The fortune teller predicted that. The greatest predictors

Great predictions about the future

Shocking Predictions

Sergei Krasilnikov

© Sergey Krasilnikov, 2017

ISBN 978-5-4483-9224-5

Created in the intellectual publishing system Ridero


When creating this book, at the final stage, the need arose to rewrite it. I will say right away that this small job was given to me with great difficulty. Having completed 95% of the work, writing the text, I still decided to compose it differently. At first, this chronology consisted in the fact that I wrote about each individual predictor, loading the reader with a biography and predictions, but then I realized (in the end) that I needed to give information differently.

Otherwise, it means easier and more accessible. For convenience, I decided to break down the predictions by prophet and topic of prediction as much as possible. The book will be divided into three chapters, each of which has its own meaning.

First chapter. Forecasters. A short biography of the prophets, important moments from life and fulfilled predictions.

Second chapter. Predictions. Similar predictions such as:

Climate, disasters and ecology;

Politics and wars;

General degradation of society;

Spiritual development of society.

In the predictions, I allocated a special place to two countries, not because the others are insignificant, but because it is these two places, the USA (West) and Russia, that are most often mentioned in connection with the most striking events and the existence of this world. There are predictions about other countries and continents, but it is these countries that are most often mentioned in a global sense, as places of major action. Europe is viewed more in conjunction with Western culture.

In this chapter I will collect those predictions that were repeated by predictors in different eras. Of course, you can always interpret these predictions in different ways, in your own way, because they (the predictors) lived in different times, eras and in a different cultural environment (society). Still, I will try to somehow summarize everything that they said and wrote.

Third chapter. Important result. All that has been said (or written), what it may mean to us and what the message may be hiding. Should you be wary of predictions or take their word for it? After all, it is important not only to know “what will happen?”, but it is important to understand why we need to know this and where to direct our gaze, thoughts and actions.


In fact, it’s difficult for me to talk about everyone at once. These are unique people and books, they all deserve special attention, respect and gratitude. All these people and books on the list are no worse than the previous ones, each at one time achieved heights in the direction in which they developed. I repeat once again that these are unique Personalities.

At the same time, I don’t want to bore the reader by talking about individual periods in the lives of these people; this is not the purpose of this book. Its goal is to find commonality in the predictions of people, unique people who lived in different times, different countries, spoke different languages ​​and lived different periods of life. The most amazing thing about them is that these people influenced our development and continue to influence us to this day, with their works, their lives and the predictions they made in different periods of their lives. They are amazing, scary, similar and, of course, some confusing.

Since these are different times and different people, the language in which they expressed themselves may differ, but an inquisitive reader should understand everything. If we compared the ancient Russian and modern Russian languages, it would be difficult for us to understand these people, just as it was difficult for them to understand us, but by understanding some words, we gradually begin to grasp the general meaning, comparing with the context, the same happens with the prophecies of these people. They (prophecies) were given at different times, for different eras, and the prophets conveyed them in the way they could then explain it, in their own language. A person who has not seen a train before, seeing it, can say that it is an iron caterpillar crawling along iron lines or something similar, but you and I begin to build associations and we already have a picture.

When interpreting predictions about the future, we (you and I) may face the same lack of understanding of what the predictor is talking about until we see it ourselves (the train example). Much ahead is still incomprehensible to us, and this is being said by people whose views are even older than ours, which is why it is even more difficult for them to explain what they see.

Let's start studying their works, looking for parallels and general trends, interpretations, and try to put the mosaic together into one overall picture.

I want to know more...

This small work was very unexpected for me on the one hand, but also quite predictable on the other. I, like most people on this planet, am very interested in knowing what awaits me, my family and humanity as a whole, what will happen in the future. This is probably one of the needs for protection and stability in life, because when we know something, we can be ready for it. We can understand what we should do to get the maximum benefit. Here I primarily pursue the need for knowledge, satisfying curiosity and understanding the interconnection of everything that surrounds us.

