Psychologists explained why it is important to be able to forgive. The problem of repentance: arguments from literature Is it important to be able to forgive crime and punishment?

They say that the ability to forgive is a characteristic of the strong. And indeed: not everyone is able to overcome grievances, often citing principles and honor. There is a truth everywhere, but is it worth holding a grudge against others when it only destroys the human soul? I think not, because when we do not forgive offenses, our soul is filled with malice, and we ourselves become sources of evil. To argue my position, I will give examples.

For example, in L. N. Tolstoy’s epic novel “War and Peace,” Prince Andrei Bolkonsky could not forgive his fiancee Natasha Rostova, who was fleetingly infatuated with Anatoly Kuragin. For the hero, this was not only a betrayal of his feelings on the part of the girl, but also an insult to his honor. The disappointment he experienced degenerates into a thirst for revenge: the prince, who decided to leave military affairs, returns to the battlefield not to defend his homeland, but to find and kill his opponent. Bolkonsky ruins his happiness, because he doesn’t even try to forgive Natasha. However, it is love for her that gives the hero spiritual liberation before death. In the hospital, he lies next to Kuragin, whose leg is being amputated, but the prince does not gloat: he remembers his beloved woman, and this bright feeling gives him the strength to forgive his enemy. Andrei Bolkonsky generously forgives Natasha, who decided to meet him. Now he is not afraid to die, because he experiences the healing pleasure of love and forgiveness. This means that the need to let go of one’s offense is due to the fact that a person’s soul is burdened by it, suffers and hurts, until this burden is removed by sincere humility.

However, it is important to be able to excuse not only other people, but also yourself. Rodion Raskolnikov, the hero of F. M. Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment,” having committed the murder of an old pawnbroker and her sister, cannot pardon himself for the crime he committed. The young man hatched his plan for a long time, justifying the need to take the life of an evil man, but he could not predict his own feelings. He hates himself for his weakness, but does not allow himself to repent even in his own thoughts and receive peace. Only under the influence of the generous Sonya Marmeladova, whom the hero had previously “tortured and tormented,” does he find the path to mental healing. Pious Sonya forgives Raskolnikov, and it is she who helps him cope with his inner demons. Until a person forgives himself, he cannot go further and eliminate the evil that stood in his way, even if only in memory. Our soul cannot store this burden forever; it needs liberation in the form of forgiveness.

Thus, the ability to forgive is a very important and necessary quality. Resentment, which gives rise to feelings of anger and revenge, only destroys human souls and destinies, while forgiveness becomes generosity and gives people incentives to change the world for the better.

Forgiveness is one of the important steps on the path to health and success. This is the sweet liberation of the soul from resentment and pain. This is cleansing from negative experiences. Forgiveness is a power that can work miracles, heal illnesses and make life beautiful and happy.

Effective Ways to Forgive

Forgiveness is one of the important steps on the path to health and success. This is the sweet liberation of the soul from resentment and pain. This is cleansing from negative experiences.

Forgiveness is a power that can work miracles, heal illnesses and make life beautiful and happy.

Why is it so important to forgive?

When a person carries grievances within himself, his energy decreases, and instead of using his resources for his own good, he fights either with himself or with others. A person can suppress his grievances, drive them deep, or he can splash them out on the world around him. Both are fraught with devastating consequences.

Any uncontrolled emotions cause great harm to both the body and the psyche.

Resentment leads to various diseases, including cancer, makes a person dissatisfied with himself and life, leads to depression and destroys luck. And this list goes on and on. But let's better focus not on the negative consequences of not being able to forgive, but on how to forgive and what benefits will come from it.

In order to forgive someone or yourself, you must first want to do so.. To want to sincerely, so that this desire comes from the heart, in the end, insults bring harm primarily to the one who is offended.

And a person must understand that the time has come to let go of this heavy burden from the heart and move forward towards his happiness and success.

A person must get rid of the victim consciousness and understand that he himself attracts his offenders.
How? With the help of your thoughts and the Law of Attraction, because what is inside is also outside. And any pain, any difficult situation is a lesson that teaches unconditional love and forgiveness.

