Presentation on the topic of the world of antiquity, distant and near. Message on the topic: “The beginning of human history

The world around us, grade 4 (A.A. Pleshakov)

Subject : The world of antiquity: distant and close.

Lesson objectives:

Create conditions for expanding students' knowledge about the heritage of the Ancient World (writing, life, art);

Develop a research culture, speech, help broaden the horizons of students, develop interest in history;

To foster the need for a careful attitude towards historical heritage, objects of the past, and respect for the achievements of the people of the Ancient World.

Equipment : multimedia projector, didactic material, reference literature, world map.

During the classes

1. Updating knowledge.

Stories of glorious great dates

We will carry it through life.

Let us feel with our hearts what once was,

Imagine the centuries-old paths!

The ancient world is a wonderful world! (on slide 2)

Open the doors of time to us

Tell us about the ancient states.

(On slide 1) – pictures of our country’s past...

What do these pictures say?

And all this is the world of history.

What is history? (science of the past)

Why is it important to know the history of your native land, country?

What was the name of our state in ancient times? (Old Rus')

History of Dr. Rus' tells about the greatest achievements of our ancestors. We should be proud of our past. We also learn lessons from the past, which allows us to learn from the mistakes of other generations and helps us better understand our present.

2. Creation of a problematic situation.

- What other ancient states do you know?

How can we find out about them?

The textbook will help us answer this question. And also encyclopedias (encyclopedia demonstration)

– To expand our historical knowledge, today we are going to the Ancient World to explore the countries that left us a great heritage.

The period of the Ancient World is the longest - it covers several millennia. (Slide with verse) - What will we talk about in class?

Lesson topic: The world of antiquity: distant and near

The first ancient states arose near rivers and seas. Why? (It was convenient to move along the rivers; the river provided people with water for drinking and farming)

And one of these states is Ancient Egypt, which arose on the banks of the Nile River. Much later, Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome appeared on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea.Demonstration on the map.

(divided into three groups) each group will study one of the Ancient states, using various sources (encyclopedias, textbooks). Notes are made in a notebook (key points).


1.Where is the state located?

2. Main occupations of the people.

3. Famous buildings.

3 . Discovery of new knowledge.

Written work in notebooks.

1. Search for information in literary sources. The teacher helps and checks the students as they work.

2. Defense – a story from a group representative.

The teacher complements the student’s story about the Ancient State. (myths of Ancient Greece, Olympic Games, Christianity, alphabet - 27 letters; Egypt - calendar 365 days, papyrus, hieroglyphs - 700 characters; Ancient Rome - planning and construction of cities, water supply, sewerage, paved roads, temples, banks, libraries, names of months).

4. Application of new knowledge.

And now I’ll check how you remember the new material (questions on cards - students pull them out and answer)

Blitz survey:

  • A grandiose structure - the tomb of the pharaohs?
  • State where the names of the months were invented?
  • Name the people who lived on the banks of the Nile River?
  • What is the Acropolis?
  • What people were skilled builders of bridges, roads, and palaces?
  • Home of the Olympic Games?
  • Name the capital of Dr. Greece?
  • Who did the inhabitants of ancient states worship?
  • Where did the first alphabet originate?
  • Name the ancient states?
  • Who is Pharaoh?
  • Show on the map one of the states that you remember?
  • What is the name of the material on which the other Egyptians wrote?
  • What ancient buildings can you name?

Conclusion: the inhabitants of ancient states were highly developed, skilled builders, scientists, and knew how to do a lot.

5. Independent work.

Match: (Work on 7 cards in pairs)

Check on slide

Ancient Egypt hieroglyphs

Ancient Rome papyrus

Ancient Greece Acropolis





6. Reflection.

Did you enjoy being explorers of ancient worlds?

What new things have you discovered?

Where can you apply this knowledge?

Homework instruction.

In additional literature, find interesting information about one of the states.

Lesson summary in 4th grade on the world around us

Topic: “The world of antiquity: near and far”

Objectives: 1. To introduce students to ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome.

    Develop oral speech.

    Cultivate interest in the subject.

During the classes:

    Organizing time.

    Checking homework.

– Now we will find out where the road of history will lead us. To do this you need to solve a crossword puzzle.

    One of the activities that man mastered towards the end of primitive history.

