Presentation "Internet Addiction" in computer science - project, report. Presentation on the topic Internet addiction Lack of communication in the family

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Computer and Internet in the life of a schoolchild.

A computer is an electronic device designed to work with information, namely input, processing, storage, output and transmission of information. Dependency is a form of slavery into which a person falls either of his own free will or regardless of it.

Computer addiction is an obsessive, deliberate withdrawal into virtual reality with a loss of previous interest in other responsibilities and activities. Computer addiction is an uncontrollable craving for gaming. This is the information dependence of computer games and the Internet.

MAIN TYPES OF COMPUTER ADDICTION Internet addiction (netogolism) Computer game addiction (cyberaddiction)

What is computer addiction? The term “computer addiction” itself appeared in 1990, when the development of computer technology gained a breakneck pace. Psychologists call computer addiction a type of emotional addiction, very similar to alcohol and drug addiction. It provokes the child to immerse himself in his fictional world, to believe in his own legend about himself and to become so accustomed to it that it becomes almost impossible to exist normally in the real world. We can say that this disease leads to a split personality

Causes of computer addiction 1. Lack of communication with peers and people significant to the child. 2. Lack of attention from parents. 3. Lack of self-confidence and strength, shyness, complexes and difficulties in communication. 4. Tendency to quickly “absorb” everything new and interesting. 5. The desire to be “like everyone else” his peers, to follow their hobbies, to keep up. 6. Lack of hobbies or hobbies, or any other attachments not related to the computer. 7. Feeling good or euphoric at the computer.

By what signs can we understand that a child has a computer addiction? 1. Significant improvement in mood at the computer. 2. Reluctance to break away. 3. If a child is taken away from the PC, he shows aggression, anger, and indifference. 4. Neglecting household chores in favor of the computer. 5. When communicating, all topics are reduced to computer gaming topics.

Physical symptoms of PC addiction Carpal tunnel syndrome (tunnel damage to the nerve trunks of the arm associated with prolonged muscle strain) Irregular eating, skipping meals Migraine headaches Back pain Dry eyes Neglect of personal hygiene Sleep disorders, changes in sleep patterns

Do you think the computer is harmful or beneficial?

The benefits of a computer Connecting the Internet to a computer allows you to see any corner of the world; 2. On the Internet you can download, find and transfer any information to your computer, including your favorite music, favorite movie; 3. The computer can also be used for communication. 4. Using a computer, you can play, communicate, study.

Consequences of computer addiction Physical health suffers (vision is impaired). 2. Diseases of internal organs (heart, lungs, brain - dizziness, spine). 3. The computer will become the main way of communication with the outside world. 4. Loss of skills to interact with the outside world. 5. Depression.

Monitoring "My Secure Network"

How to avoid computer addiction 1. spend less time at the computer; 2. take breaks, exercise; 3.walk in the fresh air.

Tips for parents on child safety Create a list of house rules for visiting the Internet with the participation of children and demand compliance with them; Set a temporary limit on the Internet for children and ensure that it is observed; Show your child that you are watching him not because you want to, but because you are concerned about his safety and are always ready to help him; - Don't forget to talk to your children about their Internet friends; Insist that children never agree to meet with friends online; Allow children to access only sites from the “white” list that you create together with them; Teach your children never to give out personal information through email, chat, instant messaging, registration forms, personal profiles, or when registering for online contests; Teach your children not to download software without your permission. Explain to them that they may accidentally download viruses or other unwanted software;

Tips for parents on child safety Create a list of house rules for visiting the Internet with the participation of children and demand compliance with them; Set a temporary limit on the Internet for children and ensure that it is observed; Show your child that you are watching him not because you want to, but because you are concerned about his safety and are always ready to help him; - Don't forget to talk to your children about their Internet friends; - Teach minors to tell you if anything or anyone online bothers them or threatens them. Remain calm and remind them that they are safe if they told you about it. Praise them and encourage them to come again if the incident happens again. - Teach schoolchildren about responsible behavior on the Internet. Guys should under no circumstances use the Internet for hooliganism, gossip or threats.

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Internet addiction is an obsessive desire to connect to the Internet and a painful inability to disconnect from the Internet in time. Internet addiction is a widely discussed issue, but is not a mental disorder according to medical criteria.

