"Time Travelers" tells about a terrible future. Nobody believes them

People have been dreaming about flying in a time machine for a long time. And they are tirelessly working to create such a device. But our children have already invented it and are freely traveling through temporary spaces! At least, that’s what those whom the legendary John Titor was able to convince of his reality think.

Who is Titor?

Until January 27, 2001, the name of this man was almost unknown to anyone. Although the first message from him appeared in early November 2000, and two years earlier he sent two letters by fax addressed to one television worker. The man said that his name was John Titor and that he had arrived... from 2036.

Starting from January 27, 2001, this mysterious supposedly alien literally “bombs” the world wide web with his messages, in which he tells people about what awaits them in the near future and how their children and grandchildren live in 2036. John Titor, whose predictions caused a strong resonance in society, disappeared just as suddenly as he appeared. He communicated online for only a short time - literally about a month. But his story still disturbs the minds of earthlings.

Titor's travel story

So, John Titor claimed that he is an American soldier, serving in the military unit of Tampa (Florida) at the time of 2036. In addition, he is a participant in the government's time travel program, as part of which he was sent back in time.

The final goal of the “flight” should be 1975, where 5100 remained. It is this machine that is the ancestor of all portable computers, and people from the future need to gain access to it in order to improve the software of new machines - its descendants. It was Titor who was sent on this mission, since his grandfather was involved in the creation of the IBM 5100. And at the stop in the 2000s, the traveler left solely for personal reasons. He needed to visit his family and return some photographs.

About the time machine

Naturally, the interlocutors of the strange man posing as an alien were interested in how exactly he got into the past. And the guest willingly answered all questions.

John Titor's time machine, in his own words, was produced by General Electric. In general, the production of such units began in 2034, and CERN became the pioneer.

The model that Titor flew in is called C204. The device is a gravitational distortion unit, which is usually mounted in a regular car and allows you to cover a distance of ten years per hour.

Describing the flight process itself, Mr. John Titor said that at the very beginning it is similar to the launch of an elevator, during which the people in the cabin feel a jerk. While driving, the sun's rays bend around the body of the car, so its passengers find themselves in complete darkness.

The time machine starts moving as soon as the “pilot” loads coordinates into the system. Before the start, you must check whether passengers are securely fastened in their seats. With 100% acceleration, the force of attraction becomes very strong. As a rule, the flight is tolerated normally, but it is still better to fly on an empty stomach.

In addition to detailed descriptions, Titor also posted drawings and diagrams of his vehicle online, so that even today anyone can try to assemble their own personal time machine using them.

About predictions

Of course, after reading all this, a sane person will think that the fuss was made out of nothing. After all, when communicating on the Internet, anyone can pretend to be anyone. And why did people even think that John Titor was not an ordinary “fake”, like millions? It wouldn’t be very difficult to come up with stories about a time machine... It could have been so, if not for the predictions that Titor poured out like a bucket.

To be fair, it must be said that not everything came true. About half of the forecasts of this legendary character remained empty words. But their author hedged his bets in advance by issuing a theory of some parallel worlds.

Parallel Worlds by John Titor

The theory announced by Titor is based on the laws of quantum mechanics and the possibility of the existence of many worlds in the universe. Its essence lies, figuratively speaking, in the fact that a ray leaving a certain point does not necessarily reach the place predicted at the start. Due to the intervention of various forces, the path of the beam can be changed, and the finish may be slightly shifted.

That is, if in 2000, for example, a war is predicted in a particular country in 10 years, this means that the prerequisites for it exist “iron”. But people still have a chance to change the course of events. And there is a possibility, albeit small, that there will be no war. Or it will happen a little later. Or it won't be as big as expected.

John Titor from the future argued that the greater the time gap between the moment of prediction and the date of the predicted event, the less realistic the forecast.

It is these arguments that Titor’s “adherents” operate in a long-term dispute with skeptics, when the latter “rub their nose” at the former’s unfulfilled predictions of the “newcomer.”

