see what different cultures understand by the word tolerance.

3 The board says: tolerancia (Spanish) The ability to recognize ideas or opinions different from one's own. tolerance (French) An attitude in which it is accepted that others may think or act differently than oneself tolerance (English) Willingness to be tolerant, forbearance. kuan rong (Chinese) To allow, accept, be generous towards others. tasamul (Arabic) Forgiveness, forbearance, gentleness, mercy, compassion, benevolence, patience, goodwill towards others. Now listen to the definition of tolerance given in the “Declaration of Principles of Tolerance” (signed on November 16, 1995 in Paris by 185 member states of UNESCO, including Russia): Tolerance means “respect, acceptance and correct understanding of the rich diversity of cultures of our world, our forms of self-expression and ways manifestations of human individuality. It is promoted by knowledge, openness, communication and freedom of thought, conscience and belief. Tolerance is freedom in diversity. This is not only a moral duty, but also a political and legal necessity. Tolerance is a virtue that makes peace possible and helps replace the culture of war with a culture of peace." 2. Work in a group. Teacher: Come up with and draw a symbol of tolerance. Is it possible to live peacefully and not quarrel? How to do it? What examples of tolerant behavior can you give? What standards of behavior in the classroom are considered tolerant?

4 That's right. Now let's read them out loud: A student can express his attitude towards classmates in five ways: generosity, courtesy, goodwill, treating them as himself and being true to his word. Do not do to others what you would not want others to do. Don't do to others what hurts you. In joy and in sorrow, we must treat all people as we treat ourselves. Don't do to your classmate something that makes you feel bad. As you think about yourself, think about others. Consider your neighbor's success your success and your neighbor's loss your loss. In everything you want your classmates to do to you, do the same to them. 3. Conducting a round table on the topic “Tolerance” 1. Groups take one of the above statements as a title and compose a speech of 7 sentences. 2. For their classmates, the groups prepare 3 questions on the topic: “Tolerance in the classroom.” Teacher: So, we have found out that tolerance is the great art of people who are trying to understand each other. Tolerance is support and understanding of differences. But tolerance has its downside. Which side is this? What forms of its manifestation do you know? (Prejudices, wars, conflicts). Conflicts are as old as time. People have always tried to understand the world and each other. Sometimes it's difficult because not everyone sees problems the same way.

5 Listen to an Indian fairy tale and try to determine the reason for the mistake of the sages. THE SAGES AND THE ELEPHANT Once upon a time, in a small town, there lived six blind sages. One day an elephant was brought into the city. The sages wanted to see him. But how? “I know,” said one wise man, “we will feel it.” “Good idea,” said others, “then we will know what kind of elephant he is.” So six people went to see the elephant. The first one felt the large flat ear. It moved slowly back and forth. “An elephant looks like a fan!” - shouted the first sage. The second sage touched the elephant's feet. “He looks like a tree!” - he exclaimed. “You’re both wrong,” said the third, “it looks like a rope.” This man felt the elephant's tail. “An elephant looks like a spear,” exclaimed the fourth. “No, no,” shouted the fifth, “an elephant is like a high wall!” He said this while feeling the elephant's side. The sixth sage tugged at the elephant's trunk. “You are all wrong,” he said, “an elephant is like a snake.” “No, on the rope!” "Snake!" "Wall!" "You are wrong!" "I'm right!" Six blind men shouted at each other for an hour. And they never knew what an elephant looked like. What is this fairy tale about? Why didn't they know what an elephant looked like? You're right. Each person could only imagine what his hands could feel. As a result, everyone thought that he had discovered the truth and knew what an elephant looked like. Nobody wanted to listen to what others had to say. Were the wise men really wise? They had a conflict based on differences in perception. How could wise men know what an elephant really looks like? Rewrite the end of the fairy tale. Each person has his own point of view on this or that subject, since everyone sees and hears the same thing in different ways. 4. Talk show “Point of View”.

