Plan schedule for preparing final qualifying work. Main stages and schedule of implementation of the commissioning project

The structure of the research project always depends on the topic of research and its specifics - as an example, we can cite technical disciplines, which necessarily contain practical research. But in the humanities (history, philosophy, geography) the practical part is rarely required. Despite this, some basics for drawing up a graduate work plan remain the same for all graduation projects.

How to make a WRC plan

Typically, a thesis or coursework plan is drawn up by the student together with his supervisor - the teacher will be able to immediately make adjustments and point out shortcomings. However, the graduate will have to write a draft plan independently, so the following algorithm of actions can be used in the work:

  1. Determine the content of the chapters and give them a title.
  2. Outline paragraphs or subsections, as well as the information that will be contained in them.

Attention! The first section of the thesis (theoretical part) always contains an analysis of literary sources, and the second and third sections contain a description of the practical research and the project.

While writing, it is important to remember some of the features of drawing up a plan for a final qualifying thesis:

  • the titles of chapters and subsections should reflect their content as accurately as possible;
  • all stages of the study must be interconnected and have a logical sequence;
  • It is not allowed to overlap paragraphs with chapters and duplicate topics in the titles of chapters and subsections.

Example. Plan of the WRC on the topic "Religious policy of Alexander the Great"


Chapter 1. Alexander’s religious policy at the first stage of the Eastern Campaign

1.1. Introduction of the “idea of ​​revenge” and its influence on religious politics

1.2. Religious cults of the Greek city states

Chapter 2. Religious policy of Alexander the Great in Asia

2.1. Proclamation of Alexander as the son of Amon-Ra. Relations with Egyptian priests

2.2. March on Persia. Burning of Persepolis

Chapter 3. The role of the religious policy of Alexander the Great in the formation of Hellenism


An example of filling out an assignment for a final qualifying thesis

The assignment for the thesis is an individual guide to writing it. In it, the student is officially assigned a research topic, the initial data for its implementation are indicated, and a plan and schedule for implementation is established.

This document is drawn up on the form established by the university and consists of two blocks:

  1. "Passport" VKR. This part contains information about the university, faculty, department, student and his supervisor. The structural plan of the thesis is also indicated.
  2. Writing schedule - a step-by-step calendar plan indicating the date of delivery of the draft and final copy of the work.

Attention! The assignment is signed by the diploma student, the supervisor and approved by the head of the department.

An example of a thesis assignment at OMSAU

Omsk State Agrarian University named after P.A. Stolypin

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Department of Diagnostics

Specialty veterinary


Head of the department


"___" ______________ 20__


Student: Valentin Vasilievich Petrov

Topic: “The effectiveness of treating eczema in dogs”

Initial data: Civil defense at agricultural production sites. M.: Kolos, 1984; Astrakhomtsev V.I., Danilov E.P. Dog diseases. M.: Kolos, 1978; Protection of Nature. M.: Kolos, 1977; Diseases of your pets. Kyiv, Alterpes, 1995; dissertation research, periodicals for the last five years, monographs, foreign scientific literature on the topic of research, etc.

Introduction: relevance, practical and scientific significance, methodology, theoretical development of the research topic, object and subject, purpose, research objectives, structure of the research project.

In this work it is necessary to consider the following questions:

1. Eczema as a disease

1.1. Pathogenesis and etiology of the disease

1.2. Percentage of seasonality of eczema in domestic animals

2. Clinical signs and treatment of eczema in dogs

2.1. Materials, methods and research practice

2.2. Rules for care, feeding and treatment program

3. Economic efficiency of veterinary measures

Conclusion: conclusions and specific proposals for improving methods of treating eczema in dogs.

Scientific adviser ________________________ __________________________

(signature) (academic degree, title, full name)

The task was accepted for execution ____________________ ___________________________

(signature) (full name)

Initial data for the WRC

Source data is a list of basic documents, publications in periodicals and other supporting materials containing information that is used in the course of the study. When preparing source data, you must adhere to certain rules:

  1. The minimum number of sources is three, the average is five titles with complete data.
  2. If the topic involves the study of foreign research, it is assumed that sources in foreign languages ​​will be used.
  3. Study guides and reference books cannot be used as sources.

Important! To avoid difficulties in selecting material and sources for the thesis, the student should make sure that there is a sufficient number of sources before approving the thesis topic.

Application for the WRC

An application for a diploma project is drawn up in order to document the fact that the student has been assigned the topic of his thesis. This document is mandatory; without it, the graduate may not be allowed to submit the diploma project.

The application for a diploma has a standard template for each discipline - the document form is approved by the Ministry of Education.

Schedule of final qualifying work

The implementation schedule must contain information about the stages of work, the results and timing of its implementation, and the supervisor’s notes on the completion of the task (with the date and his signature).