We live on the same planet, but it feels like we are in different worlds. So people always find a reason for war, strife, against the backdrop of nationalism, religion or place of residence. I want you to realize, by reading this work, that we are all in the same harness, that by dividing and robbing our neighbors on the planet, killing people, conquering, we are fighting, killing and robbing ourselves. Everything that happens in the world is not accidental and is God’s plan. The Supreme Personality, the One who wants us to live in peace.

The second goal that I pursue is to help people to some extent, because all these predictions that are described here occurred at different times, in different countries and were pronounced by different people, but the only thing they have in common is the desire to help others, the message , so that people think and begin to develop spiritually. Spiritual development is not just coming and lighting a candle once a month, or saying that you are a Christian, Muslim, Jew, etc. It is work, first of all, awareness of yourself as a soul, everyday work, when you engage in self-development and change your understanding of this world. These are not cheap things, this is constant work leading to certain results.

Thirdly, this is work for those who simply believe in mysticism and know that all this takes place. I can definitely declare for everyone that this work will seem at least entertaining to you, but I hope it will serve as an impetus in your life that this is all for a reason and that there are no accidents in this life, but there are laws and there is a Lawgiver, the One who creates and implements these laws.

Fasten your seat belts and enjoy, it will be interesting...

In this work, I will mainly take those predictions that many people know about, and I will also take little-known (authoritative) sources in the West.

The only thing I can’t do is take all the predictions from all the sources in the world. I could include here a bunch of texts, for example from the Koran, the Bible and a huge number of Vedic scriptures, but this small work will include a limited number of soothsayers and only some scriptures that, in my opinion, most clearly coincide with what was said or the prophets wrote.

Criteria for selecting sources (scriptures) and predictors.

An important criterion for accuracy in predictions is, no matter how funny it may seem, the predictions themselves, those that have already come true. In this work I will not talk about past predictions, well, maybe only in passing. If this topic is really interesting to you, then you can find materials on the Internet or in libraries; this work is about something else. This will be a kind of list of famous, great people and scriptures who made these predictions for us, and find parallels in them, and when I start drawing parallels, you will understand how amazing it is that even sometimes people get goosebumps. I will also try to touch on what does not fit between them, but believe me, if you look at all these predictions from a certain position, they agree by 99%.

The first one we will talk about is Vanga. Almost the whole world knows her. Why did I take it? Well, probably because it was with her predictions that I began to compare the rest. Or rather, I began to compare Vanga’s predictions with the Vedic scriptures, although I came across them a little later.

In the book I will highlight predictors and key points. Often, predictors do not agree in time, because what they see are images, and I suspect that images are difficult to interpret for the logical mindset that the Western world possesses, but the facts themselves remain facts. Predictions come true, with an error in time, but they exist and are eerily realistic and described in detail. Work with other predictors and scriptures will follow the same scenario. At the end of this work, I will summarize what sacred meaning can be embedded in these predictions, based on their repetition and moral message. After all, the goal of the prophets is not to satisfy the curiosity of ordinary people, but to guide society, to give a key. Let's talk about these keys.

In ancient times, at the dawn of civilization, people who were able to foresee the future were equated with divine creatures. And much later they did not lose their power and power. They are always called differently: prophets, soothsayers, seers. They have the ability, unusual for most, to see the future, distant or near.

Forecasters foresee the fate of entire states or individuals. Some consider this a unique gift, others consider it an excellent ability to compare their knowledge of the past and, based on it, make predictions about the future. However, the most prominent of the prophets were respected by their contemporaries and also became famous throughout the world.

Foretellers of antiquity

Epimenides is an ancient Greek soothsayer. According to legend, he was a simple shepherd who accidentally discovered his miraculous abilities. Epimenides was able to predict to his compatriots the Persian attack on Crete, saving them from the plague. For this, the people of Athens erected a monument to him.

Jeremiah is a major politician of his era. The fortune teller was considered an outcast in his society. He tried to open the eyes of his fellow tribesmen to the real state of affairs in Jerusalem, to the poverty of the people, and rapid changes for the worse. But the ruling elite did not hear him, firmly believing in the exclusivity of their nation.

Elijah is the most famous prophet of antiquity. He actively persuaded his people to renounce paganism and accept the true faith.

