Day center program. Program of the health center with day care for children “smile” Work program of the day care center year

I approve

Director of MBOU Secondary School No. 9




day stay



Children's age: 6.6-14 years

Implementation period: June 2016

With. Kevsala

Full program name

Children's day camp program "Sun"

Purpose of the program

Organization of recreation and health improvement for school students in the summer. Creation of optimal conditions that ensure proper rest for children, their health improvement and creative development.

Area of ​​activity

This program is health-saving in its focus, i.e. includes diverse activities, combines various areas of health improvement, recreation and education of children in a health camp.

The program contains: activities that implement the program; expected results and implementation conditions; applications.

Program developer

Korost Kristina Anatolevna


Municipal educational institution that presented the program

Municipal budgetary educational institution secondary school

No. 9 p. Kevsala

Address, telephone

356610 Stavropol Territory, Ipatovsky district, Kevsala village, st. Lenina, 167

Place of sale

Day camp for children "Solnyshko"

Number, age of students.

60 people

from 6.6-14 years

Implementation deadlines, number of shifts

The duration of the program is short-term, i.e. implemented during 1 camp shift - June 2016 (shift - 18 nutritional days)

Explanatory note…………………………………………………….4

Goal and objectives of the program………………………………………………………...………..5

Methodological support of the program…………………………………………………………………..10

Forms and methods of work. Educational and methodological equipment of the program.………………………………………………………………………………….10

Mechanism for program implementation…………………………………….11

Resource support for the program………………………………………12


Program management scheme………………………………………… 14

Scheme for monitoring the implementation of the program……………………….......15

Areas of activity………………………………………………………17

Daily routine………………………………………………………………………………….. 18

Detachment affairs (grid plan) ……………………………………………………….. 19



Relevance of the program.

“A healthy childhood is great” - this formula becomes the motto when organizing children's summer holidays, and at the same time the rule for a creative approach to the holidays - a joyful time for the spiritual and physical development of the growth of every child.

Summer holidays make up a significant part of children's free time. This period could not be more favorable for improving health. Health is an invaluable asset not only for every person, but also for the entire society. Recently, the deterioration of children's health has become increasingly obvious. Therefore, taking care of children’s health is the most important responsibility of the school, the individual teacher and the child himself. Health is the basis of personality formation. The priority direction of the program is the preparation and organization of educational and recreational work in a summer school camp. Every year, students have a health session at a day camp, which operates at the school. It accommodates children from low-income families, large families, and children at risk who are under internal school supervision. Shift duration is 21 days. At a school camp, a child fills his free time with useful activities and improves his health.

Camp is a new way of life for children, a new regime with its special romantic style and tone. This is life in a new team, this is, finally, a new nature-conforming activity. It’s not for nothing that in the famous song by O. Mityaev it is sung: “Summer is a little life!”, which means that you need to live it in such a way that everyone: both children and those who will organize the holiday, will have a great time. This is a time of games, entertainment, freedom in choosing activities, relieving the stress accumulated over the year, replenishing spent energy, and restoring health. This is a period of free communication between children. A school health camp opens on the basis of an order from the institution and is staffed by students in grades 1-8. Enrollment is made on the basis of an application from parents (legal representatives). In the camp, groups are organized taking into account the age characteristics and interests of students, the requirements of sanitary and hygienic standards and regulations, and safety regulations are strictly observed.

The importance of the summer period for improving the health and education of children, satisfying children's interests and broadening their horizons cannot be overestimated. The problems of organizing summer recreational holidays arise from objective contradictions:

Between the need of the family and the state to have a healthy, strong younger generation and the unsatisfactory state of health of modern children;

Pedagogical care, control and the desire of children to have freedom, engage in self-development, and independent creativity.

The camp is located on the basis of the municipal budgetary educational institution of secondary school No. 9. The organization is based on health-saving technologies, implemented in a playful way. Program of activities is focused on creating a socially significant psychological environment that complements and corrects the family upbringing of a child, organizing active, rich recreation for children, and carrying out work on issues of maintaining health and a healthy lifestyle. The program is universal, as it can be used to work with children from different social groups, different ages, levels of development and health status.

The program includes diverse activities and combines various areas of health improvement, education, and upbringing in a camp setting. The main idea of ​​the program is to provide the child with the opportunity to maintain health in the summer, to form the necessary skills for a healthy lifestyle. Presenting opportunities for the development of a child’s creative abilities, creating conditions for the self-realization of the potential of children and adolescents.

When forming the educational space of the camp, the basis for organizing the shift is the camp legend, according to which all children attending the camp become participants in a long-term role-playing game with its own laws and rules.

Target: Creation of optimal conditions that ensure proper rest for children, their health improvement and creative development.


1. Create conditions for active and healthy recreation for children.

2. Formation of sustainable motivation for health among students, teachers, and parents.

3. To shape the development of cognitive activity and creative potential of each child.

4. To form the qualities that make up a culture of behavior, a sanitary and hygienic culture.

Timing of the program : June 2016: 1 camp shift;

One shift – 21 days.

Expected results of the camp:

Promoting children's health (health monitoring)

Developing schoolchildren's interest in physical education and sports;
- expansion of social experience;
- formation of communication skills, the basis of correct behavior, communication, culture, leisure;
- development of manual and socially useful labor skills;

Formation of a conscious attitude towards your health.

Methodological foundations and principles of work

The methodological basis for designing educational work in the camp is the achievements of domestic camp pedagogy and educational methods. Teachers have developed an integrated approach to organizing work with children in the camp based on a variety of types and forms of activities, rejection of excessive enthusiasm for public events, authoritarian coercion, and attention to the personal growth of each child.

The Sunshine children's day camp program is based on the following principles:

    The principle of humanizing relationships

    respectful democratic relationships between adults and children;

    respect and tolerance for children's opinions;

    self-government in the field of leisure;

    creating situations of success;

    gaining experience in organizing collective affairs and self-realization in it;

    protecting each team member from negative manifestations and bad habits;

    creating situations requiring a collective decision;

    formation of a sense of responsibility for the decision made, for one’s actions and actions.

    The principle of compliance of the type of cooperation with the psychological age characteristics of students and the type of leading activity

The result of educational activities in the summer health camp “Sunny City” is the cooperation of a child and an adult, which allows the camp student to feel like a creative person.

    The principle of creative individuality

Creative individuality is a characteristic of a person who realizes and develops his creative potential to the fullest extent.

    The principle of comprehensiveness of child health and upbringing.

This principle can be implemented under the following conditions:

    a clear allocation of time for organizing health and educational work is necessary;

    assessment of the effectiveness of children’s stay on the playground should be comprehensive, taking into account all groups of assigned tasks.

    The principle of harmonization of the child’s essential forces, his intellectual, physical, emotional and volitional spheres, taking into account his individual and age characteristics.

    variations in the choice of implementation method in various types of activities;

    a combination of forms of work that take into account the age characteristics of children;

    constant correction of the effects on each child, taking into account the changes occurring in his body and psyche.

