Presentation for the lesson "A. Pushkin "Winter Morning."

TYPE OF LESSON: Illustration

I. The educational aspect of the lesson.

  • Consolidating students' knowledge about the laws of drawing construction (plans, color schemes).
  • Achieve mastery of the technology of compiling a landscape on a computer.
  • Based on the acquired knowledge in drawing, teach students to apply it in the Paint program.

II. Educational aspect.

  • To cultivate aesthetic feelings in students.
  • Formation of educational activity through cognitive interest and solving cognitive problems.
  • Compliance with safety rules when working with a computer, education of accuracy.

III. Developing aspect.

  • Develop a sense of beauty and the need for self-improvement.
  • To develop students' ability to adapt to the modern information environment.

Computer, landscape sheet, notebook, pencil, eraser.

"Seasons" composer F.I. Tchaikovsky

  • January "At the Fireplace".
  • November "On the troika".
  • December "Christmas time".


  • Date, month
  • Lesson topic
  • Artists' names
  • Reproductions
  • Record player
  • Computer

The organizational moment is the emotional mood for the lesson.

  • Preparing children to perceive the music of Fyodor Ilyich Tchaikovsky.
  • Listening to music.

Guys, you are now going to listen to music. What feelings will arise in you?
- Did you like the music?
- What pictures did you imagine?
(We listen to the music of Tchaikovsky "The Seasons")
The children answer questions posed by the teacher. They represent pictures of a Russian stove, a clock, snow, evening, fireplace, etc.

Guys, today you listened to Tchaikovsky’s music “The Seasons”, and it is no coincidence that pictures of winter appeared in your imagination, since Tchaikovsky’s musical work is called “January”, as you yourself understand, this is the winter month. And what Russian doesn’t like winter, holidays, troika riding, Christmastide, etc. Look at the artist's painting...
- As you guessed, today in class we will talk about winter and draw illustrations for A.S.’s poem. Pushkin. " Winter morning". In literature class you learned about a poem. Maybe there are people who want to read it to us by heart.
(Children read a poem)
- Let’s remember what illustration is?
- Guys, which of these paintings could be an illustration for the poem?
I name the artist and the name of the painting.

Shishkin I.I. "Winter"

I. Grabar "February Azure"

Reproductions of A. Ryabushkin's "Winter Morning" and A. Plastov's "First Snow" were shown.

Now present your illustration for this poem. Introduced?
Before we draw it on the computer, let's remember the rules for constructing a drawing.
1. Plans.
2. Color scheme.

  • Cold colors of winter
  • Color scheme in plans.

Please sit in the cars.
Students work independently to create illustrations.
Exhibition of children's drawings created during the lesson.

Mikhailov Andrey "Winter"

Andreeva Anna "Winter morning"

Mukhamedzhanov Azamat

Did you like it?
- Well done!
- Those who did not have time to finish their work will continue it in the next lesson. Give your painting a title and save it.
- Goodbye!

Lesson topic: “Analysis of the poem “Winter Morning” by A.S. Pushkin”

Lesson objectives:

  • Continue your acquaintance with the lyrics of A.S. Pushkin,
  • Reveal the originality of the poet’s landscape lyrics;
  • Improve your skills in analyzing poetic texts

Working with words: Choose synonyms.

Let's surrender




Let's surrender

Conversation on questions:

What is the poet describing?

(morning, forest, sky, snow)

For what purpose does he use contrasting descriptions of nature?

(he wants to emphasize the splendor of a winter morning compared to yesterday's storm)

Read the first stanza of the poem expressively

Frost and sun; wonderful day! You are still dozing, lovely friend - It’s time, beauty, wake up: Open your eyes closed with bliss Towards the northern Aurora, Appear as the Star of the North!

K.A.Savrasov “Winter”

What mood is created in the first stanza? By what means?

The vocabulary of the first stanza: “frost”, “sun”, “wonderful day” - creates a mood of joy, cheerfulness, and admiration for nature.

S.Yu. Zhukovsky “Winter”

Read the second stanza of the poem expressively.

In the evening, do you remember, the blizzard was angry, there was darkness in the cloudy sky; The moon, like a pale spot, turned yellow through the dark clouds, And you sat sad - And now... look out the window:

How and why does the mood change in the second stanza?

The vocabulary of the second stanza sets an alarming tone, creates a gloomy mood: “angry”, “cloudy sky”, “sad”, “clouds”.

