Satanic and demonic sects. Satanists What Satanism Really Is

Satanism is a religion that has perhaps the most dubious reputation in the world. Very often this movement is branded as a catalyst for the most heinous and brutal crimes. However, despite this, Satanism exists and continues to develop. According to unofficial statistics, there are currently several million adherents of this religion in the world.

Who do the followers of this dark movement consider their patron? In Abrahamic movements, Satan is, first of all, the main antagonist of the heavenly forces and the Creator in particular. Even his name itself is translated from Hebrew as “one who resists God.” Common synonyms for Satan are:

  • Devil.
  • Lucifer.
  • Sly.
  • Beelzebub.

Representatives of the most widespread religions today - Christianity and Islam - consider Satan the main culprit of all human misfortunes, the personification of evil, pushing people onto the path of spiritual death. After seducing Eve in paradise, this once beautiful angel was turned by the Creator into a vile snake, forced to crawl on his belly all his life.


So, Satanism is a movement or religion whose representatives consider the enemy of God, the rebel Satan, as their patron. The origin of this trend, which is quite numerous today, dates back to approximately the beginning of the 20th century. However, Satanism, of course, cannot be considered a completely new teaching. For example, the same humanistic revolution of the Renaissance can be presented not only as an essentially anti-Christian, but even an anti-religious movement. Its adherents opposed the advice of the Apostle Paul on achieving eternal life through spirituality with the active assertion of the interests and rights of the flesh.

All kinds of occult and magical secret societies existed in different centuries in different countries. Actually, Satanism itself did not exist, but some Catholic priests in past centuries performed the Black Mass and other dark rituals. From literature, for example, the French witch-diabolist La Voisine, who lived during the time of Louis XV, is known. This woman is credited with carrying out a huge number of dark rituals, including the sacrifice of babies, as well as many poisonings.

Aleister Crowley

Diabolism has flourished in this way, perhaps, for as long as Christianity has existed. The history of modern Satanism began with Aleister Crowley. It is this man who is considered by many to be the ideological inspirer of the dark movement. A. Crowley became famous primarily for actively promoting this religion at the beginning of the twentieth century.

Modern Satanists do not like to advertise the fact that it was Crowley who “recreated” various supposedly ancient spells and rituals. Therefore, today the name of this occultist is quite thoroughly forgotten. Once upon a time he was considered the “great magician of the twentieth century.” A. Cowley became famous not only for his numerous sexual orgies with the use of drugs and his loyal attitude to National Socialism, but also for some scientific works.

The idea of ​​a superman

In addition to Aleister Crowley, the German philosopher and representative of irrationalism Friedrich Nischze is also considered the inspirer of modern Satanism. It is his idea of ​​the superman that in this movement is the equivalent of an individual who is capable of finding for himself the main goal and meaning of life on his own.

Anton LaVey

Thus, Satanism is a dark movement, the ideological inspirers of which can be considered Aleister Crowley and Friedrich Nischze. The founder of the new Church of Satan in the last century was an American of French origin, Anton LaVey. It was this man who formulated the main provisions of the new doctrine in the 60s. Almost all modern Satanists are members of Anton LaVey's Church of Satan.

Satan's Commandments

People who for some reason are interested in this religion would probably like to know what the commandments of Satanism are. Of course, this religion also has its own philosophy. There are only nine commandments of Satan. They look something like this:

  • instead of abstinence, a person should indulge his instincts;
  • instead of spiritual dreams, one should choose a full existence in the material world;
  • enemies need to take revenge, and not turn the other cheek;
  • Instead of hypocritical self-deception, it is worth showing wisdom;
  • mercy can be shown not to flatterers, but only to those who deserve it;
  • You should behave responsibly only with responsible people, and not with spiritual vampires;
  • man is the animal most dangerous to all other animals;
  • all sins, which Satan personifies, do not lead to spiritual death, but to physical, emotional and mental satisfaction.

"Black Bible"

The main provisions of the dark doctrine, including the commandments of Satan, were set out by Anton LaVey in a book specially written for this purpose. It is called “The Satanic Bible” and includes four main sections:

  • "The Book of Satan"
  • "The Book of Lucifer".
  • "The Book of Belial".
  • "The Book of Leviathan."

According to many representatives of the intelligentsia, The Satanic Bible is a completely consistent and rational work that can arouse interest primarily among teenagers and young adults. Judging by this work, generally accepted ideas about this religion are often erroneous. After all, the ideology of Satanism is often presented as condoning irresponsible and cruel actions. However, judging by the work “The Satanic Bible”, such behavior is absolutely at odds with the basic ethics of this teaching. In LaVey's religion, the independence of the individual is placed at the forefront. That is, a person must answer for his actions to himself, and not to God or the devil.

Actually, the Fallen Angel himself, according to LaVey’s teachings, is a symbol of freedom, rebellion against injustice, and self-development. The status of the Church of Satan in our time is official. It is allowed in many countries of the world. In our country, the Russian Satanic Church was officially registered in May 2016.

The main symbols of Satanism

Initially, this religion was designated mainly only by inverted crucifixes. After the publication of LaVey's Bible, the main symbol of Satanism became a pentagram with an image of a goat (Baphomet) inside. Of course, this pentacle was not invented by the founder of the Church himself. Most likely, its prototype is the symbol of the Goat of Mendes (the incarnation of Neter Amon). The latter was called by the Egyptian priests “hidden, abiding in things” and was considered a kind of dark force that permeates all nature.

The inverted cross and Baphomet are thus the main symbols of Satanism. But they are, of course, far from the only ones. Includes religions and other signs. For example, three sixes are very common. They can be displayed either as 666 itself or as FFF (F is the sixth letter of the English alphabet).

Satanism as a religion: gods

In essence, there are, of course, no gods as such in this movement. The main patron of the flock in this case is Satan himself. Also, in their rituals, representatives of such movements can turn to various kinds of demons. In addition to Baphomet, the most popular include:

  • Astaroth.
  • Hippopotamus.
  • Abadonna.
  • Leviathan.
  • Asmodea.

These are, of course, not exactly the gods of Satanism. Demons in this religion are considered rather different faces of Lucifer himself. Sometimes representatives of this movement also use fictional dark characters in rituals. For example, LaVey’s book “Satanic Rituals” describes a way to appeal to Of course, Satanists also believe in Jehovah. After all, Satan must resist someone.


The essence of Satanism lies, therefore, in the freedom of choice of a person and his independence from any Higher powers. Of course, there is more to this religion than just symbols and philosophy. As already mentioned, its representatives also conduct various kinds of rituals.

According to A. LaVey, fantasy plays an important role in any religious activity. It can manifest itself to the maximum only when performing special ritual actions. Therefore, the founder of the Church of Satan developed several rituals, which can be divided into two main categories:

  • practical actionable;
  • ceremonial.

The magic of Satanism is usually based on appealing to some kind of demons in order to achieve personal goals. Satanists do not consider LaVey's well-known Black Mass to be ceremonial. In their opinion, this is precisely an effective ritual, the main purpose of which is liberation from the dogmas of the Christian church.

It is also believed that both men and women can perform satanic rituals. Of course, when performing rituals, their participants also use all kinds of symbols of Satanism - inverted stars, black candles, crosses, pentagrams.

Satanic "sins"

The main qualities that representatives of the LaVey movement should not have are:

  • stupidity;
  • lack of open-mindedness;
  • ignorance of the experience of generations;
  • herd conformism;
  • unproductive pride;
  • rudeness of nature, lack of a sense of aesthetic, noble;
  • solipsism;
  • tendency to self-deception;
  • pretentiousness.

Satan and Lucifer - what's the difference?

For many people, these two characters are identical. However, historically there is still a difference between Satan and Lucifer. The most important difference between these names is age. Lucifer is a much more ancient demon, appearing in mythology back in the pre-Christian era. For example, the Romans identified him with the morning star - Venus. From ancient Greek the name “Lucifer” is translated as “Bearer of Light.” Since ancient times, this demon has been a symbol of the desire for freedom, open rebellion. Satanism itself professes the same principles (photos of rituals and symbols of this religion are presented on the page).

In the Christian understanding, Lucifer is actually the Fallen Angel, who declared himself equal to God (in revenge for the latter’s love for people) and rebelled. As a result, he and the angels who joined him (a third of the entire composition) were overthrown into hell, where they remain to this day.

Satan, compared to Lucifer, appears to be a somewhat more down-to-earth character. No wonder he is considered the Prince of Peace. Satan was first mentioned in the Torah, a Jewish religious book from which Christians and Muslims later drew information. Here Satan is presented for the most part simply as an accuser or witness to man's bad deeds. Actually, he was transformed into the personification of evil, the enemy of God, only in Christianity and Islam.


This ancient pagan god is also often identified with the concept we are considering (Satanism). The Devil and Beelzebub in some sources are identical characters. Historically, the latter is believed to represent a transformation of the ancient Eastern god Baal-Zebub. And this deity, in turn, was once allegedly offered numerous sacrifices, including human ones. And, of course, Christianity put an end to this.

There is no reliable archaeological evidence that people were sacrificed in the temples of Baal, however. Actually, this god was transformed into Beelzebub back in the Middle Ages. In the apocryphal Gospel of Nicodemus, he is called the prince of the underworld, the supreme ruler of the infernal empire. In some cases, in ancient sources, Beelzebub is identified with Satan, in others he is considered his main assistant.

Lilith - the first woman

Of course, Satan, like almost any self-respecting god, also has a wife. In fact, he has four of them. However, the main one in this case is Lilith - the first woman who escaped from paradise. According to the Alphabet of Ben Sira, three angels were sent after her by the Creator. However, Lilith flatly refused to return to her husband. For such an offense, God punished her by having 100 of her demon children die every night.

In Jewish philosophy, Lilith is a winged monster that harms newborns. Jews believe that at night she abducts babies and drinks their blood or replaces them with demons. She does not touch, by agreement with the angels sent by God, only those children whose name is written above their bed.

In the Kabbalistic tradition, Lilith is a demon who appears to men, seduces and then kills them. It was in the literature of this orientation that she was first mentioned as the wife of Samael (book of the Zohar).

In the modern satanic tradition, Lilith can be identified with many black goddesses - Kali, Hecate, Helyu, etc. We can talk about two Liliths - the elder and the younger. The first is actually the wife of Satan, and the second is the wife of the demon Asmodeus.

Other wives

In addition to Lilith, the consorts of Satan and the mothers of demons are also considered:

  • Naama;
  • Agrat;
  • Ishet Zennunim.

There are other female demons in Satanism - Lamia, Mahhalat, Elizadra. Lilith is different from the others in that she used to be mortal. Most of the other demonesses were cast out of heaven along with Lucifer. In rituals carried out by representatives of this movement, among other things, such signs of Satanism as the “Black Moon” of Lilith and the lamen of Naama can be used.

The opinion of the pagans

Thus, for the Jews, Satan is a witness to human actions, a slanderer and an accuser before God. For Christians, this character is the personification of evil, leading a person astray from the true path. What do pagans think about Satanism? Christians are known to dislike both of these religions. Indeed, Satanism and paganism have something in common - the rejection of God or gods as a force that needs to be worshiped in any way. Well, or to whom you can shift responsibility for your actions. However, many Satanists consider the Creator to be an enemy whom Lucifer will sooner or later defeat. Pagans, of course, have a slightly different attitude towards the gods. Representatives of this religion do not consider them as some kind of Absolute that controls human life, but rather as more powerful partners than people. Representatives of this religion do not consider any god to be an enemy.

The majority of pagans do not deny the existence of Yahweh. However, many representatives of this religion consider him quite boring, angry and unbalanced. Some pagans equate Yahweh with the dark principle - the devil, explaining this, among other things, by the similarity of the very names of these two characters.

Actually, representatives of this religion sometimes identify Lucifer himself with the god Wotan (Odin) or the Russian Veles. Also, sometimes Satan in this religion can be associated with Chernobog.

Satanism in the Russian Federation today

In our country, Satanism as a religion appeared during the USSR. In Moscow, for example, the first such groups were noted in the 70s. At that time, however, they were very few in number. But gradually this religion gained popularity in the USSR, spreading to other large and small cities. In the 80s, quite large satanic societies had already appeared in the country. In the 90s, being a follower of one of these groups also became very fashionable.

At the moment, Satanism in Russia is represented mainly by the religious society “Russian Church of Satan”, whose members are followers of La Vey. Of course, there are other, mostly closed and secret movements of a similar orientation in the Russian Federation today. Among the most famous are the following: “Black Angel”, “Southern Cross”, “Green Order”.

In general, the entire spectrum of adherents of dark forces in Russia is divided into two main groups:

  • actually the Satanists themselves;
  • demon worshipers.

With some stretch, all kinds of practicing sorcerers and witches can be considered followers of Lucifer.

Christians on Satanism

The attitude of members of the Russian Orthodox Church towards representatives of this movement, of course, in most cases is sharply negative. Christians are trying with all their might to bring this movement to naught. Moreover, they direct their religious anger not only at the Satanists themselves, but also at all movements classified by the Russian Orthodox Church as such, and even at representatives of culture. For example, in 2014, problems arose with the pro-Satanic Polish group Behemoth. The latter, on the initiative of Orthodox activists, was even expelled from Russia (officially for violating the visa regime).

Of course, Christian priests also express their opinions about this religion. For example, those who wish can read A. Kuraev’s book “Satanism for the Intelligentsia.” It is dedicated not only to this dark current itself. It also talks about other directions and movements classified by the Russian Orthodox Church as Satanism.

Among such religions in the book “Satanism for the Intelligentsia” Kuraev includes, for example, the “Living Ethics” of the excommunicated Roerichs, paganism, occultism, Blavatsky’s theosophy, etc.

Light Satanism

There is such a movement in the world today. It is believed that light Satanism is primarily a philosophical worldview based on common sense. Representatives of this movement put their own minds and life experience accumulated in past years at the forefront. The main god of light Satanism is Satanail. The light in this flow symbolizes human consciousness, not clouded by any dogmas. After all, one of Satan’s names—Lucifer—literally means “Lightbringer.”

Light Satanists, unlike ordinary ones, do not perform magical rituals. Representatives of this movement believe that they, being, in fact, crutches, are simply not needed. In really bad situations, when it is impossible to do anything on your own, a bright Satanist can turn to Satanail for help. The main moral principle of this teaching is the freedom to choose one's own path.

Little known facts

Actually, almost everyone knows about Satanism itself today. For the most part, people believe that representatives of this movement summon demons, hold a black mass, wear inverted crosses, make sacrifices to their dark god from time to time, etc. There are several little-known facts associated with this church that the reader may want to know to know:

    In order to become a member of the LaVey Church of Satan, you need to make a fairly large financial contribution. Once upon a time this amount was only about $2. Today, due to inflation, you can join this church for only $200.

    Officially, the Church of Satan is categorically against any black magic. Its representatives do not practice “evil” rituals.

    The biggest sinners in the eyes of Satanists are people lacking intellect.

The Encyclopedia Satanica lists 16 different groups as Satanism. Their ideologies vary greatly. There are different satanic cults in the world today - from those dedicated to Cthulhu to gnostic esoteric ones.

The murders committed by Satanists in the town of Matamoros in 1989 were just the tip of the iceberg. Already in several cases, young men and women who committed suicide, either alone or in entire groups, admitted in their suicide notes that they did this because they were unable to leave the sect in any other way without endangering their family and friends. Even three-year-old children are threatened with devilish punishment by Satanists if they talk about the atrocities they have witnessed. One boy, the son of Pat Pallian, left his parents a note saying that the teacher who taught him the game "Dungeons and Dragons" told him to sacrifice his father and mother. And other children tell similar stories to their frightened parents.