Sample schedule

Plan of experimental work on the topic of VCR

The experimental work plan is distinguished by the presence of a calendar schedule of activities for collecting information and conducting practical research. Thus, the practical part of the educational qualifications in the specialty "Preschool Education" may consist of diagnosing a series of developed activities for children (conversations, excursions), selecting games and exercises using individual methods.

Natural science majors (chemistry, biology) can also be cited as an example. There, the experimental work plan will be built taking into account experiments and experiments that will allow the graduate to formulate theses for writing the practical part of the diploma project.

Structure of the WRC

The exact structure of the final qualifying work is also determined depending on its topic, object and subject of research, however, any thesis must have the following basic elements:

  1. Title page indicating the name of the author of the thesis and the topic of the work.
  2. The table of contents (contents) includes the names of all sections indicating page numbers.
  3. Introduction (should constitute approximately 10% of the entire thesis).
  4. The main theoretical part is given in the first chapter of the main content. Study of the theoretical and methodological essence of the problem and analysis of the main trends in the development of the processes under study.
  5. The practical part involves research of an experimental and practical nature using the already identified methods of analysis.
  6. Conclusion with a generalization of the research done and substantiated results of the work performed.
  7. List of used literature and primary sources.

An example of the structure of the theoretical part of the thesis on the topic "Financial planning in educational institutions"

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of financial planning in budgetary organizations

1.1. The essence and basic principles of financial planning

1.2. Features of financial support for Russian organizations

1.3. Drawing up and executing estimates of income and expenses

An example of the structure of the practical part of the educational work on the topic "Didactic game for preschoolers"

Chapter 3. Development of a system of didactic games in an educational institution

3.2. Suggestions for increasing the effectiveness of perception of the didactic components of the game

Thus, only taking into account a logically structured thesis plan, a student is able to write a good thesis and may be entitled to an “excellent” grade when defending it.

Students are given the right to choose the topic of the thesis. The choice is made based on interest in the problem, the possibility of obtaining factual data, as well as the availability of special scientific literature. When choosing a topic, a student can be guided by an approximate list of topics offered by teachers of the Department of Theory and Practice of Journalism. The lists of topics for the thesis are annually updated and approved by the Department of Theory and Practice of Journalism. Current issues and problems for the formulation and development of topics for final qualifying works can be found in the educational and methodological instructions of specialized disciplines.

Work on the graduate work begins during the process of training students in professional discipline programs. The basis of a future final qualifying work can be a course work/project, a successful publication in a newspaper or a story on television and radio broadcast, completed during practical training. It is at an early stage of training that it is advisable to think about the topic and type of future research project.

The management of final qualifying works is entrusted to teachers of the Department of Theory and Practice of Journalism who have academic degrees and/or titles. Heads of the media and qualified experienced journalists can act as leaders of creative research projects. If necessary, a co-director of this work is appointed from among the teachers of the department of theory and practice of journalism. Replacement of the scientific supervisor of the graduate work is allowed in exceptional cases by decision of the department of theory and practice of journalism, approved by its head.

When determining the basis for performing the creative part of the project, it is necessary to obtain official permission from the management of the media, organization, or institution at the request of the head of the department of theory and practice of journalism. The topic of the final qualifying work, its variety, scientific supervisor and work schedule are approved at a meeting of the department of theory and practice of journalism. The topic can be clarified during the creative certification process at the end of the last semesters of study at the university. After choosing the topic of the thesis, the student must write an application with a request to approve the topic of the final qualifying work addressed to the head of the department of theory and practice of journalism (Annex 1).

The schedule of work on the thesis is determined by the department of theory and practice of journalism and is controlled by scientific supervisors and the head of the department. If this schedule is not met (in the absence of valid reasons), the student may not be allowed to defend his final qualifying thesis.

The approval of the topics of the thesis takes place at a meeting of the department of theory and practice of journalism: at the beginning of the 7th academic semester for full-time bachelors, at the beginning of the 9th semester for part-time education; at the beginning of the 3rd academic semester for full-time undergraduates, at the beginning of the 4th semester for part-time students. After approval of the topics of the thesis and scientific supervisors, each student is given an assignment to complete the final qualifying work (Appendix 2). Changing the topic of the thesis is possible in agreement with the scientific supervisor no later than 3 months before the official date of the start of the work of the State Examination Committee on the defense of the thesis. The changed topic of the thesis must be approved at a meeting of the Department of Theory and Practice of Journalism.

Preliminary protection of VRC

Preliminary defense of the thesis is carried out for full-time students.

The purpose of the pre-defense is to assist the student in correcting identified errors, clarifying controversial issues, eliminating deficiencies in the design of the work, etc.

The day and time of preliminary defense of final qualifying works is determined by the department of theory and practice of journalism. For pre-defense, the student must provide a completed thesis no later than 5 days before the date of pre-defense. During the preliminary defense, the student briefly outlines the essence of the thesis and answers questions from the committee members. After reviewing the final qualifying work and receiving the student’s responses, the commission decides on the possibility of defending it, appoints a date for the defense and a reviewer for the work.