    The principle of the integrative-humanitarian approach.

This principle defines five “facets”:

    the facet of personal perception (“this affects or may affect me personally”);

    the line of belonging (“the guys have achieved this, they need it, which means it’s available and I need it”);

    the facet of global perception (“everyone needs to know this, which means it is important for me too; it relates to universal human values”);

    the line of consensus orientation (“I recognize the right of others to have their own point of view, I can put myself in the place of others, understand their problems”);

    the line of personal responsibility (“I am responsible for the consequences of my activities for other people and for nature”).

    Principle of Personal Self

This principle can be implemented under the following conditions:

    in the development of children's self-government;

    if there is a list of real socially significant tasks in which each child individually or as a group can take part.

    in the presence of a system of incentives that support children’s initiative and independence.

    The principle of respect and trust.

This principle can be implemented under the following conditions:

    voluntary inclusion of a child in one activity or another;

    trust in the child in choosing the means to achieve the goal, mainly based on faith in the possibility of each child and his own belief in achieving negative consequences in the process of pedagogical influence;

    taking into account the interests of students, their individual tastes

    The principle of openness.

Participation in the process of educating the maximum number of institutions and people.

Objective factors of camp operation

The camp model has a number of objective factors that determine the specifics of its work:

    Temporary nature of the children's association.

    Varied activitiesThe richness of the entire period with diverse interesting activities makes staying in the camp very attractive for children who, due to their age, strive to “try everything and be in time everywhere.” The health camp offers a wide variety of activities.

    The intensity of children's mastery of various types of activitiesthe child’s interest in some activity through the achievement of a subsequent certain positive result. In this sense, a person-centered approach means that the degree of intensity should be adequate to a person’s individual capabilities.

    Changing the child's positiona kind of destruction of the previous, sometimes negative, stereotype of behavior.

    Clear mode of lifemaximum use of natural and climatic factors, rational organization of all life activities of children.

    Health-saving technologiesair baths, learning sports exercises, visiting the pool, classes in the Rostock center

Regulatory framework

1. International documents:

Convention on the Rights of the Child (approved by the UN General Assembly, November 20, 1989)

Universal Declaration of Human Rights (adopted by the UN General Assembly on December 10, 1948)

2. Federal documents:

Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2012, No. 273 “On education in the Russian Federation”

Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated 04/05/2013 N 56 “On state support for youth and children's public associations”

3. Local documents

Day camp program "Sun"

Order “On the opening of a day camp”

Job descriptions for camp staff

Camp work plan

Organizational and pedagogical activities

Camp staffing

Participation in seminars on organizing summer holidays for camp directors

Meeting with the director, deputy. director of educational work for organizing summer holidays for students

Conducting briefings with teachers on safety precautions and child health protection

Conducting parent meetings “Summer Student Employment”

Health work

The fundamental ideas in working with children in a school summer camp are to preserve and strengthen the health of children, therefore the following activities are included in the program:

Daily examination of children by a medical professional;

    morning work-out;

    organization of healthy nutrition for children;

    organization of sports events:

    sports festival;

Sports relay races;

Outdoor sports games;

Work to unite the team of students

To increase the educational effect of the program and develop communication skills with children, the following is carried out:

Light "Let's get to know each other!"

Communication games “Snowball”, “Name your name”, etc.

Games to identify leaders “Rope”, “Karabas”, etc.

Team building games “Zoo – 1”, “Enchanted Castle”,

“Cones, acorns, nuts”, “Cossacks-robbers”, “Don’t say Yes” and “No!”,

“Tail of the Dragon”, “Zoo-2”, etc.

Preventive measures and measures to prevent emergency situations and protect the lives of children in the summer

- Instructions for children: “Fire safety rules”, “Rules of behavior for children when walking and hiking”, “Rules for traveling in vehicles”, “Safety of children during sporting events”, “Rules for safe behavior on water bodies and providing assistance to victims on the water”, etc.

- Interviews conducted by a medical professional: “My height, my weight”, “About the dangers of drugs, smoking, drinking alcohol”, “Friends of Moidodyr and our health”, “How to cheer up?”, “The importance of sports in a person’s life”, “What to do to avoid being bitten , scratched, stung, kicked, gored, infected. And what to do if this does happen”, “To have a sense of smell like a dog, and an eye like an eagle.”, “What is harmful about overeating”, “Sun and heatstroke. First aid for sun and heat stroke”, “To always be beautiful, you must...”, “To have a sound sleep”, “Your daily routine during the holidays”, “How to avoid injuries”, “Green first aid kit”, “How to relieve tired legs ", "How to care for your skin" "Hardening". “Bad habits and their consequences for the body.”

Basic Life Safety Instructions: “Home Alone”, “Safety at Home”, “Rules of Conduct with Strangers”, “Rules of Conduct and Human Safety on the Water”, “First Aid Measures”;

Activities to develop creativity:

Design of squad corners, wall newspapers, fair of ideas and proposals;

riddles, crosswords, puzzles, quiz “Wits, erudition and laughter are an essential success!”, competition – game “Fun Minutes”, dance competition of liars, intellectual game “Colorful Drops”, competition – game “Weak Link”; creative competition “I am making your portrait”, competition program “Sports flea market”, beauty competition “Star of the East”, tournament of almost real knights, advertising competition, concert, etc.

Entertainment activities:“Fun Day”, theatrical games “Jumble”, competition “The most, the most, the most ...”, the “Erudite” quiz, the entertainment and game program “Intelligence”, “Traveller’s Day”, “Boys’ Day”, etc., an hour of funny games , Olympic Games “We are ready for anything”, the game “Zoological races”, football on the contrary, the competition game “Where the dog is buried”, the entertainment program “Weak”, etc.

The final exhibition of crafts and drawings by students of the summer health camp.

Work on instilling self-government skills

Identifying leaders and idea generators.

Distribution of responsibilities in the squad.

Assigning responsibility for various types of assignments.

Duty at the canteen and playgrounds.

The main methods of organizing activities are:

    Methods of theatricalization (implemented through costumes, ceremonies, rituals);

    Methods of competition (applies to all areas

creative activity);

    Method of collective creative activity (CTA).

Psychological services.

Psychological services are provided in the following forms:

Individual and collective forms of work in the camp are carried out using traditional methods (conversation, observation, assignments, drawing competitions, posters, matinees, holidays, excursions); interactive teaching method (trainings, role-playing games, discussions); in which children do not simply “go through” something, but live through certain specific situations. Organizing meaningful leisure time at minimal cost to provide the child with the opportunity to maintain health in the summer. One of the most important means and methods of organizing the educational space is the creation of children's self-government - independence in the manifestation of initiative.

    Afanasyev S.P. Komorin S.V. - What to do with children in a country camp, - M.: 2009.

    Zhirenko O. E. The world of holidays, shows, quizzes, - M.: “5” for knowledge, 2008.

    Lobacheva S.I., Velikorodnaya V.A. Country summer camp. – M.: VAKO, 2008.