6 The teacher selects 7 volunteers from the class who come to the board. The rest of the students are spectators. The topic of discussion is written on the board: “Mobile phone at school.” Each volunteer is given a card describing their role: 1. I am completely against schoolchildren having a cell phone. 2. I fully approve of the use of a telephone at school and think that it could be used not only during breaks, but also during lessons. 3. I cannot yet form my opinion on this issue. 4. I would like to change the topic of conversation and discuss students' more important concerns. 5. I am very emotional and want to discuss all the feelings associated with the subject of conversation. 6. I am a very smart and serious person and would like to receive scientific facts and statistics about the subject of conversation. 7. I don’t like speaking in front of everyone, I’m shy, I don’t want to speak loudly and be noticed. The teacher's job is to “conduct” the group. When he points to a student, he should begin to speak. First, the conductor walks along the entire line, giving everyone the opportunity to briefly state their position. After that, he, at will, points to any player who must continue the conversation from where the previous one left off. The goal of the group is to maintain a conversation even when speakers change points of view. The teacher may switch the conversation from one participant to another in order to create a comic effect or to get the speaker to “pick up” a sentence. At the end of the game, the spectators and the participant draw conclusions about what they saw. Why do conflicts flare up? Inability to get what you want or need; different points of view on the same issue; presence of a third party. Many conflicts arise when children pursue their own selfish interests to the detriment of the interests of the class. Give examples from your life, from literature and films, where the cause of the conflict is the reasons you listed.

7 What results do conflicts lead to? On the board it is written: Three results of conflict 1. Victory - defeat - one side is satisfied, but the other is not satisfied. 2. Defeat defeat - both sides are not satisfied with the result. 3. Victory is victory - both sides come to an agreement. CONFLICT MANAGEMENT RULES: 1. Don’t interrupt. Listen. 2. Don't make assumptions. 3. Don't get personal and don't insult. 4. Really work on solving the problem. Offer multiple solutions to the conflict until you reach an agreement that suits both of you. 5. End on a positive note. Dispute resolution plan: 1. The “victim” must say what he wants to ask. For example: “I want to find out so-and-so, why did you do such-and-such and not do such-and-such?” 2. Talk about the essence of the matter, and not around the bush. Be sure to respond to the expressed misunderstanding and criticism. State your opinion specifically and clearly. 3. Admit your mistake or prove otherwise. Find something pleasant from the other person that characterizes him positively. 5. Conducting performances. Group work.

8 Mock arguments in different areas of the school. Reach the desired compromise using the conflict management rules you have developed. Group 1 in the school library: You lent a textbook to your friend. He lost it and refuses to pay the fine. Group 2 in the gym locker room: A friend borrowed your uniform and didn’t return it. Group 4 in class: Your desk neighbor looks at your notebook during a test and gets you into trouble. Group 4 at recess: Your best friend showed your friend the note you wrote about him. Group 5 in the school yard: Sveta brought a player to school that she received as a gift the day before. Friends wanted to listen. When it was Dima's turn, he accidentally broke one of the buttons. Sveta, seeing this, became terribly angry. Now, let’s write down how to reach an agreement as efficiently as possible. Who would like to read out their examples? What should a written agreement include? 6. Group work. Holding an exhibition of drawings “Let’s forgive each other.” Think and tell me when you are offended by each other? Let each group draw a kind smile on a large piece of Whatman paper and write about what classmates can do for their friends so that they forgive them. What advice would you give to someone who doesn't know how to forgive their friends?

