Pinkie Pie with a tick for montage. The embodiment of the spirit of laughter

Pinkie Pie is the name of the restless pony, whose fur is colored deep pink, and her mane and tail shine with crimson shades. Pinky is famous precisely because of her ability to amuse others. When she is out of sorts (which also happens), her hairstyle loses volume and shape - the perky curls straighten and become dull. So it’s better not to upset Pinkie and treat her with her favorite cupcakes from Mr. Pie’s bakery more often.

This pony's insignia is three balloons with curly strings. This is a symbol of the vocation of a perky little girl - to give joy and fun to everyone around her by organizing parties and other entertainment events.

Little Pony Abilities

In addition to the fact that Pinkie radiates optimism, she can boast of several other useful qualities. For example, she is an ideal friend. This pony literally finds a common language with new acquaintances at the first meeting, instantly remembering all the most important things about them - from date of birth to food preferences. It is thanks to such a phenomenal memory that Pai’s parties are always held at the highest level - guests simply do not remain deprived of attention or their favorite delicacies. As for Pinky herself, her heart belongs to muffin cupcakes with cream and filling. And not only does she love to eat them, she can bake them too! However, when girlfriends join in the cooking, the result may seem strange. However, it is difficult to upset a perky horse with this - adventures, even in the kitchen, make her want to sing, and she sings quite loudly. Pinkie has also mastered many musical instruments, playing which may get on someone’s nerves, but sometimes can help. In one of the cartoon episodes, it is thanks to Pinkie’s musical talent that the voracious parasprites leave.

The pony that brings joy to the masses has one more feature. Pinky's intuition never fails and she is able to predict troubles. Residents of the town listen to her predictions. Pie also often obscures the action taking place on the screen - this “breaking the fourth wall” trick has become Pinkie’s signature trick.

Equestria Girl Pinky

Pinkie Pie also has a doppelganger at Canterlot School. This girl with a fluffy hairstyle behaves exactly like a ponyasha, cheering everyone up and gathering noisy parties, at which she is not averse to performing as part of the Rainbow Rock group, playing the drums.

Name: Pinkamena Diane Pie, better known as simply Pinkie Pie. The full name is not a pun; "Pinkie Pie" means "Pink Pie." It is noteworthy that the meaning of “pink” in the word “pinkie” is rooted in the Germanic linguistic group of languages ​​and originally it had the meaning of “little finger”. Another possible translation of this word (colloquial English): "detective" (thanks to the Alan Pinkerton Agency). UPD: also, as the comments suggest to me, the word “pie” can be translated as “chaos”, “jumble”, “confusion”, which is also quite remarkable.
View: pony (earth)
Floor: female
Eye color: heavenly
Mane color: dark pink
Coat color: pink
Cutie mark:
Occupation: baker
Hobby: partying


What the hell numismatist drew wings for her? The report says, “earth pony”!
- I don't know, sir. Something pink came through the wall, corrected the pattern and disappeared, sir.
- Oh Celestia, who do I have to work with...


All that can be said about the latest events in Pinky’s life is that she lives and works in the “Sugar Corner”, loves to throw parties, knows how to bake, sings, dances, skates wonderfully and has a pet: a toothless alligator Gummy. The Pinky feeling deserves separate consideration later, so for now that’s all that can be said about “today’s” Pinky. But the greatest interest is her early biography.

"Please Read: A Personal Message from Equestria Founder Pinkie Pie."

Everything we know about her is told by Pinkie herself (S01E23), and she ends her speech with the words “...and that"s how Equestria was made... Maybe someday I"ll tell you how I got my cutie mark!" (“…and that’s how Equestria was founded… Maybe someday I’ll tell you [the Mark Bearers] how I got my cutie mark!”), which calls into question the veracity of her story, but the story seems too complete even for a premeditated lie, let alone an improvised one, so this could simply be an attempt to “take back her words.” One way or another, here and further we consider the situation based on the assumption that the story was still absolutely true.

You may have come across claims that Pinkie comes from a Mormon family. Alas, this is not true. It's much worse. According to other researchers (and I have no reason not to believe them), absolutely everything, from her appearance to the foundations of her family, suggests that Pinkie grew up on a family stone farm rock farm located in Amish territory. It is quite possible that you have never heard of this religious movement. Indeed, it is extremely poorly distributed (a quarter of a million representatives on Earth) and completely closed. In short, this is a movement of conservatives driven to the point of absurdity (in reality, many of them still refuse to recognize motor traction, preferring horses), who interpret the Bible extremely literally. In Equestria, the latter apparently does not exist, so the exact norms of behavior within this Equestrian community remain a mystery to us.

