Project “Everyone needs to know the Alphabet.” The meaning of the alphabet in our life Why do we need an alphabet

MBOU "Krasnoslobodskaya secondary school No. 1"


Sharafutdinov Danila

1st grade student

Head: Fomina

Elena Alexandrovna

Krasnoslobodsk – 2016

I .Introduction

I am in 1st grade. We just finished learning all the letters, and the teacher asked us to learn the entire alphabet. I wondered who invented the alphabet and what is it for? I decided to find out more about this.

My idea was supported by my teacher, who became my main assistant in my research.

That's whytarget my work is to evaluate the role of the alphabet in people's lives.

To achieve the goal, the following were settasks:
- find out what the alphabet is;
- find out who invented the alphabet and when;
- find out why the alphabet is needed;
- together with classmates create a “Fun ABC”.

The relevance of research:

Every first grader studies the alphabet, but not everyone knows why it is necessary to know the order and names of the letters of the alphabet.

Object of study: Russian alphabet.

Subject of study: use of the alphabet in our life.

Research hypothesis

I guessed, What:
- the alphabet was created a long time ago;
- knowledge of the alphabet is important in our lives.

To achieve the goal and solve the above problems, the following were usedmethods Andtechniques How:

Analysis of literature on the topic of work;

Comparative historical analysis;


Illustrative method;

Comparison and synthesis of data;


II . Main part

1) What is the alphabet?

To find out what it isalphabet , I decided to turn to dictionaries.

The dictionary of the Russian language by S.I. Ozhegov says that the alphabet is “the same as the alphabet in the first meaning [p. 22]. In turn, the alphabet in the first meaning “is a set of letters accepted in a given writing system, arranged in an established order, an alphabet.” [With. 20]. In the second meaning, the alphabet is “the order of letters adopted in the alphabet.”

In V.I. Dahl’s dictionary, I read that “alphabet, abevega, initial letter” means “a collection of all letters in order” [p. 24].

2) Why were the alphabet and alphabet called that?

On the Internet, I learned that the name alphabet came to us from Ancient Greece. There the first two letters were called “alpha” and “vita”. This is how the word “alphabet” arose.

And in the old Russian alphabet the first two letters were called differently: “az” and “buki”. The result is the word “alphabet”.

3) When did the alphabet appear?

In the 9th century, one of the first Slavic alphabets was created by the enlighteners Cyril and Methodius based on the Greek alphabet and named after the enlightener Cyril - Cyrillic. The alphabet created by Cyril and Methodius is very different from the one we use now.

Peter Ị changed the alphabet: he made it easier to write some letters, introduced the so-called"civil font".
Still, spelling remained difficult. Try to remember when to write “like” and when to write “and with a period.” Moreover, “er” is a solid sign. It was placed in every word ending with a hard consonant. These difficulties persisted until 1918, when another spelling reform was carried out.
The number of letters was reduced to 33, the names of the letters were simplified (instead of “az”, “buki”, “vedi” - “a”, “be”, “ve”, etc.), they stopped writing “ъ” at the end of the word. Learning to read and write has become much easier.
4) Finding out the role of the Alphabet in people's lives.

Lyudmila Pavlovna showed me how you can make it easier for yourself to find a book if you know the alphabet. Everything on the shelves is arranged in alphabetical order, according to the author's last name.

There is also a card index in the library. Index cards with book titles and author names are also in alphabetical order.

I had a great opportunity to become more familiar with encyclopedias and dictionaries.If we open any of the dictionaries, we will see that the words in these dictionaries are arranged in alphabetical order.Knowing the alphabet by heart, it is easy to find the right word.

Then we visited the office of the secretary of our school, Nadezhda Yuryevna Pikina, and sheThere are folders with personal files. There is also a personal matter for each of us. Strict order is maintained. All cases are in alphabetical order.

And I also learned from her,that the school has an alphabet book for students. In this book, the surnames of all students are arranged in alphabetical order, making it very easy to find a particular surname.

The largest number of students in our school whose last names begin with the letter “K” is 871.

Class teacher Elena Aleksandrovna showed me the class magazine, in which the list of students in our class is made in alphabetical order. I'm on list 22.

My mother works at the Pension Fund. She said that she has an archive at work in which pension files are stored in alphabetical order.

I have a telephone directory at home. Together with my mother, we examined it carefully. Telephone numbers of enterprises, various services and institutions are arranged in alphabetical order. Apartment telephone numbers are also in alphabetical order. Most of them start with the letter K, and the most common surname is Lyutov, which appears 23 times in the directory.

With my dad, I like to look at the World Atlas. All geographical names in it are arranged in alphabetical order.

And dad also said thatautomobile codes of Russian cities are also arranged alphabetically.

We also analyzed the lists of dead soldiers at the monument to fallen soldiers and found out that the names of the heroes of the Second World War were also collected in alphabetical order.

5) How is it easier to remember the alphabet?

Elena Aleksandrovna told me that there are many ways to memorize the alphabet.

One way is to memorize the alphabet using rhymes and poems. In the appendix to my work there are two poems from the “Russian ABC”, which can be used by those who do not yet know or have already forgotten the order of the letters in the alphabet.

Another way is to create and further examine illustrations for each letter of the alphabet. We found one of these alphabet models in Bukvar, which was released in 1985. That's why my parents learned the ABC book.

The second model was found in the Russian ABC, which was released in 2009.

It is interesting that the content of the illustrations for the letters has remained virtually unchanged, despite the fact that the difference between these illustrations is 24 years.

To make it easier to remember the alphabet, my classmates and I decided to create a “FUNNY ABC.” Each letter in it resembles an object and there is a poem or riddle about it.