Predictions about the USA

The example of war was not given here in vain. Time traveler John Titor, whose predictions concerned various spheres of human life, paid most attention in his speeches to armed conflicts.

In particular, he said that a serious civil war awaits the United States. According to his forecasts, it was supposed to begin in 2004 due to some vicissitudes associated with the presidential elections.

Tyter predicted a protracted period of hardship for the United States, lasting until 2015. He drew pictures of people leaving cities en masse and settling in villages to survive. By 2008, the conflict was supposed to be completely out of control, and by 2012, the country, choked with blood, was in his forecasts complete ruins. And all this was put to an end by an even more terrible event - the Third World War.

John Titor's predictions about Russia (well, how could we not do without it)

Titor saw Russia as a force that should end civil strife in the United States and completely change the world order. The predictor said that she would start World War III in 2015, launching a series of nuclear strikes on the megacities of the United States, as well as Europe and China.

The time traveler did not predict the long course of the Third World War. He argued that this would be a very short operation, nevertheless destroying Europe, China and part of the United States of America. And Russia will be given dominance on the world stage.

According to “Prophetic John”, three billion people will fall victims. The survivors will become wiser and more tolerant of each other. In a renewed world, family and social life will be most valued.

Tater about the inhabitants of the 2000s

But if there are parallel worlds in the Universe, then perhaps there is a chance to avoid such a terrible outcome? Shocked interlocutors asked the fortuneteller about this. And he answered that, yes, such a possibility exists. Only it is very tiny.

The guest from the future considered earthlings of the “2000 model” to be sentenced to punishment because they allow their rights to be violated, they eat poisoned food, deliberately kill themselves, they are indifferent to the suffering of their neighbors...

And all this destroys, undermines society like a worm. Sooner or later the “end of the world” must come, which will cleanse the planet of rot. The mysterious soldier John stated that people living at the beginning of the third millennium are not liked and even despised by his current contemporaries, considering them a lazy, selfish and ignorant herd.

About future

But in the future, according to predictions, everything is completely different. People no longer eat junk food. They respect old age and cherish childhood. They take care of orphans and the disadvantaged. Help each other. Actively participate in public life. And - most importantly - people completely abandoned Nazism and racism.

As for purely everyday aspects of 2036, the clothes of earthlings will become more functional. Hats will be extremely popular, and bright colors will almost go out of fashion. No one will bother too much with hair. All sorts of frills will be a thing of the past. Women will simply grow their hair long, and men will cut their hair short - that’s all the “diversity”. Both sexes will be drafted into the army and fight.

Other predictions of the “alien”

John Titor made predictions one after another. Their list grew by leaps and bounds. As has already become clear today, the most ambitious forecasts have not come true. And thank God! But some of Titor’s predictions were confirmed.

For example, he said that already in 2001 humanity will find a way to travel in time. This will happen as soon as miniature black holes are discovered. People have not yet learned to travel through temporary spaces, but they have opened holes. And just when the seer John said.

Titor was not mistaken when he “saw” the war in Iraq, as well as a series of disasters in 2012. His words were confirmed: the world experienced Sandy, abnormal snowfalls in Europe and Russia. The planet swayed, but it stayed afloat. The promised end of the world did not happen in 2012. The alien also convinced everyone of this.

He predicted the lightning-fast development of the space system for China, and for people a smooth transition from television and cinema to personal “shows” (in our opinion, video blogs). And here he was not mistaken one bit!

Where did Titor go?

John Titor and his predictions seriously shook the world. People were gripped by real hysteria, information about the “alien” spread at breakneck speed. And suddenly, at the very peak of his popularity, he disappeared. Just as suddenly as it appeared. No epilogues or farewells. His last message dates back to March 2001.

But the legend about the guest from the future continues to live and acquire new details. The next surge occurs when one or another forecast comes true. Although the most hardened skeptics, of course, long ago “buried” the alien Titor, writing him down as ordinary “fakes”. And, in addition to unfulfilled predictions, they have other arguments.