If we assume that, apart from the primary source, these communities coincide in everything, then we are interested in the following facts:

  • Conservatism, rejection of all new technologies, inertia of the community tending to infinity
  • External relations (marital) are prohibited
  • Simplicity of life and clothing, refusal of goods
  • Absolute pacifism
  • Having many children
  • Agriculture as the main activity
  • Genetically closed population
  • Shortened (in reality: eight years) education
Pinky has two sisters: Blinky and Inky (all together - an obvious reference to the ghosts from Pac-Man: only the fourth, Clyde, is missing; it’s funny that only Pinky’s color matches, because in principle, nothing prevented anything from bringing the resemblance to completion). She lived and worked on a farm with her parents until one day she saw a rainbow (a spin-off of Rainbow Dash's Rainbow Strike (S01E23). As a result, I began to look for ways to “make me smile.”

Obviously, this went “a little” against Amish customs, so she left the family. It’s difficult to say exactly how, but the following two scenarios seem most likely: Avoidance (English Shunning - something like a softened excommunication among the Amish in the format of total ignoring of the “excommunicated” person by the entire community until he comes to his senses), or, and this is much more likely, Pinkie decided to leave the community during the okolnikova (okolnik - this Amish word refers to a teenager from the age of sixteen until the moment when he makes the final choice: to be baptized and become a member of the Amish Church or to leave the Amish community; quite often at this time potential future Amish go to “see the world” to compare it with what they were taught in the community: most eventually choose baptism, but there have always been exceptions).

In general, it seems that Pinkie left the family quite peacefully, although with a sharp internal conflict of worldviews.

Element of Laughter

The Element of Laughter stands out from all others in its operating principle. The fact is that we are not talking about “joy”, “happiness” or something else, which would seem to be more logical, but about Laughter. The key difference is that this Element is impulsive in nature: it is useless to “feed” it, this state cannot be maintained for too long, otherwise a negative reaction is possible. Jokes do not get funnier with repetition: The element is forced to always be in a pronounced active state in order to stably maintain a sufficient energy level of the entire system.

So while many people can make you laugh well one way or another, the number of possible Carriers of such an Element stubbornly tends to zero. It is probably more difficult to find only the Bearer of the Element of Kindness. After all, what is needed here is 100% stability of manifestation, creativity and, very desirable, the ability to “overclock” the system in the shortest possible time, even from scratch.

What is also noteworthy is that nowhere is it said that Laughter is meant specifically from joy or anything like that. On the contrary, as stated quite directly in S01E02, the point is that positively directed Laughter can and should be used due to its unique properties (thanks to the same impulsiveness of the action, the immediate effect is perceived much stronger) in all situations where it is at least somewhat appropriate .

Alas, even such a unique pony as Pinky can quickly “break” from careless influence. The main weakness of the Element lies in itself: its task is to give energy, but not to direct. From the point of view of the Elements of Harmony, this is not so important, all the energy instantly goes to the Element of Magic, but from a social point of view, manifestations of sarcasm, ridicule and other “dark sides of laughter” give a result similar to “normal” laughter, but with the opposite vector. Due to the impulsiveness of the action and the general instability of both the Element and the Carrier, this leads to unpredictable, and often sad, results.

Although Pinkie's classification of pranks is “good” humor, she still thinks very carefully about the effect each joke will have.

Psychological picture

The Amish are a genetically closed (and relatively small) population. In our reality, they are characterized by a number of predispositions and, on the contrary, partial immunities to various diseases. Due to close family ties, even practically unique diseases can be found among them, including psychological ones.

If we assume that this also coincides with the picture of Equestria, then understanding Pinkie’s consciousness immediately becomes more difficult, because she may indeed have some kind of unique “phase shift.” The picture is also complemented by the pink color, which is not that typical for the whole of Equestria, much less for the local Amish. So we can even talk about mutations.

For some reason, many people stubbornly attribute bipolar affective disorder to the pink confectioner (or, in outdated terms, manic-depressive psychosis). This seems unlikely due to its cyclical nature. Yes, it is possible to have a long-term (can even last for years) intermission, but in this case the antiphase is surprisingly fleeting, up to gaps of several seconds (S02E19). In addition, this very antiphase does not correspond to the expected depression, more reminiscent of stupefaction (a number of which can manifest themselves at various stages of the most ordinary hysteria).

