Predictions about Syria for the year. What will follow the fall of Syria? Prediction about Syria

Predictions about Russia for 2016-2020 say that this time period promises to be very eventful, which will bring important changes for Russia. 2014 - Russia acquired a strong patron, who is the Sun. Spring 2014 was the time when Mars and Saturn met. Such a meeting does not bring anything good, contributes to an increase in the number of aggressive situations, increases the general degree of tension, which is why military conflicts occur, accompanied by large-scale disasters. The influence of Mars makes its own adjustments, leading to a scenario for solving the problem, which, as a rule, is not typical in other situations.

Difficult five-year period

The first two years of the five-year plan will be distinguished by rather difficult solutions to foreign policy problems. Russia will be criticized by the European Union and the United States and will lose many of its traditional allies. But trials will only strengthen the spirit and strengthen Russia’s influence in the world. Of course, many people do not like this development of events. The patronage of the Sun will help overcome difficulties and confront everyone with the emergence of a completely new world order.

Consolidating Russia's leading position on the political scene

2016 – doubts regarding Russia’s dominant role in world politics will be dispelled. For the next four years, Russia will move towards its goal; in 2020, the goal will be achieved. Unfortunately, this time cannot be called easy for Russian citizens, which became especially noticeable in the second half of 2015 and will manifest itself again in 2019.

The importance of the next five-year plan for Russia cannot be overestimated. Of course, there is no escape from the difficult situations that will haunt the Russian Federation. But representatives of Vedic astrology insist that Jupiter and the Moon provide protection to Russia. Until 2020, these planets chose their second home as their habitat. Therefore, Russia will not find itself without the support and assistance it needs.

Aggressive influence of the Moon

The influence of the Moon on living organisms living on the planet is notable for its ability to increase the psycho-emotional background. If the Sun’s occupation of the sixth house is added to this, people begin to experience a feeling of anxiety, panic attacks, and aggression.

Mars and Mercury, located in the fifth house, patronize those who are associated with business, forcing them to act under the influence of emotions. At the same time, the generation of informed decisions and the manifestation of diplomacy are not observed. This state of affairs will contribute to success in the work of producers, managers, bank employees and the high-tech information industry.

Russian economic growth is expected from 2016 to 2020

Most astrologers express an opinion about 2016 as bringing favorable circumstances for the economic development of the country. It should be noted that this situation follows a scenario that obeys a certain algorithm. There is also a high probability of economic decline in 2018, 2019 and 2028. It is advisable to prepare for such a turn of events in advance and know that for the economy this is a kind of test of strength and stress resistance.

What awaits the world in the near future?

The United States and the European Union, continuing to ignore many of their own problems, will try to impose their will on Russia, without worrying about the absolute destructiveness of such an approach. At the same time, Europe will face massive clashes between Islamists and neo-Nazis, and America will be overwhelmed by an abundance of clashes between African Americans and the police.

2020 will be the year when the Russian Federation, Transnistria, Belarus, Novorossiya, Abkhazia will create a Union and introduce a single currency. Russian will receive the status of a second state language in all these countries. In addition to a single economic space and one border, everyone will have dual citizenship.

Predictions about Russia for 2016-2020

Michelle Nostradamus
Clairvoyant Jean Dixon

: Natural disasters of the beginning of the 21st century and all the global disasters caused by them will least affect Russia, and they will affect Russian Siberia even less. Russia will have the opportunity for rapid and powerful development. The hopes of the World and its revival will come precisely from Russia.

Predictions of the Italian seer Mavis

Russia has a very interesting future, which absolutely no one in the world expects from Russia. It is the Russians who will begin the rebirth of the entire World. And no one can imagine how profound these changes will be throughout the vast world, caused specifically by Russia. In Russia, even the deepest province will come to life, many new cities will appear and grow on the very periphery... Russia will reach such a uniquely high level of development that no one, even the most developed state in the world, does not have now and even by that time will not have... Then follow Russia all other countries will follow too... The former current Western path of development of earthly civilization will very soon be replaced by a new and precisely Russian path.