Ways to forgive:

1. Practice forgiveness.

The first thing you should do is take a pen and a piece of paper and make a list of those people who once offended you. Include yourself in this list. Next, start working with this list, and first of all, pay attention to the strongest offenders.

Say the following formula repeatedly:

With gratitude and love, I forgive you (name) and accept you completely and completely. I apologize to you for hurting you with my thoughts or actions. (Name) forgives me for negative emotions, thoughts and actions towards him.

This practice can be done at any time
, for example, when you are standing in line, walking down the street, or cleaning your house. You can do it before bed, when, having taken a comfortable position, you will deeply relax. The main thing is to do it regularly and with each of the offenders, until you really feel a pleasant feeling of lightness and liberation in your chest.

2. Visualization of forgiveness.

After relaxing and calming your mind, imagine how a golden light descends on you. He is very beautiful. It sparkles and glows, you enjoy its splendor. This golden divine energy emits an incomparable aroma of freshness. You stand under the rays of golden light and allow it to fill your body with health and energy, warmth and light.

Now start to forgive. Invite those people who have hurt you.

Work with the worst offender first. Imagine him as a baby, three to five years old. He made a lot of mistakes and he himself is not happy about it. He repents. Shower him with rose petals and say: “I forgive you and let you go happily. Bless you!

After you have completed the forgiveness session, imagine how the rays of golden light intensify, as if you are standing under a waterfall. You are cleansed of suppressed emotions, golden energy takes away your grievances and pain. And you feel light. You well.

3. Forgiveness in three letters.

Write three letters to the person who offended you.

In your first letter, pour out all your pain, all negative emotions and feelings onto paper. If at these moments you want to cry, do not hold back your tears. If you feel like screaming, scream. Let out everything that has accumulated in your soul.

The second letter should contain fewer negative emotions. You are still offended, but deep down you feel understanding and sympathy.

In the third letter, FORGIVE your offender. Move from the position of a victim to a person who is responsible for his life and for every situation. Thank the person who hurt you and let go with love.

And then burn these letters. And open your heart to the flow of love and boundless happiness.

4. Forgiveness in creativity.

Through creativity you can also free yourself from suppressed emotions. If you prefer painting pictures to writing letters, try this technique. Take album sheets, paints, or colored pencils and pour out your grievances in art. Draw whatever you want. And don't judge your creations. Remember, you create them not for beauty, but for miraculous cleansing.

Draw, as in the previous method, three pictures. In the first, vent your anger and pain, in the second, a little less anger and a little more understanding. And let the third drawing express your FORGIVENESS and acceptance.

The main thing to remember is that when a person forgives, he makes room for creative thoughts filled with love. His energy increases many times over, and amazing opportunities open up for fulfilling desires and creating success in all areas of life. published.

Tanya Tkacheva

Any questions left - ask them

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

Life in the world is hard for people who cannot forgive other people's mistakes. Resentment accumulates in their soul, and this burden cannot be thrown off. And that’s why such people walk around sad, suspicious, with drooping shoulders, as if they were carrying stones on their shoulders.

Anyone can make a mistake. Often a different point of view is taken as a mistake, and this is very bad, because everyone has the right to their own opinion.

It seems to me that it is very important for a person to learn to forgive other people’s mistakes, to understand, to get to the root of them. No actions are performed, and no words are said “just like that.” There are reasons for everything, and the better people learn to understand the reasons for making other people’s, and even their own, mistakes, the less misunderstandings, quarrels, and insults there will be in the world.

There are many parables in the Bible that can tell you what to do in a particular case, remind you of the need to develop such spiritual qualities as mercy, generosity, modesty, and the ability to forgive.

The parable of the Prodigal Son begins with the younger son preparing to leave his father and asking for his share of the inheritance. Having received the money, the young man goes to a foreign country, where he lives for a long time, having fun and not denying himself anything. He completely forgot about his kind father and older brother, who may have needed his help.