High-profile cases such as the murders in which members of the Son of Sam sect were accused, or the murders in Matamoros, indicate the existence of a network of Satanists spread at all levels of our society. But that is not all. Such cases show how dangerous it is when young people allegedly simply “play Satanists” - this is how those who are inclined to embellish the reality speak of them, not wanting to see the massive spread of Satanism among young people. Kids can develop their own rituals by reading Anton LaVey's The Satanic Bible or listening to some rock star howl; At first, they may simply cover the walls with satanic signs, but “playing Satanism” is not just a form of teenage rebellion. "Do what you want!" - says the Satanic Bible. Willingness to violate all Divine commandments is the main condition of the pact with the devil, which is being concluded by more and more children in our time. And in the end, Satan demands from them that they break the commandment “thou shalt not kill.”

There are now more than 1,100 satanic sects operating in the United States alone. Yes, many of them do not commit crimes. But many do! And, of course, the list that we were able to compile from publications in the press and bulletins posted on the Internet is far from complete. Many satanic communities operate in secret. Children are often dragged there by relatives. Other children are recruited at school or in the yard by cruel adults who set out to turn them into juvenile delinquents or terrorists. And sometimes such recruiters choose children to sacrifice.

The satanic network has entangled both the United States and other countries. This is a network with well-established horizontal and vertical connections; Satanists are associated with organized crime, especially drug traffickers and the porn mafia. They also have contacts with terrorist organizations such as Sendero Luminoso, Red Brigades, skinheads and openly neo-fascist groups. For example, Charles Manson was considered a hero in the Weathermen terrorist group, which operated in the United States in the 70s.

And although Satanists always try to find cover, because of their criminal acts they are increasingly appearing before the public.

Nowadays, Satanism has penetrated all strata of American society, from the very top to the black ghettos. The soil for him is manured by cultural degradation: the spread of pornography, hard rock, and the destruction of family values. Children and youth are overwhelmed by a wave of propaganda extolling irrationalism and denying traditional religious tenets. The most obvious example is horoscopes published in every newspaper. But the anti-scientific propaganda that the “greens” are engaged in is even more insidious, because it further undermines traditional values.

The environmental movement is fundamentally pagan. His goal is to establish the idea that the Earth is more important than man. This is openly manifested in the cult of Gaia (the goddess of the Earth in ancient Rome), which is now very popular in environmentalist circles. Conversely, pagan cults are absolutely environmentally friendly in nature. Even if they do not openly deify demons or the devil, pagans still worship “the forces of nature” instead of God.

There is a certain geographical connection between the satanic sects, and with all their visible diversity - new sects periodically appear, and old ones disintegrate or transform into something else - the same people have retained supreme power in them for decades. For example, California is one of the hubs for sects. Any kind, not just openly satanic ones. And Florida and Mexico are connected through Texas for that matter. There are many indications that there is a real mafia operating in the area between Florida and Mexico, specializing in child abductions, and there are a number of additional burial sites along the Texas-Mexico border.

The growing passion for Satanism is poisoning the pores of our social organism. If this epidemic is not stopped, the consequences will be even more terrible than those of the AIDS epidemic.


Apologists for Satanic crimes, such as FBI agent Kenneth Lanning, pretend that the murder in Matamoros is an anomaly that could only occur in a "backward country" like Mexico, where, as Satanist defenders claim, the people are largely devoted to pre-Christian pagan cults . This is, of course, a complete lie, and we will now show why.

On January 1, 1989, a holiday, a wealthy businessman, well known in the world of international business and in Italian political circles, Alessandro Moncini, after spending several months in a California prison, returned to his homeland in Trieste. He was accused of belonging to an international mafia involved in the child slave trade and infanticide. Moncini was arrested on March 18, 1988 for importing pornography involving children into the United States. During the surveillance process, Moncini's phone was tapped, and the operatives managed to record a conversation in which he asked to sell him parts of dismembered human corpses, saying that he needed them for satanic rituals. However, the judge refused to accept this recording as evidence, and Moncini was released.

It is known about Moncini that he is a major Freemason, a member of Lodge P-2, one of the most sinister Masonic lodges. Some years ago a member of the same lodge, Roberto Calvi, who had apparently fallen out of favor with the Freemasons, was found hanged under the Dominican Bridge in London. It was presented as suicide, but in reality there were signs of ritual murder.

According to the Italian newspaper Republic, Moncini himself and his accomplices, who specialized in child abduction, are outspoken Satanists associated with the American “cream of society.” The investigation managed to record telephone conversations between Moncini and Anthony Crowley, who is considered the American porn king. Moncini was tasked with negotiating the purchase of girls who were to be whipped, kept in chains, raped in perverted ways, and ultimately sacrificed at a Sabbath that the Republic discreetly called "Satanic Night." In addition, it became known that Moncini read out excerpts from a catalog in which parts of dismembered human bodies were advertised for sale.

During Moncini's trial, Judge Richard Lew refused to admit the tape recordings into evidence. Such courtesy, coupled with respect for the rights of Satanists<...>, has become a characteristic feature of American justice. Well, the rights of the victims are accordingly violated. Even if these victims are small children...


The FBI denies the epidemic growth of Satanist crimes, but according to statistics, one in three to four American women and one in six men were sexually abused as children. The American Humane Association counted 200 thousand cases of child sexual abuse in 1984 alone. This does not mean that all children were victims of satanic rituals or even that they were abused, but cases of pedophilia are increasingly being explained not simply by the perversity of a particular individual, but by a ritual act.

The motives driving pedophiles and Satanists who sacrifice children are not identical, but sexual abuse (from the English word “abuse” - “mistreatment”, “abuse”; this is what foreign psychology calls the abuse of children by sexual maniacs - approx. per. ) in both cases is associated with another area of ​​criminal activity - the sale of pornographic images taken at the time of the abuse. In some cases, pornography ends with footage of the death of a child or adult. It is believed that both the murders committed by the “Son of Sam” and the child killers who committed atrocities in Atlanta acted under the impression of such “film production.”

According to a group of specialists from the New York public organization "Children's Fund", of the one and a half million children who go missing every year in America, 90% are children who run away from home. This matches statistics from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. However, the FBI gives different figures: only 30 thousand missing children are officially reported. Moreover, all cases that do not fit the category of running away from home are recorded by the FBI in the column “abduction of a child by a relative who does not have custody rights.” Although it admits that quite often the disappearance of children is not recorded by the authorities, since it is not reported to the police. In particular, this applies to children born out of wedlock. In Chicago alone in 1980, according to official data, 13,291 children disappeared; of these, only 8,000 were runaways.

And sometimes, not only the disappearance of a child, but even his birth is not officially registered, since the mothers of such children are members of satanic sects and give birth to babies in order to sacrifice them. Such mothers - they are usually teenagers - are called "breeders".

Criminal organizations involved in adoption also supply “live goods”. For example, Joel Steinberg, now in prison for the murder of his adopted daughter Lisa (committed under circumstances suggestive of satanic rituals), provided legal cover for one of these illegal adoption services. And recently, the police discovered advertising leaflets in several localities in America inviting expectant young mothers to place their baby in a foster family. Such advertisements are often placed on cars parked outside schools. In one case, police discovered that the address on an advertisement matched that of a well-known satanic cult. Sometimes adoption agencies bring children into the United States from Asia or Latin America and hand them over to the power of Satanists. The children's parents, naturally, do not suspect this.

But even when children remain with their parents, they can still be harmed by Satanists. Recently, several scandals have erupted (the loudest is the story of the McMartin kindergarten) due to the abuse of children in kindergartens. In a number of cases, pedophiles did not touch children, but simply spied on them, engaging in voyeurism.


This prestigious kindergarten was located in California, in the town of Manhattan Beach. The owners of the daycare, Peggy McMartin Buckey and her son Raymond, were accused of being hereditary Satanists. The trial lasted three years, but in the end the defendants were acquitted, although the jury admitted that they believed in the facts of child abuse. However, the prosecutor, in their opinion, was unable to convincingly prove the guilt of the accused.

The crimes came to light when one of the mothers saw dried blood around her son's anus and took the boy to a doctor, who said the child had been raped. The mother reported the incident to the police, and authorities notified other parents about the incident, asking them to report if anything unusual was noticed in the children's behavior.

In addition to the medical examination data, the accusation was based on the testimony of the boys themselves. More than 400 children who had ever visited this garden were questioned, and the children admitted that they were forced to participate in pornography, rape, sodomy, eating excrement, sexual contact with animals and killing animals, satanic rituals and looking at corpses.

The investigation took five years, with some evidence given by children three years before the investigation was officially announced. Naturally, over the years the children have forgotten a lot, and contradictions have crept into their testimonies. Moreover, children's testimony is always contradictory. A child of preschool age has peculiarities of perception compared to adults.

For example, children are easily confused by questions about the time sequence of events or the clothing of the criminal. Out of a desire to please the interlocutor or out of fear, young children may embellish their story. Or they may keep silent about something out of the same fear or shame. Such very minor contradictions in testimony were used by the defense to prove that children's stories about ritual actions are pure fiction.

However, when it came to various atrocities, the children gave very definite, clear testimony. Testimony with such anatomical details that there can be no talk of any fantasies here. For example, when describing a ritual sacrifice, they correctly indicated the direction of arterial blood flow.

The Wall Street Journal of January 12, 1990 was prejudiced against children and their advocates. The magazine immediately dismissed all stories about the Satanism of Peggy McMartin Bucky and her son Raymond as idle speculation, which is worthless to talk about. “Some of the kids even fantasized about grave digging and drinking blood during the trial,” wrote the Wall Street Journal.

Of the 400 children interviewed, 360 described scenes of violence. The kindergarten, designed for 90 places, had to be closed in 1984, although it had been working for more than twenty years - it was founded by Mrs. Becky’s father. And three months later, a Los Angeles grand jury reopened the case against the McMartins and three educators: they were accused of 115 cases of sexual abuse of children. When the number of injured children reached 42, Beka's mother and son were arrested. The criminal case against the teachers was eventually dropped.

But, unfortunately, the district attorney who handled the case, Robert Philibosian, was not re-elected in 1984. He was replaced by Ira Reiner, who made a splash throughout the country thanks to the fact that he was given the opportunity for some time to defend Manson family killer Leslie van Houten. Then Charles Manson (himself a famous Satanist - approx. Trans.), who initially, after several preliminary meetings, approved of Reiner's candidacy, lost confidence in him and Reiner was removed from van Houten's defense...

So, Reiner delayed the trial against the McMartins for a number of years. Naturally, childhood memories faded, and pedophile lawyers went out of their way to try to discredit both the children’s testimony and the professionals who interrogated the children.<...>For example, one little girl first said that when he saw his parents, Raymond Becky took the children into the bathroom and quickly dressed them. But then she said that he ran to the bathroom and dressed himself, and the children had to dress themselves. When lawyers began attacking the girl, accusing her of giving false testimony, she honestly admitted that she now has different memories of this episode. And no wonder, because six years have passed since then! The McMartins' defense cross-examined the baby for five days in a row - that's how this trial went.

Parents, of course, needed the help of specialists not only to restore justice, but also to rehabilitate their children after the mental trauma they received. From this point of view, the intervention of McFarlane and other social workers in helping the children describe what happened was very important.

According to the children, Peggy and Raymond forced them to remain silent, threatening them with torture and murder of their parents, sisters and brothers, and pets. Such threats terrified the kids. When you watch video recordings of conversations between social workers and injured children, you can see that social workers are trying to encourage the kids and convince them to tell the truth. This was regarded by McMartin's lawyers as unacceptable pressure.

The children testified that Raymond killed several cats, and also slaughtered a horse and forced the children to drink blood. One child, whom his parents later prevented from participating in the trial because he began to have an emotional disorder, claimed that he was taken to a cemetery where Beki desecrated corpses. We spoke with the girl's mother, who did not act as a witness, and the woman confirmed this testimony. Her daughter was forced to witness the murder of a cat. The little girl was told that if she did not listen, her brother would be the next victim.

The cat really suddenly disappeared somewhere from the house, and the girl’s behavior changed, but the mother had no idea what was happening in the kindergarten until a scandal broke out. The same girl said that one day they took her to the parish cemetery and showed her satanic rituals.

In 1984, the defense obtained a preliminary hearing at which each of the defendants' seven lawyers was allowed to subject the children (by then there were only 13 of them) to aggressive cross-examination. After this, Rainer dropped the charges against the three teachers. And in a television interview, he said that social workers suggested answers to the children. As a result, the charge of torture for ritual purposes was dropped against the McMartins, and the trial was limited to only the charge of physical abuse of children.


Within the framework of existing judicial practice in the United States, it is almost impossible to put a child rapist behind bars. Children simply cannot meet all the demands placed on them by the court, as they are subjected to very intense cross-examination and often even forced to face their tormentors.

The court is equally indifferent to the needs of children when one parent wants to deprive the other of parental rights due to child abuse. The plaintiff may receive custody, but the rights of the second parent to unsupervised meetings with the child are rarely limited. As a result, the parent appointed as the guardian tries to hide with his son or daughter from the torturer, but the FBI is very actively tracking him down and dragging him to court. Judges hand over children to be raised by torturers, and runaway parents are sometimes even sent to prison! Let us recall the sensational case of Elizabeth Morgan, who spent two years in a Washington prison because she did not allow her ex-husband to see her child.

Hilary, the name of Elizabeth Morgan's daughter, was just nine months old when she began to show signs of emotional distress. Dr. Morgan and her husband, Dr. Eric Foretich, were divorced, and when the baby was delivered from her father, Hilary sometimes screamed for 12 hours without a break. Doctors did not know how to explain this behavior. Finally, in 1984, when the girl was already two and a half years old, she told her mother that she had seen her father’s “pussy.” Upon further questioning, it turned out that the father forced the baby to have oral sex.

And although even earlier the court, through its intervention, protected five-year-old Heather, his daughter from his first marriage, from Foretich, who also suffered from his sexual harassment, from Foretich, when considering the issue of depriving Foretich of the right to uncontrolled weekly visits with Hilary, the court did not take into account the story with Heather. For some time, Elizabeth Morgan managed to avoid Foretich and he did not see his daughter, but in 1987 Judge Dixon said that the mother should again allow the girl to see her father.

By then, Hilary had already developed multiple symptoms of a personality disorder. In August 1987, recognizing that there was a 50% chance that the girl would be raped by her father, Judge Dixon nevertheless ruled that Dr Morgan must surrender Hilary to her father for a full two weeks. Then Dr. Morgan realized that if she continued to refuse to reveal her daughter's whereabouts, she would have to go to prison. And she took this extreme step.

The reluctance of the court to protect the interests of children may be partly explained by the influence of homosexuals and pedophiles on the judiciary. It is no secret that the American Association of Boys Lovers (NAMBLA) is lobbying for lowering the age of children for seducing whom the seducer is subject to criminal liability (a couple of years ago, this age was lowered to 14 years; also, they say, not without the participation of “children’s friends” - approx. . per.). Ethan Gateau, the chief campaign financier for the New York State Attorney General, is a leading "gay rights" activist with NAMBLA ties.

Another interesting example of how American courts protect Satanists dates back to 1986.<...>Under the guise of constitutional protections for religious beliefs, under the First Amendment's protection of free speech, Fourth Circuit Chief Judge John Batzner ruled to legalize the "Church of Wicca" and the practice of witchcraft.

Batzner wrote a three-page expert opinion for three Fourth Circuit judges in Herbert Dettmer v. Robert Landon, Director of Corrections. The case was filed in 1984 in the Eastern District of Virginia by Herbert D. Dettmer, a practicing witch and member of the Church of Wicca. Dettmer was imprisoned in the Powhatan State Penitentiary in Virginia. Refusing to recognize the “Church of Wicca” as a religion, the prison authorities did not allow Dettmer to practice this cult and keep objects necessary for “meditative rituals” in his cell.