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Causes of computer addiction (Internet addiction, gaming addiction) One of the important factors in the formation of computer addiction is character traits - increased sensitivity, vulnerability, anxiety, tendency to depression, low self-esteem, poor resistance to stress, inability to resolve conflicts, avoidance of problems.

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Young people suffering from computer addiction, as a rule, do not know how to build relationships with peers and the opposite sex, and do not adapt well to a team, which contributes to their escape from life’s difficulties into the virtual world of the computer and the gradual formation of computer addiction.

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Going online is one of the ways to adapt to this cruel world. Experiencing difficulties in expressing his emotions, contacts with loved ones and peers, the young man tries to avoid situations where he may feel discomfort and look for a safer, indirect way of interacting with the environment, for example, through the Internet. The Internet environment also serves as a means of self-defense from bad mood, feelings of pain and humiliation.

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Those suffering from computer addiction often experience a feeling of loneliness, lack of attention and mutual understanding from loved ones, and the associated constant emotional tension and anxiety. “I’m so bad that even my loved ones don’t understand me.” Such a young man most of all needs the support of loved ones and psychological support in overcoming various life situations.

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The formation of computer addiction is often associated with the characteristics of upbringing and relationships in the family: overprotection or, on the contrary, inflated demands and a “loser complex,” broken relationships among other family members, difficulties in communication and mutual understanding.

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A person is most susceptible to gaming addiction, since events in computer games are not repeated and occur quite dynamically, and the game process itself is continuous. Complete immersion in the game creates the effect of the player participating in some kind of virtual reality, in some complex and moving process that exists only for him. It is this property of computer games that does not allow a person suffering from gaming addiction to interrupt the process to fulfill any social obligations in real life.

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Gaming addiction is not an addiction to any one computer game, since it is rather a psychological “chain reaction”. Having completed one game in any genre, a person looks for other games of the same genre, made in an identical style. It should be noted that completing a new computer game takes from 5-6 hours to several days, sometimes even weeks.

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According to the statement of psychologist D.V. Ivanova: “Computer simulations are a cyber prosthesis of society.” The further, the more the gaming industry develops, the further, the more people in adolescence are susceptible to gaming addiction. Teenagers become so accustomed to a realistic computer game that it becomes much more interesting for them “there” than in real life.

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A person suffering from gambling addiction is attracted to the game by: the presence of his own (intimate) world, to which no one except himself has access; lack of responsibility; realistic processes and complete abstraction from the surrounding world; the ability to correct any error through repeated attempts; the ability to independently make any (within the game) decisions, regardless of what they may lead to.

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Computer addiction can sometimes also occur as a consequence of other diseases: depression or schizophrenia, which requires urgent intervention and drug therapy. Surprising is the fact that computer addiction forms much faster than any other traditional addiction: smoking, drugs, alcohol, gambling. On average, it takes no more than six months to a year to develop computer addiction.

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What to do. 1. What not to do: punish, turn off the Internet, deprive others of pleasure. All these actions are not only useless, but also harmful, as they push the teenager to run away from home. 2. What needs to be done: support the teenager in overcoming life’s difficulties, teach new ways to overcome crisis situations, teach the ability to regulate their emotions, build relationships with peers, and manage their time. 3. Who to contact: mandatory consultation with a psychotherapist (identification of possible depressive disorders) - joint psychocorrectional work of a psychotherapist and a clinical psychologist aimed at increasing a person’s adaptation.



My eyes are tired of the screen, But I'm staring at the monitor again. Ask me why I need this, Yes, I understand, it’s too much...

But I have no strength to break away, I'm like a zombie on my PC... We are all like passengers in NETA We're stuck, give us a kick.

Incurable infection Damn this Internet. We are in anticipation of ecstasy, There is nothing sweeter to us.

But it can't go on like this After all, there must be a limit to everything. Health is more valuable to us, friends, There are still a lot of different things to do.


determine the presence of Internet addiction among students in grades 7-11 of Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 14” based on the results of a survey;

get acquainted with the problem of Internet addiction;

suggest solutions to this problem


We discussed this topic in additional computer science lessons. There was a desire to study it more deeply,

conducting a sociological survey among

students of our school. The topic of Internet addiction covers the whole world and is a problem for many modern schoolchildren. Any addiction develops very quickly in a person. Therefore, it is necessary to look for ways to solve such problems and prevent global changes in the consciousness of humanity

for the worse.