However, money, if you only spend it and not earn it, quickly runs out. And another misfortune befell the young man - famine struck the country. The young man, in order not to die of hunger, took up a humiliating and low-paid job - herding pigs. Only after some time had passed did the young man remember that his father and older brother remained far away in his homeland. He repented of having treated them so badly and decided to return and confess his mistake. He was ready to atone for his sin with hard work, hiring himself as a worker for his father, working only for bread, if only his father would forgive him.

The meeting of the prodigal son with his father was very touching. The son asked for forgiveness, and the father joyfully forgave him with the words: “This son of mine was dead and is alive, he was lost and is found.”

The father acted very wisely, because if at the very beginning he had tried to convince his son or had not given him money, the son would have been offended by his father, and a quarrel could have occurred between them, which was unlikely to keep the young man at home. However, it would be much more difficult for him to understand his mistake and return home. The father was able to forgive and forget the unpleasant, and the son had enough courage and honesty with himself to understand his mistake and apologize. Material from the site

The eldest son did not understand anything. He was next to his father all the time, helping him, and he felt offended that his father did not spare a fatted calf for his brother, who had been missing for a long time in a foreign country. “You never gave me even a kid so that I could have fun with my friends,” he reproached his father. The wise and experienced old man correctly understood the reason for the grievance of his eldest son. And he clearly and simply explained his action to him: “You have always been with me, and everything I have is yours. But your brother was as if dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.”

I think that it is love for others and the desire to help them that allows people to correctly understand the reasons for the mistakes they make. And love is capable of any miracles, it gives joy and forgiveness.

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  • essay the ability to forgive

Is it important to be able to forgive? To answer this question, let's figure out what forgiveness is. I think this is an act of a person when he conditionally forgets the guilt on the part of another. Forgiveness involves returning to a trusting relationship. But few can find the strength to forgive. After all, a lie or betrayal can greatly hurt a person. However, before we do anything, we must put ourselves in the shoes of the one who disappointed us.

What prompted him to do such an act? Perhaps he had serious problems that provoked this behavior. This is why we must give each other a second chance. After all, everyone can make a mistake.

I found an example of a person who was able to forgive meanness towards himself in D.I. Fonvizin’s comedy “The Minor.” The author tells us about the difficult fate of the meek, intelligent and kind Sophia. After the death of her parents, the Prostakovs took the girl in to “oversee her estate.” No one took Sophia seriously, much less took her opinion into account. So, initially Mrs. Prostakova intended to marry the girl to her brother. However, the reason for this was, alas, not love, but Skotinin’s craving for pigs. But when Mrs. Prostakova finds out that Sophia has become the owner of a huge inheritance, the woman radically changes her attitude towards the girl. You will no longer hear caustic remarks addressed to Sophia from Prostakova’s lips. Her main goal becomes to marry off her son, Mitrofan, to the young heiress at any cost. Prostakova is completely indifferent to the fact that the girl already has a loved one. But Mitrofan’s mother’s plans collapse. They manage to save Sophia, but the lady herself is left without power, accused of cruelty to people. Prostakova asks the girl for forgiveness, and she forgives her. Sophia does not hold a grudge against the woman.

Also an example of a person who knew how to forgive, who knew how to see the good in others, is Princess Marya from the novel by L.N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”. This girl was the embodiment of kindness and compassion. Despite the fact that her father was very rude and cruel to her, she always forgave him for his insults. Sometimes the words of Prince Bolkonsky really hurt the girl, but Marya always knew that he really loved her and wished her only the best. The girl knew how to see good qualities in people. Moreover, she treated others generously, trying to support them in word and deed. From this example it becomes clear that only a strong-willed person can be merciful to others. It is not difficult for him to help those in need. After all, such a person has internal support. For example, for Princess Marya it was an unshakable faith in God. When we forgive a person, he has a desire to prove that he has improved. Yes, not many people experience it. However, it is better to sow in a person the desire for self-improvement than to instill in him the idea that he is unworthy of a merciful attitude.

Therefore, forgiveness is important. This makes not only ourselves stronger, but also those we forgive. By doing this, we give the person the opportunity to improve.

