Russian people who received the Nobel Peace Prize. Alexander Solzhenitsyn was deprived of Soviet citizenship because of the Nobel Prize

The first Russian Nobel laureate Ivan Petrovich Pavlov

2. Russian scientists-Nobel Prize laureates

The first prizes were awarded on December 10, 1901. Among the Nobel Prize laureates there are disproportionately few Russians (Russians, Soviet citizens), significantly fewer than representatives of the USA, Great Britain, France or Germany.

Nobel laureates in the field of physiology and medicine.

Ivan Petrovich Pavlov (September 27, 1849, Ryazan - February 27, 1936, Leningrad) - physiologist, creator of the science of higher nervous activity and ideas about the processes of regulation of digestion; founder of the largest Russian physiological school.

Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov (May 3, 1845, Ivanovka, now Kupyansky district of the Kharkov region - July 2, 1916, Paris).

Mechnikov's scientific works relate to a number of areas of biology and medicine. In 1866-1886. Mechnikov developed issues of comparative and evolutionary embryology. For his work “Immunity in infectious diseases” in 1908, together with P. Ehrlich, he received the Nobel Prize.

Nobel laureates in chemistry.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Semenov (April 3, 1896, Saratov - September 25, 1986, Moscow). The scientist's main scientific achievements include the quantitative theory of chemical chain reactions, the theory of thermal explosion, and combustion of gas mixtures. In 1956 he received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry (together with Cyril Hinshelwood) for developing the theory of chain reactions.

Ilya Romanovich Prigozhin (January 25, 1917, Moscow, Russia - May 28, 2003 Austin, Texas). The bulk of his work is devoted to nonequilibrium thermodynamics and statistical mechanics of irreversible processes. One of the main achievements was that the existence of nonequilibrium thermodynamic systems was shown, which under certain conditions, absorbing mass and energy from the surrounding space, can make a qualitative leap towards complexity (dissipative structures). Prigogine proved one of the main theorems of thermodynamics of nonequilibrium processes - the minimum production of entropy in an open system. In 1977 he won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

Nobel laureates in physics.

Pavel Alekseevich Cherenkov (July 28, 1904, Voronezh region - January 6, 1990, Moscow). Cherenkov's main works are devoted to physical optics, nuclear physics, and high-energy particle physics. In 1934, he discovered a specific blue glow of transparent liquids when irradiated with fast charged particles. Cherenkov participated in the creation of synchrotrons. Performed a series of works on the photodecay of helium and other light nuclei.

Ilya Mikhailovich Frank (October 10, 1908, St. Petersburg - June 22, 1990, Moscow) and Igor Evgenievich Tamm (June 26, 1895, Vladivostok - April 12, 1971, Moscow) gave a theoretical description of this effect, which occurs when particles move in a medium at speeds exceeding the speed of light in this environment. This discovery led to the creation of a new method for detecting and measuring the speed of high-energy nuclear particles. This method is of great importance in modern experimental nuclear physics.

Academician Lev Davidovich Landau (January 22, 1908, Baku - April 1, 1968, Moscow) or Dau (that was the name of his close friends and colleagues), is considered a legendary figure in the history of domestic and world science. Quantum mechanics, solid state physics, magnetism, low temperature physics, cosmic ray physics, hydrodynamics, quantum field theory, physics of the atomic nucleus and elementary particles, plasma physics - this is not a complete list of areas that attracted Landau’s attention at different times. For pioneering research in the field of condensed matter theory, in particular the theory of liquid helium, Landau was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1962.

Pyotr Leonidovich Kapitsa (June 26 (July 9) 1894, Kronstadt - April 8, 1984, Moscow). In 1978, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics “for fundamental inventions and discoveries in the field of low-temperature physics” (for studies of helium superfluidity carried out back in 1938).

In 2000, the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to Zhores Ivanovich Alferov (b. March 15, 1930, Vitebsk, Belarus). For the development of semiconductor heterostructures and the creation of fast opto- and microelectronic components. His research played a major role in computer science.

In 2003, the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to V. Ginzburg, A. Abrikosov and A. Leggett for their contribution to the development of the theory of superconductivity and superfluidity.