For example, they rub the public’s nose into the gross contradictions that John allowed in his speeches. One of them concerns money. When raising this topic, Titor sometimes said that in 2036 they are widely used by people, just like credit cards. And sometimes he argued that the centralized financial system did not live up to those times.

What is this? Some kind of deliberate cunning of an alien or the banal forgetfulness of a scammer?


Trying to answer the question that plagues many, interested people even hired private detectives. Detectives were able to establish that there was no citizen named John Titor in the registration documents. And it hasn’t happened in the foreseeable past. But in Florida there is a company called the John Titor Foundation. And it employs a certain John Haber, a first-class computer specialist. And he may well possess secret information about the IBM 5100 device, which the “alien” flaunted in front of a captivated audience.

By the way, the above company does not even have office space. The only thing leased to her is a mailbox. Suspicious, of course. But the main question remains. For what???

Titor's trail

And while those who doubt it are looking for an answer to it, people who “believe” continue to bring information about their idol to the masses. The soldier who fell from 2036, for example, became the hero of a book called John Titor. The story of a time traveler." She was released in 2003. A year later, a computer game based on the alien’s adventures was released; in 2006, his theory of traveling through temporary spaces was patented, and in 2009, the Japanese made an animated series based on the legendary story.

And there are hundreds of thousands of people in the world who are sure: “John Titor” is a book that has not yet been completed. There will definitely be a continuation. Just when? And what? Wait and see.

  1. Do not eat animal meat.
  2. Do not copulate with strangers.
  3. Learn how to use firearms.
  4. Learn the basics of water purification and general sanitation.
  5. Always have emergency kits on hand and know how to use them.
  6. Find five people within 100 miles of your home who you can trust with your life and maintain constant contact with them.
  7. Eat less food.
  8. Have the US Constitution at home and review it regularly.
  9. Buy a bike and spare tires. Ride it more often.
  10. Consider the question of what you could take with you if a situation arose in which you needed to leave the house within ten minutes, knowing that there would be no return.

Why don’t chronotourists, who arrived in our time from the distant future on an excursion, fall right on our heads? Some explain this by saying that the time machine has not yet been invented, and time travel is impossible before the moment when it happens, a kind of defense mechanism of the Universe to prevent the occurrence of insoluble time paradoxes. Others argue that traveling into the past is impossible: whatever happened, happened, the river of time flows only in one direction, into the future. The most pragmatically minded people generally consider time travel to be a fairy tale like Star Wars, the American landing on the moon and other gremlins. However, if we do not see chronotourists, this does not mean that they do not exist.

One of the most famous time travelers was named John Titor. He wasn't a chronotourist, he was a soldier from the future, just like Kyle Reese from The Terminator. Titor arrived from 2036 in our time to find an IBM 5100 computer running on a unique software code that could solve the 2038 Problem for UNIX systems. In addition, in 2015, World War III will break out, killing about 3 billion people, the United States will disintegrate into five parts, and the world will cease to exist as we know it.

The John Titor Story

Even after all these years, there is still debate about when exactly this story began. The starting point was November 2, 2000, when someone under the nickname TimeTravel_0 began posting on the Time Travel Institute forum. At first, the conversation was only about the basic principles of time travel and some technical details of creating a time machine. The name John Titor first appears on the forum of American radio host Arthur Bell, creator of the paranormal show Coast to Coast AM, broadcast in the USA and Canada. Gradually, John Titor begins to make predictions about the future. More and more people joined the discussion, asked questions about time travel, asked why he was here, were interested in the technologies necessary to create a time machine and, of course, future events full of wars and disasters. Titor's last post was dated March 21, 2001, where he claimed to be going back to 2036. Since then, John has never appeared online again.

Facts about John Titor.