    People learned to ……… pottery.

    This was done by women and children.

    What is another name for an ancient person?

    Illumination of primitive artists.

    The main occupation of ancient man.




P rimary

Today we will talk about the world of antiquity: about other Egypt, about other Greece and about other Rome.

3. New topic.

Egypt is one of the most ancient states on earth. This ancient state arose on the banks of the Nile River, which originates in the mountains of Central Africa and flows into the Mediterranean Sea.

The Egyptians wrote with special characters - hieroglyphs.

- Hieroglyph- an ancient pictorial sign of Egyptian writing.

The ancient Egyptians knew how to build grandiose buildings, temples and pyramids.

Much later, other Greece and other Rome arose. Greece is a mountainous country on the Balkan Peninsula.

4. Teacher's story.

There is a high mountain in northern Greece called Olympus. The other Greeks settled their gods on it. The main one among the Greek gods is Zeus, the thunderer. One day the Greeks decided to build a new city, but could not decide what to call it. Athena wanted to give the city her name, and Poseidon – his. They decided to name the city after the god who would give the townspeople the best gift. Poseidon hit the rock with his trident - a spring gushed out of the rock. The Greeks rushed to the source - and the water was sea water, salty. Then Athena struck the ground with her spear and an olive tree grew. The gift of the goddess Athena was recognized as the best, and the city was named in her honor, Athens.

The name of Rome is associated with the name of its founder - Romulus. The legend tells about it like this. The young woman was executed and the twins were thrown into the Tiber River. The man who carried out the order was too lazy to enter the water and left the basket with the babies on the shore. The children got hungry and cried, the she-wolf heard their cry - she fed them. Later they were picked up by a shepherd and raised as his own children. When Romulus and Remus, as the shepherd called the boys, grew up, they decided to found a new city. Each of the brothers wanted to name the city by their own name, they quarreled, and Romulus killed Remus in anger. And then he founded a city, which he called Rome and became its first king.

Reproduction of K.P. Bryullov’s painting “The Last Day of Pompeii”

The event that the painter talks about occurred in 79 AD, when the city of Pompeii was destroyed as a result of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. Bryullov painted the picture over six years in Italy, after visiting the ruins of the famous Pompeii. A thorough study of excavations and literary sources, rich creative imagination helped him create a masterpiece in which the theme of death and destruction is intertwined with the theme of the high human spirit opposing it. On the right side of the picture we see a son persuading his old mother to gather strength and run away with him, next to him a warrior and a boy are rushing to carry out a weak old man, and the groom is saving the unconscious bride.

This painting is in the State Russian Museum in St. Petersburg.

    Homework: prepare a report about interesting facts about one of the states of the Ancient World.

    Checking what has been learned.

1. On the banks of which river did the Egyptian state arise?

c) Amazon

2. What is a hieroglyph?

a) Vowel sound

b) Punctuation mark

c) A special sign for writing

3. What grandiose buildings could the Egyptians build?

a) Temples and pyramids

b) Churches and cathedrals

c) Ancient Roman statues

a) Attica

5. The capital of which state is the city of Rome?

a) Egypt

b) Italy

c) Greece

a) Pantheon

c) Parthenon

7. Which city was buried under a layer of ash during the eruption of Mount Vesuvius?

a) Pompeii

6. Lesson summary:

What did we talk about in class today?

Were you interested? Why?

What did you like, what did you not like?

View presentation content

Municipal educational institution "Putin Secondary School"

Stepanova Lidiya Grigorievna

Primary school teacher of the first category

Perm region, Vereshchaginsky district 2008

  • Get to know ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome.
  • Develop oral speech.
  • Cultivate interest in the subject.

Egypt -

one of the most ancient states on earth.

This ancient state arose on the banks of the Nile River, which originates in the mountains of Central Africa and flows into the Mediterranean Sea.

The Egyptians wrote with special characters - hieroglyphs.

Hieroglyph – ancient pictorial sign of Egyptian writing.

The ancient Egyptians knew how to build grand buildings -

temples and pyramids.

Arose much later

Ancient Greece.

Greece – mountainous country on the Balkan Peninsula.

Time and people have not been kind to the temples of the Acropolis, including the most famous - Parthenon.

In the modern city of Rome, many ancient buildings have been preserved, who tell us about the past.