Vitaly Lazarevich Ginzburg (b. October 4, 1916, Moscow). Main works on the propagation of radio waves, astrophysics, the origin of cosmic rays, Vavilov-Cherenkov radiation, plasma physics, crystal optics. He developed the theory of magnetic bremsstrahlung cosmic radio emission and the radio-astronomical theory of the origin of cosmic rays.

Alexey Alekseevich Abrikosov (b. June 25, 1928, Moscow). Abrikosov, together with E. Zavaritsky, an experimental physicist from the Institute of Physical Problems, discovered, while testing the Ginzburg-Landau theory, a new class of superconductors - superconductors of the second type. This new type of superconductor, unlike the first type of superconductor, retains its properties even in the presence of a strong magnetic field (up to 25 Tesla).

Nobel laureates in literature.

After physics, this is the most fruitful Nobel Prize for Russia. Over the years, the laureates of this prize were Ivan Bunin (1933), Boris Pasternak (1958, “for significant achievements in modern lyric poetry, as well as for continuing the traditions of the great Russian epic novel.” Personal pressure was also put on Pasternak, which, ultimately account, forced him to refuse the prize. In a telegram sent to the Swedish Academy, Pasternak wrote: “Due to the importance that the award awarded to me received in the society to which I belong, I must refuse it. Do not consider it an insult to me voluntary refusal"), Mikhail Sholokhov (1965, for the novel “Quiet Don”. This, by the way, was the only Soviet writer to receive the Nobel Prize with the consent of the USSR authorities), Alexander Solzhenitsyn (1970, “for outstanding achievements in the field of humanitarian work”) and Joseph Brodsky (1987, “for comprehensive creativity, saturated with purity of thought and brightness of poetry”).

Nobel laureates in economics.

Leonid Vitalievich Kantorovich (January 6, 1912, St. Petersburg - April 7, 1986, Moscow), winner of the 1975 Nobel Prize in Economics “for his contribution to the theory of optimal resource allocation” (together with T. Koopmans).

Nobel laureates in the field of peace.

Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov (May 21, 1921 - December 14, 1989) - Soviet physicist, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences and political figure, dissident and human rights activist. Since the late 1960s, he was one of the leaders of the human rights movement in the USSR. In 1968, he wrote a brochure “On Peaceful Coexistence, Progress and Intellectual Freedom,” which was published in many countries. In 1975 he wrote the book “About the Country and the World”. In the same year, Sakharov was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev (March 2, 1931, Privolnoye, Stavropol Territory) - General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee (March 11, 1985 - August 23, 1991), President of the USSR (March 15, 1990 - December 25, 1991). President of the Gorbachev Foundation. Gorbachev's activities as head of state are associated with a large-scale attempt at reform and democratization in the USSR - Perestroika, which ended with the collapse of the Soviet Union, as well as the end of the Cold War. The period of Gorbachev's reign is assessed ambiguously.

“In recognition of his leading role in the peace process, which today characterizes an important part of the life of the international community,” he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize on October 15, 1990.

The first Russian Nobel laureate was Ivan Petrovich Pavlov.

Amur question

In 1855, during the second rafting, settlers founded the villages of Irkutskoye, Bogorodskoye, Mikhailovskoye, Novo-Mikhailovskoye, Sergeevskoye, as well as the village of Suchi opposite the Mariinsky post on the left bank of the Amur. In 1856...

The Great Migration of Peoples. Eastern Slavs on the threshold of the formation of a state in the 6th-9th centuries.

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Nobel Prize

Nobel Prize laureate award The Nobel Prize is one of the most prestigious international prizes, awarded for outstanding scientific research, revolutionary inventions or major contributions to culture or society...

Nobel Prize

Table 4.1 - Nobel Prize Winners in Literature Year Name Topic 2001 Vidiadhar Naipaul “For his synthesis of insightful storytelling and unflinching honesty in works that challenge us to question the facts...

Nobel Prize

Initially, Nobel included mathematics in the list of sciences for which the prize is awarded, but later crossed it out, replacing it with the Peace Prize. The exact reason is unknown. Most often it is associated with the name of the Swedish mathematician...