Eastern District Court<...>spoke out in support of Dettmer and prohibited prison authorities from restricting Dettmer's "Constitutionally protected right" to practice witchcraft. The penitentiary appealed to the Fourth Circuit, and the expert opinion signed by Batzner expanded the judges' view of the permissibility of witchcraft by stating that the "Church of Wicca" was a legitimate religion. “In determining whether the Church of Wicca is covered by the First Amendment, the district court found that the Church, unlike other new religions, occupies a place in the lives of its members similar to that of traditional beliefs in God, which have a broader spread in the USA,” Batzner wrote. “The “Church of Wicca”... professes a belief in the afterlife, and... Dettmer also expressed faith in a certain “higher being.”

“Some radical sects of the Church of Wicca appear to worship the devil and practice black magic,” Batzner continued, “but Dettmer and the religious organization to which he belongs practice white magic and are not affiliated with these sects.”

While supporting Dettmer's constitutional right to deify whatever "supreme being" he pleases, Batzner supported the right to worship Satan. And therefore this decision was called by adherents of the “Church of Wicca” and other Satanists a “breakthrough” in the legitimization of witchcraft and Satanism in the United States. The Fourth Circuit pioneered the fashion for constitutional protection for such cults. But those who fight Satanists probably should not be protected by the Constitution, according to the Fourth Circuit.


Not only the federal judicial system, but also the American army, hiding behind talk of the constitutional right to freedom of conscience, provides witches and outright Satanists with the opportunity to freely practice their “religion.”

In a recent article on the crimes of Satanists,<...>FBI spokesman Kenneth Lanning said a pedophile who abused children during a satanic ritual did not commit a crime. You can be sure that Lanning knows full well that the American Constitution does not allow crimes on religious or any other grounds, but with his cynical statement he is trying to justify the tendency of the authorities to simplify the judicial procedure to turn a blind eye to the satanic background of certain crimes. But Satanists and other sorcerers are more dangerous than ordinary criminals, because they cultivate the most terrible psychology in society - they do evil for the sake of evil.

Government tolerance for Satanism reached its zenith when Michael Aquino, a US Army lieutenant colonel serving in intelligence, was allowed to serve as the high priest of the Satanic cult - the Temple of Set - not only when he had the highest degree of secrecy, but also after Aquino became involved in two cases of ritual child abuse.

As early as April 1978, the War Department began distributing a Chaplain's Manual, claiming that its purpose was to inform regimental chaplains about various religious denominations "to help them understand the diversity that exists."<...>

At the end of the 80s. A scandal broke out around a kindergarten at a military base in Presidio, California. Aquino never appeared in court, but there was video footage of the children testifying. The kids accused Aquino and Baptist minister Gary Hambright of committing various indecent acts on them. However, the military refused to release videotapes of interrogations. Many of the children sexually abused at the Presidio were infected through the anus with sexually transmitted diseases. In addition, parents were advised to screen their children for AIDS, since it turned out that Hambright was HIV-positive. Some time later he died of AIDS.<...>

On August 14, 1987, San Francisco police raided Colonel Aquino's home in Russian Hills. The children identified his house, saying that it was there that all sorts of nasty things were done to them.

However, Aquino had an alibi: they say that he himself was in Washington at that time. Although he could perfectly come home and return back to Washington. Aquino and Hambright were also accused of belonging to a local sect of Satanists, but again the case did not come to trial.

The Temple of Set has published an interesting document that traces its “spiritual connection” with Aleister Crowley and the Freemasons. After the murder in Matamoros, when one of the leaders of the killers, Steven Flowers, was under investigation, Aquino and Flowers began to pretend that they had nothing to do with Satanism. However, this is simply ridiculous, because Aquino and his wife were part of the top of the “Church of Satan”, founded by LaVey, and then spun off from it, founding the “Temple of Set”.

Here is a quote from a document confirming the above: “It was only at the end of the 19th century that tolerance for the so-called “black arts” appeared, and even then they were emasculated in every possible way, trying to cover them with a patina of sanctimonious piety. The ritual practice of the Rosicrucians sprang from Freemasonry. These rituals became increasingly more complex and acquired the greatest sophistication in the English Rosicrucian Society of England (S.R.I.A.) and the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (G.D.).

"In 1904, the adept of the Order of the Golden Dawn, Aleister Crowley, broke his connection with this decayed organ and formed his own Order of the Silver Star (Order of the Astrium Argenteum, A.A.). Crowley first enriched the Rosicrucian rituals and magical philosophy of the Golden Dawn with the desire to achieve a higher level of self-awareness ( “Knowledge of the Guardian Angel and Conversations with Him”), and then - Masonic practices of sexual magic, borrowed from the German Order of Oriental Templars, O.T.O. The latter, coupled with Crowley's knightly lifestyle, brought him wide fame. The organizations he founded only briefly survived his death, which followed in 1947, because they fragmented into small groups and degenerated ideologically."

Describing the break with LaVey, the authors of the document testify: “In 1966, a sorcerer from San Francisco founded the Church of Satan. According to his plan, it was supposed to promote the study of the “black arts” and introduce a value system that rejected the religious hypocrisy of traditional society ... "

“In the Church of Satan,” it continues, “periodically there were, albeit minor, crises and scandals, and in the end Anton LaVey lost faith in its viability as an organization. In 1975, he decided to transform it into a virtually inactive , an exhibition option that he needed only for self-aggrandizement and profit. This decision was indignantly rejected by the majority of the priesthood, who immediately left the Church in protest, declaring that the newly formed organization could not be the legitimate successor of the Church of Satan, then having the degree of highest initiation, Michael Aquino. summoned the Prince of Darkness to find out who would be destined to maintain the new Mandate and develop the noblest principles of the Church of Satan..."

Like any other religion, Satanism can be divided into several different branches and sects. Anton LaVey's most famous form of Satanism is the Church of Satan in San Francisco. They are not literally believers, but “opponents” of traditional Christian values. For example, against abstinence and against “turning the other cheek.”

Other forms of Satanism have not achieved the same prominence as LaVey's atheistic version of the Church of Satan, but express their own version of Satanism. Here are just a few of them.

Satanic Temple is an organization whose members do not share the majority view that Satan is a literal being. Their goals are to "promote benevolence and sympathy" and "to promote common sense and justice."

Just like Anton LaVey's version of Satanism, the Satanic Temple does not actually believe in or worship Satan. They see him as a symbolic rebel figure against tyranny and power.

The Satanic Temple considers itself a religion and believes that religion should be based on science and critical thinking rather than the supernatural or superstition. For them, Satanism is provided by a religion that must provide a sense of identity, symbolic practices, and community of people with similar beliefs.

The Satanic Temple rose to prominence by pushing the boundaries of free speech and being critical of Christian fundamentalists. The group became most famous for erecting a statue of Baphomet in Detroit because the city approved a statue of the Ten Commandments.

The logic is that if Christians allow themselves to publicly practice their religion, then they should also do so publicly.

When Hobby Lobby allowed religious organizations to opt out of birth control, the Satanic Temple decided to use its own status as a religion to challenge US laws.

Luciferians- Most of them are non-religious and treat Lucifer as a symbol. Lucifer glasses, provided in the Greater Church of Lucifer, illustrate how Lucifer represents values ​​- like self-determination and liberation from the "slave mentality".

Luciferianism is closer to philosophy and not actually to religion. The Church of Neo-Lucifer states that the primary purpose of Luciferianism is to help people "take responsibility for [their] own lives and act as individual moral agents, using the full potential of their own genius and thus optimizing their own capabilities."

The large Church of Lucifer says that the word "Lucifer" (meaning "light bearer" or "morning star") existed long before Christianity, and that translations and interpretations have changed over time, equating Lucifer with Satan as if they were one being.

Perhaps the biggest difference between Luciferians and LaVeyan Satanists is that Lucifer (the bearer of Light) is the symbol of knowledge, while Satan (the Adversary) represents the opposition.

The Great Church of Lucifer compares the story of Adam and Eve to the Hellenistic story of Prometheus. In this story, Prometheus brings fire, forbidden to humanity, and teaches people how to use it for their own good. Because of this, Prometheus is punished by Zeus. This is no different from the biblical story of how the snake tempts Adam and Eve to eat from the forbidden Tree of Life. The ultimate goal of Luciferianism is to help each person ignite their inner Flame and become self-aware. Luciferians advocate overcoming your own ignorance and balancing your carnal desires with your intellect.

Theistic Satanism, Founding Satanist Diane Vera. This form of Satanism acknowledges Christian theology and the existence of an ongoing war between God and Satan. The main difference is that these Satanists welcome the devil, not God. They believe that God and Satan are the two most powerful beings in the universe and that Satan has enough power to eventually overpower God and win the war. Dayan Vera argues that the idea of ​​duotheism of warring gods comes from the ancient Zoroastrian beliefs of an eternal war between Ahura Mazda, the god of Light, and Ahriman, the god of Darkness. Some of these Satanists consider the devil to be the "good guy" who gives knowledge and freedom to people, and God wants to keep people as slaves. In this sense, Satanism is an inverted form of Christianity. Satan is a hero, the liberator of humanity from evil and a tyrannical God.

Anti-Cosmic Satanism, also called Chaos-Gnosticism, believes that the cosmic order created by God has nothing grander in its making, and behind this illusion lies endless and formless chaos. One practitioner of this form of Satanism, an occultist author named Vexior, explained that he believes in an omnipotent god called the Demiurge, who is interpreted as One of the Norse religion. He created the limitations of time, space, and created flesh and disembodied spirits. Figures such as Loki are active. They are rebels against the tyrannical rule of the demiurge and seek to destroy his control. Other anti-cosmic gods are Tiamat, Baalu, Asmodeus, Lilith, and many others. This form of Satanism has many variations, is very unclear and, unfortunately, it is difficult to find detailed information about it.

Transcendental Satanism is a unique form of Satanism created by a man named Matt "Lord" Zane. As he documented in the first few pages of his book Transcendental Satanism, while under the influence of LSD, he had a vision of Satan being cast out of heaven, and then another vision of a man making a pact with Satan before he was even born. Man would like to avoid hell by bargaining with Satan. Zane said: Satan wants man to experience everything in the world and create his own beliefs rather than accept God's beliefs. There is no eternal damnation, but there is spiritual evolution. Transcendental Satanism is precisely a form of spiritual evolution with the ultimate goal of individual reunification with what is called the Satanic aspect. The Satanic aspect is a hidden part of oneself separated from consciousness. It influences us by helping us develop our consciousness. There are many paths to the satanic aspect for every person, and no one is obliged to follow the path that has been laid out for them.

Demonolatry literally means "demon worship", although modern demonolators do not actually worship demons. Instead, they "work with demons" - each demon is seen as forces or energies that can be called upon to assist in rituals or magic. It is important to note that not all demonolators are necessarily Satanists, although they certainly can be. Everyone chooses their own patron deity, and they are of course free to choose Satan - there are many demons in different religions to choose from. Demonolators have three different interpretations of demons. Firstly, they are like those who in Christianity depict evil sinners and the tempter. Second, demons are personified forces of energy. Third demons are “gods in their own right,” a demon meaning divine power. Despite this, demonolators believe that their practices will not lead to any death or divine punishment, since they are "merely perpetuated myths of existing religions."

Temple of Set was founded by LaVey's right-hand man, Michael Aquino, who left the Church of Satan after LaVey and began selling priesthoods. The idea that LaVey was profiting from the Church of Satan caused much speculation, including High Priestess Lilith Sinclair, who eventually became Aquino's wife, leaving the church. Aquino and other defectors formed the Temple of Set and developed very different philosophies. While LaVeyan Satanists do not believe in any god or deities, Setians "believe" in superpersonal entities. For example, the Egyptian god of violence and disorder, who eventually became known as the god of darkness and the enemy of all other Egyptian gods. Setian Satanists believe that each of their members has their own personal god, and they strive to ascend to deity. The goal of the Setians is to achieve Xeper, an Egyptian word that roughly means "I have come into being." Setians believe that every person goes through a divine experience at some point, and that it is possible to create more divine experiences - to pass them through oneself - through engineering, magic and other means. This is the ultimate goal of man.

Polytheistic Satanism- belief in numerous gods. The most famous polytheistic organization of Satanists is the Church of Azazel, in New York, open to all Satanists, occultists and followers of the Left Hand Path. The Church of Azazel focuses on what they call "the rise of the gods of the modern West" - Satan/Azazel, Lilith, Prometheus, Ishtar, Pan, Lucifer and Sophia. (Sophia is a Gnostic goddess, has many parallels with the story of Lucifer, along with the story of Adam and Eve) All of these gods were demonized by the Abrahamic religion, but they represent values ​​and principles that the Church of Azazel identifies with social tendencies that do not like the religious right. For example, Prometheus represents knowledge and understanding, Ishtar represents nature and sexuality. The most important one, Satan, calls for free thinking. The Church of Azazel does not worship any gods in the traditional sense. They likely revere and respect their gods and often turn to one or more of them. They are also quite agnostic, knowing that the realm of the gods will never be fully knowable to humanity. The Church of Azazel believes that the gods can manifest themselves in human affairs, particularly in social, economic and religious movements.

Cult of Cthulu is a small religion that mixes the writings of H. P. Lovecraft with Satanism, black magic, and left-hand path theory. Wenger Satanis, the founder of the sect, admits: “There is no reality. What the human mind perceives as reality does not exist.” Satanis argues that everything is locked within the paradigm of accepted reality, and he has the right to shape his own reality as he wishes. “Long ago, I chose to believe in Cthulhu, Satan,” he writes. The Cult of Cthulu claims that the Elder Gods lived on Earth countless centuries ago, and that they spread their dark, forbidden and secret knowledge to man. The Lesser Gods were chained and from their shed blood the universe was created. Some of the surviving Lesser Gods managed to break out and drive out the old ones. The Cthulu cult sees the old gods in the same way that many other Satanists see Lucifer - beings who wanted to bring knowledge and freedom to humanity from enslavement. The Cult of Cthulu believes that the vast majority of people live lives trapped in mainstream reality, and their suffering provides energy to the Lesser Gods. The only way to escape is to awaken true consciousness.

Training in MAGIC and WITCHRY

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The sign of Baphomet is the official symbol of the Church of Satan

LaVey Satanism is a worldview and officially practiced doctrine of the Church of Satan, the provisions of which were formulated in the 1960s by Anton LaVey, author of " satanic bible"and founder of the Church of Satan. Satanism as a “new type of religion” (LaVey) is a modern movement with several million followers worldwide.

Satan in LaVeyan Satanism is perceived as a symbol of worldview - a symbol of freedom, self-development, individualism [1] and uprisings against injustice


Modern LaVey Satanism as a doctrine was formulated in the USA in the 1960s by Anton Sandor LaVey, who gathered around him a variety of people and devoted his life to creativity and the study of the characteristics of human behavior. Its origins lie in the 1950s, when LaVey founded a community he called the Order of Trapezoid, which united people who studied the occult and practiced a combination of magic and hedonistic LaVey's egoistic philosophy.

Later, having accumulated enough material and experience, Anton LaVey came to the conclusion that in order to achieve some changes in the world, just another philosophy is not enough; official recognition of a non-standard worldview is necessary as a religion, which he called Satanism. In 1966, LaVey founded the Church of Satan, and three years later, in 1969, he published The Satanic Bible, which describes the basics of the Satanic worldview.

The Church of Satan has official status and is included in the register of recognized religions of the US armed forces (in connection with a request for a Satanic funeral of a naval officer - a member of the Church of Satan), the first Satanic baptisms, weddings and funerals are held, which aroused the interest of the press. In the fall of 2004, the British Armed Forces officially registered the first Satanist - technical sergeant Chris Cranmer, serving on the frigate Cumberland Admiral. John "Sandy" Woodward on this occasion he said that

“My first words when I heard about this case were, 'Oh my God, what the hell is going on here? When I served in the navy, some of my colleagues were Anglicans, others were Catholics, and I had never heard of any Satanists. I think this is extremely strange."