Prediction of the monk Ragno Nero. XIV century

: “In the Northern Country of the Hyperboreans - in Russia, a new universal religion of Fire and Light will appear... The Religion of the Sun (Fire and Light) in the 21st century will experience a victorious march, and it will find support for itself in the northern Country of the Hyperboreans, where it will be revealed in its new quality” .

Astrologer and clairvoyant Yuri Ovidin

“Russia will become the birthplace of a completely new religion... The Representative of the Universe is already on earth, he will create the religion of the future, based on the idea of ​​​​spiritual purity...

Edgar Cayce

: “The mission of the Slavic peoples is to change the essence of human relationships, free them from selfishness and gross material passions, and restore them on a new basis - on love, trust and wisdom. From Russia hope will come to the world - not from the communists, not from the Bolsheviks, but from free Russia! It will be years before this happens, but it is the religious development of Russia that will give the world hope.”

Grigory Rasputin

: ...When the time of purification comes, many spirits will return to earth and take on the forms that they already had in the past. In many strong “Tsarskoye Selo” there will live the resurrected, whom only trusted ones will be able to hear. Miracles will happen here. The Great Bishop will come to “Petersburg”, and the bells of all churches will greet Him and announce peace.

Then three kings will meet in “Petersburg”, and the only Barn will saturate Europe. In sunset times you will see miracles and suffering. But you will also see the kingdom of shadows in human form. Do not take your eyes off the East (Russia), for from there new prophets will come. They will prepare the way for the Lord, who will also come in splendor from the East...

At all times, people were divided into those who did not believe any predictions, believing that the future was not determined, and those who listened to the soothsayers. We will not adhere to the point of view of either one or the other, since truth, as always, is ephemeral and elusive for human consciousness. Let's just get acquainted with the statements of prophets and astrologers about what awaits humanity in the coming 2016. In any case, it's interesting.

There will be no apocalypse

I would immediately like to reassure our fatalist readers that not a single predictor promised an Apocalypse in the near future, so the coming year, apparently, will not be the end of the world. Nevertheless, we will have to endure serious cataclysms, both natural and human, in this short period.

The most serious threat is the possibility of a Third World War with the use of weapons of mass destruction, the source of which almost all prophets call the countries of the Middle East, where tension has already reached such a limit that it could soon result in a global geopolitical conflict. True, the seer Vanga once wrote that until Syria falls, there will be no war. But the great Michel Nostradamus predicted that in 2016 people on Earth will suffer en masse from destructive rays (quite similar to radiation from the use of atomic weapons).

True, almost all the prophets placed great hope in Russia and China, which, in a fraternal alliance and with good will, can completely change the course of historical events and prevent world carnage. In this regard, the United States is no longer mentioned as a superpower, since 2016 will be fatal for them, when the country will find itself in a deep political and economic crisis, quickly losing its influence in the world.

In Western Europe, many soothsayers, psychics and even researchers, such as James Hensen, prophesy great natural and economic disasters, namely the flooding of a large part of the continent, as well as the collapse of the European Union.

Predictions for Russia for 2016

The future of the Russian Federation worries not only the Russians themselves; today every earthling realizes that the world order on the entire planet depends on what Russia will become in the near future.

Astrologer Pavel Globa, who won the trust of people by accurately predicting the civil war in Ukraine and the collapse of this country in 2011, predicts a rapid economic revival of the Russian Federation. And this will be, he says, all the more surprising since the global economic crisis will rage in the world in 2016. Against its background, Russia will strengthen and increase its global influence, significantly displacing the United States of America.

This will also be facilitated by the Eurasian Economic Union, which is destined to significantly strengthen and expand next year due to the entry of European countries into it. This process will especially intensify after the collapse of the EU, when many Western European countries will want to join the union led by Russia.