  • John Titor was born in 1998
  • In 2036, Titor and his family live in Tampa, Florida.
  • Titor listens to classical music and old rock and roll
  • Titor didn't know if anyone believed him in 2001
  • In addition to Titor, his unit includes 7 more time travelers who perform various missions from the 60s to the 80s
  • Titor could not communicate from 2001 with his native timeline in 2036
  • Titor's true passion for sailing

John Titor's unit emblem

John Titor's theory of time travel

Titor argued that the Many Worlds Interpretation (MWI) theory, formulated by American physicist Hugh Everett in 1957, is correct. According to his conclusions, every event has an infinite number of versions, determined by a complex world function that can describe the universe in countless ways, while at the same time uncertainty does not arise, since it is impossible to observe the universe from outside its boundaries. The MMI should not be confused with the Multiverse, which consists of a collection of an infinite number of parallel worlds. In Everett's theory, the world exists in a single copy, it is simply described in different ways. Titor argued that based on this, the grandfather paradox is absurd, he can kill his “own” grandfather, but it will be a “different” grandfather, that is, this will not prevent Titor’s birth and the paradox will not arise.

Time Machine

Let's skip the technical details and focus on the sensations of a time traveler, which Titor talked about in some detail in his posts.

After loading the coordinates into the system, the time machine begins to accelerate. A beep and flashing light will begin the countdown and you must ensure that you are securely seated in your seat. You almost immediately find yourself inside the gravitational field generated by the machine. It's like the jerk you'd get if you were going up quickly in an elevator. When the car accelerates to 100%, the force of gravity increases. Its strength is directly proportional to how far you are directly from the device. There are no serious side effects, but it is better not to eat anything before going back in time.

You will not see any flashes or bright lights, from the outside it will look like light rays are going around the car. Your eyes should be protected with dark glasses as there will be a flash of intense ultraviolet radiation.

Titor describes what follows as “like driving under a rainbow, and then darkness comes until the very end.” Then you hear the sound characteristic of a voltage drop and a slight crackling sound of static electricity.

Details of some predictions

All of the self-proclaimed time traveler's posts were written before the events of September 11, the crash of the space shuttle Columbia and the start of the Second Iraq War. Many of Titor's followers believe that he knew about these events, but did not speak about them directly, only dropping hints and giving hints. John Titor answered a huge number of questions and is believed to have foreseen many of the events that actually happened later. The most important thing in his predictions was that he proclaimed the truth of the MWI with an infinite number of different options for the development of the same event, where, under the influence of our actions, the universe can “transition” from one line to another. Thus, the future can be changed, moreover, it has already changed under the influence of John Titor, which means that not all of his predictions will come true. Titor himself claimed that his universe differs from ours by 1-2%, but the longer he is here, the greater the differences become.

Some John Titor predictions and answers to questions about 2036:

  • AIDS is still not defeated, and progress is being made in cancer treatment.
  • Status: unknown
  • CERN will discover “strange things” through high-energy physics experiments.
  • Status: the hysteria around the collider has died down a little, the “God Particle” has been found
  • Printed books are still being published.
  • Status: unknown
  • “Movies” and “TV” still exist, but are segmented throughout the Web. Many people make their own “shows”.
  • Status: There is some trend towards execution. Everyone is now their own video blogger.
  • There will be some natural disasters in 2012. It won't be the end of the world.
  • Status: correct. “Sandy” passed, Europe was abnormally covered with snow, Venice and the Krasnodar region were flooded, but the world survived.
  • The US capital will be moved to Omaha, Nebraska.
  • Status: unknown
  • After 2004 the Olympic Games will not be held
  • Status: incorrect
  • The Chinese space program is developing rapidly.
  • Status: correct. In 2011, China launched its own orbital station, and already in 2012 the first manned flight took place.
  • Year 2000 (Y2K) was a terrible disaster that resulted in massive power outages and thousands of people freezing to death on America's highways while trying to get to warmer places.
  • Status: incorrect. Issue 2000 was a well-executed marketing campaign.
Faxes to Arthur Bell

The last prediction was not made online, because Y2K had already passed without serious consequences, and Titor could not have known this. Some sources claim that this story began in 1998, when Arthur Bell received two faxes from John Titor.