II .Conclusion

While doing this work, I learned a lot of useful information. I found out what the words “alphabet” and “alphabet” mean and that these words have the same meaning.

I learned that the creators of the Slavic alphabet are Cyril and Methodius.

My assumption that it is necessary to know the alphabet was confirmed, since knowledge of the alphabet helps to quickly find important and necessary information and this greatly facilitates its search.

Without knowledge of the alphabetical order, it is difficult for us to use a dictionary, it is difficult for us to find information in encyclopedias and reference books, and we will not be able to study well at school or work when we become adults.


1. ABC [Electronic resource] – Access mode: http://ru. wikipedia. org/wiki/%D0%90%D0%B7%D0%B1%D1%83%D0%BA%D0%B0

2. Alphabet [Electronic resource] – Access mode: http://ru. wikipedia. org/wiki/%D0%90%D0%BB%D1%84%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%82

3. Great Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius [Electronic resource on 10 CDs]

4. Goretsky V. G. Primer. – M.: Education, 1985. – 127 p.: ill.

5. Dal V.I. Illustrated Dal: additional volume of the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language” / ed. Butromeeva V.P. – M.: Bely Gorod, 2008. – 544 p.; ill.

6. Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language: Ok. 57,000 words/Ed. Corresponding member USSR Academy of Sciences N. Yu. Shvedova. – 20th ed., stereotype. M.: “Russian language”, 1989. – 750 p.

7. Russian alphabet. : textbook for general educational institutions/V. G. Goretsky, V. A. Kiryushkin, L. A. Vinogradskaya. – M.: Education, 2009. – 239 p.: ill.

Appendix 2.

Mister teacher Zhuk

K. Ldov

One summer day on the lawn

Mister teacher Zhuk

Founded for insects

School of reading and science.

Here are dragonflies, flies, midges,

Bees, wasps and bumblebees,

Ants, crickets, boogers

They came to the beetle for a lesson.

“A” is a shark, “B” is a bug,

"V" - crow, "G" - eyes...

Bumblebee and fly, don't chat!

Don't be naughty, dragonfly!

"D" - child, "E" - unit",

“F” - hot, “Z” - winter...

Repeat without missing a beat:

“I” is a toy, “K” is godfather!

Who wants to study properly,

Let him forget laziness at school...

“L” is a fox, “M” is a monkey,

“N” is science, “O” is deer.

“P” - parsley, “R” - chamomile,

"c" - cricket, "T" - cockroach,

"U" - snail, "F" - violet,

“X” - walked, “C” - gypsies.

So our Beetle, waving his rod,

Teaches the alphabet to dragonflies,

Flies, midges and boogers,

Ants, bumblebees and wasps.

ABC song

B.V. Zakhoder

Thirty-three sisters,

Written beauties,

They live on the same page,

And they are famous everywhere!

They are rushing to you now,

Glorious sisters, -

We really ask all the guys

Make friends with them!

A, B, C, D, D, F, F

We rolled up on a hedgehog!

Z, I, K, M, M, N, O

Together we climbed out the window!

P, R, S, T, U, F, X

They saddled the rooster, -

Ts, Ch, Sh, Shch, E, Yu, I –

That's all they are, friends!..

Meet them, kids!

Here they are, standing side by side.

It's very bad to live in the world

For those who are not familiar with them!

In the middle of the third millennium BC, the alphabet was invented. Today the Russian alphabet includes thirty-three letters. But at first, when the Cyrillic alphabet appeared, there were many more symbols in it. The Greek alphabet was taken as a basis, and letters were added that conveyed specific sounds used in Slavic speech.

Why do we need an alphabet?

Long before a child goes to school, modern parents begin to teach him letters. This happens during play to keep the child interested. Letters can be written on cubes in bright colors, or there can be other toys. For older children there are magnetic alphabets. This is how the first acquaintance with the alphabet occurs.

When a child goes to school, there he continues to learn the alphabet. The orderly arrangement of letters in it gives us the opportunity to learn all the letters. Each letter has its own sound. These letters make up the words we use in our lives. From the very first lessons at school, the teacher explains what the alphabet is for. And as a result, children begin to understand that studying it is mandatory. The alphabet represents all the letters of the language in a convenient form; words are built from letters, and phrases and sentences are built from words.

Through writing and speaking, man became educated. He can teach other people, transfer his knowledge to other generations and over long distances. This means that the alphabet is an integral factor of civilization and culture. In modern society, the alphabet helps human communication.

Where is the alphabet used?

Why do you need to know the alphabet? Today, when we come to the library, we see that the literature catalog is organized alphabetically. And this is very convenient for visitors and library workers themselves. After all, it is very easy to find the right book at the right time. Medical cards are arranged alphabetically on the shelves of clinics. The cards are arranged according to the first letter of the patient's last name. Every day, when we open our diaries and phone books, we see that the letters of the alphabet are printed on the edges of the pages. This makes it easier to take notes and find the information you need. Also in our mobile phones the phone book list is arranged alphabetically. Various kinds of reference books and dictionaries are developed according to the same principle. And remember again the first grade, the teacher also compiled the list of students in alphabetical order.

We can give many examples where we use the alphabet. Each country has its own alphabet, but the principle of using it is the same. It is difficult to imagine a situation if we did not have an alphabet or did not know how to use it.

International Children's Creative Festival "South Pole"


“ABVGDEYKA” or “What is the alphabet and alphabet and why do you need to know them?”

MBOU Chulym Secondary School

Head: Kodesnikova

Natalia Viktorovna

village Chistoe Pole, Balakhtinsky district, Krasnoyarsk region, Russia


Chapter I. About the Russian alphabet and alphabet ……………………………………

§ 1. Definition of the concepts “alphabet” and “alphabet”…………………...