To re-examine the preliminary review of the review, which has received a negative opinion from the commission members, an extraordinary meeting of the department of theory and practice of journalism may be convened.

The presence of elements of plagiarism in a student’s thesis (direct borrowing of text from printed and electronic sources without appropriate references in the amount of more than 1 page of the printed text of the essay) is the basis for the commission to not allow such work to be defended.

Stages of work completion




Formation of the topic


Head department

Justification of the topic of work

Summer viewing

Approval of the topic, performer, director, consultants of the project

Issuance of an order for the university with approval of the subject matter

September October

Head department

Vice-Rector for Educational Management

Approval of work schedule

No later than October

Leader, graduate

Monitoring the completion of the thesis

At least once a month or on a separate schedule


Head department

Submission of work to the department, admission to defense, appointment of a reviewer

2 weeks before defense

Graduate, supervisor, manager department

Issuance of an order on admission to defense

2 weeks before defense


Defense of work at a meeting of the State Attestation Committee

According to the work schedule of the SAC

Student leader

Defense of final qualification work

Persons who have successfully passed all state exams are allowed to defend their final qualifying work. Graduates who have not passed the state exam are not allowed to take subsequent state exams and defend their thesis.

Final qualifying works are subject to review. If several graduates complete their final qualifying work, a general review of the entire work is written. The graduate must be familiar with the review before defending his final qualifying work.

The defense of the final qualifying work is carried out at an open meeting of the state certification commission with the participation of at least two-thirds of its members in accordance with the procedure for conducting the defense, approved by the rector of the university. In the process of defending the final qualifying work, members of the state certification commission must be familiar with the feedback from the head of the final qualifying work and the review.

The protection procedure includes the following steps:

    student report on the topic of the thesis (up to 10 minutes are allotted for the report);

    the graduate’s answers to questions from members of the commission and those present at the defense on the topic of the work;

    announcement of the review of the final work and the speaker’s answers to the reviewer’s questions and comments; in this case, the graduate either agrees with them or raises reasonable objections;

    announcement of the review of the head of the research and development committee;

    free discussion;

    student's final word.

The decision of the state certification commission is made at a closed meeting by a simple majority of votes of the members of the commissions participating in the meeting, with the obligatory presence of the chairman of the commission or his deputy. In case of an equal number of votes, the presiding officer has the casting vote. The results of the defense of the thesis are announced on the same day after the minutes of the commission meeting are drawn up.

Graduates who did not pass the defense of the thesis for a good reason (for medical reasons or in other exceptional documented cases) should be given the opportunity to pass this type of final state certification without expulsion from the university, but no later than six months starting from the date indicated on the document , presented by the graduate.

Graduates who did not pass the defense of the thesis for an unexcused reason or received unsatisfactory grades during the defense have the right to pass this type of final state certification again no earlier than six months and no later than five years after passing the final state certification for the first time.

Criteria for assessing VKR

Evaluation of final qualifying works is carried out by a commission based on the following general criteria:

– validity of the choice and relevance of the research topic;

– level of understanding of theoretical issues and generalization of the collected material, validity and clarity of the formulated conclusions;

– clarity of the structure of the work and consistency of presentation of the material;

– methodological validity of the study;

– application of independent experimental research skills;

– volume and level of analysis of scientific literature on the problem under study;

– mastery of a scientific style of presentation, spelling and punctuation literacy;

– compliance of the form of presentation of the thesis with all the requirements for the preparation of these works;

The overall assessment of the work is determined by the commission taking into account:

– the quality of the oral report made by the graduate at the defense of the thesis;

– depth and accuracy of answers to questions, comments and recommendations during the defense of the work.

Final qualifying works are graded “excellent”, “good”, “satisfactory”, “unsatisfactory”.

Grade "Great" is set if VKR:

– reflects a broad outlook, erudition, independence of research position and conclusions, takes into account modern scientific achievements, demonstrates fluency in the material, the ability to illuminate it from a theoretical perspective;

– demonstrates the skills of analyzing material and the ability to use the conceptual apparatus of the chosen field of study;

– demonstrates the ability to correctly use scientific literature, strictly follow the tasks set in the work, and carefully apply the chosen research methodology;

– distinguished by logic, validity of conclusions, clear presentation, clarity of assessment of results.

At the same time, during the defense process the student demonstrates:

    the ability to present content in a concise form;

    ability to operate with illustrative material;

    Confidence and consistency in responding to questions and comments.

Grade "Fine" is placed if in the VKR:

    there were some inaccuracies in the choice of justification for the research methodology, formulation of problems, and formulation of conclusions;

    the student showed uncertainty in answering questions and comments;

    There are minor omissions in the bibliographic apparatus and/or in the design of the work.

Grade "satisfactorily" is placed if in the VKR:

    analysis of theoretical literature on the problem is poorly presented;

    a significant number of errors were made in the interpretation of the source material and the results obtained;

    demonstrated poor command of the terminological base of the problem;

    there are repeated content and language errors;

    There are significant omissions in the bibliographic apparatus and/or in the design of the work.