Daniel is a biblical prophet who predicted doom.

Bukid is an ancient Greek soothsayer who was one of the first to describe his visions in a book. It is worth noting that this name eventually became a household name - in some countries the prophets began to be called Bakids.

Cassandra is the daughter of King Priam of Troy. According to legend, the god Apollo gave her the gift of providence. The girl made her predictions in a state of trance, so many considered her crazy.

Edgar Cayce is an American visionary known for prophecies about the Great Depression and the invention of the laser, about two World Wars and the collapse of the Soviet Union. Although many of his predictions did not come true, for example, Hitler’s unification of European countries into a democratic union, the revival of Atlantis in the mid-20th century.

Polish psychic. Hitler considered Messing an enemy because he foresaw the fall of the Reich. Stalin did not like him either. Despite the help during the Great Patriotic War, the “leader of the peoples” could not forgive the seer for knowing the exact date of his death.

Blind peasant woman from Bulgaria. She knew how to diagnose a patient, although she did not treat it herself. “I saw” the fate of the person who turned to her. She foresaw the beginning of World War II, the death of the Kursk submarine, and left prophecies until the year 3797.

Sheikh Sharif is an African boy. His prophecies are mainly related to Muslims. He knew how to heal with the touch of his hand, knew several languages, although he had not studied anywhere, and was quoting the Koran at the age of four months.

Russian seers

Procopius of Ustyug was one of the first to be canonized by the Orthodox Church. He predicted the death of Ustyug and thereby saved the city and healed the city squad. According to legend, if this holy fool carried three pokers with the curve upward, then this is to, with the handle upward - to a shortage in everything.

St. Basil the Blessed is the Moscow holy fool. He knew how to predict people's future. He predicted to Elena Glinskaya the birth of her son Ivan the Terrible, not forgetting to mention his cruelty and despotism. He prophesied the death of Tsarevich Fyodor and Ivan Vasilyevich himself, and foresaw his own death.

He is believed to have predicted the 1917 Revolution and the death of the royal family, described in his letter to Nicholas II.

Monk Abel. Russian clairvoyant who predicted the time of death of Catherine II, Paul I, the attack of Napoleon and the destruction of Moscow.

Vasily Nemchin. A Russian predictor who told about the reign of three empresses: Anna Ioannovna, Elizabeth and Catherine II, about the bloody reign of Ivan the Terrible, and about the attack of the French. Although some skeptics call Nemchin an invention of Pavel Globa.

He played a significant role in the life of the last imperial Romanov family. He prophesied the blockade of Leningrad, the dropping of atomic bombs on Japan, Gagarin's flight, the American landing on the moon, the communist regime.

Nina Kulagina. She had the ability to telekinesis. It could expose photographic film, affect magnetic fields, and cause a burn on the skin with the touch of a palm. During one of the experiments, Ninel Kulagina was able to stop the frog’s heart through an effort of will.

Juna (Evgenia) Davitashvili, a Russian seer, our contemporary, was L.I.’s personal healer. Brezhnev. She left behind prophecies about an economic crisis and sanctions.

The American fortuneteller of the 20th century Jean Dixon became famous for her gift of foresight during her lifetime.

Already at the age of 5, she frightened her mother with her visions, because, as a rule, she saw the death of friends or relatives in her dreams. Jean Dixon accurately predicted everything that happened on the fronts of World War II. Moreover, American politicians began to turn to the fortuneteller for help and advice.

Thus, Jean Dixon predicted in 1948 that Harry Truman would become President of the United States, although at that time the favorite in the race was New York Governor Thomas Dewey.

Even President Roosevelt himself turned to the fortuneteller Jean Dixon for advice. Self-fulfilling prophecies allowed her to become Reagan’s personal astrologer. What exactly the famous fortuneteller advised the top officials of America is not clear, but it is known for sure that despite the strained relations between the USSR and the USA, she constantly insisted: Russia will become a source of freedom and strength. She argued that Russia would bring to the world a completely new world order system that would help unleash the creative potential of humanity.

"The hope of the world, its revival will come from Russia. It is in Russia that the most genuine and great source of freedom will arise. Then every person will live for the sake of his ideas... and these ideas will save humanity", she said.

