Oxford courses for teachers. Distance training courses for teachers

First, a few words about the PDA in general. I’ll make a reservation right away that I’m voicing not only my own opinion, but also the opinion of almost all the colleagues with whom I work. PDA is a useless burden on teachers, which, moreover, affects their length of service (if the course is taken full-time, the time spent on courses does not count towards length of service) and salaries. Do they teach anything new there? Sometimes yes. But this is done by people who, as a rule, are cut off from real school life, although they have teaching experience in the past.
What is the attitude of teachers towards this mandatory procedure? Yes, like a burden that needs to be pulled out so as not to come into conflict with the administration. If possible, CPCs are completed in person, “cutting” classes. If the teacher does not have such an opportunity, or he does not want to interrupt the educational process (albeit on legal grounds), then the teacher goes to distance courses, which are now apparently invisibly available on the Internet.
What does a teacher expect from distance learning courses? As a rule, by paying his hard-earned money (I have never heard of a school compensating someone) with minimal effort, he will receive a certificate, without which (oh horror!) the school cannot exist.

And this is where pitfalls may await us, which you may not even be aware of!
In January I signed up for the PDA on the website http://moi-universitet.ru
Tempted by the price and speed of passage. Yes Yes! The courses are not free at all, as stated in the article! They cost me about 1900 rubles.
Traditionally, the contract specified that several tasks would need to be completed. Because I’ve already taken distance courses before, and it didn’t bother me. There is always an understanding that on the other side there are people who understand that teachers do not go to remote CPCs out of a good life, and the assignments are given formally, as they say - for show. Well, judge for yourself: if you haven’t been working for the first year, what can you be taught, especially remotely? And if it is possible, and there is such a need, then you will certainly learn yourself!
The team at http://moi-universitet.ru thinks differently. Having posted several articles on their website on the so-called “Active learning methods”, they gave me the SUCH tasks to work on, which, to be honest, left me a little stunned. But, putting aside all pressing matters and spending a whole precious weekend, I diligently began to carry them out. I repeat: for work there are only articles posted on their website! The student forum is practically dead. Nobody answered my questions. There were no webinars or conferences. Those. the approach is the most primitive: here’s what you need to read, here’s what you need to do. And then as you wish. As far as I understand, this “training” is designed for copyright: sit, proofread, copy, paste.
Imagine my surprise when, after submitting my work, I received a dry notification: “Unfortunately, incorrect.”
To the questions “what exactly?” there were no answers. It wasn’t until I wrote an angry (but correct) review to their VK group.
After that they answered me and seemed to indicate what was wrong. But it didn’t make me feel any better, because... The next task was no less - developing a lesson using their methodology! Can you imagine? What does it mean to develop a lesson using a little-known (and useless in a school environment!) methodology, with a description of the didactic part and inventing active games that should be used there?
I suspect that for our money there are smart people there who compile and publish collections in this way, and even write dissertations.
In general, my money was crying. I didn’t do anything else, so I was informed that I would not receive a certificate. And everything is legal, according to the contract.

I am describing all this so that when choosing remote PDAs, you, dear colleagues, first find out in detail under what conditions you will go through them and how much work will need to be done. Agree that it is very disappointing to spend your money to do a huge amount of work, for which we, as a rule, have absolutely no time! And considering that after execution you can still get the answer “Sorry, wrong!” instead of the long-awaited testimony - is it even worth it?

By the way, they deleted all correspondence on VK. If I were wrong, then reinforced concrete arguments could be made against my arguments and left for everyone to read. However, education businessmen decided differently. After all, they need to earn money from us, so there are only positive reviews on the wall.

And I found the courses in 5 minutes. from your home. A little more expensive, but it’s enough to attend a few lectures and you don’t need to complete any assignments.

Foxford is an online school founded in 2009. It was originally intended to prepare students for the Unified State Exam, Olympiads and exams. Later, the system added a convenient personal account for teachers, which contains many advanced training courses and other useful materials.

To start learning and taking courses, you need to create an account in the system. Thanks to it, you can log into your personal Foxford account and use available services, receive the latest notifications, and interact with other users.

The process of creating it consists of just a few simple steps:

You will automatically find yourself in the LC. To log in next time, use the secret code from the letter sent to your email address.

"Foxford" - Login to the Teacher's Personal Account

The authorization process involves entering your login and password into a special window, that is, the data created during registration. After logging in, the user has access to all the benefits of a teacher’s personal account at the Foxford online school.