§ 2. The history of the appearance of the alphabet and alphabet………………………….

Chapter II. Practical part of the work……………………………………………………..

§ 1. Clarification of the role of the alphabet at work and in people’s lives……….

§ 2. Description of the process of creating an alphabet model………………..




Appendix 1. Poems about the alphabet………………………….

Appendix 2. ABC in pictures………………………………….


“Write the words in alphabetical order...”, “Think why the words in dictionaries are arranged in alphabetical order...”, “Arrange the letters of each line in alphabetical order...”. We will find such tasks in our Russian language textbook when we finish our studies in the second grade. It is interesting that on the pages of the textbook there is no clear and precise definition of what the alphabet is.

We assumed that if we didn't know what it was and where it came from, we would have some difficulty completing the tasks.

This justifies relevance the topic we have chosen.

Problem is that not all modern schoolchildren, not to mention the adult population, know the alphabet, and therefore cannot use it for their own purposes.

That's why target Our work is to evaluate the role of the alphabet and alphabet in people's lives.

To achieve this goal, we have put forward the following tasks:

1. Find out what the words “alphabet” and “alphabet” mean.

2. Describe the history of the appearance of the Russian alphabet (or alphabet).

3. Go on an excursion to people of different professions to find out where knowledge of the alphabet helps them.

4. Conduct a survey to determine the importance of knowledge of the alphabet.

5. Create a model of the alphabet as one of the ways to memorize the letters of the alphabet.

To explore the topic, we used material from printed encyclopedias and dictionaries and Internet resources.

Hypothesis our research is the assumption that

1. the words “alphabet” and “alphabet” mean the same thing;

2. the alphabet and alphabet were invented for something...;

3. It is not at all necessary to know the alphabet and alphabet.

Practical significance Our work is that the model of the alphabet we created can be used to introduce first-graders to letters for better memorization.

To achieve the goal and solve the above problems, we used the following methods And techniques such as: analysis of literature on the topic of work, comparative historical analysis, excursion, modeling, illustrative method, comparison and synthesis of data, and in addition social research methods such as: comparative method, observation, survey, sample survey.

Chapter I. about the Russian alphabet and alphabet

§ 1. Definition of the concepts “alphabet” and “alphabet”

Before talking about the alphabet and the alphabet, we considered it necessary to give them definitions based on known sources of definitions.

The free encyclopedia - Wikipedia - says that the alphabet is “(from az and buki) the Cyrillic alphabet. Sometimes other alphabets”, and the alphabet is the order of letters in the alphabet.”

The Russian language dictionary says that the alphabet is “the same as the alphabet in the first meaning. In turn, the alphabet in the first meaning “is a set of letters accepted in a given writing system, arranged in an established order, an alphabet.” . In the second meaning, the alphabet is “the order of letters adopted in the alphabet.”

In the electronic version of the Great Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius, we read that the word alphabet comes from the name of the first two letters of the Greek alphabet: alpha and beta, modern Greek - vita, and means a set of letters, syllabic signs and other graphemes of a given writing system, arranged in a certain order .

Here we also read that the words “alphabet” and “alphabet” have the same meaning. The modern alphabet is based on the alphabet (Cyrillic). It has 33 letters arranged in a specific order.

In the dictionary we read that synonyms for the word alphabet are “alphabet, abevega, initial letter,” which mean “a collection of all letters in order.”

In the same dictionary we learned about other meanings of the word “alphabet”:

1. a textbook for studying literacy (primer);

2. the initial foundations of any science;

Thus, based on various dictionaries and encyclopedias, we have determined that the words “alphabet” and “alphabet” are often synonymous with each other.

Chapter I. About the Russian alphabet and alphabet

§ 2. History of the alphabet and Russian alphabet

Our Russian language textbook says that “the word ABC- Russian, and the word alphabet– Greek. These words were formed in the same way - from the names of the first letters. Previously letter A was called az, A bbeeches. That's how the word came out ABC. Greek name ABC'salphabet» .

Let's try to check how much these facts coincide with facts from other sources.

From the universal dictionary of the Russian language we learned that the word alphabet was converted from Greek άλφαβητος and consists of the names of the first two letters of the Greek alphabet - alpha And beta .

We read that the alphabet was not always in the form in which we are accustomed to seeing and using it. In the 9th century, one of the first Slavic alphabets was created by the enlighteners Cyril and Methodius based on the Greek alphabet and named after the enlightener Cyril - Cyrillic. This alphabet was in effect until 1708. We first encountered an image of this alphabet in the textbook “Russian Alphabet” during a literary reading lesson in the 1st grade.

There we also read about the creators of the alphabet, Cyril and Methodius.

In the figure below we have given illustrations from the Russian alphabet, which depict Cyril and Methodius.

In the Slavic alphabet, the first two letters are called az And beeches . These names were invented by the creator of the alphabet, Kirill. His idea was to give each letter some meaning. He named the first letter "az" , which translated from ancient Bulgarian means "I" . Thus, I was the first letter of the alphabet. The second letter was called "beeches" , which meant "letter" . Third letter in the alphabet "lead" was formed from an ancient Slavic verb and meant "know" . It turns out that the first three letters could be understood as "I know the letter" .

We also learned that the word alphabet itself first appeared in written sources of the 13th century.

The dictionary states that “in 1620 another name was registered - azvedi . This is due to the fact that the Greek language does not distinguish sounds b And V . Therefore, instead of one letter, Kirill had to beta enter two - beeches And lead . Greek β pronounced as something between b And V . In our language these are two different sounds. Accordingly, the need arose to create two letters. We have a word alphabet , borrowed from the Greeks. Instead of betas appears in it vita . This is how this word was pronounced in the Middle Ages, and this is how it has come down to our times.

