Why without communication there is no person briefly. Why does a person need to communicate?

“Only communication cures arrogance, timidity, stupid arrogance; only a free and relaxed exchange of opinions allows you to study people, probe, recognize and compare yourself with them” © Vauvenargues Luc de Clapier

Communication is a complex process of establishing contacts between individuals and entire groups. Without communication, human society simply will not exist.
So why does a person need communication? Without communication with other people, a person cannot develop normally as a person. Communication with people also plays a huge role in the healthy formation of the human psyche.

Communication between people helps them exchange information, perceive and understand each other, learn from experience and share their own. After all, communication in a person's life distinguishes him from other biological beings on this planet

If a person were deprived of the opportunity to communicate from birth, he would never be able to grow into a social personality, civilized and culturally developed, and would resemble a person only in appearance. Here is another answer to the question: “why is communication necessary?”

In the process of interacting and communicating with people, a person not only exchanges information or emotions, but also satisfies his needs.

1. The need for new experiences
2. Need for recognition. Upon recognition, social confirmation of the individual occurs from other people, thereby confirming his self-identification.
3. The need for stimulation, that is, when communication with people initiates a person’s activity in action, and the communication itself lifts the mood.
4. The need for recognition, the satisfaction of which is associated with a positive experience of a person’s self-esteem and self-esteem and other individual needs.

The usefulness of communication is determined by the quality and satisfaction of needs, and also depends on the attitude of the participants in communication towards each other.

Communication can occur at different levels

The levels are determined by the general culture of people, their individual and personal characteristics, the characteristics of the situation, social status and other factors.

Actual level of communication. Involves a simple exchange of remarks to maintain a conversation in conditions where those communicating are not particularly interested in interaction, but are forced to communicate. Standard communication, in which the remarks are simple and there is no deep meaning in them. Normal communication dictated by the rules of etiquette and norms of behavior in certain situations.

Information level of communication, where new information interesting to the interlocutors is exchanged. This level prevails in conditions of joint activities or when old friends meet. This level of communication promotes the active involvement of a person in the communication process.

Personal level of communication— characterizes such interaction in which subjects are capable of the deepest self-disclosure and comprehension of the essence of another person, themselves and the world around them. The personal level is highly moral: it removes all restrictions on interaction precisely because they become completely unnecessary.

What does it take to communicate effectively? Mutual understanding in communication

The process of perception by one person of another acts as an obligatory component of communication and constitutes what is called perception. In communication, each partner likens himself to the other: participants in communication have to take into account not only the needs, motives, and attitudes of the other, but also how this other understands my needs, motives, and attitudes. All this leads to the fact that the analysis of awareness of oneself through another includes two sides: identification and reflection.

Identification- this is nothing more than likening oneself to another person, which promotes understanding and mutual understanding between people in communication. In real communication situations, people use this example when an assumption about the internal state of a partner is based on an attempt to put oneself in his place.

What else is needed for effective communication? The ability to empathize. Empathy

Of course, not every person can put himself in the place of another. To do this, a person must have such a personal quality as empathy or a special way of perceiving another person.

The condition for success in relationships is the appropriate education of the emotional sphere of the individual, which, first of all, is manifested in whether a person knows how to empathize with other people, to be happy and sad with them.
Empathy allows a person in communication not only to rationally comprehend the problems of another person, but also to emotionally empathize with his interlocutor.

Empathy is the ability to emotionally perceive another person, to penetrate his inner world and accept him with all his thoughts and feelings. People's ability to empathize is very individual. A person with a low level of empathy may, when communicating with an interlocutor, show a kind of blindness to the state, experiences and intentions of the interlocutor.

As communication progresses, a person with an average level of empathy develops fragmentary ideas about the experiences of another person. But empathetic people are distinguished by the ability to immediately enter into the state of another person, not only in individual situations, but throughout the entire communication process.

Any communication necessarily involves reflection.

Reflection in communication- This is a form of knowledge of the personal characteristics of oneself and other people. Reflection helps a person, while communicating with others, to logically analyze certain signs and draw a certain conclusion about the other person and his actions.