140 years ago, on November 25, 1867, dynamite was patented in the United States. It was to him that the outstanding inventor, scientist and entrepreneur Alfred Nobel owes his wealth, and the world - the Nobel Prize...

The first Russian Nobel laureate Ivan Petrovich Pavlov

Scientific works of I.P. Pavlov, distinguished by methodological and methodological novelty, had a significant impact on the progress of domestic and world science, contributed to the development of medicine, psychology, pedagogy and philosophy...

Enlightenment in Turkestan at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries.

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Protestant denominations in Russia in the 19th century

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Russian refugees in Russia

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Russian lands in the XII – XV centuries

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Russian principalities within the Golden Horde

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Tatar-Mongol invasion of Russian lands in the first half of the 13th century

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Theories of Malthus and Kantorovich

Russian economist Leonid Vitalievich Kantorovich was born in 1912 in St. Petersburg, Russia. The Russian Revolution began when he was five years old; during the civil war, his family fled to Belarus for a year. His father died in 1922...

Formation of the European coalition against Napoleon

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The Nobel Prizes are awarded annually in Stockholm (Sweden), as well as in Oslo (Norway). They are considered the most prestigious international awards. They were founded by Alfred Nobel, a Swedish inventor, linguist, industrial magnate, humanist and philosopher. It has gone down in history as (which was patented in 1867) playing a major role in the industrial development of our planet. The drafted will stated that all his savings would form a fund, the purpose of which was to award prizes to those who managed to bring the greatest benefit to humanity.

Nobel Prize

Today, prizes are awarded in the fields of chemistry, physics, medicine, and literature. The Peace Prize is also awarded.

Russia's Nobel laureates in literature, physics and economics will be presented in our article. You will get acquainted with their biographies, discoveries, and achievements.

The price of the Nobel Prize is high. In 2010, its size was approximately $1.5 million.

The Nobel Foundation was founded in 1890.

Russian Nobel Prize laureates

Our country can be proud of the names that have glorified it in the fields of physics, literature, and economics. The Nobel laureates of Russia and the USSR in these fields are as follows:

  • Bunin I.A. (literature) - 1933.
  • Cherenkov P. A., Frank I. M. and Tamm I. E. (physics) - 1958.
  • Pasternak B. L. (literature) - 1958.
  • Landau L.D. (physics) - 1962.
  • Basov N. G. and Prokhorov A. M. (physics) - 1964.
  • Sholokhov M. A. (literature) - 1965.
  • Solzhenitsyn A.I. (literature) - 1970.
  • Kantorovich L.V. (economics) - 1975.
  • Kapitsa P. L. (physics) - 1978.
  • Brodsky I. A. (literature) - 1987.
  • Alferov Zh. I. (physics) - 2000.
  • Abrikosov A. A. and L. (physics) - 2003;
  • Game Andre and Novoselov Konstantin (physics) - 2010.

The list, we hope, will be continued in subsequent years. The Nobel laureates of Russia and the USSR, whose names we cited above, were not fully represented, but only in such areas as physics, literature and economics. In addition, figures from our country also distinguished themselves in medicine, physiology, chemistry, and also received two Peace Prizes. But we'll talk about them another time.

Nobel laureates in physics

Many physicists from our country have been awarded this prestigious prize. Let's tell you more about some of them.

Tamm Igor Evgenievich

Tamm Igor Evgenievich (1895-1971) was born in Vladivostok. He was the son of a civil engineer. For a year he studied in Scotland at the University of Edinburgh, but then returned to his homeland and graduated from the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University in 1918. The future scientist went to the front in the First World War, where he served as a brother of mercy. In 1933, he defended his doctoral dissertation, and a year later, in 1934, he became a research fellow at the Institute of Physics. Lebedeva. This scientist worked in areas of science that were little explored. Thus, he studied relativistic (that is, related to the famous theory of relativity proposed by Albert Einstein) quantum mechanics, as well as the theory of the atomic nucleus. At the end of the 30s, together with I.M. Frank, he managed to explain the Cherenkov-Vavilov effect - the blue glow of a liquid that occurs under the influence of gamma radiation. It was for this research that he later received the Nobel Prize. But Igor Evgenievich himself considered his main achievements in science to be his work on the study of elementary particles and the atomic nucleus.


