Presentation about the youth subculture of skaters. Presentation - youth subcultures

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Youth subculture Youth subculture is a partial, relatively coherent system within the general cultural system. Its occurrence is associated with the uncertainty of the social roles of young people and uncertainty about their own social status. Its essence is the search for social status. Through it, young people “practice” in playing the roles that they will later have to play in the adult world.

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Protest against generally accepted attitudes As a young man enters adolescence, he turns away from his family and seeks those social connections that should protect him from a still alien society. Between a lost family and a society that has not yet been found, the young man strives to join his own kind. The informal groups formed in this way provide the young person with a certain social status. The price for this is often the abandonment of individuality and complete submission to the norms, values ​​and interests of the group. These informal groups produce their own subculture, which differs from the culture of adults. It is characterized by internal uniformity and external protest against generally accepted attitudes. Due to the presence of their own culture, these groups are marginal in relation to society, and therefore always contain elements of social disorganization and potentially gravitate toward behavior deviating from generally accepted norms.

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"INFORMALS" - who are they? "INFORMALS" is a group of people that arose on someone's initiative or spontaneously to achieve a goal by people with common interests and needs. FORMAL is usually called a social group that has legal status, is part of a social institution, an organization where the position of individual members is strictly regulated by official rules and laws. But informal organizations and associations have none of this.

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Causes of occurrence During the period from 88 to 93-94, the number of informal associations increased from 8% to 38% i.e. three times. 1) A wave of informality after the revolutionary years. Counter-cultural groups of youth. 2) Wave 60s. The period of the Khrushchev Thaw. These are the first symptoms of the disintegration of the administrative-command system. (Artists, Bards, Hipsters). 3) Wave. 1986 The existence of informal groups was officially recognized. Informals began to be defined by various somatic means (clothing, slang, symbols, manners, morals, etc.) with the help of which young people fenced off from the adult community. Defending your right to inner life.

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Causes of occurrence. 1) Challenge to society, protest. 2) Challenge to the family, misunderstanding in the family. 3) Reluctance to be like everyone else. 4) The desire will establish itself in the new environment. 5) Attract attention to yourself. 6) The area of ​​organizing leisure time for young people in the country is underdeveloped. 7) Copying Western structures, trends, culture. 8) Religious ideological beliefs. 9) Tribute to fashion. 10) Lack of purpose in life. 11) Influence of criminal structures, hooliganism. 12) Age hobbies.

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Classification of informals Association - stand aside from social problems, but do not pose a threat to society. Such associations include spontaneously formed companies based on public interest, hobbies, types of leisure activities, and imitation of a chosen type of behavior. Antisocial - a pronounced aggressive character, the desire to assert oneself at the expense of others, moral deafness. Prosocial informal clubs or associations are socially positive. These associations benefit society and solve social problems of a cultural and protective nature.

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“Major” “Major” Major is not interested in ordinary everyday problems, since all such problems were solved for him by his parents. He is not short of pocket money. He wears scarce clothes and shoes, can drive his own (usually a new, less often one belonging to one of the parents) car. Among the majors, the position of the parents in society and the associated prospects for their own life and career are assessed. However, a high level of academic performance at school and university is also valued. They end up in a scandalous chronicle when they flaunt their diamonds and organize Ferrari races on the roads of Europe. They follow the example of the children of Arab sheikhs, but prefer to study in London and invest money in Russia

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The future of the “major” Among the majors, the position of parents in society and the associated prospects for their own life and career are assessed. However, a high level of academic performance at school and university is also valued. The attitude towards peers from “simple” families is patronizing, condescending or contemptuous, although more often it is indifferent. The future of the major is cloudless and does not cause any worries. He will not go into the army (unless his parents are military and they don’t want to make him a high-ranking military man), or he will serve in hothouse conditions. Thanks to family connections, he will be placed in a university “through connections”, the level of which is determined by the level of government and the connections of his parents

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Punky Punk appeared in the USA in 1964, where, influenced by the Beatles and Rolling Stones, the age group was predominantly 18 – 22 years old.

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Punks The punk movement arose in the middle of the last century in the USA and later spread to Europe. This was the reaction of young people as a “lost generation” to difficult living conditions and the impossibility of fully realizing their spiritual powers. Very quickly it turned into a form of protest, suitable for various clashes on any basis: ideological, social, cultural, musical.

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Punks Distinguish: Movement of punk rock fans. Classic English punk (very small movement). The movement of teenage underground punk, the so-called street punks. It is the most common variety. There is also a clear division in interest in any specific musical groups. For example, an independent wing of the punk movement are the “GRUNGERS” (“grunge”) - fans of the group “Nirvana”.

