Amazing quotes from Vadim Zeland that will teach you how to manage your reality. My Zeland: The best quotes from Reality Transurfing Rules of life from Vadim Zeland

  1. Learn to enjoy bad weather, queues, traffic jams, problems, any negativity. This kind of masochism will gradually clear the sky over your world. You should only think about how this or that annoying circumstance will turn out to be beneficial for you. And so it will be - see for yourself many times.
  2. When you stop just wanting and become intent on having, then you will get it.
  3. The most difficult thing is to be able to wait while maintaining the calmness of the owner of the situation. It is necessary to endure the test of a pause during which nothing happens.
  4. By showing dissatisfaction with something or cursing someone - the government, civil servants, football players, the weather, colleagues, neighbors, loved ones, not to mention children - you transmit an unsightly image into the mirror of the world and receive the corresponding reality in the reflection.
  5. Allowing yourself to be yourself means accepting yourself with all your imperfections. Allowing another to be different means removing the projection of your expectations from him. As a result, the situation when one wants something that the other does not accept will inexplicably resolve itself.
  6. In your reality, you have the movie that is playing in your “projector”. What you draw is what you will see. The only problem is that people do the opposite: what they see is what they draw. Do you understand the difference?
  7. A miracle will happen only if you break the usual stereotype and think not about the means of achievement, but about the goal itself.
  8. If it sometimes seems to you that you are “not of this world”, or that there is “something wrong” with this world, it means that you are almost or completely awake – great.
  9. If you stubbornly and adamantly replay Your movie in your thoughts and step towards the Goal, reality will sooner or later come into line with it. Reality simply has nowhere to go - this is its property. Not only do you depend on reality, but it also depends on you. The question is who owns the Initiative.
  10. What you definitely shouldn’t do is give up on your life. You shouldn't think that it was a failure. At no age should you think like that. Everything in this life is not in vain. And everything is just beginning - at any time, under any conditions and circumstances.

Our mind, falling asleep, innocently falls into the same trap every day. While we sleep, it does not occur to us to look critically at what is happening. Despite the fact that bizarre events often occur in dreams, we perceive them as something ordinary. We are not used to questioning the reality of what is happening. Children under four years of age do not distinguish between sleep and wakefulness. Imagine: it took four years to convince the mind that the dream was unreal.

The mind is used to controlling everything. But there is one question that always passes through control without verification: "Is this really happening?" — that is why the mind constantly falls into the trap of dreaming. When we become aware that we are dreaming, the unconscious dream turns into a lucid dream. In a lucid dream, a person gains the ability to control the course of events. In reality, as in dreams, unconscious dreaming most often occurs in reality.

To develop the habit of waking up, both in a dream and in reality, you need to constantly ask yourself the question of the reality of what is happening. Answer the question not mechanically, but consciously. For many dreamers, the trigger for lucidity is recognizing anomalies, inconsistencies, and oddities in dreams. In most cases, such things are not noticed and are perceived by the sleeper as a completely normal phenomenon. That is why you should accustom yourself to meticulously assess the situation and answer the question in good faith.

No matter how perfect the biological system our brain is, it is not able to store everything that we can reproduce in our memory. Moreover, he cannot synthesize such a perfect virtual reality as a dream. Consciousness does not imagine anything on its own, but directly connects to the space of options, which contains all the information. The brain does not store the information itself, but some kind of addresses to information in the space of options. That’s why we don’t imagine dreams, but watch them like a movie.

It is known that in a dream a person can observe pictures taken as if not from our world. For example, in a dream a person can see an architectural structure in all its details. Moreover, it is absolutely clear that in principle he could not see such a thing anywhere. If a dream is an imitation of reality by our brain, then where do images come from that a person could never observe? dreams are not illusions in the usual sense of the word. The mind does not imagine its dreams, it actually sees them.

Dreams show us what might happen in the past or future. The future in the space of options is too diverse, so there is no guarantee that in our dream we saw exactly the future sector that will be realized. Adjacent sectors, in fact, contain similar scenarios and settings. This means that if the sector seen lies not far from the current life line, then it may contain information about future real events. However, there is no guarantee that the sector seen actually lies close to the current line.

The mind is not capable of creating anything fundamentally new. He can only build a new version of the house from old bricks. The mind has only primitive information about these cubes and how to assemble them. If you need to remember something, the mind turns to the soul, and it tunes into the corresponding sector. But either the soul is poorly able to tune in, or the mind does not remember addresses well, or the soul and mind cannot agree with each other - as a result, we have what we have: our memory is imperfect, and insights do not come to us often.