    Rotkina T. S., Kurzova O. A., Nesterenko A. V. Lessons of kindness and mercy, - O.: “Childhood”, 2009.

    Sokolova N.V. Summer, vacation - the path to success: a collection of programs and games for children and adolescents in a children's health camp, - O.: “Childhood”, 2011.

    Titov S.V. Hello summer! - Volgograd, Teacher, 2009

    Shmakov S.A. Joke games, minute games. M., 2010

Stages of program implementation:

1. Preparatory (April-May):


Conducting an internship for teachers, counselors, and camp workers;

Preparation of teaching materials;

Preparation of material and technical base.

2. Organizational (May)

Formation of detachments;

Familiarity with the camp's operating hours and rules;

Decoration of squad corners.

3. Main (21 days):

-educational activities;

Health activities;

Cultural and leisure activities;

Methodological work with teachers and counselors.

4. Final:

Closing a shift (last day of the shift);

Collection of reporting material;

Analysis of program implementation and development of recommendations;

Release of a photo diary.

System for training teachers to work in the camp:

One of the main tasks of organizational and methodological support for the program is the professional training of specialists.

The teaching staff is represented by teachers from MBOU Secondary School No. 9 - like-minded people who have experience working with children in summer day health camps.

The administrative and economic activities of the camp are provided by permanent employees of MBOU Secondary School No. 9, who have the appropriate professional education.

Program staffing:

    Head of the camp.

    4 counselors.

    7 teachers.

    2 social teachers.

    1 teacher-organizer.

    technical staff.

The selection of the camp director, teachers, and counselors is carried out by the school administration. The head of the camp determines the functional responsibilities of the staff, manages all the work of the camp and is responsible for the state of educational, economic and financial work, compliance with the daily routine, labor legislation, ensuring the health and life of pupils, plans, organizes and controls all areas of the camp’s activities, is responsible for the quality and efficiency. Counselors and educators carry out educational work, organize active recreation for students, are responsible for the life and health of students, and monitor the implementation of the camp change program. A medical worker periodically monitors the sanitary condition of the camp, conducts sports events, and monitors health. Teachers organize educational work and are responsible for the life and safety of its participants.

The duties of the staff are determined by the camp director. The head and teaching staff are responsible for compliance with safety regulations, implementation of measures to protect the life and health of students during participation in competitions, public holidays and other events.

Participants in this program are children aged from 6 to 14 years of various social groups (children from prosperous families, children in difficult life situations, children on preventive registration). To organize work to implement the shift program:

Daily planning meetings are held for the camp director, teachers and counselors;

Work plans for squad leaders are drawn up, where the events and problems of the day are reflected and analyzed;

Questioning and testing of pupils are carried out at various stages of the shift (“Mood Screen”);

Employees are provided with methodological literature, tools for conducting training events, thematic events, etc.;

Instructions are conducted with teachers on life and health protection; measures to prevent childhood injuries.





A survey of parents to identify wishes for organizing children's camp activities.

Head of the camp

Questioning children during the organizational period in order to identify their interests and motives for staying in the camp.

1-2 day shift


Daily monitoring of children's mood and satisfaction with activities.

During the shift

Questioning children at the end of a shift to identify whether expectations were met.

Last day of shift


Monitoring the health of children in the camp during the shift.

During the shift

Head of the camp, squad teachers

During the shift, daily self-assessment of shift participants is carried out regarding the emotional personal state and level of development of the team; The teaching staff conducts daily diagnostics of the emotional state of the shift participants; during the shift, sociometry is carried out, monitoring the priority activities of the participants, and working pedagogical diaries are kept.

Expected results

    General improvement of pupils, strengthening their health.

    Strengthening the physical and psychological strength of children and adolescents, developing leadership and organizational skills, acquiring new knowledge, developing creative abilities, children's independence and initiative.

    Development of the participants in the change of competencies of individual and collective creative and labor activity, self-government, and social activity.

    Improving the psychological microclimate in the unified educational space of the school, strengthening the health of schoolchildren.

    Personal growth of shift participants.

Working in co-government bodies under the guidance of adults contributes to the formation of such skills as:

    Leadership abilities.

    A sense of responsibility for the camp, for the entire team.

    Ability to communicate with adults.

    Expressing and defending your point of view.

    Seeing mistakes and the ability to find ways to correct them;

    Respect for the opinions of others.

Teachers try to create a comfortable atmosphere for each child.

Criteria for the effectiveness of program implementation

To evaluate the effectiveness of this program, constant monitoring and intermediate surveys are carried out with camp students. Every day the children fill out a mood screen, which allows them to organize individual work with children. Designed by feedback mechanism.

Monitoring card– a form of feedback that allows you to judge the emotional state of children on a daily basis. This is the end of the day. At the end of the day, the teams fill out monitoring cards, writing down the positive and negative for the day, gratitude, and suggestions. At the end of the day and week, teachers analyze the quality and content of their work based on feedback.

Additionally works for analysis leaf of revelation. It serves to get feedback from children about the activities carried out and life in the camp. The sheet of revelations is constantly hanging on the camp grounds, it is updated, and anyone can make an entry there.

Educational activities within the framework of the camp shift, it provides educational activities related to the history of Russia, the study of spiritual and moral traditions and the history of the native land and village. Educational activities also include getting to know the world of movement, sounds, colors, and sensations. Based on the development of modeling skills, making crafts from various materials, in the process of productive creative activity, children become acquainted with a unified picture of the world.

Health activities promotes the formation of a culture of physical health, interest in sports, motivates children to take care of their health and active recreation. To successfully implement this block, it is necessary to equip a playground and invite a physical education teacher. Physical activity, fresh air, recreational and various sports and entertainment activities help create a positive physiological and psychological background, the work of the “Paths of Health”.

Labor activity – One of the most important qualities that we must cultivate in children is a love of work, respect for working people, and a willingness to work in one of the spheres of social production. Work should become a vital need for a growing Russian citizen. Forms of activity:

Caring for green spaces, watering flowers.

Caring for indoor plants.

Design work: design of stands, art mini-galleries.

Cultural and leisure activities consists of general camp and squad events (creative competitions of drawings, poems, ditties; making posters; theatrical game programs, etc.) Obtaining new knowledge in preparation for events of various types (quizzes, competitions, etc.) leads to an enrichment of the worldview child, which, in turn, affects changes in the personal behavior of each member of the team.

8.30-9.00 Gathering of children. Charger

The music sounds: it's time, it's time!

Good morning, kids,

And immediately in order

Let's exercise for all the guys!

9.00-9.15 Ruler (Building)

Get on the line quickly!

9.15-9.45 Breakfast

Everyone at the table! It's time to find out

What are the chefs rich in?

10.00-12.00 Squad, camp affairs

Who's going where: who's going on a hike,

Who goes to the flower garden, to the vegetable garden!

Sunbathe and harden up,

And take a swim in the pool.