Monk Abel is a famous soothsayer who also made many predictions about Russia. Catherine the Second herself was afraid of him, because he predicted her death to the minute. As if fleeing from an evil prophecy, the Empress put him in prison, but she could not escape her fate; on November 17, 1796, Catherine died, and Paul the First ascended the throne.

Having served in prison for more than 20 years, just before his death the monk wrote a letter that all Russian emperors dreamed of seeing. There were legends that it was in it that Abel described in detail what awaited Russia and each of its rulers in the coming centuries. But no one could read the letter - according to the will of the author himself, it was kept classified as “secret” in the secret rooms of the Holy Synod. And the king himself could not gain access there. Abel bequeathed to open the letter exactly 100 years after his death. As it turns out later, the secret letter contained the following lines:

"Moscow will be taken by the French in the fall of 1812 and will be burned".

Under Soviet rule, practically nothing was known not only about Abel’s revelations, but also about the monk himself. They say that Mikhail Gorbachev was the first to see his prophecies in many decades after the revolution. Unlike the 20th century, the 21st soothsayer paid little attention. But everything about this time begins with another terrible mystery. Russia must understand and accept its savior. Abel explained how to recognize it.

"His name is destined three times over in Russian history. There have already been two, the heroes served one, the second will be born on one day, and they will honor him on another. On the third is the mark of fate. In it lies the salvation and happiness of the state", the prediction said.

What name do the records refer to? Many names of Russian monarchs were repeated twice. Alexander, Nikolai. But only one name fits the description of Abel - Vladimir. The first one whom the heroes served was Vladimir Red Sun.

The second is Vladimir Ulyanov - Lenin. He was born on April 10 according to the old style, and when switching to the new calendar, the whole country celebrated his birthday not on the 23rd, as it should have been, but on the 22nd.

The famous fortune teller Vanga also spoke about the fateful name Vladimir for Russia.

She predicted the greatness of Russia several times. She even claimed that in the future Bulgaria would become part of the revived Union. And her most famous forecast was recorded back in 1979.

“Everything will melt like ice, only one thing will remain untouched - the glory of Vladimir, the glory of Russia. Too much has been sacrificed. No one can stop Russia. She will sweep everything out of her way and not only survive, but will also become the ruler of the world,” she said she.

Any mention of this prediction was then prohibited - they were afraid that the word Russia instead of “Soviet Union” would prophesy the collapse of the Union. And one more mysterious phrase - Glory to Vladimir...

Some researchers are sure that both monk Abel and Vanga, speaking about Vladimir, had in mind the current president of Russia. Today, despite all the political games and propaganda, he is respected all over the world. His rating is growing, and not only in Russia, today he is one of the most influential people on the planet.

Some researchers believe that Putin's popularity is exactly what is described in the predictions about Vladimir, and about the greatness of Russia. And indeed, Russia today is an important player in the international arena, without which almost nothing can be decided today... Moreover, it is Russia today that really saves, if not all of humanity, then very many people from military conflicts: from Syria to Donbass.

Therefore, many people look at Russia as a savior and as a power capable of giving humanity some kind of new, more just world order... After all, the West, in the opinion of many, has exhausted itself, we live in the era of the decline of Western civilization..

Experts even believe that European civilization is under threat of destruction, because a long time ago in the European Union everything was turned upside down, and very often, under the slogans of the struggle for human rights and democracy, wild things happen there.

This is a fragment of the German documentary "The Man Who Loves a Dog". In the footage, zoophiles openly talk about their feelings for their four-legged pets.

And this was filmed in Berlin, in February of this year. A crowd with posters and banners in the central square of the city. True, these people are not protesting for the sake of raising wages or other social benefits. It's hard to believe, but they all came to fight for the rights of zoophiles. Activists are protesting against a law passed in Germany last year that classifies bestiality as animal cruelty. Another thing is terrifying: in some European countries there are even brothels for zoophiles.