Satanic organizations

High Priest of the Church of Satan - Peter Gilmore

The Church of Satan is the oldest and largest satanic organization, estimated to number several thousand people around the world. The exact number of people in this organization is unknown, since it does not provide information about its composition and does not require public announcement of the fact of its membership. The headquarters of the Church of Satan is currently located in New York, and the post of High Priest is held by Master Peter Gilmore.

In the mid-1970s, former Church of Satan member Michael Aquino founded the Temple of Set, an organization with an ideology based on its own interpretation ancient egyptian myths, with an emphasis on mysticism. Members of the Temple of Set describe themselves as "Sethians" and avoid the word "Satanism".

Anton LaVey's eldest daughter, Carla LaVey, founded a small organization called the First Satanic Church in 1999, whose ideology is based on LaVey's philosophy. There are currently no other significant organizations practicing Satanism registered.

Satanism creed

Fundamental individualism

Satanism is often and incorrectly described as an ideology that condones cruelty and irresponsible behavior, but such statements are at odds with the basics of Satanic ethics, since the principle “ responsibility before those responsible" puts the individual's personal responsibility - first of all to himself - for the actions he commits at the forefront (and social contacts with people who exhibit irresponsible behavior are recommended to be minimized).

The central idea of ​​Satanism, inherited from Nietzsche, is that the individual must, through his own efforts, find for himself the purpose and meaning of life and overcome mass conformism; the Satanist is seen as equivalent to Nietzsche's "superman". Anton LaVey believed that “Satanists are born, not made” (in the sense that the desire for individualism and self-development, as a rule, manifests itself in the course of life from an early age), and he is also known for his half-joking statement that Satanists “suffer from a disease under called independence, which should be recognized in the same way as alcoholism is recognized." Satanism contains elements libertarianism(in relation to individual human rights and freedoms) and has some similarities with the position of libertinism (regarding the denial of the right of society to regulate and limit individual moral values ​​and sexual preferences): Satanists are supporters of social diversity, the disclosure and development of sexuality, personal development, finding (creating) their own individual meaning in life and achieving their own goals. Due to this emphasis on individuality, Satanism is considered a "Left Hand Path" philosophy.

Doctrine of Faith

Satanists do not believe in the Judeo-Christian concept of God, and most consider themselves agnostics and atheists. Peter Gilmore says that "atheism is primary and Satanism is secondary."

LaVey himself said that: “I have no philosophy. I have a creed. Satan is a manifestation of the dark sides of human nature. Satan sits in each of us. The task is to recognize and identify it. The satanic principle lies in people - the main and most powerful one. They should be proud, not burdened. It must be cultivated, which is what we do in our temple with the help of various magical spells”[1]

According to LaVey, “Satan is a symbol, nothing more. Satan symbolizes our love for everything earthly and the denial of the pale, disembodied image of Christ on the cross.”

Religious scholar James Lewis believes that the "overwhelming number of Satanists" designate Satan precisely as a symbol, an archetypal image, an impersonal natural force (cf. LaVey's equilibrium principle) or some other "anti-theistic" concept.[1]

Candidate of Cultural Studies, Senior Lecturer Department of Philosophy, Bioethics and Cultural Studies of USMA E. V. Belousova notes that “According to Satanists, there is no afterlife, at least not a heavenly one, so we must hurry to enjoy earthly joys. La Vey clearly connects the revival of Satanism with the cult of bodily desires, indulgence in carnal lusts characteristic of popular culture. In essence, Satanism is an extreme expression of the materialism and hedonism of modern Western civilization."[ 1]

Lex talionis

Another important element of the Satanic worldview is the principle known as the “Law of Retribution” (Latin: Lex talionis) (in the Bible, for example, formulated as “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth”), which consists of “doing unto others in the same way.” how they treat you." LaVey did not agree with Christian The golden rule, which required a person to “do unto others as he would have others do unto him,” considering it psychologically harmful. According to LaVey, love, compassion and sympathy should be given only to those who deserve it, and not wasted on the ungrateful, since this is energetically more economical and reasonable; “If you “do unto people as you would have them do unto you,” and they treat you badly, it is against human nature to continue to treat them with respect. You can do to others as you would have them do to you, but if your kindness is not reciprocated, they must be treated with the hatred they deserve.”

The restoration of Lex talionis is part of the so-called “Pentagonal Revisionism” - the official socio-political program of the Church of Satan.

The satanic hymn written by LaVey contains the following lines:

Furies from Hell are diving down!
“Lex Talionis” is their cry!

Directly related to the principle of talion (presenting in some way its less literal version) in the satanic worldview is the principle of active opposition to enemies: “... if a person hits you on one cheek, CRUSH him on the other! strike his whole side, for self-preservation is the highest law!”

Nine Satanic Commandments

Satan represents indulgence, not abstinence!

Satan represents the essence of life instead of unrealistic spiritual dreams.

Satan represents undefiled wisdom instead of hypocritical self-deception!

Satan represents mercy to those who deserve it, instead of love wasted on flatterers!

Satan personifies revenge, and does not turn the other cheek after a blow!

Satan represents responsibility for those in charge instead of involvement with spiritual vampires.

Satan represents man as just another animal, sometimes better, often worse than those who walk on four legs; an animal which, due to its “divine, spiritual and intellectual development,” has become the most dangerous of all animals!

Satan represents all so-called sins as they lead to physical, mental and emotional satisfaction!

Satan has been the church's best friend at all times, supporting its business all these years!

The eighth commandment also means that Satanism, unlike many conservative ideologies and religions, is tolerant (subject to the principle of responsibility to those responsible) in relation to, for example, homosexuality, bisexuality, fetishism and some other sexual practices that have long been classified as taboo in the Western world. Obviously, this understanding of Satanism differs significantly from the everyday understanding of the “cult of evil.”

Eleven Satanic Rules on Earth

Do not express your point of view or give advice unless asked to do so.

Don't talk about your troubles to others unless you are sure that they want to listen to you.

In someone else's den, show respect, or don't appear there at all.

If a guest in your den annoys you, treat him cruelly and mercilessly.

Do not attempt sexual intimacy unless you receive an inviting signal.

Do not take a thing that does not belong to you, unless it is a burden for its owner and he asks to be freed from this burden.

Recognize the power of magic if it has been successfully used by you to achieve your goals. If you deny the power of magic after using it successfully, you will lose everything you have achieved.

Don't express your dissatisfaction with something that has nothing to do with you.

Don't hurt small children.

Do not kill animals except for food and to protect yourself from their attacks.

When in an open area, do not disturb anyone. If someone is bothering you, ask them to stop. If it doesn't stop, destroy it.

Nine Satanic "Sins"

The main “sins”, that is, qualities that a Satanist is not recommended to possess, are considered:

Stupidity (the gravest sin in Satanism).




Herd conformism.

Lack of open-mindedness.

Ignorance of the experience of generations.

Counterproductive pride.

Lack of aesthetic principles.

LaVey Satanism and accusations of criminal activity

IN 1980s an avalanche of criticism fell on Satanists and the Church of Satan, mainly from television evangelists, who claimed that in the United States there was an extensive network of Satanists, numbering up to several million, conducting illegal activities (murder, rape, kidnapping, etc.) and infiltrated various government agencies. More than thirty completely different organizations were accused, having practically nothing in common with each other, starting with the Church of Satan and Order of the Eastern Templars, and ending Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the New Age movement. This phenomenon is called " Satanic Panic" However, an FBI investigation showed the falsehood of such accusations.

Satanism in Russia

Officially, there are no registered satanic organizations in Russia and the CIS countries. However, in Russia, Ukraine and some other CIS countries there are several private groups - associations of individuals who are members of the Church of Satan, or who independently practice Satanism.[1]

Satanism in Kazakhstan

In Kazakhstan, the activities of the Church of Satan are regarded as a religious extremist organization, which they are fighting against CIS Anti-Terrorism Center.[ 1]

Satanism in Kyrgyzstan

The activities of the Church of Satan are officially prohibited in Kyrgyzstan, as well as in some countries Shanghai Cooperation Organization

Satanist symbolism

The sign of Baphomet is the official symbol of the Church of Satan.

Number of the beast (666). Peter Gilmour said that Satanists would happily use it if it would scare Christians even more.

Satanism is a series of worldviews and beliefs in which the image of Satan is interpreted as a positive symbol of power and freedom. At the moment, there are several varieties of Satanism, the most common in the 21st century is LaVeyan Satanism, a more moderate form that views Satan as nothing more than a symbol. According to LaVey: Satanism is the worldview and philosophy officially practiced by the Church of Satan, the tenets of which were formulated in the 1960s by Anton Sandor LaVey, author of The Satanic Bible and founder of the Church of Satan. Satanism as a “new type of religion” (LaVey) is a modern movement with several thousand followers around the world.

Satan in Satanism is perceived as a positive symbol of the worldview - a symbol of freedom, self-development and selfishness (the so-called rational selfishness). According to LaVey, “Satan is a symbol, nothing more. Satan symbolizes our love for everything earthly and the denial of the pale, disembodied image of Christ on the cross.”

Definitions of Satanism range from “the ideology of the worship of evil” and “worship before the evil principle in life” to “involtation to the egregor of Satan” and “an alloy of ideas and images embodying development, diversity, greatness, strength, power, creativity, individualism, audacity, pride , knowledge - everything that contributes to Life and its development"

The essence of SATANISM


Thousands of young people throughout the Western world feel

the need to oppose something to pressure, hypocrisy and lies

Christianity, which failed to offer them a worthy goal and

management. It is quite natural that many teenagers turn to

to the “enemy” of Christianity (however, the “enemy” is precisely in

understanding of Christianity itself), thus expressing his

protest. Since “heavy metal” with its pseudo-Satanism is

This is the only form of "Satanism" available to most

youth, it is quite understandable that rebels, bored and

people unrecognized by society are forced to make do with scraps

"Satanism" they get from this phenomenon of mass culture,

although none of the representatives of the "heavy metal" style is

a real Satanist, as Arthur Lyons rightly noted in

in his book Satan Desires You. In reality, what

promotes (solely for material gain!)

"heavy metal" is the antithesis of Satanism. By

essentially the negative values ​​that he imposes on young people,

much closer to the teaching of Jesus than to the teaching of Satan: "Do not be anxious for

your soul, what you should eat, nor your body, what you should wear"; "If

whoever comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, and

wife and children, and brothers and sisters, and indeed his very life,

he cannot be My disciple." Is this anti-life,

nihilistic teaching is not similar, at least to some extent,

to the negativism and irresponsibility proclaimed by groups

"heavy metal" and other figures of mass culture, from whom

Are young people acquiring a fundamentally wrong understanding of Satanism? AND

why does she so easily accept these concepts as

"Satanistic"? Yes, simply because that's how Christians are

have defined Satanism since the times of Kramer and Sprenger. So

Thus, Christians formed their own branch

"Satanism" - exactly the one that is proclaimed by "heavy metal" and

accepted by young people disillusioned with social ideals. And this one

type of "Satanism", ironically, is on a par with Nagornaya

The sermon and other dogmas of the mad Nazarene:

antisocial disregard for family values,

responsibilities, appearance and thoughts about the future. Exactly like this

Many young people follow this path, “not caring” about tomorrow,

like Jesus. The result is an unkempt and unhealthy appearance and

the nihilistic worldview of many teenagers. But it is not

has nothing to do with real Satanism.


This title may seem internally contradictory,

since the popular opinion about Satanism represents it

anti-moral or immoral. But isn't real Satanism

asserts "personality as a deity"? Shouldn't a Satanist

to become "the highest embodiment of human life", in the words of Dr.

LaVey, - Nietzschean “superman”? In particular, satanic

ritual, "Das Tierdrama", proclaims: "Man is God; God

this is a Man." Turning to Christian scripture, we

we will find there confirmation of the divinity of man -

fundamental premise of Satanism: "You will be like gods" -

promised Satan to humanity, according to legend from the Book of Genesis.

For this, the tyrant Jehovah separated humanity from himself, fearing

that a person “has become like one of Us,” i.e. like a god

Since the central thesis of Satanism is godlikeness

man (or, more precisely, potential godlikeness, to which

outstanding individuals strive to surpass the average

mass level, to surpass ourselves), then this implies

strong moral character, which is best described

as "the morality of the strong." The first of the nine principles of Satanism

reads: "Satan represents indulgence instead of abstinence!"

What is meant here is the indulgence of primary instinctual and

physiological needs, including hunger, thirst,

sexual desire, sleep and the desire to avoid pain (1st

forces and motives (many of which Christianity calls

"sins") ultimately leads to perversion

psycho-social behavior, examples of which are in the church

life can be served by monastic self-flagellation, mass phenomena

hysteria in monasteries and the attraction of priests to

altar boys, cases of which, according to statistical data,

only in the United States has it reached epidemic proportions. Eighth position

Satanism, cited by Dr. LaVey - "Satan represents everything

so-called sins, since they all lead to the physical,

mental or emotional satisfaction!" - consistent with

conclusions of psychology and other sciences, both social and

biological. However, satisfaction of primary instincts and

motives preached by Satanism does not at all mean a lack

self-control and will, does not imply indulgence in all whims and

weaknesses. Addiction to tobacco, alcohol and drugs is not

satisfaction of basic needs leading to health, and

methods of self-deception and self-destruction that conflict with

law of nature, weakening the will, emotional and physical

the health of a person striving for godlikeness; for more

at a fundamental level it is a denial of the instinct of self-preservation,

innately characteristic of any organism. Thus, many

young people in the modern Western world, especially homegrown

"Satanists" - fans of "heavy metal" - just

indulge in self-destruction through drugs and alcohol,

neglect their appearance and spiritual development. Full

according to the teachings of the mad Nazarene, they “sow neither

reap", i.e. they are not creators. How far are they from

Dr. LaVey's idea of ​​a true Satanist, "in whose body

breathes the power of Satan" who proudly rises above

ignorant crowds [they themselves are part of the ignorant crowd!]

and controls them, thanks to his satanic power, in anticipation

the day when he can come forward in all his

splendor and proclaim: "I am a Satanist! Bow down before

the highest embodiment of human life! ". How much is this

the representation is far from the image of misguided pseudo-Satanists,

devoid of any pride, strength and "splendor",

willpower and self-discipline; stupefied by wine and drugs,

deafened by the senseless cacophony of “heavy metal”,

like the living dead. These false Satanists are absolute

the opposite of everything that embodies the true

Satanist, namely:

1. Luciferian PRIDE, which does not allow any

Conformism, no conditioning by mass tastes and

Tendencies that lower personal standards of behavior.

2. The inexhaustible thirst for WISDOM, the Promethean “motive”

Stimulus" given to humanity by Satan himself, according to

A myth from the Book of Genesis, and represented by the legend of the doctor

Faustus (also called Faust);

3. THE INDIVIDUALITY OF Satan, that great Adversary, is not

Bowing to no tyrant, including himself

Jehovah. Pride, Wisdom, Individuality are three

The pillars on which "Satanist morality" rests -

Life-affirming morality, opposed to modern ones

Values ​​with their profanation of life, mass tastes and

Herd instincts. Satanic morality requires

A person of strength of body, mind and will. These qualities that are

Past centuries were necessary for simple survival and

The evolution of species, in our time can make a Satanist

"the highest embodiment of human life."

NOTES: 1. Lavey. "Satanic Rituals". 2. Life 2-3. 3.

"Scorpion". "Revisiting the Bible." 4. Lavey. "The Satanic Bible".

"Satan promises mountains of gold,
but pays with broken shards,
for he is a lie and the father of lies.
There are countless examples of this."

1. Satanist sects in the world and in Russia

The most famous associations of Satanists include: “Church of Satan”, “International Association of Luciferians of the Celtic-Eastern Rite”, “Green Order”.