Titor's adherents explain this inconsistency by saying that the future was changed. However, there is no reason to assume that the faxes and messages on the forums were sent by the same person. Moreover, there is no way to determine whether these faxes were actually sent in 1998, or if they were miraculously found after 2001, when the story gained popularity. Titor himself never commented on the existence of faxes, which serves as further proof of Bell’s rich imagination.

Influence on pop culture

The legend of John Titor most clearly manifested itself in the series of games, manga and anime Steins;Gate, based on the plot of which John Titor is a soldier from the future who arrived in 2010 to find the IBN 5100 computer running on a unique program code, capable of deciphering the databases of SERN, an organization , which in the future built a time machine and with its help gained world domination.

Hoaxes and legends have made their mark on popular culture before and have contributed to the development of unexpected tourist destinations in Scotland's Loch Ness and Roswell, New Mexico. However, the story of John Titor was a unique example of how an ordinary Internet discussion made it out of the clunky Internet 1.0 into the real world and merged into popular culture. Titor appeared in the media, a book, a play, an anime, and even gave rise to patenting some provisions of his theory about time travel. Legends are now born online, just as Gibson and Sterling predicted.

Who claimed to have come from the future. The case is funny, but far from isolated. Moreover, many of these “time travelers” were not arrested or dragged to a psychiatric hospital, but they listened to them and believed almost every word. However, it was not without oddities and outright hoaxes. We decided to recall several high-profile and surprising cases related to chrononauts.

Soldier from 2036
John Titor

Perhaps the most famous “time traveler”, who caused an extraordinary stir, forcing even convinced skeptics to think about his words. No one had ever seen Titor himself - John preferred to communicate on the Internet. According to legend, Titor arrived from 2036, when the world lay in ruins after the invasion of a computer virus, World War III and a whole string of local conflicts. Titor's future looks like something out of a cyberpunk novel from the mid-1980s to early 1990s: high digital technologies coexist with poverty and decline in other areas, half the world has been destroyed by nuclear strikes, and the political map is not at all similar to the current one.

John Titor time machine diagram

Titor preferred to speak in half-hints, without naming specific dates and names, referring to “non-interference” in the affairs of the past. Nevertheless, “non-interference” did not work out, and he poured out a lot of information on his grateful readers: in addition to rather transparent hints, he, for example, explained in detail the structure of a time machine and the principle of chronotravel.

However, in terms of the number of prophecies that came true, Titor is close to Nostradamus, however, in terms of their quality, he can also compete with the famous predictor: everything is quite vague and can be explained by the forecast of a person who more or less understands the political situation of that time. In the main, Titor’s predictions did not come true: in 2004–2005, there were no mass riots in the United States that would have led to a new civil war and split the country into several separate states. But it was on this ridge that the entire history of Titor was based. However, in 2015 the Third World War should break out, judging by the words of the chrononaut. True, Titor himself claims that the picture of the future that he painted is characteristic of the world in which he lives: time travel, according to Titor, involves moving from one parallel reality of the multiverse to another.

Titor's Mission The idea was to go back to 1975 and get an IBM 5100 computer, which had a hidden feature that could patch "old UNIX-based systems, even before the advent of APL and Basic." In 2000, when his first posts appeared on the Time Travel Institute forum, John stopped by “for personal reasons”: to see his family and... himself at the age of two. Doc Brown cries tears of blood.

Håkan Nordqvist and Håkan Nordqvist from the future

Swede Håkan Nordqvist came home in 2006 and saw that the kitchen floor was flooded with water. Without thinking twice, he took out the tools and reached into the cabinet under the sink to fix the leak. Further, according to Hokan, the space of the closet suddenly expanded, and light appeared ahead. Without blinking an eye, the Swede climbed towards the light and... crawled out from under the sink in his house, but 36 years later. At the same time, Nordqvist claims, he managed not only to meet with his 72-year-old self, but also to film video confirmation. It is difficult to judge the similarity of the people he captured: Nordqvist took a strategically correct position with his back to the sun. However, some similarities between men are observed, except that the elderly man is slightly taller than Nordqvist, and in the period from 36 to 72 years old people usually do not grow. There is one more “evidence” - identical tattoos, but it is quite difficult to call this convincing evidence.