§ 1. Clarification of the role of the Alphabet at work and in people’s lives

So, what role does the alphabet play in the lives of people and society as a whole?

We already know that when we learn the alphabet, we will do exercises on knowing the alphabet in Russian lessons.

Some children's songs are known about the alphabet and the alphabet, such as “ABC” by Ostrovsky, “ABVGDEYKA”

If we open any of the dictionaries, we will see without much difficulty that the words in these dictionaries are arranged in alphabetical order.

We met the alphabet in the book “Russian Proverbs and Sayings,” where all the proverbs and sayings are arranged in alphabetical order. The preface to the collection states that “the alphabetical method of arranging proverbs has existed for a long time. This brings order to the collection. In alphabetical order, the initial words that are very significant for proverbs stand out by themselves.” The authors of the collection say that “the alphabetical order helps to understand the generalized, figurative meaning of proverbs, that it would be correct to extend the principle of alphabetical placement to each significant word and then the search for the desired proverb would be much easier. But then each of the proverbs would have to be repeated in the collection as many times as there are words in it.”

Here we found several proverbs and sayings about the alphabet: “Are beeches free from torment?”, “Az is not an elm, and, having torn off a bast, one cannot weave bast shoes,” “The alphabet is a stepping stone to wisdom.”

The educational game “Baba Yaga Learns to Read” is built on the basis of the alphabet, in which there are exercises for memorizing the letters of the alphabet, as well as testing knowledge of it.

To find out the answer to the question “What is the role of the alphabet in people’s lives?” We conducted a survey among schoolchildren and adults (parents and school staff).

Adults and schoolchildren took part in the survey. All of them were asked to answer three questions.

The first question in our questionnaire was: “Do you know the alphabet?”

It turned out that the alphabet is known to 100% of adults and 78% of students in grades 1-4.

To the question “Do you use knowledge of the alphabet in your work or study?” only 95% of adults and 52% of schoolchildren responded positively. 4% of adults and 38% of schoolchildren do not use knowledge of the alphabet in work or study, and 1% of adults and 10% of schoolchildren found it difficult to answer this question.

To the question “Do you use knowledge of the alphabet in everyday (ordinary) life?” 5% of schoolchildren and 15% of adults answered affirmatively. 90% of schoolchildren and 80% of adults do not use knowledge of the alphabet in everyday life. 5% of both categories found it difficult to answer the question.

With our leader, we visited the office of the school secretary-clerk Tatyana Borisovna Bakhova, from whom we learned that the school has an alphabetical book for students. In this book, the surnames of all students are arranged in alphabetical order, making it very easy to find a particular surname.

In addition, she showed us an alphabetical book in an electronic database, where we saw our last names and read the data that is reflected about us in this database. We also learned that the largest number of students in our school whose surnames begin with the letter “Sh” - there were 35 of them.

Class teacher Victoria Vladimirovna Pakhomova showed us a class magazine in which the list of students in our class was made in alphabetical order.

In the school library, Elena Nikolaevna Idatchikova showed us how you can make it easier for yourself to find a book if you know the alphabet. All fiction on the shelves is arranged in alphabetical order.

Knowing the alphabet also helps a lot when working with an alphabet catalog.

Having visited the postal service center, we learned that periodical catalogs are created based on alphabetical order. This means that if you know the name of the magazine you want to subscribe to, then thanks to the alphabetical index it is easy to find the page where the subscription index, subscription cost and brief information about the magazine are reflected.

We also analyzed the lists of dead soldiers at the monument to the unknown soldier and found out that the names of the heroes of the Second World War are collected in the same alphabetical order. This confirmed the hypothesis that knowing the alphabet is necessary for the convenience of finding the necessary information." width="265" height="198 src=">

In the near future, we plan to visit a rural medical and midwifery station and find out from paramedic Natalya Petrovna Chanchikova where medical workers use knowledge of the alphabet in their activities. In addition, in the near future we are planning to conduct an excursion to the village administration to find out where knowledge of the alphabet is used by employees of the village council administration.

To date, through conversations with the teacher, secretary and librarian of the school, we have found out that it is necessary for a person to know the alphabet in order to quickly find the necessary information. We learned that knowledge of the alphabet is necessary not only for those people whose profession is related to education, but also for everyone else.

Chapter II. Description of the practical part of the work

§ 2. Description of the process of creating an alphabet model

We learned that there are many ways to remember the alphabet.

One way is to memorize the alphabet using rhymes and poems. In the appendix to our work there are two poems from the “Russian ABC”, which can be used by those who do not yet know or have already forgotten the order of the letters in the alphabet.

Another way is to create and further examine illustrations for each letter of the alphabet. We found one of these alphabet models in Bukvar, which was released in 1985." width="193 height=264" height="264">DIV_ADBLOCK192">

The judgment that the alphabet was invented for something is confirmed by the facts of the use of this letter sequence in the practical activities of people of different professions.

Our assumption that knowing the alphabet and alphabet is not necessarily a lie, since knowing the alphabet helps to quickly find important and necessary information and thereby greatly facilitates its search.

Excursions to people of different professions and to various enterprises allowed us to make sure that knowledge of the alphabet is used by people working not only in the field of education.

The survey we conducted to study the role of the alphabet in people’s lives allowed us to find out different points of view on this problem.


1. ABC [Electronic resource] – Access mode: http://ru. wikipedia. org/wiki/%D0%90%D0%B7%D0%B1%D1%83%D0%BA%D0%B0

2. Alphabet [Electronic resource] – Access mode: http://ru. wikipedia. org/wiki/%D0%90%D0%BB%D1%84%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%82

3. Great Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius [Electronic resource on 10 CDs]

4. Goretsky. – M.: Education, 1985. – 127 p.: ill.

5. Dal Dal: additional volume of the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language” / ed. – M.: White City, 2008. – 544 p.; ill.