There are a number of other devilish cults operating in America and Western Europe: the Thousand and First Church of Trebizond (San Francisco), the Church of the Last Judgment (Los Angeles), the Asmodeus Society (Washington), the International Association of Witches and Witchcraft. (New York), the International Center for Magic (Blois, France), various groups of the Voodoo cult (a pagan cult of West Indian origin), the Palladin sect (the cult of Pallas Athena, their leader in the last century was Albert Pike (born in 1809 g.), USA), the cult of Isis, the cult of Kali (Kali is the goddess of evil, usually depicted thirsty for blood, with her tongue hanging out, earrings made from the bodies of babies and a necklace made of human skulls) and others.

The name of Satan sounds differently in different languages: Shaitan - in Arabic, Set - in Egyptian, O-yama - in Japanese, Dev - in Persian, Beherit - in Syriac, Puvkka - in Welsh, so naturally everything can be attributed to Satanist cults cults worshiping Set, Beherit, Dev, Shaitan, Puvkka and O-yama. Examples include the fairly well-known “Temple of Set” in the United States, led by Michael Aquino, a lieutenant colonel in the US Army, and the recently discovered sect “Servants of Shantan” in Egypt.

Adjacent to the Satanists are neo-pagan groups, various orders such as: “Order of the Eastern Templars”, “Silver Star”, “Golden Dawn”, as well as some groups of followers of Carlos Castaneda.

Satanist cults operating in Russia include: “Southern Cross”, “Black Angel”, “Black Dragon”, “Russian Church of Satan”, “Blue Lotus”, “Green Order”, “Society of Satan”.

Standing apart from the cults of a clearly Satanic orientation is the “Church of Scientology” of L.R. Hubbard, who was a student of the famous Satanist Aleister Crowley (representative of the Order of the Eastern Templars) and recognized himself in his will, addressed to adherents of the highest degrees of initiation, as the incarnation of the Antichrist.

The “Univer” center and a number of occult sects, as well as so-called “healers” and sorcerers hiding behind various names, are, in essence, according to experts from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, satanic.

2. Classification of Satanist sects and individual Satan worshipers

Organizationally, the entire spectrum of those who worship dark forces and deify evil can be divided into the following groups:

    separate small family groups of hereditary adherents of Satan (“black Satanists”);

    satanic groups;

    groups of demon worshipers;

    a number of separately practicing sorcerers and witches;

    some movements of shamanism;

    some secret societies;

    occult groups.

A four-level classification of Satanism according to levels of involvement and seriousness of activity is given in and after adjustment looks like this.

    First level(least complicated) - "self-studying amateur." It consists of individuals who have been attracted to Satanism through popular books on the subject and through other available sources. The amateur is not usually affiliated with an advanced group or cult, although small local "amateur groups" may exist.

    Second level- "psychopathic Satanists." These are individuals who are attracted to Satanism because it appears to clearly express and ennoble urges that already exist within them. In other words, the individual receives Satanism “wrapped up”, as an already existing pathology. This level and the category of amateurs often overlap.

    Third level"religious satanism" consists of publicly known groups, such as the “Church of Satan” (USA, California), “Temple of Set” (USA), “Southern Cross” in Moscow, etc. These organizations openly advertise, have application forms, membership fees and all other attributes of small religious groups.

    Fourth level"black Satanists" are groups that operate in secret, are clearly supposed to be responsible for some of the cases of ritual abuse, operate in extremely sophisticated ways, and consist primarily of hereditary Satanic adepts who are seriously involved in the most repulsive forms of the occult and Satan worship. In most cases, these are hereditary Satanists who do not advertise their activities at all and do not engage in proselytism. There is very little direct evidence of the existence of such groups, but this may well change in the near future as ritual abuse itself is taken more seriously and law enforcement agencies come up with ways to investigate the problem. This group includes the Black Countess (Moscow), the High Priestess (Bryansk), and several families in St. Petersburg.

3. Location of centers and number of adherents of Satanic cults

Satanic cults are especially widespread in the USA and Western Europe (Norway, Sweden, etc.), and in Romania. The world centers of Satanism are currently located in the USA and England.

According to Newsweek magazine, at least 3 million Americans are involved in the cult of the devil.

In Italy, Satanist sects are mostly found in the northeast of the country and include approximately three thousand adherents, but their number is growing.

In Romania, cells of Satanists already exist in almost all counties of the country.

The Church of Satan was founded in 1964 by Anthony LaVey, a former circus performer, nightclub organist and photographer for the San Francisco Police Department. This cult is practically the most famous of all Satanic ones thanks to the Charles Manson group. The cult has now been established as a “church” and has several tens of thousands of adherents in the United States alone. Currently, La Vey's daughter, Carla, has taken the place of church leader. It is interesting that the “Church of Satan” underwent an official registration procedure in the United States, but in 1990 it was deprived of all tax benefits provided to religious associations. Now its headquarters (the so-called “Council of Nine”) is located in San Francisco, and its second leadership center is located in Manchester.

In the USSR, the earliest Satanist groups were noted in the early 70s in Moscow, Leningrad and Odessa, but they were small in number. Gradually, Satanism spread to all major cities of the former USSR. Larger Satanist groups began to appear in the USSR already in the early 1980s. A kind of fashion for Satanism in certain circles of the informal youth environment appeared after the start of perestroika. The number of such groups is constantly growing.

No one has exact data on the number of adherents of Satanism in Russia and those interested, but it can be assumed that their number of adherents is determined (with all kinds of sorcerers, etc., excluding ordinary scammers), more than 10 thousand.

It is reliably known that satanic sects operate in the following cities of Russia: Astrakhan, Belgorod, Bryansk and the Bryansk region, Birobidzhan and some other settlements of the Jewish Autonomous Region, Vladivostok, Vologda and the Vologda region, Voronezh, Yekaterinburg, Krasnoyarsk Territory (Kansk), Moscow and the Moscow region ( Serpukhov, Lyubertsy, Dubna, Taldom, Stupino, Lobnya, Balashikha, Reutov, Fryazino, Petushki, Elektrogorsk), Neryungri, Nizhny Novgorod, St. Petersburg ("Black Dragon", "Church of Satan", etc.) and Leningrad region, Rostov -on-Don ("Black Dragon"), Stavropol, Tver ("Black Angel"), Tyumen ("Madra"), Khabarovsk, Yakutsk, Yaroslavl and Yaroslavl region ("Church of Satan").

Today, in Moscow alone there are about twenty directions of Satanist sects, which, according to the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, include a total of more than 30 organized groups of Satanists with a total of about 2,000 members.

The largest and most famous of them are “Black Angel”, “Southern Cross” (“Moscow Church of Satan”), the Black Countess group, “Russian Church of Satan”, “Black Dragon”.

In addition to the Russian Federation, Satanist sects are widespread and active in the Republic of Belarus (Minsk, Brest region, etc.), Ukraine and the Baltic states.

Basically, groups of Satanists are built on the principle of a strict five-level hierarchy. The highest body is the council. Often women are chosen to the upper levels, an example is the Black Angel in Russia, formed around 1974-1975. in Moscow and Tver, where the high priestess is a woman 25-30 years old. It is known that the high priestess of another Satanist sect lives in Bryansk. (Satanism is a matriarchal cult of the left hand. In some Satanic orders, the cult takes on a dualistic character, but the feminine principle always predominates, since, according to the beliefs of Satanists, a woman is closer to the devil than a man).

It can also be assumed that one of the most numerous groups from which Satanists recruit neophytes are drug addicts, although many people from all walks of life, ages, occupations and education are involved in Satanism.

In recent years, our country has seen increased activity of these criminal sects. They penetrate higher educational institutions, schools, and willingly give interviews to journalists.

4. Doctrines of Satanic cults

"Your father is the devil,
and you want to do the lusts of your father;
he was a murderer from the beginning and did not stand in the truth,
for there is no truth in it;
when he tells a lie, he says his own,
for he is a liar and the father of lies" (John 8:44)

Satanist cults are the most savage and criminogenic variety of destructive cults, even compared to other totalitarian organizations. Here the corruption of adherents reaches its maximum and clearly visible depth.

In previous eras, Satanism was more secret than it is now. Back then, it was dominated by anti-religious and godless aspects, although this continues today, traditional Satanism is more associated with black magic and rituals.

Traditionally, Satanism is viewed as the worship of evil, as a religion based on principles opposed to Christianity.

At the center of traditional Satanism is the worship of a personal and powerful devil. In Satanism, everything is inverted: the devil of Christianity becomes the god of Satanists, Christian virtues are considered as vices, and vices as virtues. Life is understood as a continuous struggle between the forces of light and darkness, with the Satanist fighting on the side of darkness, believing that it will ultimately win. The authors believe that, as such, Satanism exists only insofar as Christianity exists, and can only be understood in the context of the Christian worldview. It should be noted that cults of worship of the forces of darkness also existed in the pre-Christian period of human history.

The ideological inspirer of modern Satanists is considered to be a Cambridge graduate, occultist and author of a number of “magical” books, Aleister Crowley (1875-1947), the most famous representative of the “Order of the Eastern Templars” (his mystical name in the order was “Baphomet”), who believed that “Satan - not the enemy of man, but Life, Light and Love,” who called himself the Beast of the Apocalypse and taught many students. In particular, L. R. Hubbard drew a lot from the teachings of A. Crowley to create his “Church of Scientology”. Aleister Crowley widely used the practice of yoga and Buddhist tantric rituals, and visited China and the Himalayas. The works of this English mystic, who sympathized with Hitler, formed the basis of many Satanist cults, including the largest organization, the Church of Satan.

In the book "These Strange New Cults", in the chapter devoted to modern Satanism, William Petersen, analyzing the fact of the revival of Satanism in the mid-1960s, believes that the catalyst for this process was the film "Rosemary's Baby", where La Vey, the self-proclaimed head of " Church of Satan in San Francisco and author of The Satanic (Black) Bible, played the role of the devil, later calling the film "the best commercial venture for Satanism since the Inquisition," and Petersen emphasizes that La Vey is undoubtedly right here.

The sacred book of Satanists, the Black Bible, was written by Anthony Sandor LaVey, founder of the Church of Satan. The main emphasis of the “Church of Satan” is on materialism and hedonism (hedonism is a trend in ethics that affirms pleasure as the main motive and goal of human behavior). For her followers, Satan is more a symbol than a reality. In this respect they differ from other branches of Satanism. Their focus is on carnal pleasures and earthly goods. About his “Church of Satan” and Satanism in general, La Vey stated: “The temple of magnificent permissiveness could become a joy for people... But the main goal is to gather a group of like-minded people and use their combined energy to call upon the dark force of nature, which is called Satan”; "It is a defiantly selfish, brutal religion. It is based on the belief that man is an irresistibly selfish, aggressive creature whose life is a Darwinian struggle for existence, where the strongest wins, that the earth is ruled by those who fight until victory."

The "Church of Satan" supports all types of sexual activity that satisfy human desires, be it heterosexuality, homosexuality, adultery or adultery.

The "Church of Satan" is consistently materialistic and anti-Christian in nature. Her philosophy of life is the search for pleasure, she benefits from everything that enters the world through the medium of the devil. Its adherents must share the following nine principles:


    animal existence;

    unclouded wisdom;

    kindness only to those who deserve it;


    responsibility only towards those responsible;

    animal nature of man;

    committing all so-called sins;

    The best friend of the church is the one who constantly uses it for his own purposes.

For philosophical “justifications” of their views, Satanists also use the teachings of F. Nietzsche. Modern Satanism preaches the revival of the “old religion” of witchcraft. The destructive teaching of Satanists grows out of extreme selfish forms of everyday worldview. Modern Satanists worship images of the serpent from paradise, as a bearer of knowledge, and Lucifer, as the abode of fire.

The fundamental ideas of Satanism are extremely primitive:

    Satan is the strongest;

    everyone is their own god;

    life is violence;

    it is necessary to indulge and obey your base instincts and desires;

    it is necessary to act contrary to the requirements of social laws or at least be indifferent to them;

    social structures must be disintegrated from within;

    real joy is revenge on your enemies;

    earthly life is preparation for the transition to hell to torture one’s enemies;

    everything connected with official religions should be desecrated whenever possible;

    The main enemy is Orthodoxy.

The religious aspects of Satanist sects are very diverse even within the framework of their general primitiveness. Many of them consider God to be the impersonal force of the universe, above good and evil. Others claim that God is still a Person, but during his lifetime a person must please the devil as the owner of the Earth. Satanists claim that all religions are false, since there are many of them, and they were all invented by people prone to masochism. Satanism supposedly fills the void between religion and psychiatry (the authors here are clearly looking for analogies with the “Church of Scientology”). Temples of Satan should be for human revelry of liberties, the lawlessness of the nature of the beast. In rituals, Satanists need to release their rage, cruelty and vindictiveness in order to then love those who deserve love. In turn, love can only be known through the knowledge of hatred. What is important to them is the feeling of liberation from a guilt complex. But all perversions must be supposedly free, without violence. "Voluntariness" is often achieved through drugs. Satanists accept any forms of free sexual love as “normal” satisfaction of individual needs and natural inclinations. They preach indulgence instead of abstinence, but without external coercion of "sexual freedoms."

The “morality” of Satanists is based not only on the denial, but also on the complete perversion of Christian life values. All the main Orthodox rituals and prayers have variants among Satanists that are opposite in meaning, but similar in form. Their motto is to give to others what they gave to you. For sectarians, Satanism is the highest embodiment of human life, because the needs of people are supposedly first of all the needs of the flesh. The highest holiday of a Satanist is his birthday. Regarding life after death, Satanists have very vague statements at the level of “everything will be fine.” Some sects are confident that they will have the eternal bliss of tormenting their enemies and other forms of satisfying their ego. They believe that a new satanic era is coming.

On April 10, 1994, in the program “Oasis”, prepared by the Open World TV and production company, the Kovcheg studio and broadcast by the Russian Universities channel, Kandaurov called Christ “the brother of Satan.” Then Kandaurov shared his belief that Lucifer is supposedly God’s beloved creation, who never fell away from the Creator, that good and evil are two manifestations of a single world principle: “Christ and Satan are connected into one whole; in esoteric symbolism, Christ and Satan are depicted as two-headed serpent. They do one thing. Christ is the teacher of humanity, Satan is the examiner..."

5. Aleister Crowley - the ideological inspirer of modern Satanism

Modern lovers of occult wisdom, who have no doubt that they are dealing with ancient magic, with the rituals of Egyptian priests and Chaldean magicians, are often mistaken, since many “magic recipes and spells” passed from one book to another were “recreated” by Aleister Crowley (1875 -1947). Today's Satanists do not like to advertise this fact, so Crowley's name has been thoroughly forgotten. And once upon a time it thundered. “The Great Magician of the 20th Century,” as Crowley was called, glorified himself not only with his scientific works, but also with sexmagic orgies using drugs that shocked his contemporaries.

In the 90s of the last century, a certain Mathers, who founded the “Order of the Ruby Rose and Golden Cross,” enjoyed great popularity. He dressed himself in an extravagant mantle of golden brocade and put on his head a pointed cap with earmuffs, such as Tibetan monks wear. Together with thirty “brothers” and fifty disciples, Mazere rented a room called the “Temple of Isis-Urania.” In 1898, Mazere gained access to a study of the “Book of Sacred Magic of the Magician Abra-Melin,” discovered in the library of the Paris Arsenal, printed in 1458 and which was a textbook on the occult. That same year, Mathers met Crowley.

Crowley was born in Warwickshire in 1875. According to one version, his father was one of the leaders of the Plymouth Brotherhood. An oppressive atmosphere of fanatical belief in the coming Antichrist and the imminent end of the world reigned in the family. The psychopathic situation in the house left an indelible imprint on the character and fate of little Crowley. According to another (more probable) version, Crowley was born into a family of hereditary “black Satanists.” When, shortly before his death, Crowley was asked why he called himself the “Beast of the Apocalypse,” he replied that his mother called him that. She calmly watched as her son tore off the heads of pigeons and sucked their blood.