The process of understanding each other is “complicated” by the phenomenon of reflection, because the acting individual becomes aware of how he is perceived by his communication partner.

Reflection in communication is no longer just knowledge or understanding of the other, but knowledge of how the other understands me, a peculiarly doubled process of mirror reflections of each other, a deep, consistent mutual reflection, the content of which is the reproduction of the partner’s inner world, and in this inner world in turn is reflected my inner world.

Mark Twain said: “It is better to remain silent and appear a fool than to open your mouth and completely dispel doubts.” And he was probably right.

Definitely the development and formation in oneself of such qualities as balance, the ability to manage one’s behavior in various situations, not to mention empathy, rules of etiquette, the presence of basic communication skills and other individual personality traits.

Individual communication qualities contribute not only to effective communication, but also to the emergence of friendship between people and interest in each other. Such communication qualities include sociability, sociability, charisma, human leadership qualities and others.

A person’s sociability, for example, characterizes the ability to find optimal ways of communication that lead to the development of friendly relationships. And sociability characterizes the ability or inclination to communicate, establish contacts and connections.

Communication is a concept close to the concept of communication, but expanded.

Develop in yourself the necessary qualities in order to be not just a friend, but a real friend and an interesting person. After all, communication is not only a pastime, but also helps to achieve success in life.

Communication is a process of interpersonal interaction carried out by individuals to satisfy certain needs.

Read on to find out what exactly motivates people to communicate and why it is so important for the harmonious development of any personality.

Types of communication

  • Verbal. It is carried out through speech, one language or another. If you believe the research, we really talk a lot: the average person speaks about 30 thousand words a day.
  • Nonverbal. This is the exchange of information through gestures, facial expressions, and glances.

Moreover, both methods of communication are extremely important because they complement each other. Moreover, sometimes it can be extremely difficult to understand the exact meaning of what is being said without seeing the person (that is, in the absence of a non-verbal communication format). After all, depending on the facial expression of the speaker, the same words can be interpreted completely differently.

Why does a person need communication?

To remain human

This is perhaps the most important explanation of why you need to communicate. After all, as you know, man is a social, public being. It is important for him to be able to speak, to have the culture, knowledge and skills characteristic of Homo Sapiens. Otherwise, he will turn into an animal that has only basic, base needs.

Science knows of cases where children found far from places where people lived (apparently lost at a young age) did not know the language, did not possess basic social skills, and in their behavior were likened to the animals around which they grew up. That is, despite the fact that a lot of things are inherent in a person by nature, if he does not have the opportunity to communicate with his own kind, these qualities will not be able to come out. Accordingly, a person will not be able to become Homo Sapiens in the full sense of the word.

To exchange experience and knowledge

The next justification for communicating with other people is the mutually beneficial exchange of information about the world around us and society. Thanks to this, we get almost unlimited access to the knowledge accumulated in the world. After all, what we don’t know, other people will be able to tell and explain.

This opportunity has expanded with the advent of the Internet. Thanks to various websites, forums, and social networks, a person’s epistemological abilities have practically no limits.

In addition, a person needs to share emotions, feelings, and energy with others. All this is extremely important for the psychological, and therefore physiological, health of the individual.

To establish connections (business, personal)

It is impossible to realize yourself in the professional or personal sphere without communicating. Only by making new contacts and expanding our social circle can we move up the career ladder, search for and find friends, and look forward to meeting our soulmate.

That is why the ability to communicate with a wide variety of people, feeling comfortable in their company, is so important for a full, rich, vibrant life. You always have someone to turn to for help, you have people with whom you can consult, you have someone to follow as an example.

Sociable people are never alone. Even if they do not have truly faithful, devoted friends, dear loved ones, they always have good acquaintances, friends, colleagues with whom they can spend time.

For productive work

As they say, one head is good, but two are better. By uniting in groups, people have the opportunity to solve problems and achieve their goals much faster and more efficiently. After all, it is almost impossible for one person to cope with difficult situations, labor-intensive work processes, and force majeure circumstances, but a close-knit team is quite capable of doing this.