Researchers claim that the great prophets were not mistaken when they predicted a great future for Russia. It is coming today. Throughout its history, our state has had to endure more than one test of strength. And despite everything, we managed to survive. Today Russia is one of the world leaders, and, as some scientists point out, perhaps this already happened, only thousands of years ago.

The American predictor Edgar Cayce, the medieval alchemist Paracelsus, and even Nostradamus himself spoke about this - everyone said that it was Russia that would become the salvation of all mankind.

At the same time, Michel Nostradamus, according to experts, in one of his predictions was able to even foresee the war in Ukraine.

The predictions of Michel Nostradamus are very difficult to understand - he did this on purpose: he carefully encrypted his prophecies in order to protect himself from the Inquisition.

During his life he wrote more than a thousand predictions. As a child, walking around the city, Michel fell on his knees in front of a monk and called him Pope. It later turned out that the monk's name was Felici Peretti. Several decades passed, and he really became the Pope. This is how Nostradamus’s first prediction came true. In the book “Centuries”, published in 1555, the prophet described the Great French Revolution, the escape attempt of Louis XVI and the execution of the king and Marie Antoinette, World War II and even the collapse of the USSR in 1991.

Some experts note that the French soothsayer dedicated most of his predictions to Russia. Especially in the 21st century. Nostradamus, in one of the quatrains, encrypted the information that the most important year will be 2025. After him, the country will be the strongest. But at the beginning of the 21st century, according to the deciphered quatrains, an open confrontation between Russia and two brother countries is possible.

"Of the three brothers there will be differences, then union and harmony. And the greatest peace will be established between the warring and divided children", says the prophecy.

Experts are confident that we are talking about the very war that is now taking place on the territory of Ukraine and its disagreements with Russia on this issue. Who the second “brother” will turn out to be, with whom he will soon have to seek agreement, remains to be seen.

No one knows yet how these confrontations will turn out for us; the ancient texts have not been fully deciphered. The only reassuring thing is that, according to the great prophet, peace will be concluded between the countries, and this will be done thanks to Russia.

Edgar Cayce made 26 thousand predictions throughout his life, but the most amazing thing is that a significant part of them are also about Russia. True, unlike Nostradamus, he saw his heyday precisely in Western Siberia, and the mission of the Russian people in changing the world.

"The mission of the Slavic peoples is to change the essence of human relationships, free them from selfishness and gross material passions, and restore them on a new basis - on love, trust and wisdom. Hope will come from Russia to the world", Casey said.

The American-Danish astrologer and predictor Max Handel argued that in the era of Aquarius the Russian people will achieve a high degree of spiritual development. According to astrologers, the beginning of the era of Aquarius is December 30, 2003, the day when Neptune crossed the Aquarius-Pisces border. And it will finally come on December 21, 2020, when Saturn and Jupiter will be in conjunction in the first degree of Aquarius. Some already call Russia the Power of Aquarius.

"People who thought about space exploration, for example, Tsiolkovsky, Academician Vernadsky, are prophets of the Age of Aquarius. The ancients believed that the zodiac constellation Aquarius was projected precisely into this hyperbalian country from the point of view of the Greeks, that is, into a country whose territory is now associated specifically with our state", says astrologer, rector of the Astrological Institute Pavel Globa.

According to the predictions of Max Handel, the New Era and the dawn of humanity will begin in Russia. He was confident that the Russian world, which, according to him, although it would endure terrible suffering, would eventually become the center of the world order.

"Throughout their existence, the Russian people and the Slavic race will be great and joyful, for they will be reborn from deep grief and unspeakable suffering, and the law of compensation will in due time lead to the opposite", he asserted.

Not a single predictor or astrologer doubts that Russia has a great future. Vanga, even before her death, seriously ill, made her last prophecy - and it was specifically about Russia. Drawing a large circle with her hands, she said:

"Russia will again become a great empire, first of all an empire of the spirit".

Prediction is the process of obtaining information from the future through supernatural means and transmitting this information to other people. Since the ability to see into the future has no rational explanation, it is quite often recognized as a deception or fantasy - even if the predicted event exactly comes true.