Grade "unsatisfactory" is placed if in the VKR:

    the theoretical and methodological basis of the study is unsatisfactorily presented;

    there is a discrepancy between the theoretical concept and practical results;

    numerous gross errors were made in the interpretation of the material being studied;

    demonstrated poor command of terminology;

The list of criteria for assessing the graduate qualifications can be supplemented or changed taking into account the specifics of the graduate’s qualification (specialization) obtained.

The final qualifying work is an independent and logically completed study of the problem posed. The specialist's graduate work qualification reveals the level of theoretical and practical preparedness of a graduate to work in educational institutions of various types in the following types of professional activities specified in the state educational standard:

– scientific research;

– organizational and educational;

– teaching;

– correctional and developmental;

– cultural and educational;

– creative.

A successfully completed thesis testifies that the graduate is ready to continue his education in master’s programs, as well as to engage in professional activities.

The specialist's research and development work is performed on the basis of theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired by the student during the training period. At the same time, it should be primarily focused on the knowledge acquired in the process of studying disciplines of specialized training. Research work can be monodisciplinary or interdisciplinary (complex) in nature. Monodisciplinary research and development work can be performed in one of the disciplines of general professional or specialized training. Interdisciplinary academic research can be performed based on the integration of educational material from various disciplines.

The thesis of a fine arts specialist is focused on solving problems of theoretical and practical significance, and should include the following sections:

– an introduction justifying the relevance of the research, indicating its purpose and objectives, practical significance, characteristics of the subject and object and description of research methods, research problems;

– theoretical (text) part, reflecting the results of the graduate’s study of the chosen topic (issues of pedagogy, psychology of artistic creativity, psychology of students’ visual activity, methods of teaching fine and decorative arts, theory and history of fine and decorative arts, etc.) ;

– a practical (creative) part, made in one of the types (genres) of fine or decorative arts and design in accordance with the chosen topic;

– the methodological part, represented by preparatory sketches or sketches, reflecting the course of the artistic and creative process of performing work on the topic, or the works of students, reflecting the methodology of conducting art classes tested by the graduate student during teaching practice or during independent teaching work in an educational institution.

– list of used literature;

– application (if necessary).

The volume of the text part of the work is determined depending on the chosen topic and can average 50-70 pages (without an appendix).

The volume and ratio of the main parts of the thesis, including the volume and content of materials that the graduate must present in the methodological part of the work, is determined by the graduating (base) department together with the head of the thesis.

Requirements for the content of the main parts of the WRC

The introduction should provide a rationale for the relevance of the research topic, identify the practical need for its implementation, provide an analysis of the state of development of the problem in theory and practice, and determine the significance of its development for science and/or practice. The introduction formulates the scientific apparatus of scientific research: the identified contradiction, problem, topic, hypothesis (for research work), object, subject, purpose, research objectives. Then the methods of scientific, search and research and/or project activities are determined, the research base is indicated, and the structure of the research project is described.

The theoretical part presents material on the topic, provides an analysis of information sources, a review and analysis of the state of knowledge of this problem, compares different points of view on the problem, and solves the main problems formulated in the introduction. It is necessary to emphasize the research aspects of the problem and define the concepts used in the work.

In the practical (creative) part, the progress of the creative project and its results are analyzed, and a description of the main stages and methods of performing the work is given. The methodological part can be a description of the conducted scientific and pedagogical research: characteristics of the research base, description of methods and means of collecting and processing data, comparison of control and experimental groups, analysis of research results.

The thesis, devoted to the issues of teaching methods, must contain a scientific, methodological, psychological justification for the development carried out by the author. The content of this part can be based on the experience gained by the student during the period of teaching practice when conducting classroom and extracurricular forms of work with students.

The conclusion provides generalized results of the theoretical and/or practical (creative) development of the topic, reflects the results of solving the problems posed in the introduction, and formulates conclusions, suggestions and recommendations for using the results of the work.

Those auxiliary or additional materials that cannot be included in the main text are included in the appendices.

Requirements for the design of the text part of the proposal

The work begins with a title page, which should indicate: the full name of the university, information about the author and supervisor (a sample title page is given below).

The text of the WRC must be printed on sheets of white paper in A4 format (210 x 297 mm). Portrait orientation. Page settings in the “File” menu (margins: left – 30 mm, right – 10 mm, top – 20 mm and bottom – 20-25 mm). The binding position is on the left.

Font Times New Roman, font size – 14, line spacing one and a half. Width alignment. Paragraph indent (red line) – 1.25 cm. Text color – Auto or Black. The text is printed on one side of the sheet.

The headings of the structural parts of the WRC (TABLE OF CONTENTS, INTRODUCTION, CHAPTER, CONCLUSION, LIST OF SOURCES AND LITERATURE) are written in capital letters, centered.

The terms of the scientific apparatus of research in the introduction (object, subject, goal, objectives, hypothesis) are highlighted in bold.