12.00-13.00 Classes by interest

N there is sadness in our family,

We sing, we draw, we dance,

We craft, we know how to sew,

All classes are good!

Once the merry hour has come,

We all play here!

13.00-13.30 Dinner

But for everyone, even the funny ones,

There is a serious look at the table.

At lunch you can immediately see your appetite.

13.45-14.30 Communication and outdoor games .

14.30 Going home.

And now everyone: "GOODBYE!"

Tomorrow we will come again



The first day

"Hello, it's me!"


1. Opening of the camp. Getting to know the daily routine.

Conducting TB training.

2.Organizational event “Tell me about yourself.”

3.Operation "Comfort".

4. Cheerful paths of summer (opening of the shift)

"Hello SUMMER 2016."

5. “It’s in the bag, or once again about friendship” (competitive game program)

Day second

Masters Day


1. Minute of health

3. Conversation “Beware of fire”

4. Competition “The master’s work is afraid”

5. Outdoor games

Day third


"Magic Tales"


1. Minute of health “Books about health”

2. Socially useful work.

3. “There are miracles there...” meeting with a library employee

4. Drawing competition “Magic colors of summer”

5. Excursion to the reservoir.

6. Preparing for the talent competition


"Visiting Pushkin"


1. Minute of health

2. Socially useful work.

3. Conversation “Birthday of A.S. Pushkin"

4. Sports and competitive game “In the country of Lukomorye” (running through stations with the aim of developing creative and intellectual abilities, consolidating knowledge about the work of A.S. Pushkin)

5. Drawing competition based on the works of A.S. Pushkin.

Day fifth

"Ecology Day"


1.Minute of health

"Green first aid kit" first aid for insect bites.

2. Ecological landing. RIOT - a big cleanup of our territory.

3. A celebration of unusual flowers and floral costumes.

(use of recycled materials)

4. Outdoor sports games.

5. Ecological marathon “Letter to the Earth”, dedicated to Earth Day, World Day for Environmental Protection from Environmental Hazards. Ecological flash mob.

Day sixth

"Talent Day"


1. Minute of health “How to care for your teeth”

2. Socially useful work.

3. Summer dance marathon. A musical competition program aimed at developing imagination, fantasy, music and dance skills and qualities.

4. “Star Factory -1” karaoke on free topics

5. Outdoor games.

Day seventh

Spasaykin Day


1. Minute of health “Sunburn. First aid for burns"

2. Socially useful work.

3. Drawing competition about a healthy lifestyle.

4. “Life without cigarettes” (satirical competition program against smoking)

5. Outdoor games.

Day eighth

"Russian Independence Day"


1. Minute of health “Journey to the country of vitaminia”

2. Socially useful work.

3. Correspondence excursion “History of our village and region.” (squad events dedicated to the history and symbols of Russia).

4. Drawing competition “My favorite land”

Day ninth

"Day of Theater and Music"


1. Minute of health “Posture is the basis of a beautiful gait”

2. Socially useful work.

3. Conversation “How to behave…” - a meeting with a library employee and a club employee.

4. “About music both jokingly and seriously” (educational program about music)

5. Excursion to get acquainted with medicinal herbs.

Day tenth

Day of Fantasy and Humor


1. Minute of health “What is good and what is bad?” (satirical competition program against bad habits)

2. Socially useful work.

3. Quiz “Through the mouth of a baby”

4. Competition “The most fantastic project”

5. “Multi-Remote – carnival”

6. Board games

Day eleventh

Miss and Mister Camp

"Summer 2016"


1. Minute of health “How to relieve fatigue from your legs”

2. Socially useful work.

3. Competition “Miss and Mister SUMMER 2016”

4. Intellectual game “Finest Hour”

5. Camp football championship

6.Preparing for the bow competition

Day twelve

"Day of games, toys, balls and bows"


1.Minute of health

“Juice show” (propaganda campaign for a healthy lifestyle).

2. Socially useful work.

3. Fantasies on the topic: “Games, toys, balls and bows”

4. School championship in checkers

5. Outdoor games.

5. Operation "Comfort".

Day thirteen

"Reservoir Day"


1. Minute of health

2. Socially useful work.

3. Conversation " Be careful of the pond».

4. “Visiting Neptune” (educational and entertaining game)

Day fourteen

"Tourist Day"


1. Minute of health “How to avoid sunstroke.”

2. Socially useful work.

3. Conversation “Road rules for pedestrians.”

4. “Resourceful Tourist” - a game.

5. Musical competition program “Hello, we are looking for talents!”

Day fifteenth

"Day of Remembrance and Sorrow"


1.Minute of health “Hardening”

2. Socially useful work.

3. Extracurricular activity “And the memory will live forever.”

4. Excursion to the memorial. Laying flowers.

5. Competition of military songs and poems.

Day sixteen

"International Olympic Day"


1. Minute of health

2. Socially useful work.

3. Game “Who wants to become an athlete?”

4. Mini-football games. Volleyball.

5. “Our goal is to be ready for work and defense of the country.”

6. Design of the wall newspaper “Results of your stay in the camp”

Day seventeen

"Nature Day"


1. Minute of health “Providing first aid in case of accidents”

cases" (conversation-dialogue)

2. Socially useful work.

3. “Nature is our home”

4. Excursion into nature.

5. Outdoor games.

Day eighteenth

Closing the camp


1. Minute of health “Hygiene in the home”

2. Closing of the camp shift

  • Main forms of program implementation Staffing Expected results Organization of interaction of the summer health camp with day stay for children “Solnyshko” with society >10. Daily routine 11. Activities

    Explanatory note

    Every year, students have a health session at the summer health day camp “Solnyshko”, which operates on the basis of the municipal educational institution “Suburban Basic School”.

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  • Summer day camp program (1)


    Organization of summer holidays is one of the important aspects of educational activities. Organized activities for children in the summer make it possible to make the pedagogical process continuous throughout the year.

  • A children's day care center at a school is an area of ​​active recreation, a variety of socially significant leisure activities that differ from typical edifying, didactic, and verbal school activities.This form allows any child to open up and approach high levels of self-esteem and self-rehabilitation.Activities of the centeris part of the social environment in which children realize their capabilities and needs for individual, physical and social compensation in their free time.This form, on the one hand -organization of free time for children of different ages, genders and levels of development, on the other hand, a space for healing, development of artistic, technical, and social creativity.Every year, a health session is held for students at the centerday-time stay on the basis of the municipal budgetary educational institution, secondary school in the village of Krasny Klyuch, MR Nurimanovsky district of the Republic of Belarus.Students relax there6 - 16 years old. It is mandatory to involve children from large and low-income families in the camp.During the summer holidays, the tension accumulated over the year is released, expended energy and health are restored, and creative potential is developed. These functions are performed by a summer center with day care for children. \ All activities of the CDP are carried out in accordance with SANPIN download >>>

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    day care center

    MBOU secondary school in the village of Krasny Klyuch municipal district

    Nurimanovsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan

    8.30 - 9.00 - reception of children.