Reproduction of a painting by K.P. Bryullov "The last day of Pompeii"


  • On the banks of the river... the Egyptian state arose

a) Tiber

b) Neil

c) Amazon

a) vowel sound

b) punctuation mark

c) a special sign for writing

a) temples and pyramids

b) churches and cathedrals

c) ancient Greek statues

a) Attica

b) Piraeus

c) Athens

a) Egypt

b) Italy

c) Greece

a) Pantheon

b) Forum

c) Parthenon

a) Pompeii

b) Athens

c) Rome

Used literature:

The world around us. Textbook for 4th grade. beginning school.Ch. 2./ A.A. Pleshakov, E.A. Kryuchkova. M.: Education, 2006. – 207 p.

Lesson developments for the course “The World around us”. 4th grade. / O.I. Dmitrieva, O.A. Mokrushina. M.: “VAKO”, 2006. – 368 p.

http://www. sunhome. ru

ru. wikipedia. orq/wiki/


1.Ancient Egypt
2.Ancient Greece
3.Ancient Rome.

The history of the Ancient World goes back several thousand years. During this era, there were such states as Ancient Egypt, Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece.

1. Ancient Egypt

Egypt - one of the most ancient states on earth. This ancient state arose on the banks of the Nile River about 5 thousand years ago, which originates in the mountains of Central Africa and flows into the Mediterranean Sea.

The majority of the population were farmers who worked in the fields all year round to provide food for the cities. Peasants grew wheat and barley, fruits and vegetables, as well as flax, from which they made linen.

In Egyptian cities, people could buy everything they needed for life at the bazaar. Money did not exist then, so the townspeople exchanged some goods for others.

The main transport in Ancient Egypt there were ships that sailed along the Nile River. The boats were built from papyrus, a reed that grows along the banks of the Nile. They moved with the help of wooden oars or long poles. Later, the size of the ships increased, and rectangular sails began to be installed on them.

Rainfall in the Nile Valley is so rare that 10-12 year old children may never have seen rain in their lives. Life on the banks of the Nile was possible only because every year it overflowed and overflowed its banks. The coastal land was well saturated with water, and the water contained a lot of black silt (small rock particles and rotted plants). This silt settled on the yellow sands of the desert, and plants grew well on it - wheat, barley. The word “Egypt” itself means “black land”. Over thousands of years, thanks to the floods of the Nile, a thick layer of rich black soil formed in Egypt.

Ancient Egyptians We did not yet know the explanations for many natural phenomena, including the floods of the Nile. They believed that the world was ruled by gods. Many Egyptian gods looked like animals. The sun god Ra was depicted as a man with the head of a bird. The god of water and the flood of the Nile, Sebek, was represented as a man with the head of a crocodile. The god Thoth was the god of wisdom, calculation and writing. He was depicted as a man with the head of an ibis bird. The Egyptians believed that Thoth invented months and years and taught people to keep track of time. Thoth's miraculous gifts also included arithmetic calculations and writing.

The Egyptians considered many animals sacred. They revered the lion, bull, dog, cat, kite, falcon, ibis, crocodile, cobra, scorpion, and beetle.

The Egyptians wrote with special characters - hieroglyphs . In one case, a hieroglyph could depict and mean some object. But in another case, the same hieroglyph could serve to designate one or more consonant sounds. There were no signs for vowel sounds in Egyptian writing. Not everyone could learn such writing. The Egyptians treated those who mastered literacy with respect.

The ancient Egyptians knew how to build grandiose buildings - temples and pyramids.

Pyramids were built about 4,500 years ago to serve as tombs for the pharaohs. By order of the pharaoh (king of Egypt), thousands of people worked for many years to build the pyramid. First, it was necessary to level the construction site. Each building block was then hand-cut from the quarry and transported by boat to the construction site. 2.5 million stone blocks were used to build the largest pyramid.

In Egypt, not far from Cairo, there is the largest pyramid in the world and it weighs about seven million tons. This miracle - the pyramid is tomb of Pharaoh Cheops , its height is 148 meters. Pyramids of Giza - one of the recognized wonders of the world. They were built without the help of any machines or mechanisms.