Page counting starts from the title page. The page number is placed in the center of the bottom margin of the sheet, starting from the “Table of Contents” sheet, which is numbered 2. The page number is not placed on the title page. The page numbering in the appendix continues the numbering of the main text.

Chapters are numbered throughout the work in Arabic numerals; the chapter number is separated from the title by a dot. A new chapter, like other structural elements of the work (except for individual parts within a chapter), begins on a new sheet.

Chapter parts (paragraphs) are numbered in Arabic numerals within each chapter. The paragraph number consists of the chapter number and its own paragraph number, separated by a dot. The paragraph number is separated from the title by a dot. The "§" sign is not used.

Paragraph headings are written in lowercase (except for the first letter - uppercase) letters, the font is bold. There is no period at the end of the title. Underlining headings and hyphenating words in headings is not allowed. Center alignment.

It is not allowed to leave headings at the bottom of the page while placing text on the next one.

When creating tables placed both within the text and on separate sheets, the line “Table 1” is aligned to the right edge of the sheet. The next line contains the name of the table without quotes and a period at the end. The table title is not bolded and is centered. If there is only one table in the text, it is not assigned a number. If the table does not fit on one page, its columns are numbered, and on the next page the line with column numbers is repeated without repeating their names.

In table cells:

– it is allowed to use a font size smaller than in the main text (12-13);

– single spacing is used;

– there should be no paragraph indentation;

– digital values ​​are aligned in the center, alphabetic values ​​are aligned to the left;

– alignment is carried out horizontally and vertically;

– table column and row headings are written with a capital letter, and column subheadings – with a lowercase letter (if they form one sentence with the heading).

When designing illustrative material (graphs, diagrams, photographs), placed both inside the text and on separate sheets, the word “Fig.” is written under the illustrative material, its number is indicated in Arabic numeral, followed by a dot, and the name is written in capital letter and, if necessary, explanatory text. The title of the picture is centered. There is no period at the end of the title of the figure. If there is only one picture in the text, it is not assigned a number.

For tables and figures placed in the main text of the work, only continuous numbering (separate for tables and separate for figures) in Arabic numerals throughout the text is allowed. After the title of the figure and after the table, one line is always skipped.

Tables and figures should be placed immediately after the reference (first mention) to them in the text on this sheet or (if this is not possible) at the beginning of the next one. The link is given as “Fig. 1” with or without parentheses, depending on the context of the sentence. In all subsequent references to a table or figure, these references are given with the abbreviated word “look”. For example: “(see Fig. 2).” Abbreviations "table" and "fig." used in cases where tables and figures have numbers.

The appendices include materials explaining the main text, breaking this text into more than one sheet. Each appendix begins on a new sheet with the word "APPENDIX" in capital letters in bold in the upper right corner. The application must have a title that is placed symmetrically with the application material and is written in capital letters and bold. If there is more than one application, they are all numbered in Arabic numerals without the No. sign. For example: "APPENDIX 1". In the next line, the name of the application is written in capital letters. The title is bold and centered. There is no period after the application name.

Illustrative material and tables placed in the application (for example, a series of photographic materials) have their own (only for this application) numbering. For example: “Fig.1, Fig.2, etc.”

When formatting texts in applications, it is allowed to use a smaller font size than in the main text (11-13) and single spacing.

A link to the source used is provided at the end of the sentence in square brackets, indicating the number of the book (source) in the list of sources and literature, and when quoting verbatim, indicating the page number from which the quotation was taken. For example: "". A period in a sentence with reference to sources is placed after the reference behind square brackets.

Bibliographic description of sources is carried out in accordance with GOST 7.1-2003 SIBD “Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description".

Documents in the list of sources and literature should be arranged in the following sequence:

– government documents at the federal level (laws, regulations, orders, directives);

– government documents of the regional and regional level (laws, regulations, orders, instructions);

– standards and technical regulations;

– books and articles in Russian (alphabetically by the last names of the authors or titles in the absence of an author);

– books and articles in a foreign language (alphabetically by the names of the authors or titles in the absence of an author);

– electronic resources of local access,

– electronic resources of remote access.

The final qualifying work is presented for defense in bound form (bound).

Duration of pre-graduation internship
Approval of the theme of the WRC
Completing the assignment on the topic of the WRC
Providing a practice report to the manager
Practice certification
Preparation of the WRC ____ (weeks) from “___” _____ 20__ to “__” ___ 20__
Approval of the assignment for the technical work
Selection and analysis of initial information
Preparation and approval of the plan (table of contents) of the WRC
Work on sections and elimination of comments from the head of the research and development work
Coordination of the content of the WRC, elimination of comments
Preparation and presentation of the full text of the work to the manager. Receiving feedback from the head of the research and development work
Submission by the student of the finished thesis to the reviewer
Submission by the student of the completed research and development work to the normative inspector

Appendix No. 3

I approve

Head of department

FULL NAME__________________


Speciality __________________________________________________________

Group _________________________________________________________________

FULL NAME. student __________________________________________________________

Theme of the WRC ______________________________________________________________

The date of issue of the task for completing the WRC “____” is ___________ 20___.