Billy Meyer and dinosaur photography

Swiss chrononaut Billy Meyer is famous not only for time travel, but also for close contacts with representatives of extraterrestrial intelligence. It was they, according to Billy, who helped him go back in time, where he took several photographs. True, his most famous photograph, depicting a pterodactyl, turned out to be a very out-of-focus shot of an illustration from the book “Life Before Man,” and the photo with alien dancers turned out to be a snapshot of the TV screen on which the Dean Martin show was shown. Subsequently, the Swiss wife confirmed that all the evidence of his words were fakes and she personally took part in their production.

Future Millionaire Andrew Karlssin

In 2002, the FBI conducted an operation to detain 44-year-old Andrew Karlsin, who was amazingly lucky in stock transactions. As the agents assumed, Karlsin entered into a criminal conspiracy with managers of companies trading shares, and with the help of insider information received from them, received very good income.

Having started playing with $800 in his pocket, Andrew managed to increase his fortune to $350 million in two weeks, making only 126 transactions. This is what brought him to the attention of the US Securities Market Commission and then the FBI.

The arrested person himself denied the existence of a conspiracy with representatives of the companies, instead stating that he arrived from the future - from 2256, where, of course, everything is known about how stock quotes fluctuated in 2002.

As soon as the story penetrated the newspapers, a whole hysteria began around Karlsin’s story. Someone claimed that such a person never existed before 2002; there is no mention of him in databases. Stock brokers insisted that even with insider information, it was impossible to earn so much money in such a short time. True, all these people did not take into account one thing: the first mention of the time traveler appeared on the pages of Weekly World News - a tabloid famous for the most absurd falsehoods and fabrications.

Chronovisor of Holy Father Pellegrino Ernetti

Benedictine monk, specialist in archaic music, famous exorcist and quantum physicist Marcello Pellegrino Ernetti became known to the whole world in a completely different capacity. Unlike our other heroes, he did not claim that he came from the future or the past, and what he described was quite difficult to call a journey. Ernetti claimed that he had invented a device - a chronovisor - that made it possible to look into any point in time and see the events that took place there.

As Ernetti himself said, he was prompted to create such a device by his passion for ancient music, or more precisely, for the ancient Roman opera “Fiesta,” the score of which was lost, but the original sound of which the holy father passionately wanted to hear.

It is interesting that Ernetti himself mentioned the chronovisor only once, after which he did not mention this device in any of his works. But Ernetti’s assistant and confidant, Father Francois Brun, spoke willingly and a lot about this device and even wrote a book dedicated to this story.

According to Bruhn, the chronovisor was based on the theory that there are no solid particles in the world, and all phenomena are waves, which, in fact, are the very Word that, according to the Bible, was in the beginning of everything. Having learned to read these waves, it was possible to call up from the past any event that had ever happened. The result of the chronovisor's work, according to Brun, looked like a three-dimensional black and white hologram, but taking into account new technologies, it was possible to add color.

In order to check the operation of the device and make sure of its accuracy, the holy fathers first looked into the recent past, watching the speech of Benito Mussolini. Then we moved on, seeing Napoleon, Cicero's speech and, ultimately, the crucifixion of Christ.

Soon after this, the device was dismantled, as it carried a potential threat: the ability to look into any event of the past could seriously undermine the current power of both political and religious structures. Moreover, Bruhn argues, the chronovisor could be configured to capture the thoughts of any person, and in unscrupulous hands this would lead to the establishment of a worldwide dictatorship.

