After the first one I don’t binge on a war movie. “I don’t have a snack after the first one.

"So this same commandant, the day after I
cubic meters said, calling me. In the evening an interpreter comes to the barracks and with him
two guards. "Who is Andrey Sokolov?" I responded. "March after us, you yourself
Herr Lagerführer demands." It’s clear why he demands. To spray. I said goodbye to
comrades, they all knew that I was going to death, I sighed and went. I'm walking along
camp yard, I look at the stars, say goodbye to them, and think: “Here we go.”
you've suffered enough, Andrei Sokolov, and in camp language - number three hundred and thirty
first." Somehow I felt sorry for Irinka and the kids, and then this pity subsided and became
I gather my courage to look into the hole of the gun fearlessly, just like
befits a soldier, so that my enemies don’t see at my last minute what’s wrong with me
It's still hard to part with life...
In the commandant's room there are flowers on the windows, it is clean, like in our good club.
At the table are all the camp authorities. Five people are sitting, drinking schnapps and
they snack on lard. On the table they have an open huge bottle of schnapps,
bread, lard, soaked apples, open jars with various canned goods. Instantly
I looked at all this grub, and - you won’t believe it - I was so sick that after a little
didn't vomit. I’m hungry like a wolf, I’m unaccustomed to human food, but here
so much goodness in front of you... Somehow I suppressed the nausea, but took my eyes off
tables through great power.
A half-drunk Muller is sitting right in front of me, playing with a pistol,
throws it from hand to hand, and he looks at me and doesn’t blink, like
snake. Well, I was at my sides, I clicked my worn-out heels, so loudly
I report: “Prisoner of war Andrei Sokolov, on your orders, Herr
The commandant has appeared." He asks me: "So, Russian Ivan, four
cubic meter of output - is that a lot? - “That’s right,” I say, “Herr Commandant,
a lot." - "Is one enough for your grave?" - "That's right, Herr Commandant,
It’s quite enough and will even remain.”
He stood up and said: “I will do you a great honor, now personally
I will shoot you for these words. It's uncomfortable here, let's go into the yard, there you are
you will sign." “It’s your will,” I tell him. He stood there, thought, and then
threw the gun on the table and poured a full glass of schnapps, took a piece of bread,
put a slice of lard on it and gives it all to me and says: “Before I die
Drink, Russian Ivan, to the victory of German weapons."
I took the glass and the snack from his hands, but as soon as I heard these
words - it was like I was burned by fire! I think to myself: “So that I, a Russian soldier,
Yes, he began to drink to the victory of German weapons?! There's something you don't want, Herr.
Commandant? Damn it, I have to die, so you're lost with your
I put the glass on the table, put the snack and say: “Thank you for
a treat, but I'm not a drinker." He smiles: "Would you like to drink to our victory? IN
In that case, drink to your death." What did I have to lose? "To my
I will drink death and deliverance from torment,” I tell him. With that, I took the glass and
I poured it into myself two sips, but didn’t touch the snack, politely wiping my lips
palm and say: “Thank you for the treat. I’m ready, Herr Commandant,
come on, sign me up."
But he looks attentively and says: “At least have a bite before
death." I answer him: “I don’t have a snack after the first glass.”
He pours a second one and gives it to me. I drank the second one and again I didn’t have a snack
I touch it, I beat it with courage, I think: “At least I’ll get drunk before I go into the yard, with
to part with our lives." The commandant raised his white eyebrows high and asked:
“Why don’t you have a snack, Russian Ivan? Don’t be shy!” And I told him: “Sorry,
Herr Commandant, I’m not used to having a snack even after the second glass.” He cheated
cheeks, snorted, and then burst out laughing and said something quickly through the laughter
in German: apparently, he is translating my words to his friends. They laughed too
moved their chairs, turned their faces towards me and already, I noticed, somehow
otherwise they look at me, seemingly softer.
The commandant pours me a third glass, and his hands are shaking from
laughter. I drank this glass, took a small bite of bread,
I put the rest on the table. I wanted to show them, damned, that although I
and I’m dying of hunger, but I’m not going to choke on their handout, what I have
I have my own Russian dignity and pride and that they don’t treat me like a beast
turned, no matter how hard they tried.
After this, the commandant became serious in appearance and adjusted the
two iron crosses, came out from the table unarmed and said: “That’s what,
Sokolov, you are a real Russian soldier. You are a brave soldier. I am also a soldier and
I respect worthy opponents. I won't shoot you. Besides today
our valiant troops reached the Volga and completely captured Stalingrad. This
It is a great joy for us, and therefore I generously give you life. Go to
your block, and this is for your courage,” and hands me a small
a loaf of bread and a piece of bacon.
I pressed the bread to me with all my strength, I hold the lard in my left hand and even before
I was confused by such an unexpected turn that I didn’t even say thank you, I did
around to the left, I’m going to the exit, and I’m thinking: “He’s going to shine between me now.”
shovels, and I won’t bring this grub to the guys." No, it worked out. And this time
death passed me by, only a chill came from it...
I left the commandant's office on firm feet, but in the yard I was carried away.
He fell into the barracks and fell onto the cement floor without memory. Ours woke me up
still in the dark: “Tell me!” Well, I remembered what happened in the commandant's room,
told them. “How are we going to share the food?” - asks my bunk neighbor, and
the voice itself is trembling. “Equal share for everyone,” I tell him. We waited for dawn. Bread
and the lard was cut with a harsh thread. Everyone got a piece of bread from
a matchbox, every crumb was taken into account, well, and lard, you understand -
just anoint your lips. However, they divided it without offense."

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