9 All students stand in a circle and join hands. Close your eyes and remember everyone you were offended by for something. Try to mentally forgive them. Reflection. Self-analysis of the class hour on the topic: “Learning to be tolerant” Form of delivery: the class hour was held in the form of a conversation with plot-role tasks, problematic issues in the form of a round table. Purpose of the event: to introduce students to the concept of “tolerance”, to teach them to find a compromise in resolving conflict situations between classmates and peers; develop conflict resolution skills. Objectives: to give students the opportunity to assess the degree of their tolerance; development of attention, memory, creative thinking of students; fostering a sense of collectivism and cohesion; promoting the development of respectful relationships between students. Number of participants: 28 1.Assessment of the content of the educational event This event corresponds to the main directions of the educational work of the school, the level of development of the class team, and the age characteristics of the students. 2. Assessment of the methods of activity of the teacher and students. For the event, a scenario was drawn up taking into account age characteristics and the goals of educational work with students in the class. Taking into account the age characteristics of the students, the event included tasks that were easy to understand, game situations, and group tasks. 3. Assessment of the main characteristics and behavior of students and teachers The event was meaningful, interesting and organized. It was aimed at developing communication skills, a sense of camaraderie, friendship, collectivism and cohesion. Conducted

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Today, one of the most important forms of organizing educational work with students is the classroom hour. It is held once a week, on a certain day and time. During the lesson, the teacher conducts conversations with students, educates them, broadens their horizons, and determines the tasks and goals of the class team.

Basic information

Class time is between the teacher and students. Today it is carried out in every school. The lesson is included in the curriculum and is held, as mentioned above, once a week. Its duration is 40 - 45 minutes.

In general, this policy is not entirely correct. may take less time, since its main task is to complete the tasks set by the teacher. The lesson can be held both in a classroom and in an assembly hall, library, museum, even on the street.

Main goals and objectives

A classroom hour at school has several goals.

First of all, this educational, which is to expand the range of knowledge of students in various areas of life.

Followed by guide. It influences the practical side of schoolchildren’s lives, their behavior and attitude towards life. It is implemented through a conversation about a particular life situation, supported by examples.

The last goal is orienting. With its help, a certain attitude towards the objects of the surrounding reality, spiritual and material values ​​is formed.

The main class hours include:

Creating conditions for the manifestation of students’ individuality;

Enriching their knowledge about the world around them;

Formation of the emotional and sensory sphere;

Formation of a great team.

Forms of conducting

A class hour is an activity that can be conducted not only in the form of a lecture, but also:





Preparation for class

When starting to prepare a class lesson, you need to decide on the topic of the lesson. This can be done in advance by conducting a conversation with students or a survey. When choosing a topic for a class hour, you need to identify the age characteristics of the student and their interests.

Before you write a classroom script, you need to sit down and ask yourself a few key questions:

1. How to get children to participate in class?

2. How and when to carry out the preparatory work?

3. In what tasks will children be able to express themselves most fully?

4. Which of the students can help in conducting the class hour?

5. How to properly summarize the lesson?

The answers to these questions should be written down on paper and periodically returned to them as you write your lesson notes.

After this, it is necessary to begin drawing up a script and carrying out preparatory work. In some situations, you can use ready-made classroom developments taken from specialized magazines for teachers and various Internet resources. But it is important to remember that most of them require amendments. Thus, certain tasks may seem too difficult to children or may not interest them. Such tasks should be replaced with easier or more interesting ones.

In general, preparation consists of the following points:

  1. Defining the topic and objectives.
  2. Determining the place and time of the event.
  3. Identifying key points.
  4. Preparation of plan and script.
  5. Selection of material.
  6. Room decoration.
  7. Determining class participants.

After the lesson, it is necessary to carry out its analysis.

Lesson structure

When preparing a lesson, it is necessary to take into account that the class hour has its own structure. In general, it is the same as the structure of any lesson:

  1. Introduction, the main task of which is to activate the attention of students and identify the problem.
  2. The main part, the content of which is determined by the objectives of the class hour.
  3. The final part, which stimulates the students' needs for self-education.

Social hour

One of the forms in which a class hour can be held is an hour of communication. It is defined as a joint creative process between a child and an adult. Children take part in organizing an hour of communication along with adults, and together with the teacher they determine the topic and range of interests.

The hour of communication has one important rule - to create a favorable environment in which each of the students can express their opinion without fear.

The main forms of communication hour include:


Role-playing game;

Oral Journal;

Social and cultural project.

Information class hour

Classroom hours can also be carried out in the form of defense and implementation of information projects, political minutes.