    9.00 - 9.15 - line, exercises.

    9.15 - 10.00 - breakfast

    10.00 - 12.00 - outdoor games, music hour, classes in clubs and sections, socially useful work

    12.00 - 13.00 - organizing and conducting collective creative activities, walks, health activities and procedures.

    13.00 - 14.00 - lunch.

    14.00 - 14.30 - free time, outdoor games.

    14.30 - children go home.


    Central Children's Education Center "Zvezdny" MBOU secondary school of the village of Krasny Klyuch MR Nurimanovsky district of the Republic of Belarus

    1 day

    "Dating Day"

    1. General camp lineup.

    2. Squad "Sparks" of dating. Elections of self-government bodies

    3. “The rules are different...” familiarization with the rules of the camp.

    4. Participation in the “Children’s Day” holiday - camp-wide

    Day 2

    "Camp Day"

    1. Ceremonial line “Opening of the camp shift.” Holiday "Together - a friendly family."

    2. Action together with traffic police officers “I am a pedestrian.”

    3. Fun starts. Monitoring.

    Day 3

    "Magic Tales"

    1. Journey into a fairy tale. (squad)

    2. Fairytale relay races "Movement is life".

    3. Drawing competition “Heroes of fairy tales”

    4 day

    "Talent Day"

    1. Competition "Minute of Fame" - general camp

    2. Master class “Skilled hands know no boredom!”

    3. Outdoor sports games.

    5 day

    "Ecology Day"

    1. Game "Ecological trail". (squad)

    2. Competition for unusual products made from recycled materials.

    3. Queen of Sports - Athletics. Competition

    Day 6

    "Etiquette Day"

    1.Game. Topic “Etiquette” (squad). 3 squad - Long jump.

    2. “A champion is hidden in every person” - sports competitions.

    3. “Funny Starts” - squad 1,2

    Day 7

    « Day of music»

    1. Excursion to the library. (1st - 2nd squad). Detachments 3 - 4 took part in an environmental action at the Krasny Klyuch spring.

    2. Festival of songs - general camp

    3. “My cheerful ringing ball...” Games with balls. Sprinting - 3rd squad

    Day 8

    "My little homeland"

    1. Quiz “Experts of the native land (squad) 3rd squad - Throwing.

    2. Excursion to the stables.

    Day 9

    "Health and Sports Day"

    1. Spartakiad (football)

    2.. “Life without bad habits” (squad)

    3. Campaign “We are for a healthy lifestyle!” - station game

    10 day

    "Traffic Day"

    1. Tournament “Experts of Road Literacy” - squad

    2. Competition “New Road Signs” - general camp

    3. National games. Lapta

    Day 11

    "Nature Day"

    1. Event “We are friends of nature!” - detachment

    2. Outdoor and 2. Outdoor games. 3rd detachment "Cossacks-robbers"

    12 day

    "Russia Day"


    1. Ceremonial line “How it was.”

    2. Sports event “Great Army of the Common Soldier”

    3. “Walking into History” - excursions to the school museum. (a trip to the museums of the area).

    Day 13

    "Day of the Intellectual"

    1. “What, where, when” intellectual competition. (squad)

    2. Checkers and chess tournaments. Volleyball - 3rd squad.

    3. Comic football

    Day 14

    "Day of Remembrance"

    1. The event “This fragile peace on Earth” is a squad event. 3rd squad - Running long jump. 2..Watching videos.

    Day 15

    "Day of Miracles and Fables"

    1.Competitive dance program “SPORT - START - DANCE” - general camp. 2. Fairytale relay races "Movement is life".- detachment

    Day 16

    "Ecology and We"

    1. Environmental action. “Man and Nature” 2. “Rescuers are rushing to the rescue.” (Excursions to the fire department) 3. Game “My funny ringing ball!

    Day 17

    "Knight's Day"

    1. Sports and entertainment program “Pathfinders” 2. Ecological landing

    Day 18

    "Day of the Princess"

    1. Competition program “Oh, these girls!” - squad 2. Poster competition “Good manners”.

    Day 19

    "Day of Miracles"

    1. Festive program “Birthday!” Hooray!"

    2. Ecological kaleidoscope (watching videos about the Motherland)

    3. Fairytale relay races "Movement is life".

    Day 20

    "Artist's Day"

    1. Landscape competition “Forest motive”

    2. Preparing for the closure of the camp.

    21 day

    "Goodbye, camp!"


    1. Identical shift closing line

    2. Farewell concert “See you again!”

    Hey, couch potatoes! Come on, get up! Run out to exercise!

    Holiday of Childhood

    Fairy tale day


    Ecological raid on the spring "Red Key"

    Job descriptions for CDP employees

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    head of physical education

    Municipal educational budgetary institution

    Secondary school No. 3 village. Inzer.

    2. Explanatory note

    3. Purpose of the program

    4. Program objectives

    5. Principles

    6. Main forms of program implementation

    7. Staffing

    8. Expected results

    9. Daily routine

    10. Events

    11. Menu

    Explanatory note

    Summer vacation is not just a cessation of a child’s educational activities. This is an active time for his socialization and continued education. That is why ensuring the employment of schoolchildren during the summer holidays is a priority direction of state policy in the field of education of children and adolescents.

    And this year, on the basis of MOBU Secondary School No. 3. Inzer, a health-improving shift is held for students at the summer health-improving day care center “Solnyshko”. It accommodates students in grades 1-8.

    In order to make your vacation complete, a program was developed.

    The development of this program for organizing summer holidays, health improvement and employment for children was caused by:

    – increasing demand from parents and children for organized recreation for schoolchildren;

    – modernization of old forms of work and introduction of new ones;

    – the need to use the rich creative potential of adolescents and teachers in realizing the goals and objectives of the program.

    The teaching staff of the school is working on the implementation of the summer health camp program with daytime stay.

    The center of the educational work of the camp is the child and his desire for realization. Staying here for every child is a time to gain new knowledge, acquire skills and life experience. This is possible thanks to a well-thought-out organized system for planning camp shifts. Children are given freedom to determine the content of their recreation. Making a plan for yourself gives children the opportunity to make proposals, advocate for them, choose them, and then implement them.

    A summer school camp with daytime stay is, on the one hand, a form of organizing free time for children of different ages, genders and levels of development, and on the other, a space for improving the health and development of a child’s artistic, technical, and social creativity.

    Purpose of the program

    To create favorable conditions for improving the health and organizing leisure time of students during the summer holidays, developing the creative and intellectual potential of the individual, his individual abilities and talents, creative activity, taking into account his own interests, inclinations and capabilities.

    Program objectives

    Carrying out work with children, combining the development and education of children with recreational activities;

    Development of creative abilities;

    Fostering a culture of behavior;

    Formation of communication and tolerance skills in children;

    Instilling healthy lifestyle skills.