Landau Lev Davidovich (1908-1968) was born in Baku. His father worked as an oil engineer. At the age of thirteen, the future scientist graduated from technical school with honors, and at nineteen, in 1927, he became a graduate of Leningrad University. Lev Davidovich continued his education abroad as one of the most gifted graduate students on a People's Commissar's permit. Here he took part in seminars conducted by the best European physicists - Paul Dirac and Max Born. Upon returning home, Landau continued his studies. At the age of 26 he achieved the degree of Doctor of Science, and a year later he became a professor. Together with Evgeniy Mikhailovich Lifshits, one of his students, he developed a course for graduate and undergraduate students in theoretical physics. P. L. Kapitsa invited Lev Davidovich to work at his institute in 1937, but a few months later the scientist was arrested on a false denunciation. He spent a whole year in prison without hope of salvation, and only Kapitsa’s appeal to Stalin saved his life: Landau was released.

The talent of this scientist was multifaceted. He explained the phenomenon of fluidity, created his theory of quantum liquid, and also studied the oscillations of electron plasma.


Prokhorov Alexander Mikhailovich and Gennadievich, Russian Nobel laureates in the field of physics, received this prestigious prize for the invention of the laser.

Prokhorov was born in Australia in 1916, where his parents lived since 1911. They were exiled to Siberia by the tsarist government and then fled abroad. In 1923, the entire family of the future scientist returned to the USSR. Alexander Mikhailovich graduated with honors from the Faculty of Physics of Leningrad University and worked since 1939 at the Institute. Lebedeva. His scientific achievements are related to radiophysics. The scientist became interested in radio spectroscopy in 1950 and, together with Nikolai Gennadievich Basov, developed so-called masers - molecular generators. Thanks to this invention, they found a way to create concentrated radio emission. Charles Townes, an American physicist, also conducted similar research independently of his Soviet colleagues, so the committee members decided to divide this prize between him and Soviet scientists.

Kapitsa Petr Leonidovich

Let's continue the list of "Russian Nobel laureates in physics." (1894-1984) was born in Kronstadt. His father was a military man, a lieutenant general, and his mother was a folklore collector and a famous teacher. P.L. Kapitsa graduated from the institute in St. Petersburg in 1918, where he studied with Ioffe Abram Fedorovich, an outstanding physicist. In conditions of civil war and revolution, it was impossible to do science. Kapitsa's wife, as well as two of his children, died during the typhus epidemic. The scientist moved to England in 1921. Here he worked in the famous Cambridge university center, and his scientific supervisor was Ernest Rutherford, a famous physicist. In 1923, Pyotr Leonidovich became a Doctor of Science, and two years later - one of the members of Trinity College, a privileged association of scientists.

Pyotr Leonidovich was mainly engaged in experimental physics. He was especially interested in low temperature physics. A laboratory was built especially for his research in Great Britain with the help of Rutherford, and by 1934 the scientist created an installation designed to liquefy helium. Pyotr Leonidovich often visited his homeland during these years, and during his visits the leadership of the Soviet Union persuaded the scientist to stay. In 1930-1934, a laboratory was even built especially for him in our country. In the end, he was simply not released from the USSR during his next visit. Therefore, Kapitsa continued his research here, and in 1938 he managed to discover the phenomenon of superfluidity. For this he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1978.

Game Andre and Novoselov Konstantin

Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov, Russian Nobel laureates in physics, received this honorary prize in 2010 for their discovery of graphene. This is a new material that allows you to significantly increase the speed of the Internet. As it turned out, it can capture and also convert into electrical energy an amount of light 20 times greater than all previously known materials. This discovery dates back to 2004. This is how the list of “Nobel laureates of Russia of the 21st century” was replenished.

Literature Prizes

Our country has always been famous for its artistic creativity. People with sometimes opposing ideas and views are Russian Nobel laureates in literature. Thus, A.I. Solzhenitsyn and I.A. Bunin were opponents of Soviet power. But M.A. Sholokhov was known as a convinced communist. However, all Russian Nobel Prize laureates were united by one thing - talent. For him they were awarded this prestigious award. “How many Nobel laureates are there in Russia in literature?” you ask. We answer: there are only five of them. Now we will introduce you to some of them.