Thus, it is more correct to call this condition simply manic syndrome. In principle, if we didn’t have a number of alarm bells in sight, we could even call it just hyperthymia, recognize Pinkie as a whole as completely healthy and calm down on that. But alas, this is unlikely.

It is possible that Pinky has so-called “stressful” procrastination in relation to the issue of self-identification. However, it could just as well be a congenital abnormality that only appears with age. The main thing to start with is that Pinkie does not have a split personality and never has. There are no symptoms of depersonalization, derealization or amnesia. Forget Pinkamina, it doesn't exist.

If we nevertheless consider the available data based on the picture of procrastination, it turns out that Pinky suffers from a sharp form of self-denial and rejection of imposed values ​​(due to their recognition as unreasonable experimentally). No one has ever been able to simply turn their own worldview on one side while preserving their personality, so Diana instinctively made the decision, again turning to crude terms, to “run away from the problem.” What is characteristic is that this reaction is quite normal (“to survive” such a wild discrepancy between reality and internal foundations, especially those associated with the family, even with outside help, can only be done with considerable effort).

Thus, the maximum saturation of life has become an end in itself, which Pinkie herself understands and recognizes (S02E23). Of course, such behavior is considered deviant (Pinky’s suspicions in S01E25 are not that far from reality), particularly since this goal also includes interaction with others. It seems that she also realized this problem, which is why she strives to maximize the number of social contacts. But it’s still a flight, swift, without time for unnecessary thoughts: at some point she accelerates so much that she forgets about her own birthday. The queen of parties forgot about what seemed to be the best reason for such a party. About Me.

If we consider this as an innate problem, then any treatment seems pointless: even if successful, the personality will be hopelessly distorted. Actually, at this stage, a similar effect will be achieved with the previous option, but there is already some bifurcation there. One way or another, in both cases, even after normalization, most likely, Pinky will still remain a party generator of industrial, if not national, proportions.

Radical, but effective.

By the way, of all six, an episode on the theme of “family reunion” would look most logical with Pinkie in the title role. We wait, we hope, we believe.

Fourth wall

The "fourth wall" is an imaginary wall between the actors and the audience in a traditional "three-wall" theater. The term was coined by Denis Diderot back in the 18th century, but was introduced into circulation only in the 19th century, with the advent of the so-called “theatrical realism”, and later began to be used to designate the imaginary boundary between any fictional world and its viewers (cinema, video games, etc.). d.). The action of an actor speaking directly to the viewer from the stage or screen is called “breaking the fourth wall.”

From the point of view of an external observer, Pinky is the most “cartoonish” character in the series, regularly breaking the laws of physics and periodically addressing the audience. The latter is far from a new technique and, it should be noted, a very interesting one, although she resorts to it extremely unobtrusively.

Perhaps the most famous character who also boasts “connections with the outside world” is the exemplary crazy Deadpool from Marvel comics. A bright anti-hero, who gained his popularity for his utter madness, dialogues with readers and a clear awareness of the fact that he is in a comic book, about which he loves to joke.

Tellingly, the creators of the series even made a reference to it in S02E14: chimichanga is Deadpool’s favorite dish. In general, this episode is the most “referential” and Easter of all (just remember that it was in it that Ditzy Doo spoke).

As for the violations of logic and physics... it's funny, but although the course of action is obviously impossible, the actions themselves are quite reasonable. Moreover, we can mentally reconstruct the situation to a “normal” view almost always absolutely painlessly. So this can hardly be considered a special ability: if in this regard the world of Equestria works in a similar way to Marvel's comics, Pinky can control herself or “get into” another frame, but not modify it at will, even despite the so-called “ effect of cartoon logic."

But Pinky Feeling is a really interesting ability. The mechanism of its action is unknown from the point of view of an internal observer, but is clear from the point of view of an external observer: the screenwriter thinks of dropping something from above, remembers the Pinky feeling and prescribes it in advance. What is typical is that this will work the same in all worlds, because we are now in the Matrix. Maybe.

However, perhaps there is also an “internal” explanation. Who knows? This is Pinky.

Pinkamina Diana Pie. Unpredictable. Impulsive. The most fun pony in all of Equestria, because she doesn’t want to be different. Perhaps not with the simplest fate, but show me who has it simple? After all, she had the opportunity to choose. So why is it surprising that she preferred parties to memories of stones?..