7. Ozhegov of the Russian language: Ok. 57,000 words/Ed. Corresponding member Academy of Sciences of the USSR. – 20th ed., stereotype. M.: “Russian language”, 1989. – 750 p.

9. Russian proverbs and sayings/Ed. V. Anikina; Preface V. Anikina; Comp. F. Selivanov; B. Kirdan; V. Anikin. – M.: Artist. Lit., 1988. – 431 p.

Illustrations of alphabets are borrowed from the Primer (1985), a textbook on the Russian language for 2nd grade (2009), and the Russian alphabet for 1st grade (2009)

Annex 1.

Mister teacher Zhuk

One summer day on the lawn

Mister teacher Zhuk

Founded for insects

School of reading and science.

Here are dragonflies, flies, midges,

Bees, wasps and bumblebees,

Ants, crickets, boogers

They came to the beetle for a lesson.

“A” is a shark, “B” is a bug,

"V" - crow, "G" - eyes...

Bumblebee and fly, don't chat!

Don't be naughty, dragonfly!

"D" - child, "E" - unit",

“F” - hot, “Z” - winter...

Repeat without missing a beat:

“I” is a toy, “K” is godfather!

Who wants to study properly,

Let him forget laziness at school...

“L” is a fox, “M” is a monkey,

“N” is science, “O” is deer.

“P” - parsley, “R” - chamomile,

"c" - cricket, "T" - cockroach,

"U" - snail, "F" - violet,

“X” - walked, “C” - gypsies.

So our Beetle, waving his rod,

Teaches the alphabet to dragonflies,

Flies, midges and boogers,

Ants, bumblebees and wasps.

ABC song

Thirty-three sisters,

Written beauties,

They live on the same page,

And they are famous everywhere!

They are rushing to you now,

Glorious sisters, -

We really ask all the guys

Make friends with them!

A, B, C, D, D, F, F

We rolled up on a hedgehog!

Z, I, K, M, M, N, O

Together we climbed out the window!

P, R, S, T, U, F, X

They saddled the rooster, -

Ts, Ch, Sh, Shch, E, Yu, I –

That's all they are, friends!..

Meet them, kids!

Here they are, standing side by side.

It's very bad to live in the world

For those who are not familiar with them!

Lesson type: combined.

Form: lesson-conversation.

Lesson type: illustrative and explanatory.

Technology: on a dialogue basis with game elements.

The purpose of the lesson: give knowledge about the features of the Russian alphabet.

Lesson objectives:

  • Educational:
    • ensure that students master the features of the Russian alphabet;
    • achieve knowledge about the history of writing;
    • summarize and systematize knowledge on the topic of the lesson;
    • practice skills in using the alphabet and soft sign functions;
    • eliminate gaps in knowledge on the topic “Syntax”, “Morphology”, and the ability to conduct a conversation.
  • Developmental:
    • develop the ability to apply knowledge in practice;
    • develop the ability to highlight the main thing;
    • develop skills partially - search cognitive activity;
    • develop the ability to creatively approach problem solving;
    • develop the ability to work at a given pace: write, read, use educational and reference literature;
    • develop initiative and self-confidence.
  • Educational:
    • cultivate a conscientious attitude to work;
    • cultivate discipline;
    • develop a sense of beauty.


  • table "Alphabet";
  • multimedia technologies;
  • textbook; dictionaries; history of Russian writing;
  • "Cyrillic";
  • task cards;
  • linguistic simulator - circle.


I. Organizational moment

Checking readiness for the lesson. Greetings. Creating an emotional mood.
State the topic and purpose of the lesson.

(Annex 1 , slides 1, 2).

II. Repetition of previously learned knowledge. Commentary letter.

Exercise 1. Write down the proverbs, comment on the spellings and punctuations that appear in these sentences; parse the first sentence.

(Annex 1 , slides 3, 4).

Alphabet - the wisdom of the step.
Az and beeches relieve flour.
If you want to know the truth, start with the ABCs.

– How do you understand these proverbs?

Task 2. Perform a morphological analysis of nouns in 1 sentence using a linguistic simulator.

Technology: the student talks about the noun using a specific example, showing it visually on the device.

Task 3. Write down the transcription of the word alphabet.

Task 4. Pay attention to the word (from) flour. Place the stress on a different syllable. What are these words called?

– Homophones.

III. Explanation of new material

1. Teacher’s message with elements of heuristic conversation

– What are the names of all the letters collected together?
- Right, alphabet.
– What is another name for it?
- Right, ABC.
– Who knows how these words – alphabet and alphabet – got their name?
– These words, guys, are formed in the same way: from the names of the first two letters, but the word alphabet- from the first two letters of the Greek language (alpha and vita), and ABC- from the letters of the Old Russian language ( az And beeches).

2. (Annex 1 , slide 5).

Vocabulary work(alphabet, alphabet).

3. Show an excerpt from a lesson from the virtual school “Cyril and Methodius”

4. Continue the conversation

- Guys, do you think letters were read and written the same way before as they are now?
– Of course not, a lot has changed in their writing. Previously, each letter was taught by name.

(Annex 1 , slide 6). Slavic ABC.

– The Russian alphabet comes from the Slavic alphabet, created in 863. two learned monks - brothers Cyril and Methodius based on Greek. Both of them knew the language of the southern Slavs well and were sent by the Byzantine emperor to Moravia to teach the local Slavs how to worship in their native language. To translate the sacred books, a new alphabet was needed. This is how the first Slavic alphabets were born - Glagolitic and Cyrillic. The Glagolitic alphabet quickly fell out of use.