To log into your personal account, you need to follow a few simple steps:

  1. Open the website.
  2. Enter your email or phone number, as well as the password that was sent to your mailbox.
  3. Click the "Login" button.

As you can see, this is a simple process that does not require much effort, just open the page, fill out all the fields, receive an email and complete registration.

Logging into your teacher’s personal account using social networks

Almost all sites have an authorization function through social networks. Its essence is that it takes data from a person’s profile and copies it into its system. All you have to do is come up with a password and log in; sometimes you don’t even need to come up with a password.

Logging in via social networks simplifies the process of registration and authorization on the Foxford school website; just click one button and get access to the teacher’s personal account, often you don’t even need to come up with a password and login.

Recovering your password from your Foxford Personal Account

If the secret code for logging into the system is lost, it’s not a big deal, because it can be restored:

After these manipulations, the old secret code will be reset and a new one specified by you will be installed.

"Foxford" - customer support service

If problems arise while using your personal account for teachers or it does not work as it should, there are two ways to contact Foxford support.

  • Online chat. There is a yellow icon in the lower right corner, you need to click on it and select the yellow icon. An online chat will open. If the consultants are not online, leave a message and indicate your email, a response will be sent there later.

  • Group on social networks. The list of social networks that have Foxford communities can be found by clicking on the yellow icon in the lower right corner and selecting the icon of the desired social network. After this, a chat will open where you can chat with technical support representatives. Group in VK: , chat in telegram: .

"Foxford" - Features of the Teacher's Personal Account

To understand all the possibilities of a personal account for a teacher in Foxford, you need to consider each tab of its interface:

  • Courses. This tab is for students, here they can find a course that suits them using convenient filters and complete the training.

  • Tutors. Here students choose an individual tutor; there are convenient filters for this. Next to each tutor is the price per hour of lessons.

  • Camp. In this case, we mean educational camps for students, where they can study face-to-face with the best teachers in the country. There you can select a camp and read more detailed information.

  • Home school- an additional service intended for students in grades 5-11, it includes online classes, an individual program and a personal curator.

  • To the teacher. This is a separate section for teachers. Here you can choose the appropriate course for your specialization and take it online.

  • More. This tab contains additional tabs and services. For example, career guidance, thanks to this service, you can take a test to choose a profession. It also contains information about events for teachers and useful materials.

Now it’s clear that your personal account provides the opportunity to:

  • take different courses;
  • use useful services;
  • read special articles;
  • take part in events and more.

Personal Area

There are several tabs here. One of them is “My Courses,” which contains all the courses that the user is enrolled in. There you can select a suitable course and sign up for it using the “Select course” and “Add course” buttons.

The “My Students” tab is designed to track the progress of your students, as well as to invite them to various events. To invite a student, click on the “Invite Student” button.

In the “Tests” tab, you can take tests in various subjects. To find a suitable test, use a convenient filter.

My achievements

This section contains all the user’s achievements: diplomas, certificates, and letters of gratitude. This is necessary so that other users can rate the teacher.


The “Account” section contains all user data, such as full name, contact information, etc. There is also a link “Setting up mailings”; it is needed to select which notifications to send to the user’s email.

There is also a “Change Password” tab so that users can reset the old secret code and set a new one.

affiliate program

The affiliate program involves paying rewards to users for attracting new people to the Foxford website. She has a separate personal account.

To take part, you need to register in one of the advertising networks - Admitad or Actionpay. The conditions for participation are indicated there, advertising materials are attached, statistics are present, and the withdrawal of earned funds is also available, it occurs through the advertising network.

Foxford - Is it worth taking teacher training courses?

Foxford personal account is a convenient system for teachers, students and their parents. There is a lot of useful materials, teachers of various categories, frequent events and much more. For example, you can prepare for a test in a certain subject by hiring a tutor and studying with him online.

There is an affiliate program in your personal account, thanks to which you can earn a little extra money by attracting new users. To gain access to all the benefits of the Personal Account, you must register and log in to the system.

When it is necessary to improve school knowledge and grades, parents often turn to the help of tutors or educational centers. However, this format is not always convenient and useful, sometimes it is not effective, and besides, many children want to develop on their own. The Foxford School, which offers accessible online learning, will help you deepen your knowledge of the school curriculum.

Foxford for schoolchildren and teachers

The online learning center for schoolchildren is part of Netology Group LLC, which is a resident of Skolkovo. Classes here are taught only by qualified university teachers with extensive experience. You can take care of your child’s future now: studying with the best Foxford teachers increases the chances of admission to a prestigious university.