Crowley left his parents' home early, choosing a wandering life. Like many others, he was attracted by the East, so he went to the Himalayas. One cannot deny him perseverance and courage. In 1902-1905 he made several ascents of some of the highest mountain peaks. Crowley brought a reticulated python from India. From then on, some huge reptile always lived in his house, with which he often posed for photographers.

Having joined the Order of the Ruby Rose and the Golden Cross in London, Crowley soon achieved equal initiation with Mathers, after which he continued his mystical research in Cambridge. Then he again travels to Asia, where he decides to break with Mathers and found his own order - "Argentum astrum" ("Silver Star"). In 1903, he married a certain Rose Kelly, but she could not endure for long the temperamental experiments of her husband, who was the first in the West to promote horoscope love positions and tantric sex. The marriage broke up, but her place was empty for long. In Leah Hirsig, Crowley found both a priestess and a shakti lover. In his books “The Book of the Law”, “The Theory and Practice of Magic” and others, Crowley combined ancient rituals of serving the devil, shaitan and other demons with contemporary occult practices. He revived the ancient practice of using drugs in witchcraft rituals, noting the special role of the use in rituals of hashish, opium, fly agaric infusion, peyote cactus and Aztec mushrooms, all of which Crowley tried on himself. Crowley created Satanist sects in New York and Singapore, Macau and Rome, Buenos Aires and Montevideo. Having settled in Sicily after the First World War, Crowley founded the “Thelema Abbey” there, where he continued his magical research, improved the technique of sexmagic rituals, and experimented widely with drugs. He had many followers and students, among whom a special place was occupied by the medium and sorceress Violet Mary (1891-1946), known under the pseudonym “God is not Fate.” Crowley more than once invited her to participate in the “mysteries of Isis and Adonis,” as he called his sexmagic orgies. Another famous student of his later became Ron Hubbard.

In 1922, Crowley became Grand Master of the "Order of the Eastern Temple" (Order of the Eastern Templars), closely associated with German occult groups, which included future high-ranking SS functionaries; Crowley generally had a favorable attitude towards National Socialism and fascism. However, the relationship did not work out, and Crowley was forced to leave Italy. During World War II, Crowley wrote his last significant work, The Book of Thoth.

6. "Black Bible" by La Vey

One of the most widespread books among Satanists, reflecting the basic concepts of their activities, is the “Satanic Bible” (or “Black Bible”) by Anthony Sandor La Vey, the leader of American black magicians, written by him in 1968 and published in 125 thousand copies, which and predetermined the formation of the “Church of Satan”: “There are satanic thoughts here, and they are expressed from a satanic point of view.”

This book is cheap and easily accessible for teenagers. It helps to make the point that the common image of the Satanist as some guy muttering something Masonic is inaccurate. "The Satanic Bible" is a coherent, rational work outlining a belief system that attracts enormous interest among teenagers. Speakers of Satanism, including La Vey, tend to be powerful, articulate, and intelligent.

Satan, according to LaVey, nicknamed the "Black Pope" by many of his followers, is the concentration of all the dark sides of human nature. “Satan sits in each of us, and the task is only to identify and cognize him. The Satanic principle contained in people is the main and most powerful one. We must be proud of it, and not be burdened by it. It must be cultivated, which is what we are doing in our temple with the help of various magical spells,” La Vey asserted. “There is no afterlife, at least not a heavenly one,” he stated, “so we must hurry to enjoy earthly joys.”

La Vey preached the need to create a church that could turn a person’s carnal desires into an object of worship, veneration and glorification: “Since the cult of bodily desires brings pleasure to people, since then there has been a temple of glorious indulgence, a temple of lust, a temple of this cult..."

The book humiliates the status of man: “Satan classifies man among the animal world and considers him the same creature as others...”, Christianity is constantly insulted.

The extreme degree of destructiveness and danger of La Vey's Black Bible is expressed in the following.

    Misanthropy, anger and deceit that permeated her through and through:
    “Blessed is the one who scatters his enemies, for they will make a hero out of him; cursed is the one who does good to those who mock him, for he will be despised!”;
    “Thrice cursed are those weak whose insecurity makes them low and vile, for they are disgusting!”;
    "...cursed are the obedient and humble righteous, for they will be crushed by artiodactyls."

    The book itself was constructed as the antithesis of the real Bible.
    So, in the second chapter, the author claims that “no matter how you knock on the door, it will not open to you, so knock down the door yourself,” and the third reads:
    “Love your enemies and do good to those who hate and abuse you.” Isn’t this the despicable philosophy of a flattering dog who rolls on his back when he is beaten? So hate your enemy with all your soul and all your heart... and If someone hits you on the cheek, give him the other one; whoever turns the other cheek is a cowardly dog.”

    When writing his book, La Vey tried to take into account and correct the shortcomings of the works of his predecessors.
    La Vey wrote: “For a long time, the subject of satanic magic and philosophy was described only by frightened, wild-eyed journalists following the right-hand coup... Old literature is only a product of a mind infected with fear or disease, which is why it was written without knowledge of the matter... Tongues of the Flames of Hell will flare up... to ignite all these volumes filled with hoary, ancient misinformation and false prophecies. This is why the Satanic Bible was written. Here you will find the truth.

    The book is written in a very thoughtful and sophisticated style, which in the present, difficult and cruel time for Russia, may well attract to the cult people who are desperate, embittered, have lost their life guidelines, or simply with strong psychological problems, not to mention the mentally ill, for whom, at first glance, this book seems to have been written, although in fact it was written by very smart people and is intended for a very specific contingent of people - potential adherents of Satanist cults. The book is not designed for those who read it to immediately run to perform Satanic rituals; the purpose of the book is to plant false seeds of doubt in the soul and mind of the reader:
    “What you see here may not always be to your taste, but, most importantly, you will see!”

    The "Black Bible" actually calls on adherents of Satanist cults to a bloody struggle with the extra-cult world:
    “Return blow for blow, death for death, mockery for mockery, insult for insult. - repay generously... An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Take revenge four times, a hundred times! Become the personification of Terror itself for your enemies. ..";
    “Aren’t we all like predatory animals by instinct? But if people absolutely stop hunting each other, deceiving... will they be able to continue to exist?”

    The “Black Bible” says: “Satan proclaims revenge instead of turning the other cheek,” which, given the thesis about the need to increase revenge by 4-100 times relative to the magnitude of the offense towards the devil worshiper, is actually a call for terror against the entire non-cult society, since, for example , in response to a sidelong glance in the direction of the devil worshiper, the latter, based on the above, may well kill the author of this glance that he did not like.

The "Black Bible" a priori removes all the sins of Satan's followers.

No matter how many crimes the devil-worshipping adept commits, it is declared that he bears no responsibility, since all sins are permitted to him: “Satan, with his greatest mercy, resolves and grants to humanity all so-called “sins” that lead a person to physical, intellectual or emotional satisfaction.” .

Teenagers may be interested in Bible Black for a number of reasons. It promotes a kind of fierce independence, including anarchy, rebellion, and radical self-sufficiency at a point in a teenager's life when attitudes toward power are being formed. It promotes the denial of any form of authority, whether religious, social, or parental. Moral codes of any kind are simply obstacles to be overcome. “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole law” - this quote from Aleister Crowley’s “Book of the Law” expresses it well. Any individual who obeys laws or commands from external sources (except, of course, Satan) does so out of weakness. Since rebellion against authority typically occurs during the teenage years (and can in fact be used to characterize these very difficult years), Satanist ideology can be extremely attractive, especially to those who have already experienced difficulties associated with authority figures. La Vey's Satanic Bible also advocates the liberation of instincts, especially those constrained by social moral codes. This refers to a kind of here/now indulgence of natural impulses, especially aggressive and sexual impulses, with a complete lack of respect for other considerations. Suppression in any form is wrong; liberation of any desire is correct. Since sexual and aggressive urges are intense during the teenage years, it is easy to see why this philosophy can be attractive to the young. Taken to its logical conclusion, this philosophy advocates one long, never-ending game of self-indulgence. The religious philosophy of Satanism actually offers what may seem like a "teenager's dream": "Satan represents indulgence instead of abstinence"; “Satan personifies all so-called sins in such a way that they lead to physical, mental or emotional satisfaction.” A sophisticated reader could immediately easily interpret this in a broader context; a young teenager may not be so capable. Selfishness, inflating one's self at the expense of others, is the central message conveyed here. Given the fact that the teenager is struggling with self-determination, this message can distort this already difficult process of personal growth.

The bait offered in the Black Bible is very strong and leads very deep. La Vey offers a picture of reality in which humanity is portrayed as an advanced form of evil animal, in which the weak are suppressed by the strong, and in which feelings such as love, compassion and warmth are characteristic of the weak. This vision is a mixture of Darwinism and some form of Machiavellianism, combined with elements of Nietzsche's "will to power." This vision is consistent with many trends widely accepted in our culture today and is compatible with some aspects of scientific materialism. This does not mean that our society is "Satanistic" or that science is a "tool of the devil." It simply means that Satanic philosophy will look strangely familiar to our children, rather than bizarre or alien as outsiders might expect. Power is the thread that runs through the entire Satanic religion - the power to be free from any constraint (including moral codes), free from any constraint or motivation. It is a celebration of the self, carried out in such a way that the self becomes the center of the universe. "I", in short, is God. “Man, beast is a deity for a Satanist”; "Every man is a god if he chooses to recognize himself as such." Satanism, in other words, is clearly not just an eccentric religion without coherence.

Anthony La Vey's "Black Bible" resonates positively with many souls also because, to a large extent, modern collective social and individual behavior appears to be governed by beliefs very similar to those put forward by La Vey. And La Vey persistently agrees with this point of view. In fact, he openly states that Satanism simply recognizes what is already there, and that it is the real (if as yet unrecognized) religion of our society: in fact, we preach what has long ago become the American way of life. It’s just that not everyone has the courage to call a spade a spade.

Another book used by Satanists, most often in their teens, is the Necronomicon, written by the “Crazy Arab,” Abdul Alhazared. The book supposedly teaches readers how to summon demons.

7. Rituals of satanic sects, black mass

Satanism, like any other religion, has its own traditions and canons - including in terms of performing rituals, including the ritual of human sacrifice.

The worship of Satan, known as Satanism, comes in various forms. Black magic, the black mass, some types of subculture of drug addicts, blood sacrifices - all this is somehow connected with Satanism. As one of the guides for conducting their rituals, Satanists use La Vey’s “Book of Satanic Rituals.”

According to the canons of the Church of Satan, any ritual, including sacrifice, is performed inside the so-called “protective circle”, which in fact represents two circles inscribed in each other, between which there is symbolism consisting of individual letters in Hebrew, as well as symbols dating back to ancient Egyptian cults and medieval Kabbalah. Usually the “protective circle” is drawn by a servant using a “magic blade” on the ground, or “sprinkled” with coarse sea salt.

The basis of the Satanist cult is sacrifice. The real sacrifice for them is not murder as such, but the mortal pangs of a living creature. The choice of victim is simple. This is anyone who dealt with Satanists, from their point of view, wrongly or seriously disturbed their peace. Thus, he seemed to give permission for his torment and death. Instead of a real victim, her image can sometimes be used: a doll, photograph, drawing, written or verbal description. The image is destroyed, for example, by sticking needles or nails into it, describing the process of destruction, etc. The beginning of the ritual of sacrifice in the satanic cult is indicated by nine strikes of a portable bell; during the ritual, a gong sounds during the choral reading of a special prayer by those gathered, and the sacrifice is completed by the same nine strikes of a portable bell. In Satanism, the age of human victims is clearly regulated: either it must be an unbaptized baby, or a person who has reached adulthood.

The sacrifice itself is performed on the altar, which should be located near the western wall if the ritual takes place indoors, or in the western part of the open area. Unlike the “living” altar for the Black Mass, whose role is usually played by a reclining naked woman, the altar for sacrifices is a box made of wooden beams at least 90 cm high and 165 cm long - although in “field” conditions it can be used for these purposes and a similar sized flat stone slab. Be that as it may, the altar is a mandatory attribute of worship. A special ritual knife is used as a murder weapon, which is a double-sided blade with a handle made of white bone, on which a special prayer is engraved in Latin.

Satanist magic consists of "formal ceremonies to concentrate adrenaline and other emotionally induced energy to transform it into dynamically transmitted force." One of the main magical tools is sending curses. Rituals are carried out in “rooms of intellectual emancipation”. They are carried out by the master, priestesses, presenter and other participants. The altar is usually a naked woman in a provocatively sexual pose, holding black candles, preferably made from the fat of unbaptized babies. A cup containing the prostitute's urine or blood is placed on her stomach. Ritual accessories: black robes with caps to cover faces, black and one white candles, a bell, a sword, an artificial phallus, a gong, parchments, a cup (definitely not gold), an inverted Christian cross, a pentagram (five-pointed star) - a symbol of Baphomet. Sectarians cover their faces to facilitate the emancipation of their basest emotions: cruelty, revenge, voluptuousness, etc. Satanists use a special magical alphabet and language called Enochian.

This is how the Satanist girls who went through it described the Satanic initiation rite. They had to go to the cemetery at night, step over a cross the size of a human figure and reject all faith in Christ. Then the ritual itself took place, during which the girls had to drink the blood of an animal from which the skin had been skinned alive.

In one of the publications of the Megapolis Express newspaper, the “black mass” of Satanists was described as follows:

"... The room is barely lit by the trembling flames of candles. In the middle is a red table on which a naked woman lies. Her pose is sexually provocative: her legs are raised... The woman holds black candles in her hands. On her stomach is a silver cup with fresh blood. One one of the priest's assistants (Satanist priest - editor's note) picks up the phallus (ritual plastic - editor's note) and shakes it twice against each cardinal direction to bless the house. Participants in the ritual, dressed in black robes with hoods, begin. pronouncing curses, shouting loudly and gradually becoming furious. The air smells of sweat, the grease of burnt candles..."

Three bull hearts pierced with knives, sheets of paper with illegible notes, red candles around - such traces of the bloody ritual of Satanists were discovered by Italian police in the Idroscalo forest near Milan.

The opposition of the cult of Satan to Christianity is most clearly manifested in the rituals of today's devil worshipers. The most impressive of them is the black mass, during which sacred symbols of Christianity, such as the cross, are blasphemed and ridiculed. Sabbaths continue, as in the Middle Ages, in the mountains (Brocken in Germany, Blokula in Sweden, Bald Mountain near Linz), in the forest or on the desert plain.

The "Black Mass" must be celebrated on Satanic holidays:

    Days of winter and summer solstice, autumn and spring equinox;

    on the night of every full moon.

A priest and priestess celebrate the Black Mass. One man does not serve because he “does not provide communication with egregors.” Satanism is a matriarchal cult of the left hand. In some Satanist orders, the cult acquires a dualistic character, but the feminine principle always predominates, since, according to the beliefs of Satanists, a woman is closer to the devil than a man. Only the priestess performs initiation rites and reads the “entrance” (special ritual spells to summon Satan).

Usually the Black Mass is celebrated from 0 o'clock to 4 o'clock in the morning. It is believed that there are no strict rules for conducting the Mass and differences in “liturgics” do not differ significantly among different orders, although more than 30 variants of conducting the service during the Black Mass are known. Services in serious Satanist groups are conducted in Latin. Enochian keys are sometimes used.

Satanists dress during their rituals in black clothes, in their words, “the color of mourning for the victims of Christianity and the color of the night before the triumph of reason and light, before the coming of Satan.” The jewelry of Satanists is made of silver - “lunar metal”, since “gold cannot be worn until Satan comes.”

At the very beginning of the Black Mass, the "entrance" is read for about 40 minutes, followed by the praise of Satan. It is believed that Satanists do not pray: “They are proud and it is not customary to ask Satan. You cannot bargain with Satan. The soul is not for sale, since it is free and does not belong to anyone.”