In ancient Egypt, the most famous statue of a fantastic creature with the body of a lion and the head of a man is gigantic (length - 57 m, height - 20 m) " Great Sphinx ” in Giza, carved out of rock (1st half of the 3rd millennium BC), the Sphinx guarding the pyramids of Giza was one of the incarnations of the ancient Egyptian sun god. It is possible that the model for the face of this sphinx was Pharaoh Khafre. Everything that the deceased should need in the kingdom of the dead was placed next to the sarcophagus inside the tomb. Then the priests left, covering their tracks on the floor of the tomb.

Sarcophagus - a coffin made of wood, stone and other materials, often in the shape of a person.The ancient Egyptians knew how to build grandiose temples in honor of the gods. The temple complex had halls for rituals, wide passages for processions, and was served by thousands of servants and slaves. The priests in the temples were among the most powerful people in the country. They were believed to have a special relationship with God.

The temples of Egypt are wonderful architectural monuments. Karnak Temple - without any doubt, the largest in area in the entire ancient world, - was connected to the Luxor Temple on the banks of the Nile by a paved avenue of sphinxes.

Much later than Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome arose.

2. Ancient Greece

Greece - a mountainous country on the Balkan Peninsula.

In northern Greece there is high mountain , it is called Olympus . The ancient Greeks settled their main gods on the top of this mountain. The Greeks imagined the life of the gods on Olympus as the life of a noble family that seized power over other gods and people. The main among the Greek gods was considered Zeus - the thunderer , the god of the sea was subordinate to him Poseidon , god of the underworld Hades etc. The Greeks depicted their gods as similar to people. For example, god of wine Dionysus - in the form of a beautiful young man, goddess of love Aphrodite presented as a beautiful girl. The relationship between the gods is in many ways reminiscent of the relationship between people: they quarrel with each other, use foul language. And what happens is they fight and steal.

Athens - the capital of modern Greece. The heart of Athens is temple complex on Mount Acropolis . Once upon a time there was a paved road leading up the hill. On the day of the holiday in honor of the goddess Athena, city residents climbed up it. The main events of the holiday took place on the Acropolis.

The center of the complex is Mount Acropolis was, marble temple Parthenon, dedicated to the city's patron goddess Athena

Every major city had a theater, and theatrical performances were very popular.

Greek athletes trained in preparation for the sports festival, which was held in Olympia, located in southern Greece, every 4 years. This holiday was the predecessor of the Olympic Games, which are still held today. During the Olympics, any military actions were prohibited.

Already in antiquity, a simpler and more convenient writing appeared than the writing of the ancient Egyptians. The inhabitants of Phenicia came up with an alphabet in which each sound (letter) conveyed a specific consonant sound. The ancient Greeks created their alphabet based on the Phoenician script. In Greek writing, letters appeared for the first time to represent vowel sounds. The letters of the modern Russian alphabet are derived from ancient Greek letters.

3. Ancient Rome.

Ancient Rome, Roman Empire is the name of one of the most famous states in human history. The name of Rome is associated with the name of its founder - Romulus.

The Romans come from that part of Europe now called Italy. Date founding of the city of Rome counts 753 BC . Over time, the Romans created a powerful state. They conquered new cities, laid roads, built temples.

The Romans had about 120 national holidays a year. During these days, the Romans visited theaters, went to chariot races or gladiator fights. Chariot racing was a very dangerous sport. Gladiators were slaves or criminals who were trained to fight to the death in front of crowds.

Ancient Egypt

Egypt, which means “black land”, is a country of mysteries. Indeed, Egyptian civilization arose suddenly, as if by magic, and this raises many questions. How did this country move from savagery to civilization?

Quite unexpectedly, developed agriculture, a high level of writing, crafts, arts, and religion appeared here after 3500 BC. The Egyptians created a perfect mythology and unique architectural monuments. Egypt attracts close attention of scientists around the world.