Pasternak Boris Leonidovich

Boris Leonidovich Pasternak (1890-1960) was born in Moscow into the family of Leonid Osipovich Pasternak, a famous artist. The mother of the future writer, Rosalia Isidorovna, was a talented pianist. Perhaps that is why Boris Leonidovich dreamed of a career as a composer as a child; he even studied music with A. N. Scriabin himself. But his love for poetry won. Poetry brought fame to Boris Leonidovich, and the novel “Doctor Zhivago,” dedicated to the fate of the Russian intelligentsia, doomed him to difficult trials. The fact is that the editors of one literary magazine, to which the author offered his manuscript, considered this work anti-Soviet and refused to publish it. Then Boris Leonidovich transferred his creation abroad, to Italy, where it was published in 1957. Soviet colleagues sharply condemned the publication of the novel in the West, and Boris Leonidovich was expelled from the Writers' Union. But it was this novel that made him a Nobel laureate. Since 1946, the writer and poet were nominated for this prize, but it was awarded only in 1958.

The awarding of this honorary award to such, in the opinion of many, anti-Soviet work in the homeland aroused the indignation of the authorities. As a result, Boris Leonidovich, under the threat of expulsion from the USSR, was forced to refuse to receive the Nobel Prize. Only 30 years later, Evgeny Borisovich, the son of the great writer, received a medal and diploma for his father.

Solzhenitsyn Alexander Isaevich

The fate of Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn was no less dramatic and interesting. He was born in 1918 in the city of Kislovodsk, and the childhood and youth of the future Nobel laureate were spent in Rostov-on-Don and Novocherkassk. After graduating from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Rostov University, Alexander Isaevich was a teacher and at the same time received his education by correspondence in Moscow, at the Literary Institute. After the start of the Great Patriotic War, the future laureate of the most prestigious peace prize went to the front.

Solzhenitsyn was arrested shortly before the end of the war. The reason for this was his critical remarks about Joseph Stalin, found in the writer’s letters by military censorship. Only in 1953, after the death of Joseph Vissarionovich, was he released. The magazine "New World" in 1962 published the first story by this author, entitled "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich", which tells about the life of people in the camp. Most of the following literary magazines refused to publish. Their anti-Soviet orientation was cited as the reason. But Alexander Isaevich did not give up. He, like Pasternak, sent his manuscripts abroad, where they were published. In 1970 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. The writer did not go to the award ceremony in Stockholm, since the Soviet authorities did not allow him to leave the country. Representatives of the Nobel Committee, who were going to present the prize to the laureate in his homeland, were not allowed into the USSR.

As for the future fate of the writer, in 1974 he was expelled from the country. At first he lived in Switzerland, then moved to the USA, where he was awarded the Nobel Prize, much belatedly. Such famous works of his as “The Gulag Archipelago”, “In the First Circle”, “Cancer Ward” were published in the West. Solzhenitsyn returned to Russia in 1994.

These are the Nobel laureates of Russia. Let’s add one more name to the list, which is impossible not to mention.

Sholokhov Mikhail Alexandrovich

Let's tell you about another great Russian writer - Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov. His fate turned out differently than that of the opponents of Soviet power (Pasternak and Solzhenitsyn), since he was supported by the state. Mikhail Alexandrovich (1905-1980) was born on the Don. He later described the village of Veshenskaya, his small homeland, in many works. Mikhail Sholokhov completed only the 4th grade of school. He took an active part in the civil war, leading a subdetachment that took away surplus grain from wealthy Cossacks. The future writer already felt his calling in his youth. In 1922, he arrived in Moscow, and a few months later began publishing his first stories in magazines and newspapers. In 1926, the collections “Azure Steppe” and “Don Stories” appeared. In 1925, work began on the novel "Quiet Don", dedicated to the life of the Cossacks during a turning point (civil war, revolutions, World War I). In 1928, the first part of this work was born, and in the 30s it was completed, becoming the pinnacle of Sholokhov’s work. In 1965, the writer was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.

Russian Nobel laureates in economics

Our country has shown itself in this area not as large as in literature and physics, where there are many Russian laureates. So far, only one of our compatriots has received a prize in economics. Let's tell you more about it.