The deadline for the student to submit the completed thesis is “_____” ___________ 20 ____.

Initial data on VKR (type of activity, professional competencies)

Introduction ______________________________________________________________________________

Main sections of the topic and list of tasks/questions to be developed ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

List of graphic/illustrative/practical material ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Conclusion __________________________________________________________________

List of recommended literature ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Applications __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Head of the Research and Development Committee __________________ (_____________________)

The task was accepted for execution by __________________ (_____________________)

(student signature) (signature transcript)


Chairman of the MPCC ____________________ (_______________________)

(signature) (signature decryption)

"___"___________ 20__

Appendix No. 4

Feedback from the manager

For final qualifying work


(Full Name)

Group ____________________________________


Select a topic in agreement with the employer (agreed - not agreed) indicate the employer ___________________________________________________________________ The work was completed (indicate the base of pre-graduation practice) ____________________ Assessment of the developed general competencies:

Name OK Level of formation of the OC in the final qualifying work
OK…… high
OK…… high
OK high
OK high
OK high

Distinctive positive aspects of work


Disadvantages and comments


Supervisor _____________________________________________________________

(Full Name)

____________________ ______________________________________


Appendix No. 5


For final qualifying work

(topic of final qualifying work)


student(s) ___________________________________________________________________

(Full Name)

Group __________________________


Relevance of the work:__________________________________________________________

Distinctive positive aspects of work


Practical meaning ______________________________________________________________

Disadvantages and comments


5. Assessment of the development of professional competencies:

Reviewer _____________________________________________________________________

(Full Name)

_________________ __________________________________________________________

(signature) (academic degree, position)


Appendix No. 9


1. Member of the State Examination Committee (full name)_________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Date_______________________

3. Group No. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Specialty_________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Student's name Theme of the WRC Relevance of the topic of the WRC Degree of achievement of set goals Presented visual material Student report Answers on questions final grade Signature

Appendix No. 6

GOVERNMENT OF ST. PETERSBURG COMMITTEE FOR SCIENCE AND HIGHER SCHOOL St. Petersburg state budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education "PETROVSKY COLLEGE" (SPb GBOU SPO "Petrovsky College")
Department of International Programs, Tourism and Service
Leave the required option
Full Name
student Groups
group number
name of specialty in capital letters without quotation marks
I.O.Last name
personal signature
Consultant: If you have a consultant(s)!
I.O.Last name
personal signature
Standard controller
AND ABOUT. Surname
St. Petersburg, 20__

Appendix No. 7 (Contents=Table of Contents)

Introduction........................................................ ........................................................ .......... 3

1. Theoretical foundations of economic analysis.................................................... 5

1.1. Subject, goals and objectives of the analysis................................................................. .................................. 5

1.2. Methods of analysis................................................... ........................................................ .... 9

2. Characteristics of JSC “Polynom”.................................................. .................... 17

2.1. Organizational and legal form and history of creation.................................................... .......... 17

2.2. Characteristics of the enterprise's activities................................................................... ...................... 18

2.3. Characteristics of the current state of the enterprise.................................................... ..... 20

3. Assessment of the efficiency of economic activities of CJSC Polinom.... 23

3.1. Analysis of capital use................................................................... ........................... 23

3.2. Analysis of the efficiency of use of labor resources.................................... 28

4. Analysis of the financial condition of CJSC Polynom.................................................... 37

4.1.Assessment of the composition and structure of the balance sheet.................................................... ......... 37

4.2.Analysis of financial stability.................................................... ............ 42

4.3.Analysis of liquidity and solvency of the enterprise.................................. 47

5. Analysis of the financial results of the activities of CJSC “Polynom”.................................. 50

5.1.Analysis of enterprise profitability.................................................... ....... 50

5.2.Possible ways to increase profits.................................................... ..... 54

Conclusion................................................. ........................................................ ..... 56

List of accepted abbreviations................................................................... ....................... 59

Bibliography............................................... .................... 60

Applications: 1. Profit and loss indicators.

2. Balance sheet indicators.

3. Indicators of financial condition.


Chapter 1.

Appendix No. 8



1. Constitution of the Russian Federation [text]. – M.: Prior, – 32, p.

2. Civil Procedure Code of the RSFSR [text]: [adopted by the third session. Verkhov. Council of the RSFSR of the sixth convocation June 11, 1964]: official. text: as of 15 Nov. 2001 / Ministry of Justice of Russia. Federation. – M.: Marketing, 2001. – 159, p.

3. GOST 7.53-2001. Editions. International Standard Book Numbering [text]. – Instead of GOST 7.53-86; input 2002-07-01. – Minsk: Interstate. Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification; M.: Publishing house of standards, 2002. – 3 p.