– You see that it was very difficult to remember such an alphabet. Therefore, at the beginning of the 18th century, Peter I carried out a reform of the alphabet. Difficult to write letters were replaced by the so-called civil script. We use this type of letters with minor modifications now.
“Under Peter the Great,” M.V. Lomonosov jokingly wrote, “not only the boyars and boyars, but also the letters threw off their wide fur coats (Slavic script) and dressed up in summer clothes (meaning the civil alphabet).”
In 1917–18, the following reform was carried out and “i”, “yat”, “Izhitsa”, “fita” and “er” at the end of the word were excluded from the alphabet.
After eliminating the extra Cyrillic letters, there should have been 31 left in the Russian alphabet. But it turned out to be 33. Where did they come from?
– They were invented in the 18th century for sounds that did not exist in Old Church Slavonic: й - in 1735, and ё - in 1797. The letter e was first used by the writer N.M. Karamzin, author of “The History of the Russian State.”
These 33 letters are quite enough for us now.
– Let’s lift the veil of history and, after listening to an excerpt from N. Konchalovskaya’s poem “Our Ancient Capital,” we will find out how literacy was taught in Rus' in the old days.
(This part of the lesson can be formatted as “Historical Background”.)

5. Expressive reading of a poem a pre-prepared student.

(Annex 1 , slide 7).

"Our ancient capital."
In the old days, children studied -
They were taught by the church clerk -
They came at dawn
And the letters repeated like this:
A da B – Az da Buki,
V - like Vedi, G - verb.
And a teacher for science
On Saturdays I flogged them.
That's how wonderful it is at first
Our diploma was there!
This is the pen they used to write with -
From a goose wing!
This knife is for a reason
It was called “pen-shaped”;
They sharpened their pen,
If it wasn't spicy.
It was difficult to read and write
To our ancestors in the old days,
And the girls were supposed to
Don't learn anything.
Only boys were trained.
Deacon with a pointer in hand
I read books to them in a sing-song manner
In Slavic language.

– How and who taught children to read and write in the old days?
– What are these goose wing feathers?
– Why was the knife called a “penknife”?
– Who wasn’t supposed to study in the old days?

(Annex 1 , slide 8).

Vocabulary work(deacon, penman).

6. Working with the textbook

– Guys, do you know that there are rules for pronunciation of letters of the Russian alphabet? Some letters denoting consonants are pronounced with the sound [a], some with the sound [e] at the beginning, and some with the sound [e] at the end. Read the theoretical material of the textbook carefully.

– How many vowels?
- How many consonants are there?
– What is special about the letters b and b?
– Name the letters in the pronunciation of which we pronounce the sound [a].
– Name the letters in the pronunciation of which we pronounce the sound [e].

IV. Reinforcing the material learned

1. Expressive reading of a poem B. Zakhoder in order to reinforce the correct pronunciation of letters (slide 9 is projected on the screen and distributed to each table).

Exercise: Determine which letters are missing from the poem and put them in their place.

Thirty-three sisters,
Beautiful writings,
They live on the same page,
And they are famous everywhere.

They are rushing to you now,
Dear sisters,
We ask all the guys very much
Make friends with them!

Five sisters were late -
We played hide and seek.
And now all the letters are standing up
In alphabetical order.

A, Be, Ve, Ge, De, E, Zhe, -
They rolled up on a hedgehog.
Ze, I, Ka, el, em, eN, O –
Together they climbed out the window.
Pe, eR, eS, Te, U, eF, Ha –
They saddled the rooster.
Tse, Che, Sha, Shcha, E, Yu, Ya, –
Everyone is my friend now!

Get to know them, kids.
Here they are standing next to each other
It's very bad to live in the world
For those who are not familiar with them.

2. Conversation:

– What is the practical significance of knowing the alphabet?
– In what areas of activity does a person need knowledge of the alphabet?
– Indeed, the alphabet saves time, helps to systematize various materials: using the alphabet, you can easily and quickly find the right word in any dictionary, the names of institutions and the names of residents in the telephone directory, the names of authors in the library card index.
For today's lesson, some of the guys received an assignment. Guys, tell me what you learned?
– How is the alphabet used in the library?
– How does the alphabet help medical workers?
– Teacher's assistant.

3. Creative cheating

Exercise: write down the words in alphabetical order, check the spelling if necessary using a spelling dictionary.

Cor(?) respondent, d...zhurny, arch...tektura, g...ologist, initiative, k...manda, g...neral, sp...sibo, r...daktion,, exp...dication, edema, k...t...log, b...graphy, s...natorium,, broch...ra.
(Car, architecture, library, biography, brochure, general, geologist, duty officer, initiative, institute, catalogue, team, correspondent, editorial office, sanatorium, thank you, expedition).

4. Game “Who is faster?”

Exercise: mentally arrange the words in alphabetical order, determine their order and connect them with arrows to the desired number. Each student fills out an individual card, which he turns in after completing the task. The winner is determined by two criteria: the correctness of the work and the speed of filling out the card.

Knowledge 1
Good guy 2
Purity 3
Compass 4
Pencil 5
Speed ​​6
School 7
Outfit 8
Pencil case 9
Life 10

5. Work on speech culture

- Look, guys, at the modern alphabet.
– They say about a letter that it denotes a sound. Distinguish between sound and letter. Do not pronounce the name of the letter instead of the sound.

(Annex 1 , slides 10, 11). "Help Dunno."