The Bulgarian seer Vanga, who is also distinguished by the accuracy of her predictions, spoke a lot about the greatness and spiritual revival of Russia. In her opinion, next year the Russian Federation will not only get back on its feet economically, but will also begin to help other countries. But the main thing is that a national idea will appear in Russia that will unite all the peoples of this great power, which, ultimately, will allow it to become the spiritual leader of the whole world. All these changes, Vanga clarifies, are associated with the ruler, who will be called the Great.

Nostradamus also wrote about the greatness of Russia, calling this country the world hegemon, which it will become after 2016. True, the medieval prophet warned that this could play a cruel joke on a great power, since it would lead to disagreements in society and even coups. In addition, nature will be unfavorable against Russia at this time, subjecting the eastern parts of the country to global flooding and the central part to massive forest fires. However, Russia will emerge from all these trials with honor!

Predictions of Pavel Globa for 2016

Russian astrologer Pavel Globa has been giving fairly accurate forecasts for the future for 30 years. In his opinion, 2016 is a landmark year for almost every country, although, as always, the world powers are primarily in view, since the fate of the planet depends on them.

So, next year, economic and political collapse awaits the United States and the European Union. The economic crisis will lead to devastation and political unrest in the United States, and the EU will simply begin to disintegrate. The crisis in the EU economy is already being felt, next year Portugal will declare itself a bankrupt country, after which the UK will finally decide to leave the EU. This will be the beginning of the collapse of this union, which will cease to exist by the end of 2016. Naturally, the Eurodollar will also die for a long time, countries will again return to their national currencies, and borders will be closed for visa-free travelers who are already accustomed to freely moving around Western Europe.

Russia, as we have already mentioned, will easily overcome the global economic crisis, strengthen its position thanks to the Eurasian Union, opposing NATO with a much more powerful alternative in force. The Eurasian Union itself will expand throughout 2016, it will include Gagauzia, Transnistria, and then Novorossiya - a union of regions that do not want to live in Ukraine.

In Ukraine itself, another revolution will take place in the spring, which will bring to power those who are ready to cooperate with Russia and the Eurasian Union. The pro-Western husk will simply fall off the Ukrainian leaders.

As for natural disasters, Pavel Globa pointed to the possible flooding of Western Europe, as heavy rains will cover the UK, Italy and the Balkan countries in 2016.

Predictions of Michel Nostradamus for 2016

The quatrain poems of the great Nostradamus have more than once opened pages of the future for humanity, which have come true with amazing accuracy. What did this prophet write about the events of 2016?

Global natural disasters and bloody wars in the Middle East, which Nostradamus mentions, will claim many lives. The confrontation between the two countries in this region, as well as the situation when people in turbans begin to literally cut each other, and the involvement of many other states in this quarrel, may, according to the prophet, very well result in the Third World War.
In addition, he writes, at the end of the year an event should occur that could agitate the entire Islamic world, after which a thirty-year war between Christians and Islamists will begin. As a result, there will be only one religion left on Earth. But Nostradamus didn’t specify which one...

In the quatrain poems of the medieval prophet, scientists also saw global natural disasters that await humanity in 2016. Europe will suffer the most, expecting a great flood in the spring of next year. Heavy rain will occur in the UK, Italy, Hungary and the Czech Republic for several months.

But in America, destructive tornadoes of unprecedented force will rage. Russia and Australia will also be seriously affected by nature; they will experience the worst forest fires in history, and they will not be extinguished until the fall.

Vanga's predictions for 2016

Note that the blind Bulgarian seer almost never gave exact dates, so she does not have a specific prediction for 2016. But Vanga talked a lot about what awaits humanity at the turn of 2010-2018. Some of her prophecies have already come true, for example, the global economic crisis, which, in her opinion, will take place in three stages.

Since we have already experienced two of them, then, apparently, a third awaits us, which is designed to overthrow the regime of a unipolar world. Apparently, Vanga foresaw the collapse of the United States, after which this power would lose its world dominance, losing leadership to Russia and China. Germany's influence will increase in Europe. We have already mentioned that Russia will become a spiritual world leader in Vanga’s prophecies about the Russian Federation.