    The program of the day care center “Solnyshko” is based on the following principles:

    1. The principle of humanizing relationships: building all relationships on the basis of respect and trust in a person, on the desire to lead him to success. Through the idea of ​​a humane approach to the child, parents, and camp staff, a psychological rethinking of all the main components of the pedagogical process is necessary.

    2. The principle of compliance of the type of cooperation with the psychological age characteristics of the students and the type of leading activity: the result of educational activities in the “Solnyshko” day care center is the cooperation of a child and an adult, which allows the camp student to feel like a creative person.

    3. The principle of democracy: participation of all children and adolescents in the program for the development of creative abilities.

    4. The principle of differentiation of education: differentiation within the framework of a summer health camp involves:

    Selection of content, forms and methods of education in relation to the individual psychological characteristics of children;

    Creating the ability to switch from one type of activity to another within a shift (day);

    The relationship of all events within the theme of the day;

    Active participation of children in all types of activities.

    5. The principle of creative individuality: creative individuality is a characteristic of a person who realizes and develops his creative potential to the fullest extent.

    Main forms of program implementation

    Summer day health center for children and adolescents “Solnyshko” is a pedagogical system that promotes the development of a child as a creative personality, his spiritual and physical self-development, the opportunity to cultivate hard work, activity, determination, and a healthy lifestyle.

    The implementation of the program is based on various forms and methods.

    Organizational and pedagogical activities

    Staffing the center;

    Participation in seminars on organizing summer holidays for camp directors;

    Meeting with the director on organizing summer holidays for students;

    Conducting briefings with teachers on safety precautions and protecting the health of children;

    Conducting parent meetings “Student occupancy in the summer.”

    Health work

    The fundamental ideas in working with children in a school summer camp are to preserve and strengthen the health of children, therefore the following activities are included in the program:

    Morning exercises;

    Taking sun and air baths (during the entire stay in the camp during daylight hours);

    Organization of walking tours;

    Organization of healthy nutrition for children;

    Organization of sports events:

    Athletics competitions;

    Sports relay races;

    Outdoor sports games.

    Work to unite the team of students

    To increase the educational effect of the program and develop communication skills with children, the following is carried out:

    Fire "Tell me about yourself"

    Games to identify leaders “Rope”, “Fairytale Day”.

    Team building games “Humorina-2011”, “Tournament of Experts”,

    “We are for a healthy lifestyle”, “Don’t say “Yes” and “No”!”, “Strong. Brave. Deft", . Release of detachment posters “Hello, Sunshine”.

    Preventive measures and measures to prevent emergency situations and protect the lives of children in the summer

    Instructions for children:“Fire safety rules”, “Rules of behavior for children when walking and hiking”, “Rules when traveling in vehicles”, “Children’s safety during sporting events”;

    Conversations conducted by educators: “How to take care of your teeth?”, “Travel to the country of Vitaminia,” “About the dangers of drugs, smoking, drinking alcohol,” “How to take care of your eyes?”; “How to care for your teeth”, “Green pharmacy”, “Proper nutrition”, etc.

    Game-conversation “Fire Safety Lessons”;

    Preventive conversation about delinquency of minors and adolescents.

    Preventive conversation about the dangers of drugs, with the invitation of the school social educator.

    Instructions on the basics of life safety: “Home alone”, “Safety in a city apartment”, “Rules of behavior with strangers”, “Rules of behavior and human safety on the water”, “First aid measures”;

    Work to develop children's creative abilities

    Design of squad corners, wall newspapers;

    Fair of ideas and proposals;

    Asphalt drawing competitions: “Our generation chooses a healthy lifestyle”, “Magic chalks”;

    Collective creative activities: “Sun Festival”, “multi-fireworks”, “Guinness Show”, “Big Difference”, “Goodbye, camp!” , “Neptune's Holiday”, “Guess the Melody”, “Factor A”.

    - Activities for the development of creative thinking: Riddles, crosswords, puzzles, quiz “Wits, erudition and laughter are an essential success!”, competition program “Tournament of Connoisseurs”, “Intellectual Show”, competition - game “Fun Minutes”, dance skill competition “Dancing” peoples of the world”, dedicated to the Year of the Commonwealth, the liar competition “How I was collected in the camp”, the intellectual game “Scrabble Show”, the competition - game “The Earth is our common home”;

    The final exhibition of crafts on the theme “Sunny Bunny”, drawings on the themes “Characters of your favorite cartoons and fairy tales”, “I want to know everything”, friendly cartoons.

    Work on the patriotic development of children

    Conversation “Symbols of the Russian Federation”; "Symbols of the Republic of Bashkortostan."

    Discussion “Nature of my land”;

    Ecological relay race.

    Work on instilling self-government skills

    Identification of leaders, generators of ideas;

    Reinforcement in each squad with 2 counselors;

    Distribution of responsibilities in the squad;

    Assigning responsibility for various types of assignments;

    Canteen duty.


    - teacher-organizers;

    Head of the health camp;

    Service staff.

    Self-government bodies;

    Expected results of program execution

    camp activities:

    General health improvement for children.

    - promoting children's health through

    1. adherence to diet;
    2. vitaminization of the body;
    3. hardening of the body;
    4. organizing games and outdoor activities
    1. enriching children's lives with interesting socio-cultural events;

    Strengthening friendship and cooperation between children of different ages;

    1. development of the child’s creative abilities, initiative and activity;
    2. instilling self-care skills;
    3. feeling of patriotism;
    4. respect for native nature.



    RDK employees

    Service staff

    Senior counselor

    Head of the camp

    Shift participants

    Gym teacher

    Head teacher

    municipal budgetary educational institution

    "Secondary school in the village of Krasny Voskhod"

    municipal district Iglinsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan

    Agreed I approve:

    Head of MKU “Education Department”

    MR Iglinsky district of the Republic of Belarus

    Sh. R. Gabdullin Head teacher:

    ______ Gindullina M. I.

    Order No. 27/2 dated April 17, 2017.


    health center

    with day care for children


    The program was compiled:

    head of the central control center

    Yalaeva Z. Sh.


    Business card

    Camp name: school health center "Smile"

    Center type: day care center

    Center profile: complex

    Center model: mixed age group of schoolchildren

    Staffing: teachers, involved specialists (medical worker, KFOR workers, rural librarian).

    Shift duration: 21 day

    Name of the conducting organization: MBOU "School school" Red Sunrise"

    Address: Republic of Bashkortostan

    Iglinsky district

    With. Red Sunrise

    st. Shkolnaya, 1

    Telephone: 2-43-72

    Age of participants: 7 – 10 years

    Shift duration: 01.06. – 06/21/2017

    Amount of children: 25 people

    Number of units: 2


    So summer has come.

    Summer camp opened the door.

    So that everyone has fun,

    So that you have enough strength for everything.

    How many of us are here today?

    We can’t count enough in a day!

    Sun, air, games, laughter -

    And health is for everyone here!

    Summer – the best time to communicate with nature, constant change of impressions, encounters with unknown corners of nature, health. This is the time when children have the opportunity to relieve the psychological stress that has accumulated over the year, look carefully around them and see what amazing things are nearby.