Ancient buildings
Pantheon in Rome

“temple of all gods” in Rome, a monument of centric-domed architecture from the heyday of the architecture of Ancient Rome, built in 126 AD. e. under Emperor Hadrian, the architect Apollodorus of Damascus in 125 AD.
Karnak, Egypt

The largest temple complex of Ancient Egypt, the main state sanctuary of the New Kingdom. The ensemble includes temples dedicated to the Theban triad - the supreme god Amun-Ra, his wife Mut and son Khonsu.
Colosseum in Rome

The amphitheater, an architectural monument of Ancient Rome, is the most famous and one of the most grandiose buildings of the Ancient World that has survived to this day. The construction of the Colosseum dates back to the reign of the Flavian dynasty of Roman emperors. In the Colosseum, the largest amphitheater of Ancient Rome, gladiator fights and baiting of animals took place. There were places for spectators around the arena. Below them were powerful vaulted galleries made of brick and concrete.
Select the correct answer and mark it with a “+”
What does NOT apply to the history of Ancient Egypt:

pharaoh, nile, + Acropolis
Find the name of the ancient city:

+Pompeii, Karnak, Colosseum
What is NOT an architectural structure:

Parthenon, +Vesuvius, Pantheon
hieroglyph, pyramid, +Nile

Write down what chronology system existed:
a) in Ancient Egypt - solar calendar
b) in Ancient Rome - from the “foundation of Rome”

Write down the century we live in in Roman numerals: 21st century

Perm region, Cherdynsky district

Municipal educational institution "Valai basic secondary school"


"The world of antiquity: distant and near."

Compiled by teacher

primary classes

Krumm Daria Viktorovna

Valai 2011.

Subject. The world of antiquity: distant and close.

Lesson type: introduction to new material.

Target: to form an idea of ​​some of the achievements of people in the eras of Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome.


    To develop the ability to obtain information about eras from books, to choose the main thing.

    Develop logical thinking (analysis, synthesis, abstraction).

    Cultivate interest in the subject.

Equipment: candle, projector, computer, cards for checking homework, musical compositions, reflection tokens, time line.

Lesson Plan.

Lesson stage


Techniques and methods used

Organizing time

2 minutes

Methodology of M. Montessori

Checking homework

5 minutes

Working with TIO (individual cards), in pairs.


Working with new material

17 min

Children's messages, presentation, work with time tape, musical compositions.

5 minutes

5 minutes.

Physical education minute

3 min

Sirtaki dance

4 min

Fixing the material.

4 min

Compiling a syncwine.


1 min.

Working with tokens.

Lesson summary

1 min

Working with a book exhibition

During the classes.

    Organizing time.

Hello, dear guests, guys, welcome the guests.

Let's sit in a circle, see what I have? (Candle)

What does it give us? (Light and warmth).

Do you associate the word light with any other word? (Yes, with the word - knowledge.)

Guys, think and tell me why we started today’s lesson with a candle? (Today we will receive knowledge, i.e. light)

Of course, you are absolutely right. So, are you ready to get to work? Then take your places at your desks and we will begin our journey of knowledge.

    Checking homework.

To find out the story

And be friends with the teacher,

And stir up all the knowledge.

So, let's expand our knowledge and check our homework. But first, tell me which block we started studying in the lessons of the world around us. (story block).

And in order to find out what will be discussed in today’s lesson, each pair needs to solve a task. You have cards on your desk, move them towards you and start working.

Subgroups, tell us what you did. (1p - we listed the activities of an ancient man, 2p - we described an ancient man, 3p - we solved a crossword puzzle about an ancient man).

Well done! To what time do the results of your work date back? (They belong to the ancient world)

And since you have done such work, what do you think we will talk about today in class? (We will continue to talk about the ancient world).

Why do you think? (To find out how a person lived, what he did, what discoveries people made).

That's right! Today we will get acquainted with the eras of Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. Let's learn about some of the achievements of people at this time. 1 word

    Working with new material.

    Introduction to the era of Ancient Egypt.

Let's begin our journey.


2 words This is the beautiful Nile River. We are starting to talk about it, since approximately 5 thousand years ago the Egyptian kingdom arose on the banks of the Nile. Rainfall in this area is very rare. For example, children, having lived 10-12 years, have not seen rain.

3 words Every year the Nile overflowed (overflowed its banks). There is a lot of black silt in the water; it settled on the sands, and wheat and barley grew well on it. Egypt literally means “black land”.

What else did the civilization of Ancient Egypt become famous for? Elizabeth will tell us.

Ancient Egypt is very famous throughout the world, primarily for its buildings.

4 words Karnak Temple

5 words Temple of Luxor.

6 words The Pyramid of Cheops.

Temples were built in honor of the gods, and the pyramids were the tombs of the kings of Egypt - the pharaohs. The Egyptians believed that the world was ruled by gods.