With the greatest concern, the blind seer spoke about the conflict in the Middle East, which could very well escalate into the Third World Massacre. Vanga even pointed out that the most serious threat in this regard comes from Afghanistan, Iraq and Turkey. These countries can start a war among themselves and use weapons of mass destruction. But this will happen only after Syria falls. However, Vanga clarified, a global collapse will not happen; this will become possible thanks to the efforts of Russia and China.

Predictions about Russia for 2016-2020 say that this period promises to be quite interesting, filled with exciting events that will bring important changes in the life of the state and its citizens. In 2014, our country acquired a strong patron, which is the Sun. This fact created the preconditions for Russia’s involvement in world politics, taking a very tough, serious, and uncompromising position on a number of fundamental issues.

The spring of 2014 was the time when Mars and Saturn met. Such a rendezvous does not bode well; it contributes to an increase in the number of aggressive situations, increases the general degree of tension, which is why military conflicts occur, accompanied by large-scale disasters. This was confirmed by the fighting in Ukraine and Syria. The influence of Mars makes its own adjustments, leading to a scenario for solving the problem, which, as a rule, is not typical in other situations.

On the nineteenth of July last year, a phase favorable to lovers began and lasted a whole year. Many Russians started families at this time. True, the situation was overshadowed by the deterioration of the international situation.

Difficult five-year period

The first two years of the coming five-year plan will be distinguished by difficult solutions to foreign policy problems that the top officials of the Russian Federation are forced to take, placing the burden of responsibility on themselves. The country will be criticized by figures from the European Union and the United States of America and will lose many of its traditional allies. However, trials will only strengthen the spirit and strengthen Russia’s influence in the world. It goes without saying that many people do not like this development of events. The patronage of the Sun will help in overcoming difficulties and will confront everyone with the emergence of a completely new world order.

Most of the problems in the financial sector occurred before mid-spring 2015. Already in May, decisions of state leaders and various international organizations began to appear at the forefront of events.

Consolidating Russia's leading position on the political scene

Starting from 2016, doubts regarding Russia’s dominant role in world politics will be dispelled. For the next four years, the country will move towards its goal, and in 2020 it will achieve it. Unfortunately, it will be difficult to call this time carefree and easy for Russian citizens, which became especially noticeable in the second half of 2015 and will appear again in 2019.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance and significance of the next five-year plan for Russia. Of course, there is no escape from the difficult situations that will haunt the country. But representatives of Vedic astrology insist that Jupiter and the Moon provide protection to our state. Until 2020, these celestial bodies chose a second home as their habitat. Therefore, Russia will not find itself without the support and assistance it needs.

Aggressive influence of the Moon

The influence of the Earth's natural satellite on living organisms living on the planet is notable for its ability to increase the psycho-emotional background. If the occupation of the sixth house by the Sun is added to this circumstance, people begin to experience a feeling of anxiety, panic attacks, and aggression.

Mars and Mercury, located in the fifth house, begin to provide patronage to those involved in business, forcing them to act under the influence of emotions. At the same time, the generation of informed decisions and the manifestation of miracles of diplomacy are not observed. This state of affairs contributes to the success in the work of producers, managers, employees of the banking sector and the high-tech information industry.

The growth of the Russian economy is expected from 2016 to 2020

Most astrologers are inclined to believe that next year will bring favorable circumstances for the economic development of Russia. It should be noted that this situation follows a scenario that obeys a certain algorithm. There is also a high probability of a decline in economic indicators in 2018, 2019 and 2028. It is advisable to prepare for such events in advance and know that for the economy this is a kind of test of strength and stress resistance.

What does the world expect in the near future?

The United States of America and the European Union, continuing to ignore many of their own problems, will seek to impose their will on Russia, without worrying about the absolute destructiveness of such an approach. At the same time, Europe will face massive clashes between Islamists and neo-Nazis, and the United States will be overwhelmed by an abundance of clashes between African Americans and police.