... an obsessive desire to connect to the Internet while in off-line mode, and the inability to complete a session on the Internet while in on-line mode. Internet addiction is a widely discussed issue, but not a mental disorder according to medical criteria











Survey questions:

  • FULL NAME. __________________________________________________________
  • Class you are studying in _____________________________________
  • Age _________________________________________________________
  • How many hours a day do you devote to the Internet ___________________
  • What do you pay more attention to on the Internet? _________________________________________________________________
  • Which social networks do you prefer?______________________________________________________________
  • Do you think you are becoming addicted to the Internet? __________________________________________________________________
  • Have social networks helped you in solving a vital issue? ______________________________________________________________
  • Describe your psychological state when the Internet is turned off ___________________________________________________________________
  • Do you think that it is necessary to prevent computer addiction in educational institutions? ___________________________________________________________________
  • Do you have conflicts with your parents in your family due to frequent computer use? ___________________________________________________________________


How many hours a day do you spend on the Internet?

Are you becoming addicted to the Internet? ?

Disadvantages of the Internet

  • Loss of real communication skills
  • Virtual reality replaces reality
  • Online fraud and deception
  • The emergence of addiction

Advantages of the Internet

  • Access to a variety of information
  • Rapid technological progress
  • Ease of making purchases, concluding contracts, various types of payments, etc.

A form of psychological addiction that manifests itself in obsessive passion for video games and computer games.

There are cases where playing too long has led to fatal consequences. Thus, in October 2005, a Chinese girl (Snowly) died of exhaustion after playing for many days. WORLD OF WARCRAFT . Afterwards, a virtual funeral ceremony was held in the game.


Despair phase

Hopeless stage

  • Make a list listing the reasons why you should stop using the Internet excessively.
  • If you do not currently need to go online, turn off your computer.
  • Do not eat food while sitting at the computer, this will help you take your mind off the online mode.
  • Turn off automatic notifications about new emails arriving in your email if there is no particular need for them.
  • Copy to a separate file or print pages that contain information that you often use, for example, this could be an article about how to properly relax after work. This will reduce your visits to the Internet, and you will be less tempted to scour the Internet.
  • If you decide to get rid of Internet addiction, you should adjust your sleep schedule.

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“Computer addiction of children” Teacher - speech therapist Grekova I.L. MBDOU D/S combined type No. 6 MO "Akhtubinsky district"

The term “computer addiction” defines a person’s pathological addiction to working or spending time on the computer. This is an obsessive desire to turn on the computer and an inability to turn it off. A person is able to spend from 5 to 20 hours a day in virtual reality.

The main symptoms of computer addiction are: An irresistible craving for gaming, programming, computer-related work, An addiction to searching for information on the Internet, Excessive passion for so-called Internet surfing, that is, following links from site to site. An obsessive desire to play online games, make purchases exclusively in online stores, the desire to frequently check your mailbox. Constantly waiting for the moment when you can sit down at the computer, Depressed mood, irritability and depression if you can’t do it, Pathological passion for chat rooms, forums and social networks. In the most advanced cases, an addicted person stops paying attention to his appearance, hygiene needs and the need to eat.

How to recognize addiction? Playing computer games really interferes with your child's ability to communicate and learn; Isolated from the game, the child is anxious, does not find a place for himself, does not know what to do; The hobby continues for a long time, much longer than the time it takes to play through one or two of your favorite games.

What are the reasons? The stunning similarity between a computer game and fantasy is the first and main reason due to which the consciousness of a child and a computer game merge. Any child strives to control his life, and this desire is satisfied in computer games. A game is a simplified imitation of reality, in which a variety of factors and randomness are reduced to a minimum necessity, so learning to manage the game is easier than life. If a child does not have his own “territory” or it is too small for him, then it is much easier for him to remain at the previous stage - fantasy. Excessive passion for computer games means a lack of experience in managing your own life.

Think about the behavior of your children if: They remember by heart the number of their ICQ, external and internal IP addresses, but they have to hunt for their home number or their mother’s cell number in their address book. They refuse offers to go for a walk - all in order to chat on irc or sit on forums. Having woken up, they first turn on the computer and only then go to the kitchen to put on the kettle. It’s easier for them to call their friends by their nicknames on the Internet, rather than by their first names, and they don’t really know their last names. When recording the teacher’s speech, they put emoticons and automatically make notes on their notebooks and in their brains “offtopic”.