7 words Sun God - Ra (man with the head of a bird)

God of water and the flood of the Nile Sebek (man with the head of a crocodile)

God of wisdom Thoth (man with the head of an ibis bird)

Thoth's gifts are the counting of time - months and years, as well as arithmetic counting and writing. The Egyptians have many sacred animals - lion, bull, cat, kite, crocodile, scorpion and others.

So, guys, look at the timeline, this is the time when the civilization of Ancient Egypt existed, one of the most ancient, it lived for almost 3000 years. Left a legacy for descendants:

Architectural monuments

Scientific knowledge

Knowledge in agriculture

Water transport

    Introduction to the era of Ancient Greece.

Much later than Ancient Egypt, the civilization of Ancient Greece arose. Katerina prepared a message for us about this era

-During the time of Ancient Greece, cities appeared that could not leave anyone indifferent.

8 words One of these cities is Athens, and the heart of Athens is the Acropolis. A high hill with steep slopes, an architectural ensemble is located on it.

9 words The most famous temple of the Acropolis is the Parthenon, 18 and a half meters high.

10 cl. In the north of Greece there is Mount Olympus, on its top the Ancient Greeks settled the main gods

Zeus is the thunderer,

Poseidon - god of the sea,

Hades - god of the underworld,

Aphrodite is the goddess of love and beauty, as well as many others.

Let's look at the timeline when the civilization of Ancient Greece existed.

Ancient Greece is the basis of European Culture. It is here that poetry, discoveries in science and technology, theater, and the first schools develop

The ancient Greeks were amazingly talented, cheerful and cheerful people. They loved music, sports and dancing. Let's plunge into the culture of Ancient Greece and dance the national dance - Sirtaki.

    Physical education minute.

    Getting to know the era of Ancient Rome.

Let's continue our conversation and listen to Mary's message about Ancient Rome.

-The year of the founding of Ancient Rome is considered to be 753 BC. The Romans created a powerful state by conquering vast territories.

In the modern city of Rome, many buildings have been preserved. For example, Colosseum 11 words.

12 words The Roman Forum is the center of public life in the city. In addition, the Pantheon Temple is the temple of all gods.

13 words What other cities looked like can be found out by visiting Pompeii.

14 syllables In ancient times, this city was buried under a thick layer of ash during the eruption of Mount Vesuvius.

15 words There is a painting that was painted by Karl Bryullov, our Russian artist, it is called “The Last Day of Pompeii”

The culture of Ancient Rome continued the traditions of Ancient Greece, therefore the time of its origin is approximately the same, the gods in these cultures are the same, only they differ in name. But still Ancient Rome left its mark, it was different

Religious restraint


Practicality, which was reflected in urban planning (communications, water pipes, pavements appeared for the first time) and the art of war.

    Fixing the material.

So, look at the board, we have 3 eras:

Ancient Egypt – water transport, agriculture, architecture;

Ancient Greece is the ancestor of the arts;

Ancient Rome - military affairs, comfort in everyday life.

To give a brief description of each of these eras, I propose to compile a syncwine.

Choose a card with an era, each pair makes up for its own era.

16 lines – here is a diagram for composing a syncwine. The table provides examples of words. You come up with a short sentence yourself.

Independent work.

Let's hear the answers about what you did.

Well done, I see that you have understood the main features of each era.


Now choose a token with the image of the era that you liked the most, justify your choice.

VI. Lesson summary.

Guys, what material did we learn about in class today?

You can find more information about a particular era in our library in the following books. ………………………………

In high school history classes, you will also become familiar with these civilizations.

Thank you for your attention.

Let's put on the clothes of the ancient Romans - a tunic, and thank our guests with a "zig" - throwing our hands up for the visit.

Cards for checking homework


    ______________________(pet breeding)

    _______________________ (work on growing cultivated plants)

    ____________________ (an activity as a result of which ancient man acquired fish)

    ___________________ (an activity that resulted in ancient man obtaining meat from wild animals)

    ___________ _______________ (an activity as a result of which primitive people ate the fruits of trees).


Words for reference: monkey talk, legs, grab, sloping, hit, dig the ground, low, more, less, sounds.