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Punks. Symbols and attributes. The mohawk is a traditional type of punk hairstyle. It is a comb of hair or a fin-shaped strip on a shaved head. May have different sizes, shapes and colors. Sometimes there is an “aithiiroquois” - only a strip is shaved in the place where the mohawk usually appears.

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Punks. Symbols and attributes. Punk clothing attracts attention with a large number of accompanying attributes: Vests (leather or denim); Jeans, often with inscriptions made with a regular ballpoint pen or marker; Short leather jackets – “leather jackets”, very worn; The clothes are abundantly dotted with rivets, badges, pins, stripes (rings from beer can caps), symbols of musical groups; “Hackings” are common - high military-type boots; Pierced ears (rings, French pins in large quantities); Sometimes there are leather “collars”.

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Hippies Hippies have developed real traditions over time. And, probably, the most grandiose of them is “Rainbow Collection”

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Hippie Hippie (from English hippy or hippie; from colloquial hip or hep - “fashionable, stylish”; youth philosophy and subculture, popular in the USA in the 1960s and 1970s, expressing protest against generally accepted morality and the desire to return to natural purity through the propaganda of pacifism (their main protest was directed against the Vietnam War). The most famous slogan of the hippies: “For love and against war!”

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Hippie Rastaman in our country can be recognized by a multi-colored hat (mainly the colors of Ethiopia), hemp leaves on T-shirts, backpacks, rings, patches, etc. Dreadlocks are rare, but they do occur (it’s just that not everyone knows that dreadlocks are braided once, they can’t be washed and combed later, so the only way to get rid of dreadlocks is to cut them off at the root), high-soled shoes are often worn wide pants. Fennecs are very common: wooden beads and the same Ethiopian tricolor on a rag bracelet.

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“Men in black on our streets,” or who the goths are. The average age of “goths” is 15-19 years. The minimum age is 14 years; people aged 20-22 years are less common. According to the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, a significant numerical predominance of girls is recorded: for every 10 girls there are 2-3 boys.

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Subgroups of "goths": Goths are Satanists. Goths are “vampires”. Characteristic features: demonstrative “biting in the neck” as a greeting between “Goths” and as a kind of calling card of the Goth “vampire”. “Cyber ​​Goths” are virtual groups that communicate more online; In addition to black, the emphasis in clothing is on acid pink and acid purple). "Punk-goths" (the external attributes are similar to the "punk" ones). “Fetish goths” (promoting sadomasochism). "Tribal Goths" (fans of the Druid cult). Marginal layers of "goths" ("baby goths", the marginal part of the "role-goths" from among the so-called "role-players", "alco-goths", etc.). Fashionable goths (focussed only on the external attributes of the movement).

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Heirs of the Punks Oddly enough, the Goths “hatched” not from the Pre-Raphaelites, but from the punks. It all started in England about thirty years ago, when the punk wave, having reached its apogee, began to subside, simultaneously mutating. Total punk nihilism softened, became more melancholy and lyrical. This is how post-punk, a decadently depressive musical movement, arose. The musicians and their audience became the “nutrient broth” from which a new subculture emerged. The proto-goths, who for convenience are often called “dark punks,” and the current goths are very different, but the kinship is obvious. Even the motto “Goth’s Undead”, which came to us from the 80s, essentially repeats the sacramental “Punks Not Dead”.

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Decadents of the newest type, the standard image of a goth is characterized by: isolation, “frequent depression,” melancholy, increased vulnerability, misanthropy, aesthetics, mysticism, rejection of behavioral stereotypes and appearance standards. Also a characteristic feature of most Goths is the perception of death as a fetish. In the context of Gothic culture, the word "thanatophilia" is often used. However, “this term (thanatophilia) should be considered as an individual’s desire to use practices and themes associated with death and dying, namely visiting cemeteries and ruins. They cannot be called either drinkers or non-drinkers. They drink beer, but true Goths prefer absinthe, beloved by the decadents of the past, and red wine, reminiscent of blood in color and sometimes in name.

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Gothic and Goths The words “Gothic”, “Gothic culture” come from the Italian gotico, which means “barbaric, unusual”. The Goths were the name given to the barbarian tribes that destroyed the Roman Empire in the 4th century (although they had nothing to do with Gothic culture).

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Black + pink = EMO The Emo subculture arose in the 80s in America, and are fans of emotional punk rock music.