Scientific literature

4. Agafonova, N.N. Civil law [text]: textbook. manual for universities / N. N. Agafonova, T.V. Bogacheva, L.I. Glushkova; under. total ed. A. G. Kalpina; auto entry Art. N.N. Polivaev; M-in general and prof. Education of the Russian Federation, Moscow. state legal acad. – Ed. 2nd, revised and additional – M.: Lawyer, 2002. – 542 p.

5. Gilyarovsky, V. A. Moscow and Muscovites [text]; Friends and meetings; People of the theater / V. A. Gilyarovsky; entry Art. and note. A. Petrova; artist I. Lykov. – M.: EKSMO-press, 2001. – 638, p.

6. History of Russia [text]: textbook, manual for students of all specialties / V. N. Bykov [etc.]; rep. ed. V.N. Sukhov; Ministry of Education Ros. Federation, St. Petersburg.

state forestry engineering academic - 2nd ed., revised. and additional \ with the participation of T.A. Sukhova.- St. Petersburg: SPbLTA, 2001.-221 p.

7. Artistic encyclopedia of foreign classical art [Electronic resource]. - Elekoron. text, graphics, sound Dan. and application program (546 MB).- M.: Bolshaya Ros. encycl. [etc.], 1996

8. Ten tips for those taking the exam [Electronic resource].- http://www.Iss.stthomas/edu/Russian/tsttakl/htm

Note.Examples of designing sources in accordance

with GOST 7.1 – 2003 This section lists not only those sources referred to by the author of the work, but also those that were studied during the research and preparation for writing.

The bibliography consists of 3 parts:

  1. Regulatory legal acts that are ranked in descending order of their legal force in the following order:

- Constitution of the Russian Federation;

- Codes - in alphabetical order;

- Laws of the Russian Federation - chronologically;

- Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation - chronologically;

- Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation - chronologically, regardless of the type of act;

- Acts of ministries and departments - chronologically, regardless of departmental affiliation;

- Decisions of other state bodies and local self-government bodies - alphabetically, and then - chronologically;

- Regulatory acts of foreign states that are not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The list indicates the full name of the act, date, number, and official source of publication.

After the listed acts, legal practice materials are indicated in chronological order.

2. Scientific literature - monographs, textbooks, articles, etc. are distributed in alphabetical order by the author's last name or by the title of the book.

Approval sheet

To Regulations onfinal qualifying work of students







Deputy Director of the Institute of Financial and

economic security of National Research Nuclear University MEPhI

__________________/ A.N. Norkina

"____"______________ 2018




Compiled by:

Doctor of Economics, Professor Komissarova I.P., Ph.D., Associate Professor Belogina N.S., associate professor Krasheninnikova M.S., engineer Smirnova G.V.

Reviewer: Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor Kogdenko V.G.

Responsible editor: Doctor of Economics, Prof. Komissarova I.P.

Guidelines for preparing for the state final certification were reviewed and approved at the meeting of the Department of Accounting and Auditing on May 8, 20178, Minutes No. 10.

© National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, 2017

Regulation SMK-PL-8.2-03 “Regulations on final qualifying works of a bachelor, specialist, master and scientific qualification work of a graduate student,” approved by the rector of NRNU MEPhI M.N. Strikhanov on March 16, 2017.

1. General provisions ……………………………………………………………………………… 4

2. Selection of topic…………………………………………………………………………………..…… 4

3. Main stages and schedule for the implementation of the WRC ……………………………. 5

4. Requirements for the content of the research project ………………………………………………………………………………… 5

5. Requirements for registration of application documents……………………………………………………………… 6

6. Preparation for the defense of the research and development work………………………………………………………………….. 9

Topics of final qualifying works in specialty 38.05.01 “Economic Security”, specialization “Forensic Economic Expertise”..10

Annex 1 ………………………………………………………………………………………. 12

Appendix 2…………………………………………………………………………………. 13

Appendix 3…………………………………………………………………………………. 14

Appendix 4…………………………………………………………………………………. 15

Appendix 5………………………………………………………………………………. 16

Appendix 6…………………………………………………………………………………. 17


1.1. Defense of the final qualifying work is a form of state final certification provided for by the OS NRNU MEPhI.

Preparation of the final qualifying work is carried out by the student during the final year of study; it is a test of the quality of the theoretical knowledge acquired by the student, practical skills, and developed general cultural and professional competencies that allow solving professional problems.

In the final qualifying work, based on materials from industrial (pre-graduation) practice, an analysis and description of the problem is given using the example of a specific organization (group of organizations), and ways to solve it are described.

Final qualifying papers may be based on a summary of coursework and projects previously completed by the student.

1.2. Preparation of a final qualifying thesis begins with choosing a topic. The topic should have practical significance, as a rule, take into account the needs of a specific organization, and meet modern trends in the development of the financial and economic sphere.