However, no convincing evidence of the existence of the chronovisor has ever been presented to the general public. The text of “Fiesta” was recognized as a stylization composed by Ernetti himself, photographs of Jesus Christ, allegedly taken with the help of the device, turned out to be a fake, and not the most skillful one - they looked very much like a sculpture by wood carver Lorenzo Valera, and the very principle of operation of the device, which allows to see the events of the past on television was described in the 1947 work of science fiction writer Thomas Sherred “The Attempt.”

Marcello Pellegrino Ernetti

Photo of Jesus Christ

The name John Titor first appeared on the Time Travel Institute forum in November 2000, however, it was then that he signed up as TimeTravel_0, and soon he gave his “name” - John Titor. He said about himself that he is a soldier from the future, from 2036, and in his time our world has already been destroyed by some computer virus. So, the time traveler's mission is to return to the distant 1975 and destroy the IBM 5100 computer in order to correct the deplorable future of the planet.

The forum participants enthusiastically questioned the time traveler, asking him questions about the near future, and Titor willingly answered, not forgetting to remind that reality is not the same for everyone, and his reality does not necessarily coincide with others. Be that as it may, he simply aroused enormous interest in his person, and his predictions for the near future enjoyed great interest and were discussed in the widest possible way.

Thus, he, in particular, predicted the war in Iraq, although very vaguely. However, some of the predictions did not come true at all. Thus, John Titor said that in the future the United States will be divided into several regions, and as a result will be subjected to a nuclear attack.

He told about himself that he got to the year 2000 by accident, deciding to stop by at this time for personal reasons - to see his family, collect some photographs. In reality, his ultimate goal is 1975.

So, John Titor's predictions included a civil war in the United States, a nuclear attack, a war in Iraq, the transfer of the US capital to Nebraska, and even a vague hint of World War III.

Several times Titor described the time machine in great detail, actively using the technical characteristics of the device, and even, they say, presented a very fuzzy photograph of it.

In March 2001, John Titor wrote his last post on the Internet and disappeared without a trace and forever.

Several private investigations were later undertaken, during which no information was found about a man named John Titor. There was no evidence of his family, and only one person, lawyer Larry Haber, confirmed his possible existence.

Best of the day

Today, everything that concerns John Titor, time traveler and soldier from the future, is usually mentioned with a grain of salt. But more than ten years ago, many, passionate about the topic of the future, extraterrestrial civilizations and other things, reacted to it with the most lively interest. John Titor has remained both a legend on the internet and a mystery. Many call him a hoaxer and even a charlatan, others respect the brilliant idea of ​​this certainly interesting man with extraordinary imagination and broad knowledge of history, technology, astrology and space sciences.

Today we're going to delve into the internet legend of John Titor, who allegedly came from the future and stopped by in the year 2000 to post a few posts on forums. This, friends, is actually the beginning and end of the story. However, we are skeptical and want to know more. Something can be learned from rumors and legends, even in the absence of any connection to history. The very fact of the origin of the legend is a question and the weaker the evidence, the greater the temptation to dismiss it. This is irresponsible and we will turn our attention to time traveler John Titor.

John Titor's first acquaintance with the general public, in 1998, was due to several messages on the radio "Coast to Coast", which broadcast programs about paranormal phenomena. Posing as a time traveler from 2036, he warned of a global computer system failure at midnight on December 31, 1999, which would cause famine, frost and military conflicts. John Titor next appeared in 2000, on a forum called the Time Travel Institute. His nickname was TimeTravel_0. Under the same name, on the “From Coast to Coast” forum, a prediction was posted about the beginning of the civil war in the United States in 2004, which would disintegrate the country into 5 regions and result in the Third World War, continuing until 2015. Among John Titor's predictions is the Large Hadron Collider, built by that time. So the time traveler's prediction was that the LHC would lead to the creation of small black holes. Without exception, all of John Titor's predictions did not come true.