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What is emo? So... What is emo? Emo is a special way of life and thinking of a person. Emo – emotions, bright emotions first of all, both positive and negative. Emo people live by emotions. For emo, expressing their feelings is not a sign of weakness, but a normal state. Being yourself is the most important thing for emo.

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Emo kids Emo kid. Who is this? Emo (emo) - emotions, kid - child: literally an explanation on the fingers. Each of us is a child. The child perceives everything in the world around him differently. He can find joy in every little thing, but at the same time, even the most minor failure can greatly upset him. An emo kid is a person who feels the world around him, is not afraid of his emotions, and is not afraid to be himself. But another type of emo kid is more common. Such people create an emo-like shell for themselves and seek communication with others like them, they want to join the company. Fortunately, the passion for “emo” among such “kids” quickly passes, because they are just an image, a picture with nothing behind it.

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Emo culture, emo style Emo style presupposes the presence of strong emotions, both positive and negative. For emo, expressing your feelings is not a sign of weakness. Emo is a way of life and thinking of a person.

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The appearance of an emo kid: - Tennis shoes - Scarves - Classic outerwear for the street, in the form of a coat. - Hairpins for the guys. - Tight jackets and sweaters with v-necks. Sweaters in dark colors with a transverse stripe. - Black denim pants should be rolled up no more than twice. - Emo jackets from the “workwear” series, designed in earth tones, as well as brown, gray and dark blue. One or two stripes. - Wallets with a chain, but even cooler - a large key ring (doorman style). - "Kangaroos" with a metal zipper. - Riveted belts of different colors and wristbands. - Anorexic thinness.

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Fans These are groups of young people united by football. The average age of Russian fans is 15-20 years old. About 80% of them are students of various educational institutions, 5% are workers at enterprises and organizations, 15% are temporarily unemployed.

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Fans In reality, we can talk about the existence of a fan movement in Russia, which would be the bearer of a certain subculture, since the 70s of the 20th century. At that time, the first fan groups appeared, constantly performing a certain set of practices: going to matches, specific behavior at the stadium, etc. They used special symbols, slang and other attributes of the subculture appeared.

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Youth subcultures Prepared by: teacher of history and social studies Shagraeva S.I.

History: Edelweiss Pirates Edelweiss Pirates was the name of German informal youth who opposed themselves to the Hitler Youth, which they managed to avoid joining by leaving school at the age of 14. They listened to jazz, wore checkered cowboy shirts with scarves, had long hair, went on nature hikes, and sang around the fires with a guitar. The peculiarity of these meetings was not only their demonstratively informal nature, but also the participation of girls. Hostility towards the Hitler Youth often resulted in street clashes.

Edelweiss Pirates during the war years With the beginning of the war, the movement acquired a more pronounced anti-government direction. “Pirates” united in groups - they scattered leaflets, wrote anti-government slogans on the walls of pedestrian crossings (“The high military command lies,” “Medals for murders”), and helped Jews and Russian prisoners of war take refuge. At first, official Berlin dealt with young dissidents quite liberally: those caught had their heads shaved and registered with the police. However, after some time, children began to be sent to concentration camps for re-education. In 1944, 13 pirates were hanged in Cologne on the direct orders of Himmler.

Hippies The hippie subculture appeared in the 60s in America as a result of a strong economic boom. Hippies profess the principles of non-aggression and are opponents of military conflicts and conflicts in general.

Hippies: symbolism Pacific - a symbol of peace. Logo of the Organization for Nuclear Disarmament, also used for anti-war demonstrations, a Volkswagen minibus, which hippies traditionally painted in the “Flower Power” style.

Appearance of a hippie Dress code - jeans, sweaters, T-shirts, out-of-fashion coats; Clothes are often shabby or specially given this appearance: artificial holes are made, bright patches are placed on jeans and jackets, inscriptions are made in English; Characteristic is the introduction of ethnic elements into the costume: beads, woven from beads or threads, bracelets.

Goths Goths are representatives of the gothic subculture, which originated in the late 70s of the 20th century in the wake of post-punk. Subsequently, the Gothic image and aesthetics were formed under the strong influence of the vampire image. In general, Goths characterize their worldview as a “romantic-depressive view of life.” The standard image of a goth is characterized by: isolation, “frequent depression,” melancholy, increased vulnerability, misanthropy, aesthetics, mysticism, rejection of behavioral stereotypes and appearance standards, and the perception of death as a fetish.