    In order for education in the summer to become a full-fledged social and pedagogical activity, it is necessary to open summer day camps. The summer camp system with an environmental focus is a way of organizing the life activities of camp participants, which is a holistic and orderly set of interacting components that contribute to the development of the participant’s personality. Environmental education in summer camps is one of the most effective forms, as it contributes to the development of socialization and realization of schoolchildren by including them in specifically significant environmental activities. Only the direct involvement of students in environmental and educational activities is necessary for the formation of an individual capable of living in harmony with nature.

    Creating a summer day camp with an environmental focus is relevant. In the modern world, environmental problems are becoming truly global. At first glance, it may seem that environmental problems are mainly related to cities. However, in practice, there is a change in the nature of the soil, low fertility, there are frequent cases of violation of the norms for applying mineral fertilizers, and so on. Therefore, environmental conservation is of paramount importance. For children living in rural areas, these problems are close and understandable. The more people consider nature as an object of their concern, the more effective society's efforts to protect it will be.

    Novelty of this program is that the entire period is filled with a variety of interesting activities, a clear regime of life and nutrition, and the latent nature of assistance and support for camp children

    Explanatory note.

    Every year, on the basis of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School with. Krasny Voskhod" opens a health center with day stay.

    The program is intended for school students from 7 to 10 years old. It has a goal and objectives, it indicates the principles on which it is based, and describes the expected results.

    This program is comprehensive in its focus, i.e. includes diverse activities, combines various areas of health improvement, recreation and education of children in a health camp. The duration of the program is short-term, i.e. implemented during 1 camp shift.

    Purpose of the program: expand students’ knowledge about the surrounding wildlife, promote the formation of a caring attitude towards it, promote the health and physical improvement of children.


    expansion of environmental knowledge acquired during the study of school subjects;

    developing in students an active and responsible attitude towards the environment;

    maximum use of the natural environment;

    identifying students prone to research activities in the field of ecology;

    organization of active recreation and health improvement for children;

    development of creative and communicative abilities of students.


    The program of a summer environmental camp with daytime stay for children and adolescents is based on the following principles:

    The principle of moral attitude towards each other, towards the world around us.

    The principle of a creative approach to business.

    The principle of voluntary participation in affairs.

    The principle of taking into account the age characteristics of children.

    The principle of accessibility of selected forms of work.

    Forms and mode of classes
    The form of classes is group. Classes are conducted with game elements. The program is used in a school day camp. It is designed for one camp shift, i.e. 21 days.
    Related technologies are communicative, group, TAD (creativity, activity, action) / These technologies will ensure the achievement of the set organizational and methodological ideas.
    Gaming technology will reveal the child’s creative potential, develop intellectual, creative and physical abilities, develop positive communication skills with peers, and attract children to consciously choose an active and healthy lifestyle.
    Meeting is a method of collective decision-making or information transfer based on data received directly from participants in group work.
    Purpose of the meeting : mutual orientation of participants, exchange of opinions, coordination of plans, intentions, motives, life and professional experience.
    Brainstorm group generation of a large number of ideas in a relatively short period of time. It is based on the principle of associative thinking and mutual stimulation. This method weakens the stereotypes and patterns of habitual groupthink, without anyone remaining silent and “valuable thoughts do not wither on the vine.” It is carried out when there is an acute shortage of creative solutions and new ideas.
    Advantages of this method:
    - criticality and closed thinking are reduced, which contributes to the development of creativity, originality, and forms a positive attitude towards one’s own abilities;
    - participants are given the opportunity to show sympathy, approval and support to each other;
    - internal logical and psychological barriers are effectively overcome, prejudices are removed, stereotypes are realized.
    Situational role-playing and business games allow you to simulate, discuss and actually role-play various situations from the field of professional activity, including processes of interpersonal and group communication.

    F forms and methods work on the program that will be used:
    - thematic excursions;
    - educational games and quizzes;
    - sports games and competitions;
    - psychological games;
    - game testing, surveys, questionnaires;
    - conversations, seminars, research work, round tables to discuss the results achieved;
    - outdoor activities;
    - making crafts, herbariums, publishing a school newspaper;
    - concerts, festivals, promotions

    Implementation mechanism:

      Preparatory stage

    This stage is characterized by the fact that 2 months before the opening of the summer environmental day camp, preparations for the summer season begin. The activities of this stage are:

      holding meetings with the director to prepare the school for the summer season;

      participation in seminars on organizing summer holidays for camp directors, organized by the education department;

      holding parent meetings on the topic “Summer employment for children”;

      conducting briefings with teachers on TB and child health;

      issuing school orders to conduct a summer campaign;

      development of a program for the activities of a school summer health center with day care for children and adolescents;

      preparation of methodological material for center employees;

      selection of personnel to work in the school summer health center;

      drawing up the necessary documentation for the activities of the center (grid plan, position, job responsibilities, instructions, etc.)

    2. Organizational stage :

      meeting children;

      conducting diagnostics to identify leadership, organizational and creative abilities and interests;

      launching the program;

      formation of self-government bodies;

      acquaintance with the rules of life of the camp;


    3. Main stage :

      implementation of the main idea of ​​the change;

      involving children and adolescents in various types of collective creative activities

    The final stage:

      summing up the shift;

      development of prospects for the organization’s activities;

      analysis of proposals made by children, parents, teachers regarding the activities of the summer health center in the future.


    The health and development of children largely depends on the knowledge, skills and readiness for work of those adults who organize the life of the camp.

    Experienced teachers of the educational institution, SDK workers, a local inspector, a rural librarian, and a health worker participate in the implementation of the program.


    Methodological literature, computer class, stationery, music center, karaoke, assembly hall, playground, gym, sports equipment (balls, nets, hoops, rope, mats), board games (checkers, chess, construction sets, puzzles, etc. )


    Event plan

    day care center "Smile"

    from 06/01/2017 to 06/21/2017






    "Welcome to Childhood" Day

    1. Opening of the camp. Meeting children, creating groups, distributing responsibilities.

    2. Getting to know your daily routine.

    3. Conducting TB training.

    5. Outdoor sports competitions “Fun Starts” dedicated to Children's Day.

    6. Drawing with crayons on the asphalt “Me and my world.”

    Head of the Central Dispatch Office

    KFOR workers



    Day "Fair of Ideas"

    1. Come up with a squad name, chant, motto.

    2 Competition for the best emblem.

    3. Outdoor games.

    4. Crossword competition about nature “Who is this, what is this?”



    "Friendship Day"

    1. Fun riddles “Plants and Birds”

    2. Competition “Dexterous, strong, courageous”

    3. Drawing competition “Guys, let’s live together!”

    4. Outdoor games

    5. “It’s fun to walk together!” - learning songs about friendship.