The earliest man was very different from you and me - modern people - and looked like a large _______________. However, people did not walk on four ____________, as almost all animals walk, but on two ____________, but at the same time they leaned forward greatly. The man’s hands, hanging down to his knees, were free; he could do simple work with them: ______________, _______________, __________ ___________. People's foreheads were _________ and _____________. Their brains were _________ than those of apes, but significantly __________ than those of modern humans. The ancient man could not yet _______________, he only uttered a few abrupt _________, with which people expressed anger and fear, and called for help.






    People learned to……………….. pottery.

    This was done by women and children.

    What is another name for the oldest man?

    Illumination of primitive artists.


Subject. The world of antiquity is distant and close.

Lesson type. Getting to know new material.

Target. To form an idea of ​​some of the achievements of people from the era of Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, and Ancient Rome.

Based on the goal, it is clear that there is plenty of material about the listed eras, which is why I decided that it was necessary to isolate the most basic, inherent only to this era, characteristic of it.

On the surrounding world in the history block, this is the second lesson, before we studied ancient (primitive) man. The homework check was aimed at identifying the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Since the lesson is being taught in the 4th grade, I decided that it was necessary to rely on the children’s work, teach them to independently obtain information, which was evident from the messages they prepared.

A history lesson cannot do without a timeline, which is why work was carried out with it, listing the main characteristics of eras, for better assimilation of the material, and the formation of ideas about civilizations.

In addition, music was played throughout the lesson, because psychologists have proven that when playing musical compositions, the material is better absorbed. Moreover, the music was in keeping with the era they were talking about.

The physical education lesson was completely subordinated to the topic of the lesson, so as not to seem contrasting and not to confuse the children’s train of thought. In addition, the guys plunged into the era of Ancient Greece and felt its traditions.

Whether the goal has been achieved can be clearly seen after the children have compiled a syncwine; elementary school children find it difficult to do it on their own, so approximate parts of speech were proposed, which had to be correlated in accordance with the era.

During reflection, children chose tokens with the era they liked, and also argued for their choice, which develops connected speech.

In the end, I decided that it would be advisable to work with a book exhibition, because the children were interested and could learn more information from the proposed program.

The outcome of the lesson, namely dressing up in the clothes of the Ancient Romans, was not chosen by me by chance, but so that the children would remember the material and leave the lesson on a positive note.

In addition, I think that the children did not get tired during the lesson, since there was a constant change of activities that were interesting for the children.

Review of the summary of a lesson on the world around us in the 4th grade by primary school teacher of the municipal educational institution "Valaiskaya secondary school" Daria Viktorovna Krumm, "The world of antiquity: distant and close", prepared by the teacher of Russian language and literature of the municipal educational institution "Valaiskaya secondary school" Zelenina Tatyana Petrovna.

The topic of the lesson is quite broad, “The World of Antiquity: Far and Near,” but the teacher managed to introduce the children to three civilizations of the Ancient World: Egypt, Greece and Ancient Rome. In this case, oral messages were used that were prepared by the students themselves, which contributes not only to the development of speech, but also to independence.

One of the children’s favorite lesson forms was chosen – a travel lesson. The topic of the lesson was formulated by the students themselves, answering the teacher’s questions. So, through a conversation, using associative thinking (technique with a lit candle), the teacher led to the topic and purpose of the lesson.

A special emotional mood was created. This was facilitated by the choice of music that accompanied the presentation, and the video sequence itself, which was not drawn out and at the same time contained a maximum of information.

The survey was individual, the students each worked with their own card. The teacher used elements of critical thinking technology. When consolidating, the class made a syncwine.

The physical education session in the form of the Greek folk dance “Sirtaki” was not very successful. The children were distracted by the costume that was lying on their desk (tunic).

An exhibition of books about these civilizations and an address by the teacher was appropriate.

The goal of the lesson has been achieved. The lesson turned out to be bright and memorable.


    A.A. Pleshakov, E.A. Kryuchkov “The world around us”, textbook 4th grade, part 2, Moscow “Enlightenment”, 2007.

    O.I. Dmitrieva, O.A. Mokrushina. Lesson developments for the course “The World around us”, 4th grade, Moscow “VAKO”, 2004.

    V.V. Meshcheryakova. S.V. Savinova. Repetition and control of knowledge “the world around us” grades 3-4. Moscow "Globe", 2010.

    Pictures from Yandex.

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