The main goal of such an activity is to develop an understanding of one’s own importance and the need to participate in the socio-political life of the country and the world as a whole. During the information class hour, children learn to understand complex modern problems and react correctly to what is happening around them.

The main forms of work in such lessons:

Newspaper reports;

Retelling an event using quotes;

Working with a dictionary;

Working with a political map;

Commenting on information;

Formulating problematic questions and searching for answers to them;

Viewing and discussion of video materials.


A few words about what the theme of class hours might be. Classes may be devoted to:

  1. Moral and ethical problems.
  2. Issues in the field of science.
  3. Aesthetic problems
  4. Issues of state and law.
  5. Psychological issues.
  6. Features of physiology and hygiene.
  7. Healthy lifestyle issues.
  8. Environmental problems.
  9. General school problems.

Within the framework of a particular topic, you can conduct a whole series of classroom hours, united by one goal and having similar tasks.

Sample Topics

Based on the interests of the students and their age, the topics of class hours can be as follows:

For 5th grade students:

  1. "How do I see myself in... years?"
  2. "What am I?"
  3. "Books around us."
  4. "What I can?"

For 6th grade students:

  1. "My hobbies".
  2. "I'm at school and at home."
  3. "Your own opinion. Is it important?"
  4. "My strengths and weaknesses."
  5. "Learning to listen and hear."

In 7th grade you can spend educational hours on the following topics:

  1. "I want and I can."
  2. "Learning to manage ourselves."
  3. "Attention and attentiveness."
  4. "Tell me who your friend is."

In 8th grade you can spend class hours on the following topics:

  1. "What is genius and talent?"
  2. "Training your memory."
  3. "Responsibility and safety."
  4. "The country of my dreams."

9th grade students will be interested in the following conversations:

  1. "Man and Creativity".
  2. "My rights".
  3. "My future profession".
  4. "Beauty in our lives."

For 10th grade, it is advisable to prepare the following classroom hours:

  1. "Me and my surroundings."
  2. "Adulthood - what is it?"
  3. "Human shortcomings: causes and consequences."
  4. "Learning to control ourselves."

In 11th grade you can spend hours on the topic:

  1. “Will the school remember me?”
  2. "My professional choice."
  3. "My purpose."
  4. "Humor in human life."

During the winter period, you can conduct a class hour “Flu Prevention”, as well as “Injury Prevention”, “Rules of Conduct on Ice”, “How to Behave in Winter”, “Holidays without Violations” and others.

An interesting move that a teacher can make to determine the topics of classes is to announce class plans at the beginning of the year or semester and give the children the opportunity to independently propose certain topics, supplement the existing plan, and offer to participate in their preparation.

Don’t forget to hold KVN games, during which students can test their knowledge and skills. The form of the event should also be changed occasionally. For example, today there was a lecture, which means next time it could be an excursion or conversation.

To conduct a class more effectively, you must adhere to the following tips:

1. The room in which the lesson is held must be clean and ventilated.

2. It is advisable to decorate the office with flowers. You can use both real and artificial ones.

3. The topic of the class hour must be written on the board. It would also be appropriate to use an aphorism.

4. Don’t forget about multimedia projectors and presentations, they will significantly increase students’ interest in the material.

5. When conducting surveys and tests, use forms. Do not forget about visual materials - brochures, booklets.

6. Pay special attention to preparing for the lesson if it is a class hour in elementary school. The peculiarities of the development and perception of children are such that educational hours are best spent in the form of games and travel. This way you can interest students much faster and attract their attention.

7. Do not forget about the comfort of students. Let them sit however they like. You can also arrange the desks in a circle, or move two desks into one if group work is expected.

8. Don’t be afraid to invite specialists to the class - doctors, psychologists, historians, librarians. Of course, if they understand the topic of your class better than you and can tell you a lot of useful information.


Class hour is one of the most important. It is held once a week. During the lesson, the teacher raises the cultural level of students, shapes their life attitudes and values, and organizes the team. The form can be any, depending on the topic of the lesson and the goals set by the teacher.

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