Kantorovich Leonid Vitalievich

Russia's Nobel laureates in economics are represented by only one name. Leonid Vitalievich Kantorovich (1912-1986) is the only economist from Russia awarded this prize. The scientist was born into a doctor's family in St. Petersburg. His parents fled to Belarus during the civil war, where they lived for a year. Vitaly Kantorovich, father of Leonid Vitalievich, died in 1922. In 1926, the future scientist entered the aforementioned Leningrad University, where, in addition to natural disciplines, he studied modern history, political economy, and mathematics. He graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics at the age of 18, in 1930. After this, Kantorovich remained at the university as a teacher. At the age of 22, Leonid Vitalievich already becomes a professor, and a year later - a doctor. In 1938, he was assigned to a plywood factory laboratory as a consultant, where he was tasked with creating a method for allocating various resources to maximize productivity. This is how the foundry programming method was founded. In 1960, the scientist moved to Novosibirsk, where at that time a computer center was created, the most advanced in the country. Here he continued his research. The scientist lived in Novosibirsk until 1971. During this period he received the Lenin Prize. In 1975, he was awarded jointly with T. Koopmans the Nobel Prize, which he received for his contribution to the theory of resource allocation.

These are the main Nobel laureates of Russia. 2014 was marked by the receipt of this prize by Patrick Modiano (literature), Isamu Akasaki, Hiroshi Amano, Shuji Nakamura (physics). Jean Tirol received an award in economics. There are no Russian Nobel laureates among them. 2013 also did not bring this honorary prize to our compatriots. All laureates were representatives of other states.

The Nobel Prize, named after its founder Alfred Nobel, was first awarded in 1901. Citizens of the Soviet Union and Russia have received the Nobel Prize 16 times over the entire period of its existence. However, it is worth considering that in some cases the prize was awarded simultaneously to several scientists who took part in work on the same topic. Therefore, the number of citizens of the USSR and Russia who became laureates of the award is 21 people.

Physics Prize

Physics is the scientific field in which the Russians, from the point of view of the Nobel Committee, turned out to be the strongest. Of the 16 prizes received by citizens of Russia and the USSR, 7 were awarded specifically for scientific discoveries in the field of physics.

This first happened in 1958, when a whole team of scientists, consisting of Pavel Cherenkov, Igor Tamm and Ilya Frank, received a prize for the discovery and explanation of a physical effect called the Cherenkov effect after one of the researchers. Since then, citizens of the USSR and Russia have received six more awards in this field:
- in 1962 - Lev Landau for research on condensed matter;
- in 1964 - Alexander Prokhorov and Nikolai Basov for studying the laser-maser principle of operation of amplifiers and emitters;
- in 1978 - Peter Kapitsa for achievements in the field of low temperature physics;
- in 2000 - Zhores Alferov for research in the field of semiconductors;
- in 2003 - Alexey Abrikosov and Vitaly Ginzburg, who created the theory of type II superconductivity;
- in 2010 - Konstantin Novoselov for his work on the study of graphene.

Awards in other areas

The remaining nine prizes were distributed among other areas of knowledge for which the Nobel Prize is awarded. Thus, two prizes in the field of physiology and medicine were received at the very beginning of the 20th century: in 1904, Ivan Pavlov, the author of famous experiments in the field of digestion, was recognized as a laureate, and in 1908, Ilya Mlechnikov, who studied the functioning of the immune system, was recognized as a laureate.

In the field of chemistry, only Nikolai Semenov managed to receive a prize: in 1956 for the study of chemical reactions. Three prizes were received by citizens of the USSR and Russia for literary activities: In 1958 - Boris Pasternak, in 1965 - Mikhail Sholokhov, in 1970 - Alexander Solzhenitsyn. The only winner of the prize among citizens of the USSR and Russia was Leonid Kantorovich, who developed the theory of optimal resource allocation.

Peace Prize

For special achievements significant for the entire world community, the Nobel Committee awards the Peace Prize. Citizens of the USSR and Russia became its owners twice: the first time this happened in 1975, when Andrei Sakharov was awarded for his fight against the regime, and then in 1990, when the award was received by Mikhail Gorbachev, who contributed to the intensification of peaceful relations between countries.