What to do? It should be remembered that a child for whom the main motto of life is “impossible!”, who does not know what “together” is, who does not receive vivid impressions and has nothing truly of his own, who has already lost hope of knowing and finding all this – most likely he will go into his own imaginary world, and if there is a computer game, he will go into it. Give your child the opportunity to be independent. Teach your child to manage himself and the independence entrusted to him. Promote as much variety in your child's experiences as possible.

How to prevent computer addiction? Limit your time on computer games. Try to protect a child from 3 to 5 years old from computer games, as this is the most critical period in the development of the child’s psyche. All children are prohibited from playing on the computer before bedtime. Instill a culture of mental self-regulation. Select them yourself and offer your child good games. Establish a trusting relationship with him so that as he grows up, he can consult on what to play on the computer. Games based on emotionally positive images contribute to the creative development and disclosure of the child’s mental capabilities. Under no circumstances should you allow your child to have fun in the computer club at night. Make sure that your passion for computers does not replace your child’s live communication with peers.

The influence of the Internet on children. Internet addiction.

We live in the modern 21st century, in which modernization and technological progress are constantly taking place. One of these technological breakthroughs is the universal accessibility of the Internet. With the introduction of new technologies, not only positive aspects arise, but also negative ones. One such example is Internet addiction. For the most part, it manifests itself in children and adolescents, because their psyche has not yet been formed, and they cannot control their addiction.

Foreign psychologists began sounding the alarm about Internet addiction back in the mid-90s. Its main symptom was called “an obsessive desire to access the Internet and the inability to exit it.” The Internet has been called a means of escaping reality; searching for information on the Internet is information vampirism.

After all, what could be better than a walk in the forest or in the park? Give your children an alternative to sitting at the computer... There are several types of Internet addiction. All of them are divided based on what a person with Internet addiction does on the Internet: Communication. A person constantly communicates in different ways on the Internet. Methods of communication may differ, for example, social networks, forums, chats, Internet instant messengers, email, blogs. Entertainment. This may include viewing any content on the Internet. These can be various pictures, films, e-books, online games, network games. A separate category of people is trying to engage in money making, or rather, making money on the Internet.

Some well-known psychologists believe that information mania (and, consequently, Internet addiction) can cause conditions similar in their symptoms to drug withdrawal. True, the person does not experience pain, he is simply constantly depressed and cannot concentrate on performing current tasks.

Why is the Internet so attractive? 1) Anonymity. A person online can and does show greater freedom of speech and action (even insults, obscene language, sexual harassment), since the risk of exposure and personal negative assessment by others is minimal. 2) Creating an image. The uniqueness of the processes of interpersonal perception in the absence of nonverbal information. As a rule, the mechanisms of stereotyping and identification, as well as the expectation of desired qualities in a partner, have a strong influence on the idea of ​​the interlocutor. 3) Voluntariness and desirability of contacts. The user voluntarily makes contacts or leaves them, and can also interrupt them at any time. 4) Lack of emotions. The difficulty of the emotional component of communication and, at the same time, a persistent desire for emotional content in the text, which is expressed in the creation of special icons to indicate emotions or in describing emotions in words (in parentheses after the main text of the message). 5) The desire for atypical, non-normative behavior. Often, users present themselves from a different side than in the conditions of the real social norm, and play out roles, scenarios, and non-normative behavior that are not realized in offline activities.

Loneliness of big cities Symptoms of Internet addiction in children often arise from parental attitudes. For more than 62% of Moscow parents, a child is a little god, over whom they tremble with fear - “what if something happens to him?”, and whose slightest whim they strive to fulfill - “otherwise he will ruin our lives!” More than 65% of parents allow their children to freely use the Internet. Fear, protest (how often teenagers with all their hearts love those activities that their parents hate!) and a feeling of deep inner loneliness lead to a virtual world of wonders, where anyone can imagine themselves as an incognito god, where family, educational and work problems are forgotten, fears are extinguished associated with deep personal experiences. In Moscow, people are more immersed in the Internet than residents of small towns. Loneliness in a big city grows out of psychological alienation. Let's observe metro passengers: to alienate themselves from sights, they have a book or a mobile phone; to alienate themselves from sounds, they have a player with headphones. We isolate ourselves from the world in every possible way. The Internet is the apotheosis of alienation, it helps to isolate yourself from loved ones, allows you not to solve emerging problems... It is the compensatory function of the Internet that fascinates: after all, in this world of miracles you can get something that you will never get in life, and become something that you will never become in reality.