Goths: symbolism In addition to the all-consuming black color, the symbols of the Goths are: Ankh - a symbol of rebirth Celtic cross Skulls, bats, coffins Eye of Ra - symbol of luminaries: right - Sun, left - Moon

Appearance is ready. There are a lot of trends in the gothic subculture, but they have common features: black clothes, hair and lips. Corsets, lacing and Victorian style Lace, mesh sweaters

Emo Emo is a youth subculture formed on the basis of fans of the musical style of the same name. Expressing emotions is the main rule for emo. They are distinguished by: self-expression, opposition to injustice, a special, sensual perception of the world. Often, an emo is a vulnerable and depressed person.

Appearance of emo In addition to the already known predilection for long bangs and alternating black and pink, emo is also characterized by the presence of a huge number of badges, bows, piercings and tunnels in the ears.

Emo: symbolism As a style, emo did not last very long; now it is rare to find its fans anywhere. Symbols of emo can be considered: Long bangs covering one eye, alternating black and fuchsia

Punks Punks are a youth subculture that emerged in the late 1960s, the characteristic features of which are a critical attitude towards society and politics. The word punk translates from colloquial English as "trashy, dirt, scum". Common views are the desire for personal freedom and complete independence (individualism), non-conformism, the principles of “not selling out”, “relying on yourself”.

Appearance of punks In addition to the characteristic Iroquois for punks, their appearance is also distinguished by the presence of: leather jackets (leather jacket with a sideways wrap), piercings, leather collars, bracelets, etc. with spiked ankle boots (large leather boots laced to the middle of the ankle)

Punks: symbolism The main symbol of punks is the mohawk - a hairstyle in the form of hair raised above the head and tightly fixed. Punks also use the symbol of anarchy and slogans: Do it yourself (“Do it yourself”) and Punks not dead (“Punks are not dead”)

Bikers Lovers and fans of motorcycles. Unlike ordinary motorcyclists, bikers have a motorcycle as part of their lifestyle. Uniting with like-minded people based on this image is also characteristic.

Appearance of bikers Bikers are characterized by leather biker jackets with rivets, leather trousers (less often jeans) with stripes and emblems, leather high boots with laces so as not to rub against the bike, men always grow a beard and long hair, women prefer long braids or vice versa extremely short haircuts.

Bikers: symbolism Since bikers, unlike the same ones, are ready. They prefer not to be alone; they usually form groups. And each such club has its own symbol in the form of stripes on leather jackets. But there are several common symbols: a skull - as a symbol of the transience of life and the absence of fear of death 1% - one politician said that only 1% of bikers break the law, since then almost every biker wears this symbol wings - a symbol of freedom

Statistics: survey We conducted a survey among young boys and girls aged 15 to 30 years. 89 people took part in the survey. Everyone was asked the same question: “Which subculture would you like to join if you had a choice?” Statistics showed the following results: punks - 2.2%; Goths – 4.5%; emo – 6.7%; hippies - 20.2%; football hooligans – 23.6%; skinheads – 5.6%; bikers – 31.5%; Gopniks – 5.6%.

Conclusion and conclusions Having studied the main directions of the youth subculture, we can conclude that young people themselves are trying to find ways to interact with the world, trying to smooth out corners from the inside. Self-expression is important for young people, it is important to feel needed by society, it is important to know that you are heard. And the subculture provides such an opportunity. The survey showed that young people strive first for freedom and peace, as evidenced by the majority who chose hippies and bikers, but another part seeks to throw out their negative energy as a football hooligan or skinhead. According to the famous psychologist, one of the fathers of psychoanalysis, Z. Freud, if young people do not sublimate (that is, redirect internal dissatisfaction into creativity and other socially significant activities), the complex (internal dissatisfaction) will still manifest itself, only in a more aggressive form. Subculture is one of the ways that allows young people to speak and the world around them to hear.

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Definition: Subculture is a system of values, behavior patterns, and lifestyle of a social group, which is an independent integral formation within the framework of the dominant culture.

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History of the term

In 1950, American sociologist David Reisman, in his research, introduced the concept of a subculture as a group of people who deliberately choose the style and values ​​​​preferred by a minority. A more thorough analysis of the phenomenon and concept of subculture was carried out by Dick Herbidge in his book “Subculture: The Meaning of Style.” In his opinion, subcultures attract people with similar tastes who are not satisfied with generally accepted standards and values. The Frenchman Michel Mafessoli in his writings used the concept of “urban tribes” to refer to youth subcultures. In the USSR, the term “Informal youth associations” was used to designate members of youth subcultures, hence the slang word “informals.” The slang word “party” is sometimes used to refer to a subcultural community.