The essay requirements for the Unified State Exam have changed several times in recent years, but one thing has remained unchanged - the need to prove the correctness of your judgments. And for this you need to choose the right arguments.

The problem of repentance will interest us first of all. In this article we will present several options for arguments selected from the school reading list. From it you can choose those that are best suited for your work.

What are arguments for?

When writing an essay for part C, you need to express your opinion regarding the given topic. But your thesis needs evidence. That is, it is necessary not only to express your position, but also to confirm it.

Very often the problem of repentance comes up in exams; it is quite easy to find arguments for it if the student is well acquainted with the school literature curriculum. However, not everyone manages to immediately remember the desired work, so it is better to select several arguments in advance on the most common topics.

What are the arguments?

In order to fully reveal the problem of repentance, arguments must be selected based on the basic requirements of the Unified State Exam in the Russian language. According to them, all evidence is divided into three types:

  • Personal experience, that is, facts taken from your life. They do not have to be reliable, since no one will check whether this actually happened.
  • Information that the student received from the school curriculum. For example, from geography, history, etc. lessons.
  • Literary arguments that will interest us in the first place. This is the reading experience that the examinee must acquire during training.

Arguments from literature

So, we are interested in the problem of repentance. Arguments from literature will be necessary if you want to get a high score for your essay. At the same time, when selecting arguments, you need to give priority attention to those works that are included in the school curriculum or are considered classics. You should not take texts from little-known authors or popular literature (fantasy, detective stories, etc.), as they may be unfamiliar to the inspectors. Therefore, you need to refresh your memory in advance of the main works that were studied during your school years. Usually in one novel or story you can find examples on almost all topics found in the Unified State Exam. The best option would be to immediately select several works that are familiar to you. So, let's look at the classics that raise the issue of repentance.

"The Captain's Daughter" (Pushkin)

The problem of repentance is very common in Russian literature. Therefore, it is quite easy to select arguments. Let's start with our most famous writer A.S. Pushkin and his novel “The Captain's Daughter”.

At the center of the work is the love of the protagonist Peter Grinev. This feeling is broad and comprehensive, like life. What interests us about this feeling is that it was thanks to him that the hero realized the evil that he had caused to his loved ones, realized his mistakes and was able to repent. Thanks to the fact that Grinev reconsidered his views on life and attitude towards others, he was able to change the future for himself and his beloved.

Thanks to repentance, his best qualities appeared in Peter - generosity, honesty, selflessness, courage, etc. We can say that it changed him and made him a different person.

"Sotnik" (Bykov)

Now let's talk about Bykov's work, which presents a completely different side of the problem of repentance. Arguments from the literature can be different, and you need to choose them depending on your statement, so it’s worth stocking up on a variety of examples.

Thus, the theme of repentance in “The Sotnik” is not at all similar to Pushkin’s. First of all, because the characters themselves are different. Partisan Rybak is captured and in order to survive, he needs to hand over a comrade to the Germans. And he commits this act. But years pass, and the thought of betrayal does not leave him. Repentance overtakes him too late, this feeling can no longer correct anything. Moreover, it does not allow the Fisherman to live in peace.

In this work, repentance did not become an opportunity for the hero to get out of the vicious circle and get rid of suffering. Bykov did not consider Rybak worthy of forgiveness. On the other hand, a person must answer for such crimes throughout his life, since he betrayed not only his friend, but also himself and his loved ones.

“Dark Alleys” (Bunin)

The problem of repentance may appear in a different light. Arguments for an essay on the Unified State Exam should be varied, so let’s take Bunin’s story “Dark Alleys” as an example. In this work, the hero did not have enough strength to admit his mistakes and repent, but retribution overtook him. Once in his youth, Nikolai seduced and abandoned a girl who sincerely loved him. Time passed, but she could not forget her first love, so she refused the advances of other men and preferred solitude. But Nikolai did not find happiness either. Life severely punished him for his crime. The hero's wife constantly cheats on him, and his son has become a real scoundrel. However, all this does not lead him to thoughts of repentance. Here repentance appears before the reader as an act that requires incredible spiritual effort and courage, which not everyone can find within themselves. It is for indecision and lack of will that Nikolai pays.