- Guys, help Dunno. Look how he completed the task. Find errors, write down the names of letters in corrected form.
- In a word sheet 4 letters: “l”, “i”, “se”, “te”.
- In a word line 7 letters: “es”, “te”, “re”, “o”, “che”, “ka”, “a”.

One of the mysteries of the Russian language is the soft sign. A letter that does not represent a sound. How is b related to spelling?
A soft sign is always a spelling error (a dangerous place).

(Annex 1 , slides 14-17).

Exercise: Divide the words into three groups.

(Annex 1 , slides 18, 19).

Boy, luxury, notebook, tell, curl, swim, Sophia, assign, take.

– Explain your choice.

6. Commented letter

– Which letters do not represent sounds? (b, b)

Exercise: determine the gender of nouns and explain the placement of ь or its absence at the end of nouns using a circle simulator.
Technology: three students work at the board, the rest write in a notebook. One student reads the example, the second uses a circle simulator to determine the gender and declension of a noun, the third uses a circle simulator to explain the spelling of b at the end of nouns.

Death was rampant at sea h; they gave me to the boy h and toy me h; those were found in the hold whose; we ran sew; help arrived on time uh; naughty little ones w; ne whose heated all the rooms; side and guarded the house; there was a ghara next to the house and; gua sew and that one sew needed by artists; around the tee sew yes smooth surface; forest wilderness sew; the landsa blossomed w; the kama is making noise w; buy me bro sew; brave youth yeah.

7. Distributive dictation

(Annex 1 , slides 20, 21).

Arrange the names of the sections of the science of language in alphabetical order: phonetics, morphology, graphics, spelling, punctuation, syntax, vocabulary, grammar.

Technology: words are projected on the screen and written on cards, when going to the board, the student must attach a cardboard card with the name of the section of the science of language using a magnet to the board in alphabetical order.

8. Game "Cryptor".

(Annex 1 , slides 22, 23).

Exercise: read and write the encrypted words.

9, 1, 4, 1, 5, 12, 1.
1, 13, 22, 1, 3, 10, 20.
9, 3, 21, 12, 10.
22, 16, 15, 6, 20, 10, 12, 1.
19, 10, 15, 20, 1, 12, 19, 10, 19.
2, 21, 12, 3, 29

Answers: riddle, alphabet, sounds, phonetics, syntax, letters.

Technology: Each student has an alphabet card with numbers above the letters. The guys receive a task in rows (two words at a time, if there is time left in the lesson, they encrypt all the words). Who is faster.

V. Summing up the lesson

– What is the alphabet?
– How was this word formed?
– Why do you need to know the alphabet?
– What have you learned from the history of the alphabet?
– How many letters are in the Russian alphabet?
– What letters represent vowel sounds? How many are there?
– What letters represent consonant sounds? How many are there?
– Which letters do not represent sounds?
– If the first letters of the words are the same, how to arrange the words correctly?

VI. Grading

VII. Homework information

- Learn the alphabet.
– Complete exercise No. 289.

Additional task upon request. The kids choose the card themselves.

Individual task using cards:

1. In these words, insert the missing letters and place the emphasis. Distribute the words into the following thematic groups: “School”, “Library”, “Theater” in alphabetical order.

R...pertoire, v..stibule, k...talog, ill...stration, d..rector, office, office,, r..p..tition, sp..ktakl, br. .sh..ra, ab..n..ment, newsletter, periodicals, dec. .walkie-talkie, d..but, b..letteristics, l. .ureate, k. .clopedia, g..rbarium, b..lety,, literary g..roy, g..zeta, g..rderob, b..nocle, p..rter, f.. stival, st. laz, consultation, copy, k..r..ndash.

2. In these words, insert the missing vowels and consonants and place the emphasis. Write down the words for the following thematic groups: “Physical education and sports”, “Science and technology” in alphabetical order.

Art..lerist, b..talion, training..rovka, s..m..for, tr..leybus, k..meta, pl..neta, excavator, diesel..l, city. .mnastica, d..visia, g..n..ral, k..r..bin, mouth..print, esc..lator, st..dion, b..pool, tr..mplin, r ..ketchik, k..nveyer, sh..nel, int..ndant, k..n..nada, bl..kada, r..portage, f..nal,, g.. potenuse, k..rozia, m..lekula, ch..mpion, p..l..gon, k..zarma, p..l..tka,, p..tit, man. .ken, r..ntgen, d..agnoz, p..patient, b..cteria, bl..ndazh, b..s..ktrisa, m..diana, s..licates, b..ketball , tr..neck.


  • systematize knowledge about the alphabet;
  • show the need to know the alphabetical order for its use in various fields of activity of modern man;
  • promote the development of spelling vigilance;
  • continue to develop the ability to use dictionaries.


  • broaden the horizons of students;
  • develop speech and thinking;
  • develop the cognitive and creative activity of students.


  • develop the ability to work in a team;
  • teach to “evaluate one’s own activities in the classroom;
  • cultivate the need for knowledge.

Decoration: a colorful alphabet is attached to the curtains.


  • presentation for the lesson;
  • explanatory dictionaries by S.I. Ozhegov for each desk;
  • A4 sheets with the task “Pinocchio” for each student;
  • letter cards for each student for the row competition
  • notepad, notebook;
  • disc with the song "Pinocchio" (music by A. Rybnikov, lyrics by Yu. Entin);
  • handouts for teachers (in an open lesson):
  • sheets with the topic and objectives of the lesson (Appendix 1);
  • sheets “alphabetical portrait of a teacher” (Appendix 2);
  • sheets with the task "Pinocchio" (Appendix 3).

During the classes

I. Org. Moment.

Today guests came to us.
Thanks to them for their attention.
So that you don't waste your time,
We will do our best.

II. Calligraphy.

Guess which letter we will remember today during our penmanship minute.