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Traditionalist include professional subcultures that arise as a positive reaction to the needs of society. The emergence of innovative avant-garde subcultures is associated with the denial of the “basic” culture of society. To designate socio-cultural attitudes that oppose the fundamental principles of the “basic” culture, the term “counterculture” is used (for example, some youth subcultures - gopniks, rednecks).

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Youth movements can be divided into groups:

Music-related, music fans, followers of the culture of musical styles: rockers, metalheads, punks, goths, rappers, trance culture. - Distinguished by a certain worldview and way of life: goths, hippies, Indianists, punks, Rastafarians, EMO. - Related to sports: sports fans, roller skaters, skaters, street bikers, bikers. - Associated with games, escape into another reality: role-players, Tolkienists, gamers. - Related to computer technology: hackers, users, gamers.

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Hostile or antisocial groups: punks, skinheads, RNE, Gopniks, Lubers, Nazis, periodically: football fans and metalheads. - Religious associations: Satanists, sects, Hare Krishnas, Indianists. - Contemporary art groups: graffiti artists, break dancers, contemporary artists, sculptors, musical groups. - Elite: majors, ravers. - Antique subcultures: beatniks, rockabilly. - Subculture of the masses or counterculture: gopniks, rednecks. - Socially active: societies for the protection of history and the environment, pacifists.

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Hostile or antisocial groups:

Punk (English punk) is a youth subculture that emerged in the mid-60s in the UK, USA, Canada and Australia, the characteristic features of which are a critical attitude towards society and politics.

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Punk look

Many punks dye their hair bright, unnatural colors, comb it and fix it with hairspray, gel or beer so that it stands up straight. In the 80s, the mohawk hairstyle became fashionable among punks.

Punks have a colorful, shocking image.

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Gopnik (also gop, coll. gopota) is a slang word in the Russian language, most often denoting a street hooligan, a representative of a group of youth close to the criminal world. Gopniks themselves do not call themselves Gopniks. Usually calling each other “boys”, “real” or “clear” boys.

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Distinctive features

Gopnikov is characterized by a cheeky (“wrestling” or swinging) gait and an aggressive manner of behavior: staring at passers-by point-blank, familiar address, provoking conflicts (for example, “Why are you so impudent?”, What are you looking at!?), extorting money (for example, “ Hey, can you find some change?”) and other valuables from passers-by; Gopniks spend most of their time on the street: among their favorite places are parks, squares, old courtyards, bus stops, garages (especially if there is a path from a public transport stop to residential high-rise buildings), courtyards at kindergartens; The habit of squatting is common;

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Fashion style

A tracksuit is the most common clothing in the summer. Less often - classic black trousers, often a little larger than necessary; A short jacket made of leather, leatherette or fabric, or a vest made of the same materials over a tracksuit; On the head of the gopnik there is a “tablet” cap, an “eight-piece” cap or a baseball cap. Indoors, the hat is not removed, but is worn on the top of the head so that it rests on the back of the ears and does not cover them. Gopniks usually wear shoes with a long or blunt toe (the so-called “coffins”) or cheap sneakers. A typical haircut is bald or very short, sometimes with bangs. The overall picture is completed by such little things as the “borset”. Your hands may also contain a bag of seeds, a rosary, and a balisong knife (in common parlance, a “butterfly”). Cigarette behind the ear. In street conflicts, brass knuckles can be used.

“Youngsters” The first, largest group is the “youngsters”, these are teenagers 12-14 years old who still don’t really know what it is to be a real skinhead, but have already picked up Nazi or racist slogans, have understood some of the basic norms of behavior inherent in skinheads .

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"Young people" - the second category - "young people", older teenagers, 14 - 16 years old, actively participating in all kinds of neo-Nazi rallies and gatherings, gathering in large regular groups. “Starshaki”, in addition to participating in rallies, gatherings and gatherings, have a solid, fairly well-established political orientation, they are able not only to coherently present the main points of the political program of their movement, but also conduct propaganda work.

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Sports fans

A fan (Greek Φανατισμός - blind faith) is a blind-believing person who has an exaggerated (excessive) attraction to a certain subject. The object of attraction can be a person (or a group of people), sports clubs. The fan is intolerant of other views and, as a rule, aggressively defends his point of view. Among football fans this is called “defending the colors”, “fighting for the colors”, etc. Fans are people who see and think only about their idol, deifying him. They organize meetings during which they discuss the latest news in the life of their idol.

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Features of Sports Fans

Fans' clothing is a light sports style that does not interfere with the fight, complemented by attributes of the colors of their teams' uniforms, scarves and hats are especially typical.