Today, online learning is one of the education formats recognized by state law. At Foxford courses, schoolchildren can fill gaps in knowledge, receive high-quality information that complies with the Federal State Educational Standard, as well as pass exams, take part in Olympiads and pave their way to a successful future.

Foxford tasks

Foxford Online Learning Center is committed to excellence and quality education. There are two main school formats: for teachers and for students. This educational resource will be useful to both.

Here you can get all the necessary tools and knowledge to pass the Unified State Exam, Unified State Exam, and also prepare for serious Olympiads. Foxford offers three main training formats: online courses, preparation for the Olympiad, and open classes.

“Foxford” for schoolchildren is an opportunity to gain new knowledge and skills. Teachers are always ready to answer any questions and give advice. For teachers, it is a platform for advanced training and professional development.

Foxford Online Learning Center is a modern, growing company that helps you develop without leaving your home. Students who study at Foxford receive knowledge and motivation for self-improvement.

The Russian Textbook Corporation and the Foxford online school invite teachers to take advanced training courses.

  • Classes are taught by the authors and methodologists of the corporation
  • Students can study online or view recordings
  • After successfully passing the certification, students will receive certificates of advanced training
  • Duration - 72 hours
  • Cost - 790 rubles

Formation of financial literacy in mathematics lessons in primary and high schools

Financial literacy is the ability to navigate the economic space and an accurate understanding of how money works. A modern student needs to understand how to handle money wisely, make the right financial decisions and ensure that expenses do not exceed income.

Modern educational environment and new aspects in teaching foreign languages

Methods for learning foreign languages ​​develop along with society. Stay up to date with the main trends in teaching, teach foreign languages ​​using effective and interesting approaches, without wasting time and boring lessons.

Teaching astronomy in the context of the implementation of Federal State Educational Standards LLC

The course will help to properly structure the educational process, taking into account the close relationship with physics and other sciences, give an accurate idea of ​​the structure of the universe and the most important discoveries, and introduce modern research. The teacher will be able to effectively and happily immerse himself in astronomy together with the student.​​​​​​

Achieving educational results in physics in the context of the transition to modern educational standards

What should a modern physics lesson be like? The course will help you figure out which methods can be used to achieve the necessary educational results in the context of current requirements and standards, and will give an accurate understanding of the role and functions of documents regulating the educational process.​​​​​​​

“Preparation of students for final certification in English in grades 9 and 11”

Online training course from Macmillan Education publishing partner, Foxford online school

About the course

The practice-oriented course is aimed at improving the professional competence of an English teacher in the field of methods of preparing students for the OGE and the Unified State Exam in English. During the classes, students will be able to master the system of necessary knowledge and skills in the field of monitoring and assessing the quality of foreign language education. Students will have the opportunity to become familiar with the criteria for assessing student responses, learn how to check and objectively evaluate students’ detailed responses. The course lasts 72 hours.

Course program, registration and training conditions on the websitehttps://foxford.ru/courses/840/landing

Good afternoon, Natalia Ivanovna,

I am very grateful to you for the courses “Preparing students for the final certification in English”. The course is very useful and informative for those who want to professionally and competently prepare for the Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam.

Voeikova Diana Dmitrievna

Hello, Natalia Ivanovna!

I am a student of your course at Foxford.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for such a useful and rich course. It's a pleasure to listen to you! I learned a lot of new things, although I have about 8 years of experience as a teacher, and even more as a translator.

Tatyana Nefedova

Good evening, Natalia Ivanovna!

Ibragimova Malika Abdusalomovna

Dear Natalia Ivanovna!

Thank you for your help in preparing for the OGE and the Unified State Exam. You have given a lot of useful and necessary information that you need to process for yourself. I watched your lessons both online and in recordings, and, of course, I will continue to repeat these recordings to learn them. I make notes for myself and for students, for better explanations in class. THANKS A LOT!!!
I look forward to new courses!

Bokhan Larisa Matveevna

Dear Natalia Ivanovna!

I watched your course of lectures and really want to thank you for your professionalism. You wonderfully presented quite a large amount of material, and it was very interesting, I watched it in one breath, pressing pause, only to take notes that were valuable for myself! I noted many small but important points that I did not pay attention to or simply did not use the exercises 100 percent! THANK YOU! This is not my first distance learning course, but it is definitely my best!

Evgenia Zagrebelnaya

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