According to John Titor, he came on a military mission and was sent to 1975 from 2036. The main task was to breathe life into the IBM 5100 computer, one of the early models of portable computers with a 5-inch black and white CRT screen. The Time Traveler claimed that there was a need to translate the ancestral code. Further, as he moved through the years, he decided to stop for several years in 1998. John Titor made his movements in a car with a built-in time machine. It should be noted that this method of traveling is not new; the 1985 film “Back to the Future” is well known to the public. It cannot be ruled out that the prankster chose this old-fashioned method of time travel, wanting to play a prank on forum visitors.

Who was John Titor, the "time traveler" who came from 2036 to warn us of a nuclear war?

As the world celebrates Back to the Future Day, it has forgotten the unknown man whose 2001 internet postings might just have saved humanity.

Since John Titor remained active on the forum even after the year 2000 came to show the value of his prophecies, he had to explain the theory of parallel universes. What happened in one universe by 2036, according to John Titor, will not necessarily happen in a parallel one. Thus, events that happened by 2036 in his universe will not necessarily happen in ours. This is called a special condition. A claim of unverifiable force majeure grants immunity to all claims made by the time traveler.

Now a skeptic can discover the reason why John Titor became famous in Internet forums. Anyone can easily register and say whatever they want. You can pretend to be Mickey Mouse, Napoleon, or a time traveler from the future. People also sometimes take over the initiative, and there is no guarantee that only one person is writing on behalf of John Titor. Likewise, there is no guarantee that calls and faxes to radios are not sent by stupid pranksters. This happens several times every day.

John Titor differs from anonymous posts in his predictions of the future, which are easily verifiable over time. All the predictions turned out to be fake, that is, exactly what you would expect from a random chatterbox.

Why did John Titor's story become famous? Why does it exist?

The joker managed to gain fame as a time traveler thanks to the development of the Internet and the Coast to Coast radio station, which is very friendly to such fiction and unverified facts. Nowadays, the density of information on the Internet is much higher, and there are more “time travelers” and other pranksters. It is now much more difficult to gain fame for John Titor.

However, note that popular stories appear on the Internet almost daily. Getting to the top today is much more difficult than it was back in 1998, but inventions that win the fame lottery appear regularly. If we weren't talking about John Titor, we'd be talking about something else. Our time traveler is popular because he became one of those who gained popularity.

The story of John Titor has elements that work in any legend. The possibility of time travel attracts any of us. The author, like others, would like to experience this. We really want time travel to be possible.

Another element is distrust of the government: Civil war, martial law, struggle for respect for freedoms and democracy. Since the conspiracy theory has been alive, many would like to witness these events. There seems to be a relationship between conspiracy theorists and regulars on Internet forums. John Titor therefore represents many popular opinions.

To top it off, he has a time machine built into his sports car. Who wouldn't like this?

According to the author, connoisseurs of interesting stories should not like time traveler John Titor. The author was asked many questions about this traveler, which forced him to study the materials. There was no limit to surprise when it turned out how insignificant the information was. A number of people believe in John Titor. The majority, who are familiar with Internet pranks, simply mock the time traveler. When thinking about whether the story deserved an article, the author was not concerned with the question of its veracity. It would be more interesting to understand how we determine whether a paranormal event is worth our attention.

Strictly speaking, nothing should be rejected without careful study. On the other hand, we are busy people and do not have time to consider in detail everything that surrounds us. A line must be drawn between what is worthy of attention and what is not. The author believes that John Titor's time travel story is beyond the imaginary line.

One of the pleasures of research is discovery. If someone posts stupid messages on forums, maintaining them for years, this does not add value and truthfulness to the information posted. There is no room for discovery here, unlike many other legends that grew out of real events.

John Titor enthusiasts tried to approach it from the other direction. In 2008, Italian television planned a show in search of the real John Titor, the one who hides under this name. Very quickly they realized that this would be a boring program and switched to another topic.

The author avoids this path and, when choosing a topic, recommends rejecting stories beyond the bounds of common sense, when, by all indications, we are dealing with fantasy or a practical joke. There are so many interesting and worthy things around us. Time travel? John Titor joke? Don't waste your time.

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