It is sometimes difficult to understand the attitude of the US elite towards the Russian World and the path chosen by Russia. In addition, the war on the Arabian Peninsula is not enough for the restless representatives of the “exceptional nation”. They still want to fight with Russia, forgetting that no one has succeeded in this without harm to their own well-being. 2020 will be the year when Russia, Transnistria, Belarus, Novorossiya, Abkhazia form a Union and introduce a single currency. Russian language will acquire the status of a second state language in all these countries. In addition to a single economic space and one border, everyone will have dual citizenship.

What are the predictions for the end of the world?

Today, faith in the other world is strong, and the opinion of scientists is not considered the ultimate truth. Therefore, there may be an effect when a mechanism is launched that facilitates the process in which prophecies begin to become self-fulfilling. The fact is that the faith of a huge number of people can push them to actions that make the approach of an event that might not have happened real.

Predictions about Russia for 2016-2020

According to the famous astrologer Pavel Globa, due to the economic crisis, difficult times will come across the planet. Oddly enough, Russia will not only not lose the opportunity to influence the situation, but will also become much stronger. In the future, Russia, China, and the United States will become the main players on the world stage. Thanks to the increase in state power and the creation of the Eurasian Union, to which new states will join in 2016 (Gagauzia, Transnistria), Russia will be respected even more. Globa predicts a threat to its integrity for the European Union, and the Baltic states may want to have allied relations with the Russian Federation.

Dalai Lama, considering Aquarius the patron saint of Russia, assigns our country a key role in the further development of the entire world civilization and focuses primarily on the revival of spiritual values, and only then on technological and economic influence. A country that has become home to a great many peoples will take on the burden of uniting others. A new religion will be a derivative of the old religion, and calls for equality, justice and freedom will no longer be just beautiful words.

The result of all changes will be the advent of an era when the ruler of Russia will be a wise man, chosen to carry out a great mission by divine forces. True, his name is still unknown. Russia, guided by God's Chosen One, will reach out to ancient wisdom, I was sure monk Abel.

American D. Brinky prophesied that Russia would become the guiding star that would illuminate the peoples wandering in darkness with light.

Astrologer Yu. Ovidin also inclined to think of Russia as the creator of a world religion, the roots of which are in spiritual crystal purity.

Great Edgar Cayce had no doubts about the extraordinary personality of the new Russian leader, whose emergence at the helm of the country would happen unexpectedly, and no one would be able to resist him. The sphere of influence of a talented ruler will not be limited to our country alone. Based on the rule of law, he will wisely lead the entire world, leading the planet to prosperity.

Prediction of the Bulgarian fortuneteller Vanga, where she mentions Syria: “When the wildflower ceases to smell, when man loses the ability to sympathize, when the river water becomes dangerous, then a general destructive war will break out”; “War will be everywhere, between all peoples...”; “The truth about the end of the world should be sought in old books”; “What is written in the Bible will come to pass. The Apocalypse is coming!Not you, but your children will then live!”;

“Humanity is destined for many more cataclysms and turbulent events. People's consciousness will also change. Hard times are coming, people will be divided by their faith. The most ancient teaching will come to the world. They ask me when this will happen, will it be soon? No, not soon. Syria has not yet fallen. Syria will collapse at the feet of the winner, but the winner will not be the same!”

Reverend Bishop of Sissania and Siatitzi Father Anthonyabout future times and Syria: “...grief will begin with the events in Syria. When terrible events begin there, start praying, praying hard. From there, from Syria, everything will begin! After them, expect grief in our country, hunger and grief.

During the last days we kept asking him: “Vladyka, what will begin, how, tell us.” He said what he would say, but he died, but all the time he repeated these words about Syria. Then we didn’t understand everything, but now it became clear to us...”

The famous American "sleeping" prophetEdgar Caycepredicted the start of World War III. He said that the divisions arising "... in Libya, in Egypt, in Ankara, and in Syria, in the straits above Australia, in the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf, will lead to the beginning of a worldwide conflict."

SoothsayerJoanna Southcott(England), which foresaw the beginning of the French Revolution, the rise and fall of Napoleon, warned back in 1815: “When war breaks out in the East, know that the end is near.”