Pinkie Pie is one of the main ponies in the popular multi-part animated film "My Little Pony". Her Element of Harmony is laughter. She appeared on television screens from the very first episode. Her appearance is a very curly tail and dark pink mane. She herself is a soft pink shade with large and joyful blue eyes. Even as a child, she was unsmiling, and her mane was straight, like her tail. At this point, this has become the other, angry and depressive side of the cheerful pony. Her distinctive sign from all other ponies is the mark on Pinkie Pie's side - three balls: a pair of blue ones on the bottom and one yellow one on top. Previously, this pony lived in rather gloomy and dark lands, where almost no one had heard of joy and fun. But one fine day a strong wind hit her village, after which she saw a rainbow. This moment became the most memorable in Pinkie Pie's life. She, unfortunately, knew that rainbows appeared very rarely, and another way came to her mind to please her relatives and sisters. As soon as morning came, Pinkie Pie led her entire family into a separate room where there was a party! Everything around was decorated with various colored balls, there were gifts all around, and there were delicious cakes on the festive tables. For the first few minutes, the pony thought that her family didn’t like this idea, but everyone was very happy and started dancing along with the resourceful Pinkie Pie. It was at that moment that this colored icon appeared on her side. The short name that everyone knows well is Pinkie Pie, but the full version is: “Pinkamina Diana Pie.” Her character is very resourceful and cheerful, sometimes even too much. Some ponies consider her not quite balanced at such moments. But in fact, Pinkie Pie is a very kind pony who loves holidays, organizes various parties on her own and simply cannot do without sweets. But when some circumstances interfere with her cheerful essence, her mane and tail become straight and she transforms into the depressed, angry and unfriendly Pinkamina Diana Pie. Pinkie Pie has keen intuition, which allows ponies to understand in advance what is about to happen. For example, when her tail begins to tremble, this indicates that something is about to collapse. She manages to be friends with all the inhabitants of the country of Ponyville, without exception. This pony is also the fastest of all. Its speed exceeds the speed of the rainbow. Another talent of hers is to talk quickly and for quite a long time. Once in one of the episodes she managed to talk Applejack so much that she told the whole truth.

This is an inquisitive, cheerful and very active pony. She loves parties (and knows how to throw them), loves sweets (and knows how to bake them), loves to sing (and doesn’t know how to do it at all). The pink pony is the permanent host of the Leaf Race, but at the same time she is not afraid to share her glory with others and generously takes Spike as her partner.
Pinky is not afraid of anything at all - and not out of stupidity, as many people think, but because her boundless love of life does not allow her to be afraid.

The embodiment of the spirit of laughter

Of course, she is not as smart and serious as, for example, the same Sparkle, but she often helps out friends in difficult situations, being able to find the right book, drive away voracious fluffies, or suggest an unexpected idea. And there are real legends about her gift of foresight throughout Ponyville - if Pinkie’s tail twitches, you urgently need to hide, everyone knows that. It often happens that friends (or one of them) do not want to listen to her, and this is completely in vain - in a completely irrational way, it is she who usually turns out to be right.

Of course, she is an integral part of the magic that the friendship of six ponies has become. But this does not prevent her from knowing and loving all the residents of Ponyville and its guests, being sincerely interested in their affairs and just as sincerely wanting to help everyone who needs it.

Responsible Pinkie Pie? Sometimes it happens

It seems that she can be trusted with organizing the holiday, but something more serious is unlikely. In fact, she knows how to be responsible, and this is demonstrated not only by the games with Pinkie Pie, but also by two very interesting episodes.

The first episode is about escorting a cake to a competition in Canterlot. Yes, Pinkie couldn’t save him from the ponies encroaching on the perfect sweetness, but she herself didn’t eat a single piece, and for such a sweet tooth this is almost a feat. And, in the end, it ended well!

The second is when Mr. and Mrs. Pie left their twin children in her care. After spending a very difficult day with a unicorn and a pegasus, who do not yet know how to control their abilities, Pinkie managed to cope with them, so well that she was invited to constantly sit with the mischievous little ponies.

Parties and rainbows

The story of this pony's character development begins with the day she saw a rainbow. She previously lived with her family on a farm and had a straight, manageable mane and a quiet personality. But the rainbow changed everything! By the way, we see her with her mane straightened only twice - in childhood and on the day when she fell into depression, deciding that she was not needed by her friends. The spectacle, it must be said, is not for the faint of heart.

But this is in particular, and in general the games with Pinkie Pie, and all the episodes with her participation show us a cheerful pony who always wants the best and usually gets it “better”.

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