The second stage is sacrifice. The sacrifice is a dove, ram, rabbit or rooster. The animal is killed with one blow, after which the victim is given for a “burnt offering.” The blood of the victim is poured into a cup and drunk as “communion”; Satanists see in this “magical unity with the egregor of nature.” Then, to achieve a closer unity of the spirit of the adherents, 2 ml of blood is collected from each of them. The blood is diluted and drunk also as a “communion”. The “sacred pentagrams” of Satanists are “sanctified” with the remains of the blood.

After this, neophytes are initiated and forced to read a renunciation of Christianity. The whole thing ends with a Satanist hymn, which is the opposite of “Our Father” (in one of the Satanist groups in Moscow, a version of such a hymn is called “Domini satanas”).

Teenagers are the most impressionable. They strive to copy antiheroes, perceiving the imposed type of behavior as the norm. The uncontrolled “black market” of video films, through which, along with some types of rock music, in many cases introduces teenagers to Satanism, is full of Satanist symbols and makes it possible to practically master Satanist rituals.

8. Characteristics of Satanic cults

The sleep of reason gives birth to monsters"
(Francisco Goya)

The worship of Satan has deep historical roots. Notable here is the story of the Hungarian Countess Elisabeth Bathory, who sadistically mocked her servants, took bloody baths, ate her victims, human flesh being one of her main dishes. Rumors about the atrocities of Elizabeth Bathory spread wider and wider, and government officials could no longer turn a blind eye to her atrocities. The police secretly entered her castle while she was bleeding her servants. She was sentenced to life imprisonment in a crypt-like cell with only one hole through which food was served to the bloody countess. She died in prison in 1614.

In Europe, the peak of the passion for Satanism was observed in the middle of the 17th century in fairly high secular circles. Many hundreds of babies were “supplied” as victims to the Satanists’ black masses. Then disgusting and terrible Satanic rituals were developed in detail.

Among many Satanic cults, researchers distinguish between societies of worshipers of the devil as such (which is quite rare in its pure form), and worshipers of the same devil as “god” (Luciferians). In the 70s, the “Lucifer International” was created, with the goal of uniting the sects of Satanists to create the Order of the Aryan Knights, the highest elite of “keepers of secrets.”

Basically, the “unions of Satanists” are built on the principles of a strict hierarchy, including five degrees (disciples, witches, demons, etc.). All members of the union are subordinate to a council, which has the right to appoint local leaders of Satanists, and the choice is usually determined by the wealth and social status of the candidates for these posts. Like centuries ago, there is a division by profession - into specialists in black and white magic. The former can, on order, cause damage to the enemy, the latter can contribute to business success.

The specific activities of sects are carried out in the form of legal unions and secret elite groups that recruit their supporters mainly at rock concerts among lovers of acute and morally dubious sensations. Adherents of Satanist sects use a certain set of key password combinations. For example, the phrase “yellow brick road” will mean nothing to the uninitiated. But a Satanist will immediately understand it.

Satanists use bloody sacrifices and ritual painful killings of animals, and sometimes people, actively use narcotic and psychotropic substances, and interact with the drug mafia.

Satanist sects produce satanic literature in mass quantities, help organize rock concerts, make T-shirts, jackets, rings, etc. products with their own symbols. A number of fashionable rock bands openly praised Satanism. The informal leader of the American “Church of Satan” was the popular singer Jean Mansfield.

The subculture of Satanist youth and amateur bands is dominated by certain forms of heavy metal music. Music of such rock bands as "Slayer" ("Killer"), "Celtic Frost" ("Celtic Frost"), "The Who", "KISS" and "Led Zeppelin" (this also includes Ozzy Osb our ne ), may be singled out due to its open promotion of Satanist ideology. This is actually religious music, if you accept the premise that Satanism is a religion. The names of such songs are quite indicative here: “Sabbath, Bloody Sabbath”, “Looking at the ATSPU at the Cross”, “Number of the Beast”. This kind of music may be of extremely poor quality in terms of art, but its content directly appeals to Satanism, and its attack is much more than just entertainment. Two themes, for example, clearly emerge in this "dark metal". The first is suicide, the second is ritual murder and dismemberment. Suicide is put forward as a response to life's problems, as a kind of ritual or religious act of courage and religious zeal. Songs such as “The Solution is Suicide,” “Compulsory Suicide,” “Kill Yourself to Live,” and “Winds of Suicide” extol the virtues of such a “solution.” In the United States, legal action was launched by parents who felt their son's suicide was due to the influence of heavy metal music. Killing and dismembering others is also put forward as an act of catharsis. Again, here are a few titles: "Spill Blood", "Bodily Dismemberment", "Murder Is My Business... And It's a Good Business"... The hard rock band Led Zeppelin gained a significant place in rock history mainly thanks to to his guitarist Jimmy Page, who, having experienced the full extent of hallucinogenic drugs, led the group to an apparent Satanic cult. Of the works that brought fame to this group, the most famous are: "Neaupen" ("Stairway to Heaven"), the text of which includes witchcraft spells and subliminal messages, and "Presence" ("Presence"), dedicated to satanic forces.

Some satanic groups recruit neophytes in schools and universities. Witnesses say that the recruiters of one of the Satanic cults are almost forcibly pulling in, “literally dragging you by the hands.” Others do not proselytize at all.

11. Criminal and savage nature of satanic and demonic cults

Satanist leaders have been repeatedly characterized by the press as extremely debauched sadists and masochists. Regularly in the media there are reports of brutal crimes involving adherents of various kinds of Satanic cults.

Below is a list of some of these crimes that have become known to the public and the media:

    the brutal murder of actress Sharon Tate and her friends at the dacha of film director Roman Polanski in 1972 by Charles Manson, the leader of the coven (a unit of 13 adherents) of the “Church of Satan”, which actually made an advertisement for the “Church of Satan”; the police established that this crime was of a ritual nature, since religious drawings, in particular inverted Christian crosses and pentagrams, were left on the walls of the building; despite demands from the American public to execute Manson, a California state court pardoned the devil worshiper, sending him to life imprisonment in Wecksville near Sacramento;

    the murder of 17-year-old Ross Cochran by devil worshipers in Florida in April 1973 during a sacrifice ritual; the body of Cochran, savagely beaten and mutilated, was found near the town of Daytona Beach (Florida, USA); According to the police report, Ross Cochran was a victim of Satanists;

    ritual murder in October 1988 in Ontario by 25-year-old Satanist Brantford of his 12-year-old sister (cut her throat);

    the discovery by American police in April 1989 near Brownsville (Texas) of a Satanist sect that committed human sacrifices;

    the murder of five young girls in Pretoria (South Africa) in 1989 by adherents of the cult of Satan; the South African police, investigating the circumstances of this murder, recently put forward exactly this version; main suspects Geert van Rooyen and his girlfriend Joy Haarhoff committed suicide after police were on their trail; during a search of their house, a cache was discovered in the basement where animal bones were stored in a container with acid, the remains of living creatures were also found in the back garden of the house; as police spokesman Reggie Marimuthu said, difficult to explain things happened in this home; according to him, detectives are developing several versions at once, but the most likely of them is Satanism (ITAR-TASS report dated May 11, 1996);

    ritual murder on April 18, 1993, on the Holy Resurrection of Christ, in Optina Pustyn (Kaluga region) of three Orthodox monks; the caught killer - Satanist Nikolai Averin - did not even refuse what he had done; in general, since 1988, several clergy of the Russian Orthodox Church have been killed by ritual means;

    a number of ritual murders committed by adherents of the “Order of the Devil” near Khabarovsk in 1990-1993; the remains were found in a swampy area; all the murders were taken upon himself by the Satanist Prokhorov, at whose home the police discovered a Satanic temple;

    ritual murder in 1994 in the Desert of the Orthodox pilgrim George with thirteen injections with a long knitting needle (the last blow was in the heart);

    ritual murder by several schoolchildren in Cherkessk of their classmate: they stabbed the girl and drank her blood as a ritual drink;

    ritual murder in Gomel of a seven-year-old boy and a first-grader by an occultist; upon arrest, he stated that he killed for mystical reasons;

    rape and ritual murder by an adherent of the Satanist sect "Blue Lotus", a 24-year-old guard of the fur farm of the collective farm "Progress" in the village of Novoyazovskoe, Dnepropetrovsk region, Yu. Kravchenko, an eleven-year-old boy; Frightened by the reprisals of his fellow villagers, Kravchenko committed suicide; during a search of his apartment, his “Satanist diary” was discovered (he signed it himself);

    a bloody drama that took place on the night of January 6 (the holiday of all Satanists) 1995 at one of the border posts in the Pamirs, when an adept of Satan, a border guard soldier from Vologda, killed two of his colleagues and wounded a third, shooting them with a machine gun, after which he committed suicide ; Many occult symbols were found in the notebook of a Satanist soldier, and his colleagues noted his repeated stories of Satanism and attempts to convert soldiers to his faith;

    ritual murder of a 16-year-old girl by Satanists in the city of Kansk, Krasnoyarsk Territory in 1995;

    the conviction in 1995 in Ivano-Frankovsk (Ukraine) of three adherents of a Satanist cult for “desecration of graves”;

    a brutal ritual murder - a sacrifice to Satan - on the eve of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in 1995 in the military town of Diaghilev near Ryazan by a local “psychic healer” Arina Zabrodina, the wife of an officer, her own second-grader son Kolya, whom she specially prepared for a sacrifice to Satan for several days, fed him special food, etc.: first she stunned the boy, then took him to the bathroom and cut off his head, drained the blood (the fact that the body was bloodless was shown by a forensic examination); she wrapped the head of Zabrodin’s son in a white cloth and put it in a plastic bag, the neighbors saw her standing on the balcony, holding some kind of round object in her hands and performing strange actions, similar to ritual ones; only the intervention of the police saved her daughter, who was supposed to be next, from reprisals;

    ritual murder-sacrifice of a boy in Brest in October 1995;

    the sacrifice of a young girl from St. Petersburg by Satanists in 1996;

    desecration of the Holy Spirit Cathedral in Minsk by Satanists on the night of July 23-24, 1996: defacement of mosaic icons (the Holy Trinity, Saints John the Baptist, Slovenian teachers Cyril and Methodius) with black paint and the application of cult anti-Christian symbols and blasphemous inscriptions expressing a direct threat physical destruction of Christians: “I am Satan. I am the truth...”, “The hour has come, the wolf’s den has risen from the ashes that bring death...”; one of the participants in this crime was detained;

    the inexplicable deliberate burning of corpses (according to one version, ritual) in the morgue of the central district hospital of Korolev (formerly Kaliningrad), Moscow region, on the night of August 15, 1996; the attackers broke down the door, doused each of the 10 corpses located there individually with flammable liquid and set them on fire (a similar incident occurred in the same morgue in the summer of 1995);

    ritual murder committed by satanist K. in the city of Fryazino, Moscow region;

    the brutal ritual murder of a 32-year-old woman by Satanists in November 1995 in St. Petersburg; as the investigation found out, the Satanists (2 men and 2 women), by common agreement, sacrificed the unfortunate woman to Satan, then dragged her into the bathroom, where they dismembered the corpse (as, according to them, the ritual required), then in the same way they dealt with two dogs deceased, then the remains were packaged in 4 bags and thrown into a small pond on the street. Chelyabinsk;

    an act of vandalism committed by two young Satanists at a Catholic cemetery in Siluta, a city in western Lithuania, on All Souls' Day, which in Lithuania is considered one of the most revered days of the calendar; they knocked down 30 tombstones and crosses, desecrated dozens of graves; during a search of their apartments, the police discovered many metal figurines of Jesus Christ, torn from crosses and monuments, which, as it turned out, served them to perform satanic rituals; in the same Silut, the police detained a large group of young people dressed all in black who tried to disrupt the service in the temple, shouting obscenities at Christ; they openly told the police that they recognize the power of the devil and follow the precepts of Satan: any cross they meet on the way must be toppled (and this is no longer youth outrage; the Silut grave desecrators who were caught and imprisoned, for example, did just that) [ 53 ];

    the detention in March 1996 in Minsk of a Satanist who committed a ritual murder; the detainee did not deny his guilt and admitted that he had been preparing for this for several years by killing cats; when the number of "executed" animals reached 666, the Satanist "in the name of your master" stabbed a man; The Republic's Ministry of Internal Affairs admitted that this was the second case of ritual murder;

    the sacrifice of a young man by Satanists at a cross under the walls of the Jerusalem monastery in May 1996;

    in Stavropol, on the night of August 10, 199b, a two-meter cross, consecrated by Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Rus' two years earlier, was set on fire on the territory of the regional hospital;

    in St. Petersburg, on the site of a church under construction for the disabled, a wooden cross was chopped into splinters twice, on August 14 and 30, 1996; a little earlier one of the city's cemeteries had been desecrated;

    a series of strange similar and almost simultaneous suicides by hanging of more than 30 young people (some knew each other) since September 1996 in Tyumen and the Tyumen suburban village of Antipino; everyone was hanged with the same type of leather belts; due to a number of factors, a version was put forward about their involvement in a Satanist sect;

    an act of vandalism committed by Satanists at the central city cemetery of Vinnitsa on the night of November 1, 1996 (on the Halloween holiday), when 40 tombstones were destroyed; Only those graves on which crosses stood were subjected to desecration, while the crosses were broken or turned over and stuck into the ground in this form; in January 1997, the internal affairs bodies of Vinnitsa, on suspicion of committing this crime, detained four vocational school students who declared that they were Satanists and thus celebrated their main holiday; they face up to three years in prison;

    arson of an Orthodox church in Zaslavl in October 1996;

    desecration of an Orthodox cemetery in the Kazakh village of Troitskoye (Taldykurgan region) at the end of December 1996, vandals fired at photographs on tombstones; 23 graves were desecrated; the very next day, as a result of search activities, the desecrators of the graves were detained.

    an attack by a group of young people calling themselves Satanists on the eve of the Nativity of Christ in 1997 on the city Church of the Ascension of the Lord in the town of Elektrostal near Moscow; they rushed into the temple, threw stones at the windows, threatened the priests with violence, and desecrated the walls with obscene inscriptions; The police who arrived on call did not have time to detain the attackers - they disappeared;

    an incident on January 7, 1997, associated with an anonymous call to the duty department of the Moscow Main Internal Affairs Directorate about an impending terrorist attack in the Epiphany Cathedral of Moscow, where at that moment a solemn service was taking place with the participation of Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Alexy II and some of the country's top officials; there is a version that the explosive device did exist, but was not detonated due to inconsistency in the actions of the Satanists responsible for it.

The list of deeds of Satanists (by no means complete) includes:

    ritual murders of people, including children, and suicides;

    kidnappings of people, including children;

    child molestation;


    grave desecration and grave digging;

    animal abuse, such as skinning animals alive, and ritual killings of animals;

    desecration of temples and other places of worship of traditional religions and denominations;
    drug use and distribution;

    sexual orgies and forced homosexuality.

After the services of the Satanists, the police found people hanged in these places, classifying it as suicide. In general, the Russian police, as well as the police of other countries, prefer not to get involved with Satanists, acting only in the most egregious and well-known cases.

USA. In the US, in the state of Ohio alone, Satanists sacrifice 5 newborns every year. In total, according to Interpol, up to 100 similar cases are uncovered in Western countries every year. There are many solved murders abroad in which the killers directly stated that they worshiped Satan. Police regularly find evidence of sacrificial killings of animals, as well as human sacrifices.