Without the Internet, it is now impossible to imagine the full existence of modern society, so we need to look for an alternative to solving the current problem of Internet addiction in children.

Parents should not neglect their children, then Internet addiction can be avoided. Communicate with your children regularly. It's never too late to tell your child how to act and react correctly to the actions of other people on the Internet. Children are attracted to the Internet by various sites and social networks, where they can learn something new, but this “new” may not always be acceptable for the child. Internet resources are not limited in any way for users, and therefore a child can learn something that he does not need to know yet. Children visit porn sites first out of curiosity, and then it becomes a habit; these habits, which develop in a child as a result of his interaction with a computer in private, radically damage the psyche. Be friends for your own children, create an atmosphere in which they would like to spend more time with you, go for a walk, rather than sit in a stuffy room at the computer.

A survey of ACDT parents (6 0 people) showed the following results: Do you have a computer at home? (yes - 100%). Does your child have an irresistible craving for games or computer-related work? Yes – 60% / no – 40%. How often does your child use the computer? (Out of necessity - 75% / computer works all day long - 13% / does not use - 12%). Is your child familiar with the Internet? (yes - 78% / no - 12%). “Constantly waiting for the moment when you can sit down at the computer” - is this typical for your child? (Yes – 27% / no – 73%). Is your child depressed, irritable and depressed if you do not allow him to use the computer? (Yes - 15% / no - 85%). Does your child pay attention to his appearance? (yes – 93% / no – 7%). Does your child’s passion for computer games interfere with communication and learning (interferes with 20% / does not interfere with 80%). Isolated from the game, your child: (anxious, does not find a place for himself - 7% / does not know what to do - 20% / calmly reacts to the situation - 73%). How many games does your child play? (one - two - 50% / more than two - 38% / does not play - 12%). Does your child willingly agree to go out with friends or refuse the offer - all in order to chat on the Internet? (agrees - 93% / refuses - 7%). When he wakes up, your child first turns on the computer and only then goes to wash up and have breakfast? (yes -15% / no – 85%).

But we can’t say that the Internet is evil, no. The Internet is undoubtedly an important invention of mankind, which has helped society move far forward. The whole world revolves around the Internet.

Positive features of the Internet: saving time; a way to show off, to express yourself, to find old friends whom you have lost long ago, the ability to make phone calls, make purchases, the presence of huge libraries of all kinds of literature; the opportunity to learn a lot, get a profession, or raise your skills to another level; get the latest news on narrow or broad topics; chats and ICQ make it possible to communicate in real time.

The influence of computer technology on the human psyche Psychological aspects of the negative impact of computer gaming addiction on a person’s personality Symptoms of computer addiction http Psychological program for getting rid of computer addiction You can read more about the causes and symptoms of computer addiction on the following websites:

Let working on the computer and the Internet be for the benefit of you and your children!

Alyamkina Marina Aleksandrovna Teacher of mathematics and computer science INTERNET ADDICTION IN CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS Internet addiction in children and adolescents