In real life, human behavior is controlled by the mind. When the mind dreams, it acts only as a passive observer. He is not in control of the situation, but takes everything for granted. Scenario options are selected according to thoughts and expectations. It is thoughts and expectations that are the driving force that spins the film of dreams.

Incredible things can happen in both unconscious and lucid dreams because the mind allows for such a possibility. In a dream, everything is possible, because a dream is a journey of the soul in the space of options, and there is any scenario. For this reason, you can intentionally change the scenario in a lucid dream. The script doesn't actually change - it's chosen by intention. In reality, the impossible becomes possible according to the same principle.

The journey of the soul in the space of options is not burdened by the inertia of material objects. That's why dreams are so plastic. The ordered script is implemented instantly. Intention is the driving force that transports the dreamer to the sector with the corresponding scenario. In real life, it's the same. The only difference is the speed of script execution. What is in your thoughts is what you get, sooner or later.

It is much more important to learn to awaken in real life than in a dream. Dreams are only indirectly related to transurfing. Our task is not to escape from cruel reality into the world of dreams, but to make reality itself comfortable for ourselves. There is no need to be afraid of dreams, but you should not treat them carelessly. If the mention of lucid dreaming makes you feel uncomfortable, then you shouldn't do it.

Dreaming without the active intervention of the mind is much safer.

Our thoughts direct our movement in the space of options. In a dream, this movement is not inhibited by the inertia of material realization. The slightest breath of thoughts instantly transports the dreamer to the corresponding sector of space. In the realized sectors, everything does not happen so quickly due to the ponderous inertia of matter. But in reality, the same principle works: our thoughts have a direct impact on the course of events in our lives.

Thoughts by themselves mean little; we don’t achieve what we want by thinking alone. But very often we do not achieve our goal only because we are not persistent enough in pursuing it. Many goals simply do not have time to be realized if a person quickly cools down, giving up on a “hopeless” matter. You can even remember situations in your life in which what you wanted came to you late, when hope had already faded and you forgot about your order.

Another common mistake many people make is trying to achieve everything at once. If many goals are set that are in no way connected with each other, then all mental energy is uselessly scattered into emptiness. The flow of options will not allow you to swim in different directions at the same time. Tuning into a target sector works most effectively when all aspirations are directed towards one specific goal.

It is not the desire itself that leads to the realization of a goal, but an attitude toward what is desired—the determination to have and act. Desires themselves do not mean anything in the process of achieving a goal. Desires are just foam on the crest of a wave of intention. It is not the desire that is realized, but the intention. On the contrary, the stronger the desire, the more active the counteraction of the equilibrium forces. Desire is aimed at the goal itself, and intention is aimed at the process of achieving this goal. Desire realizes itself in the creation of excess potential. Intention realizes itself in action.

Intention does not judge whether a goal is achievable or not. The decision has already been made, so all that remains is to act. If in a dream, wanting to take off, you think about whether it is possible or not, you will not succeed. To fly, you just need to lift yourself into the air with intention. The choice of any scenario in a dream is carried out not by desire, but by a firm determination to get what you want. You do not reason or desire, but simply have and act. Choice is not a desire, but your determination to have and act.

Desire realizes itself in the creation of excess potential of the actual desire to achieve a goal. Intention does not create excess potential, therefore it realizes itself in action. Desire and action are united in intention. Intention in action dissipates excess potentials.

A request, like a wish, has no power. There is no point in asking higher or other similar powers. Complaints, requests and demands are inventions of pendulums to collect energy from people. Thoughts framed in the words “give” or “I want” automatically create excess potentials. Nobody needs your complaints, grievances and moaning. Gratitude - yes, because gratitude in its quality is close to unconditional love. Sincere gratitude is an outpouring of creative energy.

When solving a problem, take action. By thinking about the complexity of the problem, you create excess potential and give energy to the pendulum. By acting, you realize the energy of intention. As you know, “the eyes are afraid, but the hands do.” When implementing your intention, trust the flow of options, and the problem will resolve itself.

1. A miracle will happen only if you break the usual stereotype and think not about the means of achievement, but about the goal itself.

2. If you stubbornly and adamantly replay your movie in your thoughts and move towards your goal, reality will sooner or later come into line with it. Reality simply has nowhere to go - this is its property. Not only do you depend on reality, but it also depends on you. The question is who has the initiative.

3. In your reality, you have the movie that plays in your “projector”. What you draw is what you see. The only problem is that people do the opposite: what they see is what they draw. Do you understand the difference?