Accordingly, another explanation for why people communicate is the productive combination of capabilities, skills, and knowledge of individual people engaged in common work and goals.

For fun

Agree, it would be quite boring to spend day after day solely in the company of a pet. After all, you can’t play video games with a cat, you can’t go shopping, you can’t have fun get-togethers on Saturday evening, you can’t celebrate February 14th in a romantic setting...

But all this is possible if we have friends, relatives, and loved ones. And although today there is a lot of entertainment available online, none of them can replace the joy of live communication.

Also read the following articles on this topic.

Communication is a complex process of establishing contacts between individuals and entire groups. Without communication, human society simply will not exist. From the very appearance of the first man, it became the cause and guarantee of the emergence of society and civilization. Modern people cannot do without communication in any area of ​​their lives and activities, regardless of whether a person likes solitude or company, whether he is an extrovert or an introvert. Let's try together to find the reasons for such a unique phenomenon as communication skills, and answer the question of why a person needs communication.

The role of communication in human life

The answer to the question of why a person needs communication comes from the history of primitive society. It was from communication, which among the first people was carried out through gestures, that human speech developed, concepts and designations of objects, and later writing, appeared. It was thanks to communication that society, human society, emerged, and unique rules of communication between people were established.

Why is communication necessary?

A person’s need for communication is determined by his natural life and constant presence in society, be it a family, a team of employees, a school or student class. If a person were deprived of the opportunity to communicate from birth, he would never be able to grow into a social personality, civilized and culturally developed, and would resemble a person only in appearance.

This is proven by numerous cases of the so-called “Mowgli people”, deprived of human communication in early childhood or immediately at birth. All body systems developed quite normally in such individuals, but the psyche was very delayed in development, or even stopped altogether due to the lack of experience communicating with people. It is for this reason that we understand why a person needs to communicate with other people.

The art of communicating with people

It would seem that if communication is quite natural for all people, then each of us should communicate freely and be able to do it. However, some people sometimes develop a fear of communicating with people or, in other words, social phobia. This fear usually arises in adolescence, the most difficult age in a person’s life. If the first conscious entry into society is negative, then in the future the person will have problems communicating with people.

Communication skills with people are acquired with age, and the most important thing here is to master this art. The most ancient commandments of communication can help with this:

  1. When communicating with a person, do it in the best way, in your opinion.
  2. Show respect for the person you are talking to.
  3. Trust who you are communicating with.

As a rule, we do not have any problems communicating with people we know; we know well how they react to certain words, remarks, news. But when talking with strangers, you should always do it on the positive side, not show any negativity, and always be friendly. Speak with a smile, but try to keep your words and phrases appropriate. Look the person in the eye with a clear and friendly gaze, show sincere interest and attention to the interlocutor. If you cannot overcome yourself and do all of the above for one reason or another, it is better to simply avoid communicating with the person.

Darina Kataeva

Few people imagine their life without friends! We are constantly in a team, we strive to meet new people, join another company and expand our social circle. Loneliness is not attractive to anyone, no matter how we feel. But why do people have a need to communicate? How is it different in adults and children? And what types of communication are there?

Why is communication necessary?

Communication is one of the main human needs, the satisfaction of which determines our emotional state. But what role does communication play in our lives?

Emotional exchange.

With the help of communication, we convey our experiences and worries. During the dialogue, the other person does the same, due to which an emotional exchange occurs. How often do we notice that the mood of another is transmitted to us, and this effect is achieved solely due to the exchange of feelings and emotions, and this happens unconsciously. In the process of communication, we either increase the severity of the experience or decrease it.

Have you ever wondered why solitary confinement is one of the harshest punishments? It's all about the absence of an interlocutor.

Emotional support.

Every person needs recognition in society. It is important for us to know that we are valued, loved and respected. Such confidence gives us strength and allows us to overcome even the most difficult obstacles in life!

Evaluation support.

All people need approval and support. It is important for us to evaluate other people's actions, actions, words or behavior. Through communication, we make comparisons, conclusions, conclusions and changes in our lives.