Apparition of the Virgin MaryAmerican clairvoyant Veronica Luken: “The Mother of God now looks sad. I see she's pointing to what looks like a map. My God! I look at the map. Oh, I see Jerusalem and Egypt, Arabia and French Morocco in Africa. Oh my god! These countries are currently in very deep darkness. My God! The Mother of God says: “The beginning of the Third World War, my child.” Now another card. I see Israel and neighboring countries. They were all burning...

The war must grow, the carnage must intensify. The living will envy the dead, so great will be the suffering of humanity.”

A big war will begin in the future. It will coincide with the war in the Middle East.”

“Syria will be the key to peace or World War III. This will be the destruction of three quarters of the globe. The world is on fire because of the Redemption Ball."

The Redemption Ball is what Veronica Luken calls an unusual comet star that will appear in the sky of our planet in the near future.

From the Sibyl of Erythraeathere is a prophecy about the future fate of Syria.

Now I cry for you, unfortunate Syria.
Reason has left you, Thebes; terrible sounds loomed
Loudly calling flutes, a menacing trumpet echoes them -
So you will see your land thrown into dust.
Canto 7, 115-118.

Thebes, in this case, is an ancient city in Upper Egypt, near modern Luxor.

Prophet Isaiah's prediction about Syria.

17.1 - Behold, Damascus is excluded from the number of cities and will be a heap of ruins.

17.2 The cities of Aroer will be abandoned, they will remain for the herds that will rest there, and there will be no one to frighten them.

17:3 The stronghold of Ephraim and the kingdom of Damascus with the rest of Syria will no longer be; The same thing will happen to them as to the glory of the children of Israel, says the Lord of hosts.

Armageddon is the site of the final battle between good and evil (the Antichrist), which will take place in the “end times”, during the second coming of the Messiah.

The texts of the prophecies about Armageddon also speak about people from the country “from the north” who will come along with Gog. From the predictions of the seers it follows that the Antichrist will be an American, respectively, the western country of Magog - North America.

The “end times” predictions mention another northern nation that will fight the armies of the Antichrist in the land of Israel. According to plans, this is a union of Slavic peoples from the north. Since the Battle of Armageddon will involve two nations coming from the north, it is necessary to distinguish between their roles in this battle. One northern people are the troops of the Antichrist from North America, the other people are the Russians, who will come from the north of Eurasia and destroy Satan.

Perhaps he mentioned the same period of timeMichelle Nostradamus.

5 - 26
Slavic people thanks to military success
Will rise to the highest level.
The prince will be replaced and a provincial will appear.
The army, having climbed the mountains, will pass by sea.

1-2. Victorious military actions of the Russian armies in the war with the Antichrist. The military-political rise of Russia (“the highest level”).
“And in the days of those kingdoms, the God of Heaven will erect a kingdom that will never be destroyed, and this kingdom will not be transferred to another people; it will crush and destroy all kingdoms, and it itself will stand forever...” (Dan. 2:44).
The prophet Daniel does not say about which people will be given the “everlasting kingdom”: “The kingdom and power and royal greatness in all the heavenly places will be given to the people of the saints of the Most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all rulers will serve and obey Him (Dan. 7:27).
3. Change of the former Russian ruler and the coming to power of a new head of state from the provinces.

4. Obviously, the march of Russian troops through the Caucasus mountains and the Black Sea to destroy the Antichrist.

from here

Humanity learned the basics of predicting fate and the future based on the position of the heavenly bodies decades ago, because history contains examples that even the ancient Greeks had the ability to draw up their own individual horoscope for the near future. However, today not only astrologers, but also people with supernatural abilities are able to make predictions about the future, and it must be said that today they deserve special attentionfor 2017,after all, events in this country have been attracting public attention for several years now, and so far the end of the conflict is not in sight.