As an argument, the example from “Dark Alleys” is suitable only for those who in their thesis addressed the problem of retribution and retribution for those who did not repent of their atrocities. Only then will mentioning this work be appropriate.

"Boris Godunov" (Pushkin)

Now let's talk about the problem of delayed repentance. The arguments for this topic will be slightly different, since we will only be interested in one aspect of repentance. So, this problem is perfectly revealed in Pushkin’s tragedy “Boris Godunov”. This example is not only literary, but also partly historical, since the writer turns to the description of epoch-making events that took place in our country.

In "Boris Godunov" the problem of late repentance is very clearly presented. Arguments for written work on this topic must be selected taking into account Pushkin’s tragedy. In the center of the work is the story of Godunov, who ascended the royal throne. However, he had to pay a terrible price for power - to kill the baby, the real heir, Tsarevich Dmitry. Several years have passed, and now the time has come to repent. The hero is no longer able to correct what he has done; he can only suffer and suffer. His conscience haunts him; Godunov begins to see bloody boys everywhere. Those close to the king understand that he is weakening and going crazy. The boyars decide to overthrow the illegal ruler and kill him. Thus, Godunov dies for the same reason as Dmitry. This is the hero’s retribution for a bloody crime, repentance for which overtook him only after several years.

The problem of human repentance. Arguments from Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment”

The theme of repentance became the basis for another great work, which gained considerable popularity and love among readers.

The main character commits a crime to prove his inhuman theory about inferior and superior people. Raskolnikov commits murder and begins to suffer, but tries in every possible way to drown out the voice of his conscience. He doesn't want to admit he's wrong. Repentance becomes a turning point in the life and fate of Raskolnikov. It opens the way for him to faith and true values, makes him reconsider his views and realize what is truly precious in this world.

Throughout the entire novel, Dostoevsky led his hero precisely to repentance and recognition of his guilt. This feeling made Raskolnikov's best character traits emerge and made him much more attractive. Although the hero still suffered punishment for his crime, and it turned out to be very severe.

The problem of repentance: arguments from life

Now let's talk about another type of argument. It is very easy to find such examples. Even if nothing like this has ever happened in your life, you can come up with it. However, such arguments are rated lower than literary ones. So, for a good book example you will get 2 points, but for a real example - only one.

Arguments based on personal experience are based on observations of one’s life, the lives of parents, relatives, friends and acquaintances.

Must be remembered

There are several general requirements for any essay, including those that reveal the problem of guilt and remorse. Arguments must necessarily confirm the thesis you have expressed and in no case contradict it. The following points must also be taken into account:

  • Reviewers take into account and evaluate only the first two arguments, so there is no point in giving more examples. It is better to pay attention not to quantity, but to quality.
  • Remember that literary arguments are scored higher, so try to include at least one such example.
  • Do not forget about examples taken from folklore or folk tales. Similar arguments are also taken into account, but are assessed with only one point.
  • Remember that all arguments are worth 3 points. Therefore, it is best to follow the following scheme: one example from folklore or personal experience, the second from literature.

Now a few words about how to correctly write a literary argument:

  • Be sure to include the author's last name and initials and the full title of the work.
  • It is not enough to name the writer and the title; you need to describe the main characters, their words, actions, thoughts, but only those that are related to the topic of the essay and your thesis.
  • The approximate amount of text per argument is one or two sentences. But these numbers ultimately depend on the specific topic.
  • Start giving examples only after you have expressed your position.

Summing up

Thus, the problem of repentance is widely represented in literature. Therefore, choosing arguments for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language will not be difficult. The main thing is that all your examples confirm the thesis and look concise and harmonious. Often, the main problem of examinees is not the choice of work, but its description. Expressing an idea in a few sentences is not always easy. In order to avoid such a problem, you need to practice in advance. Take a sheet of paper and try to concisely and clearly describe your opinions, without going beyond the stated volumes.

The main thing is not to lose confidence and prepare as best as possible, then it will not be difficult to get it.

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