Information service of Novopokrovskaya station

Russian Nobel Prize laureates

(Russian Empire, USSR, Russian Federation)


Scope and rationale


Ivan Petrovich Pavlov

Physiology and medicine
"for his work on the physiology of digestion"

Born in 1849 in Ryazan

Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov

Physiology and medicine
"for his work on immunity"

Born in 1845 in the village of Ivanovka, Kharkov region

Nikolai Nikolaevich Semenov

"for research in the field of the mechanism of chemical reactions"

Born in 1896 in the city of Saratov

Boris Leonidovich Pasternak

"for significant achievements in modern lyric poetry, as well as for continuing the traditions of the great Russian epic novel"

Born in 1890 in Moscow, writer, poet, author of the novel “Doctor Zhivago” and poetry collections. He was persecuted by the authorities for his works.

Pavel Alekseevich Cherenkov
Igor Evgenievich Tamm Ilya Mikhailovich Frank

"for the discovery and interpretation of the Cherenkov effect"

Born in 1904 in the village of Novaya Chepega, Voronezh region.
Born in 1895 in Vladivostok,

Born in 1905 in St. Petersburg

Lev Davidovich Landau

"for pioneering theories of condensed matter and especially liquid helium"

Born in 1908 in Baku

Nikolai Gennadievich Basov
Alexander Mikhailovich Prokhorov

"for fundamental work in the field of quantum electronics, which led to the creation of emitters and amplifiers based on the laser-maser principle"

Born in 1922 in the village of Usman, Tambov region.

Born in 1916 in Australia into the family of a Russian revolutionary, in 1923. the family returned to Russia.

Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov

“for the artistic strength and integrity of the epic about the Don Cossacks at a turning point for Russia”

Born in the village of Kruzhilin, village of Vyoshenskaya, Rostov region, author of Quiet Don, Virgin Soil Upturned and a number of other works.

Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn

"for the moral strength with which he followed the immutable traditions of Russian literature"

Leonid Vitalievich Kantorovich

"for his contribution to the theory of optimal resource allocation"

Born in 1912 in St. Petersburg

Andrey Dmitrievich Sakharov

Peace Prize
"for fearlessly supporting the fundamental principles of peace among men and courageously opposing the abuse of power and all forms of suppression of human dignity"

Born in 1921 in Moscow. Soviet physicist, academician, politician, one of the creators of the Soviet hydrogen bomb. Three times Hero of Socialist Labor - deprived of medals for anti-Soviet activities.

Pyotr Leonidovich Kapitsa

"for his basic research and discoveries in low temperature physics"

Born in 1894 in Kronstadt, physicist, engineer, academician, twice Hero of Socialist Labor.

Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev

Peace Prize
"in recognition of his leading role in the peace process, which today characterizes an important part of the life of the international community"

Born in 1931 in the Stavropol Territory, initiator of reforms in the USSR, “perestroika”.

Zhores Ivanovich Alferov

"for developments in semiconductor technology"

Born in 1930 in Vitebsk, Belarus, full holder of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland.

Alexey Alekseevich Abrikosov
Vitaly Lazarevich Ginzburg

"for the creation of the theory of superconductivity of the second kind and the theory of superfluidity of liquid helium-3"

Born in 1928 in Moscow

Born in 1916 in Moscow
Laureates of the Lenin and Stalin Prizes.

Konstantin Sergeevich Novoselov


Born in 1974 in Nizhny Tagil. Citizen of Russia and Great Britain.
He received the award for his work with Andrei Geim, who was born in Sochi, but is currently a citizen of the Netherlands.

Nobel Prize laureates born in the Russian Empire and the USSR

(at the time of the award presentation they did not have Russian citizenship, so they were not included in the list of laureates from Russia)


Scope and rationale


Maria Skłodowska-Curie

"for outstanding services in joint research into radiation phenomena."

Henryk Sienkiewicz

"for outstanding services in the field of epic"

Born in Poland, subject of the Russian Empire, citizen of Poland

Wilhelm Ostwald

"in recognition of the work he has done in catalysis, and for his research into the fundamental principles of controlling chemical equilibria and reaction rates."