Saint Petersburg

There is no sadder story in the world than about a child who grew up on the Internet. The world in which we live today is rapidly changing: what was once the ultimate dream for every family, for example, a computer, The world in which we live today is rapidly changing: what was once the ultimate dream for every family, for example, a computer, today becomes not only accessible to the whole family, but also to each individual member in particular. Today, computers are used everywhere: at work. Today, computers are used everywhere: at work, in educational institutions, in various institutions, at home - it will be more difficult to figure out where they are not. They literally “fill” all the space around us. A little over ten years ago, many children spent their free time on the street, walked, played, simply “fooled around”, while at the same time they communicated quite fully. Today, most children, of any age, spend their leisure time playing computer games on the Internet. And this “web” draws more and more new users into its networks, who become dependent no less than drug addicts and alcoholics on their addiction to living in the virtual world, gradually losing the skill and desire to live in the real world. It would seem that there is no need to worry: “Whatever the child enjoys, as long as he doesn’t cry!” He sits at home, doesn’t get into any everyday troubles on the street, but, alas, Internet addiction in children and adolescents of all ages, despite all its outward harmlessness, in fact, is most likely a time bomb. Of course, everyone already knows about the existence of the very fact of gambling addiction; it spreads its tentacles everywhere. It's no secret that more and more young people, and sometimes even very young children, are suffering from it. A famous joke: A daughter asks her mother: “Mom, who is this hairy guy with red eyes?” - So this is your folder, daughter. - Is he sick, or what? - No, he just connected to the Internet... People often see only one side of the coin: the Internet brings people together, reduces distances, helps to develop. But there is another side to the coin - on the Internet everyone seems to be together, but in reality everyone is alone. Often, the user only has the illusion of communication, the illusion of friendship, the illusion of love, the illusion of life... If you look at it, everything is as fragile as a glass pyramid. Point your finger and you will get a pile of fragments from which you can’t assemble anything, much less build anything... Of course, it’s great that on the Internet you can get almost any information that you can use to improve your level of education. But this is precisely the direction that users use much less often than others. And the truth of life is that children and teenagers spend the rest of their time playing games on social networks. It is thanks to virtual communication that some children with various psychological complexes begin to feel not as lonely as they really are, they try to become more relaxed, which in turn gives them confidence, but does not at all solve any of their psychological problems when communicating with other people in real. It is thanks to virtual communication that some children with various psychological complexes begin to feel not as lonely as they really are, they try to become more relaxed, which in turn gives them confidence, but does not at all solve any of their psychological problems when communicating with other people in real. Is Internet addiction dangerous in children? Yes, it is dangerous, and far from harmless in its essence. It’s like a trip in a time machine – I sat down for five minutes and a couple of hours – no matter what. At first, the sense of real time will seem to be accidentally lost, then it may disappear almost completely, then fatigue will appear, and a little later the normal sleep-wake cycle will be disrupted, as a result, physical activity will decrease, and, as a rule, there will be a deterioration in academic performance. Already, many scientists, doctors, and psychologists have come to the unequivocal conclusion that children under three years of age should absolutely not be allowed near a personal computer. Children from 3 to 5 years old can work on a computer for no more than half an hour, and up to 10 years old - only one hour. Here are the comic poems some Internet addicts write: “I found out that I have a huge family: Monitor, system unit. There is a wire inserted into the network. Window, screensaver - blue sky. This is all mine, dear! You can’t live without the Internet - I’m a gaming junkie!” If a child or teenager spends more than 4 hours a day in front of a monitor screen, then this is already more than a serious reason for parents to urgently sound the alarm. In this case, it’s time for parents to think about their own family life and try to plan joint leisure time in such a way that the child has the desire to immerse himself in the virtual world as little as possible. If a child or teenager spends more than 4 hours a day in front of a monitor screen, then this is already more than a serious reason for parents to urgently sound the alarm. In this case, it’s time for parents to think about their own family life and try to plan joint leisure time in such a way that the child has the desire to immerse himself in the virtual world as little as possible. Modern computer entertainment fully reflects real life, in which there is already an excess of violence, cruelty and other types of aggression. It is the immature psyche of children and teenagers that is most susceptible to the influence of various factors, including the Internet. There are so many known cases of children or teenagers beating or even killing adults who tried to stop their endless computer games. Plunging more and more headlong into the Internet, as if into the abyss, a person really becomes dependent on it. And this is easy to diagnose based on some signs. If a teenager experiences anxiety without going online even for a short time, then it is already possible to establish the fact of addiction. If he ignores calls from significant adults to him. If all other spheres are narrowed, and sometimes completely leveled out for him.

  • Plunging more and more headlong into the Internet, as if into the abyss, a person really becomes dependent on it. And this is easy to diagnose based on some signs. If a teenager experiences anxiety without going online even for a short time, then it is already possible to establish the fact of addiction. If he ignores calls from significant adults to him. If all other spheres are narrowed, and sometimes completely leveled out for him.
“A computer, a chair and the Internet - and the person is no more. A year passes and another, look, a baby with a beard...” friends, they will be replaced by virtual ones, then his social manifestations will disappear, and then he himself. And returning to the past will be oh so difficult. Once, having plunged headlong into the fascinating world of the Internet, a person risks no longer appearing on the surface of our reality - first, real living ones will disappear from his life. A person can simply devalue his real life, turning it into literally nothing, throwing it at the feet of his new super-valuable virtual one. a world in which he does not feel like that, and also so alone... It becomes like walking through torment in a labyrinth, from which he himself may never find a real way out. “Don’t wake up real life, but realize what you’re living for...” If you are affected by such a problem, turn to psychotherapy for professional help. The longer the addiction lasts, the more difficult it will be to cope with it in order to return not to the past, but to today’s normal life.

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