4. What you definitely shouldn’t do is be disappointed in your life. You shouldn't think that it was a failure. At no age should you think like that. Everything in this life is not in vain. And everything is just beginning - at any time, under any conditions and circumstances.

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5. The most difficult thing is to be able to wait while maintaining the calmness of the owner of the situation. It is necessary to endure the test of a pause during which nothing happens.

6. Allowing yourself to be yourself means accepting yourself with all your imperfections. Allowing another to be different means removing the projection of your expectations from him. As a result, the situation when one wants something that the other does not accept will inexplicably resolve itself.

7. Learn to enjoy bad weather, queues, traffic jams, problems, any negativity. This kind of masochism will gradually clear the sky over your world. You should only think about how this or that annoying circumstance will turn out to be beneficial for you. And so it will be - you will see for yourself many times.

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By the way, the book has been translated into 20 languages. It, like any other pseudo-scientific doctrine, has been subject to numerous criticism. The people who bought it didn’t care, making Zealand’s literary work a hit.

The entire Transurfing of Reality (5 parts) can be “swallowed” in a week, but there is no need! Let this book be your “desktop” book. As you read it, highlight the most important paragraphs, be sure to re-read them... and implement them in your daily life.

I love this book because it is both inspiring, educational, and magical.

If you haven't read Transurfing yet, I highly recommend it!

And here is my TOP golden quotes from Vadim Zeland:

  1. Get yourself the “idiotic” habit of enjoying failures. It's much more fun than getting annoyed and whining about everything.
  2. When you start living for yourself, doing what you like, everything else in the world comes up to fit. Everything is very simple: if the soul and mind are in harmony, the rest will work out automatically.
  3. Accept yourself for who you are. Allow yourself the luxury of being yourself. Do not extol or belittle your strengths and weaknesses. Strive for inner peace.
  4. True success grows from the ruins of your failures!
  5. Allowing yourself to have is the main condition for fulfilling your desire!
  6. By judging and criticizing people, you are hitting the water with your hands and trying to swim against the current. Give up on other people's shortcomings and think only about your own merits.
  7. Happiness is not in the destination, but along the way!
  8. A person gets what he chooses.
  9. No one will dare to judge you if you do not consider yourself guilty. Only you yourself can voluntarily give others the privilege of being your judges.
  10. Man has imagined himself to be such an important figure that he believes that God, with all his power and mercy, will take care of his well-being. God has already given man too much - freedom of choice, but because of his immaturity he does not want to accept this gift and is always dissatisfied.

Thanks to the statements of a famous psychoanalyst, it is possible to build an effective line of fate. The planet will take care of you personally, and your mood will improve every day. Vadim Zeland writes quotes in summaries for chapters of the books “Reality Transurfing”. They act as a brief explanation of the topic, but immediately “go away” to the people.

The best quotes from Vadim Zeland's books

“There are no coincidences” - the author points out that we ourselves create the reality around us. First of all, the attitude towards the Universe and an effective path in it. “Thoughts return to a person like a boomerang” - I believe that actions and actions materialize in a certain evaluative form of the Universe towards a person. They are reflected in the perspectives of daily affairs. Vadim Zeland and his quotes motivate positive actions that are useful to a person in positive ways.

A person gets what he tries in every possible way to avoid” - fear and an increase in the significance of certain problems and aspects of life materialize in the shortest period of time. “When you set yourself up to fight against the world, it will outplay you in any case.” An absolutely accurate aphorism, tested in practice over the years. When we do not treat the planet around us with due respect, it prepares unpleasant surprises for us.

The book “Reality Transurfing” and its “top” quotes gave us hope for a bright future. The soul, unlike the mind, does not think and does not calculate options - therefore the probability of its mistakes tends to zero.” Therefore, the first decision almost always turns out to be correct; the brain does not yet have time to impose its opinion on us, based on the experience and programs of society. “Create a “stupid” habit of feeling joy in any situation - it’s much more pleasant than being sad and irritated over trifles.”

The pearls from the book make you think. “The moment you stop wanting and intend to have, you instantly get it.” “Give yourself permission to be yourself—accept your imperfections.” Zealand emphasized that the movies we play in our heads become a happy future. In modern society, the majority do the opposite; they constantly replay the past and find themselves in similar unfavorable circumstances over and over again. “At times it sometimes begins to seem to you that you are not of this world and that something is wrong with you - rejoice, you are almost awake.”