    6. Work in the school area



    "Ecology Day"

    1. Children's environmental drawing competition “The Earth is our home.”

    2. Educational games “Nature Connoisseur”.

    3. Outdoor games.

    4. A minute of health. Quiz "Green Pharmacy".

    5. Watching cartoons.

    Medical worker



    Day “We will protect nature!”

    1. Minute of health “Proper nutrition”.

    2. Competition “Take care of nature!”

    4. Brainstorming (solving crossword puzzles on an environmental theme)

    Honey. worker



    "Motherland Day"

    1. Educational logic games “Ecological fun”

    3. Drawing lesson “My native land”

    4. Outdoor games.

    5. Correspondence trip “Russia is my homeland”



    "Competition Day"

    1. Minutes of health “Take care of your teeth”,

    2. Sports competitions

    3. Watching animated films.

    4. Outdoor games

    5. Ecological game “Find words starting with....”

    6. Game “Funny Starts”

    Honey. Worker



    "Game Day"

    1. Mass sports game

    2. “Young checkers player” competition.

    3. Outdoor games.

    4. Game "Snowball"

    5. Creative workshop “Colors of Summer”



    Interesting Things Day

    1. Game “Everything in the world is interesting.”

    2. Essay competition for the most interesting story

    3. Outdoor games.

    4. Excursion “History of our region”

    5. Health Minutes

    Honey. worker



    "Courtesy Day"

    1. Game program “To give joy to people, you need to be kind and polite.”

    2. Labor landing. Improvement of the school site.

    3. Outdoor games.

    4. Questionnaire “Do you know how to make friends?”

    5. Watching cartoons



    "Day of Young Talents"

    1. Minutes of health on the topic “Hygiene in the home.”

    2. Game "Finest Hour"

    3. Outdoor games.

    4. Work of the “Young Artist” circle. Modeling from plasticine.

    Honey. worker



    "Nature Day"

    1. Drawing competition of multi-colored drops

    2. Conversation “Our feathered friends”

    3. Excursion to the forest

    4. Educational game “Seven Wonders of the World”

    5. Watching cartoons

    Honey. worker



    "Book Day"

    1. A minute of health. “Posture is the basis of a beautiful gait.”

    2. Quiz game “On fairy tale paths”

    3. Outdoor games

    4. Book hour. Reading Russian folk tales.

    5. Interest classes.

    Honey. worker



    Our Little Brothers Day

    1. Minute of health “Your daily routine during the holidays.”

    2. Intellectual games on the theme of our little brothers “Find the animals”

    3. Outdoor sports.

    4 Conversation “Protected rare species of animals and plants.”

    5. Game “Pantomime” (theme: animals)

    Village librarian



    Fairy Tales Day

    1. Competition for the most beautiful composition made from natural materials.

    2. Quiz “Do you know fairy tales?”

    3. Outdoor games.

    4. Drawing competition “My favorite fairy-tale hero”

    5. Travel “According to the tales of A.S. Pushkin"

    KFOR workers



    "Day of Young Mathematicians"

    1. Educational game “Guess what number?”

    2. Drawing competition “Amazing Worlds”

    3. Outdoor games.

    4. Math puzzles

    5. Watching cartoons



    Day “Be healthy and active!”

    1. Conversation about health “If you want to be healthy, toughen up.”

    2. Games "Dodgeball"

    3. Magic lantern (one day in the life of the camp in drawings)

    4. Ecological landing. School site beautification

    Honey. worker



    Day of Fantasy and Humor

    1.Charging. Conversation “Our body”.

    2. Game “The Smartest”.

    3. Pioneerball competition.

    4. Crafts competition “Nature and Fantasy”.



    "Creative Imagination Day"

    1. Application made from natural materials

    2. Sports games - relay races.

    3. Competition “Paper Fantasy”

    4. Drawing competition “There is a fairy tale in every drawing”

    5. Watching cartoons



    "Safety Day"

    1. Creative workshop. Traffic drawing competition

    2. Interest classes.

    3. Outdoor games.

    4. Marathon “ABC of Traffic”

    5. Work in flower beds.

    District inspector



    “Farewell day to the camp!”

    1. Closing the shift.

    2. A festive event dedicated to the closing of the shift.

    3. Festive lunch.

    4. Ceremonial line-up for closing the shift.

    5. Rewarding the most active participants.

    Head of the Central Dispatch Office

    Methodological support of the program:

    Educational and methodological aids: scientific, special, methodological literature

    Materials from work experience:

    Didactic materials:
    - Application forms.
    - Instructions for processing questionnaires and tests.

    Drawings, pictures, maps, atlases.
    Methodological developments:

    - Classes on environmental blocks. Recommendations for holding events. Development of conversations, hikes, competitions, excursions. Individual work with children.

    Program resources:

    Regulatory resource:

    • Law “On Education of the Russian Federation”

      Convention on the Rights of the Child, UN, 1991.

      Regulations on the day camp.

      Internal regulations of the day camp.

      Safety regulations, fire safety.

      Instructions for organizing and conducting tourist trips and excursions.

      Orders of the Education Department.

      Job descriptions of employees.

      Sanitary rules for undergoing a medical examination.

      Statements from parents.

      Rules for registering children upon admission and departure.

      Camp acceptance certificate.

      Work plans.

    Description of work experience in organizing an educational and health-improving environment.

    Based on the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School with. Red Sunrise" annually organizes the work of a summer school center. The center operates over 1-2 shifts.

    For each shift of the center, a program is drawn up, which is approved by the teaching council and undergoes examination. The program is comprehensive and includes several areas: environmental, sports and recreational, patriotic, preventive, moral and aesthetic, which solve the main educational goals and objectives.

    All activities planned for the shift are selected taking into account the age characteristics and interests of children.

    The work of the camp is carried out in close cooperation with employees of various organizations: KFOR, rural library, police department.

    The main goal of the school center is to improve the health of children and adolescents. To achieve this goal, various public sports events, games, competitions, daily exercises are held, and sports clubs operate.

    It is mandatory for a medical worker to work at a school summer camp. Who monitors the health of children, conducts daily examinations, preventive conversations and activities, monitors the quality of nutrition and fortification of dishes.

    The state of injuries in children and adolescents over the summer period.

    In recent years, on the basis of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School with. Red Sunrise” there were no injuries to children and adolescents during the summer period.

    In order to prevent injuries, briefings, conversations, and events are regularly held with children.

    Organization of preventive work with children, including those in difficult life situations, with minors “at risk”

    In the summer, special attention is paid to preventive work.

    In order to avoid any violations on the part of children and adolescents, coverage of “at-risk” children, as well as children in difficult life situations, is organized with rest in a school camp, employment of teenagers from the employment center on the basis of the school, conversations are held in the school camp and events on moral and legal topics.

    For each child, a data bank is filled out about his location and employment for each month.

    Organization of quality nutrition for children.

    The school center provides children with two meals a day (breakfast, lunch)

    The cook and nurse are responsible for the quality of children's meals at school.

    The diet includes fresh vegetables, fruits and all necessary and required products for children in accordance with the ten-day menu.

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