Born in Riga (Russian Empire), German citizen

Maria Skłodowska-Curie

"for outstanding services in the development of chemistry: the discovery of the elements radium and polonium, the isolation of radium and the study of the nature and compounds of this remarkable element"

Born in Warsaw (Russian Empire), French citizen

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin

"for the strict mastery with which he develops the traditions of Russian classical prose"

Born in Russia, since 1920 he lived in France, had no citizenship.

Zelman Waxman

Physiology and medicine
"for the discovery of streptomycin, the first antibiotic effective in the treatment of tuberculosis."

Born in Priluki, raised in Odessa (Russia), US citizen

Simon Kuznets

"for an empirically based interpretation of economic growth"

Born in Pinsk (Russian Empire), studied and worked in Ukraine, US citizen

Vasily Leontyev

"for the development of the input-output method"

Born in St. Petersburg, subject of the Russian Empire, US citizen

Ilya Prigozhin

"for his work on the thermodynamics of irreversible processes, especially for the theory of dissipative structures."

Born in Moscow, lived and worked in the USA, citizen of Belgium

Isaac Bashevis Singer

"for the emotional art of storytelling, which, rooted in Polish-Jewish cultural traditions, raises eternal questions"

Born in Warsaw (Russian Empire), US citizen

Menachem Begin

Peace Prize
"for preparing and concluding the fundamental agreements between Israel and Egypt"

Born in Brest-Litovsk (Russian Empire), citizen of Israel

Czeslaw Milosz

Peace Prize
"showed with fearless clairvoyance the vulnerability of man in a world torn by conflict"

born in Vilna (Russian Empire), citizen of Poland

Joseph Alexandrovich Brodsky

"for comprehensive creativity, imbued with clarity of thought and passion of poetry"

Born and raised in the USSR. Since 1972 (and at the time of receiving the award) lived in the USA, US citizen

Joseph Rotblat

Peace Prize
"for great achievements aimed at reducing the role of nuclear weapons in world politics, and for many years of efforts to ban this type of weapon"

Born in Warsaw (Russian Empire), British citizen

Leonid Gurvich

for creating the foundations of the theory of optimal mechanisms"

Born in Moscow, lived and worked in Western Europe, USA, US citizen

Andrey Konstantinovich Geim

"for his pioneering experiments in the study of the two-dimensional material graphene"

Born in Sochi, graduated from MIPT, has lived and worked in Western Europe since 1990, citizen of the Netherlands

    Contents 1 Nobel laureates from Russia 2 Physiology and medicine 3 Literature 4 Chemistry ... Wikipedia

    How Nobel laureates use their prizes- Each Nobel laureate can independently decide how to use his prize. Some laureates donated funds to charity. For example, the German doctor, missionary, theologian and musicologist Albert Schweitzer (Nobel Prize... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

    This article provides a list of Nobel laureates in relation to their various universities. It is impossible to indicate exactly which of the institutes played the greatest role in the work for which the prize was received. This list only indicates how... ... Wikipedia

    Medal awarded to a Nobel Prize laureate The Nobel Prizes (Swedish: Nobelpriset, English: Nobel Prize) are one of the most prestigious international prizes, awarded annually for outstanding scientific research, revolutionary inventions or... ... Wikipedia

    Nobel Prize laureates come from the USSR and Russia- Among the Nobel Prize laureates, awarded since 1901, 26 came from the USSR and Russia. Nobel laureates in physics: 1958 - Pavel Cherenkov, Ilya Frank and Igor Tamm, prize for the discovery and interpretation of the Cherenkov effect. 1962 - Leo... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

    The Nobel Prize in Literature is an award for achievements in the field of literature, awarded annually by the Nobel Committee in Stockholm. Contents 1 Requirements for nominating candidates 2 List of laureates 2.1 1900s ... Wikipedia

    The Nobel Prize (Swedish Nobelpriset, English Nobel Prize) is one of the most prestigious international prizes, awarded for outstanding scientific research, revolutionary inventions or major contributions to culture or the development of society.... ... Wikipedia

    Contents 1 Cultural history of Russia 1.1 Ancient Rus' ... Wikipedia


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