The same butterfly effect

Photo: predicting the future We will still proceed from the fact that predictors are really capable of looking into the future. But how can this be explained? Today it is believed that a forecast will be absolutely correct only if the predictor knows all the conditions preceding the upcoming event. This, for example, is the basis for most natural laws and rules that are statistically probable. For example, a stone thrown up will inevitably fall down. But such a situation cannot always be achieved.

Take the weather, for example, which is influenced by hundreds of known and unknown factors, which themselves are in an unstable balance. This circumstance can be compared to balancing a pencil placed on the tip: it is absolutely impossible to say in which direction it will fall. And in order to throw this pencil out of balance, absolutely insignificant forces are required, which are, rather, not physical, but of a signaling nature.

This situation, thanks to the light hand of the American researcher Edward Norton Lorenz, is called the “butterfly effect”: supposedly a butterfly that flaps its wing in the United States can cause a severe storm in Indonesia. That is, as the French mathematician Henri Poincaré said about this even earlier: “Small differences in the initial conditions give rise to huge differences in the final phenomenon... Prediction becomes impossible.”

But, nevertheless, it happens and often turns out to be absolutely accurate!

Secrets of Witchcraft

If the prediction made, for example, by futurologists and science fiction writers, is still based on some kind of initial scientific basis, then the prophecies of clairvoyants and fortune-tellers have practically no such physical basis. However, this does not mean that all their predictions are simply a figment of fantasy. The techniques they use are as old as time. Most of them were developed by previous generations of clairvoyants, and they have nothing to do with academic science.

Nevertheless, these mantic techniques (manticism is a state of consciousness in which the gift of prophecy is manifested - editor's note) contribute to obtaining information from the future - which is completely impossible from the standpoint of traditional science. The effect is achieved due to the penetration of the fortuneteller into a parallel reality, or the subtle world (call it what you want). And there, temporal, spatial and many other gradations, so important for the physical world, simply do not make sense. Such insights are possible not only with the help of card fortune telling or drawing up horoscopes.

This also happens due to the special properties of the predictor’s personality: innate or developed abilities allow him to enter an altered state of consciousness, for which this multidimensional reality, or the subtle world, associated with our world, seems to be a special reality.

Pitfalls of the subtle world

People strive to find out their future in any way, so predictions and soothsayers are always popular. At the same time, many often do not take into account one thing: knowledge of what has not yet happened and what can be avoided or, on the contrary, accelerated, along with a positive side, also has a negative side. The fact is that the mind of a predictor, as a sophisticated person and in a special way connected with the subtle world, has a materializing effect.

In other words, a clairvoyant can not only predict future events, but also actually change reality and push his client towards these events. Remember the story of the prophetic Oleg, poetically described by Pushkin and, perhaps, what happened in reality. If the prince had not met the magician, his life would have turned out completely differently. The Prophet not only prophesied Oleg’s untimely death “from his horse,” but also actually modeled the development of events.

Nowadays, this happens not only from negative prophecies, which is understandable, but also from those that, at first glance, promise a happy future. In any case, predictors take on enormous moral responsibility, since they interfere not only in someone else’s fate, but also in another reality, which can affect a person’s fate in the most unexpected way. The behavior of the prophet in this case can be considered arrogant and adventurous and resembles playing with matches in a powder magazine...

Any prediction, becoming known and being repeated, spoken, read many times, can become irresistible, gaining power over people who believe in it. Although it differs in intent from a spell, it is essentially the same. Prediction eliminates the initial ambiguity and vagueness of the situation, unconsciously pushing a person often towards a path that is not best for him. This disrupts the natural connection between cause and effect for the physical world, which change places, causing insoluble paradoxes and destroying physical reality itself.

If a person had treated the predicted troubles with irony, had fun and soon forgotten about the promised troubles, they might not have happened. In some cases, a soothsayer who “saw,” say, the imminent death of a dissolute or sick person, introduces this program onto the prepared soil, thereby only spurring the process. The information contained in the prophecy, in this case, forms a clear scenario, as a result of which the person who has learned about the danger only seems to be moving away from it, but in reality he is moving by leaps and bounds towards it.