Subculture concept

Subculture - these are patterns of behavior, life styles, specific values ​​and their symbolic expression of a social group.

Youth subcultures have existed for a long time, at least since the second half of the twentieth century. In our country, they attracted the attention of society and the media in the 1980s. In those years, bearers of such special cultural practices were usually called participants in informal youth associations. The most famous examples are hippies, punks, rockers, and metalheads.

The main socio-psychological feature of informal youth associations is the symbolization of appearance, lifestyle, behavior, in particular, clothing, speaking style. For example, long hippie hair is not only long hair, but also a symbol of freedom.

Hippie subculture– one of the oldest youth subcultures. The movement formed in San Francisco in the mid-60s. XX century as a protest against philistinism. The hippie ideology was based on philosophical teachings associated with the “Jesus movement.” They adhere to pacifist views, profess the idea of ​​“non-resistance to evil through violence,” and are prone to creativity.

The main form of leisure activities is parties with never-ending discussions, constant polemics and mandatory music playing. Parties are usually accompanied by the use of alcohol and drugs. Hippies often break away from home, traveling with virtually no means of support. Hippies are known to love flowers and walking barefoot. Part of the hippie ideology is “free love” with all the ensuing consequences.


Close in many respects to hippies Rastafarians. Rastafari is the religion of the universal Lord Jah (distorted “Jehovah”). Rastafarians– convinced pacifists, especially protest against racism. Two features confirmed the worldwide nature of the Rasta movement - marijuana and reggae. Rastafarian life also provides for a healthy lifestyle, a ban on tobacco and alcohol, vegetarianism, and art classes. Their symbols are a red-yellow-green “Pacific” cap, pulled over dreadlocks (“dreadlocks”). Rastafarians can often be found in the company of hippies. In Russia, young Rastafarians for the most part are simply fans of reggae music.

The punk movement began in the mid-1970s. XX centuries in England during a period of severe economic crisis. The main slogan of punks is “No future!” The philosophy of punks is the philosophy of the “lost generation”, simple to the limit: in a pigsty it is better to be pigs yourself. They finally decided that it was impossible to change the world for the better, and therefore life and career in the old sense of the word were put to rest. According to their political leanings, punks are considered anarchists. Hence their main symbol is the stylized letter “A”.

The standard punk hairstyle is the mohawk. Punks prefer torn, dirty clothes. Punks are the most avid partygoers, great “specialists” in drinking, drugs, and fights.

The punk subculture entered the USSR in 1979. One of the first punks were famous St. Petersburg rock musicians Andrei Panov and Viktor Tsoi.

Gothic originated in the late 70s. XX century on the wave of post-punk. The early goths took a lot from the punks, they looked the same as punks, with the only difference being that the dominant color of clothing and hair was black. At first, only fans of gothic musical groups were called goths. Gradually, the Goths acquired their own lifestyle, value hierarchy and mentality.

The modern Gothic image is quite complex and varied, it includes clothes, shoes, jewelry, accessories, make-up, and hairstyle. Occult symbolism is quite widely represented - pentagrams, eight-pointed stars, symbols of death

The Goths developed their own original style of makeup and manicure. Using makeup or powder, the face is given a deathly pale shade, black eyeliner is applied, and lips and nails can also be tinted black. Black is the dominant color, but other colors are acceptable.

Emo– short for “emotional”, a term that denotes a special type of hardcore music based on the crushing strong emotions in the vocalist's voice and the melodic, but sometimes chaotic musical component. Squealing, crying, moaning, whispering, breaking into a scream are the distinctive features of this style.

Today this style of music is divided into: emocore, emo-rock, cyber-emo, punk-emo, emo-violence, screamo, French-emocore hardcore San Diego, etc. Fans of emo music, identified as a special subculture, are called emo kids . The concept of emo is very common among modern youth. In addition to bright outfits, hair and makeup, these guys have other ways to express themselves. Through music and heightened emotions about everything that happens in their lives.

Yuppie– a youth subculture whose representatives lead an active business lifestyle as an urban professional. Yuppies have well-paid jobs, prefer business casual clothing, follow fashion, and visit fitness centers. The main criterion for belonging to a “yuppie” is success. A self-respecting yuppie wears a formal suit, woolen and very expensive.

Often the external manifestations of the “yuppie” worldview are cynicism, pragmatism and contempt for less successful people, and apoliticality. The yuppie's favorite topic is lack of time. It is not customary among yuppies to publicly discuss their illnesses and problems in general; the conditions of the game require you to look cheerful, healthy and energetic. Yuppies love their work and do it with pleasure.