This letter is famous
You must recognize her.
With the sound of this important letter
The babies sing a song.

Children write one line with the capital letter "A" and the other with the lowercase letter "a".

III. Introducing a new vocabulary word.

What is this letter famous for? (It is at the beginning of the alphabet).

What is the alphabet?

Let's remember what the alphabet sounds like. Let me just remind you once again that each letter of the alphabet has its own name.

We talked a lot about the alphabet. But we have not yet become acquainted with the word “alphabet” as a dictionary word. Now we will eliminate this misunderstanding.

So, the word "alphabet". (The word “alphabet” appears on the presentation.) (SLIDE 1).

Which syllable is stressed in this word? This means that we need to remember that unstressed vowels are indicated here by the letters “a”. The history of the origin of this word will help us remember this.

The alphabet is named after the first two Greek letters "alpha" and "vita". (SLIDE 2)

The name of the first Greek letter is completely settled in the word alphabet with the exception of the soft sign.

Children write the word alphabet.

IV. State the topic and purpose of the lesson.

What do you guys think, what is the topic of our lesson today?

Yes, guys, we will devote another lesson to the topic "Alphabet". The purpose of our lesson today is the need to once again prove to ourselves how important the alphabet is in our lives.

Children, who knows what Russian synonym word can replace the word “alphabet”? (In the word alphabet).

Right! The word "alphabet" also comes from the name of the first two letters: "az" and "buki". (SLIDE 3)

There is a wonderful proverb: “The ABC is a stepping stone to wisdom.”

How do you understand the meaning of this folk wisdom?

Let's write this sentence down in your notebook. (One student writes this sentence with commentary on the board).

Phys. a moment for the eyes. (SLIDE 4)

On the screen, a letter moves in a given trajectory to the music. Children should follow her movement across the screen with their eyes.

V. Work on generalizing previously acquired knowledge.

Guys, why do we need an alphabet? Who in our school uses knowledge of the alphabet? (Librarian, secretary, teacher).

Do you think we can say that the alphabet helps to save time and not waste it?

Let's prove it.

The teacher calls two students to the board. He reports that one of them will now be given a notebook, and the other a notebook with the alphabet.

Guys, what do you think is the difference between a notebook and a notebook? (The notebook is alphabetized, but the notebook is not.)

Both in the notebook and in the notebook the phone number of Galina Ivanovna Suzdaleva is written down. Let's imagine that you urgently need to call me.

Let's see who can find it faster.

Let's try again? (The telephone number of the clinic is recorded).

Children conclude that, of course, the alphabet helps save time.

And since the alphabet is so necessary, then let’s practice using it in ordinary life situations.

Exercise 1.

Now we will help the librarian arrange the books in alphabetical order by the names of their authors.

This writer wrote an instructive story called "Cookies". (Oseeva)

Who wrote the work "Patch"? (Nosov)

Who wrote the poem "I'm Extra"? (Barto)

Children work in notebooks. Then one student goes to the board and places the names of the authors in alphabetical order on magnets.

The correct answer is checked on the screen. When you click, the names of the authors appear. (SLIDE 6).

Task 2.

Guess what the next task will involve.

He lives on the shelves

He always knows everything about everything.

What dictionaries do you already know?

Of course it's a dictionary.

And now, using the alphabet, let's try to find the meaning of one word in the Explanatory Dictionary. But before that, let’s try to determine its meaning ourselves.

This is the word "baklushi".

(Students' assumptions.)

Then students look up the word in the dictionary. Next is the teacher’s explanation and on SLIDE 7 an article from Ozhegov’s Explanatory Dictionary appears.

Baklushi - chocks for making small items.

To be lazy is to be idle.

(The teacher explains the meaning of the word churki.)

Do you and I play dumb in class?

Phys. just a minute.

Each student receives a specific letter. Children should stand in alphabetical order. Which row is faster?

Task 3.

Guys, let's go to physics. In a minute we used our knowledge of the alphabet to play. Let's play some more.

Children are given album sheets on which the letters of the alphabet are scattered. They must be connected in alphabetical order to form an image. (Students who have correctly placed the letters will see the silhouette of Pinocchio appear.)

The song “Pinocchio” is playing, and the teacher is holding a Pinocchio doll (for an open lesson, you can invite a high school student to play the role of Pinocchio).

You, of course, know this fairy-tale hero. Remember, he first abandoned his ABC, and then realized that it was necessary to study.

Task 4. (Played using the Pinocchio doll).

Now Buratino asked me for you to guess one more word. He said that it is very important in the life of every person. We will also solve it using our knowledge of the alphabet.

(On the teacher’s table there are cut out letters, from which the children, after completing the tasks, will receive the word “order”).

This word consists of 7 letters.

1) The first letter of this word appears in the alphabet before the letter R. (P)

2) The second letter is in the alphabet after the letter N. (O)

3) The third is after the letter P. (P)

4) The fourth is the last one in the alphabet. (I)

5) The fifth letter of a word is the fifth letter in the alphabet. (D)

6) The sixth is between the letters N and P. (O)

7) The last letter in our word comes after Y. (K)

Let's write this important word in our notebook. Do you know that there is a wonderful proverb with this word: “Order is the soul of every matter.” (SLIDE 8)

Let's copy it into our notebook according to the instructions. (Copying is carried out according to a memo developed by M.S. Soloveichik).

Let this proverb become your motto in life.

VI. Summing up.

What did you learn in class today?

Who thinks he did a great job today?

And who thinks that they were throwing their thumbs?

Final words from the teacher.

The alphabet is the key to the answers,
After all, the answers are in dictionaries.
And take this advice:
Knowledge is the light in all matters.

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