Nostradamus most likely knew about this, which is why he encrypted his quatrains. We decipher them only in retrospect, when the predicted events have already occurred. For the same reason, the I-Ching (Chinese “Book of Changes”), Tarot cards, and Scandinavian runes also give vague prophecies. Almost all predictions of this kind lack names, titles, dates - the subtle world itself protects us from premature information that could destroy our existence.

Dangerous for fate!

Is it really true, as esotericists believe, that our fate is predetermined and the notorious freedom of choice is a delusion? And in fact, we are all puppets in a cyclopean show called “Physical Reality”? However, not all so simple. No one is trying to argue: what has already happened clearly cannot be replayed or reversed. There is an alternative only for what is yet to be. So it is in our world of forms. But everything is different in the subtle world, where everything is connected to everything, including the inexhaustibility of options for future events on equal terms with the past - in some kind of synthesis incomprehensible to us.

For example, with the help of a dangerous prediction, a virtual reality is created, which can be very difficult to destroy or neutralize. Prophecies generated by extravagant desire or unbridled imagination, despite all their ephemeral nature, as mentioned above, have a tendency to materialize. Well, fortunately, this is not always carried out to the end.

However, even if a prophecy promises unprecedented success, it must be treated with caution. The fact is that wonderful predictions are never given for a healthy life, especially if there are no material prospects for a rosy future. And in this case, according to the law of karma, they must be paid for by a person, and the more radical the predicted events, the more powerfully.

Fate, as it were, closes the portal between worlds, created by an adventurous prophecy, through “leveling” events - tragedies of a personal or even global scale. And this happens not only after receiving unpleasant knowledge about the future, but also after acquiring undeserved material benefits.

An example is William Jacobs's story "The Monkey's Paw," where a married couple, taking a dried monkey's paw that granted three wishes, "ordered" a large sum of money and immediately received it, but only as insurance for their dead son.

Nowadays, everyone who is not too lazy is engaged in fortune-telling - on a crystal ball, on cards, on runes... If those who are told fortunes often face the unpleasant materialization of a negative prediction, then the soothsayer himself receives karmic blows in the form of illnesses, misfortunes and other things that shorten it life because he interfered with higher matters. And if a person makes fortunes for himself, then he gets both. In other words, radical predictions are especially dangerous because they violate the law of cause and effect (karma), which is the basis of the physical world.

It seems that the global economic crisis has hit us suddenly. But, as you can see, the great sages and prophets, long before our times, expressed fears about “collision with the future.” And they not only made predictions and prophecies about the onset of difficult times, but also asserted the possibility of successfully overcoming these trials.

Seraphim of Sarov (1754–1833)

“Before the birth of the Antichrist,” the prophet predicted, “there will be a great war and a terrible revolution in Russia, beyond all human imagination. There will be terrible bloodshed. Many people faithful to the Fatherland will die, plunder of church property and monasteries, desecration of the churches of the Lord; destruction and plunder of the wealth of good people, rivers of Russian blood will be shed. But the Lord will have mercy on Russia and lead it through suffering to great glory...

I see the restoration of a powerful Russia, even more powerful. On the bones of the martyrs, as on a strong foundation, a new Rus' will be erected - according to the old model; strong in her faith in Christ God and the Holy Trinity. And according to the behest of Holy Prince Vladimir, it will be like a single Church! The Russian people have ceased to understand what Rus' is - it is the foot of the Throne of the Lord! Russian people must understand this."

Righteous John of Kronstadt (1829-1909)

This holy man, the centenary of whose death was widely celebrated by the Russian Orthodox Church, left diaries in which the fate of Russia was described. “We will live to see terrible times,” writes John of Kronstadt, “but the grace of God will cover us... The Antichrist is coming into the world, but this is not recognized in the world.

The whole world is under the influence of some force that takes possession of the mind and all spiritual qualities of a person. This is an evil force. Its source is the devil, and evil people are only the instrument through which it operates. These are the forerunners of the Antichrist. Everyone is going against Russia, that is, against the Church of Christ, for the Russian people are God-bearers!”