All adherents of this subculture are united by one faith and the worship of one idol - speed. The main concept in biker ideology is the motorcycle. The whole world is divided into those who move on it, and those who prefer any other way. The motorcycle always comes first for a biker. The background is everything else, including love and family. The philosophy of a true biker is based on the spirit of brotherhood and freedom. The knowledge of a bike club member includes knowledge of the technical intricacies of servicing your favorite iron horse, as well as the history of the movement and the club, and rules of conduct. Each motorcycle club has a president, vice-president, sergeant-at-arms, treasurer, and secretary who perform their assigned duties.

Football team fans

Communities of football fans are one of the most common forms of subcultural youth activity in modern Russia, which has a long origin. The specificity of this subcultural form is the situational nature of identification, which requires a minimum of effort from participants and does not deeply affect the way of life. For football fans, the most significant moments are general emotional release, the opportunity to express their feelings to the fullest, expressed in rioting at the stadium and vandalism after the match.

The raver subculture has been spreading in Russia since the early 90s. Musically, the rave style is the successor to the techno style. An integral part of the raver lifestyle is night discos with powerful sound, computer graphics, and laser beams. Ravers prefer clothes made of bright colors and artificial materials. The idea of ​​man's departure from nature is realized in the appearance of ravers and their style of behavior. The ravers subculture is based on values ​​such as a carefree attitude to life and the desire to live for today.

To “expand consciousness,” ravers use drugs, in particular “ecstasy.”

A major is a young man who has highly paid parents and, thanks to this, enjoys opportunities that are not available to most of his peers. These are the so-called “golden youth”. They mostly spend their free time in expensive night bars. He does not lack money, wears expensive clothes and shoes, and drives his own expensive car. Among the majors, the position of parents in society and the associated prospects for their own life are assessed

These are mainly students of technical faculties of universities, high school students of schools with a physics and mathematics focus. It is also difficult to determine the exact number of hackers because they communicate primarily through computer networks. In addition, not all computer fans recognize themselves as a kind of community with their own values, norms, and specific style.

Roller skaters are called roller skaters. They prefer sportswear in bright colors and often wear knee and elbow pads on a daily basis. Mostly roller skaters are schoolchildren of both sexes or elementary students.

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What is a subculture?

This is a relatively autonomous integral social formation within the dominant macroculture, which determines the lifestyle and thinking of its bearers and has its own customs, norms, sets of values, methods of organization, and sometimes even institutions.

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Subcultures opposing culture and society, or breaking ties with it.

  • "positive"
  • "negative"
  • collaboration-oriented
  • with society and the development of its culture.
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    Emo (English emo: from emotional - emotional) is a youth subculture formed on the basis of fans of the musical style of the same name. Its representatives are called emo kids (emo + English kid - young man; child) or, depending on gender: emo boy (English boy - boy, guy), emo girl (English girl - girl, girl) .

    Expressing emotions is the main rule for emo kids. They are distinguished by: self-expression, opposition to injustice, a special, sensual perception of the world. Often an emo kid is a vulnerable and depressed person

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    Emo image

    The traditional emo hairstyle is considered to be oblique, torn bangs to the tip of the nose, covering one eye, and short hair sticking out in different directions at the back. Preference is given to coarse, straight black hair. Girls can have childish, funny hairstyles - two “small ponytails”, bright “hairpins” - “hearts” on the sides, bows. To create these emo hairstyles, a large amount of fixing hairspray is used.

    Emo kids often get their ears pierced or tunnels made. An emo kid may have piercings on the face and other parts of the body (for example, in the lips and left nostril, eyebrows, bridge of the nose).

    Both boys and girls can paint their lips to match their skin color and use a light foundation. Eyes are thickly lined with pencil or mascara. Nails are covered with black varnish.

    • Bag with badges
    • Typical nicknames used by emos on the Internet are very expressive, for example:
    • broken_heart, raped_teddy_bear, lonely_star, etc.
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    Punk, punks (English punk - trans. bad, trashy) - a youth subculture that emerged in the late 60s - early 70s in the UK, USA, Canada and Australia, the characteristic features of which are a critical attitude towards society and politics.

    The name of the famous American artist Andy Warhol and the Velvet Underground group he produced is closely associated with punk rock. Their lead singer Lou Reed is considered the founding father of alternative rock, a movement that is closely related to punk rock. Punks also have a very strong alliance with some other subcultures (metalheads, etc.)