The conflict on the territory of a Muslim state has been going on for quite a long time and, frankly speaking, the last few years have only worsened the situation; moreover, today Russia is also taking part in the conflict, which, together with the Syrian government, is trying to suppress the rebels and end the war. However, it is necessary to separately emphasize the data regarding the fact that no one succeeds in this matter (even representatives of the UN), because if you believe the news, then hundreds of people die on the territory of the state every week, and this is evidenced exclusively by official sources.

which worries many, is going through difficult times, and the UN believes that a prerequisite for the development of this problem can be considered a religious conflict between two Syrian “castes” - Alawites and Sunnis. Many Syrians consider this opinion to be incorrect, but it must be said that the reasons for the development of such a conflict existed for a very long time, the authorities simply did not pay attention to them for a very long time, and the result was a conflict that flared up in the country.

What do clairvoyants say?

First of all, it is necessary to discuss the information received from a clairvoyant from Bulgaria (it’s not at all difficult to remember her name, because Vanga, despite the fact that she died quite a long time ago, earned a certain popularity in her time), because she was one of the first to make a prediction that , that the world is in for a troubled time filled with waves and death, and the source of all this will be discovered in the east. Considering that Vanga made rather ambiguous forecasts, no one could decipher for a long time what she meant by the phrase that problems would begin in the east, but when the war began among the Syrians, everything fell into place. Moreover, some even argue that they know how the war will end - the country will be defeated, so the words that Syria will fall in 2017can be considered quite truthful.

Clairvoyants agree that the fall of Syria will be the first alarm bell for the whole world, because from now on everyone will be in danger. Moreover, no one is talking about who will win the country. Special attention should be paid to the information that today millions of experts are pondering what Vanga’s prophecy means, but it must be said that she knew how to confuse everyone with her predictions and most of them were deciphered only after they had already come true. According to official sources of information, the fortuneteller never liked to communicate with representatives of the press, but shortly before the date of her death, she made a statement that the fall of the whole world would begin with Syria, although it was previously considered “paradise.” There is a way out of this situation, and in order topsychic forecast for Syria for 2017not justified, you just need to follow the earthly commandments and live according to the rules, then the Almighty simply will not allow the agony of war to take over the whole world and protect all people.

What will happen to Syria?

Frankly speaking, d It is quite difficult to give 100% correct information about what awaits Syria, because today it is quite difficult to find a truly strong clairvoyant, and not just a popular psychic who took part in some show and made a popular page on a social network. It is necessary to emphasize what its biblical prophets said about the fall of Syria, who knew that Damascus would be considered just a heap of ruins, and to say that they were wrong is impossible, because the latest news is definite proof that there are more There are no complete buildings.

At one time, he even gave a forecast for this country, and although there was nothing precise about , his words were not known, the exception was that he confirmed the words of other clairvoyants that the conflict would begin in the east, nothing good awaits the Syrians in the near future. Moreover, a conflict on the territory of a given state may escalate into. And that is why not only the Syrians themselves, but also residents of other states should be interested in its resolution today. In any case, Syria is an arena of confrontation between two strong states, Russia and the United States, and this is no longer a secret to anyone, which means they should begin to resolve the conflict.

Astrological “Syrian” forecast

It is worth discussing separately, which must be said have already repeatedly predicted a tragic fate for this state. What astrologers saw most in the position of the luminaries was that a “black man” would come into the world, who would become a ruler, and military operations would begin in the east (most likely, this was the Syrian conflict).

The most popular astrologer of our time, Pavel Globa, believes that the world as a whole will expect a huge number of conflicts in 2017, and the reason for all this will be the fact that the most militant planet in the sky - Uranus - is in the constellation Aries, and this may be evidence that It is not worth resolving conflicts calmly and appealing to the calm of the warring parties, because no one will listen to common sense, following solely their own desires.

It is quite difficult to summarize the information described above, because the forecasts of psychics, astrologers and clairvoyants are not uniform, and each of them thinks in his own way. The war continues and there is a possibility that its end is not expected in 2017, although everything can change, therefore it is not worth considering that the predictions of people with superpowers are the truth, there is always the possibility of error.

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