Subsequently, the effect of the beauty of nature is enhanced.

Antithesis -

contrasting words, images, episodes to convey thoughts and feelings, enhancing the expressiveness of speech.

Read the third stanza of the poem expressively.

Under blue skies, Magnificent carpets, Glistening in the sun, the snow lies; The transparent forest alone turns black, And the spruce turns green through the frost, And the river glitters under the ice.

S.Yu. Zhukovsky “Rime”

What colors is nature painted in the third stanza?

V.D. Polenov “Early snow”

Pure, transparent shades: blue, gray, silver.

Read the fourth stanza of the poem expressively

The whole room is illuminated with an amber shine. The flooded stove crackles with a cheerful sound. It's nice to think by the bed. But you know, shouldn’t I tell the brown filly to be banned from the sled?

Is it possible to hear what is happening in the house?

... With a cheerful crash

The flooded stove is cracking

Consonant sounds [r], [t], [s], [sch] help convey the crackling sound of firewood in the stove

Alliteration -

repetition of identical, consonant consonant sounds in poetry or prose to enhance the expressiveness of speech.

Read the last stanza of the poem expressively

Sliding through the morning snow, dear friend, let us indulge in the running of the impatient horse and visit the empty fields, the forests that were recently so dense, and the shore that is dear to me.

L.L. Kamenev “Winter Road”

Where does the lyrical hero go from the comfort of the room?

The hero dreams of the rapid running of a horse, which will give a feeling of will, freedom, and space. This reveals the unity of the beauty of man, nature and life.

I.I.Shishkin “Winter”

What does the poet depict in the poem?

A.S. Pushkin depicts a picture of nature, and through it his feelings and emotions, experiences and mood. In his poem, the poet showed that nature is in close relationship with man; winter does not put him to sleep, but calls him to action, invigorates him, awakens joy and creativity.


  • Learn the poem “Winter Morning” by heart;
  • Draw illustrations for the poem;
  • For those interested: try your hand at landscape poetry.

The presentation is an analysis of one of the most famous poems by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin entitled “Winter Morning”. The purpose of the lesson is to read the work with the class, disassemble it, and note what artistic means the poet used to paint a picture of a beautiful winter morning.

“Frost and sun are a wonderful day...” Many children remember these lines from an early age, without even knowing that they belong to the most famous and revered Russian poet. In this literature lesson, they will be able to become more familiar with its content and meaning. First, a general description of the poem and its content is given. Students get acquainted with the history of the creation of “Winter Morning”. Afterwards, the analysis of the poem begins, according to which the mood is conveyed using a certain set of words and epithets.

The teacher introduces the class to the meaning of words that may be unknown to him. It talks about the composition of the poem, what the author describes, how his mood changes during the course of the story. At the end, the poem is summed up, it is said what its main thought and idea are.

A.S. Pushkin

"Winter morning"

Analysis of the poem in order to identify the means
helping the author convey
the beauty of winter nature.

“Frost and sun - a wonderful day...”

“Winter Morning” is one of the brightest and
expressive works about winter.
It is a brilliant and at the same time direct sketch of the poet’s feelings and thoughts evoked by the beauty and charm of a winter morning in the village.

The work was written by Pushkin very quickly, within one day (November 3, 1829) in the village of Pavlovskoye, Staritsky district, Tver province, on the estate of P.I. Wulf.
This time Pushkin stopped by his good friends, the Wulf family, in the Tver province on his way back from the Caucasus.

From the history of the creation of the poem

Frost and sun;
wonderful day!
You're still dozing
lovely friend -
It's time, beauty, wake up:
Open your closed eyes,
Towards northern Aurora
Appear as a star of the north! A mood of joy and cheerfulness is created
using emotionally charged vocabulary:
“wonderful”, “lovely friend”, “beauty”
Sound and vivid definitions show
the strength of the poet's feelings, happiness,
which overwhelms him.

Doesn't it surprise us
phrase open your eyes?
After all, now you can only cast glances,
fix your gaze, lower your gaze,
but don't open it.
Here the noun looks
the old meaning of “eyes.” The word is also of interest.
Before us is the so-called truncated participle,
which was one of the favorite poetic
liberties of poets of the half of the 19th century.

The word Aurora, following the pretext towards,
must be in the dative case (Aurora).
Pushkin has Aurora. This is not a typo
and now an obsolete archaic form.