A list of approximate topics for final qualifying works is developed by teachers of the department:

Together with representatives of organizations on the basis of which students work and (or) undergo industrial (pre-graduation) practice and who are interested in developing these topics;

Taking into account the practical and (or) scientific interests of students, including their participation in scientific research work of the departments.

Approximate topics for final qualifying works are considered at a meeting of the department and approved by the head of the department.

The choice of the topic of the final qualifying work by the student is carried out before the start of practical training (pre-graduation), since during its completion the student must collect practical material for completing the final qualifying work.

1.3. Highly qualified teachers of the department are involved in the supervision of final qualifying work.

The responsibilities of the scientific supervisor include:

§ assistance in developing a plan for final qualifying work;

§ development of assignments for the preparation of final qualifying work;

§ assisting the student in developing an individual work schedule for the entire period of completing the final qualifying work;

§ advising the student on the selection of literature sources and factual material;

§ conducting systematic consultations with the student on work issues, providing him with the necessary methodological assistance;

§ monitoring the progress of work in accordance with the established schedule;

§ report at department meetings on the progress of graduates’ preparation of work;

§ providing assistance (consulting the student) in preparing a presentation and report to defend the work;

§ providing written feedback on the work.

Preparation of the thesis by a student is carried out during the final year of study and is a test of the quality of the theoretical knowledge, practical skills and abilities acquired by the student, and the development of competencies for solving professional problems.


The student is given the right to independently choose the topic of his final qualifying work based on the sample topic. The final qualifying work must be carried out using real financial information, so the title of the topic should end with the phrase “... using the example of OJSC ABC.” In this case, the name of the organization may be conditional.

In agreement with the supervisor and the head of the department, the student can choose a topic for his final work that is not included in the recommended list, as well as slightly change its name, giving it the desired focus. At the same time, he must justify the feasibility of developing the chosen topic.

Assignment of the topic of the final qualifying work to the student is made on the basis of his personal written application and the consent of the scientific supervisor (see Appendix 1), and, upon the recommendation of the department, is formalized by order at NRNU MEPhI.


The student, together with the supervisor, fill out the Application forms for the thesis and the Assignments for the final qualifying work (see Appendix 1 and Appendix 4). The application and the Assignment for the final qualifying work must be submitted to the Department of Accounting and Auditing within the deadlines specified by the department at the general meeting.

The Assignment contains a detailed plan and schedule of work on the WRC. The schedule is approved by the supervisor.

The manager is responsible for the timely execution of the assignment for the preparation of the final qualifying work and its timely completion. The head of the graduate school is obliged to notify the management of the graduating department in cases of a student falling behind the planned schedule.

Preparation and defense of the final work consists of the following sequential stages:

1. Selection of the topic for the WRC and development of a work schedule. Drawing up a plan for final work.

2. Selection and familiarization with literature on the chosen topic. Collection and processing of factual material.

3. Writing the text of the final work, submitting individual chapters for review to the supervisor. Revision of individual chapters based on the supervisor’s comments.

4. Completion and registration of the final work, submitting it for external review.

5. Submission of the completed and stitched thesis to the department no less than ten days before the defense of the thesis. Preparation for defense of final work.


The volume of final qualifying work must be within 60 – 100 pages typewritten text (without attachments). The thesis should consist of an introduction, three chapters and a conclusion. Each chapter should contain no more than 3-4 paragraphs (a paragraph should not contain less than 3-5 pages of text). If necessary, you can highlight subparagraphs. Numbering of chapters, paragraphs and subparagraphs in Arabic numerals.

The structure of the final qualifying work should include the following sections:

Title page 1 (Appendix 2)

Title page 2 (Appendix 3)


Main part


List of sources used;


In Administered the main content and purpose of the graduation work, the theoretical and practical significance of the chosen topic should be revealed, and its relevance should be shown. In this case, the tasks that the student sets for himself when writing the work must be determined. The volume of the introduction should not exceed 3-4 pages of typewritten text.

First chapter contains theoretical aspects of the problem under study. It contains an overview of the sources of information used on the topic of the final qualifying work, a description of the object and subject of research, various theoretical concepts, accepted concepts and their classifications, as well as its own reasoned position on this issue. Statistical data constructed in scientific tables and graphs may find a place in this chapter.

Chapter two is devoted to the analysis of practical material selected during industrial (pre-graduation) practice. It contains: analysis of specific material on a selected topic (using the example of a specific organization); comparative analysis with current practice (using the example of a number of organizations, industry (industries), region (regions), country; description of identified patterns, problems and trends in the development of the object and subject of research; assessment of the effectiveness of decisions made (using the example of a specific organization, industry, region, countries) During the analysis, analytical tables, calculations, formulas, diagrams, diagrams and graphs are used.

Chapter Three The WRC is of a design nature. Depending on the chosen direction of work, measures should be proposed to improve the economic security system; risk management, finance; increasing the efficiency of the organization and reducing threats; anti-crisis management, etc. Proposed measures must be justified on the basis of the organization’s data, their effectiveness must be confirmed by calculations.

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