Israel. According to the Israeli Ministry of Internal Affairs, there are already more than two dozen Satanist sects in this country. About once a week, Satanists organize night orgies in abandoned houses, vacant lots or Christian cemeteries. At the same time, they use drugs, engage in group sex, and sacrifice animals. It costs nothing for Satanists to kill their own parents. There are facts that among Satanists they began to use the following method of supplying babies to “black masses”: a follower of Satan gets a child from an adherent of the same sect, bears him, and then gives him to be torn to pieces by her priests. Concerned by these facts, the Israeli parliament became closely involved in the criminal activities of adherents of Satan and other mystical sects. The Israeli Ministry of Internal Affairs has created a special group that will investigate such cases.

Kenya. In Kenya, a government commission to investigate the activities of devil worshipers and other cults, created two years ago by a special decree of President Daniel Arap Moi, recently concluded that Satanists really exist in this country and are actively infiltrating educational institutions and other government institutions in Kenya. The government of Kenya, according to a statement from the press service of the country's president, intends to take the most stringent measures to curb the activities of Satanist cults, since their activities in this country have acquired a truly ominous scale, devil worshipers are guilty of numerous crimes: child abductions, rape, murder, self-mutilation, child molestation.

In addition, the statement says, Satanists practice human sacrifice, drink human blood, serve “black masses,” use drugs, and encourage homosexual sexual intercourse among cult adherents.

Romania. There is increasing talk about victims of the cult of Lucifer in Romania, where the number of devil worshipers is growing extremely rapidly. As stated in the material prepared by the competent authorities of Romania and published in the Romanian press, Satanism instills in the consciousness of young people contempt for social norms and moral values. Of particular concern is the fact that Satanism has recently been penetrating more and more deeply among students. The main means of promoting Satanism is a specific direction of rock music. To join a sect, a written commitment is required. Adherents of Satan use hallucinogenic drugs and organize orgies during which animals are sacrificed. In the Satanist movement of Romania, there are 7 degrees of initiation, of which the highest allows you to join a similar organization in any country, if it exists there. It is said that Romanian Satanists have so far reached the 3rd degree.

Mongolia. According to ITAR-TASS on December 5, 1996, Khambo Lama, the head of the Mongolian Buddhists, said “about many savage sects in which they probably make human sacrifices or at least use the bodies of the dead in rituals” operating on territory of Mongolia.

Egypt. According to ITAR TASS on January 25, 1997, more than 80 members of the youth satanic sect “Servants of Satan” were arrested in Egypt. As it became known, most of the detained Satanists are students aged 17 to 28 years and belong to the elite of Egyptian society. Among them are the children of famous artists, a journalist, two ambassadors, officials, businessmen, university professors and even a prince from a Gulf country. Earlier it was reported that in the midst of the holy month of Muslim fasting, Ramadan, the Egyptian State Security Prosecutor's Office began an investigation into an unprecedented case of “disbelief in the Almighty and deification of the devil.” Members of the group, which also called itself the “Union of Death,” are accused of “mockery of divinely inspired religions, drug use, sexual orgies, destruction of graves and mockery of corpses.” They, in particular, were engaged in “perverse interpretation of the Koran and the Bible to support their postulates, which say, for example, that the devil, having been expelled from paradise, was subjected to unjust oppression and the coming of his son, who will rule the world.”

Egyptian Interior Minister Hassan al-Alfi expressed regret that the arrested “belong to such respected families” and stressed that this phenomenon “should have no place on Egyptian soil.”

Russia. In Moscow there are groups of Satan’s servants, disguised, for example, as a “suicide club.” Club members go to hospital departments where failed suicides lie and offer an easy and pleasant death in the company of like-minded people in exchange for bequeathing property.

According to experts from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Satanists carefully study the criminal and other legislation of Russia, preparing in advance to counteract law enforcement agencies. To carry out serious criminal acts, Satanists often try to frame mentally ill people. Among Satanists, it is common practice to give orders “from above” to commit suicide; an example is the ritual suicide of a graduate of a military school in Minsk in 1996.

Satanist sects are dangerous due to their lawlessness in the choice of means to achieve their selfish goals, cynical obscurantism, open outrage against traditional religions, connections with the drug mafia and organized crime that controls the shadow arms market. Thus, in Pustyn on March 16, 1995 at 11.00, a police squad detained Viktor Yuryevich Kozlov, who had been previously twice convicted, born in 1966, a native of Saratov. A gas pistol, a hunting knife and a 50 cm long sword with a sheath worn behind his back, as well as occult literature and books on martial arts were found on him. Based on the analysis of the ritual murders of 1993 and 1994 in the Desert, it can be assumed that the Satanists wanted to celebrate Easter with a bloody atrocity in 1995 as well.

It is difficult for ordinary, morally crippled people to believe that Satanist sects are a reality of our days. However, this is a fact that must be taken into account by government officials and, above all, law enforcement agencies when solving murders committed for unclear reasons (especially against Christians and their supporters), or searching for missing people (including babies).

The number of missing people is increasing every year. In the first quarter of 1993 alone, 31.7 thousand people were wanted, 13.5 thousand were found, more than half of them were alive. According to the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, the majority of disappeared people become victims of crime; a third of the missing are women and girls aged 14 to 24 years (were it not these unfortunate people who attended the “black masses”?); killers, trying to hide traces of crimes, dismember, burn, and disfigure corpses (is cause and effect being confused here?).

In the West, Satanism is already being taken more and more seriously by many professional groups, including social services, psychotherapists, law enforcement agencies and other government organizations.

12. Possession by the Devil

There is another important aspect of this problem that has not been studied at present, which needs to be identified. In the practice of Russian investigative authorities, a fairly large percentage of murders fall into the category of murders without apparent motives, when the killer, in his words, experiences a temporary clouding of reason, as a result of which he commits a crime, for which he later strongly repents and the reasons for which he cannot understand himself. This also includes brutal crimes committed by serial killers (Chikatilo and others), as well as brutal crimes that simply cannot be assessed from the point of view of human logic and psychology.

A case uncovered in August 1996 by Moscow law enforcement agencies is indicative. On Podmoskovnaya Street, in a communal apartment, a married couple jointly stabbed their neighbor to death and lived with the corpse for almost seven months, organizing a small “mausoleum” in their home. The corpse first decomposed and stank, then calmed down, mummified and stopped bothering me. In Novokuznetsk, on November 24, 1996, a family of cannibals was arrested, mother and son Spesivtsev, who, according to the deputy prosecutor of the Kemerovo region, Valentin Barkov, killed at least two dozen children. It is reliably known that they brutally murdered three 12-year-old girls, two of whom were found by the police cut up and cooked, the third died later in the hospital from beatings and wounds. In June 1996, gnawed pieces of the bodies of two girls who had previously disappeared in Novokuznetsk were discovered in the Aba River; this crime is also believed to have been committed by Spesivtsev. “Yes, I am a cannibal,” confirmed A. Spesivtsev at the very first interrogation.

Permissiveness in the religious sphere, rampant occultism, uncontrolled advertising and dissemination of various kinds of occult and pseudo-healing practices, which, unfortunately, are today's reality, only further increase the number of people receiving mental illness as a result of participation in the occult, witchcraft, etc. practices and rituals. So, in March 1997, a Muscovite registered in a mental hospital attacked his mother and sister, doused them with acetone and set them on fire. The unfortunates rushed around the room, engulfed in flames, and the arsonist hurried to leave the home. Mother and daughter, after firefighters extinguished them, were urgently taken to intensive care with a diagnosis of 80% burns to the surface of the body. However, it was not possible to save them; after some time, both died without regaining consciousness. The killer detained by the police during the first interrogation stated that he killed because “his mother and sister drank his energy and snacked on his brains.”

Recently, another case of fanaticism became the property of the criminal chronicle. After completing psychic courses, a certain T. began to “practice.” Among her clients were a brother and sister. One day, while discussing the problems of their lives, they decided that their mother, supposedly a witch, was to blame for all the troubles. Arriving at their parents' house, the frantic trio staged an "exorcism of the devil." The Sabbath lasted several days. The brutalized “healers” imagined incredible things: either a devil jumped out of the mother’s body, or her hooves seemed to begin to grow, which they began to burn with fire. A 68-year-old woman, unable to withstand the abuse, died from numerous fractures, wounds and painful shock. But the killers did not rest on this. Having painted the walls of the house with Kabbalistic signs, they waited for the resurrection of the deceased.

The “Chernobyl terminator” - Anatoly Onuprienko - has over 50 victims. Breaking into outlying rural huts in the dead of night, he shot their adult inhabitants with buckshot from the threshold, then finished off the children with a knife or shovel, took simple household belongings, wedding rings and money, set the house on fire and disappeared. He fancied himself the Chernobyl terminator. On his wild mission, Onuprienko visited a dozen Ukrainian villages. With refined cruelty, he killed, according to investigators, 53 people, breaking the record of the famous maniac Chikatilo. The Lviv village of Bratkovichi lost more people from meeting with him than during the Great Patriotic War. Onuprienko was arrested in April 1996. During the investigation in the criminal case, it was revealed new unexpected details.

The chronicle of the actions of Onuprienko, who destroyed people not individually, but as whole families, as presented by the police looks like this. On October 5, 1995, Onuprienko stole a TOZ-34E rifle from a resident of Narodichi Kushnir and made a sawn-off shotgun from it. On October 14, Onuprienko killed the head of a local service station and his chief accountant in the Malinsky district. On the night of October 25, in the same area, he shot the Zaichenko family - husband, wife, and three-year-old child. Their three-month-old baby was strangled and ripped open by the killer with a knife. On December 30 and January 17, 1996, Onuprienko visited the village of Bratkovichi, where he massacred and shot the Pilat and Krichkovsky families - nine people in total. On the night of February 20, he killed the Dubchak family with a rifle in Olevsk. From February 26 to 27, the Bondarchuk family was shot in Malin; the victims were two adults and two sleeping children. On March 14, in the regional center of Ovruch, Tsialko was killed with this rifle. On March 22, in the town of Buzk, Onuprienko destroyed the Novosad family. These are the main sins of the “terminator” known to the police, not counting the single murders he committed on the roads - Onuprienko did not leave anyone alive who could recognize him and betray him, even random people he met. Even Onuprienko himself does not know how many people he actually destroyed. He was simply unable to remember the deaths he committed and was confused in the chronology of the murders: “One more, one less - neither I nor God will notice.” During interrogation, Onuprienko stated that in addition to selfish motives, he also had some higher religious goals. “I killed people in order to know myself. Man is a toy. Let everyone know about my deeds,” Onuprienko told reporters.

In January 1997, a monstrous crime was committed in Moscow, the terrible result of which was three brutally killed, one seriously wounded and raped 13-year-old girl. At the same time, the scumbag managed to stretch out the bloody massacre for 4 days: the first victims appeared on January 22, and the drama ended only on the 26th. It is noteworthy that the killer was previously characterized as a person who drinks little and is mentally quite healthy.

In 1994, a cannibal was executed in Harbin for killing eight people and eating the brains of at least two, including his own wife.

On January 28, 1997, residents of building No. 11 on Butyrskaya Street discovered the body of a little girl on the landing of the 8th floor. According to a report from the Department of Internal Affairs of the Savelovsky municipal district, the baby, whose identity has not been established, appears to be approximately one and a half to two years old. According to experts, her death occurred about three days ago. There were signs of beatings on the child's face. It was established that the baby was killed in another place; she was dropped off at Butyrskaya two or three days after her death. An employee of the Moscow prosecutor's office, in an informal conversation, noted that there are not isolated cases of mutilated dead infants and toddlers being found in landfills, in garbage cans, etc., and sometimes there are cases of apparently ritual murders of children. An example of a ritual murder is the murder of a Sahaja Yoga follower of her one-and-a-half-year-old daughter in 1995 in Berdsk, Novosibirsk region.

In all these cases, we can talk about a real infusion of devilish forces into a person, a kind of “unconscious Satanism” affecting the human psyche.

“Third eye”, “energy vampires”, “transcendental fraud”, “parallel worlds”, “single cosmic government of Shambhala”, “vibratory knowledge”, “Tibetan hierarchy of light”, “energy balls”, “energetically charged mystical amulets”, “connection to an extraterrestrial civilization through the control of Orion” - all this, actively implanted in the consciousness of Russians, leads many to a decrease in the ability to think critically and dilutes, up to the complete elimination, the system of moral and ethical checks and brakes, and, if we consider the problem from a religious point of view, greatly facilitates the path into the own souls of many people by the forces of darkness, destroying the defense.

Experts have been sounding the alarm for a long time: the flow of base nonsense that has overwhelmed the book market and television is conducive to the spread of mental epidemics. This is why mystical crimes have become so common. Satanists kill priests, set fire to churches, shoot at icons. The same Satanist Averin, who killed three monks in Optina Pustyn, was found with a chopped Bible and a number of mutilated Christian symbols. On the steps of the Grebnevskaya Church, Satanists crucified a dog on a cross and immediately drew witchcraft signs in blood.

13. Trends in the further development of Satanism in Russia (forecast)

An analysis of the essence of Satanism and the activities of Satanist groups in Russia allowed the group of experts to give the following forecast of trends in the further development of Satanism in Russia in the event that the authorities do not finally understand the seriousness and extreme danger of this now real phenomenon in Russia and do not undertake a set of preventive and forceful measures measures Let us note that the information below, unfortunately, cannot be officially confirmed in any documentary form; it is presented for a clearer understanding by readers of the spread and activities of Satanist groups in Russia and awareness of the danger of rampant Satanism in our country.

So, the trends in the further development of Satanism in Russia:

    The unification of disparate Satanist groups (level 3) in Russia into a single branched and powerful organization or several such organizations under the control of a small group of “black Satanists” (level 4). The unification will take place practically without civil strife and showdowns between the leaders of Satanist sects; only the elimination of several of the most intractable and unreasonably ambitious ones is possible. The merger will take place in several stages and could be completed in 5-8 years. There will be a complication of the structure and an increase in the number of Satanist groups. So far, everything is going to the point that the most likely contender for the “post” of the unifier of Satanism in Russia is a conglomerate of the “Southern Cross”, “Navi” and some kind of fascist youth movement. Moreover, the head of this future Satanist “octopus” will be one of the “black Satanists” (level 4), who is currently known in the Satanist environment only to an extremely limited circle of people, although he has significant financial capabilities and power. This entire structure will receive funding from certain political circles in Russia (according to some unverified data, this is already happening now).

    Establishment of some Satanist groups (or divisions of a single future Satanist structure) as organized criminal groups that have a stable high authority in the general system of criminal groups in Russia. In this case, the emphasis is placed on the following areas of criminal activity: drug trafficking and arms trafficking, execution of contract killings, racketeering, kidnapping. Satanist groups from the USA, Western Europe, the Baltic states and Ukraine will join in the creation and operation of the drug and weapons trafficking system. The bet is placed on the gradual establishment by Satanists of control over a number of non-religious criminal groups and the attraction “under their banners” of a number of authorities of the criminal world.

    Carrying out active work to infiltrate the satanists of their agents into law enforcement agencies and the highest structures of state power, processing the consciousness of some senior government officials and attracting them to their ranks.

    Establishing active relations with foreign satanic sects, including those under the control of foreign intelligence services.

    Carrying out a set of measures to legalize Satanism in Russia: active attempts to achieve state registration of Satanist organizations and their print media (newspapers, magazines).

    Support by large Satanist organizations of some occult movements and sects, as well as, possibly, some sects of a pseudo-Christian orientation in the overall system of activities carried out by Satanists to change the mentality of the Russian people towards the denial of Orthodoxy.

    Attempts to legalize Satanist teachings as separate directions of the powerful occult movement “New Age” through the development of various kinds of “teachings” about “cosmic governments”, that Satan is supposedly just one of the deities, and not in any way an enemy of man, etc.

    The increasing complexity of the rituals of modern Satanist groups, the increase in the number of cases of human sacrifice, the transformation of rituals from “just a kind of exciting game” into ferocious and cruel acts of violence against people destined to be sacrificed to Satan.

    The gradual merging of some satanic groups with political groups of fascist orientation.

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