“Nega- outdated.
1. Complete contentment.
Live in bliss.
2. Bliss, pleasant
Indulge in bliss."
(from S.I. Ozhegov’s dictionary) Nega –1. A state of serene peace.
2. Sensual intoxication, pleasure.
(dictionary of Pushkin's language)

The word "nega" does not correspond to the listed meanings
in a poem. It's better in modern Russian
translate the word dream, since sleep is
the most complete “state of serene peace.”

In the evening, do you remember, the blizzard was angry,
There was darkness in the cloudy sky;
The moon is like a pale spot
Through the dark clouds it turned yellow,
And you sat sad -
And now... look out the windowThe vocabulary of the stanza creates a gloomy mood:
“The blizzard was angry,” “the darkness was rushing,” “dark clouds.”
But the splendor of a winter morning is felt
even stronger in contrast to yesterday's storm

"last night"

Darkness, gloom
(in common use)

The poet uses it to mean
"thick snow hiding in the fog
everything around"

Under blue skies
Magnificent carpets,
Glistening in the sun, the snow lies;
The transparent forest alone turns black,
And the spruce turns green through the frost,
And the river glitters under the ice.

Slide No. 10

The whole room has an amber shine
Illuminated. Cheerful crackling
The flooded stove crackles.
It's nice to think by the bed.
But you know: shouldn’t I tell you to get into the sleigh?
Should I ban the brown filly? Author from admiring the beauty of nature
goes on to describe the interior
(internal space of a building, premises),
to convey a sense of peace and quiet at home.
The poet’s feeling of joy grows and requires movement,
I want to visit places dear to my heart

  1. 1. Presentation for the literary reading lesson “A.S. Pushkin “Frost and Sun” (3rd grade, “Perspective”) Primary school teachers of the Izosimovsky branch of the MBOU Kochetovskaya secondary school N.Yu.
  2. 2. Listen to a poem performed by Dmitry Zhuravlev
  3. Read the poem yourself, underline the words you don’t understand.
  4. 4. bliss - a state of serene peace, pleasure, bliss eyes - in the meaning of “eyes” evening - evening haze - darkness, gloom. The poet uses the meaning of “thick snow hiding everything around” to ban - harness Aurora - the morning star to command - to order Vocabulary work
  5. 5. Analysis of the poem When reading the poem, you can feel that it is imbued with a joyful mood. The whole poem can be divided into parts
  6. 6. 1st stanza. The beginning of the poem is a joyful exclamation. The sonorous and vivid definitions of “wonderful, lovely” show the strength of the poet’s feelings, the happiness that overwhelms him
  7. 7. 2nd stanza. When describing nature, the poet uses the contrasting state of nature. The splendor of a winter morning is felt even more strongly in contrast to yesterday's storm, which is described with the same precision
  8. 8. 3rd stanza. In the third stanza, the author describes the Sky, snow, forest... Snow is compared to a magnificent carpet. The stanza contains a repetition of anaphora (And the spruce... And the river...) The same root words are used: Shining, shining, shining.
  9. 9. 4th stanza. The author moves from admiring the beauty of nature to describing the interior (internal space of a building, room), to conveying a feeling of peace and tranquility at home. He uses the technique of alleteration... The flooded stove crackles with a cheerful crackling sound” (A.S. Pushkin). The poet’s feeling of joy grows and requires movement, he wants to visit places dear to his heart
  10. 10. But you know: shouldn’t I tell the brown filly to be locked in the sleigh? Sliding through the morning snow, dear friend, let us indulge in the running of an impatient horse.
  11. 11. And we will visit the empty fields, the forests that were recently so dense, and the shore, dear to me.
  12. 12.  - What feelings did this poem evoke in you?  - What pictures did you imagine?  - Why does Pushkin remember yesterday’s blizzard? How does this help convey his mood?  - What does the room look like this morning?  - What intonation will you choose? Conversation
  13. 13.  The mood of cheerfulness and joy is created with the help of the words “wonderful”, “lovely”, “beauty”, “magnificent”, “brilliant”.  The narrative in the poem is in the first person, addressing the interlocutor. The poet chooses the form of dialogue in order to convey the intonations of a casual conversation.  The author of the poem appears before us as kind, simple, close to the people - dialect words, short sentences, addresses, general tone. Drawing conclusions

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