Information support.

Through speech and means of communication, we gain knowledge about the world around us, expand our horizons, and become a harmonious and highly developed personality. Thanks to communication, we receive information that allows us to behave correctly and be prepared for different life situations.

Every person has a need for communication, and our physical and emotional state depends on its satisfaction.

Types of communication needs

In a state of anxiety and deep emotion, even uncommunicative people become talkative. , fears, struggle and terrible excitement - all this contributes to the rapid emergence of a new topic of conversation. Depending on what a person wants to get as a result, communication is divided into the following types:


Fear constrains and at the same time encourages a person to experience a strong need for communication. Strangers start a fascinating conversation only because of the appearance of excitement and worries. Such a need does not in every case give good results, because in this way we can say a lot of unnecessary things, which we would never do under normal circumstances!


Such a need to start a conversation arises in people who, by character and characteristics, are domineering, with. It is aimed at subordinating another to your views, thoughts, tastes and feelings. Dominance in communication brings satisfaction in cases where the other person feels the need to submit. If two leaders encounter a need for dominance in a conversation, then conflict cannot be avoided. It is also difficult to communicate with two other opposites - people who need subordination.

Expression of individuality.

A person who feels the need to communicate in order to draw the attention of others to his individuality strives to express his character, his unusual mindset, his attitude to life. Such people are extremely vulnerable and vulnerable during a conversation, because denial or expression of a different position by his interlocutor causes indignation, bewilderment and even deep disappointment.

To be recognized in society, to receive praise and earn respect is the desire of many people. Often this need is clearly manifested in communication. From the conversation, it becomes clear what the person’s motives are, what he wants to say by this and why he chose this particular method of communication. If you do not control this need, you can lose friends and even ruin your relationship with them.

In order for communication to be harmonious, pleasant and bring true pleasure to both parties, it is important to first think about the interests of the other.


Thanks to communication, we gain new knowledge, information on various issues, explore topics and delve deeper into specialized topics. The need for communication often arises at the moment when we need to receive an answer to a question that has arisen. Satisfaction comes the moment we achieve a goal.


Patronage is a form of caring for other people. Some are eager to start a conversation to provide the help and support they need. However, with an immoderate desire to patronize, a desire for self-affirmation also manifests itself, so balance is important in everything.

Knowing the types of communication needs, it is easier to understand the essence of communication techniques and your role in this process.

Communication deficit: consequences

People lack communication for a variety of reasons. Some people are complex in themselves, others are already deeply depressed. Such social isolation is destructive for everyone, and it doesn’t matter what kind of character a person is. The main consequence of a lack of communication is a painful emotional state. It affects all areas of a person’s life, negative attitudes and even self-hatred.

When such feelings arise, it is necessary to immediately take active measures. If you notice something similar in your friend’s behavior, then immediately strive to correct the situation. Take the initiative in communication!

When you yourself begin to suffer from a lack of communication due to a change of environment, moving to another city, or the loss of a loved one, then even in such critical and difficult situations it is important not to lose heart, not to get upset and not to isolate yourself. Communication is the best way to cheer yourself up!

The need for communication in children, adolescents and adults

Children and adolescents are a category of people who have not yet reached their maturity. That is why they have a huge craving for communication. Every child or girlfriend, he likes to be in a team, enjoy communication and interesting games. In the process of such communication, the development and formation of a person’s personality occurs.

For teenagers, the process of personality formation is more complicated, which means communication, especially during the transition period, becomes difficult for them. It is important that your child has a friend at this time.

If a person sometimes wants to be alone, this does not mean that he has problems or that he is immature.

Adults are mature individuals who know perfectly well what they want to achieve in life. Therefore, their communication often revolves around satisfying their main needs: recognition, prestige, expression of individuality, gaining knowledge. In the process of communication, do not forget about other people, their needs and interests, because this is the only way both parties will enjoy the conversation!

January 24, 2014, 11:50

Man by nature is a social being.

He tends to collaborate and demonstrate communication skills. Communication comes in the form of interaction with others like oneself, a person adopts experience, shares experiences, he needs to feel himself in society.