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    Punk ideology

    Punks hold a variety of political views, but for the most part they are adherents of socially oriented ideologies and progressivism. Common views include the desire for personal freedom and complete independence (individualism), non-conformism, the principles of “don’t sell out”, “rely on yourself” (DIY) and the principle of “direct action”. Other punk politics include nihilism, anarchism, socialism, anti-authoritarianism, anti-militarism, anti-capitalism, anti-racism, anti-sexism, anti-nationalism, anti-homophobia, environmentalism, vegetarianism, veganism, and animal rights.

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    Goths are representatives of a subculture that originated in the late 70s of the 20th century in Great Britain on the basis of the punk movement. The gothic subculture is quite diverse and heterogeneous, but all its representatives, to one degree or another, are characterized by a specific dark image and interest in gothic music. Originally a youth subculture, the subculture is now represented in the world by people aged 14 to 45 years and older.

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    Gothic fashion

    Over the course of two decades, the Goths have developed a fairly recognizable image. Although there are numerous trends within Gothic fashion, they share common features.

    The main elements of the Gothic image are the predominance of black in clothing, the use of metal jewelry with the symbols of the Gothic subculture, and characteristic makeup.

    Typical attributes used by the Goths are the ankh (an ancient Egyptian symbol of immortality, actively used after the film “Hunger”), skulls, crosses, upright and inverted pentagrams, bats[

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    Style ready

    Makeup is used by both men and women. It is not an everyday attribute, and is usually applied before visiting concerts and gothic clubs. Makeup usually consists of two elements: white powder for the face and dark eyeliner around the eyes.

    Hairstyles in gothic fashion are quite varied. During the post-punk era, the main hairstyle was medium-length tousled hair. But in the modern subculture, many people wear long hair, or even mohawks. It is typical for Goths to dye their hair black or, less commonly, red.

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    Rap in its modern form appeared in the 1970s among African Americans in the Bronx, where it was “exported” by visiting Jamaican DJs. In particular, DJ Kool Herc is called the founder of rap. Rap was initially done not for commercial purposes, but for pleasure, and at first it was done mainly by DJs. These were simple rhyming couplets addressed to the audience.

    The spread of rap was greatly facilitated by black amateur radio, which played music that was fashionable among blacks, and quickly picked up the new style. The words “rap” and “rappers” became firmly established in the style thanks to The Sugarhill Gang’s track “Rapper’s Delight” (1979). One of the first people to be called a “rapper” was radio host Jack Gibson, nicknamed Jack the Rapper. He organized one of the first conventions dedicated to rap/

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    Music styles:

    Hip-hop music is quite diverse. It may be simple, but at the same time interesting and melodic. Its basis is the beat - the rhythm of the song. Usually there is an accent on every second beat (backbeat):

    • Clap (eng. clap) - a single sound similar to cotton.
    • Snare, snare (English snare) - the sound of the lead drum, clear and short.

    Percussion (such as whistles and chains) can also be used for the backbeat.

    Another important element is the kick drum (not to be confused with the bass). The range of musical instruments in hip-hop music is quite diverse. It can also consist of keyboard melodies, wind melodies, and numerous computer sounds (bass, effects).

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    The main sources of information about the life of various subcultures.

    1. Television – 35.20% 2. Stories from friends – 23.70% 3. You observe from the sidelines, you are an eyewitness – 14.59% 4. You actively participate in the life of any of the subcultures – 10.52% 5. Newspapers , magazines, radio – 10.52% 6. Internet – 4.63% 7. No answer – 0.84%

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    “To what extent are you part of any of the subcultures?”

    1. I don’t consider myself to be a member of any subculture, but I have friends like this – 33.94%

    2. I don’t consider myself to be a member of any subculture and don’t know anyone like that – 27.35%

    3. I am a participant, actively hang out, communicate with representatives of “my” subculture -16.55%

    4. I share some interests and views, but I rarely hang out or don’t hang out – 15.29%

    5. I used to be interested in all this, but now I’ve lost interest – 5.19%

    6. No answer – 1.68%

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    How do you personally feel about the actions of radical youth subcultures?

    Disapproving – 43.34%.

    Indifferent / not at all – 31.42%.

    Approving – 8.70%.

    I find it difficult to answer – 16.55%.

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    Motives for participation in the life of subcultures

    Interests – 42.53%

    An attempt to overcome internal loneliness, the desire to find friends and like-minded people - 34.71%

    Need for emotionally rich communication – 11.24%

    Protest against the hypocrisy and insincerity of “adult culture” - 4.84%

    Conflicts at school and at home – 3.70%

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