Rules of life from Vadim Zeland

Quotes from the author literally teach a competent attitude towards your future. “Don’t ask or demand, but come and take.” The aphorism motivates readers to be active, recommends believing in themselves and really taking what they want. “Allow yourself to be yourself and others to be different.” This phrase from the book “Reality Transurfing” contains the essence of high love for the world and the people around us. “If you fail, you should be happy, success is already close.” And the haters call the famous psychoanalyst a pessimist, but he is more positive than all the people combined.

A few sayings about life. “No one has the right to condemn what he himself has not created.” In most situations, without knowing all the nuances of the production of products, creations, things, you will not understand the reasons for genius and mistakes in their creation. “Allowing yourself to have is the main factor in achieving what you want.” Our doubts scare away reality, and in most cases the subconscious whispers that we are unworthy of something. In this situation, read Zealand’s aphorisms and think positively.

5 popular quotes from Zealand

The most popular quotes from Vadim Zeland include:

  • “You shouldn’t fight for happiness – you should choose the right options.”

To become happy is simple, you need to live for your own pleasure, do what you love and achieve perfection in it.

  • “The goal is achieved not thanks to material means - they appear on the way to achieving it.”

Zealand's statements are simple and understandable, only the goal is primary, and money is only its attribute.

  • “You shouldn’t boast about something that doesn’t exist yet - otherwise the balancing forces won’t allow you to have it.”

Since childhood, we have known the saying that it is not worth dividing the skin of an unkilled bear ahead of time; it turns out that this rule is relevant from the position of quantum physics.

  • “It is better to truly love yourself than to love others insincerely.
  • There is no “status quo” – there is either development or degradation.”

There is no difference in people in nature; they are equally smart and wise. There are only those who want to develop and grow as individuals. It is easier for the rest to degrade and complain about the actual state of affairs and external factors.

Quotes from Vadim Zeland,

"Reality Transurfing"

There are no coincidences.

Your thoughts always come back to you like a boomerang.

The worse a person thinks about the world around him, the worse this world becomes for him. The more upset he is about failures, the more willing new ones come.

From a purely practical point of view, expressing dissatisfaction is very disadvantageous. You move on life lines that correspond to the parameters of the energy of your thoughts.

A person receives something that he actively does not accept, because it emits mental energy at the frequency of its hostility, and in addition, it also creates excess potential. Life often brings together completely different people who, it would seem, are not suitable for each other at all. Thus, equilibrium forces, confronting people with opposite potentials, tend to extinguish them (excess potentials).

If you are hostile to the world, it will respond in kind to you. If you constantly express your dissatisfaction, there will be more and more reasons for this.

If negativism prevails in your attitude towards reality, then the world will turn its worst side towards you. And on the contrary, a positive attitude will naturally change your life for the better. A person gets what he chooses. This is reality, whether you like it or not.

from the books "Reality Transurfing"

Be happy with what you have.

Visualize what you want.

People are often willing to criticize others for things they don't like about themselves.

Let yourself be yourself... Let others be different...

Accept yourself for who you are. Allow yourself the luxury of being yourself. Do not extol or belittle your strengths and weaknesses. Strive for inner peace.

Everything that is done is for the better. Look for the positives in the worst situations.

The stronger your desire to avoid something, the more likely you are to get it. Actively fighting what you don't want means making every effort to have it in your life. When you resist, don't want, or express dislike, you are actively emitting energy at the frequency of what you want to avoid (thus making it stronger).

If your desire for something has become dependent on it, you need to reduce the significance (importance) of the goal.

By breaking stereotypes, you open locked doors.

Don't judge others and don't label. We are guests in this world.

Any importance, both internal and external, is far-fetched. We all mean absolutely nothing in this world.

Every problem has a simple solution. Don't get hung up on finding it and it will come on its own.

Words spoken out loud are just a shock of air, words spoken to oneself are nothing at all, and faith is a powerful energy, although it is not audible.

If you fail, rejoice: you are on the path to success.

True success grows from the ruins of your failures.

The most difficult thing is to be able to wait while maintaining the calmness of the owner of the situation. It is necessary to endure the test of a pause during which nothing happens.

You can only be indignant and scold what directly bothers you, and only if your criticism can change something for the better. Never criticize something that has already happened and cannot be changed.

Solomon wore a signet ring on his hand, turned inward, so that no one could see what was there. When Solomon was faced with trouble or a difficult problem, he would turn the ring and look at the signet. There was an inscription: “This too shall pass.”

Vadim Zeland, quotes from the books "Reality Transurfing"

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