The size of society is determined personally by the needs of the individual; for some, a loved one is enough, for others, a large team is needed. We learn to communicate from birth; this is the first skill instilled by our mother.

In this article we will answer the question of why a person needs communication.

Enjoying communication is the main sign of friendship.


Why should we communicate?

Communication acts, first of all, as the ability to contact other people. People who have a large number of friends and acquaintances are valued everywhere. Communication, as a way of interaction between people, allows you to share experiences, gain new knowledge, look for a partner and perform many other actions. Without words we are literally unarmed.
  1. Interact fully with other individuals.
  2. Develop as a person.
  3. Accumulate knowledge and experience.
  4. Expand your horizons.
  5. Feel warm and supported.
  6. Interpret your thoughts as fully as possible.
  7. Live in society.
  8. Find yourself a partner.
Living as a recluse and not making contact with anyone - all this will negatively affect a person’s psycho-emotional state. Thoughts and feelings must find a way out. Even talking to someone with an opposing point of view will give you emotional release.

Ideally, for a fulfilling and happy life, people need like-minded people. Friends and loved ones can support, understand and help you understand the situation. Communication helps young lovers build harmonious relationships. Mutual discussion of difficulties reduces the risk of being misunderstood or not heard. This verbal therapy minimizes possible conflicts.

The benefits of communication

Daily communication with positive-minded people helps a person feel. Communication with older, experienced, or successful representatives of Homo sapiens broadens one's horizons and gives a feeling of fulfillment.

The benefits of communication are expressed in:

  • Emotional relief.
  • The emergence of new ideas.
  • The feeling of being in society.
  • Feeling full.
Communication helps not only to share the brightest moments of your life, but also to relieve yourself from dark thoughts, anxieties and problems. By talking about failures with another person, we cleanse our insides. A problem divided into two loses half of its existing severity. Having spoken completely, a person feels free.

Dealing with life's troubles alone is quite difficult, but sharing the problem with a friend can help ease your mental state. Collaboration and support provide emotional relief.

Start-ups and business ideas often come about by discussing them with a friend or colleagues. When discussing plans for life, you share your own thoughts, perhaps for someone they will become a real discovery and give impetus to the implementation of the idea. Smart, well-read people, without even noticing it, give excellent advice, which ignites an inner fire and creates a desire to create.

Communication with others like yourself allows you to feel like part of a certain social group (friends, work team, etc.). This is the feeling that you are accepted, that your opinion is valued, that you are considered a full-fledged member of society.

What helps people communicate?

Naturally, the main tool of communication is our language and the ability to express our thoughts. Native speech, jargon, abbreviations, new buzzwords allow us to fully convey information.

In addition to traditional speech, there are other ways to convey information:

  • Emotions;
  • Facial expressions;
  • Gestures;
  • Body movements.
With just one movement, we are able to understand what the interlocutor wants to tell us. The main thing is to pay attention and not miss this fleeting gesture.

They are used when words can be heard by others or when it is impossible to communicate using speech. These nonverbal cues are part of our communication.

If we talk about character traits, it would be appropriate to name:

  • Friendliness.
  • Activity.
  • Social Engagement.
  • Tendency to make new acquaintances.
  • Communication skills.
All of the above points push us to start a conversation. It can be difficult for shy people to say “hello”, which is why it is so important to develop communication skills, they will always come in handy. A self-confident guy will easily approach the girl he likes, while a young man who is unsure of his abilities will hope for a lucky break.

“Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends”

The saying is incredibly old, but it still applies today. With money you will not drown out internal conflicts, you will not be able to heal mental wounds and you will not share your innermost thoughts. Having friends, like-minded people, family and loved ones is the key to everyday happiness. The more and more often a person interacts with people he likes, the higher his level of happiness.

Communication is the key to successful cooperation, this applies to every area of ​​human life. Resentment, ignoring and refusal to interact negatively affects a person’s internal state.

No events should influence a person so that he refuses to communicate with other people.

Do you ever have days when you don’t feel like getting in touch? Tell us about it.

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