Venerable Barsanuphius of Optina (1845–1913)

They did not believe his predictions - shortly before his death he was expelled from Optina Pustyn and transferred to another monastery. But he did not stop... “Now we are experiencing the pre-Antichrist time,” said the Monk Barsanuphius. - God’s judgment on the living has begun, and there will not be a single country on earth, not a single person who will not be affected by this. It started with Russia, and then further... And Russia will be saved. We all need to suffer a lot and repent. Only repentance through suffering will save Russia.

We must beg the Lord for forgiveness. Repent of sins and be afraid to commit even the slightest sins, but try to do good.

Don't be afraid of anything. The Lord will show his wonderful mercy. The end will be through China. There will be some kind of extraordinary explosion, and a miracle of God will appear. And there will be a completely different life on earth, but not for very long. The Cross of Christ will shine over the whole world, because our Motherland will be magnified and will be like a beacon in the darkness for everyone.”

Blessed Matrona of Moscow (1885–1952)

The blind prophetess, who was canonized by Patriarch Alexy II, allegedly predicted Stalin personally the timing of the Great Patriotic War and its outcome. “The world lies in evil and delusion, and delusion is the deception of souls. The people, under hypnosis, were not themselves, and a terrible force came into action.

This force exists in the air and penetrates everywhere. How sorry I am for you that you will live to see the last times. Life will get worse and worse... The time will come when they will put a cross and bread in front of you and say - choose! But there is no need to be afraid of anything. The Lord Himself will manage everything! How many people have disappeared, but Russia existed and will exist! Pray, ask, repent! The Lord will not abandon us and will preserve our land.”

Venerable Amphilochius of Pochaev (1894–1971)

This amazing righteous man, a monk from the Pochaev Lavra, was glorified quite recently - in 2002. There is evidence that Stalin’s daughter Svetlana Alliluyeva came to him for help and advice. She allegedly pulled the elder out of the Lviv psychiatric hospital, where he was sent during the years of persecution of the church. The Monk Amphilochius was a clairvoyant and possessed an amazing gift of healing: the bone fracture lines he drew in ink on the skin always exactly corresponded to the readings of the X-ray machine! The Monk Amphilochius did not hide his rejection of Soviet power, about which he spoke in the harshest years:

“Soviet power is nothing before God, it is like dirty laundry. The housewife came home and brushed away the cobwebs with a broom - this is how God will easily sweep away Soviet power.”

Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets (1924–1994)

This sage from Holy Mount Athos, although not yet glorified as removed, is considered throughout the Orthodox world to be a great prophet of our time. In his works, he absolutely accurately predicted all the problems that globalization would bring to the world, and described the main stages of the current and then future economic crisis. Back in 1987, Paisius argued: “Behind the worldly spirit of modern “freedom”, the lack of respect for the Church of Christ and for elders - parents and teachers who have the fear of God - lies spiritual slavery, confusion and anarchy, leading people to a dead end, to spiritual and physical catastrophe... And similarly, behind the improvement of “computer security” systems, a worldwide dictatorship is hidden, that is, enslavement to the Antichrist!” However, Paisius the Svyatogorets himself gave a recipe for salvation in times of crisis: “Don’t give in to panic!.. No matter what happens, you need to pray, think and act. When a difficult situation arises, one must always try to spiritually resist it.”

Edgar Cayce (1877–1945)

The famous American, who gained fame as a “sleeping prophet” for his ability to predict the future and diagnose diseases in a special dream-like state, made important global prophecies in his time. For example, according to Cayce's biographers, there is quite reliable evidence of the clairvoyant's foresight of two world wars, the global economic crisis of 1929 with descriptions of the amazing details of the crash on the stock exchanges, as well as the beginning of the economic recovery in the world in 1933. Casey accurately predicted the formation of the state of Israel, the independence of India, the decline of the communist era, the establishment of friendly relations between Russia and the United States, and, finally, the “religious development” of our country.

Regarding America, the prophet predicted an increase in racial and social tensions and named the dates for the death of American presidents Franklin Roosevelt and John Kennedy. With all this, Cayce did not consider his insights to be the ultimate truth, but repeatedly emphasized that nothing can be predetermined for sure - only possibility is predetermined.

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